HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 41-02 24 ,,- .f REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 41-02 Date: October 17, 2002 From: Richard W. Holborn, P.Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: - Liverpool Road South Area Great Lakes Nautical Village Phase One Millennium Square to Wharf Street - File: MPE1000 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 41-02 be received and that: 2. The Phase One (Millennium Square to Wharf Street) of the Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review being streetscape and road reconstruction as approved by Council under Report OES 004-02 be approved in the amount of $199,878 to be undertaken by Glenbrook Homes in conjunction with their development; 3. The financing be in the form of an internal loan as approved by Council in the 2000 Capital Budget and under Resolution #110/02 in conjunction with Report CS 18-02 and the additional expenditure in the amount of $18,495 be financed from current funds; and, 4. Staff of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: Although the expenditures and financing for the project has been previously approved by Council it was felt that approval should also be sought to have the developer undertake it in conjunction with his part of the work at this location. Also, Council approval is required for the additional expenditure and related funding. Financial Implications: The Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer has reviewed the previous budgets and reports as approved by Council and has provided the Recommendations in this report. The additional funding requirement of $18,495 can be accommodated from current funds. Background: The Operations & Emergency Services Department submitted Report to Council OES 004-02 dated February 18, 2002 recommending for approval to reallocate funds in the amount of $206,383 that were initially approved in the 2000 Capital Budget for Storm Sewer Improvements and Road Widening - Liverpool Road from Old Orchard Road Report OES 41-02 Date: October 17, 2002 25 Subject: - Liverpool Road South Area Great Lakes Nautical Village Phase One Millennium Square to Wharf Street Page 3 to Commerce Street. These funds were reallocated to Phase One (Millennium Square to Wharf Street) of the Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review. In addition $25,000 from this funding was approved to hire a consultant to prepare design details of the landscape and streetscape components for the Great Lakes Nautical Village Theme leaving $181,383 for construction. This Report was approved at the April 2, 2002 Council Meeting by Resolution #61/02 Item #4. Glenbrook Homes submitted a development submission for the east side of Liverpool Road, Subdivision Plan #SP-2001-03 that is located in Phase One of the Great Lakes Nautical Village. The plan of subdivision has received Council approval. In order to proceed with this development a new oversized sanitary sewer is being installed in the centre of the existing roadway. The new sewer would service the Glenbrook Homes site and any future developments in this area. City staff have determined that this would be an opportunity for the City to implement the Great Lakes Nautical Village Theme for Phase One. The City has an opportunity to cost share the project with the same contractor the developer and Region of Durham is using. The developer's consultant and City staff have coordinated engineering drawings to determine centerline of road elevations and offsets to reach a common design. The Developer's consultant has determined estimated cost sharing calculations for restoration vs. reconstruction, for road construction, which our portion would be $199,878. This amount exceeds our current funding approved of $181,383 ($206,383 - $25,000) by $18,495. By proceeding with this project now, the road would only be disturbed once by the underground works and road reconstruction component. This would result in less disruption and inconvenience for the local businesses and future developments, as well as access for tourists to the Millennium Square Waterfront and Beachfront Park. The boulevard and streetscape works for Phase One would be budgeted for in 2003 and undertaken at that time. Attachments: 1. 2. Report to Council OES 004-02 Council Resolution #61/02 of April 2, 2002 Meeting 26 Report OES 41-02 Date: October 17, 2002 Page 3 - Liverpool Road South Area Great Lakes Nautical Village Phase One Millennium Square to Wharf Street Subject: Prepared By: C r T JQ:ds Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the co.n.S....id. ~~ of Pickering CitYC~Un ... ." /~,. ~ / -- T mas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Everett sma,' ctor Operations & Emergency Services ~--> ~ .- Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ~ 27 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: DATE February 18, 2002 Richard W. Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: OES 004-02 SUBjECT: Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review City of Pickering . RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report OES 004-02 be received for iDformation 2. That the remaining capital' proj ect balance of$206,383 approved in 2000 for Storm Sewer Improvemènts and Road Widening - Liverpool Road from Old Orchard Road to Commerce Street - Account No. 2320-6181, be reallocated to Phase One (Millennium Square to Wharf Street) of the Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review and 3. That $25,000 from this funding be approved to hire.a consultant to prepare design details of the landscape and streetscape components' for the Great Lakes NautÌcal Village . Theme. 4. That staff of the City ofPickeririg be authorized to give effect hereto. ORIGJN: Year 2000 Capital Budget - Account Number 2320-6181 Project Code RC-OOOI . , Council Resolution #10/02 at the January 21, 2002 meeting to the Planning & Development Report PD 42-01 Liverpool.Road South Detail Rev,iew AUTHORITY: Year 2000 Capital Budget - Account Number 2320-6181 Project Code RC-OOOI . ' FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Balance of funding - 2000 Capital Budget - 2320-6181 Liverpool Road- Project Code - RCOOO 1. . $206,383.00 Funding requested for Consultant - Great Lakes Nautical Theme. 25.000.00 Funding available for Phase One..,. Liverpool Road Millenium Square to Whiuf Street to be constructed in a. future year. $181,383.00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: NIA Report to Council OES 004-02 , Date: February 18,2002 28 Subject: Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review City of Pickering Page 2 BACKGROUND: In the 2000 Capital Budget, $220,000 was approved in account 2320-6181 for stonn sewer improvements and road reconstruction including widening, new granular base, conCrete curbs and asphaÌt pavement for Liverpool Road fÌ'om Old Orchard Avenue to Commerce Street The project was, deferred to the following year due to the amount of construction activity that was , anticipated in the area. The Millennîum Squarè project at the bottom of Liverpool Road had just started construction in May, 2000 and was expected to run well into the Fall. The Region of Durham was undertaking maintenance work to the existing wateimain over the course of the Summer in the ;Liverpool Road area. It was also proposed that: the construction of the Front Street Park be considered that year, however, it was later deferred to another year. In the Spring of2000 the City of Pickering's Planning & Development Department initiated the "Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review". J'hisstudy encompassed Liverpool Road fÌ'om Bayly Street southerly to the Millennium Square Project. The purpose of the study, given the strategic role ofthe Liverpool Road South Area in realizing the comprehensive waterfront vision, was to complete a' detail review prior to any major dèvelopment occurring that could potentially impact upon the future use, function and golds .of the Liverpool Road South Area. The Planning & Development Department has submitted Report to Council PD 42-01 and an Addendum to Report NumberPD 42-01 providing infonnation iegardingthe Liverpool Road South Detailed Review Implementation at the January 21, 2002 Council meeting. Resolution #10/02 was passed adopting recoinmendations contained in addendum to Report PD 42-01. ' Upon review of the Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review Part 1 & 2, it is being recommended by staff that the underground works and road reconstruction component of the ' project proceed in four phases starting at the south end. Phase One would be fÌ'om the Millennium Square to Whro:f Street. Phase Two would be fÌ'om Wharf Street to Commerce Street.' Phase Three would be fÌ'omCommerce Street to Haller Avenue. Phase Four would be fÌ'om Haller Avenue to Bayly Street. ' ' In order to accommodate the proposed phasing, and utilize funds that have been approved for this area, staff recommends that the remaining funds ($206,383.00) be reallocated to 'the Phase One area identified in the Liverpool Road South Area petail Review. Staff also recommend that $25,000 fÌ'om the realloêated funds, be used to retain a consultant with engineering expertise to work out the design details of the landscape aÌ1d ,streetscape for the implementation of the Great Lakes Nautical Village Theme. Once the design details have been worked out for this component of the project, then a more comprèhe11sive Engineering Estimate can be completed for the entire project including the phasing. A balance of$181,383 will be used, ill a future year, to fund construction related to Phase One (Millenium Square to Wharf Street). " , ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution # 1 0/02 of January 21, 200~ meeting Report to Council OES 004-02 Date: February 18, 2002 Subject: Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review' . City of Pickering Page 3 29 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: c;)~~~ DÍnTell Selsky '. Supervisor, Municipal Works . ' . Everett Buntsma, D tor Operations & Emergency Services :\COUNCILIOES 004-O2.docFeb-O2 Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer . Director, Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer ,APR 8 2002 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DIVISION'r":-::.-".v""""""""~""",,^,,, " L,~::t:(~~;!.;j?'i~f',;c~:':;:(e_;.'";i~~;!~:;:,; """""""".'" '-"""'-., ,. APf? -,(), -.f.: ?, _'f1orJ, , P Tic;- i, ' ':J Ellul ;:---""...." ".."" ,..L.., .;jS:~~,,>:,," , e,t.. ~ ~lL:z.rA ~ . 5 õ.:'^ \ .u "0 ~ fI", E,:""; <= p, e ¡;:: D" ~\fli:,'j . CITY OF PiCKERING MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: -,....""...,... " Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergen~,:,',I*,~,;,s,'"~,~,.,,:,.~,L,.~,~,1,~:,;",',~,~,..r,.,' ',"".,',:,""':""""""" "'" ,".'..,.."f""Ë;v~".".,,¡l Gil Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Trea~~';.L:,,_;- j ,,¡"'fH"ff~ ::::::~ ~::cu Mooring of Apru 2, 2002 ~~~~~~ April 4, 2002 TO: FROM: Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #61/02, Item #4, at the Council Meeting of April 2, 2002, as follows: " 1. That Report OES 004-02, concerning Liverpool Road South Area, Detail Review, be received for information; and 2. a) That the remaining capital project balance of $206,383 approved in 2000 for Storm Sewer Improvements and Road Widening - Liverpool Road ftom Old Orchard Road to Commerce Street - Account #2320-6181, be reallocated to Phase One (Millennium Square to Wharf Street) of the Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review; and b) That the remaining capital project balance of $2,500 approved in 2000 for Sidewalks - Liverpool Road ftom Orchard Road to Commerce Street - Account #2323-6108, be reallocated to Phase One (Millennium Square to Wharf Street) of the Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review; and 3. That $25,000 ftom this funding be approved to hire a consultant to prepare design details of the landscape and st~eetscape components for the Great Lakes Nautical Village Theme; and 4. That staff of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect hereto. ~"~ , B. Taylor BT:dk Copy: T"J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer