HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 16-18DICKERING cdrg Report to Council Report Number: CS 16-18 Date: June 25, 2018 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Age Friendly Community - Steering Committee - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council receive Report CS 16-18 for information regarding the City of Pickering Age Friendly Community Steering Committee. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to inform Council of staff's plan to establish a Steering Committee made up of Pickering residents, relevant community associations/agencies, and staff in order to contribute to the development and implementation of the City's first ever Age Friendly Community Plan. To this end, an Age Friendly Community Steering Committee, Terms of Reference has been prepared by the project staff team which describes the committee's purpose, mandate, composition and responsibilities (see Attachment 1). A staff panel will be receiving applications from the public between June 20, 2018 and July 20, 2018, will conduct interviews with short listed candidates and make final selections to the Steering Committee by the end of August 2018. The call for applications will be publically promoted through the community page in the News Advertiser, City website, social media, flyers in facilities, e -blasts, and direct letters of invitation to relevant associations/agencies. Staff intend to host the first Age Friendly Community Plan Steering Committee meeting in September 2018. Financial Implications: The 2018 Current Budget (2711.2392) includes $75,000 for a consultant to work with staff and the Steering Committee in the development of an Age Friendly Community Plan (of which 39% is funded by the Development Charges Reserve Fund). Costs directly associated with the Steering Committee (i.e. refreshments at meetings, paid advertising for promotions) are nominal and will be added to the City's 2019 current budget. Discussion: The City of Pickering is committed to developing its first ever Age Friendly Community Plan, as reflected in the 2018 Current Budget. The intended outcome of the Age Friendly Community Plan is to develop and nurture an age friendly City which: CS 16-18 Subject: Age Friendly Community June 25, 2018 Page 2 • recognizes the great diversity among older persons; • promotes their inclusion and contribution in all areas of community life; • respects their decisions and lifestyle choices; and, • anticipates and responds flexibly to aging -related needs and preferences. Clearly, the City is looking for an innovative approach to identify and incorporate age friendly community policies, practices, features, services, programs and initiatives to meet the needs of Pickering's growing and dynamic seniors community (and their caregivers) for both today and tomorrow. To that end, the City of Pickering will create an Age Friendly Community Steering Committee of interested stakeholders to guide and oversee the development and implementation of the plan. Applications to be considered for this Steering Committee will be accepted by staff between June 20 to July 20, 2018, which will be publically promoted. The composition of the Steering Committee will consist of 14 members representing a cross section of the community; 5 members from the community at large (Pickering residents); 7 members from community seniors service agencies/associations; and 2 City staff. As such, the selection process will be competitive. This summer, the City is also seeking to secure a consultant who, with the support of City staff and the Steering Committee, will be responsible to: a) complete an inventory and review of existing seniors related policies, services and programs; b) develop and implement a needs assessment based on extensive public consultation (through surveys, focus group sessions, interviews, charrettes etc.); c) compile results and identify gaps/successes; and, d) develop a 5 year comprehensive action plan with timelines, responsible persons/agencies, and estimated costs (if any) to address any deficiencies or further improve on our strengths. The Age Friendly Community Plan will reflect the 8 features established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in their document entitled "Essential Features of Age -Friendly Cities". These 8 features are widely recognized as necessary for a community to support independent and active aging for its residents, and include: • Outdoor Spaces and Public Buildings — removing barriers to access, enhancing public streetscapes, parks and open spaces. • Transportation — ensuring public transit is available and affordable, improving signage, crosswalks, sidewalks and lighting, implementing large signs, beeping crosswalks, etc. • Housing — ensuring a mix of affordable housing types while implementing universal and accessible design within neighbourhoods to improve movement and access. • Social Participation — providing opportunities for participation in leisure, social, cultural and spiritual activities in the community, as well as with the family which allows older people to continue to exercise their competence, to enjoy respect and esteem, and to maintain or establish supportive and caring relationships. Social participation and social support are strongly connected to good health and well-being throughout life. CS 16-18 June 25, 2018 Subject: Age Friendly Community Page 3 • Respect and Social Inclusion — providing accessible services which are integrated within the community. • Civic Participation and Employment — providing volunteer and work locations for retired and aging members of the community as well as information for those interested in work. • Communication and Information — making information available and up to date in a format which is understandable including the provision of age -friendly technology options. • Community Support and Health Services — providing a range of health services which are readily accessible as well as community services which promote both active and passive uses. The creation of the Age Friendly Community Plan is anticipated to be completed by May 2019. That said, the work of the Steering Committee will continue thereafter in order to implement and monitor the plan. The purpose of this report is to inform Council of staff's current efforts to create the Age Friendly Community Steering Committee. Attachments: 1. Age Friendly Community Steering Committee, Terms of Reference Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services :mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ci,1441z 2_0(0 Cly:( DICKERING A) lACHMENT #_)TO REPORT# C 9 I( Age Friendly Community Steering Committee Terms of Reference Vision: • Living our values and using our talents to create a community of distinction City of Pickering Core Values: A Community of Distinction Respect • Treat one another equally with courtesy and empathy, as you would like to be treated Honesty • Act with truthfulness, integrity, ethics and sincerity Enthusiasm • Speak and act with energy and passion while following through on commitments to conclusion Progressiveness • Apply creative thought, using sound judgment and reasoned decision making Community Responsibility • Be socially, environmentally and economically responsible * core values apply to any and all staff, volunteers, or those acting on behalf of the organization Definitions: Age Friendly - The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an age friendly city/community as a place that has an "inclusive and accessible urban environment that promotes active aging". Within that definition, the WHO identified eight domains that influence the health and quality of life of older people, including: 1. Outdoor spaces and public buildings; 2. Transportation; 3. Housing; 4. Social participation; 5. Respect and social inclusion; 6. Civic participation and employment; 7. Communication and information; and 8. Community support and health services. Community of Distinction — the quality of state of being excellent or superior, an accomplishment which sets the City of Pickering apart from others. Active Aging - Incorporating physical activity into your daily life. An Active Living lifestyle incorporates non-traditional opportunities for activity, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, gardening, or playing with children as well as participating in more traditional forms of physical activity, such as walking, exercise classes and sports. Committee Chair — Director, Community Services, who will sit as a member of the Age Friendly Steering Committee. Details of duties listed under 11.6. Staff Designate — appointed by the Director, Community Services, this staff person will sit as a member of the Age Friendly Steering Committee in the absence of the Chair. Committee Members — appointed by the Age Friendly Community staff project team following a competitive and public application, evaluation and screening process. Committee members must remain in good standing throughout the term of their appointment as per the terms and conditions of the Age Friendly Community Steering Committee, Terms of Reference. Public Attendee — a member of the public who attend an Age Friendly Community Steering Committee meeting. Members of the public may attend meetings, however do not have the ability to vote or to bring forward discussion items. Mission: • To become an Age Friendly Community (AFC), enabling all residents to participate and contribute in a meaningful way to the City of Pickering 1.0 Steering Committee Purpose: 1.1 To engage community members to assess currently, how age friendly our community is, within the 8 dimensions as designated by the World Health Organization, using the guide and/or tools and by discussing the following questions: • How well does our community meet the needs of its residents as they age? • How "Age Friendly" is our community? • How can active aging and quality of life among residents be supported and enhanced by the community in which we live? 1.2 To build awareness and engage partners in order to increase the age friendly features in our community. 2.0 Guiding Principles: 2.1 Successful Age Friendly Communities are guided by inclusive policies, services and structures related to the physical and social environment that are designed to support and enable people of all ages and abilities, to live in security, good health and to participate fully in society. 3.0 Steering Committee Functions: 3.1 To provide strategic direction, ongoing guidance and monitoring of the Age Friendly Community Program. 3.2 To raise awareness of the importance and benefits of an age friendly community, as well as the resources and programs available. 3.3 To help determine our community's age friendly features and barriers, to create suggestions, influence and advise on future design standards, to make Pickering as age friendly as possible. 3.4 To develop an action plan to address the priorities to increase Age Friendly features in Pickering, by meeting the Age Friendly milestones as set by the Province. 3.5 To identify, engage and empower community champions and partnerships to implement the action plan, in order to educate, inform and improve quality of life for our aging population. 3.6 To publically post and commit to measuring activities and reporting action plan outcomes, providing advice based on input received to improve programs, policies and services. 3.7 Solicit input and act as a liaison for issues that affect the. aging population in our community. 3.8 Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually and once approved, a copy will be sent to Council. 4.0 Steering Committee Attributes: 4.1 Membership is achieved through a successful application and interview process. 4.2 Membership is open to Pickering residents (as confirmed by their permanent home address); and an agency/association/academia which serves Pickering (in whole or in part), has professional expertise in the subject matter and supports Pickering's Vision to build awareness to enhance age friendly community status. 4.3 Members participate with the intent to listen to the age friendly views of other members and to build awareness and partnerships that contribute positively to an enhanced Age Friendly Pickering. 4.4 Membership approval is subject to successful completion of applicable volunteer training and the provision of a clean vulnerable sector screening. 4.5 Steering Committee will consist of Staff Chair (Director, Community Services or staff designate), in addition to members from the community, as outlined in the Terms of Reference. • Chair, or Staff Designate, will facilitate all meetings and will encourage and allow equal sharing of viewpoints and information • Committee Members will be champions, with a high interest in attaining Age Friendly Community status • Committee Members will consist of a cross section of community stakeholders that may include: o 2 City of Pickering staff o 5 Members from the Community at Large (i.e. Pickering residents who are either seniors, responsible for the care of seniors or who are going to be seniors in the near future) o 7 Members from Community / Regional Seniors Service Agencies (i.e. Community Groups, Service Clubs, Public Health, Community Care, Medical, Transit, Police, Education, Community Development Council, Builders, Seniors Residences and Committees) * these members would represent the groups they belong to, not themselves specifically 4.6 Public attendants are welcome to witness the proceedings of the monthly steering committee meetings but do not have voting rights or the ability to recommend or change direction and/or assign work. Attendance must be requested at least 5 business days in advance of the meeting and presence will be documented in the minutes. Should the public attendant wish to ask a question or make a statement, they will have one opportunity to do so, on behalf of themselves and/or the group they represent and this would go on record. 5.0 Steering Committee Meetings: 5.1 Will normally be held ten (10) times each year, on the same day each month. 5.2 The Chair will set the schedule for the Committee Meetings. 6.0 Community Communication: 6.1 Meeting notices, agenda and minutes will be placed on the City of Pickering website. 6.2 Updates and announcements will be placed in local newspapers, social media and the website. 7.0 Steering Committee Orientation: Members will be provided with the following information documents and be expected to review same prior to attending the first meeting of the Committee: 7.1 A copy of the Age Friendly Community Guide. 7.2 A copy of the Committee Terms of Reference. 7.3 A copy of the Canadian Age Friendly Rural and Remote Communities: A Guide. 7.4 A review of the promotional material (i.e. media release, flyers). 7.5 A copy of any plans prepared by the Committee, including current goals and objectives. 7.6 A copy of all member contact details. 7.7 To provide a successful Vulnerable Sector Screening and attend any applicable volunteer training. 8.0 Steering Committee Budget 8.1 The Chair, in their capacity as Director, Community Services, will present annual budget allocations to the AFC Steering Committee. 8.2 Each year, the AFC Steering Committee can make recommendations for future budget consideration, to support the development and sustainability of the plan. The ultimate decision(s) regarding annual budget submissions rest solely with City staff. 9.0 Steering Committee Review 9.1 The Terms of Reference for the AFC Steering Committee shall be reviewed annually. 9.2 An annual Age Friendly Awareness Day may take place, at the discretion of the City of Pickering Age Friendly Community Steering Committee, in early fall. 10.0 Quorum 10.1 The quorum for all meetings of the Age Friendly Community Steering Committee shall be not Tess than 50% of the City of Pickering Age Friendly Community Steering Committee members. 10.2 AFC Steering Committee members must be present for at least seven (7) meetings annually and cannot miss three (3) consecutive meetings without a reason acceptable to the Chair. Non-compliance may result in removal from the steering committee. 11.0 Terms of Office for Steering Committee Positions: 11.1 Appointment of a member to the AFC Steering Committee shall be subject to the provisions of this Terms of Reference, and shall be eligible for re -appointment. 11.2 Identify and define the Committee (14 members maximum). 11.3 Call for applications and interview process will take place September each year, to fill any vacant positions. 11.4 AFC Steering Committee Members are appointed by the Staff Age Friendly Community project Committee, for a two year term. A Member may accept an appointment to stand for a subsequent two (2) year term (for a maximum of four (4) years). 11.5 The Chair can terminate a member from the AFC Steering Committee if a member: • is convicted of an indictable offence; • membership may be suspended if member is under investigation, at the discretion of the Chair (or staff designate); ■ becomes incapacitated; • is absent for three consecutive meetings, without notice or reason or reason satisfactory to the Chair (or staff designate); or • if their active participation does not fall within the goals and values set out by both the City of Pickering and the AFC Steering Committee, as determined by the Chair (or staff designate). 11.6 Steering Committee Member Functions: Chair - Director, Community Services (or staff designate) • Supports the roles and activities of the committee; ■ Plan, direct and facilitate discussion during committee meetings; • Serve as lead resource for the Committee and matters related to the development of the age -friendly community; • Deliver one (1) update annually to the City, and presentations to City Council as needed/requested; • Uphold the vision, mission and values of the Committee; • Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Committee; ■ Prepare and distribute steering committee meeting agendas and minutes; • Terminate membership on the Age Friendly Steering Committee, subject to infractions to the terms and conditions set out in the Terms of Reference. Members of the Committee: • Assist with and provide input to the development of the Age Friendly Community Plan; • Assist with, provide input to and help facilitate the implementation of the Age Friendly Community Plan within the municipality and the community at large; • Assist to report on and measure the progress of goals within the Age Friendly Community Plan; • Discuss and provide input to plans, policies, and by-laws related to the Age Friendly Community Plan; ■ Identify and address new community issues and opportunities that relate to the Age Friendly Community Plan; ■ Attend each Steering Committee meeting; • Abide by the Terms of Reference and Core Values as outlined; and ■ Sit on an Age Friendly Community Steering Committee sub- committee, as established and required.