HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 12-11C�aro� Information Report Report Number: 12-11 For Public Information Meeting of PICKERING Date: June 6, 2011 01 In Accordance with the Public Meeting Requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 11-001LP Proposed Neighbourhood Plan for Seaton Neighbourhoods 17, 20 & 21 Ontario Realty Corporation Lots 19, 20 and 21, Concession 3 Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, Concession 4 Lots 17-34, Concession 5 City of Pickering 1.0 Background the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDD) identifies 15 separate residential neighbourhoods and a large employment area along both sides of Highway 407 together with an extensive Nature Heritage System (NHS) within the Seaton Urban Area the City was in the process of undertaking the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review during 2010 when the major developers (the Seaton Landowners) appealed their neighbourhood plan, subdivision plan and rezoning applications to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Subsequently, the Office of the Provincial Development Facilitator became involved the facilitation resulted in the execution of Minutes of Settlement between the Seaton Landowners, the Province of Ontario (including Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC)), the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the City of Pickering. The Minutes of Settlement resulted in the preparation of a Conformity Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan. This amendment would bring the POP into Conformity with the CPDP the Seaton Conformity Amendment (which is the subject of an upcoming Ontario Municipal Board hearing for approval) established new boundaries for the purpose of preparing Neighbourhood Plans; these new boundaries combined the smaller residential areas, together with the employment area and the NHS; six urban neighbourhoods are identified (see Seaton Urban Area Neighbourhoods —Attachment #1) as part of the Minutes of Settlement ORC agreed to submit Neighbourhood Plans for their lands within Seaton, being Neighbourhoods 17, 20 and 21 Information Report No. 12-11 Page 2 02 2.0 Location and Description An amendment to the Pickering Official Plan was submitted by ORC for the following three neighbourhoods within the Seaton Community: Seaton Neighbourhood 17 • the neighbourhood is located at the junction of Taunton Road and Brock Road in the southeast corner of the Seaton Urban Area and is approximately 48.5 hectares in area (see Location Map —Attachment #2) • the Seaton NHS surrounds the neighbourhood on three sides • the area is currently largely undeveloped with a few existing rural residential properties and a concrete recycling site on the west side of Brock Road, north of Taunton Road • the surrounding land uses are: north - Seaton NHS south - the CP Rail line and the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood west - a large area of Seaton NHS and Neighbourhood 16 east - the Town of Ajax, with a large natural area to the east Seaton Neighbourhood 20 • the neighbourhood is generally located south of the Hamlet of Brougham in the northeast corner of the Seaton Urban Area and is approximately 155 hectares in area (see Location Map — Attachment #3) • Brock Road is the main north -south arterial road through the area with Highway 407/ETR crossing east -west in the northern part of the neighbourhood, and Whitevale Road providing the main east -west access in the southern part • the area is largely undeveloped • the surrounding land uses are: north - existing Hamlet of Brougham and Highway 7 south - a large area of Seaton NHS and Neighbourhood 17 west - eastern edges of Neighbourhoods 19 and 20 east - rural lands abutting Sideline 16 and East Duffins Creek Seaton Neighbourhood 21 • the neighbourhood is generally located along the north and south sides of Highway 407/ETR in the northern portion of the Seaton Urban Area and is approximately 688 hectares in area (see Location Map — Attachment #4) • the area is currently largely undeveloped and most of the lands have been used for agricultural purposes • the surrounding land uses are: north - the Federal airport lands south - a large area of Seaton NHS and Neighbourhoods 18 and 19 west - West Duffins Creek and rural lands east - Seaton NHS and Neighbourhood 20 Information Report No. 12-11 Page 3 J ;i 3.0 Applicant's Proposal • the applicant is proposing a range of urban land use designations in the three Neighbourhood Plans as follows: Seaton Neighbourhood 17 • the neighbourhood plan includes the following land use designations: "Natural Heritage System", "Mixed Corridor Type 2" and "High Density Area" • other symbols shown on the neighbourhood plan include a "Village Green". located within a development block southeast of Taunton Road and Brock Road; three "Gateway" sites at the northwest, northeast and southeast corners of Brock Road and Taunton Road; a "Stormwater Management Pond (SWM Pond)" located at the northern edge of the Urfe Creek east of Brock Road, a "GO site" location west of Brock Road; a "Potential Pedestrian Overpass" at the CPR Rail line west of Brock Road; and a "Green Street' located within the "Mixed Corridor Type 2" between Taunton Road and the CP Rail line • the "Mixed Corridor Type 2" designation proposes a density range of between 100 to 140 units per net hectare that would permit predominantly ground related multi -residential housing forms such as stacked and back to back townhouses • the "High Density Area" located at the southwest corner proposes a density range of between 141 to 250 units per net hectare that would permit a combination of low-rise walk-up apartments and mixed-use residential apartments • the "Green Street" designation proposes a visual and physical "green" link connecting the residential areas to the natural areas located north and south; and would permit a limited amount of commercial serving the immediate area (see Draft Amendment for Neighbourhood Plan 17 — Attachment #5) • various implementing policies are also proposed Seaton Neighbourhood 20 the neighbourhood plan includes the following land use designations: "Natural Heritage System", "Employment Prestige General", "Employment Prestige Node", "Mixed Corridor Type 1", "Medium Density Area", "Low Density Type 2 Area" and "Community Node" the neighbourhood plan shows a new easterly alignment of Brock Road to by-pass the Hamlet of Brougham, the new by-pass will have an interchange with the proposed Highway 407/ETR other symbols shown on the neighbourhood plan include two "Village Greens" with one located in the centre of the "Medium Density Area" and the other within the "Low Density Area" in the southeast part of the neighbourhood; two "Gateway" sites at the northeast and southeast corners of the intersection of Whitevale and Brock Roads; ten "SWM Pond" locations; a 'Potential Transit Station" location west of the realigned Brock Road; a "Green Street' located within the "Medium Density Area" area on the west side of realigned Brock Road; Information Report No. 12-11 Page 4 two "Elementary School' locations, one to the north west of the "Medium Density Area" and the other east of the realigned Brock Road; a "High School' location, just east of Brock Road; a "Recreation Centre" location on the east side of Brock Road, adjacent to the High School; two "Neighbourhood Parks" and a "Potential District Energy Location" located within the "Seaton Natural Heritage System" along Sideline 16 • the east -west "Pedestrian Predominant Street' forms the spine for the "Community Node" and is proposed as a pedestrian oriented mixed use street that links the residential areas on either side creating a focal point for the neighbourhood • the "Medium Density Area" designation located in the central portion of the neighbourhood proposes a density range of between 40 to 80 units per net hectare • the "Mixed Corridor Type 1" designation located along the south-central portion of the neighbourhood proposes a density range. of between 65-180 units per net hectare • the "Low Density Type 2 Area" designation in the southeast part of the neighbourhood proposes a range of 35 units per net hectare up to an including 50 units per net hectare that would permit predominantly ground related residential housing forms such as single detached and semi-detached housing forms • the two "Gateway" sites propose a maximum density of 250 units per net hectare but are intended to be designed to accommodate intensification over time • the "Community Node" designation located in the east -central portion of the neighbourhood serves as the major focus of the community and integrates a mix of retail, commercial and residential; and provides for between 10,000 square metres to 20,000 square metres of gross leasable floor space for the retailing of goods and services (see Draft Amendment for Neighbourhood Plan 20 —Attachment #6) • the uses proposed in the "Employment Prestige General' designation include light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, light service industries, research and development facilities, corporate offices, business parks, hotels, limited personal services, community, and cultural recreational • the uses in the "Employment Node" designation are the same as in the "Employment Prestige General" designation except that warehousing, light manufacturing, and assembly and processing of goods is prohibited • various implementation policies are also proposed Seaton Neighbourhood 21 the neighbourhood plan includes the following land use designations: "Seaton Natural Heritage System", "Hamlet Heritage Open Space" "Employment Prestige General" and "Employment Prestige - Node" other symbols shown on the neighbourhood plan include sixteen "SWM Ponds" , two 'Potential Transit Station Areas" located south of Highway 407/ETR at Sideline 26 and Sideline 22 and a "District Park" in the Hamlet Heritage Open Space north of the Hamlet of Green River Information Report No. 12-11 Page 5 QJ r • the uses proposed in the "Employment Prestige General" designation include light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, light service industries, research and development facilities, corporate offices, business parks, hotels, limited personal services, community, cultural recreational and transfer stations • the uses in the "Employment Node" designation are the same as in the "Employment Prestige General" designation except that warehousing, light manufacturing, and assembly and processing of goods is prohibited • the uses in the "Hamlet Heritage Open Space" designation propose a range of social, institutional, open space and recreational uses provided that they demonstrate appropriate transitional design and compatibility with the area's existing character • the draft policies require prior to approving a draft plan of subdivision, land to be identified and reserved for a future fire station generally along Highway 7 in the vicinity of the proposed District Park • the draft policies also require prior to approving a draft plan of subdivision, land to be considered for a future regional works depot, a water transfer station and transit depot (see Draft Amendment for Neighbourhood Plan 21 — Attachment #7) 4.0 Official Plans 4.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the Regional Official Plan designates lands within: • Neighbourhood Plan 17 — "Employment Areas" and "Regional Centres" • Neighbourhood Plan 20 —"Employment Areas" • Neighbourhood Plan 21 —"Employment Areas" Special Policy Area A (Seaton) in the Regional Official Plan specifies that conformity amendments to implement the CPDP will be considered Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 128 (ROPA 128), which implements the Provincial Growth Plan, was modified by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to add population and employment allocations for Seaton, add the natural heritage provisions from the CPDP to Specific Policy Area A and insert a new symbol for the CPDP area; the amendment is currently under appeal 4.2 Pickering Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan designates Seaton as the "Seaton Urban Study Area" as part of the City's implementation of the CPDP, the City, Province of Ontario, Ontario Realty Corporation, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and Seaton Landowners have reached an agreement on an amendment to the Pickering Official, Plan that will delete the "Seaton Urban Study Area" and replace it with the necessary policy framework through the Seaton Conformity Amendment the Seaton Conformity Amendment designates lands within: Information Report No. 12-11 Page 6 06. • Neighbourhood Plan 17 — "Seaton Natural Heritage System", "Mixed Corridors" and "High Density Areas" • Neighbourhood Plan 20 — "Seaton Natural Heritage System", "Community Node", "Medium Density Area", "Low Density Areas" and "Prestige Employment Lands" • Neighbourhood Plan 21 — "Seaton Natural Heritage System" and "Prestige Employment lands" (see Seaton Conformity OPA for Neighbourhood Plans 17, 20 & 21 — Attachment #8) • within the Seaton Urban Area, the following residential densities apply: • "Low Density Area": over 25 and up to and including 40 • "Medium Density Area": over 40 and up to and including 80 and • "High Density Area": over 140 and up to and including 250 • "Mixed Corridors" are required to be developed with a mix of multiple housing types and have a residential density of over 40 and up to and including 140 units per net hectare • despite the Mixed Corridor density range, neighbourhood plans may establish a land use subcategory with a residential density of over 60 and up to and including 180 units per net hectare, provided the overall maximum density for the Mixed Corridor is not exceeded • "Community Nodes" are required to be mixed use nodes containing commercial and residential uses that will intensity over time • two transit stations are shown south of Highway 407/ETR on Sideline 22 and Sideline 26 • a future GO Transit Station is conceptually shown along the CP Rail line in Neighbourhood 17 on Brock Road, south of Taunton Road 5.0 Results of Circulation 5.1 Resident Comments • none received in response to the circulation to date 5.2 Agency Comments • none received in response to the circulation to date 5.3 Staff Comments • in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review: ensure the symbols and land use designations in the Neighbourhood Plans for Neighbourhoods 17, 20 and 21 are consistent with the Neighbourhood Plans previously endorsed by Council for Neighbourhoods 16, 18 and 19 as part of the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review ensure the proposed uses in the "Prestige Employment General" designation in the Neighbourhood Plans are consistent with the Seaton Conformity Amendment; the Conformity Amendment prohibits waste transfer stations Information Report No. 12-11 Page 7 �1 • refine the population and employment figures for Neighbourhoods 17, 20 and 21 for the year 2031 • evaluate the proposed future Transit Station location within Neighbourhood 20 and the potential adverse impact on surrounding residential and institutional uses and the local road network • finalize the alignment of the Brock Road By-pass within Neighbourhood 20 and any resulting land use changes in light of the Highway 407/ETR Environmental Assessment Amendment once it has been concluded • evaluate the policy requiring land to be considered for a future regional works depot, a water transfer station and transit depot prior to approving a draft plan of subdivision within the Prestige Employment lands • clarity the inconsistent policy interpretation for the density range in the "Mixed Corridor Type 2" designation • review the "Green Street" concept and whether polices are required in the Neighbourhood Plans to address it • correct various Conformity Amendment section references, and • eliminate redundant policies 6.0 Procedural Information • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 7.0 Other Information 7.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report 7.2 Information Received in addition to the copies of the OPA Applicant's Submitted Plan, the following document is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: • Planning Rationale Report Information Report No. 12-11 03 Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Policy GM:Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Page 8 Appendix No. I to Information Report No. 12-11 Commenting Residents and Landowners (1) none received to date Commenting Agencies (1) none received to date Commenting City Departments (1) none received to date AT7,1 `iiWENY /__TO INFORMATION REPORT# SEATON URBAN AREA NEIGHBOURHOODS 10 DIM 0I0 17 16. Lamoreaux 19. Wilson Meadows 17. Brock -Taunton 20. Thompson's Corners 18. Mount Pleasant 21. Pickering Innovation Corridor PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 6: Chapter Two —The Planning Framework SEATON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING JANUARY 2011 .......... P 7t Vt inIlk, A -1 0, A, t �4 WWW jr s, V ,f5 I'M City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Legend City Of Pickering OSeaton Neighbourhood 17 (Brock-Taunton) DATE May 16, 2011 SCALE: 1:14,000 PN-15 r � r �� • 1 •r y _1 b IV ~ ii 4 r r x w: I � 1 <r ' 'AL jay, Y Jim INNfL RR \ 4f' \l.•i MlerMl.Y �k y „�,t `-L y •\}� ice+'. - ,�j' 9rm+ City of Pickering Planning & Development De cpartment Legend —• �•• City Of Pickering QSeaton Neighbourhood 20 (Thomson Croners) au sa2.. mow• .•_ �.w"aw w DATE: May 16, 2011 SCALE: 1:20,000 PN -15 ATTACHMENTO TO INFO82roB,4MN REPORTA 1 ]p' n - n, C" , i aiFON y t� i _-. ,� �'F�1 � it trI Y � �� , ._ L�t��•I tt I�1� �� ���� f f t e � Jt i i 1 +r i c AM i r� ,w{-� City of Pickering Planning & Development De oartment Legend •�••' City Of Pickering N OSeaton Neighbourhood 21 (Pickering Innovation Corridor) "_Eur -•IM �••v� �ti•• �'•� a DATE: May 16, 2011 SCALE: 1:40,000 PN -15 n.IY Fb P•xmd Nar• NSum. ATTA0%lENT#2i_T INFORNIArICH R00WO f'24 1 Draft Amendment X to the Pickerina Official Plan Paae 1 4 planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft 7.xx Adding Policies for Neighbourhood 17: Brock -Taunton as follows: NEIGHBOURHOOD 17: Brock -Taunton Description Land Use Net Area ha Units UPH (Net) PPU Est. Pop. Mixed Corridor Type 2 20.2 2497 100 to 140 2.9 and 1.8 5201 High Density 4.2 8.35 200 1.8 1503 Retail Space 1.7 37 62 Village Green 0.5 585 SWM in tablelands 1.1 Easement 2.G Roads I7.1 3331 1 1 1 6704 March 11, 2011 Net Area a GFA (sq. m.) Sq. m/p Jobs per capita Jobs Work at Home n!a n/a 0.043 288 Schools + other services n/a n/a 0.035 235 Retail Space 1.7 37 62 TOTAL 585 March 11, 2011 ATTACHNIENT#I 5 M 15 _ Draft Amendment X to the Pickerinq Official Plan (ii) despite the policl, of Section 11.7(¢), permit a higher maximum height which shall be determined at the site plan approval stage after submission of appropriate massing and sun-shfidow drawings to demonstrate compatibility with adjacent housing (iii) require a minimum density of 1 FSI or 100 units per per Section 11.10: ustihnability Report that demonstrates how the proposal ranks again the sustainable checklist in the Sustainable Placemakcing Gtudelines: a Design Brief that demonstrates how the proposd is consistent with the urban design components of the Sustauhable Placemaking Guidelines planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 Draft Amendment X to the Pickering Official Plan Page 16 CITY POLICY Broik-Taunton N&bbourbood Pok'cie 12.18 Cin- Council. (a) shall provide greater direction on the location and siting of a GO Transit station based on the results of an Environmental Neighbourhood: (i) Mixed Corridors Type 2 with: a. a full range of unit types as established b)T Table 5 and Section 11.5 consistening predominantly of gror and for Mixed Corridors as per section 11.5 with a minium density of 60 units per net hectare and a maximum density of 180 units ger hectare provided that the overall density of the lands within Mixed Corridors Type 2 designations within each draft plan of subdivision is no more than 140 units oer net hectare (dl shall on Gateway Sites within the Mixed Corridors Type 2: (i) be reserved for apartment buildings at or near the highest density and height permission: planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 ATTAwiiMENT# L O 17 N g E 1 u 17 ATTACHIENTO 6 TO /J—>I Draft Amendment X to the Pickering Official Plan 7.xx Adding Policies for Neighbourhood 20: Thompson's Corners as follows: NEIGHBOURHOOD 20: Thompson's Corners Description a transition from the industrial area to the north. Brougham Pioneer Christian Cemetery; 18 Land Use Net Area a Units UPH (Net) PPU Est. Pop. Prestige Employment - General .14.2 n/a n/a n/a Prestige Emto ment-Node 44.8 n/a Na n/a Low Density Type 2 Areas 11.3 385 34 3.5 1348 Medium Density Areas 13.6 814 60 3.5/3.1 2556 Community Node 6.5 426 140 2.9/1.8 1000 Mixed Corridor Type l 7.5 1372 140 2.9/1.8 3223 Village Greens 1.0 Neighbourhood Park 2.9 High School + Recreation Centre 10.9 Elementary Schools 1 4.8 SWM in tablelands 1 4.6 Roads 1 38.6 TOTAL 1 2996 1 1 8128 planningAlliance ' Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 ATTACHM "ZT# TG1 Draft Amendment X to the Pickering Official Plan Teat box: Neighbourhood 20 Population and Emplovment Projection (continued) Pa CITY POLICY Tbambson's Corners Nva bhoarbood Policies Total Neighbourhood Area (gross area with no NHS): 215..6 he People and Sobs per he: 83 people and jobs per be (a) shall No/Cde greater direction on housing Mes and densid a. a minimum density of 35 units per net hectare and a maximum density of up to and including 50 touts per net hectare provided the overall density of lands within Low Density Area Jl pe 1 and Type 2 designations within the Lamoreaux neighbourhood combined are no more than 40 units per net hectare: b. single detached and semi-detached dwellings comprising no more than 50% of all unit types within the subcategon,_designation: ( i) Low Density. Area Type 2 with: a. a Lill range of unit types within the permitted density ranee for Low Density Area as per section 11.2, but consisting_predorrnantly of single and Semi- detached housing forms: (b) shall provide greater direction on housing Ues within Medium Density Area designation by permitting single planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 Net Area (ha) GFA (sq. M.) Sq. m/p Jobs per capit Employees per net ha Jobs Prestige Employment— General 14.2 n/a Na n 45'75 647 Prestige Employment— Node 44.8 n/a n.'a ilia 190/100 /75 6472 Work at Home (in Residential) n/a n'a n/a 0.043 n/a 349 Schools + other services n'a Na n/a 0.035 n/a 284 Live Work n/a iliada n/a n/a 1097 Office in Mixed Use+ CommunityNode 112 n/a a/a Na 190 367 Retail a's 20000 1 37 n/a n/a 541 TOTAL 9757 CITY POLICY Tbambson's Corners Nva bhoarbood Policies Total Neighbourhood Area (gross area with no NHS): 215..6 he People and Sobs per he: 83 people and jobs per be (a) shall No/Cde greater direction on housing Mes and densid a. a minimum density of 35 units per net hectare and a maximum density of up to and including 50 touts per net hectare provided the overall density of lands within Low Density Area Jl pe 1 and Type 2 designations within the Lamoreaux neighbourhood combined are no more than 40 units per net hectare: b. single detached and semi-detached dwellings comprising no more than 50% of all unit types within the subcategon,_designation: ( i) Low Density. Area Type 2 with: a. a Lill range of unit types within the permitted density ranee for Low Density Area as per section 11.2, but consisting_predorrnantly of single and Semi- detached housing forms: (b) shall provide greater direction on housing Ues within Medium Density Area designation by permitting single planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 ATTACHMEWr# 6 To Draft Amendment X to the Pickerina Official Plan detached and semi-detached dwelhnes to comorise no more than 25% of all unit tapes within the designation: (c) shall provide greater direction on affordable housing opportunities in High Density Areas and Mixed Corridor Areas and shall be considered when reviewing development plications in keeping with Provincial Policy. Such (iv) require applicants to submit a development concept and intensification plan illustrating interim and final plans to accommodate intensification over time and timate build -out, in accordance to Section 11.10: we] planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 20 ATTACH MENTO (0 TO Draft Amendment X to the Pickering Official Plan (v) require rhe size of Gateway sites to be deternilned at the draft plan stage: (fshidl provide greater direction on built form and housinV 1y12es in the bode. Vic Thompson's Corners Community Node shall processing of goods shall be prohibited: b. A minimum densijy, of 2.0 FSI shall be required. however interim development of no less than 0.5 FSI may be permitted provided a development concept and intensification plan is submitted demonstratine how the property can be intensified in 1 r in i) the siting and orientation of buildings which do not preclude future intensification: it the location of parking for the initial development and changes to parking to accommodate the intensification process: and iu) the phasing of the intensification of the site to realize the ulOmate built Form: (h) Shill for appropriate transitional design. compatibility and buffering from the Prestige Eml2loyment Areas to the Hamlet of Brougham and its existing character in addition to planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 ATTACHmEptT# -LTe ln!FCvKa 4TMupoffr# /a'// Draft Amendment X to the Pickering Official Plan adequate connections from Brougham to these surrounding Prestige Employnnent lands: (il shall allow for the long-term intensification of Highwav 407 ETR/Transitway station located at Brock Road and 1ghw4 407 ETR/Transitway based on the underlying land use of Prestige Employment — Node: (i) a Design Brief rhat demonstrates how the proposal is consistent with the urban design components of the Sustainable Placemakuig Guidelines. planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 L� \ AAmm2-.LT - ) )((|§(kkk)}$|�({/ eee$#e e§@■�]+■§■ §§|S ! i 23 ATTAcsauSNT#..,7.To Draft Amendment X to the Pickering Official Plan Page X W 7.xx Adding Policies for Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor as follows: NEIGHBOURHOOD 21: PICKERING INNOVATION CORRIDOR Description Heritage System to the south. Text box: Neighbourhood 21 Population and Employment Projection Land Use Net GFA (retail) Employees per Jobs Area net he ha Prestige Employment 207.2 45 (office); 75 9447 - General retail Prestige Employment 33.4 Wks): 100 4832 - Node (non -office); 75 (retail) Prestige Employment 2.9 190 (office) 20 581 — Node Transit Area (station redevelopment); 40 retail Retail 3250 37m21em to ee 88 SWM in tablelands 13.8 Roads 78.3 TOTAL 1 1 14948 Total Neighbourhood Area (gross area with no NHS): 515 he People and Jobs per he: 29 people and jobs per he plan ningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 ArrAex:um LTo 25 = . I r Si r# LJ Draft Amendment X to the Pickerina Official Plan CITY POLICY Pickering Innovation ConidorNeghGotrrhood Polieies 12.23 Croy Council. /3 (a) shall provide greater direction on employment uses and (i) Prestige Employment— (ii) Pre stigeEmp154 nt— i) the siting and orientation of buildings which do ,/ not preclude future intensification: development and changes to parking to accommodate the intensification process: and iii) the phasing of the intensification of the site to realize the ultimate built form: institutional. open space and recreational uses that demonstrate appropriate, transitional design and com atlp 'bilin• with the area's existing character. This could include a District Park with the adjacent Seaton Natural Heritage System providing for associated passive recreational use and buffer adjacent to the recreational fields. As per section 11.17 adequate buffering and transition shall be incorporated in the design of the park at the south end to minirnize impact to the existing residential uses along Highway 7. (c) shall allow for the long-term intensification of Highway 407 ETR/Transitway station located at Sideline 26 and Highway plan ningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 ATTACPHENTCa-70 Draft Amendment X to the Pickering Official Plan Page X 26 407 ETR/Transitwav based on the underiving land use of Prestige Employment - Node. (d) shall require applicants for draft plan of subdivision approval to identi and reserve a location for a future fire station to the satisfaction of the fire chief generally along Highway 7 in the vicinity of the District Park; (e) shall allow personal services uses coni emenCe commercial. restaurants and financial institutions which are ancillary m and serve the Prestige Employment Area located onrg ound size, and a transit depot 4 ha in size including general (i) a Sl so a l ranks Report that demonstrates how the proposal ranks again the sustainable checklist in the Sustainable Placemaking Guidelines; (H) a Design Brief that demonstrates how the proposal is consistent with the urban design components of the Sustainable Placemaking Guidelines. planningAlliance Without Prejudice Draft March 11, 2011 Q U a / � c Zc � n 27 ATTACHM"EM 7 30 � N oa a � J �a O O a @ g S y N e o q a e g �a ; b a y Q�. o gg� c wy t§ O n y�5 i c E �' o. v E u Nn E - Re ger yy k a - eel E y O m Z= m 3 $ 2 u�i i s 0 Q U a / � c Zc � n 27 i i.