HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 20-02Cilq PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 20-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF June 19"', 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MIEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990. chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 006 02 Merriton Properties Inc. Part of Lot 26. B. F. C.. Ranee 3 910, 922, and 940 Kingston Road ('Northeast comer of Fairport Road and Kingston Road) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are •located on the north side of Kingston Road, between Fairport Road and \lcrriton Road as shown on the location map (see Attachment # 1); the municipal address of the subject lands is 910. 022. and 940 Kingston Road; the subject lands include a portion of the Sheppard Avenue road allowance, between Fairport Road and \lcrriton Road. which has been closed by By-law, and conveyed to the owner; a portion of the subject lands. commonly known as the Dunbanon Plaza at 922 Kingston Road, is currently being used tvr commercial retail uses; access to the subject lands is currently provided from Fairport Road and \ferriton Road: the surrounding land uses include: the Canadian National Railway and the Dunbarton residential neighbourhood to the north; Kingston Road and Highway 401 to the south; The Police Credit Union and two (2) vehicle sales and service establishments to the east; and a gas bar automobile service station and church to the west. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant is proposing to amend the existing zoning on the subject Lands to pennit the additional use of vehicle sales and service; the applicant seeks the additional proposed use on the subject lands in order to relocate the Formula Ford automobile sales dealership. from the existing site at 1167 Kingston Road. to the subject property: the applicant advises that the existing coinmcrcial building located on the northern portion of the subject lands 1Dunbarton Plaza) would be demolished to accommodate the proposed use. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being designated Living Arca; - the predominant use of lands designated Living Area shall be for housing purposes. In addition, the Durham Regional Official Plan also states that "subject to inclusion of appropriate provisions and designations in the arra municipal official plan...special propose commercial uses serving specialized nerds on an occasional basis with information Report No. 20-02 Pak'c 2 services and facilities which consume larger parcels of land and require exposure to traffic such as, and similar in kind to, automotive sales and services...". - the proposed use of vehicle sales and service appears to conform to the relevant policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan, 3.2 Pickering Official Plan Schedule 1 -- Land Use Structure of the City of Pickering Official Plan indicates the subject lands are designated Mixed Use — Mixed Corridor within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood; the Mixed Use — Mixed Corridor designation permits the following uses: residential; retailing of goods and services; offices; restaurants; community, cultural and recreational uses; and special purpose commercial uses (such as vehicle sales and service); - the Mixed Use — ivlixed Corridor designation encourages permitted uses to serve a broader area, at a community scale and intensity; in establishing performance standards, restrictions and provisions for the Mixed Use -Mixed Corridor Areas, City Council shall have particular regard to encouraging development in an integrated manner for a wide variety of uses and purposes, and encouraging intensification over time, up to the maximum floor space indices outlined in the Official Plan; the maximum Gross Leasable Floorspace for the retailing of goods and services within a Mixed Use — Mixed Corridor designation, is to be determined by site specific zoning; - Council .niay however, limit floorspace below the maximum permitted by the Official Plan policies to address concems related to such matters as design, compatibility, and scale of development; and in response to provisions specified in the Part Three (Dunbarton) Neighbourhood Plan; Schedule II — Transportation System of the City of Pickering Official Plan indicates the subject lands have frontage on a Type B Arterial Road (Kingston Road), a Type CArterial Road (Fairport Road) and a Local Road (Merriton Road); Schedule III — Resburce Management of the City of Pickering Official Plan, does not indicate any Shoreline and Stream Corridor or Hazard Land designations on the subject lands. 3.3 Compendium Document to the Official Plan the subject lands fall within the Council adopted Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Guidelines and the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, which are intended to guide the development or redevelopment of sites within those designated areas; the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Guidelines were developed as the result of a 1996/97 study with the following purposes: • to formulate a vision for the transformation of Kingston Road into a "mainstreet" for Pickering; • to identify elements of the vision that are crucial to the successful transformation of the corridor; and • to recommend an implementation strategy that can be used to guide public and private development initiatives within the corridor over the next 5 — 10 years; the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Guidelines contain policies respecting design objectives for areas such as, but not limited to: urban form, streetscape, livability and character, transportation, infrastructure, and economic development; - the Dumbarton Neighbourhood Development Guidelines require that new development be compatible with the character of existing development. 3.4 Zoning By-law 3036 the subject lands are currently zoned "LCA -6" — Local Central Area, and "SC -13" — Special Commercial, by By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2498-87 (see Attachment # 2); - the "LCA -6" zone currently permits the following uses: f) `) V Infomiation Report No. 20-02 Page 3 (i) Assembly hall (ii) Bakery (iii) Business office (iv) Commercial club (v) Commercial -recreational establishment (vi) Commercial school (vii) Day nursery (viii) Dry cleaning depot (ix) Financial institution (x) Food store (xi) Laundromat (xii) Place of amusement or entertainment (xiii) Personal service shop (xiv) Private club (xv) Restaurant - tvpe A (xvi) Retail store the "SC -13" Zone currently permits the following uses: (i) Business office (ii) Professional office (iii), Public parking for uses permitted within the "LCA -6" zone an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to permit the additional use of vehicle sales and service on the subject lands. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no written comments from residents have been received to date. 4.2 Agency Comments - no written comments from agencies have been received to date. 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Site Plan a preliminary conceptual site plan has been submitted with the zoning by-law amendment application (see Attachment # 3): - based on the preliminary conceptual site plan submitted vvith the application, the site appears to have sufficient area to accommodate the proposed use; - whether the existing drainage channel on the subject lands can be filled will detemiine whether the proposed building(s) will ha\ e alternate siting; the applicant has proposed access from all three frontages: Kingston Road, Fairport Road. and \lerriton Road: - an application for Site Plan Approval \viil also be required prior to development proceeding, but has not yet been submitted, 4.3.2 Technical Matters in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • the impact of the proposed use on surrounding land uses: • the compatibility of the proposed use v ith surrounding land uses; • the existing drainage channel on the subject lands can be filled (The applicant advises that their preliminary discussions with the Toronto and Region Conservation .Authority (TRCA) in February, 2002, indicate that, through a stormwater drainage analysis, it may be feasible to fill in the drainage channel on the westerly portion of the property, subject to an engineering justification report): Information Report No. 20-02 Page 41_ ? ; • conformity with the applicable policies and guidelines of the City of Pickering Official Plan and Compendium Documents; • access to the subject lands from Kingston Road, Merriton Road and/or Fairport Road; • access over the privately owned, `closed' portion of the Sheppard Avenue road allowance; • various easements on the subject property (see Attachment #4), as follows: (i) Durham Region Sanitary and Water; (ii) Pickering Hydro (transmission lines, poles, anchors); (iii) Pickering Storrn Drainage Works; (iv) Bell (underground only); (v) Pickering Bus Transportation easements; and (vi) Enbridge Consumers Gas. (The applicant advises that correspondence received from Enbridge Consumers Gas, dated February 11, 2002, indicates that Enbridge Consumers Gas agrees to relocate the existing natural gas main on Sheppard Avenue at the proponent's expense). 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received full-scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan(s) are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: • Preliminary Site Plan; • Legal Plan of Survey (40R-11259); • the applicant advises that a Storni Water Management Plan is currently being prepared, and will be submitted upon completion. 6.3 Company Principal the Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted by Merriton Properties Inc. on behalf of Formula Ford. Merriton Properties Inc. currently owns the southern half of the subject lands (940 Kingston Road). However, a letter of authorization from the current registered property owners of the northern half of the subject lands (Springstead Investments Ltd. at 910 Kingston Road and Suffolk Industrial at 922 Kingston Road), and an executed purchase and sale agreement was submitted with the rezoning application. Information Report No. 20-02 Page 5 Edi rd \V. Belsey. M.Sc.PI. Lynda D. Taylor, M.C.1_P. Planner II \tanager. Current Operations EBtd Attachments Copy: Director. Planning & Development j APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 20-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (I) None received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) None received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) None received to date ATTACHMENT# TO INFORMATION REPORT# -� STROUDS LANE �fjj 1i < —U a -D iic,•• •,,1—a N_'l—OW'^NTCa-I'JIii I o �'1�,"1 1 St'''' `W "11I111 wWNGARDEN CRES. 2 = 11'11 i ii _Th0 I�II. r - — wo W'I3I33I"IIrIIII HEDGEROW -_ � I i:` / I1T1 -- _ r 111_ IM3 �111111111=111111•1 �.•� ' =� CRE S I' I'� � ��/I1111111Ig MI �`� 1i W '� �B ili�i'1lIlA11111111 I I I ¢ O C W wa. Z�`r AVENUE �� s _ � Era E_ W _�_ W IIII IIIIIiq� O _ "��'=a O — .,,.Z--W=VIII olllii111Uya- z MEADO JE ` JACQUELINE of w NM yAt4O �till=0 CRES. V f AI ', I �1'�� WELRUS STREET ``y—mom �_ I4 Unlit bD .� ,, \ /—i' MA '„ROAD �• CRi. ROAD Z ��� 0. Min C ROAD /- �� O Di / COURT � \ 0% VO • j (\/\Y \, _,."0401 { OOK ,,/ TES lN. �� t--1-1 I\\ IUNDMTOt' (•'7,`` C.N.R. W\ SHEPPARD —`— AVENUE— MERRITTON ,\ 11111i :f �:h•.:}C{tti:$' ROAD , KING AY 4O VJ ROAD N,G 5t .. 4 .1SUBJECT / 9 PROPERTIES StR-� CTIR OAY�� IL,. '' pr �P ,``` -� uoiy N I , SCEPll — II ! , — �L' DRNE , �, ttl J r !s4!!1 >a> W /`` ,,:' f \ a0 City of Pickering -k Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOTS 127 AND 128, PLAN 1051; PART OF LOT 26, RANGE 3, B.F.C. AND PART OF ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION 1 AND RANGE 3, B.F.C. OWNER MERRITON PROPERTIES INC. DATE MAY 8, 2002 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. A 06/02 SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY GR N FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN -7 PA- ATTACHMENT #=T0 INFORMATION REPORT# 2C ZONING OF SUBJECT LANDS (Excerpt from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2498/87) CANADIAN NATIONAL No. F116Hw AY Np SCHEDULE "I" TO BY- LAW 2498/87 Amended by By-law 2923/88 PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF June 1987 AO a� CLERK ( BRUCE J. TAYLOR ) 032 ATTACHMEKT TO INFORMATION REPORT ti - INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 006/02 KEY MAP SITE STATISTICS r-- NOE ARE:. EVEOLVE 11,0 NE, :3761,-V. I NUE:, N E (GE", fr. 216A apt: TOT, 3E0.7 1.4m .551,0:: EUNEENG COVERAGE 20 LAVOSCAPE ARE, 3.51E4 44- 35539146 EkNOSCAPE COVERAGE: 22 8 4.84354393 SEM sy PAVEL, COVERAGE ENE SE PARKING PRE:WOW. 24fra414es VOLVO DEALERSHIP BUILDING W 13,265 S.F. FORD DEALERSHIP BUILDING 21,6445 F. ORD / VOLVO DEALERSHIP Bring, Ontario KINGSTON ROAD 111 0 MERRITON PRELIMINARY SITE PLA CEIE: LE.,31 mere 411.1611 ES SEISE ATTACHMENT N_L-LTO IN FORMATION REPORT INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN I) MERRITTON PROPERTIES INC. A 06/02 O..... •• .i I•1 ,m,,v..pm Ne In ANI.,11.',..111111, i ! II 1 i 1 I I , : —_ - , .--- r..;;..i4.:- -- 1 i -- - II --- 11 —I i • I. ,, .1:Vj' 1>.:\ ,.„--,,7.1,/,/,/. , !DLTERSHIP •„..,-..'::: ,...:-'—' - 1 , votvBUILDING '6' iz:72--; :1VB.14ILDIND. 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