HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 04-18r<Cy .F DICKERING Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 04-18 Date: March 5, 2018 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Request to Establish a Stormwater Management Pond in the City of Pickering to accommodate Stormwater from Lands in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(W)-17.001 Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA17.001 11731 10th Line Developments Limited (Fieldgate Developments) Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville City of Pickering File: A-2400-007 Recommendations: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(W)-17.001 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA 17.001 submitted by Malone Given Parsons and Fieldgate Developments for lands in the southeast quadrant of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville to facilitate the development of 738 dwelling units, be received for information and comment; 2. That Pickering Council endorse in principle the proposal for Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(W)-17.001 to establish a stormwater management pond within the geographic boundaries of the City of Pickering for a subdivision in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, subject to an appropriate agreement between the Owner of the subdivision lands, the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, and the City of Pickering; 3. That the City of Pickering advise the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville that it has no objection to the approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(W)-17.001, subject to the imposition of the following condition of draft approval: "That prior to registration of any part of the plan tributary to a stormwater facility in the City of Pickering, the Owner of lands subject to Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(W)-17.001 and the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville enter into an agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering respecting various matters including: a. that the Owner and the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville indemnify the City of Pickering with respect to any liability arising from any aspect of locating the stormwater management pond in Pickering; b. that the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville assume the stormwater pond regardless of whether it owns the lands; and c. that the Owner provide appropriate financial compensation to the City of Pickering, including if required, any external legal fees;" 4. That the Chief Administrative Officer, the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, and the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to negotiate the agreement and bring it back for Council's approval; Report PLN 04-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: Stormwater Pond in Pickering to Serve Whitchurch-Stouffville Page 2 5. That the Owner of Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(W)-17.001 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA 17.001 and the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville be advised that they are obliged to ensure that the installation of the stormwater management pond complies with all relevant planning and development approvals including the Federal equivalents of satisfactory completion of a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment and Phase 2 if required, and cultural and heritage resource inventories and impact assessments and mitigation if required; and 6. That a copy of Report PLN 04-18 of the Director, City Development & CBO be forwarded to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, 11731 10th Line Developments Limited, Transport Canada, and the Rouge National Urban Park. Executive Summary: The City received a request for comments on applications for a proposed draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment for lands located in the southeast corner of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, adjacent to the City of Pickering (see Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Location Map, Attachment #1). The proposal is for 738 dwelling units. An unusual aspect of this proposal is the request to build the stormwater management pond for the proposed subdivision, on lands located within the City of Pickering (see Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Map Showing Location of Proposed Stormwater Pond in Pickering, Attachment #2). The pond in Pickering would be along the same watercourse that the subdivision drains to but meanders across the York -Durham boundary (York Regional Road 30). It is also understood that it may allow decommissioning of an existing stormwater pond directly north of the proposed subdivision with that stormwater redirected to the new facility in Pickering. The new pond would be approximately 4 hectares in size, and is proposed on lands currently owned by Public Works Canada (as part of Transport Canada's holdings), that are earmarked to be transferred to the Rouge National Urban Park. The location of the pond in Pickering would allow the development to accommodate approximately 50 to 80 additional lots. Senior staff from the City and the Town met along with representatives for the Owner and concluded there was merit and agreement in principle to pursue the stormwater pond location in Pickering, providing the critical matters have been adequately addressed, including indemnification for the City with respect to liability, the Town's assumption of the pond regardless of who owns the land, and appropriate compensation to the City. Accordingly, this Report recommends that Council: endorse locating the stormwater management pond in Pickering; authorize staff to negotiate an appropriate agreement between the City with the Owner of the subdivision lands and the Town, and bring the agreement back to City Council for approval; and request the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville to impose a condition of draft approval on the subdivision to address the requirement for the agreement to be registered on title to the subdivision lands prior to the registration any lands within of the Plan draining to the stormwater facility in Pickering. Financial Implications: The exact amount of compensation is subject to negotiation of the agreement between the parties. Report PLN 04-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: Stormwater Pond in Pickering to Serve Whitchurch-Stouffville Page 3 Discussion: 1.0 The City received circulation of applications from the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville On April 11, 2017, the City received a circulation notice and request for comments from the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville regarding proposed applications Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(W)-17.001 and Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA 17.001 (see Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Location Map, Attachment #1). The applications were submitted to Whitchurch-Stouffville, by Malone Given Parsons and Fieldgate Developments on behalf of the property Owner 11731 10th Line Developments Limited. The applications were submitted to facilitate the development of 665 detached dwellings, 56 townhouses, 16 live -work townhomes, and the protection of an existing heritage home on lot (for a total of 738 dwelling units). The lands subject of the applications have an area of 36.9 hectares, and are located in the southeast corner of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville. The south boundary of the development abuts the City of Markham. The east boundary of the development abuts York -Durham Townline Road (York Regional Road 30) with the City of Pickering to the east of Townline Road. 2.0 An uncommon stormwater management strategy is proposed Local municipalities have jurisdiction for stormwater management and the local storm sewer system. Once constructed and functioning properly, stormwater ponds are usually assumed by, and conveyed to, the local municipality so they can operate and maintain the pond. However, the applications from 11730 10th Line Developments Limited propose that the stormwater management pond to handle the stormwater from the eastern portion of the site be located on lands physically located with the City of Pickering (see Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Map Showing Location of Proposed Stormwater Pond in Pickering, Attachment #2). This location is within the drainage shed of the watercourse the eastern portion of the subdivision is tributary to. A similar arrangement was entered into by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the City of Markham to enable optimization of another subdivision to the west of the subject lands. Additionally, we understand there has been dialogue on abandoning the storm pond which abuts the subdivision to the north from the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, and rehabilitate the land for park purposes. The stormwater that was treated in the northerly pond would flow through the new subdivision to the new pond in Pickering. On May 17, 2017, staff provided preliminary comments to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville on the applications. The comments identified a number of planning matters to be addressed to justify the location of the stormwater pond in Pickering, and acknowledged a number of practical matters that would need to be addressed should the pond location in Pickering proceed. Report PLN 04-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: Stormwater Pond in Pickering to Serve Whitchurch-Stouffville Page 4 Initially, the proposed pond location was on privately -owned lands east of the subdivision. This location has challenges including compliance with zoning, the Pickering Official Plan, and the Greenbelt/Oak Ridges Moraine Plans. Subsequently, another site was identified nearby on lands currently owned by the Public Works Canada for which the Memorandum of Agreement with Parks Canada et al., accommodates certain permitted infrastructure uses. This property is part of the Transport Canada assembly that is being conveyed to the Rouge National Urban Park. This is now the preferred location for the pond in Pickering. As a result of discussions between senior staff from the municipalities and the developer, it was concluded that there is merit and agreement in principle to pursue the stormwater pond location in Pickering. 3.0 Council's concurrence and agreement between the parties will be required The City of Pickering has no interest in assuming the long term operation and maintenance responsibility for a stormwater pond that is handling stormwater from an adjoining municipality. The pond will need to be assumed by the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville regardless of who owns the land (Public Works Canada or Parks Canada). Accordingly, should Council concur there is merit is allowing the pursuit of a stormwater pond in Pickering, an agreement between 11730 10th Line Developments Limited, the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the City must be entered into indemnifying the City from any liability arising from any aspect of locating the stormwater management pond in Pickering. The agreement should also require the Town to assume the pond. By locating the stormwater pond in Pickering (and not in the subdivision), there is greater ability to accommodate growth within the Stouffville's urban boundary. The City should receive some financial compensation for agreeing to locate the pond in Pickering. Therefore, the agreement mentioned above should also include a clause that the Owner provide financial compensation in an amount satisfactory to the City of Pickering, including if required, external legal fees. Staff recommends that Council advise the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the Owner of the subdivision lands that Pickering Council concurs there is merit in allowing the developer to pursue a stormwater pond in Pickering. It is recommended that Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor, and the Director, Finance & Treasurer to negotiate the agreement and bring it back to Council for approval. 4.0 The City needs to impose a condition on Draft Plan of Subdivision 19T(W)-17.001 Staff has no other concerns or comments respecting the proposed draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment. However, to secure the agreement mentioned above, the City needs to impose a condition of draft approval for application 19T(W)-17.001. Report PLN 04-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: Stormwater Pond in Pickering to Serve VVhitchurch-Stouffville Page 5 Staff recommends that Council advise the Town that it has no objection to the draft approval of the plan of subdivision subject to the inclusion of a condition of draft approval requiring the above -noted agreement to be finalized to the satisfaction of the City and registered on title to the Owner of the subdivision lands. Staff also recommends that Council advise the Owner of the subdivision lands and the Town that they are obliged to ensure that the installation of stormwater pond complies with all relevant planning and development approvals, given its proposed location on Federally -owned lands earmarked to be transferred to the Rouge National Urban Park. It is understood that the City of Pickering, as a party to the Memorandum of Agreement with Parks Canada et al., (which sets out various matters including the permitted infrastructure uses in the Park), may need to be the applicant for the infrastructure request. Lastly, staff recommends that a copy of this Report and Council's resolution on the matter be forwarded to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, 11731 10th Line Developments Limited, Transport Canada and the Rouge National Urban Park. Attachments: 1. Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Location Map 2. Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Map Showing Location of Proposed Stormwater Pond in Pickering Prepared By: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner C R:Id Approved/Endorsed By: Kyle Bentley, P_Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. 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