HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaterfront Trail Introduction CAO rig RECEIVED: TOWN OF PICKERING FILE NO.: ABEY.TO: COPY TO:. WATERFRONT TRAIL MAYOR -04.-1 COUNCIL CUL.& REG• CLERK PARKS&FAC. FINANCE PUBLIC WORKS HUMAN RES. INTRODUCTION FIRE LEGAL TRANSIT PLANNING LIBRARY GUST. CARE Pickering's Waterfront Trail has been envisioned since the early a •I' SES!' ""},� �' 1111 federal and provincial governments established the Waterfront egen'eration Trust undooRalN the direction of Mr. Crombie. Crombie's initial mandate was to prepare an initiative to protect the Toronto Waterfront this blossomed into a visionary document to protect and enhance the watersheds and waterfront from Burlington to Trenton. Part of this vision was the establishment of a Waterfront Trail from Burlington to Trenton. Pickering's Waterfront Trail was part of this vision. In 1994 Pickering Council approved Report # PF 005/94 which approved funding for a Trails and Bikeway Mater Plan to be prepared for the entire Town. This plan was completed and approved by Council in 1996 by Resolution#19/96. This was the initial Town document, which identified the need and route (interim and final) for our Waterfront Trail. • j The Trails & Bikeway Master Plan identified design standards for development of trails in various locations. It was realized that the Waterfront Trail would require a hard surface (asphalt) to provide accessibility for all users including wheelchairs, bicyclists and strollers. This also prompted an assessment of the overall width desired for the Trail. It was 'I determined and recommended in the Master Plan that the Trail be a minimum of 3 metres wide where it was asphalt and 4.8 metres wide where a boardwalk was required. Through review of the use of Trail in other municipalities, we have established that a 3.5 metre width is required to provide a safe trail for all users including the physically challenged. I1The Pickering Waterfront Trail is being established therefore as a 3.5 metre asphalt `surfaced and accessible trail and a 4.8 metre minimum boardwalk where required. Since that time the Department of Parks & Facilities has initiated and budgeted on an annual basis for sections of the Waterfront Trail. In establishing a rationale for development of the Waterfront Trail the Department of Parks & Facilities determined that due to circumstances surrounding the initial Waterfront Trail project it would be appropriate to commence development of the Trail in the east at the Ajax border and work towards the western entrance at the Rouge River. Recently design was commenced for the Western entrance. This work is now on hold pending direction of Council. This was determined through analysis of existing trails in neighbouring municipalities (Ajax had an existing trail to connect to and Scarborough did not). Established priority funding available through the Regeneration Trust (Funds were made available for the 'Duffin Creek crossing). Survey of possible users (Ontario Hydro workers to the east indicated they would use a bike trail if it was available for connecting to work). These same workers contributed funding to support the initiation of the trail on the east. Lastly Council showed their support for this endeavour and principal through Resolution #23/94 which supported but provided no funding for the Duffin Creek crossing and first portion of the Trail. �.� - 2 HISTORY OF PICKERING'S WATERFRONT TRAIL II In 1994 Council Resolution #231/94 was passed thereby initiating construction of the first section of Waterfront Trail in Pickering and first funding commitment to the Trail. Since that time 2 further sections have been supported and are built or are under construction. Section I: was completed under the direction of the TRCA in 1996. The cost of the Town for this 1.5 — 2 km. Section was $65,000.00. The total cost was $180,000.00 shared by the Town, Regeneration Trust and the Rotary Club, Ontario Hydro workers contributed $40,000.00 of in-kind. This then brings the total project cost for Section I to $220,000.00. The cost to the Town was approximately $65,000.00 (Res. #231/94). Section II: was completed in 1997. This 1 km. Section was located on the north side of 'Montgomery Park Road from Sandy Beach Road easterly to Brock Road. The cost of this section to the Town was approximately$92,000.00 (Res. #399/96). Section III: is under construction in 1999. This 1.5 km. Section is located on the south side of Montgomery Park Road from Brock Road easterly to the Montgomery Park Road Cul-de-Sac. li Completion of this will complete connection of Sandy Beach Road — Alex Robertson Park to the Town of Ajax. The cost to the Town for this section is approximately $163,000.00 (Res. #234/98). CONSTRUCTION TO DATE ,Construction to date then will be approximately 4 — 5 km. from Ajax to Sandy Beach Road. The total actual cost to date will be approximately $500,000.00. Much of this construction was through relatively flat, dry and non-sensitive land areas and in some cases, existing closed road allowances in the Squires Beach area. FUTURE TRAIL PROJECTS The Department of Parks & Facilities had anticipated asphalting the portion of Trail in Alex Robertson Park in 1999. A report would be prepared for Council, complete with a quotation based on the unit cost for paving for Section III of the Trail. Upon receipt of Council approval, this work would be completed. This then would bring the Trail to the Beachfront Park area. iE Note: At this point, the Trail would be constructed as a boardwalk at a cost of approximately $391,950.00 plus contingency and taxes as outlined in the budget estimates from Victor Ford & Associates. This would be part of the Millennium grant application. AROUND FRENCHMAN'S BAY From Liverpool Road the Trail would follow Liverpool Road to Annland Street and then to the Town's Front Street property. Here the Trail would follow the shoreline to the north and exit back to Front Street. It would continue on road to the former Sandbury Lands near Browning Avenue where the Trail would follow through the natural open space/marsh and across Pine Creek to Begley Street. It would then follow Begley and Bayly to the West Shore walkway and along behind the homes on Vistula Drive along the edge of the Bay and into Bruce Handscomb Park. Through Bruce Handscomb Park south on Breezy Drive and into the Frenchman's Bay West Park area to Beachpoint Promenade. 3 Using cost estimates from previous projects and those supplied from Victor Ford & Assoc. we have estimated the cost from the bottom of Liverpool Road around Frenchman's Bay to Beachpoint Promenade at: $1,515,000.00. Boardwalk $360,000 Concrete Pilings &Footings 250,000 Bridge over Pine Creek 500,000 On road improvements 75,000 Asphalt Path - 2 km. 330,000 ii Sub Total $1,515,000 Note: The west spit leg out to Scudellarri's would be installed as well as a connection to West Shore Boulevard. This is part of the Millennium grant application and represents a cost of approximately $36,200.00 plus contingency and taxes. Therefore, the total cost of actual Trail works within the Millennium project is approximately $520,000.00 including contingency and taxes. FUTURE TRAIL ON WEST SIDE OF BAY The Trail will continue north to Surf Avenue and on to Park Crescent where it will go onto the former Fairport Beach Ratepayers property as an asphalt trail. It will proceed westerly through Petticoat Creek Conservation Area and along Rodd Avenue or on �TRCA lands to the Rouge River. iF The cost of the western side of the Bay section has been estimated using previous project costs and information from Victor Ford & Assoc. The cost from Beachpoint Promenade to the Rouge River is estimated at: $1,270,000.00. Asphalt Path 3 km. $495,000 On Road Trail 75,000 Western Entrance 700,000 Sub Total $1,270,000 COST OF TRAIL COMPLETION Therefore, the total cost for trail construction only to complete the Town of Pickering's Waterfront Trail (not including proposed Millennium improvements) but including the Trail through the Beachfront and Western Spit will be $3,213,150.00 approximately plus taxes, contingencies and fees. MILLENNIUM PROPOSAL As we know the Millennium proposal includes those lands known as the Beachfront Park east of Liverpool Road, the foot of Liverpool Road and the Western Spit and Frenchman's Bay West Park to West Shore Boulevard. It does not include any lands not in public ownership. No acquisition is required. The Trail cost has been previously stated in this report and represents approximately $428,150.00 plus taxes, contingencies and fees of the overall cost of the project. The remainder of the project cost is provided in the budget presented by Victor Ford & Assoc. it In abbreviated and approximate terms they are broken down as follows: Millennium Square $617,000 Play Features 180,000 Amenities—lights, shelters, furniture 600,000 Environmental Works 100,000 Interpretive Lookouts 120,000 Lighthouse 100,000 Arts & Sculptures 250,000 TOTAL $1,967,000 4 WATERFRONT TRAIL FINANCING AND COSTS li Attached also is a Financing and Costs Breakdown for Waterfront Trail works to date from 1994—April 1999 provided by Mr. Jim Tomlinson of the Finance Department. This indicates that there is a balance of non-committed funding available in the amount of approximately $250,000.00. This was to be combined with the 1999 budget request of $300,000.00 providing a balance for Trail work in 1999 of$550,000.00. It was anticipated, at the time of budget preparation that these funds would be sufficient for the Beachfront Park Boardwalks (Hydro as a partner) and design and commencement of construction for a western entrance. The Department of Parks & Facilities has placed a hold on all design works at this time pending finalization of Council's directive regarding project development on the Waterfront Trail. Notwithstanding the above and not including the Millennium Project which is to be addressed as a separate item by Council on Monday, May 3, 1999. The balance of work to finish the Waterfront Trail in Pickering (not including the Millennium Project) is estimated to cost: $2,785,000.00 plus taxes, contingencies and fees. Cost of balance of Trail $3,213,150 Less Trail portion in Millennium Project 428,150 $2,785,000 Council may wish to consider a funding program for this, which will clearly establish a specific year for completion of the Waterfront Trail. As Council is aware the Department of Parks & Facilities has established a budget allocation of$300,000.00 per year for Trail Development in its 5 year Capital Forecast. Given the overall cost of the project to complete the Trail after completion of the Millennium Project it may be appropriate for Council to consider increasing the yearly funding to achieve completion of the Trail within a 5 year time frame. This would require that Council allocate approximately $600,000.00 towards Trail Development over the next 5 years or that the Department of Parks & Facilities be directed to engage Victor Ford & Assoc. to prepare a Phasing Plan and Cost Estimate for each phase of the balance of the Waterfront Trail in a manner consistent with achieving completion over a 5 year time frame. Such Phasing Plan and estimate complete with a financing option from the Director of Finance could be made available to Council by September of 1999 as it will require some on site detailed investigation. It could then be considered before or during the year 2000 budget deliberations. CONCLUSION The Department of Parks & Facilities is prepared to work in the preferred direction of Council and to date has been developing the Waterfront Trail in a manner consistent with Council's approval. Our approach has always been to work from the east to Frenchman's Bay and then from the west to Frenchman's Bay. The route around Frenchman's Bay has always been known to be quite costly and was therefore delayed to the end of the process. s 5 ii !!As the easterly end of the Trail is nearing completion, we are prepared to start design of the Western entrance and subsequent trail. If this is contrary to Council's wishes specific 'direction should be communicated to the Department of Parks & Facilities. This report and attachments are provided for Council's information and to enable Council to provide the specific direction to the Department of Parks & Facilities. Respectful) fitted, Pftr Everett Buntsma Director of Parks & Facilities EB:mld • pt\watfTr\pf0000 { . LIST OF ATTACHMENTS • 1. FINANCING AND COSTS TABLE 2. RESOLUTION#23/94 3. COUNCIL REPORT PF 005/94 4. RESOLTION#215/94 5. RESOLUTION#231/94 6. RESOLUTION#19/96 7. RESOLUTION#399/96 . 8. RESOLUTION#234/98 • pi IE 1 1,1 1 A ' ATTACHMENT ,} I xi 0 Z co cc) m0vrniico C) CO -4 z a c 0 0 0 a) 0 o CCo-o v o0) - A D c M. 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That in light of the above endorsement Council approves the contracting of 'Totten, Sims, 1-Iubicki Associates to complete a Bikeway/Trail Study for the Town of Pickering in the amount of $50,234.00 plus contingency. 'total approval amount not to exceed $60,000.00. • ORIGIN: Budget appropriation and Council Directive 1994. AUTHORITY: • ii FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: •Account 2710-6181 - $60,000 Upon approval of the recommendation a grant application will be made to MIO, for a portion of the costs. It is anticipated that MTO would pay approximately $25,000 of the approved amount thereby possibly reducing the Municipal share to $35,000. 'mss '� e -2- BACKGROUND: Council, during 1994 budget deliberations approved an amount of$150,000 for a Trail/Bikeways Study. Since that time a Steering Committee was established comprised of representatives from: Department of Parks & Facilities Manning Department Department of Public Works Metro Toronto Region Conservation Authority Ministry of Transportation Region of Durham • This committee has now completed a lengthy process of receiving submission from various interested parties, short listing and conducting interviews. This process is now complete and we recommend that Council adopt the EE foregoing recommendation at this time. It should be noted that Totten, Sims, I-l:ubicki was the lowest bid for the proposed works. • d2(.7" Everett I3untsma, N.P.D., C.M.M., Director of Parks Sr Facilities E13:nild • Copy: C.M.T. Sheffield, Town Manager T.J. Quinn, Executive Director of Operations Committee Members • •• • ATTACHMENT# ` • k 1 Ifil I f I , II O C " w, (- o �„ w iUQ j o C 0 fc " r' 0 ( 0' `` CD 000 t4 C1. C7' cp Cl) O O N 0 " (-) W Baa,t 0 • O CO R. n G g• o .4 a 5, .... S. 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J ,, f' 1 r �n .tt +; .+ A:{ � ytl� q h� �gji ,�F .� �y t r 1 A,(.j ,y J ,. �.•. • Fr+i4f„L:i�,,,, '�•^i ill; `5i,+`♦,.9h -1•.iar,..;2, 1'b�,.iy�l�Iig.7�.,)i;4, ,f r il4::.,ri 754.'.4.4; it tJiji,:rS }I',,,•'4s,6 ',T. !r` "T\ tit, . ',it,.4..e,tY Ir'1.''t bl Q�{r�'S.,F4::-t. ,►� �' 7 ,�', 11S`,.." ';t 'i'�f' i;S YK':7" f..!r'�;,i�:•'� {7•�tiir rf tt?..?,,p r 74}It ` f',A, •,k,.; CC _ ATTACHMENT 143 ' Council considered the following motion in conjunction with the above resolution: Resolution #232a/98 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Item #4 be amended in the first paragraph by deleting "be consolidated for the purpose of disposal" and replacing with "be disposed of separately". CARRIED Resolution #233/98 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Brenner That Report FIN 33-98, with respect to the 1998 Assessment Roll - for 1999 Taxation, be received for information CARRIED Resolution #234/98 •Moved by Councillor Brenner • Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Tender No. T - 3 - 98 for the development of the Pickering Waterfront Trail from • Brock Road to the cul-de-sac of Montgomery Park Road submitted by Mafic Construction Limited in the amount of$130,075.35 be accepted; and That a project cost of$162,292.72 including the tender amount and other associated costs, be approved; and • That funding in the amount of up to $162,000 be provided from previously approved Capital Financing from Current Revenues for the Waterfront Trail System including that contained in the 1997 Capital Budget Account No. 2718/6129. • CARRIED Resolution #235/98 Moved by Councillor Picklc•c Seconded by Councillor Johnson • That Tender No. T - 8 - 98 submitted by P. Gabrielle and Sons Ltd., for the development of Pine Grove Park in the amount of$185,754.48 be accepted; and That a project cost of$196,984.92 including the tender amount and other associated costs, be approved; and That funding in the amount of up to $196,984.92 be provided by the contribution from its Development Charges Reserve Fund and the Parkland Reserve Fund. CARRIED ., s ATTACHMENT# • 4 ,,X1 R iil 0 gl X1 ,.9...„ cr ::( ' ,114,1,>,, i C 0 co 0- C Pt C !ifL G W (7G W -y W 0.04 � �a. a. � t.) cd C : O a g• " W „. C :� `r}11; ,, ,l,tt, ., O O p fk' .; J •-•- h O 6+ N Eip?VI CDFr } Q'•O o }yYn , • CL. W pq CD ii}'jxh, CD •1 CD O k;���jri!r.• „O 'h cDr. ht a O b > CD f, I ,�; .r d O f C P co O . O LICI 1,A,,! a- C 0 ' O 0. r+ i s ;T 1 0 OQ E) CSD `` O P> C W co , 0. - - t u' O . 0' • O .- .) • Ii fid , ]r CT) ry oo < o ci 4 r* 0. a. c_ 0 N UQ N a.< O 0ro Cr (.� = H �' cD `C • O 4t Cl. P O WI W O H1U cr a' �D g p.• no C/) CD M t O «yy y 'C7 a O o x n D p y' o M �. a r • 0CD ~ (1) CL 74.• 9 CD O p (t. . 0 = 4 9 b O 5 • .. '''0 O • c r _... oa o 0 co r P1 P+) w 0 CD r CD r+ (� • I. rr9 cD -, cD c0 n D w cD a. cD 0 v C'1 co C N .`3 trc 9 0 co O ,a 2 v O UOQ v Wcr O b 2. d (,• Q. 0 ga R O 11 0 .--1 •CD 1/40 o co co a O cD O. W `, P. a et)0 Cr !-, • 'O P. 5 •cD N l.• cD W .- CD