HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 06-18P1CKE RiNG cibi cif Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 06-18 Date: March 5, 2018 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/17 City Initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 2511: Maximum Building Height in the "R3" and "R4" Zones Recommendation: 1. That City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/17 to add maximum building height provisions for lands zoned "R3" and "R4" within Zoning By-law 2511, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 06-18, be endorsed; and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to seek final Council approval of the City initiated amendment to Zoning By-law 2511, as set out in Appendix I, to add a maximum building height of 9.0 metres for all lands zoned "R3" and "R4" that are not 'subject to a site specific by-law; and to add a site specific exception allowing a maximum building height of 9.5 metres for lands within Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2017-03. Through focus group discussions with the community, maximum building height was identified as one of the key criteria in ensuring compatibility of new infill and replacement housing in established neighbourhoods. Homes in the Rosebank, West Shore and Bay Ridges Neighbourhoods were built over a range of years. However, most were built between the 1970s and 1990s. These neighbourhoods have been experiencing a shift over the last several years as a result of new larger and taller homes built through infill and replacement housing. Consequently, local residents have starting raising concerns that these new homes are not compatible with the predominant character of these neighbourhoods. Zoning By-law 2511 currently does not regulate maximum building height for parts of the established neighbourhoods of Rosebank, West Shore and Bay Ridges. The draft implementing Zoning By-law Amendment, set out in Appendix I, provides an interim measure until further policy, zoning and other tools are developed through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study to address transition between existing older housing stock and new contemporary housing development. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the recommendations of this report. Report PLN 06-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: City Initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 2511: Page 2 Maximum Building Height in the "R3" and "R4" Zones Discussion: 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands are zoned "R3" — Residential Third Density Zone and "R4" — Residential Fourth Density Zone within the Rosebank, West Shore and Bay Ridges Neighbourhoods, as identified in Attachments #1, #2 and #3 respectively. The Rosebank, West Shore and Bay Ridges Neighbourhoods are located within the South Pickering Urban Area. 1.2 Draft Implementing Zoning By-law Amendment Draft amendments to Zoning By-law 2511, as set out in Appendix I, add a maximum building height of 9.0 metres to the "R3"and "R4" Zones; and add a site specific exception to the "R4" Zone allowing a maximum building height of 9.5 metres for lands within the Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2017-03. All other properties within the "R3" and "R4" Zones that have a site specific by-law regulating maximum building height will continue to have that provision regulated by their site specific by-law. 2. Public Consultation and Comments 2.1 October 30, 2017 Open House and November 6, 2017 Public Meeting Notice of an Open House and Public Meeting was placed on the City's website and on the Community Page of the News Advertiser in the October 11, 2017 and October 18, 2017 editions. Notice was also mailed to all interested parties that attended the September 5, 2017 meeting of the Planning & Development Committee when Report PLN 15-17 on "Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods" was considered. The Open House meeting was held on Monday, October 30, 2017 to inform area residents and the public about the proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 2511 and receive feedback. Approximately 25 people attended the Open House. On November 6, 2017, approximately 50 people attended the Statutory Public Information Meeting, at which 10 residents spoke or made a presentation regarding the proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 2511. 2.2 Written Submissions Sixteen written submissions were also received. Attachment #4 outlines the written submissions and staff's response. 2.3 Summary of Public Comments The following is a summary of the key comments provided at the Open House, Public Meeting and through written submissions. Report PLN 06-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: City Initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 2511: Page 3 Maximum Building Height in the "R3" and "R4" Zones 2.3.1 Maximum Height Support for setting a 9.0 metre maximum building height: Most of the comments support a 9.0 metre maximum building height. Comments cited concern over shadowing caused by larger, taller homes on adjacent existing homes and the negative impact that these larger homes could have on the existing character of established low-rise neighbourhoods. Comments were also made that the 9.0 metre maximum building height should be applied beyond the "R3" and "R4" Zones, including applying the standard to semi-detached and linked dwellings and replacing the 10.5 metre maximum building height in Zoning By-law 2520 with 9.0 metres so that it is in keeping with most of the existing homes in the area. There were also some comments that the method for measuring height should be reviewed. Many people noted that implementing a 9.0 metre maximum building height is a good start and that they are eager to have the City undertake the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study so that other matters related to compatibility can be comprehensively addressed. Requests to consider a 10.5 metre maximum building height: Some people noted that a 10.5 metre maximum building height is more appropriate to accommodate the type of housing product that consumers want, specifically homes with 2.7 and 3.0 metre (9 and 10 foot) ceilings. It was also noted that a 9.0 metre maximum building height may restrict certain architectural styles and the achievement of various roof types. There was some concern that establishing a maximum building height of 9.0 metres would decrease property values and that it would be more appropriate to establish a 10.5 metre maximum building height until the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study is complete. 2.3.2 Compatibility and Character Several comments made regarding other matters impacting neighbourhood character are outside the scope of this Zoning By-law Amendment and will be addressed through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. These comments ' include: concern regarding how building height is measured; concern that grading of new lots result in an established grade that is higher than that of adjacent properties; support for the preservation of existing trees; and lack of support for reducing setbacks. 2.3.3 Other Matters Other key comments made that are outside the scope of this Zoning By-law Amendment include: a request to Council to consider Durham Region's Age -Friendly Community Plan; concern that the development of larger homes affects housing affordability and property values; a request to consider not having basements in areas prone to flooding; and concern with the high density proposal on Wharf Street and the future development at the base of Liverpool Road. Report PLN 06-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: City Initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 2511: Page 4 Maximum Building Height in the "R3" and "R4" Zones 3 City Departments and Agency Comments 3.1 City of Pickering Engineering Services Department Engineering Services had no objection to the proposed amendment. Lot grading plans in support of building permits and planning, applications are reviewed by the Water Resources & Development Services Division to ensure the Development Control Design Standards and the Stormwater Management Design Guidelines are met. 3.2 Region of Durham The Region of Durham noted that applicable designations in the Regional Official Plan for the subject lands include "Living Areas", "Waterfront Areas", and "Waterfront Places — Frenchman's Bay". They also noted that the proposed amendment appears to conform to the Regional Official Plan. 3.3 Enbridge Gas Enbridge Gas had no objection to the proposed amendment. 3.4 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) The TRCA had no comments or concerns with the proposed amendment. 4. Planning Analysis 4.1 Proposal Conforms to Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" within the Rosebank, West Shore, and Bay Ridges Neighbourhoods. Lands within this designation are intended primarily for housing. Official Plan policies with regard to community design encourage developments that are designed to fit their contexts by considering matters such as massing, height, and scale. Also, specific policies for the Rosebank Neighbourhood encourage new development to be compatible with the character of existing development. The uses permitted in the "R3" and "R4" Zones of By-law 2511 are limited to detached dwellings. The draft implementing Zoning By-law Amendment conforms to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan. 4.2 The Need to Implement a Zoning By-law Amendment Over the past several decades, the size and height of houses have increased due to changes in building construction techniques, engineering practices for lot grading, market trends and consumer preferences for higher interior ceiling heights. Image 1 illustrates this general trend. This has resulted in situations, experienced by many municipalities, where the height and scale of new homes in mature, established low-rise neighbourhoods can be considerably taller than adjacent existing homes. Report PLN 06-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: City Initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 2511: Page 5 Maximum Building Height in the "R3" and "R4" Zones Image 1: Trend in Changes to Building Heights (Source: City of Edmonton) PRE 1970 1970 - 2000 8'-1" Second Floor 8'-1" Main Floor Basement 8'-1" Second Floor to 9'-1" Main Floor 2000 -PRESENT 8'-1" to 9'-1" for Upper Floors 9'-1" to 10'-1" for Main Floor Height Developed Basement y\\'\\���7; Basement Comments provided at the Open House and Public Meeting as well as written submissions strongly identify building height as a chief concern with respect to the impact larger homes have on the character of a neighbourhood. Zoning By-law 2511 currently does not regulate maximum building height for parts of the established neighbourhoods of Rosebank, West Shore and Bay Ridges. The introduction of a maximum building height provision is an important step as an interim measure to address this deficiency in Zoning By-law 2511 and to address resident concerns. Maximum building height provisions, among other matters, will be further reviewed through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study which will examine neighbourhoods in the South Pickering Urban Area. Many noted at the Open House and Public Meeting that they are anxious for the City to undertake the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study to address the impacts new housing has on the character of established neighbourhoods, and agree that adding an interim maximum building height provision is a step in the right direction. 4.2.1 Proposing a Maximum Building Height Staff considered all of the comments expressed through the Open House, Public Meeting and written submissions, as well as comments received from the agency circulation. Staff also reviewed site specific amendments establishing a maximum building height in the "R3" and "R4" Zones of Zoning By-law 2511 passed since the year 2000, and found that many were for 9.0 metres or less. Most of the individuals who provided comments at the Open House, Public Meeting and through written submissions support a maximum building height of 9.0 metres, indicating it will provide a reasonable transition between new contemporary housing development and older existing residential development. There were also concerns expressed that a maximum building height of 9.0 metres is too restrictive considering modern construction methods and that 10.0 or 10.5 metres would allow some flexibility to address local conditions and would facilitate homeowner desires to have higher interior floor to ceiling heights. Report PLN 06-18 Revised March 5, 2018 Subject: City Initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 2511: Page 6 Maximum Building Height in the "R3" and '1R4" Zones Based an staff's research and in light of public feedback, staff continue to recommend that a 9.0 metre maximum building height is appropriate and can accommodate the development of a moderate two-storey home while providing an appropriate transition in height to adjacent existing homes that were predominantly built prior to 2000. A 9.0 metre maximum building height would permit bungalows, bungaloft-style and two-storey dwellings, but will largely preclude three-storey dwellings. The proposed maximum building height provision will help manage redevelopment within established residential neighbourhoods and address compatibility matters. 4.3 Effect of Draft Implementing Zoning By-law Amendment on Active Planning Applications As of the writing of this Report, there is one active planning application in the subject area that is pending approval. A Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2017-03 for Marshall Homes (Copperfield) Ltd. is, proposing seven lots for detached dwellings fronting onto the extension of Frontier Court (see PLN 05-18 which recommends approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision). Marshall Homes is proposing building heights that range between 9.0 and 9.5 metres. The Planning Act indicates that no new zoning by-law shall prevent the erection of any building or structure from being established where a building permit has been issued prior to the date of the passing of the new by-law. This means that when Marshall Homes applies for building permits, they would have to comply with the zoning in force at the time which, should Council pass this Zoning By-law Amendment, will limit the maximum building height to 9.0 metres. As such, Marshall Homes would either need to redesign some of the detached dwellings to ensure they all meet the 9.0 metre maximum building height limit, or submit a minor variance application and proceed through the minor variance process. Although, under the current zoning, Marshall Homes could have proposed dwellings that are considerably higher than 9.0 to 9.5 metres, they have attempted to meet the proposed 9.0 metre maximum building height. However, due to the grades of some Tots, a 9.0 metre height limit could not be achieved without a substantial redesign of these dwelling units, Staff acknowledge that applicants incur a substantial expense to prepare drawings and background reports as part of their complete application submission to the City. As such, it is recommended that a site specific exception be made to the "R4" Zone in By-law 2511 to permit a maximum 9.5 metre building height for the proposed Marshall Homes development on Frontier Court. Report PLN 06-18 No Change March 5, 2018 Subject: City Initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 2511: Page 7 Maximum Building Height in the "R3" and "R4" Zones 4.4 Staff Recommend an Implementing Zoning By-Iaw Amendment be Forwarded to Council for Enactment Staff recommend the Zoning Bylaw Amendment, as set out in Appendix 1, that will amend Zoning By-law 2511 to add a maximum building height provision of 9.0 metres to the "R3" Zone and the "R4" Zone, and provide a site specific exception for the Marshall Homes development on Frontier Court, be brought before Council for enactment. Appendix: Appendix I Draft Implementing Zoning By-Iaw Amendment Attachments: 1, Subject Lands — Rosebank Neighbourhood 2. Subject Lands — West Shore Neighbourhood 3. Subject Lands — Bay Ridges Neighbourhood 4. Staff Response to Written Submissions Prepared By: Stev Andis, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Policy Jeff Brooks, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy & Geomatics SA:JB:Id Approved/Endorsed By: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Gds Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ‘5,z0/0 Appendix I to Report PLN 06-18 Draft Implementing Zoning By-law Amendment The Corporation o of Pickering aw No. XXXX/18 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Iaw 2511, as amended to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham (A 09/17) Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering initiated an application to regulate maximum building height within the "R3" and "R4" Zone categories within Zoning By-Iaw 2511; And whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it advisable to amend By-Iaw 2511 to regulate the maximum building height within the "R3" and "R4" Zone categories; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule I Schedule I attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon is hereby declared to be part of this By-Iaw. 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-Iaw shall apply to those lands designated "R3" — Residential Third Density and "R4" — Residential Fourth Density by By-law 2511. 3. Text Amendments Section 9.2 and 10.2, are hereby amended, by incorporating the following subparagraphs to the Area Requirements of "R3" and "R4" Zones as follows: (1) 9.2. 7 Building Height: Maximum — 9.0 metres (2) 10.2.7 Building Height: Maximum -- 9.0 metres (3) New Subsection 10.3.6 is hereby added to provide a site specific exception as follows: 10.3.6 Part of Lots 23, 24, 26 & 26, Plan 350 (Now Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 of Plan 40R-29501) By-Iaw No. XXXX/18 Page 2 Notwithstanding the provision for maximum building height in Subsection 10.2.7, lands as shown on Schedule I to By-law XXX/18 shall have a maximum building height of 9.5 metres. 4. By-law 2511 By-law 2511, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of Bylaw 2511, as amended. 5. Effective Date This Bylaw shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law passed this XX day of XXXX, 2018. PT David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk \.14,` 2.01 Aar CD 42.11 m 00 Pro tier Court Schedule 1 to By -Law XXXX Passed This Day of Mayor Toynevale Road Chantilly Road Clerk Oakwood Drive r N od ATTACHMENT # 1 .TO REPORT # PI -r Otr�JI mrrrrily r 1 111111 =71761—Lii—ill �����IIl� iii 1".1 a 0 th L 7-0 r 111111111111111111r111= _IIIIN • 1111rill WM. 1 1111mu111rea � 11111 X111111 1111RI1 1 X111e= VEI 1111111— 111111111111 R .r 1 1 X111111 illli1= •� 1 mgr:,112 ._ ill line 11011 i`�•1' � � ...� It 111 Io f 1 iI u�i� .n, Obf i 4h , JIIIIW u1UIrII11IuI!ld1 � aaf ���h ,� 11 vim .1lI���!alpI 6/1111 � 1"111-eliPi• :t.,�,•r,���xxn�fl�5i -girS 11110► \\ leis •our is - CD Q> C C N N ATTACHMENT # TO RTJOA P4t4 ryci ULU 11111111 111111 1111111115913 HM11111111111111 1111 1111. 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" I s 6 Riii ?_ IWi�lli ll.. - = f fllllflll� 9 • cu • 0 N N ce Staff Response to Written Submissions Commenter Written Submission Staff Response 1. Marshall Homes a) 9.0 metres is not sufficient when considering modern construction methods; the maximum height should be 10.5 metres. b) Between building code changes, raised heels for better insulation, basement heights for flooding, and homeowner preference, an additional 1.5 metres can be expected on new construction. c) A new two-storey home will be approximately 10.5 metres in height. d) The home value of properties in Bay Ridges and West Shore had been steadily increasing until September 2017, when the Amending By-law was announced; a height limit of 9.0 metres will substantially reduce property values. a) Based on staff's research a 9.0 metre maximum building height can accommodate a modern two-storey dwelling. b) See staff response a) above. c) See staff response a) above. d) A correlation cannot be conclusively made between the initiation of establishing a maximum building height in the "R3" and "R4" Zones of By-law 2511 and housing prices in the Bay Ridges and West Shore neighbourhoods. Other influences, such as market forces, rising interest rates and Ontario's Fair Housing Plan may be contributing factors. 2. Resident — Timmins Gardens a) Concerned that some areas not covered by the proposed zoning amendment. a) Staff research showed that only properties zoned "R3" and "R4" under By-law 2511, not already subject to site specific building height limits, had no restriction on maximum building height. 3. Resident — Essa Crescent a) Why is the area west of Frenchman's Bay excluded from the zoning amendment? Several three-storey houses are being built in that area. a) The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment only applies to lands zoned "R3" and "R4" under Zoning By-law 2511 which have no maximum height provisions. Lands west of Frenchman's Bay are within Zoning By-law 2520 which has a maximum building height limit of 10.5 metres for all residential zones. 74, 371 c,B1 Commenter Written Submission Staff Response 4. Resident — Annland Street a) Strongly against many new proposals in Bay Ridges that are not in keeping with neighbourhood, remove trees, are too tall and will have parking issues. b) Does not like the three-storey dwelling at 663 Pleasant Street. c) A two-storey, 9.0 metre tall dwelling would be acceptable. a) The Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study will examine the broader issues of character and transitioning neighbourhoods. b) Comment noted. c) Comment noted. 5. Resident - Pleasant Street a) Very happy with a maximum height of 9.0 metres. b) Many homes have been built that look out of place and infringe on neighbours' privacy. a) Comment noted. b) The Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study will examine the broader issues of character and transitioning neighbourhoods. 6. Resident - Front Road a) Does not want a height restriction placed on her property, as it may impact resale value along Front Road. a) The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is an interim measure until the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study either confirms that 9.0 metres is an appropriate building height limit or recommends a different building height limit. 7. Resident - Victory Drive a) Disappointed that the City has not done statistical studies to determine optimum building height for individual neighbourhoods. b) Concerned that the way height is measured (to the mid -point of the roof) does not capture how height will impact neighbourhood perspective. a) Analysis regarding building heights for neighbourhoods in the South Pickering Urban Area will be undertaken through the InfiII and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. b) The definition of height will be reviewed through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. Commenter Written Submission Staff Response c) Height should be measured to the peak of the house, rather than the mid -point of the roof. d) Roof ornaments or mechanical equipment should be covered by the maximum height requirement. c) See staff response b) above. d) See staff response b) above. 8. Resident — Pleasant Street a) Approves of adding a building height limit along Pleasant Street. a) Comment noted. Pleasant Street is zoned "R4" in By-law 2511 and would be subject to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment that would limit building height to 9.0 metres. 9. Resident — Leaside Street a) Would like to see maximum height standardized between Zoning By-laws; the proposed height restriction of 9 metres should also apply to lands under By-law 2520, not just By-law 2511. b) Concerned about some homes with above grade cellars/basements. a) The Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study will examine the South Pickering Urban Area, which encompasses By-law 2520. Currently, By-law 2520 has a maximum building height of 10.5 metres. b) See staff response a) above. 10. Resident — Front Road a) Concerned that builders will get around the proposed height restriction because the restriction will only apply to detached dwellings. Builder will build "attached" dwellings instead to get around the height limit. a) The "R3" and "R4" Zones only permit detached dwellings. They do not permit "attached" dwellings. 11. Resident — Cliffview Road a) Uncertain what the rationale is for measuring building height to the mid -point and not the peak of the roof. a) Measuring building height as the vertical distance between the established grade to the mid -point of peaked roof is common in municipal zoning by-laws. The rationale is that that even though a peaked roof would extend higher than a flat roof of the same height the mass of the two buildings would be approximately equal. Measuring to the midpoint also encourages a variety of roof styles. Commenter Written Submission Staff Response b) Concerned about grading changes for new b) Grading of lots for new homes is undertaken to dwellings. facilitate proper overland storm drainage from the lot to the street without impacting adjacent properties. The effect of the lot grading increases the relative difference in height between a new and existing building and will be concidered in the broader context of neighbourhood character through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. c) Are there enough building inspectors to ensure c) The City currently has sufficient staff to ensure that compliance on all new dwellings? new buildings comply with all applicable regulations. 12. Pickering a) Supportive of the amendment to add a maximum a) Comment noted. West height of 9.0 metres. Shore Community b) Would support additional height if warranted to b) The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment does Association accommodate a legal walkout basement with not preclude the ability to apply for a minor legal sized basement windows. variance to request additional height. The request would be considered, and a decision made, by the Committee of Adjustment. c) Not supportive of the use-of "reductions in c) The matter of building setbacks and other setbacks to improve the streetscape" as a tool to development standards that affect neighbourhood manage infill development. character will be examined through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. d) The methodology used to measure building height d) The method for how building height is measured should be reviewed, will be evaluated through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. Commenter Written Submission Staff Response 13. Resident — a) Supportive of the proposal for a maximum height a) Comment noted. Cecylia of 9.0 metres. Court b) Would like to see the 9.0 metre height limit added b) The Infill and Replacement Housing in Established to Zoning By-law 2520 as well. Neighbourhoods Study will examine the South Pickering Urban Area which encompasses By-law 2520. Currently, By-law 2520 has a maximum building height of 10.5 metres. c) The City should reach out to residents in other c) The Infill and Replacement Housing in Established zones for their input. Neighbourhoods Study will examine neighbourhoods in the South Pickering Urban Area. The City will reach out to residents in these neighbourhoods to participate in the Study. d) The City should consider a freeze on rebuilds that d) Staff are recommending a 9.0 metre maximum exceed 9.0 metres while it is being considered. building height for lands zoned "R3" and "R4" in Zoning By-law 2511. e) Concerned about how the height limit will be e) Building heights are reviewed through planning enforced. applications and/or building permit applications. Adherence to regulated building heights are enforced initially though the review of plans by Zoning Examiners and then onsite by Building Inspectors. f) Height should be calculated only to a 45 degree f) The method for how building height is measured roof pitch; any higher degree is out of character will be evaluated through the Infill and and dangerous for roofers. Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. Commenter Written Submission Staff Response g) Land should not be raised so as to increase absolute height. h) The City Development Department should review all rebuilds and infills. g) Grading of lots for new homes is undertaken to facilitate proper overland storm drainage from the lot to the street without impacting adjacent properties. The effect of the lot grading increases the relative difference in height between a new and existing building and will be considered in the broader context of neighbourhood character through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. h) All development is reviewed by the City Development Department. 14. Resident — Westshore Boulevard a) The proposed height is too short; it will devalue their property by restricting the size of a home to be built in the future a) The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is an interim measure until the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study either confirms that 9.0 metres is an appropriate building height limit or recommends a different building height limit. 15. Resident — Pleasant Street a) Concerned about much of the infill construction occurring in their neighbourhood. b) The house at the corner of Pleasant Street and Annland Street is an example of bad design and a house out of character. c) In addition to height restrictions, homes should be made to suit the neighbourhood. a) The intent of the forthcoming Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study is to examine what would constitute appropriate infill in the City's mature, established neighbourhoods. The Study is intended to look at neighbourhood character and review matters such massing, height, and scale. b) Comment noted, also see staff response a) above. c) See staff response a) above. 0 # 1N3WH3V11V CD Commenter Written Submission Staff Response d) The house at 660 Pleasant Street is an example of good infill e) A 9.0 metre height limit is a good start, but 8.0 metres would be even better. d) Comment noted. e) Staff have recommended a 9.0 metre maximum building height as a means to provide a reasonable transition between new contemporary housing development and older existing residential development. 16. Resident — Simpson Avenue a) Streets with trees and greenery increase human life span. Large trees are destroyed to accommodate massive new buildings and front yards are paved over for new infill developments. b) Over the past few years builders have been pushing the envelope with height and size of new buildings. c) Would like to see a 2 year halt on development for the City to determine how to maintain the health and wellbeing of citizens. d) A temporary solution which can be amended down the road is better. a) Landscaping design elements may be a matter addressed in the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. b) The intent of the forthcoming Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study is to examine what would constitute appropriate infill in the City's mature, established neighbourhoods. The Study is intended to look at neighbourhood character and review matters such massing, height, and scale. c) Staff are recommending a 9.0 metre maximum building height for lands zoned "R3" and "R4" in Zoning By-law 2511 and are proceeding with the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study. d) Comment noted.