HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEG 02-19From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Report to Council Report Number: LEG 02-19 Date: February 25, 2019 Subject: Request to The Regional Municipality of Durham to Share Unused Conduit -Broadband Service in Pickering -File: A-3700 Recommendation: 1. That Report LEG 02-19 be received for information , and that Council recognize the importance of widespread, fast and affordable internet access for all residents and businesses, for the purposes of enhancing social and political participation, digital equality and enabling economic development; 2. That the Region of Durham is hereby requested to provide the City with access to unused and/or underutilized conduit within Regional roads for the purpose of a City-sponsored fiber optic broadband network; 3. That a copy of these Recommendations be sent to the Chair, Region of Durham, the Chief Administrative Officer, Region of Durham , the Commissioner of Works , Region of Durham , the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development, Region of Durham and to all Durham area municipalities; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this Report. · Executive Summary: For approximately 18 years, the Region of Durham has maintained the practice of installing an empty 3 inch plastic conduit in every Regional road construction project. This empty conduit is installed beside an identical 3 inch plastic conduit which the Region uses to connect its system of traffic signals. The Region has no corporate plan for use of the empty conduit. At the same time, the City of Pickering recognizes the importance of Internet connectivity for all residents and businesses in the City. On an ongoing basis the City is exploring options for expanding and improving Internet connectivity. The City should therefore ask the Region of Durham for permission to make use of the available space in the Region's conduits for the purpose of enabling the expansion of broadband service within the City. Financial Implications: There are no direct financial implications to this report. Use of the Region 's conduits to expand broadband service within the City will encourage economic development by expanding service into underserviced areas of the City. In addition, use of the Region's conduit as part of a City "intranet" network connecting various City facilities would reduce costs currently incurred for internet access through Bell and Rogers. LEG 02-19 Subject: Request to Regional of Durham to Share City Conduit Februa ry 25, 2019 Page 2 Discussion: For approximately 18 years, the Region of Durham has maintai ned the practice of installing an empty 3 inch plastic conduit in every Regional road construction project. This empty conduit is installed beside an identical 3 inch plastic conduit which the Region uses to connect its system of traffic signals. The conduit used for the Regional traffic system contains one fiber-optic cable that is approximately ½ inch in diameter. Attachment No. 1 to this Report is a map showing the location of existing and planned Regional conduit. The empty conduit is installed by the Region for future possible use, either as a backup to the traffic conduit, or for some as yet undetermined Regional communications network. At the present time , the Region has no corporate plan for any use of the empty conduit. The City of Pickering recognizes the importance of broadband service, both for residents and businesses. Fast, reliable Internet access is essential for Pickering 's economic development. Every business now depends upon it. Internet access to residences enables people to work from home and, perhaps most importantly, enables residents to be socially and politically active. Increasingly, healthcare services and consultations are being provided online. This will be of increasing importance to an aging population. We rely upon private-sector telecommunications companies (chiefly Bell and Rogers) to provide Internet service within Pickering. The private sector will not expand their networks unless sufficient demand exists to justify the cost of expansion. As a result, fast, re liable and affordable Internet serv ice is not available everywhere in Pickering. In particular, Pickering 's northern and rural areas are underserviced. Even along the Kingston Road/401 corridor, high-speed service is not available to every business and resident. As a result, there is a strong public interest in enabling the expansion of existing communication networks, and constructing new ones. City staff are exploring a number of different options for improving and expanding broadband service in Pickering. Previously, the City hoped to build out a broadband network together with a private sector Internet Service Provider. The proposed network would have connected the Civic Complex to Seaton and beyond to Whitevale and Claremont. The City's proposal was dependent upon obtaining Federal Government grant funding from the Connect To Innovate program. Unfortunately, that funding was not forthcoming and construction could not proceed. City staff continue to explore any available opportunity for extending and imp roving broadband service within Pickering. Access to th e Region's underutilized conduit would better position Pickering to expand broadband service. It must be noted that broadband service proposals are only eligible for Federal Connect to Innovate funding if they are co-sponsored by the municipality. Collaboration between the Region and the City will increase the l ikelihood of success on any future application for grant funding . For all of the foregoing reasons , the City should request that the Region grant it access to unused/underutilized conduit in Regional roads. LEG02-19 Subject: Request to Regional of Durham to Share City Conduit Attachments : 1. Map of Existing and proposed Region of Durham Conduit Pr te Services & City Solicitor PB:ks Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C~ a t "f, z_,,/i Tony Prevedel , P.Eng . Chief Administrative Officer February 25 , 2019 Page 3 '-·r•--, __ . • I 'I I • • • I . Planned Regional Fibre Deployment (2017-2020) (D Number of Stra~ds ® Number of Strands -Existing •·····" 2017 ........ 2018 ........ 2019 ••• ..... 2020 Not Yet Determined @ Administraton 0 Police Station o Senior Residence • Transit o Waste Management * EMS Station • Child Care • Social Housing • Depot • -----· Municipal Boundary -·-·-Urban Area Boundary -Employment Area Water/Sewer Facility Hamlet