HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 26-18-Clpof-p](KERJNG From: Subject: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 18-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07 /18 City Initiated: Kubota Canada Ltd. lands Report to Council Report Number: PLN 26-18 Date: October 1, 2018 Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010 3560 Highway 7 City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 18-003/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, to permit controlled outdoor storage that is accessory and incidental to a proposed assembly plant, as a site specific exception, on the future Kubota Canada Ltd. lands and to delete the east-west "Future Collector Road" between Sideline 24 and the future realigned Sideline 22 as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 26-18, be approved; and 2. That the Draft By-law to adopt Amendment 32 to the Pickering Official Plan to permit controlled outdoor storage that is accessory and incidental to a proposed assembly plant, as a site specific exception, on the future Kubota Canada Ltd. lands and to delete the east-west "Future Collector Road" between Sideline 24 and the future realigned Sideline 22, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 26-18, be enacted by Council; and 3. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07 /18, initiated by the City of Pickering, to permit, as an exception, controlled outdoor storage if accessory and incidental to the principal permitted use (the manufacturing/assembly plant), to permit limited outdoor display of finished equipment and change to the zoning to replace the stormwater management zone with a prestige employment general zone on the future Kubota Canada Ltd. lands, be approved, and the draft zoning by-law contained in Appendix II to Report PLN 26-18 be enacted by Council. Executive Summary: Kubota Canada Ltd. ("KCL"), a subsidiary of Kubota Corporation, a tractor and heavy equipment manufacturer is in the process of acquiring approximately 20 hectares of land in Pickering's Innovation Corridor Neighbourood in Seaton. To facilitate and accelerate the company's relocation and the jobs that it brings, staff has initiated site specific amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and the Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 to permit, as an exception, controlled outdoor storage if accessory and incidental to the principal permitted use (the manufacturing/assembly plant), and to permit limited outdoor display of finished equipment. Additionally, the Official Plan will be amended to delete the east-west "Future Collector Road" between Sideline 24 and the future realigned Sideline 22. Report PLN 26-18 Subject: City Initiated: Kubota Canada Ltd. lands (OPA 18-003/P, A 07/18) October 1, 2018 Page 2 As part of the changes to the zoning by-law, staff propose to replace the stormwater management zone with a prestige employment general zone as a stormwater pond is not required on these lands. The proposed amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and Seaton Zoning By-law are appropriate and conform to the Central Pickering Development Plan, the Pickering Official Plan and the Innovation Corridor Neighbourhood policies. The amendments to the Official Plan still meet the intent of the policies and are site specific to the subject property only. The amendments to the Seaton Zoning By-law are considered minor and being site specific allow KCL to advance their proposed design and operational considerations. Staff recommend that Council approve the proposed amendments to the Pickering Official Plan (OPA 18-003/P) and the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/18 as set out in Appendix I and Appendix II to Report PLN 26-18, and Council enact the draft by-laws. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed applications. 1. Discussion The City of Pickering has initiated the applications for the future KCL lands located on the south side of Highway 7, in Seaton, east of Sideline 24 and west of Sideline 22 (see Location Map, Attachment #1). KCL has entered into a purchase and sale agreement with the City of Pickering to purchase the subject lands. The intent of these applications is to facilitate the first development of employment lands in the Seaton Innovation Corridor. KCL has being advancing the design of the subject lands and has requested these minor modifications to the Official Plan and zoning by-law in order to achieve operational efficiehcies on the subject property. The text of Information Report 10-18 is attached as Appendix Ill to this Report. It contains a description of the proposal, the applicable planning policies and existing zoning. KCL request to add controlled outdoor storage and limited outdoor display of finished equipment, delete the east-west "Future Collector Road" and to replace the stormwater management zone with a prestige employment general zone. The proposed amendments will not impact the proposed functioning and operation of the Seaton Innovation Corridor and are appropriate for the·development of the subject lands. A site plan application will address detailed design maters. Report PLN 26-18 Subject: City Initiated: Kubota Canada Ltd. lands (OPA 18-003/P, A 07/18) 2. Comments Received 2.1 June 18, 2018 Public Information Meeting and Written Comments October 1, 2018 Page 3 No members of the public attended the Public Information Meeting. No comments have been received from the public as a result of circulation of the public notice of the applications. 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments 2.2.1 Region of Durham • the proposed applications conforms to the Durham Region Official Plan and the Central Pickering Development Plan • no objection to the deletion of the "Future Collector Road" from the Pickering Official Plan • the applications are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement • the Official Plan amendment application is exempt from Regional approval 2.2.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority • no objections to the applications • stormwater management and other technical matters can be addressed through the site plan approval process 2.2.3 Ontario Ministry of Transportation • no objections to the applications • specific road design matters and other technical matters can be addressed through the site plan approval process 2.2.4 Other Agencies • no other agency that provided comments on the applications expressed any concern with the proposed land use • detailed design matters can be addressed during the implementing processes 3. Planning Analysis The KCL proposed site represents the first employment development in the Seaton Innovation Corridor employment lands. One of the prominent policies for Seaton is it be planned as a sustainable community with a balance-of population and jobs. The attraction of KCL to Seaton is a significant opportunity that is anticipated to attract additional employment generators to Pickering. Report PLN 26-18 Subject: City Initiated: Kubota Canada Ltd. lands (OPA 18-003/P, A 07/18) October 1, 2018 Page 4 Given the scale of development the request to delete the collector road through the site is appropriate given the site still enjoys a frontage of over 500 metres along Highway 7, which will provide ample opportunities to provide access to the site. Further, with the large scale development allowing outdoor storage, as a site specific exception, is acceptable and anticipated to be located in non-prominent locations. The removal the lands zoned specifically for stormwater management is appropriate and allows KCL to properly plan their site for all aspects of their operation. The proposed application to amend the Official Plan and application to amend the Zoning By-law are considered to be minor modifications, support the overall policies of the Official Plan, the Innovation Corridor Neighbourhood polices, represents logical and orderly development and represent good planning. These applications are: • consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 • in conformity with the Growth Plan for the Greate·r Golden Horseshoe, 2017 • in conformity with the Central Pickering Development Plan • in conformity with the Durham Region Official Plan • in conformity with the City of Pickering Official Plan Staff support the proposed amendments to the Pickering Official Plan (OPA 18-003/P) as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 26-18 and the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/18 as set out in Appendix II to Report PLN 26-18, and recommend Council enact the draft by-laws. Appendices Appendix I Recommended By-law to Adopt Amendment 32 to the Pickering Official Plan Appendix 11 Recommended Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/18 Appendix Ill Information Report 10-18 Attachments 1. Location Map Report PLN 26-18 Subject: City Initiated:, Kubota Canada Ltd. lands (OPA 18-003/P, A 07/18) October 1, 2018 Page 5 Prepared By: t.:::MiP Principal Planner, Strategic Initiatives RP:jc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Approved/Endorsed By: 1/,·~ Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner £ti~ Director, City Development & CBO Appendix I to Report No. PLN 26-18 Recommended Official Plan Amendment 32 To Pickering Official Plan OPA 18-003/P The Corporation of the City of Pickering T-Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 32 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 18-003/P) Whereas pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1), the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering;. And whereas pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; And whereas on February 23, 2000 Regional Council passed By-law 11/2000 which allows the Region to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; · And whereas the Region has advised that Amendment 32 to the City of Pickering Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment 32 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments; 3. · This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. By-law passed this XXth day of October, 2018. DRAFT David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk Exhibit "A" to By-law XXXX/18 Amendment 32 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Purpose: Location: Basis: Actual Proposed Amendment 32 to the Pickering Official Plan The purpose of this amendment is: to permit controlled outdoor storage as a site specific exception on the lands Kubota Canada Ltd. is in the process of acquiring in the Seaton Innovation Corridor; to permit limited outdoor display of finished equipment on the lands; and to delete the east-west collector road that bisects the lands Kubota is acquiring. The subject lands are approximately 20 hectares in size. They are located between Highway 7 on the north and Highway 407 on the south, east of Sideline 24 and west of the Former Sideline 22 road allowance. Legally, the lands are described as Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010, in the City of Pickering. This site-specific amendment has been determined to be appropriate to facilitate and accelerate the relocation of Kubota Canada Ltd.'s head office and manufacturing/assembly plant to Pickering, as the first company to open up the Seaton Innovation Corridor employment lands. Approval of the amendment reflects changing preferences and methods of production. The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, and does not conflict with the Central Pickering Development Plan. The amendment will assist in meeting Regional and City objectives to enable development of the Seaton Employment Lands, and bring jobs concurrent with development of the first residential neighbourhood. The amendment will not undermine the vision of a Prestige Employment area as zoning by-law provisions and site plan approval will ensure appropriate design, landscaping and screening controls are implemented. The deletion of one segment of the Collector Road does not prejudice the ability to provide appropriate transit service to the site. Amendment: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Adding the word "and" to end of Section 12.23 (a)(i)(A), and adding a new exception policy (8) as follows: "(B) despite the prohibition of outdoor storage in Section 11.32(b), controlled outdoor storage may be permitted as an exception, on lands being as Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010, providing the outdoor storage is accessory and incidental to the principal permitted use being Kubota Canada Ltd.'s manufacturing/assembly plant; and further that limited outdoor display of finished equipment may be permitted." Proposed Amendment 32 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 So that the section is now read as follows: 12.23 City Council: (a) shall provide greater direction on employment uses and densities in the Prestige Employment designation by applying two subcategories to the Prestige Employment land use category set out in Tables 2 and 7 as follows: (i) Prestige Employment General: (A) in addition to the prohibited uses in Section 11.32, warehousing shall be prohibited except for warehousing accessory to a permitted use; and (B) despite the prohibition of outdoor storage in Section 11.32(b), controlled outdoor storage may be permitted as an exception, on lands being as Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010, providing the outdoor storage is accessory and incidental to the principal permitted use being Kubota Canada Ltd.'s manufacturing/assembly plant; and further that limited outdoor display of finished equipment may be permitted." 2. Amending Schedule II -Transportation System by deleting the "Future Collector Road" located between Sideline 24 and the realigned Sideline 22, as illustrated on Schedule "A" attached to this proposed Amendment. Implementation: Interpretation: Cross Reference: OPA 18-003/P (Related Files: A 07/18) (Applicant: City Initiated: Kubota Canada Ltd. Lands) (Date: June 18, 2018) The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 1' -Of:jo/- PJ(KERJNG City Development Department N <'I ~ Delete Future Collector Road Between Sideline 24 and the Realigned Sideline 22 Extract of the Schedule II of the Pickering Officia l Plan Edition 7 File No: OPA 18-03/P, A 07 /18 Applicant: Citv Initiated -.._,r' i:o Property Description: Collector Road Between Sideline 24 and Realiqned Sideline 22 FULL SCALE COPIES OF T HIS PLAN AR E AVAILABLE FOR V IEW ING AT T H E CITY OF P ICK ERI NG CITY DEV ELOPM ENT DEPARTMENT. SCHEDULE IITO T HE P I CKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITI ON 7 TRA~SPORTATION SYSTE.',I T'l'"lt A ARTt:lllAI,, "0,t,Q~ T'r'PE B ARTER\At. r:tOAOS ~!: C AlffOUAI. "01'.CS O ~RCCWAY INTl:RCM,t.NCCS C• UNOCRPASSCS/OYERPASSCS ~ l~l CO STATION~ ~ [E) DATE: J une 1, 201 8 Appendix II to· Report No. PLN 26-18 Draft Zoning By-law Amendment A 07/18 By-law Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 7364/14, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, for land at Part of Lot 23 & 24 Concession 5, City of Pickering (A 07 /18) Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering initiated an application to rezone the subject lands being Part of Lot 23 & 24 Concession 5, in the City of Pickering to permit accessory outdoor storage and display and to delete the stormwater management zone from the lands; And whereas an amendment to Zoning By-law 7364/14, as amended, is deemed necessary to permit the requested revisions. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule I Schedule I attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in Part of Lot 23 & 24 Concession 5, in the City of Pickering, designated "PEG-1" on Schedule I attached hereto. 3. Text Amendment That an Exception Table be added to Section 6.5 of the Employment Area Zone Regulations as Table 24 and that all tables following this new Table 24 be · renumbered so that the tables are in chronological order as follows: Table 24: Permitted Use Exceptions Additional Sole Excluded Zone # Address Uses Permitted Uses Permitted Uses PEG 1 Part of Lots 23 and Controlled 24, Concession 5, Open now Part 1, Storage1 40R~29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010, Accessory Display2 By-law No. XXXX/18 Page 2 Notes: 1. Controlled open storage areas may be permitted if accessory and incidental to a manufacturing/assembly plant as the principle use on the same lot, subject to the following; a) An open storage area shall be permitted only in a rear yard and not closer than 9.0 metres to any street line, provided that such storage area shall be so located that it is not visible from a street along any line that is perpendicular to such street. b) An open storage area shall not extend over more than 15 percent of the lot area and such area shall be exclusive of parking spaces required by Section 3.0 of the By-law, and shall not exceed the ground floor area of buildings upon the lot. c) An open storage area can be used for only: (i) the temporary storage of products manufactured, assembled or used on the premises 2. As an accessory use to the manufacturing/assembly plant, limited display of finished products in a visible location may be permitted. 4. General Provisions No building, structure, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 5. By-law 7364/14 By-law 7364/14, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I to this By-law. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt within this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 7364/14. By-law No. XXXX/18 6. Effective Date This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law passed this XXth day of October, 2018. 'RAFT David Ryan, Mayor Ff Debbie Shields, City Clerk Page 3 PEG PEG NHS ES PEG A PEG A PEG-1 PEG A Highway 407 A PEG Schedule I to By-Law XXXX/18 Passed This Day of FT Mayor FT Clerk .... -..... ~-_,. ..... ____ _ A A t N Information Report 10-18 Appendix Ill to Report No. PLN 26-18 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 18-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/18 City Initiated: Kubota Canada Ltd. Lands Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010 (3560 Highway 7) City of Pickering --CJ;p0f--PlCKERJNG Information Report to Planning & Development Committee t=rom: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Report Number: 10-18 Date: June 18, 2018 Subject: -Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 18-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/18 City Initiated: Kubota Canada Ltd. Lands . Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010 · (3560 Highway 7) 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to. provide preliminary information on official plan and zoning by-law amendment applications, initiated by the City, for lands being acquired by Kubota Canada Ltd., located 1n Pickering's Innovation Corridor in Seaton. This report · contains background information on the current planning policy framework and zoning for the subject lands, and on the purpose of the amendments. This report is. intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegatio.ns on the application, ask questions of clarification and identify any planning matters. This report is to be received and no decision is to be made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon review of the comments received and revisions to the amendment if necessary. 2. · Kubota Canada Ltd.'s Future Property Location and Description . Kubota Canada Ltd. ("KCL") is a subsidiary of Kubota Corporation, a tractor and heavy equipment manufacturer based in Osaka, Japan. KCL m_anufactures, markets and distributes Kubota-engineered and manufactured ·equipment, including tractors: landscaping and public works equipment; residential lawn and garden equipment, and utility vehicles, KCL in the process of acquiring approximately 20 hectares of land in Pickering for the construction of a 52,535 square metre facility. The proposed facility will include KCL's future head office, manufacturing/assembly plant, warehouse, and training ·areas, with potential for expansion to almost double its original proposed size. Our understanding is that they currently employ approximately 200 people and that this number will be increasing over the next 10 years. . Information Report No. 10-18 Page 2 The future KCL lands are located on the !;louth side of Highway 7, in Seaton, east of Sideline 24, and west of Sideline 22 (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Access/egress .from the development is proposed via a future road connection to .Sideline 24, as well as from Highway 7. The lands are currently used for agricultural purposes. Su_rrounding land uses are: · North: South: East West. Lands for a potential future airport, currently supporting agricultural uses and a natural heritage system. · Natural heritage system lands associated with the Ganatsekiagon Creek and valley and Highway 407; further south are vacant prestige employment lands, currently supporting· agricultural uses. Vacant prestige employment lands, currently supporting agricultural uses. Natural heritage system lands associated with the Ganatsekiagon Creek and valley, and vacant prestige employment lands, currently supporting agricultural uses. 3. KCL;s O_peration Based on staff's current understanding of KCL's operation, skids of parts are shipped in from overseas .and stored outside; and finished products ready for shipping are also stored outside for a limited period .of time. From a promotional aspect, KCL would like to display. the various pieces of equipment they manufacture/assemble, on their lands with exposure to Highway 407. Outdoor storage or display is not permitted by the current Official Plan designation or current zoning .. A 1.13 hectare block of land intended for a municipally owned stormwater management facility is included within the 20 hectares that KCL is in the process·of acquiring. These lands are zoned exclusively for stormwater management facilities (see Zoning Map; Attachment #2). Based on preliminary concepts for the site, KCL is proposing to handle-stormwater elsewhere on the site and would like to use these lands for prestige · employment purposes. 4. What is being proposed? KCL has an aggressive timetable to be in operation in Pickering by the end of 2019. To · facilitate and accelerate the company's relocation and the jobs that it brings, staff has initiated site specific amendments to.the Pickering Official Plan and the Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 to permit, as an exception, controlled outdoor storage if accessory and incidental to' the principal permitted use (the manufacturing/assembly plant), and to permit limited outdoor display of finished equipment. Additionally, the Official Plan will be amended to delete the east-west "Future Collector Road" between Sideline 24 and the future realigned Sideline 22 (see Location of "Future Collector Road" to be deleted, Attachment 3). As part of the changes to .the zoning by-law, staff propose to replace the stormwater management zohe with a prestige employment general zone. A copy of the proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment is provided as Appendix I. A _ copy of the proposed zoning by-law is provided as Appendix II. Information Report No. 10-18 Page 3 5. What notice was given? In addition to the standard departments and agencies, written notice of the Statutory Public Meeting was provided to the landowners within 500 metres of the future KCL property. In additio'n, the notice was posted on the City'·s website. 6. Planning Framework 6.1 The Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 (PPS), provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development and sets a vision for Ontario's land use planning system. The long-term prosperity and social well-being of Ontario depends upon planning for strong, sustainable and resilient communities for people· of all ages, a clean and healthy environment, and a strong and competitive economy. In accordance with the PPS, planning authorities shall promote economic development and competitiveness by providing for an appropriate mix and range of employment uses to meet long-term needs, and providing opportunities for a diversified economic base. Strategies to achieve this include maintaining a range and choice of suitable sftes for employment uses that take into account the needs of existing and future businesses. The PPS also indicates that long-term economic prosperity,should be supported by promoting opportunities for eco.nomic development and community investment readiness. Further, settlement patterns should provide densities and mixes of uses that are transit supportive. The proposed amendments ar_e consistent with the PPS. 6.2 The Central Pickering Development Plan The Central Pickering Development Plan, 2012 (CPDP) is a Provincial plan that establishes a comprehensive vision for Central Pickering: that of a sustainable urban community in Seaton integrated with a thriving agricultural community in the Duffins Rouge Agricultural. Preserve and an extensive natural heritage system. The urban community is intended to ultimately be home to 70,000 residents and provide 35,000 jobs. The Employment Goal of the CPDP,. and the related Employment Objectives, is to provide high quality employment opportunities that reflect the needs of the community. The Plan requires the identification of sufficient employment lands to accommodate approximately 1 job for every 2 residents to meet the objective of achieving 30,500 jobs by 2031 and up to 35,000 jobs through long-term intensification. The CPDP requires high performance standards for development and site design in employment areas and employment areas are to be readily accessible by alternate modes of transportation including vehicular, transit, bicycle and pedestrian. The CPDP is flexible with respect to the built form and range of employment uses so as to respond to changing business preferences and methods of production. Information Report No. 10-18 Page4 The c·pop also required phasing. plan of the Master Environmental Servicing Plan to address the early servicing of the Prestige Employment areas so as to permit an appropriate.balance of employment opportunities in conjunction with the development of residential neighbourhoods. · Transit and active tra.nsportation objectives of the CPDP include providing a road network that is designed for transit service on major and minor transit corridors so that transit riders will be within a five minute walk of a t~ansit route. The CPDP does not designate a collector road within the Employment Lands · }' The City initiated amendments to revise certain use permissions, performance standards and eliminate a future collector road for the proposed KCL development do not conflict with the CPDP. 6.3 The Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study The CPDP required, as a means to promote the timely marketing and disposition of· provincially owned lands, the completion of an economic development study. That Study was completed by Hemson Consulting Ltd., et aJ, in 2007 for the Province, and updated by Hemson Consulting Ltd. in 2015 for the City of Pickering. The purpose of the studies was . to identify the nature and form of employment uses that are expected to locate in the !arid designated prestige employment in order to determine appropriate lot sizes and performance standards. · The Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study concluded that a high percentage of the jobs should be in the form of intensive.office development, and accordingly, there was a preference for many small parcels of land, and an internal road · network. T_he Study recommended several different land use categories: Office-Oriented Centres; _Prestige Employment; and Prestige Employment -Expanded (to include distribution facilities). Office-Oriented Centres were to be located arou·nd the Highway 407 interchanges at Sideline 26 and 22. The Prestige Employment-Expanded was to be · located at the west _end of the Neighbourhood near the District Park. The remainder would be Prestige Employment. This is consistent with the objectives of achieving the employment targets for Seaton. The Study also recommended a prohibition on a number of uses ·that are land extensive and low employment generating (such as major warehousing, major goods storage, and freight transfer). The Study also recommended a prohibition on outdoor storage. · The initial Study concluded, fro_m a market perspective, that the major types of activities on the Seaton employment lands will comprise high value manufacturing, assembly, major office uses and some warehousing with a relatively low level of goods movement. Major industries that will be attracted to Seaton are anticipated to be in the energy,· auto, · advanced manufacturing, information technology, and other types of manufacturing, warehousing and assembly. Information Report No. 10-18 Page 5 The 2007 Hemson Study helped inform ttJe City's preparation and adoption of the Official Plan policies for the Seaton Employment Lands, as well as-the zoning for the first phase of Employment Lands (approximately 80 hectares).· In a similar manner, the Study helped inform the design of Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2011-03, submitted by Infrastructure Ontario for the first phase of Employment Lands. 6.4 The Durham Regional Official Plan . The Durham Regional Official Plan (DROP) designates the Seaton lands as "Specific Policy Area A", which requires the lands to be developed in accordance with the CPDP. Other provisions of the DROP shall apply, as applicable. The DROP requires the development of Seaton to be based on a number of considerations including the provision of a range of employment that accommodates the forecasts from the CPDP; and the · provision of employment opportunities along Highway 407, concurrent with ·residential development. Within employment areas, sites. having a high.degree of exposure and good access shall be reserved for employment intensive uses. It is the intent of the Plan to encourage J:Jrestige employment uses with high employment generating capacity and greater architectural, landscaping and design controls along Highways 401 and 407, and Regional · corridors (like Highway 7). Area municipal plans shall designate areas for prestige · development and specify design and landscaping controls for such areas. . 6.5 The Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan requires that opportunities for jobs in the Seaton Employment Lands be provided in the first phase bf the development of Seaton. To ensure this occurs, the Plari requires the· 80 hectares of Prestige Employment Land located between Sideline 26/Whites Road and the realigned Sideline 22, to be serviced with trunk water and sanitary servicing concurrent with the· servicing of the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood at the . south end of Seaton. Further, the Plan requires that subsequ·ent phases of employment lands be available for development in conjunction with the development of other residential neighbourhoods. The subject fands are designated "Prestige Employment" by the Pickering Official Plan; and "Prestige Employment'-General" by the Pickering Innovation co·rridor Neighbourhood policies of the Official Plan. The "Prestige Employment" designation permits a range of uses including light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, office, personal service and community and cultural services (see Pickering Official Plan Table 7: Employment Areas: Permissible Uses by Subcategory, Attachment #4). . . The Seaton policies refine the permissible uses to exclude: outdoor storage; retail stores;. waste processing; waste transfer and recycling facilities; freight transfer and similar trucking facilities; automotive and vehicle sales and repair; and places of worship and sch_ools. · · The Innovation Corridor policies of the Plan further refi~e the permissible use in .the Prestige Employment General by restricting stand-alone warehousing. Warehousing is· only permitted if accessory to a permitted use. Information Report No. 10-18 Page 6 The Neighbourhood Plan identifies a Stormwater Management Facility on the subject lands. However, the Neighbourhood poHcies permit the number, size and location of stormwater management facilities to be confirmed through functional servicing and stormwater reports, and may be changed without amendment to the Neighbourhood Plan. A high speed transit way is proposed on the south side of Highway 407, with stations proposed in the interchanges at Sideline 26/Whites Road, and at the realigned Sideline 22. Higher orde_r transit is also anticipated to established along Highway 7. · 6.6 Zoning By-law 7364/14 The subject lands are zoned "PEG" -Prestige Employment General and "SWM" -Stormwater Management. A sit<? specific amendment.is req.uired to the By-law to permit controlled outdoor storage and accessory display in the "PEG" zon/3. The block zoned for stormwater management needs to be rezoned t~ the "PEG" zone to permit employment uses. 7. Comments Received • the applications were circulated for comment on May 25, 2018 7 .1 Resident Comments • none received to date 7.2 -Agency Comments • none received to date 7 .3 City Departments Comments 7.3.1 Planning & Design Section Com~ents The following is a summary of matters of importance raised to date • from the outset of the preparation of the CPDP, the objective to achieve job creation concurr~nt with residential development was paramount • the trunk servicing to the Seaton Employment Lands would typically advance from south to north, leaving the Employment Lands the last area to be.serviced.with trunk water and sewer • through policy, and the implementation of that policy through servicing agreements, the Region and the City have required the trunk services to be extended to the Employment Lands concurrent with the servicing of the first residential neighbourhood; the contract to extend the trunk sewers the final distance to reach the Employment Lands has been tendered and the work is under construction • however, to bring this land to "shovel-ready", there is still the need for the local extension of water, sanitary sewer, storm sewers, and other essential utilities, as well as construction of the local roads through the Employment Lands Information Report No. 10-18 Page 7 • • this work is typically undertaken by the developer; but in the case of the Seaton Employment Lands, Infrastructure Ontario (IO) was the landowner who submitted the draft plan of subdivision application, but it is now clear. that they are not going to fulfill the responsibilities of the developer . • over the last several years, the City of Pickering, to further the objective of jobs concurrent with residential development, has undertaken an extensive outreach and marketing campaign to find companies and businesses that would bring jobs to Pickering • as leads became solid, the City, working with IO,-has been able to acquire lands from IO for these users on the understanding that the City will then sell the land to the end·user; . such is the case for the 20 hectares for KCL · • City Council recently authorized the hiring of a consulting firm to provide project management services and to undertake the necessary studies and design services to provide municipal services to the KCL site, as well as other lands along Pickering's Innovation Corridor ~ as City staff worked more closely with KCL, it became evident that some changes to _the Official Plan poli_cies and zoning would be required to accommodate all facets of their operation • the KCL development is anticipated to be a catalyst to attracting other businesses to the Seaton Employment Lands; these City initiated Official Plan and zoning amendments are a proactive approach to address the needs of KCL's business operation, and solidify their investment in and development of a site in Pickering's Innovation Corridor • the development will be subject to site plan control through which appropriate screening and landscaping will be required, maintaining the intent of the CPDP and the DROP of a Prestige Employment Area • future transit servfce along the Highway 407 transitway, Highway 7, and along local, collector and arterial roads will provide employees of KCL site with access to transit • the specific wording of the official plan amendment and the zoning will be refined as necessary following review of comments · 8. Information Received • None 9. Procedural Information 9.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City _Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts c).ny by-law for this proposal Information Report No. 10-18 Page 8 • any member of the publi.c who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 9.2 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority • the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if suQh applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or-Provincial interest . • at this time, the· Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval 10. · Owner/Applicant Information • The City is the applicant. Appendices Appendix I Proposed Amendment 32 to the Pickering Official Plan Appendix II Proposed By-law to.Amend By-law 7364/14 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Zoning Map 3. LoGation of "Future Collector Road" to be deleted 4. Pickering Official Plan Table 7: Employment Areas: Permissible Uses by Subcategory Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: ~~ Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner. · CR:ld Date of Report: June 4, 2018 Proposed Amendment 32 to the Pickering Official Plan Appendix I to Report No. 10-18 Purpose: Location: Basis: Actual Proposed Amendment 32 to the Pickering Official Plan The purpose of this amendment is: to permit controlled outdoor storage-as a site specific exception on the lands Kubota_ Canada Ltd. is in the process of acquiring in the Seaton Innovation Corridor; to permit limited outdoor display of finished equipment on the lands; and to delete the east-west collector road that bisects the lands Kubota is acquiring. The subject lands are approximately 20 hectares in size. They are located between Highway 7 on the north and Highway 407 on the south, east of ·sideline 24 and west of the Former Sideline 22 road allowance. Legally, the lands are described as Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part· 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010, in the City of Pickering. This site-specific amendment has been determined to be appropriate to facilitate and accelerate the relocation of Kubota Canada Ltd.'s head office and manufacturing/assembly plant to Pickering, as the first company.to operi up the. Seaton Innovation Corridor employment lands. Approval of the amendment reflects changing preferences and methods of production. The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, and does ·not conflict with the Central Pickering Development Plan. The amendment will assist in meeting Regional and City objectives to enable development of the Seaton Employment Lands, and bring jobs concurrent with development of the first residential neighbourhood. The amendment will not undermine the vision of a Prestige Employment area · as zoning by-law provisions and site plan approval will ensure appropr~ate design, landscaping and screening controls are implemented. The deletion of one segment of the Collector Road. does not prejudice the ability to provide appropriate transit service to the site. Amendment: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Adding the word "and" to end of Section 12.23 (a)(i)(A), and adding a new exception policy (B) as follows: 11(8) despite the prohibition of outdoor storage in Section 11.32(b)~ controlled outdoor storage may be permitted as an exception1 on lands being as Part of Lots 23 and 241 Concession 51 now Part 11 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7140R-250_101 providing the outdoor storage is accessory and incidental to the principal permitted use being Kubota (::anada Ltd/s manufacturing/assembly plant; and further that limited outdoor display of finished equipment may be permitted/1 Proposed Amendment-32 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 So that the ·section now read as follows: 12.23 City Council:· (a) shall provide greater direction on employment uses and densities in the Prestige Employment designation by applying two subcategories to the Prestige Employment land use category set out in Tables 2 and 7 as follows: (i) Prestige Employment General: (A) in addition to the prohibited uses in Section 11.32, warehousing shall be prohibited except for warehousing accessory to a permitted use; and (B) despite the prohibition of outdoor storage in Section 11.32(b), controlled outdoor storage.may be permitted as an exception, -on land~ being as Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of P~ut 7, 40R-25010, providing the outdoor storage is accessory and incidental to the principal permitted use-being Kubota Canad_a Ltd.'s manufacturing/assembly plant; and further that limited outdoor display of finished equipment may be permitted." 2. Amending Schedule II -Transportation System by deleting the "Future Collector Road" located between Sideline 24 and the realigned Sideline 22, as illustrated on Schedule "A" attached to this proposed Amendment.· Implementation: Interpretation: Cross Reference: OPA 18-003/P {Related Files: A 07 /18) {Applicant: City Initiated: Kubota Canada·Ltd. Lands) {Date: June 18, 2018) The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementatipn of-the· Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The provisions· set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 1' -Q~o/-. - P1CKER1NG City Development Department --./' h I ~ ·· :?tXl(,lli ,.' I L I. J N N ~ Delete Future Collector Road Between Sideline 24 and the Realigned Sideline 22 Extract of the Schedule II .of the Pickering Official Plan Edition 7 File No: OPA 18-03/P, A 07/18 Applicant: Citv Initiated Property Description: Collector Road Between Sideline 24 and Realiqned Sideline 22 SCHEDULEJITO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 7 TR<\.lllSPORTATION SYSTEM E)Q$TlNO rRa:YIA'r'$ T'(PC A AATERW.. ROAOS T'l'PE: B ~IAL. R040S TYPE C AmvtlAI. R~ C01.J.£CTCR ROADS LCCo\\. ROACS RITUflE Q i"RttWAY WT£RCHANCES 0 !!!] [El UNO~ASSC/OVCJt.PA!'.SC ~ RAJI.WAYS co RAil. CO STAnONS ~ . "fRANSrT Si"INES TRANSIT n.:£DtR SEltV!CC D<nRl'ALS FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FORVIEWINGf-TTHE CITY o _F PICKERING I DATE: June 1, 2018 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. -================================:-'~ I ' Proposed By-law to Amend By-law 7364/14 Appendix II to Report No. 10-18 Proposed Wording for Zoning By-law Amendment A 07/18 That Zoning By-law 7364/14 b~ amended as follows: 1. That the entirety of the lands to be acquired by Kubota Canada Ltd. be zoned as "PEG -1" -Prestige Employment General Exception 1, and that the Zoning Schedule for Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor be amendment to reflect thi$. 2. That an Exception Table be added to section 6.5 of the Employment Area Zone Regulations as follows: · Table XX: Permitted Use Exceptions Additional Sole Permitted Zone # Address Uses Uses Excluded Uses Permitted l PEG 1 Part of Lots 23 and 24, Controlled Concession 5, now Open· Part 1, 40R-29998 Storage1 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010, Accessory Display2 Notes: . . . 1. Controlled open storage areas may be permitted if accessory and incidental to a manufactu.ring /assembly plant as the principle use on the same lot, subject to the following; a) An open storage area shall be permitted only in a rear yard and not closer than 9.0 metres to any street line, provided that such storage area shall be so located that it is not visible from a street along ·any line that is perpendicular to such street. b) An open storage area shall not extend over more than 15 percent of the lot area and such area shall be exclusive of parking spaces required by Section 3.0 of the By-law, and shall not exceed the ground floor area of building·s upon the lot. c) An open storage area can be used for only: (i) the temporary ·storage of products manufactured, assembled or used on the premises · 2. As an accessory use to the manufacturing/assembly plant, limited display of finished products in a visible locatfon may be permitted .. L II l====\===~~~~\\~==;==~iF====seventh· Concession· Road dh~=:!;:;u=;;==='=!;~=r n D I~ co N ©-----! C (I) :Q CJ) (0 ·N ·m N N ·m 1----r---=c·-~~---11 . I . (I) i----c=----' -,7 I -.-~cl-. P1CKER1NG City Development Department ·L____"D-----i 1----w·--=-----1 Location Ma Subject Lands File: OPA 18-003/P & A 07/18 Applicant: City of Pickering (I) "D ci5 [ I [ ~ "D cu 0 0::: -~o/-. P1CKER1NG City Development Department Attachment# 6) to Information Report# Jo·-/B Highway? Land Zoned "PEG" -Prestige Employment G.eneral Land Zoned Highway407 "SWM" -Stormwater Management Zoning Map File: OPA 18-003/P & A 07 /18 Applicant: City of Pickering Property Description:Part of Lots 23.and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1', 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-25010 Date: Mav. 18, 2018 ~1•~~~=~eod~;J~r~f{;eo:;~~e~::~~~~~l~r~:%~:;~c:~:~0;;,~:i:::~~:~•=';:s~~~=~~.;Natualt<esot=s, SCALE: 1 :6,552 I C Tera net Enterprises lne. and 115 suppliers all rlghts reserved,;© Mwiclpal Property Assessment Corporalionard Its supple rs al rigtta reserved.; THIS IS tlOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. -·-Ctft;t>/-P1CKER1NG City Development Department Attachment# 3 to · rmation Report# ID--lf3 Highway 7 . Supject Lands Future Collector Road to be deleted Hlghway407 Location of "Future Collector Road" to be deleted File: OPA 18-003/P & A 07 /18 Applicant: City of Pickering Property Description:Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-2501 q Date: Mav. 29, 2018 tp The c.orporation of the cny 01 r-1c11enng n:idueed _{In part) under I cense uom:..., ~ens Pnrter,ontano mnsuy 01 NahnlHesol.fees. I SCALE: 1 :6,000 I -\II ri;Jhls reseived.;Q Her Majesfy !he Queen In R~hl of Canada, Deparlmerl. ofHahn!Resotrt:es. Al rigtts reserved.; 1) Tera net Ente1prlse$ Inc. and ils supplie'rs a!I righ!s reserved.;© Municipal Property Assessmert Corporallonan:f Its i;uppliers alrlgtts reserved.; • TIHS IS UOT A PLAN OF SURVEY, City Policy Table 7: Employment Areas: Attachment# (I to . Information Report# /0-16 Permissible Uses by Subcategory Employment Areas Subcategqry General Employment Prestige Employment Mixed Employment Table 7 Permissible Uses (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other policies of this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.) Manufacturing, assembly, processing of goods, service industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, storage of goods and materials, waste transfer and r~cycling, waste processing, freight transfer, transportation facilities, automotive and vehicle sales and repair; Offices as a minor component of an industrial-operation or serving the area, limited personal service uses serving the area, restaurants serving the area, retail sales as a minor component of an industrial operation; Community, cultural and recreational uses, and other uses with similar performance characteristics that are more appropriately located in the employment area. .. Light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, iight servic~ industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, equipment and vehicle suppliers, automotive and vehicle sales and repair; Offices, corporate office business parks, limited personal service uses serving the area, restaurants serving the area, retail sales as a minor component of an industrial operation, hotels, financial institutions serving the area; Community, cultural and recreational uses, and other uses with similar performance characteristics that are more appropriately located in the employment area. All uses permissible in prestige employment areas; Limited retailing of goods and services serving the area. Pickering Official Plan Edition 7: Chapter 3 -Land Use 69 ATTACHMENT# 1 TO REPORT # 2LN 2&>·-18 .. L b11 dlW;=:Lnb:,R~d~====i;===::!!::=u===== Seventh· Concession· Road :=:!::::h!::;==!h:J=;;==:!:==:!;:n~~~ \';:::=='==1 D I( I co N ·(!)------< C <ii "Cl u5 -Ct4;4-P1CKER1NG City Development Department [ 1--Location Mao File: OPA 18-003/P & A 07 /18 Applicant: City of Pickering Propertv Descriotion:Part of Lots 23 and 24, Concession 5, now Part 1, 40R-29998 and Part of Part 7, 40R-2501 ~ Date: Mav. 23, 2018 The Corp<lfation or the City of P!ckenng Produced (ln part u11C1er license from: 1&1 uceens Prlrter,urianci MinstzyOfNattr.aTfresot.rees. l SCALE: 1 :30,000 I ~I t)3htsreserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen fn Right of Canada, OepartmertofNaltral Resotzw$.Alrigl-ts reser.'l!d.; ti Tera net EnlelJ)rises Inc. and its s.uppHers all rights reserved,;© Munlcipal Property Assessrrnrt Co!J>Ora~on an:! Its ll..llpliera al rigtts reserved.; THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY.