HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 01-18 04 Report to P ICKE RiN Executive Committee Report Number: PLN 01-18 Date: January 8, 2018 From: Kyle Bentley. • Director, City Development & CBO Subject: 2017 Measuring Sustainability Report - Reporting on key indicators of sustainability in Pickering - File: D-7001-001 • Recommendation: 1. That Report PLN 01-18 regarding the 2017 Measuring Sustainability Report be received for information. Executive Summary: Pickering is transforming itself into a more sustainable city. A key component to the success of this transformation is collecting and tracking data that informs the community on this progress. This is the third report measuring sustainability in our community. { The 2017 Measuring Sustainability Report outlines the progress on existing indicators, and introduces new indicators reflecting the evolving sustainability objectives in our community. There are a total of 52 indicators, which are grouped into 5 sections: • Healthy Environment • Healthy Economy • Healthy Society • Responsible Development • Responsible Consumption This Report outlines the status of each indicator, what progress had been made, and where efforts have been directed by the City and partners to positively impact the indicator. In addition, tips are provided for community members to use in their daily lives as we work together towards a more sustainable Pickering. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the recommendations of this report. 1.0 Background • The first Measuring Sustainability Report was produced in 2010, which identified baseline measurements for 19 of the 32 indicators identified in consultation with staff, stakeholders, and residents. In 2012, the City engaged in further technical working group discussions and carried out a community survey to provide insight into individual perceptions towards sustainability and household actions that support sustainability. - - PLN 01-18 January 8, 2018 Subject: 2017 Measuring Sustainability Report Page 2 The 2012 Measuring Sustainability Report expanded on certain indicators that had not been covered in the first report, generating 55 indicators of sustainability and providing baseline information to track the City's relative progress towards becoming a more sustainable city. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Indicators were updated and new ones selected using a process that focused on Pickering specific data The original indicators were selected after lengthy consultation in 2010 that resulted in 24 areas of interest being identified for the 5 sections. Indicators were selected that represented the intent of the areas of interest and where data was available. Where possible, indicators directly relating to Pickering were chosen over those affecting a greater geographical area. For example, this Report would address water quality of Duffins Creek, and Carruthers Creek instead of the surface water quality of Lake Ontario. While every effort was made to gather data for the indicators identified in the 2012 Measuring Sustainability Report, it was not possible to do this where the data was no longer being collected or where the methodology for collecting data had changed. In these cases, a new baseline was established. For example, the former Air Quality Index is now the Air Quality Health Index. Indicator specific information for Altona Forest was not available, therefore resulting in less indicators in the 2017 Report. In addition, in some circumstances it was determined that different indicators would better represent the area of interest. For example, instead of reporting on the number of family doctors in Pickering and general asthma rates, data was presented for childhood asthma rates, adult diabetes and obesity rates, population with a primary care physician, and levels of physical activity. In addition, this Report identified emerging matters that were not addressed in the original report. For example, data for community perception of climate change was highlighted. Climate change was one area that residents were asked questions about within the 2016 Sustainability Survey. A total of 721 community members participated in the survey, which provided a high level of statistical significance. 2.2 The Report highlights the considerable efforts of the City of Pickering and many community partners to make the community more sustainable The journey to become a more sustainable City requires the full participation by all members of the community. Accordingly, a significant portion of the Report identifies the efforts by the City and its partners within each indicator area. These sections form a significant part of the report. They serve as a means to showcase the collective efforts and achievements being made in a wide variety of areas, by diverse number of groups, to transform Pickering into a more sustainable City. At the end of each section, the reader is provided with general ways they can contribute to a Healthy Environment, Heathy Economy, Healthy Society, Responsible Development, and Responsible Consumption. PLN 01-18 January 8, 2018 Subject: 2017 Measuring Sustainability Report Page 3 2.3 An extensive communication and marketing plan will be initiated in January 2018 to inform the community about the release of the Measuring Sustainability Report The Measuring Sustainability Report will be available in an accessible format online and at Pickering libraries, and a limited number of hard copies will be printed. Additionally, a number of free and paid communication and marketing tools have been integrated into the communications plan, through the following categories: • City advertisement: community page ad, eNewsletters, telephone on-hold messaging, media release, social media, pop-up banner in facilities and at events, Council Members websites/social media/other where agreeable and available • website based: direct url pickering.ca/msr to report, pickering.ca homepage bar, . pickering.ca/sustainable button • direct emails: various community groups, Pickering 101 graduates • paid advertisement: rack card, curbex sign, local print and digital media • communication tools of various partners: Durham Partners in Project Green, Durham Sustain Ability, Ajax Pickering Board of Trade, GTA Clean Air Council, Durham Environmental Coordinating Committee, Valley Plentiful, Pickering Naturalists, Altona Forest Stewardship Committee, Environmental Stewardship Pickering A copy of the Sustainability Report will be provided to Council and senior staff in advance of initiating the communication and marketing elements. 3.0 Conclusion The Measuring Sustainable Report is a tool the community can use to track the progress the City has made toward becoming more sustainable, to highlight the City of Pickering's and community partners achievements, and to identify additional areas where residents can get involved. In addition, the Report will be useful to help inform decision-making when planning future programs and initiatives. PLN 01-18 January 8, 2018 • Subject: 2017 Measuring Sustainability Report Page 4 • Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Chantal-Whitaker, BESc (Hons) fc iz. Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Coordinator, Sustainability Manager, Strategic Initiatives & Sustainability 7,/7 0 Ky a Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO CW:Id Recommended for the consideration • of Pickering City Council n • Tony Prevedel, P.Eng: Chief Administrative Officer