HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 02-18KERIN CI; From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Digital Sign Program - RCC Media - File: 84000 Recommendation: Report to Executive Committee Report Number; CAO 02-18 Date: February 5, 2018 1. That Council approve the Digital Sign Program for the City of Pickering, as identified in the RCC Media Inc. proposal dated January 4, 2018; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: City staff have consulted with Canadian National Railway (CN) and RCC Media Inc. (RCC Media) to initiate a partnership for a Digital Sign Program in Pickering. The program includes opportunities to fabricate and install digital screens on CN overpasses, and on 4 monument -style signs, strategically located around the City, This will help to beautify CN bridge infrastructure and enhance communication with Pickering residents, businesses, visitors and other stakeholders, allowing them to be better informed, and more engaged, which results in greater understanding, collaboration and action. It also provides prominent space to communicate with residents during an emergency, or other related issues that widely impact our community (i.e., significant weather events). Financial Implications: Financial commitment is limited to the hydro and data communication fees of the monument -style signs. This is estimated at $100 per month for each sign, and will apply to only 3 of the 4 signs, as 1 sign is presently equipped to manage a digital screen, and therefore will only require retrofitting. The costs will be incorporated in the current operating budget. Discussion: CN Bridge Overpasses CN Rail owns and manages more than 14,000 rail bridges across Canada and the US. Many comrnunities are challenged by the eventual unsightliness of this infrastructure, as surface finishes degrade over time, or are defaced by unsolicited graffiti. An example of this in our own community is the CN rail overpass on Kingston Road. CAO 02-18 February h, 2018. Subject: Digital Signage Program Page 2 Over the years, the City has had discussions with CN, asking for the bridges to be repainted, but were advised the following: • Transport Canada has stringent rules governing the structural integrity of rail bridges; this includes a costly process to repaint bridges. • There are no policies regarding the aesthetic upkeep of rail bridges. • CN aims to treat all communities equally; a program to repaint all CN bridges across Canada would generate an expenditure in the hundreds of millions of dollars and therefore has not been entertained by CN. This digital signage enables the City to beautify the overpass, while providing opportunity for public and private sector advertising. CN and RCC Media Partnership CN has a contract with RCC Media, permitting them exclusive rights to install static and digital . signs on CN overpasses across Canada. The sign space is shared between public and private sector advertising. At the request of CN, and in keeping with their own business engagement policy, RCC Media seeks out municipal approval prior to the installation of any signs. Digital Sign Program RCC Media has submitted a proposal for a Digital Sign Program (Attachment 1), outlining a 3- phase approach. Staff will consider Phase 1 a pilot project, and move ahead with subsequent phases following a review of results. The program will be administered through Corporate Communications. Summary of Phase 1: 1. A static/digital sign on CN bridge overpass in Pickering - located on Kingston Road, west of Dixie Road (Attachment 2) RCC Media will fabricate and install a static/digital sign on the fascia of the overpass. This will include an LED screen to display digital signage, and aluminum frames affixed to each side of the screen, allowing for static vinyl artwork displays. e The digital sign space will be managed by RCC Media, and allow for third -party advertising, based on Canadian Advertising Standards_ The City of Pickering will receive up to a maximum of 240 minutes of digital Signage per day (shared with Iocation #2 below), and have full message takeover capabilities in the event of an emergency. • The static vinyl artwork will be designed and managed by the City, and produced and installed by RCC Media. This space will ensure consistent corporate branding, and the static display will be changed no more than twice a year over the life of the contract. CORP0227.07101 revised CAG 02-18 February 5, 2018 Subject: Digital Signage Program Page 3 2. Conversion of the static 3 -sided billboard, currently located within the CN rail corridor at the northlwest corner of Liverpool Road and Bayly Street (Attachment 2) • RCC Media will retrofit and replace the static billboard with digital screens, and allow for third -party advertising, based on Canadian Advertising Standards. • The City of Pickering will receive up to a maximum of 240 minutes of digital signage per day (shared with location #1 above) and have full message takeover capabilities in the event of an emergency. 3. RCC Media to complete turn -key operations to 3 new, and 1 retrofitted, monument - style signs with digital displays (see Attachment 1 Appendix A). These prominently placed signs will be owned by the City and maintained by RCC Media. They will not display third -party advertising but will enable the City to provide timely and accurate information on City news, events, programs and services to its residents, businesses, visitors, and other stakeholders, Monument -style sign locations: (Attachment 3) • Pickering Civic Complex — single -sided • Centennial Park (Brock Road) -- double -sided • Western Gateway — single -sided • Pickering Recreation Complex (retrofitted) — double -sided The signs were designed by staff and commemorate Pickering, reflecting elements that are unique to the City. • constructed in steel and aluminum with laser cut shapes in brushed finish • cross angled braces mimic the structural and aesthetic design embedded in our clock tower and interior office windows • the curved angle of the right hand element represents the waves at our waterfront • the right hand, vertical laser cut steel elements represent the blend of industry and creative arts b the left vertical element can also speak to a ladder, rising upward Phase II & 111 are described in Attachment 1. A location and photo of the expansion of the Digital Sign Program as noted in Phase II is included in Attachment 4. New and Innovative Way of Communicating As a designated Srnart2l Community of 2017 and 2018, the City of Pickering strives to strengthen its communications and technology infrastructure to create a more connected, engaged, vibrant, and sustainable community. With the availability of new, sleek and modernized digital signs, the City can accomplish the following: CORP0227-07/O1 revised CAO 02-18 February 5, 2018 Subject: Digital Signage Program Page 4 ■ Provide accurate, timely and clear information about City news, events, programs and services, public safety and emergency messages, • Allow for short -run, unlimited messages (on City owned -owned monument style signs only. Other locations may be subject to time limitations). • Instantly update the digital signs i.e., emergency alerts (on City -owned, monument style, signs only. Other locations may be subject to time limitations). Other Canadian cities in partnership with RCC Media to deliver static/digital signs include: Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Montreal, Ottawa, London etc., and locally in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Toronto, Brampton, Vaughan and Markham. Sign By-law — 6999/09 The City's Sign By-law provides an exemption for official signs. An official sign is defined as "any sign erected by, or under the direction of, a government agency and includes signs designating hospitals, schools, libraries, community centres, arenas or other public uses, and signs required under the Planning Act by the municipality to inform the public of proposed changes on the property." The proposed locations for the four monument -style signs are all on City property, and the signs will be set back and elevated to ensure sightlines will not be affected. This has been confirmed by the Engineering Services Department, Safety Studies conducted by the Transportation Association of Canada and the University of Toronto have concluded that there is no consensus of increased accident risk related to static/digital signage, and that they are intrinsically safe. There will be no live motion video, animation or flashing images on any of the signs. The transition from one image to the next is minimal. RCC Media has instilled a conservative approach to the digital products placed in the market. Specifically: • lumens and brightness is adjusted based on the area and surroundings - many of the existing bridge digital panels are at 2% brightness in the evening hours • slide duration and transition is at 6 or 8 seconds which is definitely on the conservative side It should be noted that over the road variable message signs have been implemented by the Ministry of Transportation and used on the 401 since 2009. This program continues to be expanded. CORP0227-07/O1 revised CAO 02-18 February 5, 2018 Subject: Digital Signage Program Page 5 Communications Plan Subject to Council approval of this proposal, staff will initiate a communications plan to inform residents, businesses, visitors and other stakeholders. Attachments: 1. RCC Media Inc., Proposal 2. CN Bridge and static sign photos (Phase I) 3. City Monument Sign Location Map 4. Phase 11 Location and Photos of Proposed Sign Conversions Prepared By: Mark Guinto Manager, Business Development & Public Affairs Catherine Hodge Senior Coordinator, Business Development & Marketing Shauna Muir Coordinator, Corporate Communications & Community Engagement Prepared and Endorsed by: Judy Hodgson Division Head, Corporate Communications & Public Relations Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer jak. tz, za/e) CORP0227.07/01 revised Attachment 1 - CAO 02-18 RCC MEDIA Date: January 4, 2018 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICI(ERING Pickering Civic Complex 1 The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 61(7 ATTN: Mark Guinto - Manager, Business Development & Public Affairs cc: Deanne Childs - Coordinator, Marketing Partnerships RE: Digital Messaging Program= City _of_Pickering Further to aur meeting dated November 14, 2017 and subsequent discussions thereafter, please find below RCC Media's proposal to be presented to City of Pickering city council (scheduled for January 2018) es it relates to digital messaging in The City of Pickering. PHASE 1: CITY OF PICKERING TO RECEIVE - Complete turn -key operations and ownership of (3) now and (1) retrofitted (Pickering recreational centre) digital/pylon signs - RCC Media Inc. agree to fabricate and install digital/pylon signs as per city staff provided specs end locations - see Appendix A, Updating of digital panel screens only at Pickering Recreational Centre. - City of Pickering to receive full and sole access to above (4) digital sign locations for programming and use - City of Pickering to receive up to a maximum of 240 minutes per day an RCC Media digital locations in market - City of Pickering to receive emergency takeover abilities of in market RCC Media digital locations when/if required JNCLUDES: - all costs associated with design, fabrication 1 build, and install c/a RCC Media - hydro service hook up to be completed and paid for c/o ItCC Media Estimated at$20K per location - LEO yearly software licensing fees to be paid for c/o RCC Media - 24/7 service support provided directly to City of Pickering communications department for software issues. Software player (TBD). Estimated S5K per annum - full maintenance of structure and LED screens for the term of the program c/o RCC Media (LED units are inspected remotely via we beam for deficiencies - expedited on-site service/repair performed as required). Many hardware issues can be addressed remotely: NOT INCLUDED: - hydro and data/communications fees - estimated sin per month. Accounts need to be established naming city as primary account holder RCC MEDIA TO RECEIVE - fabricate and build static/digital signage system for Kingston Road bridge location - retrofit and replace existing static billboard with 10x30 digital panels located at Liverpool N/0 Bayley Drive - ES - See Appendix B RC( Iledia Inc. - 4101 Sreele► ,ii W., fuirc 201 lar nio. Or10314 H111 141 Td 14181 850.6000 lar {418( 1414110 loll Irti: I-$66-9)6.7111 nnwrWnedmwni 111417E1 PHASE II: MEDI - RCC Media proposes a review is conducted following completion of 3 years from start date of Phase I - With positive review and feedback, RCC Media proposes the development of (2) additional locations for RCC Media digital use and conversion. Without the need to go back to city council for approval. City staff would be able to approve directly. Locations include: - CP bridge located at Brock Road 8/0 Taunton Road existing 10'H x 20'W static billboard on Bayley Road W/0 Liverpool See qunendix C - With approval from city staff following year 3 study, RCC Media agrees to provide City of Pickering with ownership and full turn key operations to an additional digital/pylon sign - location TBD by city staff. Overall size And specifica- tions for new digital/pylon signage to be similar to Phase I units. - City of Piokering to receive up to a maximum of 240 minutes per day on (2) new phase II RCC Media digital locations PHASE III: - Following the completion of year 10 of Phase I start date, City of Pickering agrees to extend original 15 year program term by an additional 5 years 120 years total) - In return, RCC Media agrees to update and replace all Phase I/11 city LED screens following 10 years of service, TERM: - Program Term =15 years - Term Option: City of Pickering option to extend an additional 5 years - as per Phase III - RCC Media to replace all city LED screens following 10 years of use SPECIAL NOTE / CONDITION: - in the event that any of the above City or RCC Media locations are deemed not suitable for use or completed units require amendments/updates in the future (ie. relocate or removal due to street widening / development initiatives / bridge repairs, etc) the City of Pickering and RCC Media agree to work together to find new suitable location as an alternate If you have any questions / concerns, feel free to contact me direct any time. TONY ROMANELLI President - RCC Media 416.650.6000 Ext. 222 R[c Media Int. • 4101 3ur45 dsa.W. hoist 1131 1416116, Omno 11111 1111 Tel (4161 630•.3000 fat: (4161 141-1130 Tali Fir 1.866.416.2111 wWH•rccmedia.ram C111111111111111111 SIGN #1 I'roposbd Ick -at lnn Centennial Park. Rock Road -dhu�le•faeing trrofag ilea 9100 K tire -than'Atteens=14rxrxS1hS13nim1 . P1, r.r�R .H rwr'�i/i.w�. �'1:= RCC MEDIA APPENDIX B - PHASE I Liverpool Road N/0 Bayly Street West Side -10'H x 30'W Proposed Digital Billboards - Conversion of existing static billboard location 000 t rtSource Q HoMeStara Michaels 0 Tho Homo Depot 0 0 Duley Quem 0 Mokshu Yowl ITO LJ +wJ • dF Douglas Ravine 1.1odti '" ` dQm St 111 Kingston Road N/0 Hwy 401- Proposed Digital Bridge Spectacular 8'H x 28'W ti. t 44 PartSource 0 Ashley HomeSlore • �g9 tozO o 00 Dairy Queen 0 Maksha Yoga Ret 4r RC( Redo Inc.- 4161 Stealer Are.W., iuiu )61 Talon. Orono f13H I111 Td: (116) 650-6000 far, (416) 741.1110 Tog free: 1.666-916111 I wvrw,rcamedia,Gam M E DlA APPENDIX C - PHASE II Bayly Street W/0 Liverpool Rd - 10'H x 201W_Emosed Digital Billboards - Conversion of existing static billboard location frcoe ot"+.0\13 nSource 0 0 HomeStore Michaels 0 The Home Depot 0 47) Dairy Queen 0 Moksho Yoga (.3 ,A0 c106e c.5.1 tktd N4S‘ oc, Douglas c2 Ravine -vont' z 020 a 12 w P- a? 3.rock Road S/0 Taunton lipad - Proposed _Dicital Bridae Spectacular 8'H x 28'W 1 "? § •'?" iresh_ • \\^% ebo..--.--..• Kttth Inc.- 1101 Wel!!e.W.Suile 201 Toonto. Oniarlo T1311 IV Tel; 11 1 t..) 60.1:10 iv. I Ill•fl 10 LIU Iry 1.£'66.93P, ?I 111 paw icrimio Attachment 2 - CAO 02-18 Phase 1 (as per Appendix B to proposal dated January 4, 2018) CN Bridge Conversion to static/digital signage on fascia— Kingston Road north of Highway 401 Conversion of existing static sign to digital — Bayly Street west of Liverpool Road lieou uop mai Gs {aa lS 1lo.1143 114 ��e ola " paoa yea$ saalnbg a 4 C\Z1 0. di MI 111 peon so3l4M puooa muggasgb peou euolly Attachment 4 — CAO 02-18 Phase 2 (as per Appendix C to proposal dated January 4, 2018) CN Bridge — Brock Road south of Taunton Road — Conversion to static/digital signage on fascia Conversion of existing static sign — Bayly Street east of Liverpool Road