HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 21-18--Cip;o/--p](KERJNG From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Transfer of Third Concession Road -Road Allowance -Brock Road (Regional Road #1) to West Limit -File: A-1440 Recommendation: · Report to Council Report Number: ENG 21-18 Date: October 1, 2018 1. That the road allowance known as Third Concession Road west of Brock Road (Regional Road #1) being Part of Lot 19, Concession 2, Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 3, Part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3, and Part of Clearside Court, Plan 40M-1887, designated as Parts 1 to 7, Plan 40R-30215 be declared surplus to the needs of the City of Pickering and be transferred to the Regional Municipality of Durham for nominal consideration; and 2. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Region of Durham staff have requested that the City transfer the road allowance known as Third Concession Road from Brock Road (Regional Road #1) to its west limit so that it can be included in the Regional Road network. This section of Third Concession Road will form part of Peter Matthews Drive (Regional Road #28) which will extend from Brock Road to Highway 7, as the Seaton Community develops. Financial Implications: There is no direct financial implications arising from this report. The approximate 2.6 lane km of existing road will be removed from the City's inventory and there will no longer be a requirement for the City to maintain this road. Should the Regi.on of Durham request that City staff continue to maintain Third Concession Road, an agreement will be required where revenue will offset expenditures for maintenance. Discussion: The planning of the Seaton Community through the Central Pickering Development Plan (2006), the.Central Pickering Development Plan Class Environmental Assessment for Regional Services in the City of Pickering (2014), and the approval of the Neighbourhood Plan for Seaton through Official Plan Amendment 22 by the Ontario Municipal Board (2013), recognized the need for a Regional Road network to service Seaton. ENG21-18 October 1, 2018 Subject: Transfer of Third Concession Road Brock Road (Regional Road #1) to West Limit Page 2 The planning and design for the reconstruction of Third Concession Road west of Brock Road (Regional Road #1), to be known as Peter Matthews Drive (Regional Road #28), is underway by the Seaton Landowners Group. Therefore, Region of Durham staff have requested that the transfer of the section of road allowance owned by the City of Pickering take place at this time. It is expected that the replacement of the Ganatsekiagon Creek structure on Third Concession Road just west of Clearside Court will take place in 2019/2020. Third Concession Road will eventually connect to Peter Matthews Drive which is being constructed within the Seaton Community, via a structure over the CP Rail line. This connection was approved through the Seaton Community planning process and will form Regional Road #28, which is an extension of Rossland Road. The timing of the construction of the crossing of the CP Rail line is uncertain, but will most likely be in a similar time frame as the Ganatsekiagon Creek crossing (2019/2020). Until the crossing has been constructed, the Region of Durham and the City may enter into a maintenance agreement whereby the City will continue to maintain Third Concession Road at the Region's cost. A Reference Plan has been prepared and registered which describes the limits of the Third Concession Road road allowance for conveyance purposes. The road allowance is designated as Parts 1 to 7, Plan 40R-30215. City staff have reviewed the Reference Plan and deemed it to be acceptable. City of Pickering staff and Region of Durham staff are having discussions regarding the road rationalization initiative, and Third Concession Road, west of Brock Road was recognized as a candidate for transfer from the City to the Region. Third Concession Road, east of Brock Road, which connects to Rossland Road at the Pickering/Ajax border, is also a candidate for transfer to the Region of Durham in the future. As road rationalization discussions are still ongoing, and may take some time to conclude, the transfer of Third Concession Road west of Brock Road to the Region of Durham is being done outside of the road rationalization process. Attachments: 1 . Location Map f-ENG 21-18 October 1, 2018 Subject:. Transfer of Third Concession Road Brock Road (Regional Road #1) to West Limit Page 3 RH:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Prepared By/Approved/Endorsed By: orn,P.Eng. · ector, Engineering Services Engineering Services Department sou, MTE: N.T.S. Aug 17, 2018 ATTACHMENT# ( TOREPORT# trv::7 I w . z g ii,__ Location Map -Third Concession Road Report ENG 21-18 -Olfi-P1CKER1NG