HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 4 vz • �N op' ;.y V-77 MILLENNIUM TRAIL/MILLENNIUM SQUARE Ad-hoc Committee Meeting - February 4, 1999 MINUTES Present: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Mark Holland(Chair) Councillor David Pickles • Janet Ecker, M.P.P. Craig Bamford, Vice-Chairman, Waterfront 2001 Taskforce Everett Buntsma, Director of Parks and Facilities Victor Ford, Landscape Architect, Victor Ford and Associates Dennis Taves, Victor Ford and Associates Tom Mohr, President, Pickering Historical Society Andrea Graham, President, PineRidge Arts Council John Sabean, President, Heritage Pickering Edward Falkenburg, Artist Tom Smart, Ontario Hydro, Pickering Nuclear David Green, Pickering Rotary Club David Steele, Chairman, Waterfront 2001 Taskforce Larry Field, Waterfront Specialist, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Dorsey James, Artist Lillian Locke, Executive Assistant, Constituency(for Janet Ecker) Ross Barnett, Pickering Hydro Jim Dyke, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club Paul Kelland, President, East Shore Community Association Jim Grady, President, Pickering Lions Club Dave Johnson, Executive Director of the Frenchman's Bay Festival Absent: Councillor Doug Dickerson Pat O'Brien, Ontario Hydro, Pickering Nuclear Gerry Goudie, Rougemount Community Assoc. Harold Hough,Pickering Harbour Company Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture and Recreation Tom Melymuk, Town of Pickering The Honourable Dan McTeague, M.P. David Stone, Pickering Rotary Club • Scott Staples, Pickering Rotary Club • Councillor Holland welcomed all in attendance. He spoke briefly about the situation with the lands west of Liverpool Road. He suggested that the 1st phase of the project include the construction of the waterfront trail from the Ajax border to the end of the east spit. This portion of the trail could be a walk through history, the next section would be the present and the last would be the future. He advised that he would like to bring this project to Council as soon as possible. Once approval in principle has been received, an attempt will then be made for Provincial and Federal grants and then partnering. He advised that he would like to begin this process by early March. He stated that this project has great opportunity for successfully receiving funding from the Federal Government. - 2 - • Victor Ford distributed copies of and discussed their initial thoughts on the completion of the Millennium Square and Boardwalk Funding Application. He advised that a survey had been obtained for both the square and boardwalk. He stated that the most important issue is that this project receives funding and that the application be well considered on many levels and complete in all aspects. He advised that the TRCA has shared their invaluable experience in applying unsuccessfully for Millennium Partnership funding. • David Steele advised that Gerry Goudie and the community believe that the whole of Pickering needs the trail. He also questioned if the trail will be accessible for the physically challenged. • Councillor Holland commented that the whole of Pickering will have a trail but that the objective at this time is how much can be done in two years. • Everett Buntsma advised that the trail will be totally accessible. • Dennis Taves pointed out on the display the various items which had been suggested at the last meeting, some of which include the lighthouse, the square and umbrella type shelters. He also pointed out new ideas such as a children's play area, a carrousel, beach volleyball, shelter structures, shelters for picnic tables or vendors, washrooms, wind sculptures and a boardwalk overlooking the marsh. • Janet Ecker, M.P.P. congratulated the Committee on this exciting project and stated that she is looking forward to supporting this project at Queen's Park. She offered her assistance to the Committee. • Councillor Holland suggested that a Committee be formed of those with expertise in the arts, history and the environment. • David Johnson advised that he is the Executive Director of the Frenchman's Bay Festival and that it is the desire of this organization to focus on the square and the walkway at this year's festival which will be held June 12-13th. Janet Ecker suggested that a petition be available at the festival for those in attendance to sign in support of this project. • Larry Field suggested that consideration may want to be given to raising the boardwalk in order that water could flow under it. • Dorsey James stated that he finds the whole concept to be fascinating and beautiful. He would like to see wood carvings along the trail and a scented garden. • Jim Grady endorsed Dorsey's comments and further supported and commented on the scented garden. He advised that one of the Pickering Lions Club projects is working with the blind and this garden would be a wonderful addition to the project for this group of individuals. • Tom Mohr advised that the year 2000 is the 200th Anniversary of Pickering. He stated that the history of the 1st Nations should be addressed along the trail, cultural and archeological landscaping should be included and the western end of the trail could be called Seneca Trail. Ajax has a friendship centre where the Committee may be able to acquire some information. • Mayor Arthurs thanked Janet Ecker for her support and stated that he is pleased to see the continuation of this project. He hopes the boardwalk is large enough to accommodate all the needs. He stated that it appears to be appropriate to start the walkway from Ajax but stated that the western section needs to be addressed. He also stated that he is pleased to see a Millennium Logo and the Lighthouse. - 3 - i • Craig Bamford commented on the possible funding and advised that service clubs like projects which work in phases. He spoke about the signage around Frenchman's Bay, stating that there is tremendous opportunity for education with signage. He suggested speaking with Ontario Hydro and finding out what their Millennium Project is going to be for Pickering. • Councillor Holland advised that he had been speaking with Pat O'Brien, Ontario Hydro and the suggestion is to merge both Hydro's and Pickering's projects. • Tom Smart advised that volunteer labour on the boardwalk excites him. There is good partnership opportunities for both funding and labour. • Andrea Graham commented on a program which the City of Scarborough has undertaken entitled 'On Your Own Time' in which employees display their talents. She suggested this program could be considered at Ontario Hydro and the Town of Pickering. • David Green advised that the Rotary Club would like to set aside money for this project but require guidance and direction of what they can do. • Councillor Holland advised that the three phases is only a suggestion. Phase 3 could acknowledge Seneca Trail or 1st Nations and the West Spit is very much part of the project. • John Sabean stated that the trail could be split in three, one being named Seneca Trail, the second Peak Trail and the third Fothergill Trail. • Craig Bamford commented on the need to form a co-ordinating group. He also stated his concern with erecting the lighthouse at the end of Liverpool Road and suggested it may be better on the East Spit. • Councillor Holland questioned and received concurrence from the Committee to take this matter to Council for their approval in principle. He once again suggested that working groups be formed with expertise in areas of the arts, history and the environment and that reports be prepared and brought back to the Committee. These reports could accompany the application. • Tom Mohr stated that the report of the Waterfront 2001 Taskforce would be a good basis from which the sub-committees could work. • Craig Bamford offered his home for these groups to come together and discuss the 10 - 15 top items. • David Steele suggested that parking requirements be considered. • Councillor Holland commented that Sandy Beach Road may have to be considered for parking in the future. • David Steele requested Victor Ford to look at the feasibility of parking. • Everett Buntsma advised that Victor Ford is a landscape architect, not a land use planner. • Councillor Holland advised that the Committee has neither the time nor the money to look at the parking issue. • Andrea Graham stated that the success of the grant is also in how the application is written. • The working groups consist of: Arts - Andrea Graham, Dorsey James and Edward Falkenberg, Environment -David Steele, Historical- Tom Mohr and John Sabean The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.