HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 24, 2018 - Draftc/, DICKERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Tuesday, July 24, 2018 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: V. Plouffe, Manager, Facilities Capital Projects K. Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations L. Coulter, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee L. Drake, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee G. Lowman, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee P. Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee P. Fuselli, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee B. Welsh, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee D. Poole, Clerk -Typist (recording secretary) Absent: T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services D. Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee G. Oakes, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation G. Strange, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome V. Plouffe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm 2. Approval of Minutes and Agenda Motion: to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2018 meeting. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: B. Welsh Carried Motion: to approve the agenda Moved: L. Coulter Seconded: L. Drake Carried Page 1 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Review of Action Items G. Lowman announced that a volunteer recognition meeting was held this morning. K. Pyke advised that the 4 donated cameras have been given to E. Tayles. K. Pyke advised that an update regarding a stand alone museum website is pending. T. Ryce to provide update on website. 4. Foundation Report No report this month, as no representative was present at the meeting. 5. Sub Committee Reports Collections: P. Savel reviewed activities and proposed three motions. Motion 1: That the PMV Advisory Committee accept the July 9, 2018 minutes of the Collections Sub Committee. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: B. Welsh Carried Motion 2: That the PMV Advisory Committee approve for accession, the list of items included in the July 9, 2018 minutes, recommended by the Collections Sub Committee. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: L. Drake Carried Page 2 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Motion 3: That the PMC Advisory Committee approve for deaccession, the list of items included in the July 9, 2018 minutes, recommended by the Collection Sub Committee. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: B. Welsh Carried Volunteer Recognition: G. Lowman indicated that a meeting occurred this morning whereby discussion centered on recommendations regarding a new award. M. Maxwell will be doing an eblast to get a proposal from members of the various volunteer groups. May introduce a new award instead of the Lifetime Achievement Award. 2019 event will be hosted by the Backwoods Players. M. Maxwell to provide additional background information. Meeting minutes to be included in the distribution package for the next meeting. 6. Pickering Heritage & Community Centre V. Plouffe advised that the kickoff meeting with the consultant was held on Monday, June 23rd, which highlighted project scope, design criteria and boundaries. V. Plouffe conveyed that the consultant is responsible for the design of the building and upper site. They will be providing 3 options by mid-August, to be reviewed by staff and this committee, then reduced to a single recommendation. Community Stakeholders, which consists of approximately 8 groups, will be consulted for their feedback on the preferred option. Stakeholder consultation, including public open house, must be completed by the end of November. V. Plouffe indicated that the documents need to be out for pricing by the end of February to meet timelines for Council approval of construction tender by June 2019. The Centre will have a general reception area, office area, private offices, public and staff washrooms, boardroom, staff lunchroom, gift shop, collections storage area, heritage room, artifact holding area, small museum exhibit gallery. Goal is to have a 1,500 square foot exhibit space. V. Plouffe to provide a copy of the 3 options to the committee for review prior to the next meeting. Page 3 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) The space program provided to the consultant was reviewed with the committee. Boundary concerns were discussed, as the TRCA owns a large portion of the land between the Museum and Brock Road and south to Concession 5. The City is currently negotiating purchase of lands immediately to the west of the Museum, to be available for phase 2 of the PHCC project. V. Plouffe indicated that the TRCA must be consulted as part of the process. V. Plouffe advised that the Harvey House and the Puterbaugh Schoolhouse will remain on the upper site. One or both could be considered for relocation, depending on the outcome of design. V. Plouffe advised that, wherever the building is to be located, staff still need to account for school trips, staff parking, etc. B. Welsh inquired if there are any environmental assessment concerns. V. Plouffe advised that an environmental assessment has not been completed on the property because of the established timelines. V. Plouffe noted that requirement of an environmental assessment on behalf of the TRCA would force deferral of construction. V. Plouffe clarified that the design for phase 2 will occur in 2021; with construction scheduled to transpire in 2022. Construction will likely be deferred to 2023 to ensure more time for design and consultation. K. Pyke encouraged everyone to keep an open mind that nothing is carved in stone based on the information provided. L. Drake inquired about a potential food service area. V. Plouffe advised that there are many different options that are being considered. Provision of food service will depend on feasibility and cost/revenue considerations. Page 4 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) V. Plouffe advised that, once phase 1 is complete, staff will be available in the evening as the hours of operation will extend beyond the current standard of 7:30 am - 4:30 pm. V. Plouffe noted that additional information will be provided at the next meeting, and will be circulated in advance whenever possible. 7. New Business P. Savel advised that he needs more individuals on the Collection Sub Committee. V. Plouffe advised that Laura Gibbs will be assuming the position of Supervisor, Museum Services effective August 27th. He is going to reach out to her in advance and invite her to the next meeting, as it is important to bring in her in as soon as possible. She will take the lead on the issue of sub committees. G. Lowman extended an invitation to the two new members to attend a couple of sub -committee meetings so they can develop an understanding of the various committees and can come to express a preference of the committee they wish to sit on. L. Coulter advised that she would like to see more members on the sub -committees. V. Plouffe provided a status update regarding the capital projects and indicated that all of the steel for the new shed is onsite. Work is slated to begin on August 7th. Artifact relocation from the Conservation Building will commence as soon as the shed is complete, allowing the renovations to proceed. L. Drake asked about future uses for the shed. V. Plouffe advised that it will be used as general storage for the upper site. V. Plouffe advised that the cedar shake roofs will be replaced by contractors as opposed to volunteers due to Health & Safety and insurance restrictions. Staff have approached several consultants and foresee the program starting as early as next year. Page 5of6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Repairs have just been completed on the School House and the Collins House. V. Plouffe advised that the lowest bid for adding a concrete slab to the Combination Barn came in at $110,000, which exceeds the budget. Work will be pushed back to 2020, but will also include roofing and cladding repairs. V. Plouffe indicated that site security upgrades will be parceled out in small scopes of work. Items will include a sliding gate, security cameras, and key pads. V. Plouffe noted that painting, plastering and wall papering will be deferred, as the funds will be used for other needs, including provision of lighting in the new storage shed. V. Plouffe advised that Essex County will take all the deaccession material from the Museum by the end of August this year. 8. Adjournment & Next Meeting Motion: to adjourn Moved: P. Savel Seconded: L. Coulter Carried Next meeting is scheduled to take place in the Main Committee Room at City Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, August 28t" Meeting Adjourned: 8:20 pm Copy: Director, Community Services Clerk Page 6 of 6