HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 09-19�'�� �� Report to ���'~ 11 C nr Planning & Development Committee 1.,1�C��1V� Report Number: PLN 09-19 � Date: May 6, 2019 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Update to the Municipal Heritage Register File: A-3300-060 Recommendation: That the City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register, dated May 2019, as set out in Appendix I to report PLN 09-19, be approved; and 2. That the City Development Department be directed to update the City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register every two years. Executive Summary: Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act indicates that a municipality shall keep a register of properties situated in the municipality that are of cultural heritage value or interest. The Municipal Heritage Register is the official list of cultural heritage properties identified as being important to the City, and includes designated and non-designated buildings. The City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register was last updated in 2008. Since that time, there have been demolitions to one or more buildings on Federal and Provincial lands. An updated Municipal Heritage Register is an important source of information for City staff, the public, consultants, landowners, and agencies. It also helps the City keep track of heritage resources that have been identified as being important to the City. The purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval of the updated City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register, dated May 2019, as set out in Appendix I to this report, and to ensure that the Register is updated at a minimum of every two years. Financial Implications: The recommendations of this report do not present any financial implications. Report PLN 09-19 Subject: Update to the Municipal Heritage Register 1. Background 1.1 What is a Municipal Heritage Register? May 6, 2019 Page 2 Under the Ontario f-leritage Act ("the Act"), municipalities are responsible for identifying, evaluating and conserving heritage properties. Section 27 of the Act indicates that a municipality shall keep a register of properties situated in the municipality that are of cultural heritage value or interest. The Municipal Heritage Register ("the register") must include all properties in the municipality that are designated under Part IV (individual designation) and Part V(district designation) of the Act. The register may also include properties that have not been designated, that Council believes may have cultural heritage vafue or interest. These are commonly known as "listed" properties. Council must consult with its municipal heritage committee before including a property on the register or removing the reference to such a property from the register. A register is a living document and is updated through the tools provided by the Act. If a property owner wishes to add their property to the register or to demolish a structure on their listed or designated property, a process is followed whereby Council will make a decision after consulting its municipal heritage committee, and then will direct staff to update the register to reflect the changes. The key features of a register are: • recognizes properties of cultural heritage value in the community • promotes knowledge and enhances an understanding of the community's cultural heritage • provides a planning resource that should be referred to by municipal decision makers when reviewing development proposals or permit applications • provides easily accessible information for land use planners, property owners, developers, tourism industry, educators and the general public In addition to the above-noted features, the Act provides interim protection for non-designated properties that are included in the municipal register. Owners of such properties must give the Council of the municipality at least 60 days notice in writing of their intention to demolish or remove a building or structure on the property or to permit the demolition or removal of the building or structure. This allows time for the municipality to decide whether to begin the designation process. The City of Pickering has a Municipal Heritage Register that was last updated in 2008. It is organized by designated properties (under Part IV of the Act), properties designated within the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District (under Part V of the Act), non-designated properties ("Listed"), non-designated properties on Federal Lands and non-designated properties on Provincial Lands. Report PLN 09-19 Subject: Update to the Municipal Heritage Register 1.2 City of Pickering Official Plan Policies May 6, 2019 Page 3 The City of Pickering Official Plan sets out goals and objectives related to cultural heritage resources. A key objective of Council is to identify important heritage resources from all time periods, so that they can be appropriately conserved and integrated into the community fabric. The Plan states that City Council, in association with its Municipal Heritage Committee, shall maintain an inventory of heritage resources designated or worthy of designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. 2. Update to the Municipal Heritage Register An update to the heritage register is required due to the demolition of structures on Federal and Provincial properties, and to include designations and additions of listed properties approved by Council since the last update. Staff identified that structures on properties owned by the Federal and Provincial Governments were demolished since the 2008 update to the register. Under the Act, the Federal and Provincial Governments are not required to provide notice to a municipality prior to demolition of a listed property. Though demolition permits are also not required, staff have verified that permits were obtained for all of the demolished structures. Further, Council has designated four properties in the Seaton area, one property on Park Crescent, and has added two non-designated properties to the Register since the last update. Therefore those changes have also been incorporated into the updated register. The updated City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register (see Appendix I) includes the following changes • removal of 32 properties due to demolition by the Federal Government (noted with a demolition permit number) • removal of 1 property due to demolition by the Provincial Government (noted with a demolition permit number) • addition of 4 individually designated properties in the Seaton Area, approved by Council • addition of 560 Park Crescent as an individually designated property, approved by Council • addition of 2 listed, non-designated properties: 1027-1031 Dunbarton Road and 4993 Brock Road, approved by Council • addition of a note to the property at 1860 Seventh Concession Road, that it is a National Historic Site and is protected by a heritage conservation easement agreernent with the Ontario Heritage Trust It is important to keep an updated heritage register. It is a source of information for City staff, the public, landowners, consultants and agencies such as conservation authorities. It is also important to keep an up-to-date document that is readily accessible by any member of the public. Report PLN 09-19 Subject: Update to the Municipal Heritage Register K3 4 Heritage Pickering recommends approval of the updated Register May 6, 2019 Page 4 On March 27, 2019, City Development staff provided Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee with a brief overview of the importance of keeping a register up-to-date and the changes to the register. Heritage Pickering approved following motions: 1. Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee recommends that Council approve the City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register, dated May; 2019; and 2. That the Municipal Heritage Register be updated every two years. Staff recommend that the updated Municipal Heritage Register be approved In keeping with the recommendations of Heritage Pickering, staff recommend that Council approve the updated City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register, dated May 2019, as set out in Appendix I to this report, and establish a regular update of the register of at least every two years. Appendix Appendix I City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register, dated May 2019 Prepared By: �'\��- Gc����� r � � Elizabeth Martelluzzi Plan�er I , eritage � � I Nilesh rti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design EM:NS:Id Approved/Endorsed By: , 2/�� l�� Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner � /��� Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council � �g r �� / Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix No. I to Report No. PLN 09-19 City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register dated May 2019 Munici al Herita e Re ister p g g Official list of properties of cultural heritage val ue or i nterest of the City of Pickeri ng May 2019 I��ik:cik,:�d�i!i�;���;>� �,� City of Pickering 2019 Municipal Heritage Register Properties Designated Under Part IV and Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act Properties Designated Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act Property Name By-law Heritage Value Municipal Address Date Passed Altona Mennonite 2123/85 Present brick building was constructed in 1852. Church & Cemetery December 16, 1985 Bricks for the church were hauled from the 5475 Sideline 30 3461/90 Cherrywood brickyard. Church remains today as Hamlet of Altona May 7, 1990 a reminder of the hard work and influence of the Mennonite congregation in the development of the community. In 1990, the interior of the building and cemetery were further designated as being of heritage significance. Phillips Residence 2238/86 The house was built circa 1850 and is a storey 2595 6t" Concession June 2, 1986 and a half with dormers constructed of stone and Hamlet of Greenwood timber which appear to be sourced locally. Use of hand forged nails are prominent throughout the house. Thistle Ha' 2140/86 House is circa 1860 and construction commenced 1860 Seventh February 3, 1986 in 1855 to replace a log house originally on the Concession Road property. East Wing was completed in 1875 and contained a large ballroom, brick oven and a masonry ash pit. In addition to architectural interest, property is of historical significance of the Miller family and introduction of shorthorn cattle. The property has been designated as a National Historic Site since 1973 and protected by a heritage conservation easement agreement with the Ontario Heritage Trust since 1977. Post Manor 2570/87 Stone farmhouse commonly known as Post 1970 Brock Road September 21, 1987 Manor was built in 1841. The home� is a stone foundation and cut fieldstone exterior, shake and metal roofs and verandah with gingerbread trim. Unique hardware, mortar brackets, shutters and windows compliment this century building. Thompson Residence 3633/91 Constructed between 1845-1855 in a very unusual 4810 Brock Road January 21, 1991 method. It is of vertical plan construction with no (Old Brock Road) framework or support posts. Clapboard siding was applied to the front half of the house. The back addition is circa 1870 and signifies a more prosperous era. One original window and The Walkey House 3634/91 The house is dated 1869 and is one of the few 2390 Rosebank Road January 21, 1991 remaining residences in the Hamlet of Cherrywood Hamlet of Cherrywood from earlier times. House is painted board and batten, 1-1/2 storey, `L' plan structure on a rubble foundation. Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 2 of 14 Properties Designated Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act Property Name By-law Heritage Value Municipal Address Date Passed Palmer-Voss House 5573/99 Stone house was built in two stages, the first part 2319 Wildwood November 1, 1999 during the 1850's and the second part approx. Crescent 1870. The house is a vernacular structure of the Gothic Revival architectural style with a centre (previously 2101 gable, pointed arch window and decorative gable Valley Farm Road) finials, pendants and curvilinear vergeboard. Cleve Horne House 5763/00 House was constructed in 1958 and was the first 1940 8t" Concession October 16; 2000 house in Canada to be built of thin-shell, Road reinforce'd concrete and to dispense with bearing wall supports. Dillingham-Lamorie 5763/00 The house is built circa 1850, possibly in the House October 16, 2000 1840's, and is an important example of an early to 1636 Arathorn Court mid nineteenth century rural residential building. Woodruff-Mackenzie 5966/02 House has been designated for being of House March 18, 2002 architectural and historical value. 2935 Brock Road Willson House 6691/06 One of the earliest surviving farmhouses in 1505 Whitevale Road July 24, 2006 Pickering. The building dates to 1861 and is a classic example of an Ontario vernacular farmhouse. The exterior is Georgian in form, while the interior is representative of the mid 19tn century, with a Greek revival sensibility. Glen House 6692/06 The house, barn and property are designated as 1690 Whitevale Road �uly 24, 2006 a heritage site for the historical value related to the significance of the political activities that took place at the house. The house is circa 1840 and still contains the basement and its old enormous apple and vegetable bins. The house is a 1 1/2 storey house with a large rear addition with gables perpendicular to the original and a further shed roofed addition to the rear. Greenwood 6984/09 Built in 1860, the Greenwood Schoolhouse is one Schoolhouse September 21, 2009 of the best preserved of the old one-room 3540 Westney Road schoolhouses in Pickering. Its classical proportions and fine workmanship combined with local variations and local materials. Historically, the schoolhouse has been associated with a number of persons of note, especially "the Chief", John George Diefenbaker, the 13t" Prime Minister of Canada. Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 3 of 14 Properties Designated Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act Property Name By-law Heritage Value Municipal Address Date Passed The Nesbit-Newman 7290/13 The Newman House a 1'/2 storey, three-bay House July 8, 2013 fieldstone farmhouse built in the mid-1850s in 560 Park Crescent a modified Georgian style. The property is recognized for its design, historical, and contextual value. Walter Percy House 7346/14 The property is located in the Seaton Brock- 2865 Sideline 16 April 22, 2014 Taunton Neighbourhood. It was first owned by D. McBrady in 1877, and later by the Percy family, including Walter Percy. The 1'/2 storey farmhouse on the property was built betwee.n 1875 and 1885 and the patterning of its masonry is unique in its execution. William Major House 7594/17 The property displays design and physical 940 Whitevale Road December 11, 2017 value, historical associative value, and contextual value. The William Major House is a stone Georgian style dwelling with Gothic Revival features, reflecting the transition between the two styles in the mid-19t" century. It is associated with the early settlement of the area and is important in maintaining and supporting the rural 19t" century landscape along the Whitevale Road corridor. Henry Major House 7649/18 The property displays design and physical 615 Whitevale Road September 17, 2018 value, historical associative value, and contextual value. The Henry Major House is a rare and representative style of the Georgian Classical Style. The house was constructed for Henry Major in the 1830s and is a 1'/2 storey timber-frame house is rare in the area. It is associated with the early settlement of the area and is important in maintaining and supporting the rural 19t" century landscape along the Whitevale Road corridor. William Brignal 7650/18 The property displays design and physical House September 17, 2018 value, historical associative value, and 1200 Whitevale contextual value. The William Brignal House is Road an example of an Ontario cottage dwelling type. It is a 1'/2 storey, T-shaped brick house with a one-storey kitchen tail at the rear. It is associated with the early settlement of the area and is important in maintaining and supporting the rural 19t" century landscape along the Whitevale Road corridor. Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 4 of 14 Under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act Property Name By-law Heritage Value Municipal Address Date Passed Hamlet of Whitevale 4074/92 The Whitevale Heritage Conservation District was District as outlined in June 7, 1993 established to ensure the preservation and Schedule 1 to tfie enhancement of the special character of by-law Whitevale. It is dominated by its rural setting and modest vernacular buildings, the hamlet has not changed significantly in character since the late 19t" century. The building style in Whitevale is a mixture of typical rural Ontario vernacular architecture combined with Victorian influences and materials in common usage at the time of construction. The overall nineteenth century village character has been retained. Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Date added 1027-1031 Built c.1886. Victorian style brick building September 19, 2016 Dunbarton Road made up of a house (east) and storefront (west). 4993 Brock Road Built c. 1850. 1'/2 storey detached May 14, 2018 dwelling fronting Brock Road constructed circa 1850 and a 2 storey coach house located in the rear yard. Conservation Easement Agreements under Part IV, Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act Property Name By-law Heritage Value Municipal Address Date Passed Brougham Union Easement Agreement Ontario Heritage Foundation determined that the Masonic Lodge October 5, 1981 Brougham Masonic Lodge, located on the 4953 Brock Road property is of regional architectural significance. Claremont Mu�icipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 5 of 14 Cultural Heritage Value — Federal Lands City of Pickering 2019 Municipal Heritage Register Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest — Federal Lands Approved by Council February 21, 2005 (Res#29/05) Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes R� �ci+ � an� � a.� n Demolished �v pri�mnro 18-10051.6 r 3730 Brock Road Built 1860-1900 Ex-Vanderligt 1'/2 storey brick house, vernacular B�i�-1-S�4 Demolished � 12-101927 Cvor (3roon \/ill� > > ���' r� e 1705 Concession 7 Built 1840 Road 1 storey, frame house Tullis Cottage (Barclay Home) � . Demolished /Alnrmor�°c�� Girio o�+� � 11-100813 � �8 1585 Concession 7 Barn Road 1480 Highway 7 Built 1860-1900 1 '/2 storey brick (under vinyl) centre gable 1503 Concession 7 Built 1858 Road 1 storey brick house, association with Bill Lishman 1360 Highway 7 Built 1860-1900 1 �/2 storey — 2 storey red brick house Notable barn 3720 Sideline 22 Built 1860-1900 1 �/2 storey frame house Vernacular 3870 Sideline 22 Built 1860-1900 1'/2 storey dichromatic brick house Vernacular Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 6 of 14 Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes 1150 Highway 7 Built 1860-1900 1'/2 storey, white frame house with vertical boards Notable barn 1185 Concession 7 Built 1901-1940 Road 1 �/2 storey brick, gambrel roof �g��.��� Demolished ����-o��Ga�� hnmo hir� r,,,, 18-100517 3750 Sideline 26 Built 1860-1900 1'/2 storey frame, notable outbuildings 865 Concession 7 Built 1860-1900 Road 1'/2 storey frame, notable outbuildings 3815 Sideline 28 Built 1860-1900 1 % storey frame, brick 680 Highway 7 Built 1901-1940 2 �/2 storey, red brick house, gable front 3735 Sideline 32 Notable barns 3840-3885 Sideline Built pre-1860 32 2 storey frame house 3915 Markham- Built 1860-1900 Pickering Townline 1�/2 storey frame house, central gable, metal cladding 4235 Brock Road Built 1901-1940 2 storey brick house, vernacular, four square Demolished � �� �+„ro" o�nno hr�� i�o 12-102031 \/orn�+n�il�+r nl�+��inr+l ro�ii�i�l vcr� .,��...��� .,��...,.,�..�..� �.,.�..... 4040 Brock Road Built 1860-1900 1 �/ storey wood frame house Vernacular 4185 Sideline 20 Built 1860-1900 1'/z storey wood frame house Vernacular 4280 Brock Road Built 1860-1900 1 �/2 storey stone house Vernacular, classical revival 1540 Seventh Built 1860-1900 Concession Road 1 �/2 storey brick, centre gable Notable barn Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 7 of 14 Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes 1370 Seventh Built 1901-1940 Concession Road 2— 2 �/2 storey frame (insulbrick) 4475 & 4481 Sideline Built 1860-1900 Address edit 22 1% storey frame, much altered 1240 Seventh Built 1858 Concession Road 1 �/2 storey, dichromatic brick �le-�a-�r� Demolished �ea� 05-000086 1180 Seventh Built 1890 Concession Road 1'/2 storey, dichromatic brick 850 Seventh Built 1860-1900 Concession Road 1 �/ - 2 storey brick house � Notable barn 4250 Sideline 28 Built 1860-1901 '/2 storey frame house 4z,'z5 _ ^`'� �'^^^�cc�^n House demolished g_��� � �� o�nro�i fr�mo hn�ico 11-100030 ���� Barn demolished 07-1612 555 Eighth Built 1865 Concession Road 1 storey brock house 440 Seventh Built 1860-1900 Concession Road 1 �/ storey frame house @���9 Destroyed by Fire �� 'I �/_ c�nrov rJinhrnmo}in hrinl� March 2011 � *-v��c'-vY�-F �� r� tittGt-�Fi � G V-t-t- 305 Eighth Built 1860-1900 Concession Road 1'/2 storey frame house (vinyl) 4445 Sideline 34 Built 1875 2 storey frame home with metal cladding Notable barn �.�n r.,��o���..� � Demolished �� � �� �+„ro., fr�mo hn�ico 11-100034 Doronni�I (_'�riJoric 165 Concession 8 Built 1860-1900 Road 1 �/2 storey frame house 4440 Sideline 34 Built 1860-1900 1 �/z storey frame house, centre gable Notable outbuildings Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 8 of 14 Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes 4375 Markham- 1'/z storey house, wattle and daub Pickering Townline 4585 Sideline 20 Built 1860-1900 1 �/2 storey brick house Vernacular, gothic revival � 4560 Sideline 22 Built 1860-1900 1 �/ — 2 storey dichromatic brick 4535 Sideline 24 Built 1860-1900 1 '/2 storey frame house Georgian, much altered 1095 Ninth Built 1850 Concession Road 1�/2 storey frame house Notable outbuildings 975 Ninth Concession Built 1860-1900 Road 1 �/2 storey brick house Greek revival; summer kitchen 840 Eighth Built 1860-1900 Concession Road 1'/2 storey frame house, fan window Stouffville Christian Fellowship School 835 Ninth Concession Built 1860-1900 Road 1 �/2 storey frame house, much altered 575 Ninth Concession Built 1860-1900 Road 1 �/2 storey frame house, centre gable Porch with bellcast roof 4690 Sideline 30 Built 1850-1880 1 �/ storey frame house, board and batten 4675 Sideline 32 Built 1850 2— 2'/2 storey house, dichromatic brick Flemish bond 355 Ninth Concession Built 1860-1900 Road 1�/2 storey frame house Notable barn 305 Eighth Built 1860-1900 � Concession Road 1 �/Z storey frame house 5165 Sideline 22 Built 1860-1900 1 �/2 storey frame house Vernacular (house is empty) barn Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 9 of 14 Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes 5070 Sideline 22 Built 1901-1940 Transport Canada 2 storey brick house Site Office 5170 Sideline 22 Built 1860-1900 1 �/Z storey frame house with stucco cladding Vernacular 1175 Uxbridge- Built 1860-1900 Pickering Townline 1 �/2 storey frame house, centre gable Notable barn �5� ��Qeli��� Demolished 1 �i �+„ro" �+,,,,o h„���o 11-100028 & 12-101397 5260 Sideline 24 Built 1860-1900 1 �/2 - 2 storey frame house Notable outbuildings �-��c�,r;�- Demolished �"',-�;��ew�l+�e 1 �i c�nra�i fr�mo hn� ico 11-100036 5395 Sideline 26 Built 1901-1940 2 storey house, painted brick, hip roof 5240 Sideline 26 Built 1860-1900 Misty Meadows 1 �/Z storey frame house, additions Notable barn �`Lz-4-o-o;Qeli��o Demolished �� ����-o" fr�mo hn� �co �n�� ��hrc,.0 r,o„rn��n 12-101876 , , ��I� 5305 Sideline 28 Built 1857 1 '/z storey stone house 625, �5-; 645 _ Built 1860-1900 635 Demolished Uxbridge-Pickering 1 �/2 storey frame house, stucco 11-100031 Townline �5, 685, � Built 1860-1900 675, 695 Demolished Uxbridge-Pickering 1 �/ storey frame house, metal 12-100142 Townline 12-100138 ��5-�U�i�e- -�-�+��-5 Demolished Pinl�orinrr -r,,,�,n���o 12-100144 11Aiccinn�r�i ('hi �rnh Demolished � �� �+„ro" hri� h,,,,�o ,,;r„����r r�nrnh 12-100139 Demolished .���-o��roma hn��oo h„�r,� �nrJ h���on 11-100035 Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 10 of 14 Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes Demolished � �� o+nrov hri�T,Q���, "�,�rr��IIof 06-005361 5415 Sideline 30 Built before 1877 (North Road) 2 storey brick stucco house 5250 Sideline 30 Built 1860-1900 (North Road) 1 �/2 storey frame house R� ����;T Demolished �c� #�� �,-i-�,T'���nro� h�r'�n,L 12-102034 �.�. �� �,...�. 385 Uxbridge- Built 1872 Pickering Townline 1 2/2 storey brick house, original fence 5070 Sideline 32 Built 1860-1900 � 1 �/2 storey frame house, metal 5095 Markham- Built 1945 Pickering Townline (original house burned down in 1944) 1 �/ storey brick Demolished ' 03-000172 ������� Demolished '� c�nro�i hrinL hn� ico 12-.100203 1709 Highway 7 Built 1870 Brick, commercial house � ��-�--�;�,"„n�a� Demolished 16-101360 3595 Mowbray Street Built 1890 The Standard Church grick (St. John's United Church 3575 Mowbray Street Built 1860-1900 1-1 �/2 storey frame house, centre cable Demolished g� � v c�nrov hri�}� ���o nrirvir») fonno 12-100145 , 3545 Mowbray Street Built 1854 Brougham Community Ex-Township of Pickering Hall 3535 Mowbray Street Built 1860 1 �/2 storey house, dichromatic brick, Georgian 3590 Mowbray Street Built 1860-1900 2 storey brick house Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 11 of 14 Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes R� ��i+ � a�n_� a.� n Demolished , ' 12-102033 Demolished � �i �+„ro" �+� �,.,,,, h„� ��0 18-100518 ��( :-:t/YI9\A/�9\/ � Demolished 12-100198 ' a-;4-��e��e�-s�, ���„��� c���^n Demolished ' g 12-100201 � �-y4--�ter��; ��������� Demolished 18-100519 � � �/��^ ri� h�„�o ,.o�+ro ry,h�o Demolished 12-101928 1613 Highway 7 Built 1859 Gallery Brougham Red Brick, SS #10 �9 & 3633 1 �/2 storey house 3629 Demolished Brougham Road 12-102191 � v o�nro�i hn� �co Demolished 12-101929 3652 Brougham Road Built 1835 1 �/z storey house, original outbuilding 'I 1/��r�mo hnii�o „cr„� ���,cnn Demolished 8r-i�i-�a�-�er-�1� 12-100205 1688 Highway 7 [no description provided] (Becker's store) 1686 Highway 7 Built 1880 Temperance Hall Architect AA Post �.���.}��� on�,�, ryro�+�„ ��+oro�, Demolished 05-00080 1622 Highway 7 Built 1880 2 storey house, dichromatic brick 1115 Eighth Built pre-1860 Concession Road Gostick Cemetery 1450 Seventh Built pre-1860 Concession Road St. John's Cemetery 3850 Sideline 20 Built pre-1860 Sharrard Cemetery Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 12 of 14 Cultural Heritage Value — Provincial Lands City of Pickering 2019 Municipal Heritage Register Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest — Seaton Lands Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes 750 Whitevale Road Built 1861 Samuel Major House Farmstead, fine stone dwelling, large stone voussoirs at the window arches of the front and ground storey 825 Whitevale Road Built 1855 The Grange Farmstead, 1 �/z storey frame house Built on granite fieldstone foundation with shiplap siding 1050 Whitevale Road Built 1861 Clergy Reserve Farmstead, 1 �/2 storey house, three bay � centre gable structure 1125 Whitevale Road Built 1845 King's College/Splatt Farmstead, 2'/z storey red brick farmhouse House Queen Anne style 1130 Whitevale Road Built 1835-1840 Nathaniel Hastings Farmstead, 1 �/2 storey stone house with one House storey stone kitchen tail with verandah, frame summer kitchen, frame woodshed and English barn 1255 Whitevale Road Built 1854-1859 Now owned by Farmstead, 1%2 storey stone house, hipped L.ebovic Enterprises roof design, two barns in close proximity, example of a cottage ornee dwelling 1390 Whitevale Road Built 1851-1861 Asher Willson/Joseph Farmstead, 1'/2 storey house, 3 bay Willson House structure, saltbox roof, gambrel roofed hay barn and carriage shed on the property 1450 Whitevale Road Built 1857-1861 Asher. Willson/Francis Farmstead, main house with kitchen tail, Linton sheds, two English barns and remains of a silo 1690 Whitevale Road Built 1840 Glen House Farmstead, 1 �/2 storey residence with gabled roof, large rear addition, heavy timber and frame, English barn 575 Highway 7 Built 1853 Vardon Family Home Farmstead, Gothic Revival cottage Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 13 of 14 Properties Listed under Part IV, Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act Municipal Address Heritage Value Notes 815 Highway 7 Built 1853 Percy Family Home Farmstead, brick house with kitchen tail with side verandah, 2 large gambrel barns with attached silos 1015 Highway 7 Built 1851 William Major Home Farmstead, 1'/ storey house with frame kitchen tail, a gambrel roofed barn, small shed . 1335 Highway 7 Built between 1851-1861 John Pride Phillips Farmstead, gabled frame structure, board House and batten R,,;�+ �o+,�,00„ �Qa� �Q�� Demolished nn�n, �iY,-,�io„ �,,,-,�;»-�,�,��a;;�,�i � c�-o„ n., e�-��'+e-4F 11-100375 �t�t�r-e 3440 Elsa Storry Ave Built 1870 Thomas Hubbard Farmstead, "T" plan framed dwelling, front House verandah, clad in weatherboard 3215 Sideline Road Built 1864-1865 SS #8 (Whitevale) Greek Revival school building, gable end, heavily moulded pediment, buff brick 3250 Sideline 28 Pre-1850 William Turner House Farmstead, stone and frame dwelling, major addition to the west � 3185 Sideline 26 Built 1851 Pennybank farmstead Farmstead, 1'/z storey frame dwelling, brick addition to the north end 1130 Taunton Road Built between 1860-1877 Robert Smith House House including centre-gabled front section grafted on to the original structure Municipal Heritage Register, May 2019 Page 14 of 14