HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 12-18Gly f DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: PLN 12-18 Date: May 7, 2018 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Infrastructure Ontario Public Works Class Environmental Assessment Seaton Community — Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trails City of Pickering File: D-1100-063 Recommendations: 1. That Council approve the hiring of Candevcon Limited for undertaking an Infrastructure Ontario Public Works Class Environmental Assessment for the Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trails in the Seaton Community in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c), as the assignment is above $50,000.00; 2. That the Letter Proposal submitted by Candevcon Limited for Professional Consulting Services for undertaking an Infrastructure Ontario Public Works Class Environmental Assessment for the Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trails in the amount of $90,000.00 (HST excluded), provided as Appendix I to Report PLN 12-18, be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $110,740.00 (HST included) including the proposal amount plus contingency costs for other expenses such as permits, licensing or review fees, and the total net project cost of $99,725.00 (inclusive of the HST rebate) be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost from the Seaton Development, Implementation & Legal Assistance 2018 Council Approved Current Budget Account 2611.2392.0002; 4. That City staff be authorized to sign any agreements between the City and Candevcon Limited in a form satisfactory to the Director, City Development;, and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: In 2013, the City's Official Plan Amendment for the Seaton community was approved with land use designations and policies. The Seaton Neighbourhood Plan conceptually displays connecting trails, recreational trails and bikeways (see Seaton Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment #1). As development is now proceeding with occupancy expected this spring, it is prudent to begin the Infrastructure Ontario (10) Public Works (PW) Environmental Assessment (EA) process for confirming the primary connecting trail locations between neighbourhoods. Report PLN 12-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Seaton Trails Environmental Assessment Page 2 Given Candevcon Limited's extensive experience with completing over 40 Category PW Class EA's in the Seaton Community and Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, staff requested a fee proposal from the consulting firm (see Letter Proposal, Appendix 1 and Reference Letter, Attachment #3). In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c), where the professional service assignment is expected to be above $50,000.00 and the initiating Director intends to acquire the services without going through a competitive process, Council approval is required to engage a firm for a professional services assignment. Staff are recommending approval of the Letter Proposal (see Appendix!) submitted by Candevcon Limited for Consulting and Professional Services for completing an 10 PW Class EA (Category B — Realty Transaction) for the Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trails in the Seaton Community in the amount $90,000.00 (HST excluded), plus an $8,000.00 contingency (HST excluded), for a total net city cost of just under $100,000.00. Financial Implications: 1. Proposal Proposal Amount HST (13%) Gross Proposal Cost $90,000.00 1,700.00 $101,700.00 2. Total Project Cost (Proposal + Other Costs) Proposal Amount Contingency (license and review fees; added meetings, etc.,) Sub Total HST (13%) Total Gross Project Cost HST Rebate (11.24%) Net Project Cost to City (incl. 1.76%) $90,000.00 8,000.00 $98,000.00 12,740.00 $110,740.00 ($11,015.00) $99,725.00 1. Background The Seaton Neighbourhood Plans were approved in 2013 with land use designations and policies. In addition, connecting trails, recreational trails and bikeways were conceptually shown on the land use schedules (see Seaton Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment #1). Report PLN 12-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Seaton Trails Environmental Assessment Page 3 The trails generally reflect the Seaton Natural Heritage System — Management Plan and Master Trails Plan (2008) prepared for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by Schollen & Company Inc., and as refined through the preparation of the Seaton Neighbourhood Plans. These trails are located with the objective of minimizing the establishment of ad-hoc trails, avoiding sensitive areas, minimizing any potential for future opposition to trails adjacent to future residential dwellings, and encouraging the use of trails as an active form of transportation. Housing construction is well underway with occupancy expected this spring. It is appropriate to initiate the Infrastructure Ontario (10) Public Works (PW) Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process to confirm the location of the primary connecting trails between neighbourhoods. There are fourteen connecting trails identified for the Seaton Community (see Primary Connecting Trail Maps, Attachment #2). Once the license/easement has been secured from 10, the City can move forward with constructing these trails subject to budget approval. 2. Discussion 2.1 Candevcon Limited has considerable expertise in the field of environmental assessment having worked on over 40 10 PW EA projects both in Duffin Heights and in Seaton Candevcon Limited (Candevcon) and its team of sub -consultants were retained by the City to complete an 10 PW Class EA for lands located at the southeast corner of Tillings Road and Dersan Street. The City intends to acquire an easement from 10 for the use of these lands for a future park and trail. Staff had an excellent experience with Candevcon's planner and were impressed with the working relationship the consulting firm has with sub -consultants, Provincial ministries and agencies, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). 10 has given a strong recommendation for hiring Candevcon given their years of experience, depth of knowledge of the 10 PW Class EA process, timeliness, ability to work within budget, and communication and problem solving skills (see Reference Letter from Infrastructure Ontario, dated April 19, 2018, Attachment #3). The hiring of Candevcon and its team of sub -consultants represent good value as they: • have the necessary administrative and technical expertise • are extremely familiar with the 10 PW EA processes having completed over 40 Class EA's in the Seaton Community and Duffin Heights Neighbourhood • have worked with the Province, Region, and Seaton landowners on a variety of realty transactions over the last 10 years • are familiar with the Schollen Management Plan and Master Trails Plan for the Seaton Community • are intimately familiar with the Duty to Consult (DTC) requirements of the Province and have an ongoing relationship with the Province in addressing matters relating to DTC and archaeological assessments Report PLN 12-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Seaton Trails Environmental Assessment Page 4 It is imperative that the City proceed with the staking and coordination of the visual assessments prior to foliage growth as this will provide staff and TRCA the best vantage to confirm or revise the trail locations, and identify issues (steep grades, creek meanders, and other natural features to be avoided) with minimal visual disruption from foliage. The timing for carrying out the field inspection portion of the project during early spring will also minimize natural hazards to staff, TRCA, and the consulting team. 2.2 As required by the City's Purchasing Policy, Council is requested to approve this consulting assignment as it is for an amount greater than $50,000.00 In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c) where the professional service assignment is expected to be above $50,000.00, and the initiating Director intends to acquire the services without going through a competitive process, a Report to Council shall be submitted to obtain approval to engage a firm for a professional services assignment. Staff are recommending approval of the proposal submitted by Canadevcon for Consulting and Professional Services for completing the 10 Class EA for the connecting trails in the Seaton Community in the amount of $90,000.00 plus HST (see Letter Proposal, Appendix I). There will be additional costs associated with permits, licensing or review fees, and other disbursements relating to securing approvals. At this time, staff have estimated an additional $8,000.00 plus HST will be required to cover these costs. Accordingly, staff recommends Council approve the total net City cost of $99,725.00 for this project. 3. Next Steps Subject to Council approval and various agreements being executed, Canadevcon will commence work on completing the 10 PW Class EA for the primary neighbourhood connecting trails in the Seaton Community immediately thereafter. Appendix Appendix I Proposal Letter from Candevcon Limited dated April 11, 2018 Attachments 1. Seaton Neighbourhood Plan 2. Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trail Maps 3. Reference Letter from Infrastructure Ontario, dated April 19, 2018 Report PLN 12-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: Seaton Trails Environmental Assessment Page 5 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: titld:h0 Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Strategic Initiatives & Sustainability GM:Id Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Kyle Bentley, P. Eng Director, City Development & CBO Ray Rod i ues, CPPB Manager, Supply & Services 1—` Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Z3; 2_0/0 Appendix I to Report PLN 11-18 Proposal Letter from Candevcon Limited, dated April 11, 2018 tgb CANDEVCON L IMI TED CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS GTA EAST OFFICE 1600CHAAMPlAINAVENUE, SUITE 402 WHITBY, ONTARIO 1.1N 962 T (289) 315-3680 E-mail only April 11, 2018 City of Pickering Planning & Design Attn: Catherine Rose, Chief Planner One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K1 Dear: Ms. Rose, rr oviom6 Lxwstx WC SrittaCEs NE MVP& E ltNiri AtIG FRAMPORTARONRAVVIE Mari PAIIENG SRVIES ROAMS SRWGES Intl [% MIfMoorrn. :MIAS 141,41M RESOURCES EIVIVOWENTAt Nast slums Low ilex wircodiffiew RAk4M1'; slutcgfMW INGWEIRmici Re: Proposal for Professional Consulting Services Infrastructure Ontario PW Class EA Seaton Trails (Realty Transaction for Easements and Licenses) Seaton, City of Pickering Our File No. P186 -16E The City of Pickering are proposing to acquire easements and licenses within the Seaton NHS for the purpose of developing the Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trails system generally in accordance with the `Seaton Natural Heritage System — Management Plan and Master Trails Plan' (2008) prepared for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) by Schollen & Company Inc. The trails are located throughout the Seaton Community and were developed with the objective of minimizing the establishment of ad-hoc trails, directing use away from sensitive areas, minimizing potential for future opposition of trails located adjacent to future land uses and encouraging the use of trails as an alternative to automobile use. Following up from our meeting on March 15'1', 2018 we are pleased to provide this proposal to complete an RD PW Class EA (Category B - Realty Transactions) for the Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trails in the Seaton Community and coordination of staking of the Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trails. Our proposal for professional services is broken down into the following sections: 1. Professional Services Scope of Work The following outlines the scope of work anticipated to be required to complete the documentation and post the EA, followed by tasks to be undertaken for the Seaton Trails 10 PW Class EA.: 1. Compile existing studies, draft plans, surveys, Natural Heritage Assessments, Phase 1 ESA's, etc. completed to date, utilizing the information available through the Seaton Natural Heritage System Management Plan and Master Trails Pian to inform the EA and respond to comments during consultation. Our team will coordinate through the City of Pickering and Infrastructure Ontario to obtain existing information. GM WEST OFFICE (CORPORATEP 9358 GORFWAY DRIVE • ORAMPTLW. ONTARIO L6P OM7 • P(905)794-0600 f (903) 794-06! 1 CANDESICON LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS Page 2 April 11, 2018 City of Pickering Ms. Catherine Rose As discussed at our meeting it is understood that the Schollen Report was prepared in 2008 and site conditions may have changed. There are newly listed species at risk listed and alignments may have been altered during subsequent processes resulting in the likely need for additional studies in support of the trail locations. Existing conditions will be identified through consultation with agencies and stakeholders. The information obtained will likely lead to the need for additional studies including but not limited to archaeological assessments, natural heritage studies, geotechnical and site condition studies prior to construction of any trail. Any fieldwork, engineering and legal survey work required to implement the projects and obtain easements over the trails will be subject to future work and proposals. This work is not included in this proposal. ii. Should there be a need for additional information or studies requested during circulation of the 10 Class EA, Candevcon Limited will provide ongoing advice on the elements that are unique to an 10 PW Class EA that are required to be included in the documents/reports/correspondence and provide input on obtaining proposal or provide a proposal to carry out the additional work. iii. Coordination with Infrastructure Ontario for the preparation of a License to enter and carry out additional studies if required. iv. Coordinate with infrastructure Ontario and Agencies as necessary and where required, to obtain written confirmation that the consultation requirements have been met. v. Complete the 10 Consultation and Documentation Report (C&D Report) including appendices of studies and correspondence with agencies (letters, emails, etc. as appropriate). vi. Attendance at three (3) meetings (including conference calls) with any of the following project team: the City of Pickering, TRCA, OMNRF or others where appropriate. Should additional meetings be required, additional budget and approval will be sought prior to attending those meetings. vii. Confirm with 10 Heritage Planner that the 'Duty to Consult' requirements have been addressed. Should 10 identify any additional DTC requirements are necessary, discussions with 10 will be required to affirm the steps to be undertaken, a separate proposal can be provided for the additional work if required. viii. Complete a draft of the C&D Report and submit to 10 for review. ix. Respond to to comments, coordinate obtaining addition& information if required, finalize the C&❑ Report and coordinate posting for thirty (30) day review period. CANDFVCON LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS Page 3 April 11, 2018 City of Pickering Ms. Catherine Rose x. Address comments or concerns during the posting period should they arise. xi. Confirm to the City when the posting period has expired. xii. Coordination with the surveyor in staking the Primary Connecting Trails in preparation of the City's site walks of the subject Trails to reaffirm general trail locations with TRCA and potentially MNRF. This task is being completed to help inform the location of the trails and future additional studies, preliminary engineering assessment and design, etc. 2. Assumptions We have included follow-up with the project team consultants, agencies, including addressing any subsequent comments relating to the 10 PW Class EA submission in the budget. ii. The City will provide a Compilation Plan in CAD that provides the most current trail alignments as per the Schollen Report and subsequent amendments resulting from ongoing coordination within the Seaton Community. The City will advise our team of any changes to the trail system as soon as they are aware so we can assess the next steps and whether an addendum to the ongoing consultation is required or if a new 10 EA Is required. The cost of addendums and new EA's for trails moving beyond the agreed Study Area Limits are not included in this proposal. 3. Study Team The project will be administered from our Whitby Office. The Project Manager would be Ms. Lynn Collins. Upon initiation of the project, a detailed list of the staff to be included in the project can be provided, if requested. 4. Fees We propose to carry out the work on an hourly basis, for budgetary purposes and based on our assessment of the study team time required to complete the tasks as outline above, we estimate the budget for the project to be Ninety Thousand ($90,000.00). Our proposed budget does not include any permit, licensing or review fees that may be requested by agencies. Expenses and normal recoverable disbursements, i.e. travel allowance, computer plotting, colour copying, etc. relating to securing approvals are included in the fee amounts quoted. CANDEVCON L IMI «❑ CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PLANNERS Page 4 April 11, 2018 City of Pickering Ms. Catherine Rose 5. Authorization to Proceed If you are in agreement with the proposal and if you want us to proceed, kindly signify your acceptance by signing and returning one copy of the attached Project Authorization Form to us. We trust that the foregoing provides you with a comprehensive outline of the scope of work and related fee estimates for providing environmental planning support for the 10 PW Class EA. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, C4NDEVC0N LIMITED ( 3, •'L Lyon Collins, BES, MCIP, RPP Project Manager, Planning & Environmental Assessments LC Attch. cc: Candevcon Limited, Attn: Mrs, Lynn Orr Mirka Favit, P.Eng, Senior Project Manager, Land Development C) Phase 1 Primary Connecting Tr subject to IQ EA (2017) I J The LES. reFotnmends this road connection and assoUatea Bikeway not be OOronleted›, NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN APPROVED MARCH 25, 2013 BY THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 1 % IT. number, . ria kuNnX sio rionaparoona halm ohms .-dud toompliad pee Lod em waled to warmed as sat out kis Seer 1 1133.nd mraert 17.22 pn) pi. &roilPhM1 Seaton Neighbourhoods 0 • • • ref • innlul BC E__7 Es --1 Seaton Natural Hertoge System Swat Faeaty Trallheads Terminal News 9IPGNt Park COmmunity stirU Neighbourhood Park Village Green Reminded Centre Dlsglct Energy lbmlet Heritage Open Spate Acere ReO-e Gtn Cemetery Reservoir Elementary $ct. H age Sehaok $InOs COmmerelaf Cluster Lae Density Area Type I. Law Density Area Type 2 Medium Density Ates High Density Area /Shed Ccn ldor Type 1 Mixed Corridor Type 2 Community Mode Laval Node P resyge Employment Node Prestige Employment Future Transitorily Station Cubo dee Arees% area Gasewas She Heritage Laos Cemetery Extension POandal Mullldlse Area Potential GO station Pedestrian Predominant Street Character Road Primary Neighbourhood [m ting Trails Primary Reereatknat Tnik Secondary PecreeGOnal Trane Primary Pike, Secondary Bikeway Neigbbeurhaad aWnPdry Full Movement InterSechen T keer1MJOn W are ENRIghe Out Intersection Neighbourhood Road Seellen Seaton Natural Heritage System subject It EN/dements!. APsessmeee Process ATTACHMENT ft TO REPORT N PZ la- 113 Trails 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT // PLO. 13--/e Trail 6 ATTACHMENT #,..,102 TO REMPOR1 �� P1 Ick /8 Trail 7 Trail 8 ATTACHMENT n_ 4.-Q TO REPORT Trail 9 Trails 10 & 11 ATTACHMENT # -Q TO Trails 12 & 13 ATTACHMENT # l [i REPORT _ (i)LN r Trail 14 ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPURI >ti Pe. David M. Flynn Lawyer 1 Business + Real Estate dflynnOchappellpartners.ca Twitter I Linkedln I Facebook CONDOmaximurn.ca PULSE -'V Legal News + Slog April 19, 2018 by email only City of Pickering Attention: Grant McGregor — gmcgregor@pickering.ca RE: Seaton Trail We are the solicitors for Infrastructure Ontario with regard to the Seaton community and the Duffin Heights community. I am writing with regard to Candevcon Limited's work in regard to Class Environmental Assessments in Seaton and Duffin Heights. My primary contact with Candevcon has been Lynn Collins. I understand that Lynn Collins has been completing various Ministry of Infrastructure Public Work Class Environmental Assessments for the Seaton and Duffin Heights communities for approximately 10 years. I have worked with directly with Ms. Collins on many matters with regards to the Class EA process for infrastructure projects within the Seaton community. In this regard she has been acting as a consultant for Infrastructure Ontario, the Seaton Landowner Group, and also other individual landowners within Seaton. I understand that Ms. Collins has completed over 40 Class Environmental Assessments pursuant to the Ministry of Infrastructure Public Work Class Environmental Assessment process. On many occasions I have worked with Ms. Collins, particularly to confirm that all required Class EA work has been completed to permit the construction of infrastructure with the Seaton Natural Heritage System. I have always found her to be extremely knowledgeable, proactive and a problem solver when I raise questions or concerns. Duty to Consult with First Nations is integral to the completion of IO PW Class EA's. I have been informed that Ms. Collins' was instrumental in developing the First Nation Consultation model for the CPDP Regional Services Class EA, projects represented in the Seaton MESPA. Most of the Seaton assignments have been very complex and require various stakeholder consultation. Through her assignments, she has demonstrated excellent leadership and communication skills by successfully dealing with a number of stakeholders including the municipalities, engineers, planners, and authorities. In my dealing with Lynn Collins, I've found her very professional and detail oriented. Lynn is very effective at communicating my legal concerns to stakeholders, and addressing my concerns in a productive manner, ensuring that projects are able to move forward on schedule. CHAPPELL PARTNERS LLP Suite 3310, 20 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M5H 3R3 1 T. 416 351 0005 1 F. 416 351 0002 I W. chappellpartners.ca ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT 1/ PLN 0-1 P, CHAPPELL PARTNERS LLP In summary based on Lynn Collins' experience, depth of knowledge of the Ministry of Infrastructure Public Works Class Environmental Assessment process, skills in communication and problem solving I have no reservation in recommending Candevcon Limited and Lynn Collins as a consultant for the Seaton Trail project. Yours very truly, CHAPP avi Barrister & Solici DMF/ Page 2