HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 04-19-Cdpt>f- PJ(KERJNG Report to Planning & Development Committee From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Report Number: PLN 04-19 Date: March 4, 2019 Subject: By-law for the Civic Numbering of Buildings and Properties within the City of Pickering File: D-9600 Recommendation: 1. That Council repeal and replace By-law 3503/90 with a new by-law to provide for the civic numbering of buildings and properties within the City of Pickering; and 2. That the draft by-law provided as Appendix I to Report PLN 04-19 be forwarded to Council for enadment. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to obtain Council's approval to repeal and replace By-law 3503/90 with a new by-law for the civic numbering of buildings and properties. A new by-law is required to ensure consistent procedures are used for all development types, to deal with concerns, and to recover costs from requests to change municipal addresses. Financial Implications: The implementation of the new by-law would provide cost recovery for applications to change a municipal address (civic number change). Discussion: 1. Purpose of Municipal Addressing Municipal addressing includes street naming and civic numbering of properties and buildings. Municipal addressing is important for wayfinding and ensuring timely responses by police, fire and emergency medical services during an emergency. The assignment of postal codes is undertaken by Canada Post. Postal codes are .considered part of the mailing address. Mailing addressing is important for postal delivery. By-law 3530/90 provides the regulatory framework for civic numbering, whereas Regional Report 2001-P-27 provides the procedure for street names in the Durham Region. With respect to civic numbering, By-law 3530/90: • requires the City to assign m1mbers to all properties in the City of Pickering • requires the City maintain an official record. bf those numbers • establishes requirements for property owners to display on their property, the numbers which have been assigned • establishes fines for contravening the by-law PLN 04-19 Subject: Civic Numbering of Buildings and Properties in Pickering March 4, 2019 Page 2 2. Overview of Standard Operating Procedures for Assigning Civic Numbers Civic numbers for properties and buildings are assigned by the City. At the outset of construction of a building, the owner must install a temporary sign displaying the civic number and this sign must remain in place for the duration of construction. The permanent civic number sign for the property/building must be installed prior to occupancy. Civic numbers are assigned from south to north starting at the lakeshore Broken Front Concession, and from west to east starting at the Scarborough-Pickering and Markham-Pickering Townline Roads. Irregular streets are considered to be west-east or south-north according to their predominant direction. Even numbers are assigni:id for buildings on the north and west sides of the streets, while odd numbers are assigned for buildings on the south and east sides of the streets. Civic numbers are assigned on the basis of one number for every 6.0 metres (20 feet) of lot frontage. 3. Recent Challenges Within the past few years, two significant challenges have arisen: 1. more complex development forms (e.g., common element condominiums containing a number of private streets and stacked or back to back townhouses); 2. a significant increase in requests to change an assigned civic number. For new and emerging forms of development, City Development staff have worked with Fire Services to develop new standard operating procedures for assigning street names and civic numbers in these situations, and recommended that key parts of these standard operating procedures be included in the new by-law. The increase in requests to change civic numbers has been rising over the past 15 years. During this time, the City's population has become more diverse, having many cultural, religious or philosophical beliefs about the meaning or symbolism of numbers. These belief systems do not always align, and while some prefer certain numbers, others may wish to avoid these numbers. The City has a standard operating procedure for assigning municipal addresses that is strictly adhered to. However, the current By-law does not speak to requests for municipal address changes. Costs for addressing subdivisions and land severances are covered through planning application fees. However, costs for time spent on requests for site-specific municipal address changes are not recuperated. Therefore, steps and fees need to be included in the By-law regarding requests for address changes. 4. Staff Recommend that the New By-law be Enacted by Council Staff consulted with internal departments including City Development (Building Services and Planning & Design Division), and Fire Services, throughout the drafting of the new by-law. In addition to those matters already addressed in By-law 3503/90, the new by-law will include: • Standard definitions (section 1) • Assignment of responsibilities to the Director, City Development, in accordance with the Municipal Addresses standard operating procedure (section 2) PLN 04-19 Subject: Civic Numbering of Buildings and Properties in Pickering • Requirements for applications to change civic numbering (section 3) · • General sign requirements (section 4) • Reflective sign requirements (section 5) • Obligation of property owners to post civic numbers (section 6) March 4 , 2019 Page 3 • Reporting to Council for City-initiated proposed civic number changes (section 7) • Penalties for contravening the by-law (section 8) It is recommended that Council repeal and replace By-law 3503/90 with a new by-law to provide for the civic numbering of buildings and properties within the City of Pickering. Appendix Appendix I Draft By-law for the Civic Numbering of Buildings and Properties in the City of Pickering Prepared By: Jill McMullen Coordinator, Geomatics Jeff Brooks, MCIP, RPP , AMCT Manager, Policy & Geomatics JM:JB:ld Recommended for the consideration Approved/Endorsed By: Catherine Rose , MCIP , RPP Chief Planner Kyle Bentley, P . Eng . Director, City .Development & CBO ofPickeringa?j ii,/. ,>,Z.ofi Tony Prevedel , P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report PLN 04-19 Draft By-law for the Municipal Addressing of Buildings and Properties in the City of Pickering The Corporation of the City of Pickering Being a by-law to provide for the Civic Numbering of Buildings and Properties in the City of Pickering. Whereas section 8(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S .O. 2001 , c. 25, as amended ("Municipal Act, 2001 "), provides that the powers of a municipality shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities to enable them to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate , and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; Whereas section 11 (2) 6 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws for the health, safety and well being of persons ; Whereas section 11 (2) 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws for the protection of persons and property ; Whereas section 11 (3) 1. of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws for highways; Whereas section 11 (3) 7. of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws for structures, including fences a·nd signs ; Whereas section 116 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that where a municipality has established a centralized communication system for emergency services it may at any reasonable time enter onto land to affi x numbers on buildings or erect signs setting out numbers on land; Whe reas section 23 .2 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may delegate some of its powers under the Municipal Act, 2001 to an employee of the municipality; Whereas Council is of the opinion that the act of assigning civic numbers to buildings and prop e rties is a power of a minor nature; Whereas section 227 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that it is the role of officers and employees of the municipality to implement Council decisions and establish practices and procedures to implement those decisions; Whereas section 429 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may establish a system of fines for a by-law passed under the Municipal Act, 2001 ; Whereas section 446 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that where a person fails to do something that is required under a by-law, the municipality may undertake to do the thing required at the person 's expense and the costs may be collected in same manner as property taxes; Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering desires to repeal and replace By-law 3503/90, as amended, with this By-law; Page 2 Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering enacts as follows : 1. In this by-law, a . "Council' means the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering; b. "Director" means the Director of City Development of the Corporation of the City of Pickering or designate ; c. "Highway" includes a common and public highway, street, avenue , parkway , driveway , square , place , bridge , viaduct or trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof; d. "City" means The Corporation of the City of Pickering ; e. "Civic Number" means the number assigned by the City to a property or building , and which forms part of a Municipal Address ; f. "Municipal Address" means the Civic Number and Street Name ; g . "Record " means the City 's official record of Municipal Addresses ; h. "Street Name" means the name and suffix assigned by the City for each Highway or private road with the City of Pickering ; and i. "SOP" means the City's Municipal Addresses Standard Operating Procedure . 2. The Director shall assign a civic number to every building or lot abutting or fronting on a street within the City, according to the processes described in the current standard operating procedure titled "Municipal Addresses" and shall maintain an official record of all municipal addresses assigned to buildings and properties within the City. The Director shall ensure that: a . All civic numbers are included in the addressing of a street. b. Draft municipal addresses are assigned to a plan of subdivision after the Director has granted draft approval by stamping and signing c opies of the draft plan of subdivi sion , and that final municipal addres ses are confirmed upon receipt of a registered plan of subdivision from the Land Registry Office and entered into the Record . c. Draft municipal addresses are assigned to lots subject to land severance after all approvals are granted for the severance by the Region of Durham or other approvals agencies, and that final municipal addresses are confirmed upon receipt of a registered deed for the severed property from the Land Registry Office and entered into the Record . d. Municipal addresses on private roads conform to the SOP. e . A civic number given to a rural building is subject to the building 's relative location along the lot frontage . f. Multiple occupancy buildings are assigned a single civic number and individual units are given numerical identification in sequential order. Page 3 g. In the situation of a multiple building complex, a civic number will be assigned to each building and to each unit. The number for each building shall be assigr:,ed in a clockwise order around the complex starting at the main entrance to the site. The number for each unit within the building shall be numbered sequentially. 3. All applications for a c ivic number change shall be reviewed and considered, upon receipt of the application and appropriate fees . The fee shall be $1,000.00 plus HST, for up to one year following the passing of this by-law. Subsequent application fees will be in accordance with the City's Fee By-law. The Director of City Development shall only grant approval of an application if: a. The request was made by the property owner; b. The requested change to the existing civic number does not conflict with the SOP or other sections of this By-law; c. Fire Services determines that the change would improve the level of emergency response service ; and d. Abutting property owners are not adversely affected by the change. 4. No person shall affix to any building or premises or, being the owner shall allow to be affixed or to remain affixed thereto, any civic number except that appearing in the Record. Every property owner shall: a. Securely affix or inscribe on the wall of the main building , which is the wall closest to the highway on which the main building has vehicular access, the civic number. b . Affix the civi c number at a height between 2.0 metres (6.5 feet) and 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) above grade. c. Ensure that every civic number shall be expressed in legible Arabic digits at least: 1. 100 millimetres (4 inches) high with at least a 12 millimetre(½ inch) wide stroke, subject to 4(c)(ii); and ii. at least 200 millimetres (8 inches) high with at least a 20 millimetre(¾ inch) wide stroke where the building is setback from the travelled portion of the road between 18.0 metres (59 feet) and 30.0 metres (98 feet); d. Ensure that where a c iv ic number is placed on a building , the c iv ic number is placed on a contrasting background and is clearly vis ible from the highway on which the building has vehicular access during daylight, and absent daylight when illuminated from the street. Page 4 e. Ensure that where pylon signs or ground signs are erected and used, as defined in City of Pickering Sign By-law 6999/09, as amended , the civic number shall be clearly indicated on the sign in accordance to the Sign By-law. f. Ensure that buildings under construction and not occupied have the civ ic numbers posted on a sign in front of the building and that the address is clearly differentiated from references to lot numbers . g. Ensure that permanent civic numbers are affixed to the structure prio r to the granting of occupancy. h. Ensure that where multiple lots are accessed by a common driveway, except in the case of condominium apartments or townhouses , a reflective sign with all of those civic numbers of the buildings accessed by the common driveway shall be installed at the entrance to the driveway located at the highway and in addition , and that the civic numbers also be affixed to every main building accessed by the common driveway. i. Ensure that where no building is located on a lot for which a municipal address has been assigned based on vehicular access to that vacant lot , a reflective sign is erected and maintained depicting the civic number of the vacant lot in accordance with the requirements of Section 5. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4 of this By-law, where the building is situated more than 30 metres (98 feet) from the highway on which the main building has vehicular access measured from the edge of the travelled portion of the highway, or where the view of such a building is obscured from the highway by grade or vegetation or any structure or feature , the municipality shall affix the civic address to a reflective sign subject to the following requirements: a. The reflective sign shall be supported by a post. b. The distance between the post and the centre line of the vehicular access to the main building shall not exceed 6.0 metres (20 feet). c. The reflective sign shall be at a right angle alignment to the highway on which the main building has vehicular access. d. The reflective sign shall be located on the property line where the lot meets the highway unless its view will be obstructed , in which case the reflective sign shall be located on the road allowance and as close as possible to the lot line. e. The reflective sign shall be posted on the same side of the highway as the building or vehicular access to the main building or vacant lot to which it pertains . f. The top of the reflective sign shall be at least 1.4 metres (4.5 feet) above the average grade of the lot directly in front of the reflective sign . By-law No. XXXX/19 Page 5 g. The reflective sign and the lot to which it pertains shall be maintained so that the reflective sign is clearly visible from the highway on which the vacant lot or main building has vehicular access, at all times. h. The reflective sign and its support post shall not be used for any other purpose than to support the reflective sign. i. The reflective sign shall be of reflective green material. The civic number for the vacant lot or main building shall be affixed to each side of the re flective sign. The civ ic number shall be of reflective white material and shall contrast with the plate so that the civic number is clearly visible from the abutting highway . j. Dimensions of the plate and civic numbers shall be in accordance to guidelines used by the City's Community Services Department, Public Works Section. 6. Every owner of a property which abuts or fronts on a street shall be responsible for the expense of civic numbering their property. 7. Whenever City staff identifies that it is necessary to have the c ivic numbers changed on any street or portion of a street, the Director of City Development shall report to the Council and , if directed by resolution of the Council, shall reassign civic numbers to the buildings or properties along the street or portion of the street and shall cause the owners of the properties on the street or portion of the street to be notified and directed to remove the previous civic numbers and attach the new civic numbers to the buildings or premises. 8. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence, and upon conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $2,000 .00 , exclusive of costs, recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act. 9. By-law 3503/90 is hereby repealed and replaced. 10. This By-law shall come into force on the date of passage by Counci l. By-law passed this XXth day of XXXX, 20XX. David Ryan , Mayor FT Susan Cassel, City Clerk