HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 29-19DICKERING Report to Council Report Number: CS 29-19 Date: May 27, 2019 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Canada Cultural Investment Fund: Strategic Initiatives - Pickering Museum Village Cultural Tourism Project - File: F-4800 Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse the City of Pickering's application to the Canada Cultural Investment Fund for the Pickering Museum Village Cultural Tourism project by way of a Council resolution; 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded to Jennifer O'Connell, MP, Pickering -Uxbridge; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: City staff will submit an application to the Canada Cultural Investment Fund offered by the Department of Canadian Heritage to initiate a cultural tourism project intended to increase audiences through tourism product development at Pickering Museum Village (PMV). The Canada Cultural Investment Fund (CCIF) was identified by staff as an ideal grant program because it encourages partnership and sound business practices to help arts and heritage organizations be better rooted and recognized in their communities. In order to be eligible, the project museum directly benefit a number of not-for-profit professional arts and/or heritage organizations, demonstrate improvement in business practices or revenue diversification of professional arts or heritage organizations, involve the collaboration of at least three partners, and have measurable results. Financial Implications: The City is requesting up to $170,000 as a cash contribution from CCIF, which would be realized over three fiscal years (2020, 2021, 2022). PMV's matching contribution from the current budget in 2020 is comprised of $5,000 for staff costs (2744.1100), and $15,000 for marketing costs (2744.2210). PMV's matching contribution from the current budget in 2021 is comprised of $5,000 for staff costs (2744.1100), and $15,000 for marketing costs (2744.2210). The total value of the project is $363,200, comprised of cash and in-kind contributions from the project partners: PMV, Central Counties Tourism, Durham Tourism, the Station Gallery, 3x60 Theatre Company and Robert McLaughlin Gallery. CS 29-19 May 27, 2019 Subject: Canada Cultural Investment Fund: Strategic Initiatives Page 2 Discussion: In 2013, in consultation with the community, the City of Pickering embarked on a Cultural Strategic Plan that would guide arts, heritage and cultural initiatives of the City. From that initiative, several strategic directions were identified: 1) broaden and deepen City leadership and investment in arts, heritage and culture; 2) build a strong and collaborative cultural sector; 3) strengthen culture -led economic development; 4) conserve and promote history and heritage; and, 5) cultivate opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts. The Cultural Strategic Plan recommends that the City of Pickering establish tourism as a corporate priority, with a strong emphasis on cultural tourism. This project fulfills the strategic directions outlined in the culture plan by: 1) Broadening and deepening City leadership and investment in arts, heritage and culture. This project represents a direct investment of $363,200 in arts, heritage and culture. Beyond the project value, this project will build our capacity to increase our earned revenue through programs and admissions sales. 2) Building a strong and collaborative cultural sector by working with other arts, heritage and cultural organizations in the region, alongside tourism organizations; we will be creating a collaborative marketing campaign and tourism products that are expected to sustain past the life of this project. 3) Strengthening culture -led economic development by attracting new tourists to the region. Central Counties Tourism and Durham Tourism, with support from cultural partners will work to lengthen tourist's stay in the region, bringing investment and tourism spending to our cultural properties and attractions, along with businesses in the region. 4) Conserving and promoting history and heritage by offering new heritage -based cultural tourism experiences that explore Pickering's rich history and material culture in fun and memorable ways. 5) Cultivating opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts as PMV and our arts, heritage and cultural partners expand and enhance our program and service offering to new audiences. In 2017, PMV undertook its own strategic planning which included extensive community consultation. This planning is paired with a recent master site use study and recommendations completed by Lord Cultural Resources in 2019. From these two strategic planning initiatives the following needs were identified: a) The need for PMV to increase capacity to grow audiences; b) The need to grow audiences during low, yet accessible seasons (weekdays from June to September and evenings from April to November); c) The need to expand services and offerings from primarily a school market to more diversified audience segments. This need to diversify and grow audiences will be amplified when the new Heritage Centre is constructed at PMV in 2022; d) The need to increase awareness of PMV, and improve our marketing capabilities and resources; and e) The need to target programming and services that are self -sustainable, revenue -generating and annually renewable. This project meets all of the identified needs for the museum. CS 29-19 May 27, 2019 Subject: Canada Cultural Investment Fund: Strategic Initiatives Page 3 The purpose of this report is to receive a Council resolution endorsing the request for CCIF funding as a required condition of the grant program. Attachments: 1. Canada Cultural Investment Fund General Application Form 2. Canada Cultural Investment Fund Application Budget Prepared By: :42_1 Laura Gibbs Supervisor, Museum Services :mc Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Cariloi o Director, Community Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien ATTACHMENT#_1 TO REPORT# CS 9 Canada Application Form Strategic Initiatives Component Canada Cultural Investment Fund (CCIF) Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien Application Form Strategic Initiatives Component Canada Cultural Investment Fund FOR OFFICEUSEION Protected B when completed TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1- General Application Form A - Lead Applicant Identification B - Lead Applicant Contact Information C - Project Information D - Affirmation Section 2 - Detailed Application A - Lead Applicant Eligibility B - Project Details C - Action Plan and Performance Measurement D - Partners E - Budget Annex I - Checklist IMPORTANT 1. Before completing the application form, please review the Guidelines for the Strategic Initiatives component of the Canada Cultural Investment Fund. 2. For assistance call (819) 997-3955 or toll free 1-866-811-0055 or e-mail PCH.Datrimoinecanadienfcic- canadianheritageccif.PCH@canada.ca. 3. The Application Form, the Budget Form and all supporting documents identified in the Checklist (Annex I) form an integral part of a complete application. Incomplete applications may be rejected. 4. The application must be postmarked on or before the deadline as posted on the Strategic Initiatives website. 5. To facilitate the assessment process, please do not staple documents or bind the documents into a folder, a binder, or any kind of presentation package. Print one-sided only. 6. To ensure confidentiality of your personal information, completed forms must not be transmitted electronically to the Department. 7. Any expenses incurred before the application is approved are undertaken at the applicant's own risk. 8. Please note that unless otherwise indicated, all fields in the application form are required. SEND COMPLETED APPLICATIONS TO: Strategic Initiatives Component Canada Cultural Investment Fund Department of Canadian Heritage 25 Eddy Street, 13th Floor, Room 297 (25-13-V) Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed Section 1 - General Application Form Strategic Initiatives Component, Canada Cultural Investment Fund A - Lead Applicant Identification Al - Lead applicant information Incorporated name (full legal name) Corporation of City of Pickering Operating name (if different from incorporated name) Pickering Museum Village Previous name (if applicable) A2 i' Legal status Q Federal incorporation O Provincial Territorial incorporation Q Indigenous peoples institution or organization Other (please specify) municipal Corporate registration number 108078593 Date of incorporation: (YYYY-MM-DD) 2000-01-01 Registered with the Canada Revenue Agency as a Charitable Organization 0 Yes 0 No A3 Civic address Number, Street, Suite or Apartment Number 2365 6th Concession Road City Pickering Province/Territory Ontario Postal Code LOH1H0 Website pickeringmuseumvillage.ca A4 - Mailing address (if different from above) Number, Street, Suite or Apartment Number/Post Office Box 1 The Esplanade City Pickering Province/Territory Ontario Postal Code L1V 6K7 B Lead Applicant Contact Information The "application contact" is the person authorized to sign the application form and who has the authority to legally bind the applicant. The application form must be signed by this person. The "primary contact" is the person responsible for completing this application form and the person in your organization most familiar with its contents. The Program will contact this person first if further information is required. The application and primary contacts can be the same. B9 Application contact (authorized signatory) Name Stan Karwowski Title Treasurer Salutation �. Mr. 0 Mrs. 0 Ms. 0 Other (specify) Preferred language of communication Q English 0 French Telephone 905-420-4660 Ext. 4640 Fax E-mail skarwowski@pickering.ca Page 3 of 23 1+1 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed_ B2 - Primary Contact Name Laura Gibbs Title Supervisor, Museum Services Salutation Q Mr. ® Mrs. O Ms. O Other (specify) Preferred language of communication U. English 0 French Telephone 905-420-4660 Ext. 3709 Fax E-mail Igibbs@pickering.ca C - Project Information C1 - Project title: Durham Region's Signature Cultural Experience Program C2 - Project start date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2020-04-01 C3 - Project end date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2022-03-31 C4 -Total project cost: $363,200.00 C5 - Funding amount requested: $170,000.00 C6 - Percentage requested: 47% C7 - Is the project targeting any of the following communities? ❑ Rural or remote area ❑ Indigenous communities ❑ Ethnocultural communities ❑ Youth ❑ Official -language minority communities C8 - If yes, what specific measures are envisaged to target these communities and encourage them to participate in the project? If the need is clearly demonstrated and justified, this information could be used to request an increased Departmental level of support up to 75% toward eligible project costs (see C6). C9 - Number of organizations that will directly benefit from the project: 6 C10 - Project scope: 0 Municipal Q Provincial/Territorial 0 National Q Regional Q Inter-provincial/territorial 011 ❑ II ❑ ❑ - Which of the following program priorities relate most closely to your project? Developing and sharing of expertise, best practices and tools Marketing and audience development Innovation, experimentation and development of new approaches Strategic use of technologies C12 0 - ❑ ❑ ❑ II ❑ ❑ ❑ Project will directly benefit organizations in which sector(s)? Arts sector Dance Literary arts Music Theatre Visual and media art Multidisciplinary Other (please specify): .01 CI // // ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Heritage sector Art galleries Museums Historical sites Archives Zoos and botanical gardens Indigenous Other (please specify): Page 4 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed_: - Affirmation I affirm that the information in this application is accurate and complete. I agree to publicly acknowledge funding and assistance by the Department, in accordance with the Department's directives. By signing this application, I authorize the Department of Canadian Heritage to disclose any information received in this application within Canadian Heritage and the Government of Canada or to outside entities for the following purposes: to reach a decision on this application, to administer and monitor the implementation of the projector programming, or to evaluate the results of the project or programming after project completion. This disclosure of any information received in this application may also be used to reach a decision on any other application of the applicant for funding under any other Canadian Heritage program. In the event of an access to information request regarding the present funding application or any other information about the organization in the Department's possession, the information provided to the Department will be treated in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. Where funding is approved, however, the amount of funding, the purpose for which the funds were granted and the name of the organization receiving the funding are considered public information. Authorized Signature Signature Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Name Stan Karwowski Title Treasurer Page 5 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien Section 2 - Detailed Application Strategic Initiatives Component Canada Cultural Investment Fund FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed A - Lead Applicant Eligibility Al - To be eligible the lead applicant must: Check all that apply. ❑ be a not-for-profit organization, association, institution, or foundation incorporated under the Corporations Act or Part II of the Canada Corporations Act or provincial or territorial legislation, Indigenous peoples' institutions or organizations, including First Nations, Inuit, Metis and Non ❑ administered by an active board of directors or equivalent Indigenous governing body working three years prior to the application date; ❑ with a mandate related to the arts or heritage sector as outlined in its mandate statement; ❑ with activities and programs that include the arts or heritage sector; OR ❑ be a post -secondary education institution; OR Canada Not -for -Profit or equivalent -Status Indians; continuously for and distinct objectives, be a heritage organization governed by a provincial, territorial or municipal government with programs and budgets related to the arts or heritage; A2 - Mandate Please provide the mandate of your organization. Pickering Museum Village will ignite imaginations through a living history museum that fosters a connection to Pickering by collecting, preserving, and interpreting artifacts and social culture. A3 - Questionnaire on the lead applicant 1. Number of annual meetings of the Board of Directors or equivalent Indigenous governing body:6 meetings/year 2. Has the Board of Directors or equivalent Indigenous governing body been working professionally and continuously for the past three years? �. Yes Q No 3. Does your organization have a document that stipulates the roles and responsibilities of the members of its Board of Directors or equivalent Indigenous governing body? Yes Q No 4. When was your organization's mission last revised? 2018 Stability of governance and staff 5. Senior management in place since: 1 year 6. Artistic direction in place since (if applicable): N/A 7. Chair of Board of Directors in place since: N/A 8. Average seniority years of full-time staff: 7 years Does your organization have: . 9. Recent operating policies for 3 to 5 years (e.g., human resource plan, purchasing and conservation policy) 0 Yes 0 No 10. A strategic plan or business plan for 3 to 5 years in place ? O' Yes 0 No Page 6 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed =_ 11. Process for approving financial forecasts by Board of Directors? Q. Yes 0 No 12. Internal control mechanism (e.g., bank reconciliation, separation of financial duties)? Q. Yes 0 No B - Project Details B1 - Your organization's role in this project Indicate the role of your organization, its place in the arts and/or heritage community, and why your organization is best positioned to be the project lead. Pickering Museum Village (PMV) will be the lead in this project. The Museum has been operated by the City of Pickering since 1977 as a living history museum. PMV has created many successful partnerships with local arts, heritage and cultural organizations in the past and is currently well positioned to be establishing new partnerships focusing on audience development. PMV is undergoing a period of expansion, with a new 40,000 square foot Heritage Centre planned for 2022. The new Heritage Centre will increase PMV's indoor capacity from 150 people to 350 people at once, changing PMV from a seasonal living history museum to a year-round gallery, archive, museum, events space, and living history site, by 2022. For PMV, the two years leading to the launch of the new facility make an opportune time to create the infrastructure, capacity and partnerships necessary to significantly expand the museum's programs, services and market share in the tourism industry. With a long planning, marketing and sales horizon, PMV and its partners are well positioned to start cultural tourism planning in 2020 for results in 2021, 2022, and beyond. PMV staff took the initiative to lead this project forward. With a growing staff team, expertise, and enthusiasm, PMV staff are dedicated to seeing this project — and visitor growth — at PMV succeed. B2 - Needs assessment Describe the reasons why your organization has decided to undertake this project. What steps has your organization taken, such as consultations or studies, to assess the needs and determine the appropriate direction to pursue for this project? If no such steps have been carried out, on what basis did the organization decide to proceed with this project? How are arts and heritage organizations demonstrating their support for the project? In 2013, in consultation with the community, the City of Pickering embarked on a Cultural Strategic Plan that would guide arts, heritage and cultural initiatives of the city. From that initiative, several strategic directions were identified: 1) broaden and deepen city leadership and investment in arts, heritage and culture; 2) build a strong and collaborative cultural sector; 3) strengthen culture -led economic development; 4) conserve and promote history and heritage; and 5) cultivate opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts. The Cultural Strategic Plan recommends that the City of Pickering establish tourism as a corporate priority, with a strong emphasis on cultural tourism. PMV, as an open air museum is best positioned to take the lead as a cultural tourist destination in the city. This project fulfills the strategic directions outlined in the culture plan. 1) We will broaden and deepen city leadership and investment in arts, heritage and culture. This project achieves this in two ways: a) This project represents a direct investment of $363,200 in arts, heritage and culture. Beyond the project value, this project will build our capacity to increase our earned revenue through programs and admissions sales; b) We will work with project partners to communicate the value of investing in cultural tourism, provide tourism training and informative presentations to staff and decision makers (City Council and Boards of Directors). 2) We will be building a strong and collaborative cultural sector by working with other arts, heritage and cultural organizations in the region, alongside tourism organizations; we will be creating a collaborative marketing campaign and tourism products that are expected to sustain past the life of this project. 3) We will be strengthening culture -led economic development by attracting new tourists to the region. Central Counties Tourism and Durham Tourism, with support from cultural partners will work to lengthen tourist's stay in the region, bringing investment and tourism spending to our cultural properties and attractions, along with businesses in the region. 4) We will be conserving and promoting history and heritage by offering new heritage -based cultural tourism experiences that explore Pickering's rich history and material culture in fun and memorable ways. 5) Last, we will be cultivating opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts as Pickering Museum Village and our arts, heritage and cultural partners expand and enhance our program and service offering to new Page 7 of 23 101 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed audiences. Pickering Museum Village undertook strategic planning, including extensive community consultation in 2017. This planning is paired with a recent master site use study and recommendations completed by Lord Cultural Resources in 2019. From these two strategic planning initiatives the following needs were identified: 1) The need for Pickering Museum Village to increase capacity to grow audiences; 2) the need to grow audiences during low, yet accessible seasons (weekdays from June —September, evenings from April — November); 3) the need to expand services and offerings from primarily a school market to more diversified audience segments. This need to diversify and grow audiences will be amplified when the new Heritage Centre is constructed at PMV in 2022; 4) The need to increase awareness of PMV, and improve our marketing capabilities and resources; and 5) The need to target programming and services that are self -sustainable, revenue -generating and annually renewable. This project meets all of the identified needs for the museum. This project is intended to be a collaborative initiative, with arts, culture and heritage partners contributing staff time to project planning, decision making, implementation, marketing support and marketing contribution. Cultural partners will each identify an experience to be featured in the cultural tourism program that we will develop cooperatively. This type of partnership will require relationship -building, agreement, working toward shared goals, deliverables and timelines, and cooperation in supporting each other's initiatives. Our expectation is that there will be opportunities for more arts, culture and heritage organizations to join in this initiative as the project moves forward. While Durham Tourism and Central Counties Tourism are not specifically arts, heritage and cultural organizations, this project marks a significant milestone in partnering these organizations with arts, culture and heritage groups. Specializing in sports tourism and having recently completed a craft brewery tour package, Durham Tourism has not partnered closely with this scale of cultural producers in the past. Central Counties Tourism provides support, mentorship and strategic planning to municipalities and partners, and like Durham Tourism, this newly formed partnership with the arts, heritage and cultural sector is a new venture that aligns potential tourist attractions in a strategic way. The level of engagement, commitment and contribution that the two tourism agencies have approached this project with provides our cultural partners with a strong foundation of expertise and support that will enable us to carry out this project effectively and professionally. B3 - Project summary in 250 words or Tess • Who will carry out the project? (organization) • What is the project? What activities will be carried out? • Where will the project take place? (location, community) • Who will benefit from the project? • Who will carry out the project? (organization) The Station Gallery, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 3x60 Theatre Company, and Pickering Museum Village will partner with Durham Tourism (Destination Marketing Organization or DMO) and Central Counties Tourism (Regional Tourism Organization or RTO) to increase cultural tourism in Durham Region. Under the guidance of Central Counties Tourism, each cultural partner will create a cultural tourism experience in Durham Region that will be advertised and sold through Durham Tourism. Results of this project will be increased capacity by arts, heritage and cultural organizations in Durham Region to attract and retain tourists. This project will result in improved market -readiness of existing products and the development of new tourism -specific cultural experiences. We will create new partnerships between cultural organizations and destination marketing organizations, working toward a shared goal of increasing audiences. B4 - Project description Describe the project in detail (activities, objectives and desired results). Explain how the project will address the needs identified above (B2). Explain how it will benefit arts and/or heritage organizations (specify which ones). Background Cultural tourism has become a prolific and recognized form of tourism in recent years. The partners involved in this project plan to build on research, recommendations and lessons learned from tourism studies and our cultural partners Page 8 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed in order to develop a cultural tourism experience in Durham Region that is unique, viable, and sustainable. Specifically, we aim to replicate the successful Ontario Signature Experience Program, with cultural partners in Durham Region. The United Nations World Tourism Organization expresses cultural tourism under the following six categories: handicrafts and the visual arts; gastronomy and culinary practices; social practices, rituals and festive events; music and the performing arts; oral traditions and expressions; knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe. Cultural tourism products can include the following: 1) Creating cultural spaces or purpose-built facilities as venues to showcase intangible cultural heritage; 2) Combining or bundling attractions to create a themed set for stronger market appeal; 3) Developing new tour routes, circuits or heritage networks; 4) Using existing circuits or reviving networks, such as pilgrimage routes; and/or 5) Using or reviving festivals and events. This project aims to identify at least one signature experience from each cultural partner to be developed, refined and improved under the mentorship of Central Counties Tourism. Cultural signature experiences will be bundled together in a thematic marketing strategy and promoted through Durham Tourism. This strategy is confirmed as a strong recommendation by several local studies including the Ontario Tourism Product Assessment Research Study (Deloitte, 2009) which confirmed that tactical strategies focused on cooperative offerings, product bundling and leveraging key ;earnings will encourage the development of stronger public tourism product. This recommendation was supported by Lord Cultural Resources (2009), recommending that 'Ontario's cultural destinations will need to provide a range of experiences between 'consumption' and 'participation'. A destination must be able to provide a continuum of experiences — from passive to active, including hybrid models that allow the tourist to design and mould her/his experience towards a unique definition of cultural tourism". Deliverables 1. Cultural Experiences created and made market -ready. With the guidance of Central Counties Tourism (CCT), each cultural partner will identify a cultural experience (a program, service, production, event etc.) that will be featured as part of this program. Central Counties Tourism will work with each cultural partner to make their signature experience tourism -ready. Tourism -readiness includes consideration of each experience's pricing, accessibility, scalability, seasonality, ability to be offered regularly or on demand, quality and uniqueness of experience, and ability to renew the experience annually. Central Counties Tourism will also assist partners in identifying opportunities to bundle experiences with other tourist attractions or experiences in the region. 2. Branding, marketing, communications initiatives created to support sales Thematic branding and marketing collateral will be developed to support promotion of the cultural experience program. A marketing, communications, and sales strategy will be developed to promote the signature cultural experiences. Marketing and promotion will be facilitated mostly by Central Counties Tourism and Durham Tourism, and supported by cultural partners. Durham Tourism will facilitate sales leads, familiarization tours with potential clients and opportunities for partners to attend travel trade marketplaces to further promote signature experiences. Outcomes: 1. Build audiences. This project is primarily an audience development initiative. 2. Builds awareness. This project is intended to build general awareness of the cultural attractions, through the signature cultural experience. 3. Advocates for further investment in cultural tourism. This project is intended to build awareness with decision -makers Page 9 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien f the importance of investing in cultural tourism. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed 4. Builds capacity. Working under the mentorship of the DMO and RTO is a critical aspect of this project. This project is intended to increase knowledge, understanding and experience of the tourism market and how to build audience in the market among our cultural partners. The DMO and RTO have included several training opportunities, workshops, coaching and mentoring as their contribution to this project. 5. Builds partnerships. This project will begin with a foundation of strong project partners; however, our aim is to grow this collective of cultural producers and properties as the project is rolled out. This expansion will help the region diversify and densify the tourism offering, to appeal to a wider range of tour operators and independent travelers. 6. Improves marketing capacity and reach. This outcome is a fundamental aspect of the project that will include branding and thematic positioning in the market, marketing materials, social media amplification, and a strong communications strategy. The project also includes a significant direct sales aspect, contributed through Durham Tourism, which puts cultural organizations in direct contact with potential high -traffic clients though travel trade marketplaces and fam tours. 7. Establishes a foundation for future growth. The project in itself is scalable, offering an opportunity for more cultural partners (and other local businesses and attractions) to participate. This project is intended as a jumping off point for cultural tourism in Durham Region, aiming to build momentum to continue to grow past 2022. B5 - Demonstrate how this project differs from your operational activities This project forms new partnerships with three cultural organizations and two destination marketing organizations that we have not partnered with before. These partnerships will expand our network in the community and create opportunities for us to learn from each other, collaborate on initiatives and expand our programs and services together. Pickering Museum Village attracts about 12,000 program participants annually, with 68% of participants being school group visitors. Remaining visitors are made up mostly from large museum events, with about 1,500 visitors coming to the museum through general admission. Although the museum does attract regional tourists, they are incidental, since we do not currently advertise regionally, or offer tourism -specific programs and services. This project would result in Pickering Museum Village (and cultural partners) creating tourism -ready programs and services that can be promoted and sold by Durham Tourism through existing networks and at travel trade marketplaces. Although PMV doesn't currently offer tourism -ready products, we do have expertise in creating award-winning history and heritage programs that delight our visitors year after year. As part of this project, PMV will work with our part time Museum Interpreter team (18 Interpreters) to build on their rich historical knowledge to develop new programs that feature our heritage buildings and museum collection and include our 27 acres of gardens, forested areas and green conservation areas. Working with cultural partners to increase the density of experiences offered in Durham Region will increase our combined marketability to travel trade operators looking to build an itinerary for our region. Developing a cooperative marketing campaign with cultural partners, targeting independent travelers will be a crucial boost to the museum's general admission visitation, which is our lowest visitor segment. The museum currently staffs open hours to the living history site and relies on drop in visitors for general admission. As the lowest visitor segment to the museum, this model of staffing the museum regardless of demand is becoming unsustainable. Improving our capacity to complete more pre -booked sales will allow the museum to staff according to expected visitation, and would also allow us to offer more program -type experiences (cooking, blacksmithing, gardening, etc.) to our visitors which we know provide more engaging and unique experiences. Leveraging the project's marketing capacity would allow the museum to directly market to regional tourists, promoting the pre -booked program experience, and increasing visitation to the museum. PMV is eagerly anticipating the mentorship, support and advice from Central Counties Tourism in developing programs and services for this market. B6 - Official languages In order to determine if the official languages requirements apply to your project, please answer the following questions: Page 10 of 23 1+1 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed 1. Is there an official language minority population in your community 0 Yes C) No If yes: Is the project likely to foster participation by the official -language minority community? 0 Yes p• No Does the project directly target organizations or groups from both linguistic communities? 0 Yes C) No 2. Is the project national in scope and highly likely to reach both linguistic groups? 0 Yes ® No If your project reaches out to an official language minority population in your community, please indicate whether activities or services will be offered in both official languages and provide the appropriate details: ❑ Promotion of your activities is available and offered in English and French (e.g. website, advertising, programs). ❑ Signage at your activities is provided in English and French. ❑ Services are available and offered in English and French (e.g. box office, reception, public announcements, information booths, etc.) Comments NOTE: 1. Expenses related to official languages for your project are eligible under the Strategic Initiatives component and must be inserted in the budget under Translation services. 2. The information you provide in this section will be integrated into your funding agreement if your organization receives support from the Program. B7 - Resources Indicate the human resources that will be required for your project. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the key individuals responsible for the project, including consultants. Include the CVs of the project manager and key project resources (i.e. employees and consultants), and if applicable, consultants proposals. Pickering Museum Village (Project Manager) Pickering Museum Village is managed by Laura Gibbs (Supervisor, Museum Services). Laura will be the Project Manager for the duration of the project. Laura's CV is included in the appendix. Laura will be responsible for: • Managing project budget and reporting requirements • Managing partnership relationship building, as needed • Advocacy and communications with the City of Pickering for cultural tourism • Ensuring that project deliverables are met on time, on target and on budget • Supervision and approval of project implementation at PMV PMV will hire a part time Audience Development Coordinator as part of this project. The Coordinator will report to the Supervisor of Museum Services. A job description is included in the appendix. The Audience Development Coordinator will be responsible for: • Implementing project deliverables, participating and reporting to the project committee • Leading tourism -readiness initiatives, under the guidance of Central Counties Tourism at PMV (Program Development will be led by our Interpretation team) • Marketing, social media, and communications related to this project, and PMV specifically • Direct sales, in partnership with Durham Tourism. This includes attending travel trade marketplaces, familiarization tours, or meetings. • Coordinating fam tours or other sales tactics • Conducting project evaluations and drafting reports PMV Museum Interpreter Team I The Interpreter Team is led by Katrina Pyke, Coordinator of Museum Operations. The team of 18 is skilled in museum Page 11 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed ;program design, development, implementation and evaluation. This team will be responsible for developing tourism - specific programs that leverage the museum's rich heritage and natural resources. The Interpreter team will be ;responsible for piloting any new tourism -specific programs and facilitating PMV's signature cultural experience on an ;ongoing basis. !Central Counties Tourism (Project Contributor) !Central Counties Tourism is led by Chuck Thibeault Executive Director). Since 2012, Chuck has been leading the team !of 10 staff forward to increase tourism in the region by promoting and developing unique and competitive tourism (products that attract high yield visitors from outside the Central Counties region. Chuck brings significant experience to 1the project team with over 7 years in Attractions Consulting and over 7 years leading museums and cultural attractions in Ontario. [Eleanor Cook is Durham Regions' Regional Field Manager and will be implementing the project for Central Counties (Tourism. Eleanor brings over 10 years' experience in destination marketing to the project. Eleanor has worked for ;Central Counties Tourism for 5 years and worked for Clarington Tourism for the 5 years preceding. Eleanor will be the primary contact at CCT for this project, and will participate on the project committee. Central Counties Tourism will be responsible for leading the strategic planning portion of this project, including advising ,on product development and marketing, communications and advocacy strategy. CCT will also provide mentorship and !training to partners. ;The Central Counties Tourism business plan (2018 — 2020) and recent impact report (2018) are included in the ;appendix. Durham Tourism (Project Contributor) Durham Tourism is led by Brandon Pickard (Manager, Tourism) who has over ten years' experience in the tourism industry. Brandon will be the project lead. Durham Tourism is responsible for generating sales leads for tourism !products in the region. The organization participates in various marketplaces, conventions and builds relationships with 'travel trade (and other) tourism providers to link clients with tourism attractions. Durham Tourism will mentor the partners and provide experience and opportunities to learn how to effectively sell the cultural properties represented by !the project's partners. (Durham Region's 2019 tour guide is included in the appendix. Station Gallery (Project Partner) The Station Gallery is led by Kerri King, CEO. Kerri has been at the Station Gallery since 2016 and is the former ; Manager of Durham Tourism, so brings extensive expertise to this project. Station Gallery will allocate staff to this initiative as the project is rolled out. Staff will be responsible for attending committee meetings, providing marketing !support for the project, and identifying tourism -ready programs and services that will be included in the collaborative ;marketing developed through this project. Theatre 3x60 (Project Partner) !Carey Nicholson is the Artistic Director for Theatre 3x60. Carey brings extensive experience working or volunteering at other Durham Region arts, heritage and cultural organizations including Pickering Museum Village, Theatre Starts Inc., ;Scugog Council for the Arts, Oshawa Little Theatre, META4 Contemporary Craft Gallery, and Borelians Community Theatre. (Staff will be responsible for attending committee meetings, providing marketing support for the project, and identifying !tourism -ready programs and services that will be included in the collaborative marketing developed through this project. ;Robert McLaughlin Gallery (Project Partner) Samuel Powless is the Volunteer and Community Development Manager at Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa. Staff will be responsible for attending committee meetings, providing marketing support for the project, and identifying [tourism -ready programs and services that will be included in the collaborative marketing developed through this project. Provide a chart showing the names and roles of the key individuals who will be involved in managing and delivering the project, their responsibilities, and lines of accountability within the team. B8 - Dissemination of project results Page 12 of 23 1+1 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed Explain how you will share the results of the project and lessons learned with the organizations and partners involved as well as with the community at large. Results will be shared in the following ways: 1. Regular, ongoing reporting • Quarterly project update will be sent to partners for reporting and distribution by PMV. ;• Regular committee meetings will be held (monthly or bimonthly), where project reporting will take place. Regular ;reporting will allow adjustments to be made to project tasks and deliverables as needed. !2. Reporting to build awareness and advocate for cultural tourism support An intended outcome of this project is to build awareness and support of cultural tourism in Durham Region. This ;includes building general awareness as well as targeted reporting to decision -makers, funders and key partners (throughout the project. l• Media announcements made at the beginning of the project, and at key milestones. ,• Presentations to Boards of Directors of participating organizations and City Councillors to generate awareness of the project, project impacts, and opportunities for future support of cultural tourism. • Central Counties Tourism will provide data on cultural tourism visitation to the region, and economic impact. Data - ;based reporting will be distributed to partners, and decision -makers. (3. Project Reporting • Reporting specific to this project's deliverables, budget and timeframe, as required by the Department of Canadian ;Heritage, will be prepared by the Project Lead. i• Project reporting will be conducted by each partner organization, as required for operational reporting, and as part of their annual report. Page 13 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USIE ONLY P,rptected 8when completed C - Action Plan and Performance Measurement Please consult the Performance Measurement Guide to assist you in developing your project's performance measurement strategy. C1 - How will the project achieve the objectives and expected results of the Strategic Initiatives component? (See Guidelines.) The Strategic Initiatives component supports projects that are conducted by a lead organization in collaboration with other project delivery or funding partners and have results that are shared broadly. Pickering Museum Village is a lead applicant and is a heritage organization governed by a municipal government with distinct objectives, programs and budgets related to heritage. We will be working in collaboration with Central Counties Tourism and Durham Tourism as co-contributors. We will be working in collaboration with the Station Gallery, Robert McLaughlin Gallery and 3x60 Theatre Company as participating cultural partners. This project provides opportunities for more cultural partners to participate, if funding is granted. The results of this project will be realized by all partners involved, as cultural experiences will be facilitated by each cultural partner; marketed, sold, and evaluated by the tourism agencies; and overall awareness, growth and expansion in the cultural tourism sector will benefit all project partners. The strategic initiatives component aims to support organizations in becoming better at what they do through new and innovative projects that lead to a stronger and more resilient arts and heritage sector. This project includes mentorship by Central Counties Tourism in assisting arts, heritage and cultural organizations in enhancing or creating an experience that is competitive in the tourism market. This mentorship will benefit cultural organizations by building skill set, experience, expertise and a market-ready product with several organizations in Durham Region, contributing to a more resilient and competitive arts and heritage sector in the tourism market. Our partnership with Durham Tourism extends our capacity building efforts into deliverable results, focusing on marketing, sales and audience generation. This partnership also provides a broad Tens that will be applied to Durham Region's cultural sector tourism offering as a whole, and provide strategic guidance for how we can collaborate to create a unique, memorable and sustainable cultural tourism offering as a combined force. The strategic initiatives component aims to support organizations that demonstrate sound organizational, administrative and financial health and thus contribute to a more resilient sector. This project is intended to build on proven models of success in audience generation (Ontario's Signature Experience Program). This tourism initiative is intended primarily as an audience generation project; however, will result in improved ability to generate revenue from a greater diversification of audiences for cultural partners. C2 - Please complete the table below by providing the key activities along with the milestone dates and related outputs to be carried out during the project (e.g. activity 1 is linked to output 1). Performance indicators and targets must also be identified for each output in order to measure the success of your project. Click on the plus (+) symbol at the end of the table to insert a new row Key Activities Start and End Dates "What you will do" (YYY(-MM-DD) 1 Hire staff: Pickering Museum Village only 2020-04-30 2022-03-31 PMV Audience Development Coordinator (PT, 2 year contract). Page 14 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOt(�F10EIISEONLY Prole edi C4mpletes3 Key Activities .` "What you will do" Start and End Dates (YYYY-MM-DD) 2 Form Project Committee (all project partners) Committee will meet regularly to identify and report on project milestones, deliverables and timelines. The committee will continue to meet during implementation of the tourism strategy to make adjustments, collaborate on shared marketing efforts, and report back on progress (2021). The committee will be responsible for evaluating the project, communicating success and lessons learned and reporting on outcomes to decision makers, boards and councils (2022). 2020-04-30 2022-03-31 3 Make signature cultural tourism products market -ready Programs and services will be developed by each arts, heritage and cultural partner to support the collaborative tourism product. Each arts heritage and cultural organization will identify what the experience will be at their property to support the strategy, and how each partner will ensure that the experience can be delivered consistently or in a sustainable way. Central Counties Tourism will provide mentorship to assist in the development of tourism experiences to each partner 2020-04-30 2020-08-31 4 Marketing strategy developed and implemented The marketing strategy primarily includes purchased advertisements, development of collateral (i.e. brochures, flyers, stand-up banners), social media paid ads, etc. We intend that the marketing campaign will be implemented primarily by Central Counties Tourism and Durham Tourism through existing channels. Marketing content like digital advertisements or printed brochures will also be distributed by arts, heritage and cultural partners through their existing networks. Branding and marketing content (images and videos) is developed. Marketing tactics (paid ads) and collateral developed or purchased. Marketing campaign or tactics launched (launched in Spring, 2021). 2020-07-01 2020-12-31 Page 15 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ON Key Activities .; What you;will do" . Protected B when completed Start and End;Dates (YYYY MM DD) 5 Communications strategy developed and implemented The communications strategy includes earned media, public relations, awareness -building with potential visitors and decision -makers, word-of-mouth mentions, and reporting on this project. The communications strategy is intended to build on the existing networks, media partnerships and social media capital that the arts, heritage, cultural and tourism partners possess. Media, advocacy and partnership marketing strategy is developed. Presentations/Reports ma de to boards of directors, Councillors, funders, potential partners, and other likely advocates about the cultural tourism strategy, initiatives and opportunities for investment or participation. Social media strategy (content, not paid) is launched and implemented by all partners Media and public relations strategy implemented by partners. 2020-09-01 2020-12-31 6 Sales strategy implemented The Audience Development Coordinator (PMV) will attend travel trade conferences, provided by the in-kind support of Durham Tourism. Under the guidance and mentorship of Durham Tourism, PMV will build capacity in its ability to generate sales based on travel trade marketplaces. Arts, Heritage and Cultural partners will have the opportunity to attend travel trade marketplaces to increase their sales capacity, provided as an in-kind contribution by Durham Tourism. Durham Tourism will promote and sell cultural tourism products to clients in the travel trade marketplace, using marketing collateral and resources provided through this project. Under the guidance of Durham Tourism, partners will develop familiarization tours, based on the product developed to bring potential clients to arts, heritage and cultural sites to experience the cultural programs and services offered. 2021-02-01 2022-03-31 7 Evaluation Regular reporting will occur, based on the strategies and tactics identified early in the project. This will include evaluation of strategy implementation and adjustment as needed. Final project evaluation 2021-10-01 2022-03-31 8 Reporting Regular reporting will occur, based on the strategies and tactics identified early in the project. This will include evaluation of strategy implementation and adjustment as needed. Final project report 2022-01-01 2022-03-31 Outputs / Deliverables "What you will produce" Performance Indicators. and Targets "How you will measure achievement of outputs" Page 16 of 23 CanadianeritagecanadiePatrimoinen H FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed Outputs / Deliverables "What you will produce" Performance Indicators and Targets "How you will measure ach evement of outputs" 1 Increase partnerships Total number of partner organizations engaged (6 - 12) Number of partner organizations from arts, heritage and cultural sector engaged in this project (4-10) Number of new partnerships created as a result of this project (i.e. bundling of experiences) (3-6). 2 Make cultural experiences tourism-ready Number of cultural experiences made tourism-ready (4-8) Hours of in-kind time contributed by Central Counties Tourism in mentorship and training to enhance cultural tourism experiences. 3 Build Capacity within cultural partner organizations Number of staff trained by Central Counties Tourism on developing competitive cultural products for the tourism market 4 Branding and marketing strategy developed Cultural tourism experiences bundled into a single marketing package, with uniform branding. Marketing (and tourism) strategy developed Branding, graphics, and marketing content completed 5 Advertising and Promotional materials devleoped Advertising spend vs. value attained through paid promotions Number of marketing materials created Number of paid marketing impressions (advertising reach) (500,000 - 2 million impressions) 6 Communications and Advocacy messages presented Number of presentations about cultural tourism made to Boards of Directors, City Council and potential funders (8 - 10) Number of media mentions about this initiative (10 - 20) Number of media releases and editorials (5 - 10) Social media impressions, mentions, likes and shares (1,000 - 5,000 mentions, likes and/or shares). 7 Sales Initiatives Number of Familiarization tours booked by travel trade companies (2 in 2021, 5 in 2022) Number of sales leads generated by Durham Tourism for this project (15 in 2021, 30 in 2022). Number of tourism marketplaces featuring this program (3 in 2021, 5 in 2022). 8 Sales Efficacy Number of new tourists attending partner's signature cultural experiences (1,000 in 2021, 3,000 in 2022) *We expect growth to extend past the life of this project. C3 - Please complete the table below by providing the key expected outcomes stemming from the activities and outputs identified above. Identify the performance indicators, targets and performance measurement tools that will be used to gather data and assess the outcomes. Note: The project should have realistic and attainable performance indicators. At the end of the project, all recipients will be required to submit a report on results that will clearly demonstrate the impact of the project based on the performance indicators. The recommended scale is three outcomes and up to three performance indicators per outcome. Outcomes/Expected Results "Why you are doing it" Performance indicators and Targets "How you will measure achievement of outcomes" Page 17 of 23 1+1 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed Outcomes/Expected Results "Why you are doing it" Performance indicators and Targets "How you will measure achievement of outcomes" 1 Build Capacity in arts, heritage and cultural organizations to compete in the tourism market Number of experiences that are made tourism -ready as part of this project / cultural experiences that are launched an included in the marketing bundle. Number of cultural organizations (and their staff) trained in tourism -readiness Number of media mentions and presentations made to increase awarenss of cultural tourism in Durham Region. Increase Audiences Build sustainable businesses practices C4 - Performance Measurement Tools: In terms of performance measurement, Central Counties Tourism has committed time and resources toward audience research, and measuring the effectiveness of this initiative on tourism spend, growth and intent within Durham Region. Central Counties Tourism is a leading research organization, and has the expertise, experience and tools to conduct this research professionally. Since they perform research functions in tourism regularly, they also have strong benchmarks to compare Durham Region's cultural experiences project to other initiatives. Qualitative Data: - Knowledge, skills and expertise gained by staff participating in this project - Additional investment or support gained from increased advocacy and awareness of cultural tourism - Improvements made to existing or new cultural experiences, based on mentorship from Central Counties Tourism - Partner's experience of participating in the project; likelihood of partnering again Quantitative Data: - Number of tourists visiting Durham Region (and cultural properties, specifically) - Number of tourists participating in signature cultural experiences - Advertising impressions and reach (social media likes, shares, follows etc.) - Number of partners; number of new partners - Number of hours invested in the project - Number of media mentions / number of media releases - Number of presentations made to City Council, Boards of Directors - Number of signature cultural experiences created and sold - Revenue generated from this project / from the cultural experiences Page 18 of 23 1*1 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien D - Partners List each contributing partner and elaborate on their contribution to the project OR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed PARTNER 1: LEAD APPLICANT Partner name: Corporation of City of Pickering i4 Cash contribution: $ 40,000.00 ►1 In-kind contribution: $ 52,000.00 Please specify: // Marketing/Promotion // Professional time ❑ Facilities/Equipment ./ Other (please specify): Travel to meetings Project roles and responsibilities: Pickering Museum Village is the Project Lead and is responsible for the project deliverables. PMV is responsible for managing the project budget, work plan and deliverables and managing project partners contribution. PMV is also participating as a cultural partner and will be developing a cultural experience to include in the Durham Cultural Experience bundle. PMV is requesting partial funding to hire an Audience Development Officer to administrate the project, lead PMV's program development, manage branding, marketing and communications implementation and lead sales strategies to create viable tourism bookings for the museum. PARTNER'2 Partner name: !Central Counties Tourism City: (Markham Province/Territory: ;Ontario ® New partner (no previous partnership with the Lead Applicant) ❑ Existing partner (has partnered with the Lead Applicant in the past) ❑ Public sector Private sector ❑ For profit ® Not-for-profit Page 19 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien ® Cash contribution: $ 15,000.00 ® In-kind contribution: $ 25,000.00 Please specify: ❑ Marketing/Promotion ❑ Professional time ❑ Facilities/Equipment ❑ Other (please specify): FOR OFFICE USE ONL Protectjd B completed Project roles and responsibilities: '1. Experience Development and Tourism Plan ($10,000 in kind) Central Counties Tourism specializes in assisting attractions in developing a viable and 'sustainable tourism strategy. We commit in-kind staff hours to assisting Pickering Museum Village, in partnership with Durham Tourism in developing a tourism strategy. 2. Audience Research and Data ($10,000) Central Counties Tourism is committed to understanding tourism trends, experiences and expectations and we track, analyze and report on tourism data to our partners. Pickering Museum Village will benefit from region -specific tourism data that will help develop their cultural tourism strategy. Central Counties Tourism commits $10,000 in-kind in staff time land paid research toward this initiative. 3. Sharing best practices, mentoring arts, heritage and cultural partners ($10,000 cash and in-kind) �We are committed to sharing best practices in tourism development, capacity building ;and management with all our partners. We commit $5,000 in training and sharing of best practices (Staff time, resources, materials for training), and $5,000 in-kind of staff time. 4. Marketing and Communications ($10,000 cash) Central Counties Tourism supports regional tourism providers by building awareness and 'implementing marketing strategies. We will commit $10,000 value of our overall marketing/communication budget toward marketing and communication to develop ;cultural, arts and heritage tourism in Durham Region, in partnership with Pickering 'Museum Village. Signed letter confirming partnership and contribution amount (cash or in-kind) included: 11 Contribution amounts indicated above (cash or in-kind) must be identical to the amount identified in the letter and in the budget. PARTNER 3 CLICK TO REMOVE PARTNER 3 Partner name: Durham Tourism City: Whitby Province/Territory: !Ontario ® New partner (no previous partnership with the Lead Applicant) • Existing partner (has partnered with the Lead Applicant in the past) ® Public sector Private sector El For profit ❑ Not-for-profit Page 20 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine=' Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed 4 Cash contribution: $ 15,000.00 /1 In-kind contribution: $ 27,000.00 Please specify: /1 Marketing/Promotion /1 Professional time ❑ Facilities/Equipment 1 Other (please specify): Travel Project roles and responsibilities: Signed letter confirming partnership and contribution amount (cash or in-kind) included: Contribution amounts indicated above (cash or in-kind) must be identical to the amount identified budget. // in the letter and in the PARTNER 4 CLICK TO REMOVE PARTNER 4 Partner name: Station Gallery City: Whitby Province/Territory: Ontario ❑ New partner (no previous partnership with the Lead Applicant) ❑ Existing partner (has partnered with the Lead Applicant in the past) ❑ Public sector Private sector ❑ For profit I Not-for-profit ❑ Cash contribution: $ // In-kind contribution: $ 6,400.00 Please specify: // Marketing/Promotion 1 Professional time ❑ Facilities/Equipment ❑ Other (please specify): Project roles and responsibilities: 1Station Gallery will participate by providing, enhancing and selling a signature cultural experience as part of this project. Signed letter confirming partnership and contribution amount (cash or in-kind) included: Contribution amounts indicated above (cash or in-kind) must be identical to the amount identified budget. // in the letter and in the PARTNER 5 CLICK TO REMOVE PARTNER 5 Partner name: 3x60 Theatre Company City: Port Perry Province/Territory: Ontario / New partner (no previous partnership with the Lead Applicant) (has partnered with the Lead Applicant in the past) ❑ Existing partner ❑ Public sector Private sector ❑ For profit / Not-for-profit Page 21 of 23 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien FOR OFFICE USE ONLY __ Protected B when completed =, ❑ Cash contribution: $ // In-kind contribution: $ 6,400.00 Please specify: I Marketing/Promotion I Professional time ❑ Facilities/Equipment ❑ Other (please specify): Project roles and responsibilities: ;3x60 Theatre Company will participate by providing, enhancing and selling a signature cultural experience as part of this project. Signed letter confirming partnership and contribution amount (cash or in-kind) included: Contribution amounts indicated above (cash or in-kind) must be identical to the amount identified budget. �1 in the letter and in the PARTNERE CLICK TO REMOVE PARTNER 6 Partner name: Robert McLaughlin Gallery City: ;Oshawa Province/Territory: !Ontario New partner (no previous partnership with the Lead Applicant) (has partnered with the Lead Applicant in the past) ❑ Existing partner ❑ Public sector Private sector For profit ❑ Not-for-profit ❑ Cash contribution: $ 4 In-kind contribution: $ 6,400.00 Please specify: /1 Marketing/Promotion Professional time ❑ Facilities/Equipment ❑ Other (please specify): Project roles and responsibilities: Robert McLaughlin Gallery will participate by providing, enhancing and selling a signature cultural experience as part of this project. Signed letter confirming partnership and contribution amount (cash or in-kind) included: Contribution amounts indicated above (cash or in-kind) must be identical to the amount identified budget. �1 in the letter and in the CLICK TO ADD PARTNER E - Budget Complete the mandatory Budget Form provided. Please note that the Budget Form is comprised of 7 tabs: 1 - Budget Notes, 2 - Project Revenues, 3 - Project Expenditures, 4 - Consultant Fees, 5 - Employee Salaries and Wages, 6 - Travel Costs and 7 - Budget Summary (tabs 2 to 7 are mandatory). Budgets must be detailed and balanced (i.e. total project revenues must equal total project expenditures). All in-kind items must be clearly indicated and must balance (i.e. in-kind revenues must equal in-kind expenditures). Page 22 of 23 1.41 Canadian Patrimoine Heritage canadien Annex I - Checklist Strategic Initiatives Component Canada Cultural Investment Fund FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Protected B when completed ANNEX I - Checklist All applications must include the following documentation: Attached Accepted 1 Application Form completed and signed (Sections 1 and 2). 2. Budget Form (Tabs 2 to 7). 3. A list of the applicant's full-time employees, including position titles. 4. A list of the members of the Board of Directors for the lead applicant. 5. 6. The resolution of the Board of Directors or equivalent governing body, signed by the Chair: a) endorsing the application; and b) designating the person with signing authority. A copy of the applicant's letters patent and/or certificate of incorporation as a not-for- profit organization or equivalent document. 11 7. A copy of the applicants bylaws. 8. The CVs of the project manager and key project resources (i.e. employees and consultants), and if applicable, consultants' proposals. 9. The applicant's most recent strategic plan. 10. 11. 12. 13. Signed financial statements for the last two (2) complete cycles (and management letter, if available). A signed letter from each partner confirming the nature of their contribution (amount in cash or in-kind) and extent of their involvement in the project. A support letter from arts or heritage organizations which will benefit from this project that are not partners, if available. If applicable, a signed declaration that any federal public servant or former federal public servant is in compliance with the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector and the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Post -Employment and that any federal public holder or former federal public holder is in compliance with the Conflict of Interest Act. Page 23 of 23 ATTACHMENT #- a, TO REPORT #._C$ TAB 2- PROJECT REVENUES STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMPONENT Pickering Museum Village / Cultural Tourism Initiative Prepared on: 2019-05-10 1 April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 1 April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 TOTAL PROJECT REVENUES Sources of revenue Total Contribution Funding confirmed (Yes or No) Expected date of funding confirmation (month) %Total Contribution Funding confirmed (Yes or No) Expected date of funding confirmation (month) % CASH REVENUE Applicant Funding $ 20,000 11% $ 20,000 11% Pickering Museum Village, City of Pickering $ 20,000 Yes 27 -May -19 ....:•:• $ 20,000 Yes May 27,2019 :.... .• Federal $ 85,000 47% $ 85,000 47% Strategic Initiatives - Canadian Heritage (PCH) Funding $ 85,000 No 1 -Apr -20 47% $ 85,000 No 1 -Apr -20 47% Other PCH Funding $ $... . Other Federal Government or Agency Funding $ ::•;A $ Other Level of Government Funding $ 7,500 4% $ 7,500 4% Provincial/Territorial Government or Agency $ - : $ - Municipal Government or Agency $ 7,500 : $ 7,600 .• Durham Tourism, Region of Durham $ 7,500 Yes 1 -May -19 • : $ 7,500 Yes 1 -May -19 Other Type of Funding $ 7,600 4% $ 7,500 4% Not-for-profit sector $ 7,500 : $ 7,600•••:•: Central Counties Tourism $ 7,500 yes 1 -May -19 : $ 7,500 Yes 1 -Apr -20 University $ $ - • .. . Private Sector Funding $ - - $ -1 - :: Earned Revenue $ - - $ - - TOTAL CASH $ 120,000 I 66% $ 120,000 I ll 1 66% IN-KIND REVENUE Applicant (In-kind contribution) $ 26,000...-: $ .Z6,000..........:•:..• Municipal organization $ 13,600 ..-: $ 13,500 ... . Durham Tourism, Region of Durham $ 13,500 yes 1 -May -19 : $ 13,500 yes 1 -May -19::::::: Applicant members organizations $ - ..... $ - Not-for-profit sector $ 9,600 _ - _ . _ : $ 9,600 3x60 Theatre Company $ 3,200 yes 1 -May -19 : $ 3,200 yes 1 -May -19 Station Gallery $ 3,200 yes 1 -May -19 .....: $ 3,200 yes 1 -May -19 Robert McLaughlin Gallery $ 3,200 yes 1 -May 19 : $ 3,200 yes 1 -May -19 Private Sector $ - ....... •$ - Other (specify) $ 12,500 :; $ 12,500 :::: Central Counties Tourism (Not-for-profit) $ 12,500�::::: $ 12500 _ •, TOTAL IN-KIND $ 61,600 [ 1 1 11 JL 34% TOTAL REVENUES $ 181,600 11 I r , II 100% TAB 3 - PROJECT EXPENSES STRATEGIC INITIATIVES COMPONENT Pickering Museum Village / Cultural Tourism Initiative Prepared on: 2019-05-10 1 April 1, 2020 to March 31,'2021 April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 TAL PROJECT EXPENSE Total Project Costs Amount requested under Strategic Initiatives Amount requested under Stragegic Initiatives CASH EXPENSES Consultant Professional Fees Consultants (as per Tab 4 - Consultant Fees) Other Project Expenses $ 30,000 Salaries, fees and benefits (as per Tab 5 - Salaries and Wages) $ 30,000 25,000 25,000 17% $ 30,000 25,000 $ 30,000 $ 25,000 17% Travel (as per Tab 6 - Travel Costs) $ 2,500 1% '$ 2,500 Transportation in Canada $ 2,500 2,500 Accomodation in Canada $ Per diem (meals) Promotion and Communication $ 87,500 Advertising 44,000 60,000 32,000 48% '$ 87,500 44,000 60,000 $ 32,000 48% Publishing/printing 18,500 12,000 18,500 $ 12,000 Translation services Other (specify) Branding Development $ 25,000 16,000 25,000 16.000 Administration Expenses Rental fees Material and supplies Postage/freigh Telecommunications Other (specify) Equipment Expenses Software purchase Rental of equipment Other (specify) TOTAL CASH 120,000 85,000 66% $' 120,000 85,000 66% IN-KIND EXPENSES Professional fees (as per Tab 4 - Consultant Fees) Salaries, fees and benefits (as per Tab 5 - Salaries and Wages) 44,500 44,500 Advertising $ 12,600 $ 12,600 Site venue expenses Equipment and supplies Other (specify) Travel 4,500 $ 4,500 TOTAL IN-KIND 61,600 AL EXPENSES 000= 34% $ 61,600 1;600.' 000 34% 0%