HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 30, 2019PICKERING C'e 611 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, April 30, 2019 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Chair) T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services L. Gibbs, Supervisor, Museum Services J. Currie, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder P. DeWilde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder E. Forde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder M. Francis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder N. Holland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member C. Hunt, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder A. Sardar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member B. Sopher, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Poole, Clerk -Typist (Recording Secretary) Absent: C. Cooper, Cultural Advisory Committee Member V. Raees, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder Guests: S. Blackwood, Communications Coordinator, Cultural Services Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome J. St. Amant called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and introduced Laura Gibbs, Supervisor, Museum Services, to the committee members. Page 1 of 6 2. Disclosure of Interest J. St. Amant reviewed City Policy ADM 040, Section 14. No disclosure of interest was brought forward by any of the committee members. 3. Review of Minutes J. St. Amant reviewed the minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday, February 26th. It was the consensus of the committee to adopt the minutes as received. J. St. Amant noted that the 2019 work plan has been endorsed by the committee members. 4. Presentation: Heritage Recognition J. Sabean conducted a Heritage recognition presentation, which focused on the land in north Pickering that was expropriated by the Federal government in 1973. J. Sabean suggested commemorating some of the buildings in that area by hiring an artist to paint a portrait of 3 houses (3 different styles and 3 different periods). He suggested hiring Robert Hinves to conduct the paintings and would like them completed this year or next year. They could hang at City Hall upon completion. T. Ryce noted that this would be a heritage piece as opposed to a public art piece. J. Sabean indicated that each house, which are located on the 7th 8th and 9th Concession Roads respectively, are significant in some fashion. J. Sabean advised that he can make arrangements to see these houses at the request of the committee members. B. Sopher recommended doing a call to artists. T. Ryce agreed with this recommendation, as this request would be required to go through the Public Art Committee. J. Sabean noted that he would like to see Robert Hinves paint all the pieces at a cost of $1,000 per painting. This could potentially lead to additional works with an opportunity for them to be displayed at the new Heritage Centre. Page 2 of 6 Page 3 of 6 T. Ryce agreed this could be an ongoing project and it's important to come up with a selection criteria. The Heritage Committee would review this request and look to approve in next year's budget through the Heritage Action Plan or the Cultural Strategic Plan. It was the consensus of the Committee to endorse this project. T. Ryce to put a line item in the budget for next year to support this project. 5. Presentation: Cultural Portal — City Website J. St. Amant introduced Sandrine Blackwood, Communications Coordinator, Cultural Services. T. Ryce provided an overview of the Cultural Portal. S. Blackwood conducted a PowerPoint presentation, which outlined the Pickering.ca/culture area of the City's website. She noted that there are 5 sections on the banner and 3 calls to action. The 5 banner categories include: Cultural Plan, Opportunities, Festivals & Events, Community Banners, and Community Directory. The pages have been condensed so that they're user friendly. T. Ryce indicated that the last draft of the Public Art policy will be discussed at the next meeting. J. St. Amant provided an over of the Community Banner Program and indicated that the soft launch will occur on Friday, May 10th. The full launch will occur at Artfest on Saturday, May 25th J. Sabean indicated that heritage should include landscapes (example — west from Brock on Whitevale — go south on sideline — can see the City of Toronto). T. Ryce advised that she will be meeting with the Heritage Coordinator and other staff to discuss the possibility of utilizing an App called "On the Spot", which gives a historical perspective of various locations. T. Ryce would like to utilize this app in Claremont, Whitevale and Westshore. J. Sabean indicated that he has a couple hundred post cards and photos that could potentially be used to give a historical perspective within these communities. J. St. Amant to provide the committee with a copy of the program outline. Page 3 of 6 Page 4 of 6 N. Holland suggested labelling more programming as family friendly at the summer concerts and other community events. M. Francis suggested utilizing evolving culture such as music and candy. T. Ryce advised that she discussed Art and Cultural opportunities in Claremont with the input of the residents. 6. Community Art — Pinwheel Project T. Ryce advised that staff, in collaboration with members of the community, will be installing 2,000 pinwheels in the garden beds at Esplanade Park on Saturday, May 4th to warm people up to the Public Art installations. The pinwheels will remain in place until Artfest, which is scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 25th at which time they will be redistributed for people to plant in their garden. 7. Other Business M. Francis provided an overview of Henry Alexander House, which is a 4 bed facility where anyone can feel at home and learn new skills. The facility is scheduled to open May 3rd E. Forde discussed the work undertaken by Shawn Morrisette whereby he installed vibrating speakers made through pillars at High Park and the University of Toronto. E. Forde noted that this would be an interesting project for the City of Pickering to consider. Information package was provided to J. St. Amant. B. Sopher provided an overview of the Whitevale Festival, which is scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 25th The next meeting is scheduled to occur Tuesday, June 18th in the Main Committee room at City Hall. Page 4 of 6 8. Pickering Museum Village - Report J. St. Amant provided an overview of Council resolution 56/19 whereby the Museum Advisory Committee has been disbanded and updates from that committee will be provided to this committee. L. Gibbs advised that the museum must report to an advisory committee to receive grant funding. The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee was dissolved therefore it was recommended that museum staff report to the Cultural Advisory Committee due to the fact that their strategic plan aligns with the Cultural Strategic Plan. L. Gibbs provided an overview of the Pickering Museum Village Strategic Plan, which focuses on community engagement. L. Gibbs reviewed the 5 strategic priorities. L. Gibbs advised that the museum is in a growth period, as they are getting ready for the development of a 40,000 square foot Heritage and Community Centre. L. Gibbs advised that a representative from the museum will be at every meeting going forward. B) Collection Deaccession L. Gibbs provided background information of the museum's collection, which contains 10,000 objects from Pickering's past. L. Gibbs explained the deaccession process. L. Gibbs to provide D. Poole and J. St. Amant a L. Gibbs provided and overview of the items in the copy of the deaccession collection that were recommended for deaccession due to the fact that controlled collection storage space is limited and the items are duplicates, are incomplete, or are in disrepair. process overview L. Gibbs advised that experts were brought in to review the collection presented. All recommended deaccession. Page 5 of 6 The public members of the Cultural Advisory Committee endorsed to have the collection deaccessed. C. Hunt suggested taking the items and making them into a piece of artwork. L. Gibbs advised of the ways that it might work however it does go against the code of ethics. It was the recommendation of 3 of the 4 voting members present to deaccess the collection. The recommendation was endorsed by the entire committee. L. Gibbs advised that the new conservation building, which includes a lab, and is climate controlled, will be opening shortly. L. Gibbs noted that the collection will be closed to the public however the hope is to have individuals be able to look in to handle the pieces. L. Gibbs advised that she will have some program development information available at the next meeting. T. Ryce to send an invitation to the committee members to attend the opening of the Conservation Building. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Director, Community Services City Clerk Page 6 of 6