HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 10-19CI��L PICKERING Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 10-19 Date: June 17, 2019 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: City Initiated Official Plan Amendment: Drinking Water Source Protection - Conformity to the Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, and Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Plan and Toronto and Region Assessment Report Draft Proposed Amendment 36 to the Pickering Official Plan File: OPA 19-002/P 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide information on a City initiated official plan amendment application. This report contains background information on the current Official Plan and the purpose of the proposed amendment. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the application, ask questions of clarification, and identify any planning matters. This report is to be received, and no decision is to be made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a review of the comments received and revisions to the amendment where appropriate. 2. Background As a result of the contamination of the drinking water supply in Walkerton, the Province enacted the Clean Water Act, 2006. This Act enabled the establishment of Source Protection Committees within defined regions to protect municipal drinking water sources from activities that would pose a threat to water quality and quantity. The City of Pickering is within the Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, and Central Lake Ontario (CTC) Source Protection Region and is subject to the CTC Source Protection Plan (CTC SPP) and the Toronto and Region Assessment Report both of which came into effect in 2015. On May 17, 2018, the City received notice from the CTC Source Protection Committee requesting Council endorsement of their proposed amendments to the CTC SPP and the Toronto and Region Assessment Report. On June 18, 2018, Planning and Development Committee endorsed Report PLN 18-18 which provided detail on proposed amendments to the CTC SPP and the Toronto and Region Assessment Report. The proposed amendments: Information Report No. 10-19 Page 2 • provide the City with greater discretion in determining when a Water Balance Assessment may be needed • remove the 5 -year timeline for conformity and require conformity during the next municipal comprehensive review • clarify the role of the Risk Management Officials • clarify that, within the York -Durham Wellhead Protection Area for water quantity (York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2), a Water Balance Assessment is required for major development north of the proposed Downgradient Line and may be required for development on land south of the Downgradient Line, subject to the planning approval authority's discretion, and • ensure that the policies related to Salt Management are applicable in all relevant vulnerable areas After receiving endorsement of the proposed amendments to the CTC SPP and the Toronto and Region Assessment Report from all affected municipalities, the CTC Source Protection Committee conducted broader consultation with the public between October 12 and November 15, 2018. On March 25, 2019 amendments to the CTC SPP and the Toronto and Region Assessment Report were approved by the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and are now in effect. Municipalities are required to amend their Official Plans to conform to the applicable Source Protection Plan. The City's Official Plan must therefore be amended to conform to the policies of the CTC SPP and mapping in the Toronto and Region Assessment Report. City Policy 10.13, Areas of Groundwater Protection in Chapter 10 — Resource Management, of the Pickering Official Plan (Edition 8), requires planning decisions to conform with or not be in conflict with the policies of the approved CTC SPP. This proposed amendment ensures the City's Official Plan is in conformity with the relevant policies of the CTC SPP and mapping from the Toronto and Region Assessment Report. 3. Lands Affected by the Proposed Amendment The proposed Official Plan Amendment contains policies that apply City-wide as well as policies that affect lands within Pickering's Rural System that are predominantly located along the City's northern municipal boundary. The lands identified as Wellhead Protection Areas located in the northwest corner of the City are associated with municipal drinking water wells in the Town of Whitchurch-Stoufville. Other lands identified as Wellhead Protection Areas are located within the Oak Ridges Moraine in Concession Nine, north of the Hamlet of Balsam. Revisions to Schedule 111 D are minor, adding approximately 105 hectares of lands to Groundwater Recharge Areas designation. 4. Proposed Amendment Appendix I is the Draft Proposed Amendment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan. It identifies Wellhead Protection Areas in a new schedule and introduces new policies in Chapter 10 — Resource Management to provide direction on the requirements for development within a Wellhead Protection Area. More specifically, key proposed amendments to the Official Plan add: Information Report No. 10-19 Page 3 • Definitions for Groundwater Recharge Area, Wellhead Protection Area and classes of Wellhead Protection Areas for Water Quality (WHPA-A through E), and classes of Wellhead Protection Areas for Water Quantity (WHPA-Q1 and Q2). • Revisions to Schedule III D — Resource Management: High Aquifer Vulnerability, Ground Water Recharge Areas (refer to Schedule "A" to the Draft Proposed Amendment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan). Attachments #1 and #2 show a close-up of the additional Groundwater Recharge Areas identified on the Proposed Revised Schedule III D. • New Schedule III F — Resource Management: Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA) (refer to Schedule "B" to the Draft Proposed Amendment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan) to identify: • Wellhead Protection Areas for the protection of water quality for two municipal drinking water wells in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville; and • Wellhead Protection Areas for the protection of water quantity. The identification of Wellhead Protection Areas on this schedule are intended to function as an overlay to the primary land use designations identified in Schedule I — Land Use Structure to the Official Plan. • Policies that require snow storage to be located where melting snow cannot carry contaminants and salt loads directly into vulnerable areas. • Policies that prohibit or restrict land use activities within a WHPA-B, C and/or D which pose a significant drinking water quality threat. • Policies that require a Salt Management Plan where the application of road salt would be a moderate or low drinking water threat. • A policy requiring all planning and building permit applications for lands within a WHPA-B, C or D in the City of Pickering to be circulated to York Region for review by their Risk Management Official. • Policies to protect water quantity that: • may restrict development with a significant or moderate risk level that requires a Permit to Take Water within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2; • require a Water Balance Assessment for major development in certain areas within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2; • require major development that does not require a Water Balance Assessment and small-scale development, within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2, to implement best management practices with the goal to maintain pre - development recharge rates; • require a Salt Management Plan where the application of road salt would be a moderate or low drinking water threat within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2; and • may restrict rural settlement area boundary expansions into the York -Durham WH PA -Q 1 /Q2. Information Report No. 10-19 Page 4 5. Informational Revision Appendix II is the Draft Proposed Informational Revision 24 (Draft Proposed Revision) to the Pickering Official Plan. The purpose of this Draft Proposed Revision is to update the informational text contained within the Pickering Official Plan about the policies introduced as part of the Official Plan Amendment to implement Source Water Protection. The Draft Proposed Revision also updates references to the new Draft Proposed Schedules to be added to the Pickering Official Plan. 6. Consultation The proposed amendment was prepared in consultation with staff from the CTC Source Protection Region. The proposed amendment has been circulated to the Region of Durham and other prescribed agencies for their comment. In addition, the notice was posted on the City's website, and an advertisement appeared in the local newspaper for two consecutive weeks on May 29, 2019 and June 5, 2019. 7. Public Participation Written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department. Oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting. All comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council. In accordance with Section 17 (24.5) of the Planning Act, there is no appeal to Draft Proposed Amendment 36 to the Pickering Official Plan since it applies to vulnerable areas as defined within the Clean Water Act, 2006. Any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 8. Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority The Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest. As drinking water source protection is of Provincial and Regional interest, the Region will be the approval authority for Draft Proposed Amendment 36 to the Pickering Official Plan. 9. Next Steps Following the public meeting, all comments received either through the public meeting or through written submissions, will be considered by Planning Staff in its review and analysis of the proposed amendment. At such time as input from the public, agencies and departments have been received and assessed, a recommendation report will be brought forward to the Planning & Development Committee for consideration. Information Report No. 10-19 Page 5 Appendices Appendix I Draft Proposed Amendment 36 to the Pickering Official Plan Appendix II Draft Proposed Informational Revision 24 to the Pickering Official Plan Attachments 1. Additional Groundwater Recharge Areas identified on the Proposed Revised Schedule III D — Northeast Pickering 2. Additional Groundwater Recharge Areas identified on the Proposed Revised Schedule III D — Northwest Pickering Prepared By: 7'-' J Margaret Kish, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Policy Jeff Brooks, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy & Geomatics MK:JB:Id Date of Report: May 23, 2019 Approved/Endorsed By: 4ft Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Appendix I to Information Report 10-19 Draft Proposed Amendment 36 to the Pickering Official Plan O11hIP Proposed Amendment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Purpose: Location: Basis: The purpose of Amendment 36 is to amend the City of Pickering Official Plan to bring it into conformity with the Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, and Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Plan, March 25, 2019 (CTC SPP) and the Toronto and Region Assessment Report, March 25, 2019 in accordance with the Clean Water Act, 2006. The Amendment contains policies that apply City-wide as well as policies that affect lands within Pickering's Rural System that are predominantly located along the City's northern municipal boundary. The lands identified as Wellhead Protection Areas located in the northwest corner of the City are associated with municipal drinking water wells in the Town of Whitchurch-Stoufville. Other lands identified as Wellhead Protection Areas are located within the Oak Ridges Moraine in Concession Nine, north of the Hamlet of Balsam (refer to Schedule "B" of this Amendment). Revisions to City of Pickering Official Plan Schedule III D are minor, adding approximately 105 hectares of lands to the Groundwater Recharge Areas designation (refer to. Schedule "A" of this Amendment). The Clean Water Act, 2006 enabled the establishment of Source Protection Regions and Areas throughout the province to address threats to municipal groundwater supplies (drinking water wells) and municipal surface water supplies (drinking water intakes). Each Source Protection Committee is responsible for the development of: Assessment Reports that, based on technical studies, identify and assess threats to municipal drinking water systems; and Source Protection Plans that have detailed policies on how to address those threats. The City of Pickering is within the Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, and Central Lake Ontario (CTC) Source Protection Area. The CTC Source Protection Plan came into effect in 2015, and was subsequently amended in March of 2019. The policies in each Source Protection Plan have been written to ensure that for every area identified in an Assessment Report as an area where an activity is, or would be, a significant drinking water threat, the activity never becomes a significant drinking water threat or ceases to be a significant drinking water threat. Municipalities are required to amend their Official Plans to conform to the applicable Source Protection Plan. The City's Official Plan must therefore be amended to conform to the Clean Water Act, 2006 and the policies of the CTC Source Protection Plan. Amendment: The Pickering Official Plan, Edition 8, October 2018, is hereby amended by: lir ndment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Page 2 Revising Schedule III D — Resource Management: High Aquifer Vulnerability, Groundwater Recharge Areas to reflect additional Groundwater Recharge Areas identified in the Toronto and Region Assessment Report, March 25, 2019 as illustrated on Schedule "A" attached to this Amendment. 2. Adding new Schedule III F — Wellhead Protection Areas to illustrate Wellhead Protection Areas B, C and D (WHPA-B, WHPA-C and WHPA-D) associated with municipal drinking water wells in Whitchurch-Stouffville; York -Durham Wellhead Protection Areas — Water Quantity (WHPA-Q1/Q2); and, the York -Durham Wellhead Protection Areas Q1/Q2 Downgradient Line as illustrated on Schedule "B" attached to this Amendment. 3. Revising City Policy 10.2, Resource Management Objectives, in Chapter 10 — Resource Management, by deleting "and" at the end of subsection (f); deleting the period "." and adding "; and" at the end of subsection (g); and adding new subsection (h) as follows: "(f) (g) coordinate with other levels of government, public and private agencies, and other groups to identify, research, protect, and manage the City's natural resources, and institute regular environmental monitoring and reporting; and involve the public, business -people, landowners, relevant public agencies, and other interested groups and individuals in resource management decisions affecting the City: ; and (h) protect water quality and water quantity for municipal drinking water systems." 4. Revising City Policy 10.8, Stormwater Management, in Chapter 10 — Resource Management, to add a new subsection (a) (iii) as follows: "(iii) require that designated areas for snow storage are located where melting snow cannot carry contaminants and salt Toads directly into vulnerable areas;" 5. Revising City Policy 10.13, Areas of Groundwater Protection, in Chapter 10 — Resource Management, by adding "and" at the end of subsection (e); adding a period "." at the end of subsection (f); and deleting subsections (g) and (h) as follows: "(e) require, where appropriate, the recommendations of a Hydrogeology and Water Budget Study, Groundwater Impact Study, Environmental Report (see Sections 16.8 and 16.10), and any evaluation reports referenced in Section 16.14, as applicable, to be implemented; and (f) despite Sections 10.13(b), (c) and (e), not require further studies addressing groundwater recharge or areas of high aquifer vulnerability, for proposed development that was addressed through the Master Environmental Servicing Plan for the Seaton Community;_ mendment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Page 3 6. Revising City Policy 10.17, Lake Ontario Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay, in Chapter 10 — Resource Management, by deleting "and" at the end of subsection (f); deleting the period "." and adding ";" at the end of subsection (g); adding new subsection (h); and moving former subsection 10.13 (g) to become new subsection 10.17 (i) as follows: "(f) (g) encourage and support actions by public agencies and others to improve and restore the quality of Lake Ontario, including programs to address concerns regarding nutrient loads and the proliferation of invasive species, chemical contaminants and algae growth; an -d require, where appropriate, that the recommendations of an Environmental Report to be implemented (see Sections 16.8 and 16.10):1 fill require that designated areas for snow storage are located where melting snow cannot carry contaminants and salt loads directly into vulnerable areas: and participate with other area municipalities as members of the Lake Ontario Collaborative Group to undertake actions or tasks to protect Lake Ontario as an important source of drinking water." 7 Adding new policies 10.27, 10.28 and 10.29 to the end of Chapter 10 — Resource Management as follows: "10.27 City Council recognizes that, in vulnerable areas around municipal drinking water wells, certain land use activities may pose a threat to water quality; accordingly, City Council shall: .(a) identify Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA) on Schedule III F — Wellhead Protection Areas, which are intended to function as an overlay to the primary land use designations; prohibit or restrict land uses within a WHPA-B, C and/or D which pose significant drinking water quality threat activities as identified in the Durham Regional Official Plan; f where the application of road salt would be a moderate or low drinking water threat within a WHPA-B, C and/or D, require development to submit a Salt Management Plan as part of a complete application to address the: Proposed Amendment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Page 4 ji.1 design of roads, sidewalks and parking lots in order to minimize the need for repeat applications of road salt, while maintaining public safety; and ii location of snow storage so that contaminants and salt loads from snow melt are not carried into vulnerable areas. 10.28 City Council recognizes that the Region of York, through an agreement with the Region of Durham, has assumed enforcement related to activities that may be a threat to water quality within any WHPA, associated with a municipal drinking water well in the Region of York; accordingly, Council shall: Lai require all applications made under the Planning Act, Condominium Act and Building Code Act within a WHPA-B, C and D in the City of Pickering to be circulated to the Region of Durham for submission to the Region of York and review by the Region of York's Risk Management Official. 10.29 City Council recognizes that, in vulnerable areas around municipal drinking water wells, certain land use activities that take water without returning it to the same source, or which reduce recharge to an aquifer in the York -Durham Wellhead Protection Area — Water Quantity (York - Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2) may be a threat to water quantity; accordingly, Council shall: identify the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2 on Schedule 111 F — Wellhead Protection Areas, which are intended to function as an overlay to the primary land use designations; for lands within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2, deem the policies in this section to apply and prevail in the event of a conflict with any other policy of this Plan; jj require a Salt Management Plan as part of a complete application where the application of road salt within areas of groundwater recharge and high aquifer vulnerability in the York -Durham WHPA- Q1/Q2 would be a moderate or low drinking water threat to address the: jf design of roads, sidewalks and parking lots in order to minimize the need for repeat applications of road salt, while maintaining public safety; and fill location of snow storage so that contaminants and salt loads from snow melt are not carried into vulnerable areas. dment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Page 5 { only permit development within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2 with a significant or moderate risk level, as identified in the Durham Regional Official Plan, if it does not require a new or amended Permit To Take Water; 191 notwithstanding Section 10.29 (d), permit new development within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2 that requires a new or amended Permit To Take Water if the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks determines the activity would not become a significant water quantity threat; if require a Water Balance Assessment for major development which poses a significant or moderate threat to drinking water quantity, as identified in the Durham Regional Official Plan, on lands north of the Downgradient Line within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2; Lai require major development which poses a significant or moderate threat to drinking water quantity, as identified in the Durham Regional Official Plan, on lands north of the Downgradient Line within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2, to maintain predevelopment recharge to the greatest extent feasible based on a Water Balance Assessment; require major development which poses a significant or moderate threat to drinking water quantity, as identified in the Durham Regional Official Plan, on lands north of the Downqradient Line within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2, to implement and maximize off-site recharge, within another site within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2 to compensate for any predicted loss of recharge from the development based on a Water Balance Assessment; in consultation with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, determine, on a case by case basis, whether major development on lands south of the Downgradient Line within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2, will require a Water Balance Assessment; require major development on lands south of the Downgradient Line within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2, to implement best management practices with the goal to maintain pre -development recharge rates; fill require small-scale development and agricultural development, with the exception of agricultural development identified in Section 10.29 (I), within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2 to implement best management practices with the goal to maintain pre -development recharge rates; Proposed dment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Page 6 L) encourage agricultural uses, agriculture -related uses and on-farm diversified uses where the total impervious surface does not exceed 10 percent of the total lot area to implement best management practices such as low impact development with the goal to maintain pre -development recharge rates; and rali require that a Water Balance Assessment, as referred to in Sections 10.29 (f), 10.29 (g), 10.29 (h), 10.29 (i) and 10.29 (m), at a minimum, identifies recharge characteristics of the site; identifies anticipated long-term and short-term impacts of the proposed development; recommends measures to maintain pre -development recharge on site to the greatest extent feasible through best management practices; and, where pre -development recharge cannot be maintained on site, recommends measures to locate compensating recharge on another site within the York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2." 8. Revising City Policy 13.1, Preparation of Rural Settlement Plans, in Chapter 13 — Rural Settlements, by deleting "and" at the end of subsection (c); deleting the period "." and adding "; and" at the end of subsection (d); and adding new subsection (e) as follows: "(c) indicate the location of new public road connections, where known, and endeavour to ensure the construction of such road connections through development proposals and government initiatives; and (d) indicate the general location of existing and new community facilities, where known, and endeavour to ensure the construction of such facilities through development proposals and government initiatives; and (e) notwithstanding subsection (b), only consider amendments to rural settlement area boundaries that would result in an expansion into the York - Durham WHPA Q1/Q2 as part of a municipal comprehensive review where it has been demonstrated that recharge functions will be maintained on lands identified as Groundwater Recharge Areas on Schedule III D — Resource Management: High Aquifer Vulnerability , Groundwater Recharge." 9. Adding a definition for the term "Groundwater Recharge Area (GRA)" in alphabetic order to Section 15.15, Glossary, in Chapter 15 — Implementation, as follows: "Groundwater Recharge Area (GRA) means an area where an aquifer is replenished from natural processes, such as the infiltration of rainfall and snowmelt and the seepage of surface water from lakes, streams and Wetlands; and from human interventions, such as the use of storm water management systems." Proposed Amendment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Page 7 Adding a definition for the term "Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA)" in alphabetic order to Section 15.15, Glossary, in Chapter 15 — Implementation, as follows: "Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) means the area surrounding a water well or well field that supplies a municipal residential system or other designated system that may be vulnerable to significant threats. More specifically: Al For water quality threats, the size and delineation of the wellhead protection areas are determined by how quickly water travels underground to the well, measured in years, as outlined below: ill Wellhead protection area — A (WHPA-A); The area within a 100 -metre radius of the wellhead; fill Wellhead protection area — B (WHPA—B): The area subject to a 2 year time of travel to the well; Intl Wellhead protection area — C (WHPA-C): The area subject to a 5 year time of travel to the well; (iv) Wellhead protection area — D (WHPA-D): The area subject to a 25 year time of travel to the well; and { Wellhead protection area — E (WHPA-E): The area where a municipal well is under the direct influence of surface water; and IA For water quantity threats, the delineation of the wellhead protection area is based on a tiered water budget analysis that determined locations where there was a moderate or significant threat to water quantity. These areas are classified as: Wellhead Protection Area - Water Quantity 1 (WHPA-Q1):The area where activities that take water without returning it to the same source may be a threat; and fill Wellhead Protection Area - Water Quantity 2 (WHPA-Q2): The area where activities that reduce recharge may be a threat. 11. Revising City Policy 16.5A in Chapter 16 — Development Review, by deleting the text in subsection (xxxvi) and replacing it with new text; and adding a new subsection (xxxvii) as follows: Proposed Amendment 36 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Page 8 a water balance assessment, as referred to in Sections 10.29 (f), 10.29 (q), 10.29 (h), 10.29 (i) and 10.29 (m); and (xxxvii) a salt management plan as referred to in Sections 10.8 (a)(iii), 10.17 (h), 10.27 (c) and 10.29 (c)." 12. Revising City Policy 16.5B in Chapter 16 — Development Review, by deleting "and" at the end of subsection (xxv); deleting the period "." and adding a semicolon ";" at the end of subsection (xxvi); and adding new subsections (xxvii) and (xxviii) as follows: "(xxv) a construction management plan; an -d (xxvi) a railway corridor safety study: i (xxvii) a water balance assessment, as referred to in Sections 10.29 (f), 10.29 (q), 10.29 (h), 10.29 (i) and 10.29 (m); and (xxviii) a salt management plan as referred to in Sections 10.8 (a)(iii), 10.17 (h), 10.27 (c) and 10.29 (c)." Implementation: Interpretation: Cross Reference: OPA 19-002/P City Initiated The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. In Tight of the numerous components of the Official Plan that are being revised concurrently, the numbering of the policy sections in this amendment is subject to change in accordance with the sequencing of approvals. The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment, except as revised by this amendment. Schedule "A" E Proposed Revised Schedule III D to the Pickering Official Plan Edition 8 Resource Management: High Aquifer Vulnerability, Groundwater Recharge Areas Groundwater Recharge Area _ High Aquifer Vulnerability Areas Pil I 111146. Jo ' ' 9 eAltn NI, _11191411 Fre, Lake Ontario c Foreekest Estates Schedule "B" Edition 8 Resource Management: Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA) Wellhead Protection Areas - Water Quality Wellhead Protection Areas - Water Quantity :• York -Durham WHPA-Q1/Q2 York -Durham WHPA-Q1 /Q2 Appendix II to Information Report 10-19 Draft Proposed Informational Revision 24 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: roposed Informational Revision 24 to the Pickering Official Plan The purpose of this Proposed Revision is to change the informational text contained within the Pickering Official Plan in order to provide clarity to the policies introduced as part of the Official Plan Amendment to implement Source Water Protection. The Proposed Revision also updates references to new Proposed Schedules to be added to the Pickering Official Plan. Location: Chapter 10 — Resource Management Basis: Proposed Revision: In reviewing the informational text contained in the Official Plan, various technical revisions have been determined to be necessary and appropriate to assist users with understanding the changes to the Official Plan text implemented through the associated Official Plan Amendment. The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby revised by: 1. On page 119, under Chapter 10 — Resource Management, revising the last sentence of the third informational paragraph so that it reads as follows: "The Resource Management Schedule identifies the various resource features and areas (see Schedules IIIA to III€F to this Plan, found at the end of the Plan)." 2. Adding the following new Section to the end of Chapter 10 — Resource Management: "Source Protection Plans Source Protection Plans identify threats to the quality and quantity of municipal drinking water sources (drinking water wells and water supply plants) and their associated vulnerable areas. The City of Pickering is subject to the CTC Source Protection Plan (CTC SPP), which gets its name from the first letter of each of its three Source Protection Areas: Credit Valley, Toronto and Region, and Central Lake Ontario. The Lake Ontario based Ajax Water Supply Plant, which is operated by the Region of Durham, is the City's source of municipal drinking water. Implementation of policies within the CTC SPP addressing drinking water threats to the Ajax Water Supply Plant is the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Region of Durham. However, the City of Pickering is committed to working with other municipalities as members of the Lake Ontario Collaborative to undertake actions that protect Lake Ontario as a source of drinking water. The City of Pickering does not have any municipal drinking water wells; however, there are portions of the City that are within Wellhead Protection Areas, for water quality, for two municipal drinking water wells in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville. The City is also within Wellhead Protection Areas for water quantity. The Wellhead Protection Areas are identified on Schedule 111 F — Wellhead Protection Areas of the Official Plan. Proposed Informational Revision 24 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 A Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is a vulnerable area on the land around a municipal drinking water well that is delineated to protect water quality or water quantity." 3. Add "City Policy Wellhead Protection Areas for Water Quality" within the informational sidebar adjacent to the new Section 10.27; 4. Add the following informational sidebar, which relates to the size and shape of wellhead protection areas referred to in new Sections 10.27, 10.28 and 15.15: The size and shape of each WHPA (B, C, D or E) is a function of how water travels underground. Time of travel is important because it is an indication of how quickly a contaminant can move from a WHPA into a municipal well. Time of travel can be influenced by a number of factors such as the slope of land, and the type of soil (for example, water travels faster through sand than it does through clay). Wellhead Protection Areas are drawn based on scientific research that took all these factors into consideration 5. Add "City Policy Review of Applications within a Wellhead Protection Area for Water Quality" within the informational sidebar adjacent to the new Section 10.28; and 6. Add "City Policy Wellhead Protection Areas for Water Quantity" within the informational sidebar adjacent to the new Section 10.29. Cross Reference: OPA 19-002/P City Initiated Attachment #./to it MA 1S1 Trans -Canada Pipeline Additional Groundwater Recharge Area Groundwater Recharge Area High Aquifer Vulnerability Area (44 PICKERING City Development Department Eighth -Concession Road Additional Groundwater Recharge Areas - Northeast Pickering File: OPA 19-002/P Applicant: City Initiated The Corporation of the Cdy of Pickering Produced (in per older license from:0 Queens Pnnter, Unlario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.0 Her Majesty the Oueen In Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. Al dghls reserved.; D Teranet Enlerpdses Inc. and its suppliant all rights reserved.; 0 Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and is supplena all rights reserved; Date: May. 21, 2019 SCALE: 1:20,000 I THIS IS NOTA PLAN OF SURVEY. Attachment # 2 to lidnr ottaRfmnr-r J -1cL_ —. Trans -Canada Pipeline W/1 Additional Groundwater Recharge Area Groundwater Recharge Area High Aquifer Vulnerability Area rJ Eig thth hh C n ession Road 040,1 Additional Groundwater Recharge Areas - Northwest Pickering File: OPA 19-002/P PICKERING City Development Department Applicant: City Initiated Date: May. 21, 2019 D The Corporation of the Crty of Pickering Produced On part) under license from:® Queens Punter, Ontario Mastry of Natural Resources. Ail rights reserved.O Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. Al rights reserved.; DTerdnet Enterprises Irkand its su pplkis all rights reserved.; 6 Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and is sup piers all rights reserved; SCALE. 1:20,000 I THIS IS NOT APLAN OF SURVEY.