HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 43-02 REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMITEE Report Number: PO 43-02 Date: September 27, 2002 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-002/P (City Initiated: Northeast Quadrant Review Implementation) Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines City of Pickering Recommendations: 1. (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-002/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, be APPROVED, as outlined in Appendix I to Report Number PO 43-02, to: . redesignate the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density; . redesignate the properties along the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of the Amberlea Creek tributary, from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential; . redesignate the 'old' Dunbarton School property from Other Designations - Urban Study Areas to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; . redesignate the properties lying east of the 'old' Dunbarton School property, south of Sheppard Avenue and west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; . redesignate the interior lands located north of Kingston Road and east of Whites Road from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Conidors; and . delete policy 3.16 - Urban Study Areas: Old Dunbarton School polices; and . revise policy 11.8 - Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies with new polices addressing land use, transportation and environmental and stormwater management matters; (b) That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PO 43-02; Report to Planning Committee PO 43-02 Date: September 27, 2002 Subject: Northeast Quadrant Review Implementation (OPA 02-002/P) Page 2 2. (a) That the revised Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, as set out in Appendix II to Report Number PO 43-02, be ADOPTED as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, transportation and stormwater in the Northeast Quadrant; and (b) That the 1990 Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines in the Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan be DELETED in their entirety. Executive Summary: The recommended changes to the Pickering Official Plan implement Council's June 17,2002, endorsement of the Northeast Quadrant Review respecting land use, urban design and the piping of Amberlea Creek. The area affected includes land generally bounded by Kingston Road to the south, Whites Road to the west, Sheppard Avenue to the north and the Amberlea Creek tributary to the east (see Attachment 1 - Review Area Map). Despite Council's endorsement for an internal public road and signalized access opposite the Kingston Road I Highway 401 westbound on I off ramp, the Ministry of Transportation has rejected the signalized access. Accordingly, the proposed official plan amendment now requires the mutual exchange of easements for co-ordinated internal access. Similar revisions to the Development Guidelines are recommended for adoption. The recommended amendment provides flexibility in land use, requires high quality "mainstreet" urban design, and addresses the piping of Amberlea Creek. Financial Implications: No direct cost to the City is anticipated as a result of the proposed Official Plan policies. A separate Report to Council will be prepared respecting a stormwater management facility for Amberlea Creek. BACKGROUND: 1.0 History On June 17, 2002, City Council endorsed the recommendations of the "Northeast Quadrant Review", adopted in principle the revised "Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines" as the strategy for detailed land use, urban design, transportation and stormwater in the Quadrant, and directed staff to hold a Statutory Public Information meeting to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the results of the Review. Report to Planning Committee PD 43-02 Date: September 27, 2002 Subject: Northeast Quadrant Review Implementation (OPA 02-002/P) Page 3 Also at the meeting, Council passed a resolution directing staff to make any necessary changes to the proposed official plan amendment and development guidelines to ensure that no specific details are included respecting setbacks or other design encumbrances affecting the City-owned lands so that suitable 'transitional' design strategies may be determined at a future point and to also ensure that Council's position is clearly stated as being in support of piping the watercourse that crosses through the Northeast Quadrant Area. Copies of Addendum to Report PD 23-02 are available from the Planning & Development Department. 2.0 Comments Received 2.1 At the August 8, 2002 Statutory Public Information Meeting - three residents spoke to the application (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #2 and #3). From Residents - oppose low density change to medium density residential along Sheppard Avenue; - support policy prohibition relating to new gas stations and car washes; - require road improvements to Sheppard Avenue to accommodate proposed development; 2.2 Following the Public Meeting From landowners - request for a greater range of uses for the former Dunbarton School site including gas bar and car wash (see Attachment #4); From Agencies Ministry of Transportation - does not support access directly across from the Highway 401 ramp terminal (see Attachment #5); Durham Planning Department - conforms with Regional Official Plan; - no provincial interests; - municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services available (see Attachment #6); Report to Planning Committee PD 43-02 Date: September 27, 2002 Subject: Northeast Quadrant Review Implementation (OPA 02-002/P) Page 4 3.0 3.1 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - supports piping of Amberlea Creek within the context of a broader Stormwater Management Strategy (see Attachment #7); Canadian National Railway Properties Inc. - requests noise analysis for any proposed residential or other sensitive land use development (see Attachment #8). DISCUSSION No changes to Proposed Northeast Quadrant Land Uses Despite Request for Gas Station and Car Wash Facilities on the 'old' Dunbarton School Property The recommended land uses within the Quadrant remain the same as previously suggested during the public meeting, including the prohibition of gas stations/car washes on the 'old' Dunbarton School property or elsewhere in the Quadrant. They include: . redesignating the properties along the side south of Sheppard Avenue, east of the Amberlea Creek tributary, from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential with a maximum density restriction of 55 units per net hectare; redesignating the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Corridor to Medium Density Residential consistent with Amendment 8, which redesignated that part of the Marion Hill property adjacent to Sheppard Avenue to Medium Density Residential; redesignating the narrow band of land within the interior of the Quadrant from Medium Density Residential to Mixed Corridor, and redesignating the 'old' Dunbarton School property plus the four properties to the east, from Urban Study Areas and Medium Density Residential, respectively to Mixed Corridor. . . . The Official Plan encourages infill, residential redevelopment and intensification within the existing built up areas of the City. It is appropriate to promote more intensive development of the existing urban area, particularly through residential intensification, in underutilized areas of the City, and on lands adjacent to Kingston Road, in a manner that is compatible with the existing context and character of the area. Report to Planning Committee PD 43-02 Date: September 27, 2002 Subject: Northeast Quadrant Review Implementation (OPA 02-002/P) Page 5 3.2 Proposed Northeast Quadrant Policy Change to require Easements instead of Internal Public Road and Signalized Access The Ministry of Transportation has indicated that their standards and operational requirements for ramp terminal access cannot be met by the proposed internal east-west public road opposite of the Kingston Road / Highway 401 on / off ramp, and therefore, cannot support the proposal. In lieu of an internal public road, mutual exchange of easements would provide suitable connections between properties. As well, easements become more important in the event the Region installs a raised center median along this section of Kingston Road, which would restrict access to right turns only. The lack of an internal public road diminishes future redevelopment and long- term intensification opportunities. Nevertheless, it is recommended that easement agreements between properties be required and that the requirement for an internal public road be deleted in both the recommended amendment and the revised Guidelines. 3.3 Proposed Northeast Quadrant Policy Change to reflect Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's Support for Piping the Amberlea Creek Tributary The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has confirmed their support for piping the Amberlea Creek tributary in the context of a broader stormwater management strategy. Although the policy speaks to three options for the watercourse including enclosure, relocation or retention as an open stream corridor, a change to the proposed policy is recommended to reflect TRCA's revised position from maintaining the tributary open through the Quadrant lands to enabling piping of the tributary. Until piped, development proposals will be required to meet TRCA's normal requirement for a 10-metre buffer between development and the stream corridor. 3.4 Proposed Northeast Quadrant Policy Change to Exempt Vehicle Dealerships from the Requirement for Second Storey Functional Floorspace In recognition of Council's recent approval of the Pickering Holdings Inc. zoning application, a clause has been added to the recommended Amendment and Guidelines to exempt existing or future vehicle dealerships from the second storey functional floorspace requirement. All new buildings relating to vehicle dealerships must still achieve a minimum height of 6.5 metres. This minor exception will not detract from the City's vision of the Quadrant achieving a more intensive, mixed use environment characterized by pedestrian activity. Report to Planning Committee PD 43-02 Date: September 27, 2002 Subject: Northeast Quadrant Review Implementation (OPA 02-002/P) Page 6 4.0 Conclusion With Council's adoption of Amendment 10 and the revised Development Guidelines, a comprehensive framework for guiding private development and private investment within the Quadrant, while ensuring a sensitive 'fit' to the existing neighbourhood will be established. As well, the framework provides direction and guidance to improving the built and natural environments and promoting a more prominent pedestrian function to the Quadrant. These measures will assist in transforming this section of Kingston Road into a more vibrant "mainstreet". Appendices: By-law to adopt Amendment 1 0 to the Pickering Official Plan (Amendment included as Exhibit #1 to By-law) II Revised Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Text of Information Report 22-02 3. Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes 4. Comment from Ronald G. Richards, on behalf of North American Acquisition Corporation 5. Comment from Ministry of Transportation 6. Comment from Region of Durham Planning Department 7. Comment letter from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 8. Comment from Canadian National Railway Properties Inc. Report to Planning Committee PD 43-02 Date: September 27,2002 Subject: Northeast Quadrant Review Implementation (OPA 02-002/P) Page 7 Prepared By: Grant McGregor, MCIP, PP Principal Planner - Policy Prepared By: ~~. Catherine Rose Manager, Policy GM:pr Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council " Th Approved I Endorsed By: " APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PO 43-02 BY-LAW TO ADOPT AMENDMENT 10 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN BY-LAW NO. . RAFT THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 10 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 02-002/P) WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, C.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21 (1), the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHEREAS on February 23,2000 Regional Council passed By-law 11/2000 which allows the Region to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHERERAS the Region has advised that Amendment 10 to the City of Pickering Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Amendment 10 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments; 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2002. day of MAYOR CLERK BRUCE J. TAYLOR Exhibit "A" to By-law AMENDMENT 10 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN Exhibit "A" to By-law AMENDMENT 10 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 10 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: The purpose of this amendment is to: . redesignate the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density; . redesignate the properties along the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of the Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area - Low Density Residential to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density Residential; . redesignate the 'old' Dunbarton School property from Other Designations - Urban Study Areas to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; . redesignate the properties lying east of the 'old' Dunbarton School property, south of Sheppard Avenue and west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; . redesignate the interior lands located north of Kingston Road and east of Whites Road from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; and . delete policy 3.16 - Urban Study Areas: Old Dunabarton School polices; and . revise policy 11.8 - Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies with new polices addressing land use, transportation and environmental and stormwater management matters; The subject lands are approximately 12.9 hectares in size, and are generally bounded by Kingston Road, Whites Road, and Sheppard Avenue, Part of Lots 27 and 28, Range 3, B.F.C. The Northeast Quadrant Review has resulted in a renewed vision for the further growth and evolution of the Northeast Quadrant. The proposed Woodlands Neighbourhood Polices and revised Northeast Ouadra'nt Guidelines establish a comprehensive framework for guiding private development and investment within the quadrant, while ensuring a sensitive 'fit' to the existing neighbourhood context. As well, the framework provides direction and guidance for the reorganization of the built and natural environments that promotes the transformation of this section of Kingston Road into a more vibrant 'mainstreet'. Appendix I to Report PO 43-02 Page 3 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant (c) despite Table 6* of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for lands located on the north side of Kingston Road that are designated Mixed Use Areas and abut lands developed as low density development; (d) accommodate future improvements to Sheppard Avenue and Rosebank Road within the existing 20 metre road allowance, except at intersections where additional road allowance width may be need to provide vehicular turning lanes; (e) to provide direction for land use within the lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; (i) further its objective of transforming Kingston Road into a "mainstreet" for Pickering by requiring the placement of buildings to provide a strong and identifiable urban edge, the construction of some multi-storey buildings, and the provision of safe and convenient pedestrian access; accordingly, for the lands designated Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor, City Council shall require, (A) buildings to be located close to the street edge, with the minimum specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build-to-zones to be established in the implementing zoning by-laws for each site; (B) all buildings to be a minimum of two storeys in height, and require maximum building heights to be established in the implementing zoning by-law considering compatibility matters such as yard setbacks, building orientation and massing, adequate access to sunlight and privacy for existing residential development; (C) commercial development to provide second storey functional floor space, with the minimum percentage of their gross floor area to be provided in second (or higher) storeys to be established in the implementing zoning by-laws for each project; (ii) require new development to establish buikli:ngs on Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue close to the street edge, with the front doors facing the street, with a specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build-to-zones to be established in the implementing zoning by-law for this site; * Table 6 is attached to this Amendment for information purposes only; it does not constitute part of the Amendment. Appendix I to Report PO 43-02 Page 4 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant (f) (iii) restrict the height of the Sheppard Avenue elevation of new dwellings fronting Sheppard Avenue to a maximum of two storeys; (iv) require a minimum of four functional storeys for the Whites Road elevations of new dwellings fronting Whites Road; (v) recognize the existing low density development on Sheppard Avenue, and to this end, require the design of new residential or commercial development to be compatible with existing development with respect to such matters as building heights, yard setbacks, building orientation and massing, access to sunlight, and privacy; (vi) despite Table 10* of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for lands located within the area governed by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines that are designated Urban Residential - Medium Density, in light of their location abutting lands developed as low density development; (vii) despite 11.8(e)(vi) above, and Table 10* of Chapter Three, permit residential development below the minimum residential density of 30 units per net hectare for lands on the south side of Sheppard Avenue; (viii) despite sections 3.6(b)*, 3.9(b)* and 15.38*, and Tables 5* and 9* of Chapter 3, prohibit the development of any new gas bars, automobile service stations, or car washes for lands designated Mixed Used Area Mixed Corridors or Urban Residential- Medium Density; and (ix) despite section 11.8(e)(i)(C), the requirement for second storey functional floor space is not mandatory for existing or future vehicle dealerships and on the Hayes Line Properties Inc. lands, being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broke Front Concession, City of Pickering; to provide direction for transportation matters within and around the lands covered by the Northeast Quadtant Development Guidelines, (i) support shared access points between properties along Kingston Road, in consultation with the Region of Durham; (ii) promote the reduction of traffic speeds and improvement of pedestrian safety along Sheppard Avenue by implementing pavement markings and other measures, and considering "traffic-calming" techniques following the adoption of a City policy; Tables 5,9 and 10 and sections 3.6(b), 3.9(b) and 15.38 are attached to this Amendment for information purposes only; they do not constitute part of the Amendment. Appendix I to Report PO 43-02 Page 5 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant (iii) require vehicular access, by means of easements from Delta Boulevard to Whites Road, and from Delta Boulevard easterly across the Mixed Corridor lands located east of the 'old' Dunbarton School site; (iv) require pedestrian access, by means of easements or public walkways, from Delta Boulevard through the 'old' Dunbarton School site with connections to Sheppard Avenue and Kingston Road, where appropriate; (g) to provide direction for environmental and stormwater management matters respecting the Amberlea Creek tributary that flows through lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, (i) support the principle of piping the Amberlea Creek tributary that flows through the Northeast Quadrant lands, and recognizing the interests of landowners within the Northeast Quadrant on whose lands Amberlea Creek tributary flows to pipe that tributary, and the position of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to work with the City and landowners to implement a stormwater management strategy, which will ultimately result in the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary through the Northeast Quadrant lands; (ii) require any developer of lands within the Northeast Quadrant proposing to pipe or relocate the Amberlea Creek tributary to; (A) submit an environmental / stormwater management report, to the satisfaction of the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, which must demonstrate how the proposal is consistent with the broader stormwater management strategy resulting in a significant net environmental benefit to the watershed; (B) obtain appropriate approvals and permits from public review agencies; and (C) satisfy any required compensation under the Fisheries Act; and (iii) ensure that development proposals are undertaken in a manner that does not adversely impact downstream water quality and quantity through the use of on-site controls and / or financial contributions to a downstream stormwater facility if necessary; and (h) to provide additional direction on implementation matters for lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, Appendix I to Report PO 43-02 Page 6 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant (i) through the use of the holding provisions of the Planning Act, require where necessary, proponents to enter into agreements with the City, Region and other agencies as appropriate, respecting various development related matters including but not limited to: entering into cost sharing agreements between each other where mutual shared access is necessary; providing or exchanging easements over lands where necessary; payment of study costs; and providing contributions to the cost of a downstream stormwater management facility, if necessary." 3. Delete in its entirety, section 3.16, Urban Study Area: Old Dunbarton School policies, which policies identify that City Council shall, following the results of an appropriate land use, transportation and design study, establish appropriate land use designations and policies for the subject lands by amendment; and, renumber remaining sections accordingly. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Cruss Reference: City-initiated: Northeast Quadrant Area CPA 02-oo2lP September27,2oo2 SCHEDULE IN I- 0::: 0 0... 0::: 0 « 0 0::: EXTRACf FROM SCHEDULE I TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN LAND USE STRUCfURE OPEN SPACE SYSTEM NATURAL AREAS EMPLOYMENT AREAS FREEWAYS AND MA.JOR UTILITIES ~ PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT æ CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS EDmON 2 . ACTIVE RECREATIONAL AREAS . MARINA AREAS CRY '" POaŒROHO MIXED USE AREAS III LOCAL NODES . COMMUNnY NODES . MIXED CORRIDORS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS LOW DENSnY AREAS . URBAN STUDY AREAS ~ MEDIUM DENSnY AREAS -.- SHEET 1 OF 3 CfTY OF PCO<EJONQ "'-- .. ~ -- ... - - -",..J-"'{.."='- --- ......"""..----...........--....., Appendix I to Report PO 43-02 Page 7 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in Amendment 10 Provided for Information Purposes Only - Not Part of Potential Amendment Retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the surrounding neighbourhoods; Offices and restaurants; Community, cultural and recreational uses. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................., All uses permissible in Local Nodes, at a larger scale and intensity, and serving a broader area. ........................................................................................................"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1 All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at a scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes; Special purpose commercial uses. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................., All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at the ¡ greatest scale and intensity in the City, serving City-wide and regional ¡ ::::~ pmpooe oomme<ciol o,e,. ! ...........,...........................................................................................""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"..........; 3.6 City Council, (a) ...; (b) may zone lands designated Mixed Use Areas for one or more purposes as set out in Table 5, and in so doing will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions, including those set out in Table 6; Appendix I to Report PO 43-02 Page 8 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in Amendment 10 Provided for Information Purposes Only - Not Part of Potential Amendment . . . . . . I up to and including 10,000 I up to and including I ..................................................................................!.......................................................................................t...=~.~..~~.~.................................................j over 80 and up to and : up to and including 20,000 : up to and including ¡ .,.:~.~.~~:~..~~~...................................................I........................................."""""""""""""""""""""""f"'~:'~"~~'~"""""""""""...........................j over 30 and up to and : determined by site-specific ¡ up to and including : i~.~.~.~ ~~~~.. ~ ~~............................................... ....!... ~.~ ~~~................ ....... .............................. ...........f ...~:.~..~~.~ ............ "'m,,""""" ...................! over 80 and up to and ! up to and including 300,000 ¡ up to and including: ........... ....:..n~.~.~.~~~~~~ .~~~........ n......... ................................1.... ................................................................ ...................L.~:.~..~~.~....... ................ ..........................! Residential uses, home occupations, limited ¡ offices serving the area, and limited : retailing of goods and services serving the i area. i Community, cultural and recreational uses; Compatible employment uses, and compatible special purpose commercial uses serving the area. Appendix I to Report PO 43-02 Page 9 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in Amendment 10 Provided for Information Purposes Only - Not Part of Potential Amendment 3.9 City Council, (a) ...; (b) may zone lands designated Urban Residential Areas for one or more purposes as set out in Table 9, and in so doing will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions, including those set out in Table 10; :~;;~~~~;:<Ii-:;,;~T ..::~~~:~':~~::~~~::~~::~~::~~~'~i~:~~~~~~:~~~::::::.::::::.1 15.38 Within the urban area or within a rural hamlet, City Council may approve a site specific zoning by-law with appropriate provisions and restrictions, to permit a retail gasoline outlet in any land use designation except Open Space - Natural Areas, provided, (a) the retail gasoline outlet maintains the goals, objectives and policies of this Plan; the retail gasoline outlet obtains access from an arterial road as identified on Schedule II; the retail gasoline outlet is not located adjacent to or opposite a school; the number of retail gasoline outlets is limited to a maximum of two outlets within 100 metres of any intersection; and the retail gasoline outlet will not adversely affect the safe and convenient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. (b) (c) (d) (e) APPENDIX NO. II TO PLANNING REPORT NO. PO 43-02 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT Woodlands Neighbourhood Section F1 Nonheast Quadrant DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 8RAE8URN CRES. J: ¡= r ;0 ? w ~ oc 0 I- Z :J 0 ::¡ w g ROUGE HILL 0 OC COURT TOYNEVALE ROAD I- Z I- Z W 0 (I) w 0 -.J Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines - Table of Contents Sections F1.1 General Description F1.2 Introduction F1.3 Development Framework F1.4 Northeast Quadrant Objectives F1.5 Urban Design Guidelines F1.6 Transportation F 1 .7 Stormwater F1.8 Implementation Figure 1 Adopted by City Council on by Resolution # Page 1 1 2 2 3 3 14 15 16 Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines F1.1 Background The Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines apply to lands generally located between Kingston Road and Sheppard Avenue, east of Whites Road, and for lands located at the southwest corner of Dunfair Street and Whites Road. In addition, through the review that led to these Guidelines, an area of land located at the southwest quadrant of Kingston Road and Highway 401 on/off ramp was added (see attached Figure 1 - Access Concept). Previous Development Guidelines were formulated through a review of the land use policies in the Highway No.2 - Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Study initiated by Pickering in the late 1980's. In 1990, Pickering Council approved Development Guidelines for the Northeast Quadrant. Those Guidelines contemplated a high, intensity of mixed-use development, with substantial underground parking; and an internal residential neighbourhood, focused around a ri ng road with an i nteri or I i near park. Due to market interest throughout the Quadrant and landowners requesting changes to specific elements of the current Guidelines, the City initiated a review of the Development Guidelines in 2001. As part of the Review, the City retained the consulting services of Schollen & Company, TSH Associates, and Markson, Borooah Hodgson Architects to assess the environment, transportation and land use/design components. As background to these development guidelines the following reports were prepared for the City of Pickering: the Kingston Road - Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study, Phase 1 Final Report, dated September, 2001, prepared by TSH Associates; the Kingston Road - Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study, Phase 2 Final Report, dated May, 2002, prepared by TSH Associates; and the Amberlea Creek Northeast Quadrant - Assessment of Alternatives, dated September, 2001, prepared by Schollen & Company Inc. F1.2 Introduction The Guidelines are laid out to first provide the City's overall objectives and then to elaborate a set of guidelines, which implement these objectives. The objectives of the City can be summarized as allowing these lands to evolve in an appropriate manner, while striving to provide a safe, pleasant environment that displays a high quality urban image and to integrate this new development sensitively into the existing neighbourhood. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27, 2002) Page 2 The Guidelines address: Commercial Development Proposals; Residential Development Proposals; Transportation; Stormwater Management; and Implementation matters. The Guidelines are the result of a collaborative effort between all of the stakeholders and the Planning & Development Department, and shall provide a framework to review all development proposals in this area. F1.3 Development Framework The Northeast Quadrant is an important focal point in the City of Pickering and acts as a 'gateway' for the planned Seaton community. This intersection brings together access to and from the 401, downtown Pickering to the east and the planned Seaton community to the north. The visual character of this intersection should serve to substantiate the role of a 'gateway' and shift the focus from the present highway commercial developments presently positioned at the street corners. It is recognized that the spatial and land use characteristics of the three main roads bounding the study lands are quite different, and correspondingly urban design concepts are proposed and elaborated for each in section F1.5. F1.4 Northeast Quadrant Objectives The development of lands affected by the Development Guidelines will strive to achieve the urban design objectives of chapter 9 - "Community Design", Chapter 13 - "Detailed Design Considerations", and the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines of the Official Plan. It is the intent of these guidelines to both further those objectives and embellish the ones listed below: 1. To provide a quality urban image by encouraging the placement of high quality buildings located to define the street edge. -------//- 2. To provide a quality urban image by encouraging a hannonized and complemental)' landscape treatment throughout the Northeast Quadrant. 3. To provide a quality urban image by encouraging a coordinated effort to improving. the streetscape that includes pedestrian oriented furnishings and other appropriate improvements. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27,2002) Page 3 AN ATTl(þ,CT1VE CORNeR CnATEj' A 1'"000- I'OfI'lT 4. To provide a safe, pleasant, comfortable and convenient environment supporting all modes of travel including bicycle, pedestrian and vehicular traffic. 5. To minimize views to large parking areas by utilizing appropriate principles of site planning and street edge treatment. 6. To ensure that new development is compatible with existing development while allowing appropriate evolution of this area. 7. To recognize the need for efficient vehicular movement through and within this area including access to individual properties. 8. To recognize and support all efforts to address the stormwater management issues facing this area and to work cooperatively with all agencies towards a suitable resolution of issues. F1.5 Urban Design Guidelines The following guidelines have been developed to help meet the above stated objectives. F1.5.1 Commercial Development Proposals In reviewing any commercial development proposals fronting Whites Road or Kingston Road: 1.0 Building Placement: . Buildings should be located close to the street with no more than one row of parking between the buildings and the street. . This will be implemented by the establishment of provisions within the zoning by-law creating a build-to-zone; along Kingston Road 40% of its length will contain the front walls of buildings and 30% of the build-to-zone's length will contain the front walls of buildings along Whites Road. Where the configuration of a property makes this requirement onerous, special considerations can be made. 1[: Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27,2002) Page 4 Building Appearance: . Buildings shall be constructed with heights greater than one storey with building height not less than 6.5 metres. . A minimum amount of functional second storey floor space will be required for each development in the quadrant except for existing or future vehicle dealerships, with a ratio established in each implementing zoning bylaw. COMMERC\ÀL . Development will employ ROAI) FRONTAGE innovative architectural designs' utilizing high quality materials to humanize the street, mitigate the effects of traffic, and present an attractive frontage along publ ic roads. . No blank walls shall be exposed to public right-of-ways. . Buildings that front the street should be constructed with street level windows and entrances to buildings directly off of the public right-of-way. . Covered entries in order to provide points of refuge to pedestrians and define entry points shall be provided at all public entrances. . A minimum of 50% glazing will be required on the facades facing Kingston Road where possible. . Pedestrian entry doors facing Kingston Road will be required regardless of whether these are the main entry points. 2.0 3.0 ~//// . Rooftop Equipment: All mechanical equipment must be adequately screened and all commercial buildings should contain their rooftop mechanical equipment either in small rooftop elements or under roof profiles. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27, 2002) Page 5 4.0 Parking: Parking areas will be required to be attractively buffered from publ ic rights-of- way through the appropriate layout of plant and landscape materials. . . Parking areas shall be set back a minimum of 3.0 metres from adjacent residential development. . The majority of parking shall be provided at the rear of the site behind the main buildings, and at the side. . Landscape islands a minimum of 3.0 metres in width shall be required at the ends of each parki ng row. . Parking between building façade and streetline is discouraged. . Where appropriate, bicycle lock ups shall be provided for employees and patrons. ----- - ---- , .. STREET 5.0 Road Boulevards: . The Ki ngston Road and Whites Road frontage's will be urbanized and landscaped appropriately as part of any development proposal. The City may assist in implementation costs for certain improvement elements. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27, 2002) Page 6 STRE T -:-_~?-- -~:<-=-:::. 6.0 -- ---... 7.0 8.0 --- , Loading & Services: . All loading and service areas should be located away from street frontages and effectively screened. Odour Control: . For all restaurant uses, restaurant cooking ventilation systems shall incorporate ecologizer, water wash, ultraviolet or other equivalent odour extraction mechanisms sufficient to ensure that the resulting exhaust is substantially odour free and will not effect surrounding residents. Drive-Thru Facilities: . Drive-thru facilities shall be located such that the pick up window or stacking spaces are not situated between the front wall of a building and Kingston Road or Whites Road. . Drive-thru facilities should provide a minimum of 8 automobile stacking spaces before the order board and a minimum of 4 automobile staking spaces between the order board and the pick-up window. ~lpE\IIALI<; UjIi!:Llc.T !\"t;EA ==" = 1'¡:""E \¡(/À'I - It1 STR~&õ:T our OR I"'TERHA..L !.ME" 'Plc.K, UP """,,'\17OW 9.0 Vehicular Access: . Driveways and parking areas located between streetl i ne and the front of the building are discouraged. . Pedestrian and vehicular conflict points should be minimized and pedestrians should be given priority at crossings by treating the ground plane with textured asphalt or pavers. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27, 2002) Page 7 10.0 Conditions Abutting Creek: ----- --- ---:--: ~-:~~: :~ ------ -- - ---- --- --- .---------------- _n . If development precedes the anticipated piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary, no buildings or structures shall be permitted within 10 metres of the stream corridor. If possible, this area adjacent to the creek should be landscaped in a manner that is sensitive to the natural processes of the stream, unless the stream is piped or currently channelized. 11.0 Pedestrian Environment: . Clearly articulated pedestrian access from the public right-of-way to the entry of all buildings will be provided. . Where possible a minimum landscape strip of 3.0 metres will be required along building frontages to allow for comfortable pedestrian circulation and adequate landscaping and site furnishings to be integrated into these areas. . In large parking areas, landscaped pedestrian walkways shall be provided from the parki ng area to the mai n entry. 13.0 Storage: . Garbage and recycling enclosures for commercial development will be fully enclosed in roofed structures and located towards the rear of the properties. . . i rIJ---J ~^"RYAG,€ a\c.LO\U't(E A"T~€ÁR . Garbage and recycling enclosures will be required to be constructed of materials matching or complementary to that of the buildings. . Garbage and recycling storage can also be handled interior to the building itself. . No outdoor storage shall be permitted. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27,2002) Page 8 14.0 Landscaping: . All areas not required for building, storage, servicing, or parking shall be landscaped. . Front yard landscape areas should be maximized by minimizing access points and reducing the amount of paved area at the front of buildings. . A continuous landscape connection between the building front and the street boulevard is preferred. . Berms are not considered appropriate along the frontage of a commercial property. . As the percentage of front yard landscaping decreases quality of landscaping throughout the site shall increase. the intensity and 15.0 Buffers: . Adequate and attractive buffering between commercial and residential development shall be required; landscape elements including fencing may be utilized CO"",,I"\E1{c.."'L !5UJO"F T~I!o\CS Rf;"'IVE"t\"fIA.L 16.0 Site Furniture: . Bicycle lock-up areas and trash receptacles will be integrated into development sites in convenient locations and shown on site plans. mmttO . Attractive exterior seating areas or courtyards that include benches, bicycle lock-ups and garbage receptacles, and that are safely removed from vehicular routes, will be encouraged. ¡ !J#.W<I<-II\.w.'::I. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27,2002) Page 9 17.0 Signage: . Site plan applications should identify sign details including location and size. ~~) U¡~ tt . Fascia signs should be designed to be integral with the buildin'gs façade. . Signage for second storey businesses should be located on a sign directory near the main entry. . Ground signs are preferred over pole or pylon signs. . Lighting: Lighting design should complement the design of the development. Exterior lighting shall not spill over onto adjacent properties or streets. Lighting shall be downcast to avoid excessive light pollution. Lighting and light standards in public areas including parking lots should relate to the pedestrian and be limited to a height of 6.0 metres. 18.0 . . . 19.0 Tree Preservation: . Established trees that provide significant buffering or aesthetic contributions to the neighbourhood should be considered for preservation and protected during construction. Tree. preservation details will be required, to be submitted for the City's review. 20.0 'Former' Dunbarton School Site and lands to East . Any buildings located in the northern portion of the sites shall include a treatment of the north facing façade that presents a building face to Sheppard Avenue that reflects a residential character. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27, 2002) Page 10 F1.4.2 Residential Development Proposals In reviewing residential development proposals: For the proposed residential development, at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, buildings shall be located close to the street, with parking provided at the rear. 1. New residential development shall be integrated into the area in a manner that is both respectful of the character of the existing neighborhood and serves as an interface between this area and the surrounding lands. 2. AN ATTRACTIVE CQltHa C'R~TEf A 'f"OCAL POINT 3. The south-east corner of Sheppard Avenue and Whites Road shall act as a transition area between the higher buildings on Whites Road and the lower buildings on Sheppard Avenue. This corner should be treated as an important focal point, and i ncl ude landscape and hardscape treatment to create an identifiable amenity area, preferably including pedestrian connections into the site. 4. New residential development along Sheppard Avenue shall include no more than four units that are attached before providing a break between building masses. 5. /' /~ ..- ..----,' -"-":"""'_.~.-:'",::~=,.c.;;;...o,""..:~_.,---:--_._----- The height of residential units along Sheppard Avenue shall be restricted to two storeys on the front elevation facing Sheppard Avenue, and shall include facades that are mostly brick on all sides facing the public right of way. ~ 5HEJ7I"AR'17 À~E. 2. S"TORe,/ YI~EA.~ 4UH\TS Mþo,.)(. 4ulirrs. MÀ)(. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27 2002) Page 11 .-" 6. ::::--- Wl-\tTE\ 'JItoAÞ 4STOR.~' 7. Architectural detailing and stepping the footprint of the front and rear facades shall be uti I ¡zed to avoid the appearance of long flat walls. New residential development along Whites Road shall be a minimum four functional storeys on the side of the building facing Whites Road, and of mostly brick facades on all sides facing the public right-of-way. UNÞULATINú 'FOOT~'NT c.1<:t~-re~ 't\IE"R~T 8. A new sidewalk shall be constructed along the south side of Sheppard Avenue. 9. A vegetative buffer and a generous sideyard width will be required along the eastern property line separating any proposed residential development at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from the existing neighbourhood. In addition, appropriate "transitional" design strategies will be explored between any development on property owned by the City in 2002 and the existing low-density development to the east and north. ~ {BlJFF~~ I Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27,2002) Page 12 15. 10. Attractive and appropriate landscaping will be required both on the perimeters of the development facing the streets and interior to the site. 11. A publicly-accessible pedestrian link, which runs north south from the end of Delta Blvd connecting to the sidewalk on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, which includes up-graded landscape treatment and a minimum 2.0 metre wide sidewalk, shall be included as an easement for pedestrian access granted to the City. Allowance for comfortable and convenient pedestrian movement from areas north and west of this location to destinations to the south shall be integrated into the site layout. 12. If development precedes the anticipated piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary, no buildings or structures shall be permitted within 10 metres of the stream corridor. If possible, this area adjacent to the creek should be landscaped in a manner that is sensitive to the natural processes of the stream, unless the stream is piped. 13. 14. Any building mounted utility boxes including telephone and hydro shall be enclosed within or behind a screening device, which generally matches the materials used in the building façade construction. Any free standing utility boxes including hydro, telephone, etc. shall be enclosed within screening devices designed to match or complement the buildings. STAIRS c.A\T IJ-.l17LÀc.~ All stairs, which are required on building facades, shall be cast in place and not pre- cast units. 16. The grade of the site along the Whites Road frontage shall be raised so that any proposed dwelling's front entry is at or above the grade of the sidewalk on Whites Road. 17. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27, 2002) Page 13 18. Garbage and recyclable material shall be handled internally within each dwelling unit (including its garage), and not within separate buildings or centralized areas. 19. Lighting design should complement the design of the development, shall not spill over into adjacent properties or streets, and shall be downcast to avoid excessive light pollution. '. ,. .' . For residential development along Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, the front entrance will face the public streets. 20. F1.6 Transportation The three primary roads surrounding the Quadrant are Kingston Road, Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue. All are arterial roads that perform an important traffic function in the City. As lands are developed along these roads, this function must be maintained. Accordingly, the number and spacing of new access points to Kingston Road, Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue will be carefully reviewed by City and/or Regional staff. However, no through-road is permitted to connect Delta Boulevard to Sheppard Avenue or the Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp to Sheppard Avenue. It is anticipated that Kingston Road and Whites Road will be widened to six lanes plus auxiliary turn lanes in the future, and upgraded to standard urban cross-sections with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Further, the City acknowledges and advises landowners and developers that remaining access locations along Kingston Road and Whites Road are under the sole jurisdiction of the Region of Durham, and access permissions may change over time from full access to restricted access as traffic and safety conditions warrant. A single access onto Sheppard Avenue from the new residential development, located at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, is supported. Despite the access restrictions to Sheppard Avenue shown on Figure 1, Access Concept, for any new residential development proposals located along Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27, 2002) Page 14 Sheppard Avenue east of the residential development proposed at the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue, the City will consider permitting selected additional accesses. The City will support all opportunities for shared access from abutting private property to public streets as well as coordinated internal access, between private properties, and will require the granting of easements in favour of neighbouring landowners and/or the City if deemed necessary. F 1.7 Stormwater The Amberlea Creek Northeast Quadrant - Assessment of Alternatives study, prepared by Schollen & Company Inc., identifies an option for a storm sewer extension of the existing system south of Sheppard Avenue to the Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp. The City supports the piping of the existing tributary of Amberlea Creek, which traverses the Northeast Quadrant, as an integral component of a stormwater management system that includes a storm sewer system and a stormwater management pond. The stormwater facility is required to control both quality and quantity stormwater. A substantial net benefit to the downstream environment must be demonstrated in order to warrant consideration of piping the tributary. lands located on the south side of Kingston Road, east of the Bayfair Baptist Church are the preferred location for a stormwater management facility. Detailed siting, engineering and grading plans are required to assess the feasibility of, and design options for, a stormwater management pond (reference may be made to the Assessment of Alternatives study for additional stormwater management details available to date). If the storm wate r management facility is approved, the City will be requiring proponents of development applications within the Northeast Quadrant and lands currently draining into the reach of the Amberlea Creek tributary to pay a proportionate share for the detailed design work and costs of piping the creek, in addition to a share of the total cost of implementation of the proposed Amberlea Creek stormwater management pond. In the event that approvals are not granted for the stormwater pond, or development proceeds ahead of construction of the pond, developers will be required to install quality and quantity control devices and to enter into agreements with the City to cost-share future stormwater works. Further, in the event approvals from the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Department of Fisheries are not granted to pipe the creek, the landowners shall be required to maintain the Creek with appropriate setbacks. Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (September 27,2002) Page 15 F 1.8 Implementation Council and City staff shall implement the appropriate components of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines in the review of all land use applications in the Quadrant and through zoning by-law performance standards. Accordingly, to ensure that proponents have considered this Guideline in the preparation of any major land use application and to assist the City's review, a statement of how the proposal will achieve the intent of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines will be required to be submitted to the City, prior to the City's consideration of an application for site plan approval. All building permit applications will also be reviewed in the context of these development guidelines including any corresponding Siting and Architectural Design Statements. Developers or property owners will be required to contribute to the costs of completing the Review of the Northeast Quadrant Guidelines including the transportation, environmental/stormwater and urban design components. Costs will be adjusted annually based on the Southam Construction Index. ~ ~ SHEPPARD 0 I . I b fL-2 j« . ~ .: It: \oJ~;;1 ~(" ,",' t": I":,,' ~;1 ~," '(:. 1.1 RelDENTJAL II Not to Scale t ~ D Future Development <D Site Reference Number S Existing Traffic Signal Wide Median (:t:3m)/ - No Access Pedestrian Refuge J L Right Turns Only + t Possible Gated Access --, Left Turns I All Moves Access - Proposed Raised Median u_- Possible Future Median +---+ Possible Vehicular Access (Subject to disaetion d Durham Region. rø traIIic opøralions I safety mcnitoring) Access Concept' September, 2002 ~ r~ ATTACHMENT i_I TO REPORT # PO '-13 -0 .~ City of Pickering :...~ NORTHEAST QUADRANT REVIEW AREA ..... l' DATE SEPT. 16,2002 ATTACHMENT #;;2 TO REPORT if PO '13 - 0 ;). INFORMATION REPORT NO. 22-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 8, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 02-002/P City Initiated: Northeast Quadrant Review Part of Lots 27 & 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (Lands generally bounded by Kingston Road, Whites Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering Road and 1.0 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the proposed amendment would apply to lands generally bounded by Kingston Road, Whites Road, and Sheppard Avenue, but would also affect lands on the south side of Kingston Road, and on the west side of Whites Road as identified on the Location Map provided as Attachment #1 ; - the Amberlea Creek tributary, which traverses the Northeast Quadrant, flows in a southerly direction under Kingston Road, through the lands east of the Boyer car dealership, under the Highway 401 onloff ramp, and south of Bayfair Baptist Church; from there it connects to the main branch of Amberlea Creek which then flows into Frenchman's Bay; - existing land uses in and around the Northeast Quadrant Area include: a service station, two detached dwellings and school on the west side of Whites Road; a gas bar, apartment buildings and detached dwellings on the east side of Whites Road; detached dwellings fronting the north and south sides of Sheppard Avenue; retail uses and restaurants on the north side of Kingston Road; and a retail shopping plaza and car dealership on the south side of Kingston Road; - the size of the Northeast Quadrant Area is approximately 12.9 hectares. Information Report No. 22-02 ATTACHMENT # c:l TO RE;iQRT /I PO f: ::3 . 0 ò).. Page 2 2.0 BACKGROUND in June 2001, the City of Pickering, with the consulting assistance of TSH Associates, Schollen & Company Inc., and Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects Ltd., initiated a review of the 1990 Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; - over the course of the Review, numerous public meetings were held with both residents and landowners to discuss the process, transportation and environmental findings, revised land use concepts and urban design objectives, and potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan that implement the recommendations of the Review; City Council, at its meeting on June 17, 2002, received Adendum to Report Number PD 23-02, and passed a resoluton: . receiving as background information the "Kingston Road - Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study, Phase 1 and 2 Reports"; . receiving as background information the "Amberlea Creek Northeast Quadrant - Assessment of Alternatives" report; . endorsing the recommendations of the "Northeast Quadrant Review"; . adopting in principle, the revised "Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines" as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, transportation and stormwater, and that the Guidelines be finalized in light of the final official plan amendment; . directing City Staff to hold a "Statutory Public Information" meeting to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the results of the Review, [modified by Council adding new clauses pertaining to the Wood/Carroll property]; . requiring proponents of major development applications within the Northeast Quadrant to contribute their proportionate share of the Northeast Quadrant review cost prior to zoning bylaws being adopted for their lands; and . recommending that the Ministry of Transportation approve an intersection design at the Kingston Road/Highway westbound on/off ramp intersection; in addition, Council passed a resolution directing staff to make any necessary changes to the proposed official plan amendment (and development guidelines): . ensuring no specific details are included respecting setbacks or other design encumbrances affecting the City-owned lands so that suitable 'transitional' design strategies may be determined at a future point; and . ensuring Council's position is clearly stated as being in support of piping the watercourse that crosses through the Northeast Quadrant Area. 1\"""" ""'~"'I # ;;1.'Ú 1<¡.'>!")-;",,U-',;__,._1 r!¡:> ,on # p-, ¿J ':1 - D :l <"I",';.)" U.-_.....L-Y-_.......,-", .. Page 3 Information Report No. 22-02 3.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 3.1 3.2 Durham Reaional Official Plan - the lands north of Kingston Road are designated as Living Area and the remainder of the area south of Kingston Road is designated as Special Policy Area A on Map A4 of the Regional Official Plan. lands designated Living Areas shall be used to a wide array of housing types, certain home occupations and convenience stores, and limited office and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations, as components of mixed-used developments; lands designated Special Policy Area A may be used for a mixture of residential, retail, personal service and industrial uses; in addition, the Regional Plan promotes the maximization of the area's highway exposure as a main street and gateway; development shall be intensified in a manner that will not adversely affect similar development within the Main Central Areas of Pickering. Kingston Road is classified as a Type B Arterial Road and Regional Transit Spine, Whites Road is a Type A Arterial Road and Regional Transit Spine, and Sheppard Avenue is a Type C Arterial Road on Map 82 - Transportation System of the Regional Official Plan; Pickerina Official Plan - the Pickering Official Plan designates lands along Kingston Road and Whites Road as Mixed Corridors on Schedule I - Land Use Structure; - the lands located between the Mixed Corridors and Urban Residential Area - Low Density Areas in the interior of the Quadrant are designated as Urban Residential Area - Medium Density Areas; the lands fronting Sheppard Avenue east of the Dunbarton School property are designated as Urban Residential Area Medium Density Areas; the vacant Dunbarton School property is designated as an Urban Study Area on Schedule I of the Pickering Official Plan and is subject to the Urban Study Areas: Old Dunbarton School policies; lands designated Mixed Corridors may be for residential uses, retailing, offices, restaurants, community, cultural, recreational uses and special purpose commercial uses within this designation; the permissible density for residential development is a range of over 30 and up to and including 140 units per net hectare, except where the lands abut existing low density development, where the maximum density shall be limited to 55 units per net hectare; lands designated Urban Residential Area - Low Density Areas are permitted a maximum residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare; Information Report No. 22-02 I.;'n t~CHf'J;Eí',n # (;2. ro REPUR1 # PD '13 -02. Page 4 - Whites Road is designated as a Type A Arterial and a Transit Spine; Kingston Road is a Type B Arterial and a Transit Spine; and Sheppard Avenue is a Type C Arterial on Schedule II - the Transportation System; however, section 11.8 of the Plan, the Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies, indicates that any future improvements to Sheppard Avenue shall be accommodated within the existing 20 metre road allowance; section 4.18 of the Pickering Official Plan indicates that Council recognizes the Ministry of Transportation jurisdiction over provincial highways and responsibility for standards, design criteria (including intersection/interchange spacing and locations) and widening requirements respecting those highways; the provincial Public Transportation Act provides the Ontario Ministry of Transportation with the authority to approve any new access opposite the Highway 401 on/off ramp. 4.0 CITY PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 4.1 General Overview - the City of Pickering proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan in order to implement the results of the Northeast Quadrant Detailed Review; - the proposed amendment, provided as Appendix I, includes the following policy and Schedule revisions to the Official Plan: . revise certain lands on Schedule I - Land Use Structure as follows: . the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density; . the 'old' Dunbarton School property from Other Designations - Urban Study Areas to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; the properties lying east of the 'old' Dunbarton School property, south of Sheppard Avenue and west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; and the interior lands located north and east of Whites Road and Kingston Road from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; . revising Schedule II - Transportation System, to change the road classification of Delta Boulevard from local to Existing Collector, and to add a Future Collector Road, opposite the Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp to connect with Delta Boulevard; and . revising policy 11.8 - Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies with new polices to: locate buildings closer to the street; ATTACHMH,lT # ~ fa REPORT # PO .y 3- 0 ::2.. Information Report No. 22-02 Page 5 5.0 . require all buildings to be a minimum of two storeys in height; restrict new dwellings fronting Sheppard Avenue to a maximum of two storeys; require new development to be compatible to existing low density development on Sheppard Avenue; prohibit the development of new gas bars, automobile service stations or car washes; secure a signalized intersection for a future collector road opposite Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp; promote traffic speed reduction and improved pedestrian safety along Sheppard Avenue; require easements across lands located south of Kingston Road and west of Highway 401 westbound on/off ramp; support the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary; ensure that development proposals are undertaken in a manner that do not adversely impact downstream water quality and quantity through of us of on-site controls. . RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident Comments - Vivian VandenHazel, 1575 Fairport Road, commented that in order to provide a buffer between the single family house located on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of Amberlea Creek and the proposed townhouse development, this property not be rezoned. She also commented on the following: the Amberlea Creek tributary should not be piped, drive-thru's should be eliminated to reduce pollution and noise; traffic and parking problems should be improved in the Quadrant prior to development occurring, and as much vegetation and open water courses should be maintained as possible (see Attachment #2); Lorelie Jones, on behalf of Hayes-Line Properties Inc., (778-790 Kingston Road; Wood, Carroll et al lands), requested revisions to Council's modifications that were intended to recognize the Ontario Municipal Board's decision on the public road issue, as it affects the Hayes-Line properties (see Attachment #3); - Alex Artuchov, on behalf of Pickering Holdings and Michael Boyer Enterprises, is very concerned with the proposed policy requiring a mutual exchange of easements for access purposes, between the two properties (verbal); Information Report No. 22-02 f;L;-'Jdi Ii I-'U ;¿. '-13 . o::l --,_.". Page 6 5.2 Aaency Comments 5.3 6.0 6.1 6.2 none received to date; Staff Comments - staff has reviewed the amendment considering Council's direction at the June 17, 2002 meeting; the two concerns raised by Council, (ensuring the policy does not contain design encumbrances on the City-owned lands, but ensuring the policy does clearly state Council's position in support of piping the watercourse), are reflected in the proposed policy; although resident concerns raised to date appear similar to those raised during the Review, staff will give further consideration to comments of both residents and agencies in making final recommendations to Council. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority - the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; - at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval; General - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal the decision on this Amendment, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; - if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. Information Report No. 22-02 ...1'."1""""-' # ~ fI' p" ""v1!',,',;:,;(- -....-...-..- U ""'",,'-¡,,ìJ'U' 112-0;1. ",..'0.11\ ." , --_.Z~...._...". Page 7 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix I copy of the City-initiated proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; 7.2 Backaround Information - copies of the following documents are available for viewing at the office of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: . Kingston Road - Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study, Phase 1 Report; . Kingston Road - Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study, Phase 2 Report; . Amberlea Creek Northeast Quadrant - Assessment of Alternatives Report; and . Revised Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; . Report to Council Number PD 23-02; and . Addendum Report to Council Number PD 23-02; 7.3 Development Applications - a number of development applications have been submitted to develop lands in the Northeast Quadrant Area; - the applications consistent with the provisions of the proposed amendment are continuing to be processed. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Policy Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy GMltd Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Pursuant to the Planning Act ATTACHMENT#~3TO Wednesday, August 8,2002 REPORT # PO - Lj 3_":....cL"k.: 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICTION OPA 02-002/P CITY INITIATED: NORTHEAST QUADRANT REVIEW 1. Grant McGregor, Principal Planner - Policy, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #22-02. 2. Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Ave. E., advised that the map does not accurately reflect her property, as she owns the front 17 feet of land as well. Referencing the map (Schedule A to the Report) she requested that the area dimensions be provided so that the impact of the proposal may be better evaluated. Ms. Spencer stated that she and her husband are opposed to the low-density change to medium density, and also commented on the grade differences between her property and the abutting property. Ms. . Spencer questioned the depth of the low density boundary on her property, commented on whether it would be possible to build twelve townhouses with driveways on her property, and whether basement apartments could also be constructed in each unit. Further comments will be submitted by their lawyer. 3. John Ibbitson, 787 Sheppard Ave., enquired if the mixed corridor designation allows for a gas station. Grant McGregor responded advising that normally mixed corridor zoning would permit a gas station, but in this particular area staff will be recommending to Council that neither a gas station nor car wash be permitted. Mr. Ibbitson requested staff to advise him if/when the applicant withdraws their application for a gas bar. 4 Irene MacNamera, 752 Sheppard Ave., opposes access to Sheppard Ave. and enquired if access was being considered. Sylvia Spencer stated her understanding of the proposed access and internal roadways. Grant McGregor confirmed that access to Sheppard Avenue, access to Whites Road, and a third gated access for residents to Delta Blvd. would be permitted. He further advised that maintenance of the gate will be considered during the Site Plan review process. Ms. MacNamera further commented respecting traffic on Sheppard Avenue. With the existing problems with traffic from the high school and the medical center and the anticipated increase in traffic with the proposed development, she recommends that improvements be made to Sheppard Ave. to accommodate these issues. Grant confirmed that diagrams of the proposed development are available for public viewing in the Planning & Development office. _. - -. --- - ---- . - - - - - - . AHACHr;;ENT # REPOR1 11 PO 'f TO II _:J - () "2 R.G. RICHARDS AND ASSOCIA rES 1727 Sunningdale Bend M/ssissauga, Ontario UiJ 1G1 Tel: 90$.823-7897 Fax: 905-823-8837 E-mail: rgrlcha@ Ibm.net August 16, 2002 Delivered by fax and mail Mr. Grant McGregor Principal Planner Town of Pickering Pickering Planning Department One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 RECEl\l.ED AUG 1 6 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTO&PAATMINT Dear Mr. McGregor: Re: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-002/P and 816 Kingston Road, Pickering North American Acquisition Corporation We act for North American Acquisition Corporation the beneficial owners of 816 Kingston Road, the former Dunbarton School Board site. As you are well aware we have been seeking through our own OPA and ZBA applications a commercial designation and zoning to allow for the development of our site in an appropriate and economically viable manner. / Over the last year or more we have worked with you, your colleagues and other landowners in an effort to reach an acceptable agreement on how our lands may be developed. We have also presented our views on numerous occasions to Planning Committee and Council. We have been consistent in setting out the areas of concern and disagreement with the proposed CPA. In general we have said that the range of permitted uses is not broad enough and the urban design guidelines are onerous. While we acknowledge that much has been done to address the potential of our site, the policies proposed do not permit a reasonable or viable development opportunity. There are site-specific issues that require, in our view, special consideration. The issue of access, for example, remains unresolved and will influence the development potential and layout. Under the circumstances therefore, we must disagree with the CPA as proposed and urge you and Council to reconsider the policies as they pertain to 816 Kingston Road. ATTACHMENT #- If TO r:[)üRi # PO If 3 - D :l Please ensure we are provided notice of the adoption of this CPA as it is our intention to appeal and seek consolidation of the matter with our appeals of our own applications now before the aMB. . Yours very truly, ~ Ce. North American Acquisition Corporation 2 SEP. -13' 02(FRI) 12:04 CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT TEL:4162354267 P. 002 ATTACHrJ:ENT # r;-::'JP1 /I PD 5 TO i./ ~ . () ~._-".--" @ Ontario Mini5Ery of Transportation Mlnistère des Transports Tel: (416) 235-5095 F~:(416)23S-42ô7 Central Region 1201 Wilson Avenue Builcling D, 7th Floor DoWDSview, Ontario M3M 118 RECEIVED SEP 1 3 2002 September 12, 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEveLOÞMENT DePARTMeNT City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One Th.ë Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 Attention: Grant McGregor Dear Sir-. RE: Kingston Road - Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study Proposed Access Opposite I(Ingston RoadlHigbway 401 Westbound OnlOffRamp City of Pickering Further to the meeting of September 1O, 2002, we offer the following comments: After lengthy review of this proposal for access directly across from the Highway 401 ramp tcmrinBl, we have concluded that our sr.andardsand operatiorud requirements for Tamp terminal access cannot be met. Since it is the rcsponsibility of tbis ministry to ensure the operational integrity of the provincial highway system and to maintain me ~afety of the travelling pub lie, we regret to infotlTl you that we cannot pemrit this proposal. We appreciate your CIropcration and assistance in our review of this proposal and look forward to working with you on future projects. If you have any questions, please contact me at 416-235-5095. Yours Iruly, ee. Michael DeMichele, MTO Charlie Petro, MTO Ken Sherbanowski, MTO Steve Gaunt, City of Pickering Richard HolborD, City QfPickering Catherine Rose, City of Pickering Gene Chartier, Durham Region Steve Mayhew, Durham Region -rll~ Tom Rewitt, P.Eng Manager, Camelor Management Office -!.,'",,;!,t,~j" ¡i.. b , -",' t. , :','",iÏ k PD".,L[..3._:,p-,~, 'RECEIVED SEP 1 3 2002 September 10, 2002 The Regional Municipality of Durham' Grant McGregor, Principal Planner Planning and Development Department . City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 , CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. Dear Mr. McGregor: 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER ' WEST BUILDING' Re' P.O. BOX 623 . WHITBY. ON L 1N 6A3 (905) 72.8-7731 FAX: (905) 436-6612 www.region.durham.on.ca Region's Review of an Application to Amend the Pickering Official Plan - OP A - 02-002lP' Applicant:.' City Initiateq , Location: Northeast Quadrant (lands generally bounded by . Kingston Ftoad, Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue) Municipality: City of Pickering' . ' , ' '. The Region has reviewed this application and the following comments are offered with respect to 'compliance with the Durham Regional Official Plan, the proposed method of servicing and delegated provincial plan review responsibilities. . A.L. Georgieff,MCIP, RPP . Commissioner of Planning The purpose ofthisapplication is to amend the City of Pickering Official. Plan by revising the land use designations and policies, the transportation system, and the development guidelines for the Northeast Quadrant. The intent of the qmendnient is to achieve a cohesive identity for the. area, to ' guide development on'privateproperty, and to provide a framewörk for reviewing developmEmíapplications. ' ' The proposal intends that the Pickering Offic!al Plan be amended by redesignating certain .Iands on Schedule I ~ Land Use Structure, revising Schedule /I - Transportation System, ~nd revising Policy 11.8 - Woodlands Nei~hbourhood Policies with new policies.' . . Durham Regional Official Plan The lands within the Northeast Quadrant are designated "Living Area" and "Special Policy Areq A" i!1 the Durham Regional Official Plan, Living Areas are to be developed predominantly for housing purposes and should incorporate t~e widest possible variaty of housing types, sizes and tenure to provï'de living accommodations that address various socio-economic factors. Certain home occupations and convenience stores, and limited "SER VICBEJf,eELLENCE fo1' ourC()'J1MUNITY" , - * 100% Post Consumer. , . , . , if 3 ~(j;;" . Page 2 , office and retailing of goods and services, in appròpriate locations, as components of mixed-use developments are also permitted within this design~tion. . lands within Special Policy Area A are to be used for a mixture of residential, retail, personal service and industrial uses. The Durham Regional Official Plan promotes 'the maximization of the area's highway exposure, as a main street and.a gateway; Dev,?lopmentis to be ' intensified ina.manner that will not adversely affect similar development within the MainCentral,Areas of PickE:Hing. The improvement of its visual impaot,from Highway 2 is a major consideration in the development of this area. . 0 0 0 'Municipàl Water Supply and Sanitary Sewer Service Municipalwater,supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the' ~ubject area. Uporideveiopment ofthe area, looping of the watermain will be required along the proposed, road between Delta Boulevard arid 0 0 Kingston Road. There will also be requirements to ~xtend the sanitary sewers to provide internal service. 0 00 ' ,0' , , Transportatio,n 0 , Regional transportation comments are currently beingexamineçt These' ,comments will bß forwarded to you upon receipt.' , ~rovii1cial Plan Review Responsibilities 'This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. A tributary of the Àmberlea Creek traverses the subject lands. Any proposeddeveiopment should ' demonstrate that the ecqlogicalfunctions of thecreekar~ not adversely ,affected. Proper stormwater management teêhniques and, ~rosioh and sedimentation control measures must be employed in order to avoid any n~gative i~pactsthat could result,in downstream areas. , The subject' lands have also been .identified as 'having a high archaeological potential, due to the proximity of the Amberlea Creek. ' An archaeological assessm~nt will be required for any future development proposal. The subject lands are Ibcated in proximity to Whites Road, which is designated a Type-A arterial 'road in the Durham Regional OfficiaJ Plan. :. ATTACHMENT 11.(0 TO, REPORT#PD ' l.f3 -();). . Page 3 , , The lands are also in proximity to Sheppard Avenue, which'is designated a Type-C arterial road,'in the Durham Regional Official Plan~' A CNR railway line is also ,in proximity to these lands. Any future residential developments will, require an acoustical report assessing road and rail , traffic noise. No further provincial interests appear to be affected by this, amendment. " This application is considered to have no significant Regional or Provincial concerns. Jnaccordance with Regional By-law 11-2000, this application is exempt from Regional approval. It is anticipated thaUhe previously' , mentioned Prov.incialand Regional issues will be addressed as part of the amendment application process.' " ' " Please advise the' Commissioner of PlarÎ.ning of your Coundl'sdecision. If Council,adopts an Amendment; please forWard a record to this, ' Departme'nt within 1sdaY$ of the date of adoption. Therecord should incl.ude the following:' ,', , .' ,Two (2) copies of the adopted amendment; . A copy of the adopting by-law; and '" , ' . A copy of thø staff report and any, relevant materials. If you have any questions,' please call Ray Davies at (905) 728-7731, extension 3223. ' , , Yours truly, '-~' ' ," 'k,A' " ,','_:,-,," .~( " , .. 'Blàir, Director:' , " Planlmplementation , Current Operations Branch ,-..... cc.: , , Greg Gummer", Regional Works Department Russelí White" TRCA ' R:\ Trai nlng\RcflJop!l\opaO2:002"P , , ,- RECE~VED SEP 2 5 2002 ~roROf\{fO AND REG/ONt::Y-- ~onserva Ion for The Living City CITY OF PiCKERING , PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT September 25, 2002 . CFN 32670 X-ref: CFN 32199 Ms. Catherine Rose City of Pickering. Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering. Ontario L 1 V 6K7 ATTACHMENT # 7 TO REPORT # PO '13 - 0 J. Dear Ms. Rose: Re: Amberlea Creek North East Quadrant Landa generally bounded by Whites Road, Kingston and Sheppard Avenue City of Pickering . Further to our letter of October 241h 2001 (copy enclosed) and our discussions, on the above noted project please be advi'sed of the following updated comments on,the above quadrant and related amendment applications. . ' rACA staff are aware that the City of Pickering Is in the process of finalizing the background studies to 'support a comprehensive; plan for stormwater management for the Amberlea Community. The works are proposed to improve conditions to downstream portions of Amberlea Creek and to the Frenchman's Bay. We recognize that upstream portions of the Amberlea Creek are 'degraded and a large percentage of flows are from untreated and uncontrolled stormwater runoff. Given the potential benefit,s to Frenchman's Bay, TRCA support in principle the proposed piping of the Amberlea Creek as an outcome of the broader municipal stormwater management strategy provided the City pursues the downstream stormwater management plan generally set out by Mark Schollen report entitled Amberlea Creek Assessment and Alternatives October, 2001. We recognIze that this plan is 'conçeptual and that the City is taking the necessary steps to finalize this project. The stcrmwater mahagen¡1ent strategy would have to be accepted by TRCA staff in advance of Issuance ofan,y permits Under Ontario Regulation 158., . Further we are supportive of the Official Plan Amendment which provides support for the piping or relocating of the Amberlea Creek subject to satisfying the mcA, and specifically subject to demonstrating a strategy resulting in a significant net benefit to the Frenchman's 'Bay Watershed. We trust that this is of assistance and are prepared to provide any necessary support to the City of Pickering in the finalization of the stormwater scheme for the Amberlea Quadrant. We trust that this is satisfactory: If you have any questions please'contact the unç: ersigned. ,yz:u", \y: . j, .' , . sse ~~ Senior Planner Development Services Section Ext. 5306 . . Encl. cc: Ray Davies, Region of Durham Grant McGreggor, Crty of Pickering f:\?FI~",\Ç~~~~C1U'":'¡,VV"è1 ' .' '... :; ore am rIve, ownSVlew,. ntano,M3N 154 (416) 661.6600 FAX 661.6898 www.trca.on.ca ~~ TOTAL P.01 AUG. 1.2002 11: 3:::::Af'¡ Cr'jFP TOPC'r'lTO ATTACHMENT # % TO r:~' ::,:PT # PO "",,,::i2 ~q ~ ¡jIJ.754 F'. 1 Canadian Propriétés . Nat:bnal ferrovJalres du Railway Canadien Properties Joe. National Inc. 277 Front Street West Floor S Toronto. ORfanO MSV 2X7 277. rile Front ouest 8' étage Toronto (Ontario) MSV 2X7 c::.N Telephone: (416) 217.6961 Facsimile: (416) 217-6743 !to, " ~, '.:,', ,,',r,',';¡;,",~~,é,J?~q,n~.Í'4,. ~Ø,t2~.!J'W,i,9G1 ~, ¡¡¡;;;~'",.nl~€ô¡jreLÍÎJÍi'(4>'í6) M-6743 CiTY j2!C;{EFHNG n ,j VIA FAX: 905-420-9685 1 August 2002 -~ C~ Mr. B aylor C" Clerk ~'City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering ON L1 V 6K7 CL.EAK1S DiViS~ON Your File: OPA 02-002/P Our File: TZ-4500~P-02 Re: Proposed Official Plan Amendment Northeast Quadrant Review Generally bounded by Kingston Rd., Whites Rd. and Sheppard Ave. ~ ¡¡::: 'Co II:: m n I ~""'1i. b., ",fl î'".; i! ~,j1 ,r, ri) ',nQ^ - . ¡Jl.!..UJ!.. ~ C"' TV !.'1~,' 'jlC", I"""',"""",,", i . Yo '. ',' y" r ,,',ù:.;nd'<1,,;¡ , PLt>.NNiNG f\ND I DEVELOP"JiENT DEPARTMENT !......;;--,~,-~=, Dear Mr. Taylor: We have reviewed your letter dated 5 July 2002 regarding the above noted application and request that the following policy be included in the Official Plan Amendment: "Any proposed residential or other sensitive land use development will be required to undertake noise studies, to the satisfaction of the City in consultation with CN Rail, and shall undertake appropriate measures to mitigate any adverse effects from noise that were identified.1I We woWld appreciate the opportunity to comment on any proposed O,1odlficatlon prior to its adoption, and ultimately, we request notice of the Amendment being approved. Should you have qny further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (416) 217-6961. Ge 'oDds, B.E.S, Development Review Coordinator A wholly owned subsidiary of Can.dlan Natlon~1 1¡¡lIw.y Company I line fiji.le en pmprìété exclu~ive de la Compagnie dos ch~mins de f~r nat}onaux du (~nad~