HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 16-18ori DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: PLN 16-18 Date: .lune 18, 2018 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Towers Seaton Community File: D-1110-005 Recommendation: 1. That City Council endorse in principle the placement of telecommunication towers within City parks in the Seaton Community, Executive Summary: Bell Mobility has approached the City to discuss deploying its telecommunication towers to provide wireless service to future residents and businesses in the Seaton Community. Seaton parks provide suitable locations for wireless network infrastructure. The distribution of parks within Seaton is optimal for the carriers to provide wireless service, as their infrastructure would be spatially separated from surrounding residential areas and sensitive land uses. Parks typically have access to services nearby such as hydro and fiber optics able to support the tower and antenna facilities. Community parks can accommodate the larger macro towers, while the smaller macro (smacro) towers can be located in Neighbourhood Parks and Villages Greens. The current process of seeking Council approval of all lease agreements with the telecommunications providers will remain. Staff recommends that Council endorse in principle the siting of telecommunication towers within City parks in the Seaton Community, Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of this Report. 1. Background As the first phase of Seaton development moves closer to occupancy, the major cellular and wireless carriers have contacted the City to discuss opportunities to deploy their telecommunication towers to address residential and business wireless needs. 2. Bell's Proposal In early 2017, Bell Mobility approached the City to discuss locating its telecommunication towers in the Seaton Community. The location of various community parks, neighborhood parks and villages in Seaton has been pre -planned pursuant to the Seaton Master Parks Agreement dated May 1, 2017 (approved by Council Resolution #279/17). Staff advised that these parks would provide Bell suitable locations for its wireless network. Report PLN 16-18 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Towers June 18, 2018 Page 2 Bell has proposed locating its telecommunication towers within the Seaton parks as a means to accommodate theft wireless network across Seaton. Bell's proposal includes the following tower designs and locations: Macro towers located in Community Parks • multi -carrier tower • 40-50 metres in height • shrouded H -Mast style tri -pole tower ■ strongest, non -lattice, type tower, less need for reinforcement later • tends to retain its aesthetic look as more carriers co -locate • no risks of tower getting wider — unlike shrouded monopoles Smaller macro towers (smacro) located in Neighbourhood • single -carrier tower • 15-20 metres in height • shrouded H -Mast style tri -pole tower • strongest, non -lattice, type tower, less need for reinforcement later • tends to retain its aesthetic look as more carriers co -locate • no risks of tower getting wider — unlike shrouded monopole 3. Number of Communication Towers Parks and Village Greens Bell has provided a map denoting locations and numbers of telecommunication towers in Seaton (Seaton Long Range Wireless Plan, Attachment #1)_ Three macro towers are proposed in the large Community Parks and seven smacro towers are proposed in village greens and neighborhood parks. The large macro communication towers would permit multiple carriers and Emergency Services such as EMS or Durham Police Services. Bel! is coordinating meetings with the other carriers to work on a standard design for the macro towers as well as the srnacros. Once there is carrier agreement on the design, information outlining specific locations and design options will be submitted to staff for review. The smaller macros can only accommodate a single carrier so others carrier may require their own smacro sites in Seaton. Report PLN 16-18 June 18, 2018 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Towers Page 3 4. Discussion 4.1 The City's parks are appropriate locations for telecommunication towers Staff have considered the locational and siting requirements of the telecommunication towers and have determined that the City's parks are appropriate for these structures as they offer the following benefits: • provides good distribution within the Seaton Community thereby providing optimal wireless coverage • streamlines and improves the telecommunication tower siting process • avoids sensitive land uses • ensures adequate separation from residential homes • enables site review process that ensures style, screening, access, equipment shelters, colors, lighting, signage are designed in concert with other City infrastructure planning i.e., park benches • site services available i.e., hydro, fiber optics; and • leasing or revenue opportunities 4.2 Consultation with the telecommunication industry will streamline the telecommunication tower siting process Telecommunications and related facilities are regulated by the Federal Government (specifically Industry Canada) under the Radiocommunications Act. Proponents of wireless facilities are required to consult with local government and the public as part of the approval for proposed antenna installation prior to construction. Consultation is one of the most important elements in the tower siting process as it generally occurs at a point before the proponent is committed to a site or design. As a result, it represents the best opportunity to influence the siting decision since the proponent will more likely become committed to a site once the detailed engineering work has been completed. The telecommunication industry's willingness to engage in discussions with the City in the placement of telecommunication towers as early as possible is appreciated. By initiating early consultation, a more streamlined and improved telecommunication tower siting process should result that minimizes public concerns. The current process of seeking Council approval of all lease agreements with proponents will remain. 5. Recommendation Staff are supportive of Bell's proposal and therefore are recommending that Council endorse in principle the placement of telecommunication towers within designated parks in the Seaton Community. Report PLN 16-18 June 18, 2018 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Towers Page 4 Attachment 1. Seaton Long Range Wireless Plan Prepared By: f}e0a, Approved/Endorsed By: /Pc A4 Grant McGregor, MC1P, RPP Kyl- :entley, P.Eng. Manager, Strategic Initiatives & Sustainability D' ecto City Development & CBO GM:Id orate Services & City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer City of Pickering - Seaton Long Range Wireless Plan — Bell Mobility 2017 el 9 -i - r +i: = i- . —0 % 6 - — __ 1 s ■• Yi tl P _ 1-9 ,� ViJi h :... - a ► 1' ! { dOd r • i1.1--�.r\ 6 /.•--- ICP- Macro 1 , ti e r • rrr r CP — Macro - 3 Standard Telecommunication Towers proposed (40 -50m in height) in the larger Community Parks (CP) -These would permit multiple carriers and Emergency Services VG & NP — Smacro - 7 small macro sites (smacros) proposed in the Village Greens (VG) and Neighbourhood Parks (NP) - These are single carrier (Bell Mobility) sites integrated into smaller park spaces NP-Smacro