HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 08-19PICKERING City e)d Report to Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 08-19 Date: June 17, 2019 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Amendments to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 — Various Locations - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "1", Schedule "2", Schedule "6", Schedule "7", and Schedule "14", to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stopping and parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, specifically to provide for stopping restrictions on Sheppard Avenue, parking restrictions on Bainbridge Drive, an all -way stop at the intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue, and Community Safety Zones on Toynevale Road and on Rosebank Road; and 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: In response to concerns by Municipal Law Enforcement staff and area residents, and to promote safety around schools, Engineering Services staff are proposing the following updates to Schedule "1", Schedule "2", Schedule "6",Schedule "7", and Schedule "14" to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05. 1. Changing the "No Parking" restrictions to "No Stopping" restrictions on the north side of Sheppard Avenue from Whites Road to 150 metres east thereof due to vehicles stopping in the "No Parking" area while waiting for students at Dunbarton High School 2. Implementation of parking restrictions on Bainbridge Drive along the outer curve due to difficulty maneuvering the curve when vehicles are parked along it. 3. Implementation of an all -way stop at the westerly intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue due to complaints of increasing traffic volumes, pedestrians crossing and sightlines. The municipal all -way stop warrant has been met for this intersection. 4. Addition of Community Safety Zones near the existing schools on Toynevale Road and Rosebank Road in the South Rosebank neighbourhood. Financial Implications: The installation of all posts and signs can be accommodated within the Roads Current Budget. ENG 08-19 June 17, 2019 Subject: Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Various Locations Page 2 Discussion: In response to concerns by Municipal Law Enforcement staff and area residents, and to promote safety around schools, Engineering Services staff are proposing the following updates to the Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05: Replacement of a No Parking zone with a No Stopping Zone on a portion of Sheppard Avenue is recommended Municipal Law Enforcement staff contacted Engineering Services staff and requested that a portion of the existing parking restrictions on the north side of Sheppard Avenue east of Whites Road be replaced with stopping restrictions. This was recommended by staff due to many vehicles stopping for pick-up and drop-off of students from Dunbarton High School at this location, which is currently posted as "No Parking" at any time. It is difficult for Municipal Law Enforcement staff to issue tickets for motorists parked but sitting in their vehicle with the engine running in a "No Parking" area. Engineering Services staff investigated this request and found that vehicles that are stopped on the north side of Sheppard Avenue east of Whites Road create many safety concerns, namely: • Sightline concerns as this section of road is on a hill and vehicles stop too close to the intersection with Whites Road • Vehicles travelling westbound (including school buses) have to drive around stopped vehicles and when there is a queue of vehicles on Sheppard Avenue at the signalized intersection with Whites Road the left turn lane often gets blocked. After receiving this request from staff, a secondary complaint from a resident in the area was received by Engineering Services through the Customer Care Centre. Based on the investigation, Engineering Services staff recommend changing the "No Parking" restrictions to "No Stopping" restrictions on the north side of Sheppard Avenue from Whites Road to 150 metres east thereof. This change will not negatively impact surrounding residents as parking restrictions are already in place and the residences on Sheppard Avenue have long driveways that can accommodate at least four vehicles. The proposed change from parking restrictions to stopping restrictions are shown graphically in Attachment 1. The draft by-law amendment to Schedule "1", No Stopping, and Schedule "2", No Parking of By-law 6604/05 is presented in Attachment 5. Staff will continue to monitor this section of road and will bring a recommendation to further extend the stopping restrictions on Sheppard Avenue near Dunbarton High School if required. ENG 08-19 June 17, 2019 Subject: Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Various Locations Page 3 Addition of a No Parking Zone on Bainbridge Drive at the curve is recommended Municipal Law Enforcement staff contacted Engineering Services staff and requested that parking restrictions be placed along the curve on Bainbridge Drive citing difficulty with maneuvering the bend with vehicles parked along this section of road. Engineering Services staff has previously investigated parking restrictions on Bainbridge Drive, at the request of Durham Region Transit, from Kingston Road south to the curve with a letter being sent to all residents along this section of road back in May 2015. The letter asked for feedback regarding parking restrictions on the east side of the road, from Kingston Road south to the curve. Only 2 residents responded to the survey and they did not feel that this was an issue, specifically stating that residents do not park on the east side of the road, only the west side occasionally, and not around the curve. This information was provided to Durham Region Transit and no further action was taken at that time. After receiving the new request to investigate this from Municipal Law Enforcement staff, Engineering Services staff conducted numerous site visits at various times of the day and different times of the week, and found that there are vehicles parking along the curve, and on the west side of the road at times. Engineering Services staff also agree with Municipal Law Enforcement staff that the curve can be difficult to maneuver when vehicles are parked on it. Therefore based on the investigation, Engineering Services staff recommend implementing parking restrictions on Bainbridge Drive along the outer curve. Engineering Services staff will continue to monitor the parking in the area and, if required, will propose parking restrictions along the inner curve if it proves to be problematic in the future. The proposed addition of parking restrictions are shown graphically in Attachment 2. The draft by- law amendment to Schedule "2", No Parking of By-law 6604/05 is presented in Attachment 5. An all -way stop at the westerly intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue is recommended Area residents have requested City of Pickering staff to investigate the installation of an all -way stop control at the westerly intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue. Safety concerns have been expressed, specifically in regards to an increase in vehicle traffic, vehicle speed, sightlines at the intersection, and pedestrians crossing the intersection north and south on Pine Grove Avenue. In response to these concerns, Engineering Services staff completed a review of the westerly intersection at Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue. City staff's review of the intersection included the following: • collection of pedestrian and vehicle volumes and completion of municipal all -way stop warrants at the intersection • observations of vehicle and pedestrian traffic • review of existing signs and pavement markings ENG 08-19 June 17, 2019 Subject: Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Various Locations Page 4 To determine if an all -way stop control is required at the westerly intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue, staff completed municipal all -way stop warrants, in accordance with the City's 2003 Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy. The City's All -way Stop Warrant calculates whether an all -way stop control is required taking vehicle volumes into consideration. The City's warrants for all -way stop at the westerly intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue were met with Warrant 2: Minimum Vehicle Volume being satisfied. This warrant is a reduced standard approved in the City's 2003 Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy at 70% of the Provincial All Way Stop Warrant. Sightlines at the intersection were also reviewed, and considered to be acceptable, based on the City's all -way stop warrant requiring a minimum of 60 metres for a roadway with a design speed of 50 km/h (posted 40 km/h). Engineering Services staff contacted 11 homeowners on May 21, 2019 in the direct vicinity of the intersection that would be the most impacted of the placement of an all -way stop at this location. Out of the 11 residents contacted, 3 were opposed to the installation of the all -way stop. A letter was sent to residents in the area at the end of May 2019, including the 11 residents that were surveyed on May 21, 2019, giving notification that the recommendation would come before the Executive Committee meeting in June 2019, and if approved would go to the regular Council meeting in June for approval. It is important to note that Engineering Services staff is not recommending the all -way stop to control speeds, but is recommending the all -way stop because it meets the City's warrant, as described in the 2003 Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy, based on traffic volumes for an all -way stop. Also, it is recognized that the closest all -way stop to this location is approximately 200 metres away centerline to centerline at the intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Oakburn Street. This distance is considered acceptable between two all -way stops with one intersection not interfering with the operation of the other intersection. In summary, based on the results of the vehicle and pedestrian count with the City's All -way Stop Warrant being met, Engineering Services staff recommend the placement of an all -way stop control at the intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue. The proposed all -way stop control at the westerly intersection of Pine Grove Avenue, and Woodview Avenue is shown graphically in Attachment 3. The draft by-law amendment to Schedule "6", Through Highways, and Schedule "7", Stop Signs of By-law 6604/05 is presented in Attachment 5. Addition of Community Safety Zones on Toynevale Road and Rosebank Road are recommended In June of 2018, a review of all schools for the possible implementation of Community Safety Zones was completed by Engineering Services staff. At that time three additional Community Safety Zones were implemented and one was extended. It was noted in the June 2018 report ENG 11-18 that staff would continue to address the need for additional Community Safety Zones, as a tool for addressing traffic safety, and will provide updates to By-law 6604/05 as required. ENG 08-19 June 17, 2019 Subject: Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Various Locations Page 5 The purpose of a Community Safety Zone, is to indicate to the motorist that they are within a zone where fines can be increased through a special designation under the Highway Traffic Act. Community Safety Zones are typically placed on sections of roadway where public safety is of special concern. Based on the June 2018 review, Engineering Services staff recommended that Community Safety Zones be installed on collector and local municipal roads where the following criteria is met: • where an existing school zone is present • where, through traffic studies, the 85th percentile speed of vehicles is at least 10 km/h greater than the posted speed limit during the school's peak pick-up and drop-off times, or, in an area where non-compliance of an existing traffic control is recognized Based on this criteria, it is recommended that two Community Safety Zones be added to the following two roads. Road Toynevale Road Rosebank Road Limits Rougemount Drive to Rosebank Road Toynevale Road to Dahlia Crescent/Cowan Circle Adjacent School Blaisdale Montessori School Rosebank Road Public School The South Rosebank Resident Community Group, which makes up this area, has been advised of staff's recommendation to implement Community Safety Zones on these two sections of roads and are supportive of these additions. The proposed Community Safety Zones on Toynevale Road and Rosebank Road are shown graphically in Attachment 4. The draft by-law amendment to Schedule "14", Community Safety Zones of By-law 6604/05 is presented in Attachment 5. Attachments: 1. Proposed Stopping Restrictions, Sheppard Avenue 2. Proposed Parking Restrictions, Bainbridge Drive 3. Proposed All -way Stop Location, Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue 4. Proposed Community Safety Zones, Toynevale Road and Rosebank Road 5. Draft By-law Amendments to Schedule "1", Schedule "2", Schedule "6", Schedule "7" Schedule "14", to By-law 6604/05. ENG 08-19 June 17, 2019 Subject: Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 Various Locations Page 6 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: 1,0Z L7/ Nathan�mery Coordi tor, Traffic Operations Scott Booker Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure NE:mjh Ricard Hol . orn Director, Engineering Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council /./0,1 cia44 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 3, zo1 ATTACHMENT#_ _ I _TOREPORT#_ 03-19 Legend • 9 Proposed Stopping Restrictions ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (to replace existing parking restrictions) Existing Stopping Restrictions • * (with days/times) Existing Parking Restrictions `af` 1 1ii k m - _lit I I IO 16.4 7id1 ' .1 . \4111.' . ill ,om■■■ .m 1 77 • . .1 ; MOP�� �• 41■ i- a .. . HA i 1 .1 Sheppard Avenue -. ' I ::: _. f ' Liri arton Sc}199 - ;. Engineering Services e4 Department Proposed Stopping Restrictions ° PICKERING SCALE NTS °`°May;2o,9 Sheppard Avenue ATTACHMENT#_ _TOREPORT#_, Er"I °8- r 9 It . . .• 91E"Ji" + - ~ 'r r + sA V°aa_ r . r' O'f, Ille.„ ' iiip' ... I • F,. 7r�111111. r . } ' �! . ,114.... . , At-iiii, . .. -- • -, hi Proposed Parking Restriction t '+ .� . L '. - , II - 1. ' X >a , i X A ry�4j - ilki Engineering Services • cdre Department Proposed Parking Restriction PICKERING NTS MAI Ma May, 2019 Bainbridge Drive ATTACHMENT#_ 3 _ TO REPORT#_ (Jr— • .„ • . . .:. • . -' % ' 1, ' - '-., I. • 4 ,,,,, r 1 .. 4f:4; b - - , .-N,' a•• , 17%. ! . . ,•. . 4, r ,- . . ••• , ,.,• t r • 1 • 14' ,: ,, wt4 • . • . _ • , , 'it t• 4,. : -..: .:4• ' . '% t .t•,1? ,r ' : • ---..," ' .1_ ' 1 - ( ' ,• '.,'. , . s,' -i., • . - r e:A ,. f• ; t . 13quga Forest Crqs,c,ent . .t.. 4.1. 4 - 74* 7: .,-1 ` ' -, = ' 1 •!:-.- - r.' . , ' .. , , •,..:Iltko., VI • ..., 4. • ' i T.3 'r . .?._ •:1- , --• :•.:. 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Y r • - o t . ,d,i .! _.,or .4.,• •• Engineering Services 6Zy 4 Department - Proposed All -way Stop PICKERING ' NTS Kor p,, Ma St 2019 Woodview Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue - Westerly Intersection ATTACHMENT#_ TO REPORT#_ &^I 61 os - 19 ) of —_ Legend Proposed Community Safety Zone r Engineering Services Department NTS •May, 2019 Proposed Community Safety Zones Toynevale Road and Rosebank Road PICKERING __ S TO J 'iEE:�iP'r`f.�/-r l3i�"�'�OFiT+_ L,N67 ® _/9' The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and Whereas, it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 6, Schedule 7, and Schedule 14 to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking restrictions and stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, specifically to provide for the inclusion of new stopping and parking restrictions, a new all -way stop at the intersection of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue and new Community Safety Zones. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 1 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Column 1 Highway Add Schedule 1 No Stopping Column 2 Column 3 Side Limits (From/To) Sheppard Avenue North Column 4 Prohibited Times or Days Whites Road (R.R.38) Anytime to 150 metres east thereof .A`f- HMEN`a #_ By—law No. REP ORI , ,__r^ C? 0 s- / 9 Page 2 2. Schedule 2 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 2 No Parking Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Side Limits (From/To) Prohibited Times or Days Delete Sheppard Avenue North Whites Road to Anytime Fairport Road Add Bainbridge Drive West and 280 metres south of South Kingston Road to 350 metres south of Kingston Road Sheppard Avenue North 150 metres east of Whites Road (R.R.38) to Fairport Road Anytime Anytime 3. Schedule 6 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 6 Through Highways Column 1 Column 2 Highway Limits (From/To) Delete Pine Grove Avenue The south limit to Oakburn Street, Oakburn Street to Westcreek Drive, Westcreek Drive to Altona Road By-law No. ATTACHMENT#. S TORFPORT#_, S -I 3 : j Page 3 Schedule 6 Through Highways Column 1 Column 2 Highway Limits (From/To) Add Pine Grove Avenue The south limit to Woodview Avenue (west intersection), Woodview Avenue (west intersection) to Oakburn Street, Oakburn Street to Westcreek Drive, Westcreek Drive to Altona Road Schedule 7 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 7 Stop Signs Column 1 Column 2 Highway Compulsory Stop Facing Traffic ,Add Pine Grove Avenue @ Woodview Avenue (West intersection) Pine Grove Avenue, eastbound and westbound By-law No. ATTACHMENT# TCRSP©RT#C? 0 8-'9 Li ofS- Page 4 5. Schedule 14 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 14 Community Safety Zones Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway Limits (From/To) Prohibited Times or Days Add Rosebank Road Toynevale Road to Anytime Dahlia Crescent / Cowan Circle Toynevale Road Rougemount Drive to Anytime Rosebank Road A TACHMENT# S.. TO REPORT# nrC7 oS -19 s, of 5 - By -law No. Page 5 By-law passed this 24th day of June, 2019. David Ryan, Mayor Susan Cassel, City Clerk