HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 14-11Cal, 00 Information Report Report Number: 14-11 For Public Information Meeting of ICKERING Date: June 6, 2011 In Accordance with the Public Meeting Requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment A 6/11 Grand Communities (Pickering) Corporation 356 & 364 Kingston Road (Part of Lots 3 and 4, Plan 228, Part of Part 1, Plan 40R-8966) City of Pickering 1.0 Property Location and Description • the subject properties are located at the northwest corner of Kingston Road and Rougemount Drive (see Location Map —Attachment #1) • the subject properties have a combined lot area of approximately 0.6 hectares, with frontage along both Kingston Road (approximately 77 metres) and Rougemount Drive (approximately 43 metres) • 356 Kingston Road is currently vacant; 364 Kingston Road is occupied by two one -and -a -half storey buildings with a professional office occupying the building to the west, and the building to the east appearing to be unoccupied • surrounding uses include low density residential to the north, a commercial plaza to the east across Rougemount Drive, a Montessori School and industrial -commercial uses to the south across Kingston Road, and a vehicle repair establishment and outdoor storage to the west 2.0 Applicant's Proposal the applicant is proposing to amend the existing zoning to permit additional commercial uses and to revise performance standards in order to allow a three-storey mixed-use building containing approximately 1,350 square metres of commercial -retail floor space on the ground floor, and 34 apartment units on the second and third floors (see Applicant's Submitted Plan — Attachments #2 and #3) 3.0 Official Plan and Zoning 3.1 Provincial Growth Plan the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Places to Grow) guides infrastructure planning and strategic investment decisions to accommodate forecasted population and employment growth within municipalities the Growth Plan requires intensification of land uses within a municipality's built-up area 37 Information Report No. 14-11 , 3.2 Durham Regional Official Plan Page 2 • the Regional Plan designates the subject property "Living Area" with the "Regional Corridor" overlay • "Living Areas" are to be used predominantly for housing purposes • "Regional Corridors" are to be planned and developed as mixed-use areas, including residential, commercial and service areas with higher densities supporting higher order transit services and pedestrian oriented development • development adjacent to Kingston Road, identified as a Type "B" Arterial Road and Transit Spine, shall provide for complementary higher density uses and buildings oriented towards the street • Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 128 (ROPA 128), which implements the Provincial Growth Plan, contains provisions that require significantly higher densities for identified portions of Regional Corridors; the amendment is currently under appeal 3.3 Pickering Official Plan • the City of Pickering Official Plan designates the subject property "Mixed -Use Areas — Mixed Corridors" (Rougemount Neighbourhood) • the current Mixed Corridor designation is intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale serving the community • the Rougemount Neighbourhood Policies provide for a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for lands located on the north side of Kingston Road that are designated Mixed Use Areas and abut low density development • the Plan designates Kingston Road as a "Type B Arterial Road", which is designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds and have some access restrictions • the Plan also recognizes Kingston Road as a transit spine, where a higher level of transit service is to be encouraged within the City's urban area • in response to the Provincial Growth Plan, the City initiated a Growth Strategy Program in 2009 as part of the Official Plan Review, to identify appropriate locations and policies for intensification, including the Kingston Road Corridor • this work may result in future changes to the designations, prescribed densities, and other policies pertaining to the subject property 3.4 Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines, adopted by Council in 1997, establish a general design framework for the Corridor, that supports the long-term vision for the transformation of Kingston Road from a highway to a "main street" the Guidelines envision an "urban village" for the Rougemount Village precinct that provides a mix of compatible, people oriented, street -related uses Information Report No. 14-11 Page 3 39 low rise buildings (minimum two storeys), promoting pedestrian friendly uses such as ground floor retail and restaurants with large sidewalks, are encouraged within the precinct; taller buildings (of a low rise form) are permitted in strategic locations provided they do not have an adverse impact on abutting residences redevelopment of under-utilized properties are encouraged these guidelines will be updated as a result of the Growth Strategy Program work currently underway 3.5 Zoning By-law 3036 as Amended by By-law 2658/88 the subject property is zoned "CO/(H)RM1" — Commercial Office/Multi Residential Zone by amending By-law 2658/88 this zone permits the following uses, subject to a Holding provision: • business office • professional office • multiple dwelling horizontal (townhouses) and multiple. dwelling vertical (residential units attached by an above grade wall/floor or walls/floors) at a density of 22.5 to 55 units per net hectare the Holding provision is intended to prevent residential development until appropriate agreements are entered into with the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Pickering for the provision of municipal services and site plan approval 4.0 Results of Circulation 4.1 Resident Comments a neighbouring resident has expressed concerns with lack of privacy, air, noise and traffic pollution, building height scale and appearance, site layout, buffering from neighbouring properties, decrease in property values and potential increase in crime (see Attachment #4) 4.2 Agency Comments • none received in response to the circulation to date 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring the proposal conforms with the density permissions in the Pickering Official Plan • ensuring that the proposal is compatible and sensitive to surrounding lands and is consistent with the principles of the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines • ensure the proposal does not prevent future redevelopment opportunities to the abutting property immediately to the west (340 Kingston Road) Information Report No. 14-11 Page 4 • site design matters concerning, but not limited to, building location, parking layout, loading spaces, sidewalks, landscaping, driveway accesses, and building entrances • the Regional Municipality of Durham's requirements for a road widening and the potential impact on the proposed site design the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the application after it has.received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public 5.0 Procedural Information • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk • if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of.the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment does not make an oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the proposed zoning by-law is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal 6.0 Other Information 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the application at the time of writing report 6.2 Information Received in addition to the full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan, the following documents are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: • Planning Rationale Report • Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessment • Environmental Noise Feasibility Report • Floodplain Analysis • Parking Justification Study • Soil Investigation Report • Sustainable Development Report 0 Urban Design Brief Information Report No. 14-11 Page 5 6.3 Company Principal 41 • the owner of the property is Grand Communities (Pickering) Inc. • the applicant is Wes Surdyka Ashley' Planner AY:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development lit(. ac > Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design 42 Appendix No. I to Information Report No. 14-11 Commenting Residents and Landowners (1) Don Salvatore Commenting Agencies (1) none received to date Commenting City Departments (1) none received to date MVCMEIIT#—L7o nMMTION REPORr# 141-11 IS IIIIIIIIIIII■.�� �� �= ■ ::1111_ X11111_ Illi► - •.�� :... - . ���III�r� 1� 111 .����►� .�`��. ■ �� � �� nu°m //i�llll �f •' �� i ATTACHMENT# 2 ' ";"' • .. INFORMATION REPCRT# /y 44 Information Compiled from Applicant's Submitted Plan A 6/11 Grand Communities (Pickering) Corp. LU h z O 2 LU O O X N This map was produced by The City Of Pickering Planning 8 Development Department, Planning Information Services Division Mapping And Design, Apr. 28, 2011. ATTACHMENT# ,� r INFORMATION REPORT# Information Compiled from 4 5 Applicant's Submitted Elevation Plan A 6/11 Grand Communities (Pickering) Corp. SOUTH ELEVATION N This map was produced by The City Of Pickering Planning & Development Department, Planning Information Services Division Mapping And Design, Apr. 28, 2011. 46 Yearwood, Ashley Ash a=;swE1Yi f l INF ORNAI71014 REPUTI-#� From: Don [mrtaxes@bell.net] Sent: May 15, 2011,2:50 PM To: Yearwood, Ashley Subject: Zoning amendment application -A 6/11 Re 356 and 364 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario Hello Ashley, In regards to the above noted application, please be advised that we, the resident's and owners of 1006 Dalewood Drive, are opposed to the requested application for the following reasons: • A three-storey residential -commercial building will adversely impact the quiet enjoyment and destroy the right to privacy attached to our property • A three storey building of this size and nature will generate excessive air, noise and traffic pollution in the vicinity • A three storey building exceeds any permitted official plan construction for the site and is not in keeping with the current height development for the area. • The proposal will significantly and adversely impact the property value of our residence and neighbours on Dalewood Dr. and Rougemount Drive. • The scale of the development reflects a poor standard of development practices in the City of Pickering (and Durham generally) and question why the City would even entertain such a proposal • The proposal lacks any architectural merit • The proposal does not provide any buffer (green space and suitable noise abatement fencing) for the adjacent residents • The proposal may and likely will, attract undesirable elements (such as criminals) to the vicinity. We will support the community-based united and forceful opposition to this proposed amendment. Don Salvatore, for John and Guistina and Anthony Salvatore 1006 Dalewood Dr. Pickering