HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 03-19--Cipo/--p](KERJNG From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Contract Agreement Report to Council Report Number: CAO 03-19 Date: January 28, 2019 -Creative Class Group -Speaking and Content Engagement Agreement -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council provide 2019 pre-budget approval in the amount of $60,000 plus HST (account 2121.2394.0000), to cover the event costs for 'Your City. Your Business' including speaking fees, and that staff be directed to seek sponsorship funding to offset these costs; 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract agreement with Creative Class Group set out in Attachment 1 of this report, subject to minor revisions as may be required by the Chief Administrative Officer, and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; 3. That a copy of the report be forwarded to the Region of Durham, Region of York, City of Markham, Infrastructure Ontario, and the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade;· and 4. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering's Economic Development Office held its very first annual 'Your City. Your Business' lunch event in May 2018. Over 120 individuals attended the event which included entertainment and 2 presenters. This year's event is tentatively scheduled for April 2019. The focus for this year's event is to highlight and promote the Highway 407 Corridor. In 2018, the City partnered with the Canadian Urban Institute to retain the consulting services of Dr. John Kasarda to develop and study the opportunities of an Aerotropolis model for the Highway 407 Corridor. The study itself will outline future economic development opportunities in Pickering and surrounding regions/municipalities. Assisting Dr. Kasarda will be Dr. Florida who is a world leader urbanist and specialist on global trends, economics, and municipal competitiveness. Both Dr. Florida and Dr. Kasarda have been recognized globally for their work surrounding the economics of how cities can attract sustainable investment and jobs. The City would like this year's event to be a major catalyst for the Highway 407 Corridor. To achieve this goal, the City would like to hire Dr. Florida for this event and Recommendation 2 CAO 03-19 January 28, 2019 Subject: Contract Agreement Creative Class Group -Speaking and Content Engagement Agreement Page 2 seeks Council approval to execute the contract. Dr. Kasarda's services are covered through the City's partnership with the Canadian Urban Institute. Financial Implications: The City of Pickering will be responsible to provide a deposit and fund the speaking engagement fee of $60,000 for Dr. Richard Florida. Staff plan to approach leading businesses in the Pickering area to help offset the City's costs. The goal is to have the speaking fees covered. At this current time, staff have approached several businesses and the response has been positive. There will be no additional fees incurred by the City for Dr. John Kasarda, as his participation in this event will be covered through his. contractual agreement with Canadian Urban Institute. Discussion: As reported in 2018, staff are actively pursuing the relocation of up to 5 multinational companies to the Highway 407 Corridor, which could result in the creation of up to 2,000 jobs. Such projects will generate additional taxation revenues for the City and Region. Through discussions with representatives of the businesses interested in relocating to the Innovation Corridor, City staff have been questioned on the timing of when a decision will be made on the construction of an airport in Pickering. Businesses interested in relocating and/or expanding to the Innovation Corridor have stated that a decision by the Federal Government to move forward with an airport in Pickering would significantly expedite their decision making process, and would make the Highway 407 Corridor an ideal location for their respected businesses. The lack of an economic strategic plan for the Highway 407 Corridor will impact the future ability for Pickering to attract well-paying jobs and businesses. The CAO and Senior Management Team priority during this term of council is to start the shift of the property tax base from residential to commercial and industrial. The Highway 407 Corridor represents a great opportunity to start the transition. For the past six months the City has been working with Canadian Urban Institute and Dr. John Kasarda on an economic development study for the Highway 407 Corridor. As part of the study, Dr. Kasarda will examine the Aerotropolis model for these lands. Aerotropolis is the concept of a City or sub-region in which infrastructure, land use and economy are centered on transportation systems, including an airport. Council supported the development of a strategic road map for the Highway 407 Corridor as it is the last economic opportunity for the City to attract businesses and well-paying jobs. With completion of the road map anticipated for the end of the first quarter, 2019, staff have decided to promote the theme of this year's 'Your City. Your Business' lunch event to focus on the basis of the work that Dr. Kasarda has completed for the Highway 407 Corridor. In discussions with Dr. Kasarda about the social and economic impacts of the Highway 407 Corridor for not only Pickering and Durham Region, but the Greater Toronto Area, it was suggested to retain the speaking engagement services of Dr. Richard Florida. Dr. Florida is a renowned urbanist and is the world's most sought after speaker on global trends, economics, prosperity, competitiveness, and growth. CAO 03-19 January 28, 2019 Subject: Contract Agreement 'creative Class Group -Speaking and Content Engagement Agreement Page 3 With the correlation between the Aerotropolis study Dr. Kasarda is currently completing, and the research work undertaken by Dr. Florida for regions and cities around the world, City staff feel confident that having both experts present and speak at the 'Your City. Your Business' event will give the City of Pickering a significant profile. Having two world renowned keynote speakers will attract a large audience of listeners who are keen on hearing about the future of Pickering's prosperous economic future. Staff will be working with all parties involved to promote and market this event across the Province. As part of the agreement with Creative Class Group, City staff will also be given the opportunity to consult with Dr. Florida prior to the event, and produce a communications piece that · can be published by the City. Due to the high profile of both keynote speakers and the topic of discussion, City staff are confident that the cost incurred for the event will be offset through sponsorship and event ticketing. Attachment: 1. CCG -Speaking & Content Engagement Fiaz Jadoon, Ec.D., CEcD, MPM Manager, Economic Development & Strategic Projects TP:fj Recommended for the consideration of Pickerin~~?:!°""j /J U/)Jf/Jttl# )Oil· 1..21 2PF/ Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Approved/Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski, CPA, MBA Director, Finance & Treasurer ATTACHMENT# J-,-L,; ', creative class· group Our appearances have generated excitement and intense discussion around the world. The speaking fee funds the Creative Class Group {CCG} a g(obal think tank, comprised of researchers, academics and strategists who offer companies, associations, and regions access to leading-edge knowledge, trends, consulting, education and professional development. We look forward to contributing to your successful event! SPEAKING, CONSULTING & CONTENT ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT This Speaking Engagement Agreement (this "Agreement") is made January 9, 2018 by and between The Creative Class Group, LLC ("CCG"), whose address is 1445 16th Street, Suite 302, Miami Beach, FL 33139 and: The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "Client") One the Esplanade, Pickering, ON Ll V 6K7 Attention: Fiaz Jadoon Ec.D. ,CEcD, MPM fjadoon@pickering.ca Manager, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Office of the CAO TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPEAKING FEE and COSTS: Client shall pay CCG a speaking fee of$ 60,000 CAD for speaking engagement. Client shall also be responsible for all items mentioned in the rider including: 1} at least 90 day advance booking and payment for hotel accommodation named by CCG; 2) at least 90 day advance payment for air travel for two between locations stipulated by CCG; 3} ground transportation to and from airport to all destinations by designated car service; and 4} incidentals, such as meals. Plus HST, as applicable. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: A representative of CCG will coordinate travel directly with CCG's travel agent and will provide itinerary information and contact . information to the Client as it becomes available. Client must make payment arrangements directly with CCG's travel agent, at least 90 days in advance of the event. Due to the numerous issues that may arise during travel, under no circumstances will outside agencies will be used. No exceptions. SPEECH DATE & TIME: Thursday, April 18, 2019 SPEAKING LOCATION: Pickering, ON SPEECH SCOPE and FORMAT: Two 45-60 minute keynote presentations -followed directly by a 15 minute q & a with City Magazine -followed directly by a 30 minute book signing (optional) PLUS 2 hour consulting session (date and time to be agreed upon in advance) with City of Pickering officials to discuss the speaker's work on the study his team has completed on economic impacts airports bring for surrounding regions (Toronto Star article), and seek advice as to what other elements can be incorporated into the work program leading up to the April speaking event. -hospitality and hosting of session to be covered by Client Additional dinners, receptions, presentations, lunches, conference calls, tours and meetings not outlined above may be arranged in advance (additional fees may apply). CONFIDENTIALITY: The parties agree to take .all necessary precautions to maintain the confidentiality of the terms and conditions contained herein. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement and any information or documents that are provided hereunder may be released pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.5.0. 1990, c. M.56, as amended. This acknowledgement shall not be construed as a waiver of any right to object to the release of this Agreement or of any information or documents. MERCHANDISE SALES: The Client may facilitate book and media sales prior to or after the speaking event. The Client shall make available five items: The Great Reset, Who's Your City?, The Flight of the Creative Class, The Rise of the Creative Class (tROCC}, Cities and the Creative Class, tROCC audio, tROCC tour DVD and CD. Bulk copies of books and media can be obtained by calling Roy or Meg at 1-800-CEO-READ x 205 or 206 or via email med@BOOceoread.com {CEO Read can ship internationally, via email or international number 001 414 274 6406 ext. 206}, via Amazon.com or by contacting your local bookstore. EVENT PROMOTIONS: All Client advertisements and publicity, whether for print, broadcast, on-line or otherwise, shall be subject to CCG's review and approval. Photographs, FAQ's and biography are online at www.creativeclass.org. Client agrees to cooperate with CCG in promoting the speaking event through local media coverage. RECORDING: Recording of the speaking event is permitted for archival purposes and excerpts to be used on Client website (subject to CCG review). TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: Client shall provide an unobstructed raised stage -riser, a wireless lavaliere microphone, and a glass of water. Upbeat music upon entry and exit is encouraged. Be Creative! · FORCE MAJEURE: Notwithstanding the terms of this Agreement, in the event that the performance of any obligation under this Agreement by any party is prevented due to acts of God or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of a party, such party shall not be responsible to the other party for failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Agreement. EVENT CANCELLATION: CCG reserves the right to cancel this Agreement at any time in the event of an illness, unforeseen emergency, overriding obligation or professional responsibility of the speaker. CCG and the speaker shall have no liability for expenses or losses resulting from such cancellation except for a refund of the speaking fee provided above and any· non-reimbursable amounts the Client has paid for items in the rider, including, but not limited to, hotel, travel, transportation and meal expenses. In the case of a force majeure event or any such cancellation by CCG, the parties shall work together in good faith to schedule an alternative date in 2019 for the speaking event. PAYMENT: Client shall pay CCG by cash or check (payable to: Creative Class Group, LLC, EIN 82-0557190)) as follows: • 50% initial deposit due upon execution of this Agreement by both parties • 50% balance due on event date • If deposits are not received within 30 days of due date, event will be considered canceled and CCG will retain deposit of 50% for opportunity cost of holding the dates • Remaining expenses due upon receipt of final invoice Wire transfers are available. All payments made and/or costs incurred by Client are non-refundable, except in cases noted in the aforementioned paragraph. In the event that the Client fails to pay any amount due under this Agreement, and the account is referred to an attorney for collection, Client shall be responsible for interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of 13% per annum from the due date thereof, and for payment of CCG's collection costs and attorneys fees incurred. Also, any payments over 90 days past due will incur 13% interest. MISCELLANEOUS: Except as otherwise provided herein, neither party may unilaterally assign or terminate this Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the terms and conditions with respect to the agreement among the parties. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the rights of the parties shall be governed by, the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein and the parties hereto irrevocably attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario in the event of a dispute hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF and intending to be legally bound hereby, the authorized parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. Creative Class Group, LLC Client: The Corporation of the City of Pickering R. Florida:~---------By:. ____________ _ Date:. ______________ _ Date:. ______________ _