HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 04-18 az, of Report to P1CKE RI NG Executive Committee Report Number: CS O4-18 Date: January 8, 2018 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Sports Field Allocation - Standard Operating Procedure - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse the Sports Field Allocation Standard Operating Procedure, as set out in Attachment 1 to this report, subject to minor revisions acceptable to the Director, Community Services; and, 2. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Community Services Department staff are responsible to manage the allocation and distribution of sports fields. In recent months, City staff prepared a Sports Field Allocation Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) using the City's existing unwritten practices to allocate sports field and incorporating newly developed and clearly defined guidelines, criteria, application forms and deadlines based on municipal best practices. The new Sports Field Allocation SOP identifies the requirements of all applicants and allows the City to balance the needs of our users (for the supply of sports fields) in an equitable manner based on client priority levels, programming priority types and established procedures. Staff seek Council's endorsement of the Sports Field Allocation SOP which is intended to be implemented for the 2018 season. Financial Implications: All sports field permit and field lighting fees, as set out in the General Municipal Fees By-law, will continue to be levied to seasonal and casual permit holders of City parks. Park permit revenues were approximately $173,000.00 in 2017. The attached Sport Field Allocation SOP introduces new fees that include a refundable security deposit and an administration fee. These new fees are established to recover costs of the City and will be reflected in the proposed 2018 summary of fees and charges, subject to Council's approval. a) Refundable security deposit will be required by all seasonal users prior to the commencement of their 2018 season and 30 days in advance for casual users. Security deposits will be a minimum of$200.00 and a maximum of$500.00 and levied according to CS O4-18 January 8, 2018 Subject: Sports Field Allocation Standard Operating Procedure Page 2 the size and activities of the sports association. If fields are left clean, undamaged and the Permit Holder does not exceed approved time or conduct activities that have not been approved, the deposit will be returned at the end of the permit. Should groups be witnessed by City staff, or proven by other means to be in breach of the terms and conditions of their rental agreement or the Sports Field Allocation SOP, the deposit may not be returned in full or in part. b) An administration fee will be charged to applicants for changes made to any permit once the season is in progress. The administration fee charge is $35.00 plus HST. Discussion: The City of Pickering is committed to providing opportunities for all residents to enjoy a healthy lifestyle through a variety of municipal programs, facilities and parks . that encourage physical participation and community engagement. Pickering is home to over 270 hectares of open space and parkland, including approximately 84 parks, trails, 4 conservation areas, 32 baseball/softball diamonds, and 41 soccer/football/turf fields. With recent changes in the organizational structure, Community Services Department staff identified the opportunity to provide park permitting services alongside facility permitting services at the Pickering Recreation Complex. This relocation of staff from the Operations Centre provides convenient access for our customers and maximizes efficiencies among staff who are performing similar work. At the same time, staff identified the need to establish a written Sports Field Allocation SOP which would incorporate the City's informal processes and would also consider municipal best practices. As such, the Sports Field Allocation SOP was drafted with the input of all involved staff. The intent of the newly developed SOP is to establish guidelines for the allocation and management of sports fields. More specifically to: • Establish the process for allocating, distributing and administering use of outdoor sports fields that provides staff with the tools to make fair, equitable, transparent and consistent facility allocation decisions; • Outline the category of users and their priority order for the allocation of sports fields; • Ensure City by-laws, health and safety requirements, rental permits conditions, and regulations are followed by the public use of sports fields; • Outline the sports field allocation process, timing and general and specific principles so that user groups can plan their seasons accordingly; • Establish uniform criteria and procedures for the permitting of sports fields; • Facilitate scheduling that will support proper and sufficient maintenance & repair of fields, and; • Balance the needs of Permit Holders. City staff invited sports field user groups to a meeting on November 25, 2017 during which time the draft Sports Field Allocation SOP was distributed and reviewed in detail. At that meeting, staff were able to respond to inquiries but also welcomed groups to provide their comments up until December 8, 2017. For those who were not in attendance, the draft Sports Field Allocation SOP CS O4-18 January 8, 2018 Subject: Sports Field Allocation Standard Operating Procedure Page 3 was emailed to their attention that same day and they were also invited to provide their comments to staff by December 8, 2017. Overall, the draft SOP has been well received by our user groups. Staff have received comments and suggested edits from a small number of user groups which resulted-in some changes being made to the Sports Field Allocation SOP. The final draft with edits, as set out in Attachment 1, was shared with the sport field user groups on December 15, 2017 for their information. The final draft Sports Field Allocation SOP is intended to be implemented for the 2018 season. At this time, staff seek the endorsement of the Sports Field Allocation Standard Operating Procedure as set out in Attachment 1 to this report. Attachments: 1. Sports Field Allocation Standard Operating Procedure Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: t5°' Jody Morris Marisa Ca ino Manager, Facility Programs &Administration Director, Community Services JM:mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT#_. I. TO REPORT# CS 0 ''I C4 6111 P1:C:KE.RING Standard Operating Procedure Procedure: Sports Field Allocation Department/Division Section Date Originated (m/d/y) Community Services Operations, Facilities November 20, 2017 Approval Approval Date Revised (m/d/y) Reference Pages: • 16 • Chief Administrative Officer Approval ' Index Section/ Section/Subsection Title Page No Subsection Overview 2 01 Definitions 2, 3 02 Procedures4 - 8 03 Booking &Communications i . 8 - 10 04 Opening & Closing Da Y) 10 ,,,,,-„,,,. , ...,,,,, ,,,„:,,,,,, 05 Supply of Time for P Is 10, 11 06 Tournaments , -..,,, 1-9 11 07 Field Maintenance & Regen-, d-fib 11 - 13 08 ' ° C• • onduct 14 - 16 09 Conces &a 16 10 Parking & , is 16 11 -. • Lit Fiel• 16 12 - 17 3x 13 '-•cedure Review and Update 17 Appendix A Seasonal/Casual Sports Field Rental Application Appendix B Tournament Sports Field Rental Application Appendix C Dates to Remember Appendix D Field Allocation Standards of Play Overview The City of Pickering is committed to providing opportunities for all residents to enjoy a healthy lifestyle through a variety of municipal programs and facilities that encourage physical participation and community engagement. The City of Pickering's Community Services Departmar staff are responsible for managing the allocation and distribution of sports fiel'64° `1 14-arty basis to reflect population, registration, utilization and participation pa „" he City's Facility Booking Office is responsible for implementation of the policies dit j*e,,herein. The intent of this procedure is to establish guidelines for the a '•n and management of sports fields: • To establish the process for allocating, distributing and administering use of outdoor sports fields that provides staff with the tools to make fair, equitable, transparent and consiste cility allocation decisions; • To outline the category -rs and their priority order for the allocation of sports fields; • To ensure City by-la -Ith and safety requirements, rental permits conditions, and regulate• y e followed by the public use of sports fields, and; • To outline the sports field allo 0= process, timing and general and specific principles so that user groups c. plan their seasons accordingly; • Establish uniform criteria and procedures for the permitting of sports fields; • Facilitate scheduling that will support proper and sufficient maintenance & repair of fields; • Balance the needs of Permit Holders. 01 Definitions 01.01 City—the Corporation of the City of Pickering 01.02 Booking Clerk— a city position that is responsible for booking and coordinating sports field permits 01.03 Allocation —the City's sole right to issue permits to users for access to sports field permits subject to the procedure SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 2 of 17 01.04 Not for Profit Minor Associations, Organizations or Groups — provide recreation/sport services, programs and opportunities for residents under the age of 19 which support the principle of community building and active living. Volunteer trustees or a board of director governs the organization and there is no personal financial gain for members, trustees or directors. Any excess of revenues over expenditures are turned back into the organization and funds can only be used or promoting its organizationalpurpose. Organizations must have financial statements made available to the city upon request and must be affiliated with a responsible regional, prov cial or national organization within its programming field. 01.05 Not for Profit Adult Associations, Organization =,pups — provide recreation/sport services, programs and oppo n ,:. •r residents 19 years of age and older which support the principle o ; unit building and active living. Volunteer trustees or a boar• - governs the organization and there is no personal financi._, r- for members, trustees or directors. Any excess of revenues over expenditures are turned back , a •rganization and funds can only be used or promoting its or. w . �- �� rpose. Organizations must - provide financial stateme o the •. $ . request and must be affiliated with a response a regio •r• r national organization within its programming fe 4 * 01.06 Commercial Group — organiz or i =dual that use sports field rental time generating, or with:0.zy ogenerate, positive net income (profit) and/or do not me- definition of Not for Profit t Associations, Organizations or Groups. 01 Seasona it— a 16 to 20 week permit fora minimum 2 hour booking pe a ; In order to a book a seasonal permit, the entire 16 to 20 week p' _, must be booked and failure to do so will result in a \, ,. casual permit will not be considered until all seasonal permits are finalized . 01.08 sual P a booking based on availability of fields after the • •okings have been complete, for less than 16 to 20 weeks o• an 2 hours per week 01.09 Permit—the document containing terms and conditions for exclusive use of sports fields and parks. The permit specifies the dates & hours of use as well as any applicable fees & mailing and contact information for the user and/or the association 01.10 Residency— Residents are people who live in, own property in or own or operate a business in the city of Pickering. Residency can be verified through, for example, a currently utility bill, assessment notice or telephone bill with a current address. SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 3 of 17 02 Procedures 02.01 How to Apply for a Permit: To check the availability of a sports fields, contact the facility booking office between 8:30 am and 8:00 pm, Monday to Friday at 905.683.6582. Applications for casual permits will not be considered until seasonal user needs have been satisfied. Interested parties must complete the Sports Field Permit Application Form. Please note there are 2 applications . ..ilabl-: a. Seasonal/Casual Sports Field Rental App at: pickering.ca/seasonalapplication b. Tournament Sports Field Rental Application at: 44, pickering.ca/tournamentapplication The Application Forms can be fo, • at pickering.ca/facilitybooking or will be emailed to you upon r = -° ailing 905.683.6582 extension 3293. Forward your completed •licat' , o t , ng Office, by email to: facilitybooking@pickerint or ax to . b. .;31.4181 Forward any additional inform.; as,v3':/` .med in section 02.04 to the Booking Clerk within 2 busine , S ^ �a application submission by mail or erson to 1867 Valley Farm -bad, Pickering, ON L1V 3Y7. 02.0 �, erm � y Dates: Tournameni ications will be due at the annual Sport Field User Meeting held 4; ast Saturday in November. All Seasonal and Casual permit applica : s must be received by the City of Pickering no later than the thin A' day of January of the current booking period. , ssociatio . r'd/or leagues who may not have finalized their league - eduI-, - to dependency onscheduling by governing _. .ies, must submit an anticipated schedule no later than the th ' ., day in January. This will allow the sports field booking staff to commence the development of the sports field master schedule by the beginning of February. Every effort will be made to accommodate any required changes. Any applications received after the due dates will be treated as a new application and will not be considered until seasonal permits are prepared. SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 4 of 17 02.03 Permit Fees: All user fees, equipment and service fees are subject to the City's General Municipal Fees By-law which are approved annually by Council. 02.04 Permits —Terms and Conditions: The City may attach such terms and conditions to a permit as deemed necessary to ensure public safety, protect City property or maintain the enjoyment of the park for the public, which shall include: • Permitted use • Fee • Time and date of per u • Location of permitted usx • Identification of Permit °�ividual, association or corporation vitAt No permit shall be issued without the applicant`-(104::4, g to the terms and conditions of all applicable policies of the City . a 3 insurance documentation. Permits issued to - -rmit Holder may be revoked by the City, if in the sole opinion of t the Permit Holder fails to comply with the requirements • t:4, permit or any other reasons that the City deems appropriate. Payment for all p- must be received in advance of the start of the booking(s). If a per }' " bookings over multiple months, payment plans are available. P.:kql is are due on the first of each month for the upcoming weeks of ti e. Tournaments must be paid 30 days prior to the event date. Payments can be made online, cash, cheque, Visa or MasterCard. In the event that there is an outstanding balance, rental privileges will be suspended until the account(s) have been paid in full. 02.05 Permits—Additional Information Required: Before the final permit is issued the following information must be submitted: • Contact names, including 2 email addresses • Insurance certificate: minimum $2,000,000 of commercial general liability coverage, naming the City of Pickering as additionally insured • Security Deposit, if applicable SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 5 of 17 When demand exceeds supply, registration data is required upon request to the City's Booking Clerk. If required, data must include the following information: • total number of players per age group (see Appendix D) • surname • year of birth • street name and municipality The City requires each organization to post •,,,distribute a Privacy °` Commissioner approved 'Notice of Collectio o ntly at each registration session, whether online or in per 4 ether, if registration is taken over the phone, the orga ust ensure that each participant or parent/guardian is aware o hi- e before registration is finalized. Failure to provide any requir , a •rm 'on before the due date will result in an automatic rejection al 02.06 Permit Refunds: V` j Refunds will be consideree g • pro- . `'m= if applicable during poor field conditions or when resch 'ing is t, s ..le. The Permit Holder must submit a request f.k .fund , in 8 . ,• the date of the event in writing/email. • 02.07 Client Priority Criteria: \aN m, - •emand for fields exceed available facilities, the applicant's and total number of resident participants will be factors const• their time allocation. kret,tThe Cit rec• es the tax based contribution provided byits Azti resident tow. he development and operation of recreation and sports facilitie \''at residents will have priority over non-residents in i; ,. the allocatio field time. .'` s - Ids will be allocated according to the following client els: 1. City of Pickering Programs— includes special events and programs 2. Not for Profit Minor Associations, Organizations and Groups, actual number of City of Pickering residents will be considered 3. Not for Profit Adult Associations, Organizations and Groups, actual number of City of Pickering residents will be considered SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 6 of 17 4. Boards of Education'— LOSSA, high school and elementary school use 5. Occasional and Commercial Users Parks and fields will also be allocated by the following programming priority types of program/play: 1. Tournaments, special events, provincial or higher championships 2. Sanctioned provincial or higher c 114•414,6,ips or event 3. Sanctioned tournaments and event- 4. League or seasonal play 5. Invitational, open and charity tournaments and s 6. Occasional play, pr. exhibition games • 7. Revenue produ • progrw • -red by clients Historical sports fig: •., sa•i •istrib •` patterns from the prior ,sm year will be used -11:a b ine for ° ture allocation. Consideration will also • •iven • e previous year's permit holder for the same sp•„ •"% ,es 02.08 Weighting: The City of Pickering recognizes that sports field time needs may vary with age, skill levels and type of use. When demands exceeds available space, weighting factors will be employed in the allocation process. The weighting factors used for leagues are calculated based on age, number of resident players per team. Demand for field time by user groups will be calculated by considering the actual current demand (as demonstrated by the previous season's registration of City of Pickering residents) and by applying where available, the playing standards from a sport's governing body (see Appendix D for Standards of Play). Weighting Factor = Sports field hours per week # of players divided by# of players = # of teams X hourly allocation per age group (as per standards of play model) equals weekly hourly allocation SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 7 of 17 Example: Softball/Baseball Groups Available hrs/wk: 620 Players Players # of Teams Hours/ Allocation (residents) Per team Week (Hrs/week) U6 500 13 38 2.5 95 7 - 13 yrs 500 13 38 5 190 14 -18 yrs 500 14 35 7 245 Adults 500 15 33 2.5 82.50 Total hours/week allocated 612.5 The Booking Clerk will apply the su• • registration data to the "Standards of Play" formula above w' •etermine the total number of weekly hours each organ' entitled to and the distribution of those hours to different,- skill level groupings. The Booking Clerk will communicate -I of entitlement to the organization shortly after the registration dat-- •een reviewed and applied to the Standards of Play. A4kAtw 02.09 Permits for New Organization/Emerging Permit Hol•ers: When reasonable a feasible the City will recognize new Permit Holders or emer• sort and will allocate field time to establish programs and ries. Recognition and allocation will occur once the conditions a of this procedure are met and if exiting users will not be advers- -cted. The City will use unallocated time first to meet the needs o applicant and will work with exiting Permit ,rte Holders to explore • � -I reallocation of their hours. New users cannot bump residents E =F •rical users. 03 Booking and Communications for Permit Holders: Communication is a vital component of the booking and allocation process. To foster this communication the City will facilitate an annual meeting with user groups to review, define or confirm field open and close dates, hours of operation, field uses, amenities, classifications & restrictions, planned closures, special operating hours & capacity calculations and field allocation. Also, other issues will be discussed such as administration, field maintenance, the use and care of adjoining buildings and possible capital projects for which input from the user groups will be encouraged. Notes and action items will be recorded and distributed. This meeting will be scheduled each year in November. To improve efficiency and record keeping, all formal bookings and inquiries will be done electronically. User groups are asked to list 2 email addresses to which they prefer to receive communications from the City. SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 8 of 17 03.01 Cancellation Policy for Permits: In the event that a Permit Holder cancels a booking for which user fees have been levied, a full refund/credit will be granted, provided the City receives 30 days' advance notice or if the City is able to re-sell the said allocation with no loss of revenue. The City reserves the right to cancel any time for the purpose of repairs to the fields or structures located within a park or for any reason it deems necessary. In the event of s ch cancellation, the affected Permit Holder(s) will be provided a ; . ch •tice as possible and applicable fees will be refunded. The City reserves the right to cancel the perm'r Holder or individual members of the user group violate any pr• • act:vity as established by the municipality or by the provincial or government. No fees will be refunded under these circu If fields are not being used as -d permits may be revoked. Permit Holders not using fi- i. =3 on the permit may lose allocation consideration f• urea • Any Permit Holder that h g)ee,zif4locatet a and does not intend to use it regularly shall no ify t ity so ,, >e may be reallocated or otherwise used to its maximu 03.02 Securit Deposits for Permits: A - • ecurity deposit (as per the current General Municipal Fees Byla I be required the first week of May by all seasonal users and - required by other users. Security deposit fees will based upon • ipation rates and activity and will range between $200.00 to $5 ° = A 0 per association and is payable in the first week of May. The se y deposit must be paid before the permit will be ssued by t ty. If the field is left clean, undamaged and the Permit der •,;441°of exceed approved time or conduct activities that have •proved, the deposit will be returned at the end of the p- hould groups be witnessed by City staff, or proven by other f. mea' to be in breach of the terms and conditions of their rental agreement or the Sports Field Allocation Standard Operating Procedure, the deposit or partial deposit may not be returned. Refunds may take up to 30 days to receive. 03.03 Permit Changes: Amendments: It is recognized that last minute changes to the use of a field may occur under rare, infrequent or unforeseen circumstances, however, the City SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 9 of 17 must be notified of these changes within 7 days of the occurrence. After a season commences, an administration fee will be charged for any permit amendments, this does not include changes made due to cancellation. Subleasing: No Permit Holder shall transfer, trade or sub-lease permit rights granted by the City. Such assignments are strictly prohibited and may lead to the cancellation of permits and future allocations. Field Use: Changing the intended use or users of the fi=g; - -•ractice becomes a game or team A replaces team B) within a s710%,-,�.-rmit Holder's permit is acceptable upon advance written no 7c- ' including amended schedules, to the City no later than 2 buss ys -fore the occurrence. 04 Opening & Closing Permitting Dates: Annual open and close dates are sub' : = a retion of the City and will be finalized each year on Monday of th " _` t we . �� I. Open and close dates will be determined on a field by fief -sis a •y • the criteria outlined in this document. Generally, the following •a �� will act a deli � or the opening and closing dates for fields but is s 0:(74.40 o conditio z ' � :in this procedure. • Ball diamond • •en for play the first Monday in May and close the last Sunday ember. • Soccer and Footba , F,s will be open for play the third Monday of May and close by the,r-st Sunday in September. • Turf fields will open the first of April and close by the third Sunday of November. 05 Supply of Time for Permits: Allocation Procedures The supply of field time will determine the total number of weekly hours each Permit Holder is entitled to and the distribution of those hours to different age and skill levels. If more hours are needed beyond what is available, then each Permit Holder must justify this need in writing well in advance of the seasonal application deadline in January. Requests will be satisfied pending availability and demand. Demand for field time by the Permit Holders will take into account the client priority level of the Permit Holder. SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 10 of 17 Permits will be issued for field use based on the overall condition of the field and the ability of the field to withstand the impact of the related sport. The City, at its discretion, may prioritize the use of fields for games over practices. The City reserves the right to reassign fields annually as required. Once time has been allocated by the City, each Permit Holder is responsible to distribute its allocation amongst its various subgroups in accordance with established rules of its organization and in keeping with the principles of this procedure . Seasonal user status will provide existing clie lie prior to the 2017-2018 season) with access to historical sports field ti 4 ' ` -`re the group has had the same day/hour/sports field for two (2) or more s- Po rom the current year, The City of Pickering will endeavor to provide thtr same or similar day, time and location. 06 Tournaments: All general rules and reservations procedures as specified in this procedure are applicable during tournament With some exceptions t•u M ents generally occur on weekends. Staff will allocate and restrict to ;p. \ent play primarily to weekends except for championships, nationa :motional tournaments. Seasonal Permit Holders may be impacted and will • w ° ' ised of any potential exceptions at the time their permit is issued. NAtil Field allocations for tournament ar- dependent upon available resources, and may be modified to provide required resources for regular season games. All tournament booking are to be made in writing to the City prior to the allocation of Seasonal/Casual Permits. Tournaments are not permitted on fields until mid-May. A Tournament Sports Field Rental Application must be submitted no later than last Saturday of November for all tournaments to be conducted in the upcoming calendar year. All tournament permits and related tournament fees must be paid in full within 30 business days prior to the event. If payment is not received within this time period then the applicant is in jeopardy of losing their booking. 07 Field Maintenance & Regeneration: It is the responsibility of the Permit Holder to provide schedules for each of the fields that they are allocated so that appropriate maintenance can be performed. SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 11 of 17 Schedules are due by the end of March. If no schedules are provided, the City may discontinue maintenance of these fields. Grass mowing is performed once a week, inclement weather may alter mowing schedules. The City will attempt to be flexible in accommodating Permit Holders but ultimately the health and safety of the user and the condition and playability of the fields takes priority. This may require the closure of fields, denial of use and/or suggested alternate sites. Field(s) may be closed at the discretion of the City. be kept to a minimum when conditions remain playable. Priority is g' aintenance needs and rest and regeneration period for all fields. Th'-'0 - close all or part of a park for any of the following reasons: • City engages in work involving any of the fields or park • When the health and safety of pa i•ants is threatened due to impending conditions, include•R limited to rain, poor surface conditions, damage to field a City fields will be closed between A. - •r softball/baseball fields, soccer/football fields in orde all•> °elds tR especially during the wettest time of year when the most dam can of r. This also gives City staff the opportunity to complete routine mai n -II fields, undertake repairs, improvements and renovations for selecn an annual rotating basis. Should -cific ball diamond(s) or soccer/football field(s) be required after 4 - •ove s• ,,dates, a written request must be submitted to the City b= eptember 1 iven consideration. Decisions on field use after field re dates will dep-‘,„;t,n the established fall maintenance schedule and field 'ditions at that time. R_g s to modify or irove any City fields will be submitted to the City in write eview an• :proved by City staff, will be submitted to Council for consid= f . City staff wig = field conditions and will be communicated to Permit Holders annually. 07.01 Inclement Weather/Poor Field Conditions: The City reserves the right to cancel or suspend permits for games, practices or other uses whenever field conditions could result in damage to the fields or injury to players. SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 12 of 17 Permits may be cancelled when the health and safety of participants are threatened due to impending conditions, including, but not limited to rain, or poor field conditions. The Supervisor, Parks Operations, shall have the authority to close any or all fields whenever weather or field conditions dictate. During inclement weather City staff will assess the playability of City fields to determine if use will occur. City staff shall inspect five benchmark locations to determine the status of fields within the City. The benchmark loc- ' s t• be used are Kinsmen Park, unmoore Park, Brockridge � ' '° �; a, Princess of Wales Park and Beverley Morgan Park. Whe or more 4,0 benchmark locations are deemed unplayable *,° •ry (soccer/football or baseball/softball) fields will be clow Assessment results will be emailed to user groups upon . = During inclement weather, it is the responsibility of the Permit Holders to check the email accounts provided on their application before every game or by checking service disruption notices on the City's website at pickering.ca. Automated service disruption notifications are also broadcast on the City's free app - Ping Street at pickering.ca/pingstreet. Permit Holders c., • play on fields that have been closed. If play does take pl City may bill the user for damages. During periods • ng, adverse weather conditions where fields remain open, refe d team officials will be responsible for pre- game inspections to •' ne field safety and potential surface damage. If fields are • to be unfit based on the foregoing criteria, the game should not be played. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in an administrative penalty (forfeiting of all or some of security deposit). The Permit Holder will be responsible for all damages to the field. Only authorized City staff can re-open a previously closed field. 07.02 Unplayable Criteria — Determined by the Permit Holder: Whenever inclement weather occurs, the Permit Holders must evaluate the field conditions using the following criteria. If any of this criteria is met, then the fields are not to be used as it is considered unplayable: • The presence of standing water/puddles; • Water sponges up around your feet when you walk on the field; SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 13 of 17 • If the games begin and the conditions deteriorate so that the field is being damaged, the game must be stopped. 08 Code of Conduct: As a responsible user of the City's fields, all leagues/teams/individuals are expected to comply with the City's Zero Tolerance Policy ADM200 and to follow these guidelines: i. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted in any park or on any field unless authorized. This includ; adjacent facilities and parking areas. ii. Players, coaches & team suppo mu be courteous and respectful to the residents, other , caretakers, City staff and other agencies at all times iii. Designated washroom facilities -d at all times. iv. Change clothing in public washrooms a 4= a ge rooms only. v. Obey all traffic signage, regulations, by-la :F- conditions. vi. Pick-up and remove all litter generated while ` he park and deposit same in receptacles provided for such p - pose. vii. Respect and protect public and private property. viii. Permit holders shall conduct their activities in a manner that is compliant wit Ontario Human Rights Code and Accessibility for Ontarians wits sabilities Act (AODA) and fosters diversity, inclusion cessibility. ix. Obey City 0,,, s and Provincial or Federal Act and related regulations. x. Lighting of a fie - ball diamond is permitted until 11:00 pm. Written authorizati'. 3 .Y the City is required for use beyond 11:00 pm. xi. Field access is limited to your assigned allocation times as noted on the field permit. Permit Holders are allowed onto their assigned area at their permit start time. All Permit Holders must leave the area by the end time of their permit. No field shall be used for any purpose other than as designated on the permit. xii. The Permit Holder will not allow any person, group or organization not named on the permit to use or occupy the field. xiii. No person shall sell any refreshments or any article, thing or service for a fee in any park unless authorized by the City. xiv. Ensure that approval is obtained from the City before erecting any signs, banners, pennants and that they do not deface public property. xv. Use good judgement and follow procedures in section 07.01 when assessing field conditions and do not use them when conditions are such that said use is likely to cause injury to participants or result in damage to playing surface. SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 14 of 17 xvi. Amplified sound is not permitted on any field, unless authorized by the City and must be noted on the permit. Use of artificial noisemakers, horns, rattles, bells or whistles by spectators is prohibited. 08.01 Loss of Privileges: The following loss of privileges may apply for any permit infraction including but not limited to: • Revocation of permit • Loss of field time • Refusal of future applications • Increase to amount of security deposit z.44:\ fiitk Loss of privileges for any infraction of this procedure will consider: • The circumstances and •- a infraction, the damage to the field and the effect to t4 her u the field; • The general previous . duct , C} c• _ =. ion of the Permit Holder at City facilities as do•, en Citi, • Previous infractions by themit H• -r as documented in City files; • The level of cooperation anis tanding by the Permit Holder in w , ing the issues around the infraction. I/iscip W range from, but not excluded to, verbal warnings, cost of repair t• °µ°' 'eld and/or loss of field use. It is understood a number .80' of discipline '4,;°t-;,, ures can be used in combination with each other and " discipline me. ,-s will generally be progressive in nature. A refundable urity deposit will be posted by each Permit Holder. he secure w`•osit will be drawn upon if it is determined by the City = a P= older has violated this procedure or caused damage to he Permit Holder has an outstanding or unpaid balance of u _ . Refund of security deposits will be processed at the end of the ason/tournament. Security deposits will be returned to the original credit card used or will be refunded by cheque for payments made by cash, cheque or debit and can take up to 6 weeks. When a Permit Holder is found to have played on a field that is officially closed; sub-leased a field without permission; or played on a field not permitted to their association, they could forfeit the right to play on a City field for the remainder of the season (tournaments & play-offs included). In addition, any repair costs associated with the infraction will be levied against the offending Permit Holder(s). SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 15 of 17 No one is allowed to play on a field or in proximity to one that would cause one to walk on the surface of a playing field in the form of a practice without a permit. No permit, no play, no practice. This would include the fouling of end zones while using the goal posts in reverse to facilitate a practice off the field. Violations in this regard may be subject to a fine per person participating. Any Permit Holder assessed a loss of privileges under this section must under this section must remit all fines/damages repairs costs within 60 days. Failure to meet this obligation may result in further action. • A permit amendment fee, as per Co °aper• w -eneral Municipal Fees By-law, will be charged for ch F -s m- • = •ermit. Leagues schedules —the City requires : formatio efficiently schedule maintenance an• - ` Jield prep maintenance and regeneration and reserve ,, ht to format the schedule. Failure to provide schedules could _.'n discontinuation of field maintenance and the cancellation of all o of the permit for the remainder of the season. Seasonal schedu t'" and team rosters are due by the last week of March, excluding field time allotted for try- outs. 09 Concessions: Permit Holders must re ermission to provide any level of vendor or concession services on a •roperty. All requests must be made in writing and allow for the sufficient p ,f k -'ng of such requests. The granting of permission to sell or distribute •'' _ is and services will be respectful of existing concessions contractual obligatio °a = ` d be contingent upon meeting all additional requirements as specified by the City. 10 Parking & Traffic: Permit Holders must inform their participants and spectators to park in parking lots and public parking areas. If needed, Permit Holders should post directional signs to assist participants and spectators to appropriate parking areas. No vehicles are allowed on City fields or property other than parking lots without written permission from the City. 11 Lit Fields At all fields where lights are available, with the exception of Kinsmen Park, Permit Holders are required to turn the lights on and off. For energy conservation and respect for neighbours, Permit Holders are required to turn off the field lights at the conclusion of their game. Lights that are on timers are set to be activated '/Z hour prior to dusk and turn off no later than 11:10 pm. All participants are required to vacate lit fields by 11:00 pm. SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 16 of 17 12 Keys: Keys may be required for access to some field locations, light switch boxes and washroom/change rooms. Keys are to be obtained from the booking office at least 1 week prior to the start date of the season and returned within 30 days of the completion date of the permit or the security deposit will be forfeited. 13. Procedure Review and Update: This procedure will be reviewed on an annual basis, initiated by the Facility Booking Office. The Facility Booking Office has the authority to adjust procedural items related to timing, process, etc., as appropria _ and to respond to overarching Council policy related to revenue . ement and strategic business approaches. • y SOP Title: City of Pickering Sports Field Allocation Page 17 of 17 Appendix A Seasonal Sports Field Rental Application Cilrd P 1 C K E R 1 N w The Corporation of the City of Pickering (v' Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca Please complete the following application as completely as possible and email your completed application using the button below or fax to 905.831.4181. Your request will be reviewed by park booking staff and you will be advised as to the status of your request by a customer service representative. Submit Form via Email Permit Holder First Name Last Name Organization/Title ❑ Not for Profit El Commercial Address Street Address City Pickering Province ON Postal Code Telephone (Day) Telephone (Cell) Email Park Request Information Purpose of Rental Field/Diamond/ Picnic Shelter Request insurance Options Group has their own insurance C Yes C No Requesting GameDay Insurance (Arranged through the City of Pickering) C)Yes C No Additional Details The City of Pickering requires park permit holders to acquire liability insurance and list the City as a third- party for a minimum of$2,000,000. The City of Pickering must be in possession of this insurance before the permit can be issued. A copy of the insurance must be provided 3 weeks prior to your event start date. ❑ I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the disclaimers. Permit Details For seasonal permit requests, please fill out chart on Page 2 of this application. Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 1 of 7 Seasonal Sports Field Rental Application The Corporation of the City of Pickering PI CK E R 1 N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca Day of the Park/Field/ Season Dates Times of Event Number of Frequency Week Diamond Start End Start End Participants 3 3 Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 2 of 7 Seasonal Sports Field Rental Application The Corporation of the City of Pickering P1C KE R1 I G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca Tim 8 x { I",: Alex Robertson Park Brock Ridge Park Dunmore Park 700 Sandy Beach Road 2030 Brock Road End of Whites rd. south Cricket pitch 2 softball diamonds (unlit) Softball diamonds#1 & 2 (lit) Large park area Hardball diamond (lit) 3 (unlit) Full-size soccer (unlit) / Full-size soccer field (lit) Amberlea Park 2 intermediate soccer fields (unlit) 510 Braeburn Cres Fairport Beach P.S. Softball diamond (unlit) Centennial Park 754 Oklahoma Drive Hardball diamond (lit) 2250 Brock Road Full-size soccer (unlit) Full-size soccer (unlit) Small diamond (unlit) Large diamond (lit) Forestbrook Park Balsdon Park 1030 Glenanna Road Liverpool Rd &Krosno Blvd Claremont Park 2 softball diamonds (unlit) Softball diamond (unlit) Old Brock Rd. &Acorn Lane Softball diamond (lit) Glengrove Park Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park 1934 Glengrove Road 700 Sandy Beach Road Diana, Princess of Wales Park Softball diamond (unlit) South diamond (lit) 1550 Diefenbaker Court Full-size soccer (unlit) North diamond (lit) Full-size soccer (unlit) Mini soccer (unlit) Hydro East diamond (lit) 3 mini soccer (unlit) Hydro West diamond (lit) Park Area Greenwood Park Soccer field 1 & 6 (unlit) 3551 Greenwood Road Full-size soccer 4 (unlit) Don Beer Memorial Park Softball diamond (lit) Full-size soccer 2 & 3 (lit) 1800 Highway#7 Football field (lit) Hardball diamond (lit) Jean McPherson Park Turf field (lit) Multi-purpose court 1868 Parkside Drive Picnic Shelter Full-size soccer (unlit) Douglas Park Softball diamond (unlit) Beverley Morgan Park Douglas Ave & Fairview Ave 2155 Liverpool Road Intermediate soccer (unlit) Lookout Point Park Softball diamond (unlit) 555 Stonebridge Lane 4 full-size soccer (unlit) Softball diamond (unlit) Turf&track (lit) Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 3 of 7 Seasonal.Sports Field Rental Application � °e The Corporation of the City of Pickering PICKER'PICKERING Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca . .. , ; w Major Oaks Park Valleyview Park 1615 Pepperwood Gate 1779 Westcreek Drive 2 softball diamonds (unlit) Softball diamond (unlit) Maple Ridge Park Village East Park 2010 Bushmill Street 1620 Pickering Pkwy Intermediate soccer (unlit) 3 Mini soccer (unlit) Rick Hull Memorial Park Whitevale Park Rosebank Road Full-size soccer (unlit) 2 mini soccer fields (unlit) Park Area Softball diamond (unlit) Shadybrook Park 1905 Shadybrook Drive 2 intermediate soccer (unlit) Southcott Park (St.Wilfrid School) 2340 Southcott Road Softball diamond (unlit) S.M. Woodsmere Park (Altona Forest P.S.) 591 Rosebank Road Hardball diamond (unlit) St. Mary's Park 1918 Whites Road Full-size soccer (unlit) Full-size track & soccer (unlit) Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 4 of 7 Seasonal Sports Field Rental Application The Corporation of the City of Pickering PICKE R1 NG Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca 4 ss 3': .. ... .. . ... 1) The issuance of a Sports Field permit is entirely at the discretion of the City of Pickering. The City of Pickering reserves the right to cancel any permit temporarily or permanently for any of the following reasons: • The area is required by the City for a special event • Any breach of these rules and regulations • Area not being used for the purpose(s) agreed to in the permit • Inclement weather and/or poor field or playing conditions • Permit fees have not been paid • Proof of required insurance not provided • Not using designated parking facilities • Driving a motorized vehicle on sports fields or park property • Selling or trading permits with other user groups 2) The facilities named on this permit are to be used only on the date(s) and time(s) specified and only for the purpose(s) named. The permit is not valid unless signed by an authorized city official. 3) The permit is not transferable. 4) Permit holders wishing to cancel or alter their permit must give 30 days written notification as per procedures established by the City of Pickering. 5) The City of Pickering will not be responsible for personal injury or for any loss or theft. In case of injury, an accident/incident report will be provided by the City of Pickering. It must be filled out and immediately delivered to The Pickering Civic Complex, Community Services Department, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario, L1 V 6K7. 6) The permit holder, the organization and its members including: anyone attending by invitation, agrees to release, discharge, indemnify and save harmless the City of Pickering and applicable School Board from and against all claims and proceedings, by whomever made or brought, in respect to any cost, tosses, damage or injury arising by reason of the use of any rented facilities. 7) The permit holder must pay all damage to facilities and/or furnishings arising from the use of such facilities and/or furnishings granted by this permit. Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 5 of 7 Seasonal Sports Field Rental Application The Corporation of the City of Pickering PI C KE R1 N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 • facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca istu res ., .. 0r" 32 ,t%2, .;x:� " ... �' ':. y k '' 8) The permit holder must pay applicable fees for extra work provided by the City of Pickering as deemed necessary. 9) All permit holders must comply with Federal, Provincial and Municipal by-laws and regulations including the use of games of chance, lotteries, gambling and serving of food or alcoholic beverages. 10) The permit holder is responsible to ensure that participants and spectators abide by the no smoking prohibitions in effect and to ensure that a person who refuses to comply with the prohibition does not remain in a smoke-free area. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act imposes obligations on proprietors of sporting areas to ensure that the prohibition against smoking is respected. A proprietor includes the owner, operator or person in charge of the place. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the revocation of the permit. 11) The permit holder shall be responsible for the conduct and supervision of all persons admitted to the facilities and shall see that all regulations contained in this permit are strictly enforced. 12) All activities must be conducted in an orderly manner. Use of profane language is prohibited. 13) The permit holder must be a person authorized by the organization, and if requested, shall produce such authorization in writing. The permit holder is responsible for payment of any outstanding fees that are due to the City of Pickering under the terms of the permit. If no guarantee can be provided when requested, a permit will not be issued. 14) It is the permit holder's responsibility to inspect sports field prior to use, to establish safe playing grounds. 15) All applications must be received by the City of Pickering no later than the 3rd Monday of January of the current booking period. Associations and/or leagues that may not have finalized their league schedule due to dependency on scheduling by governing leagues/bodies must submit an anticipated schedule no later than 3rd Monday in January. This will allow the sports field booking staff to commence the development of the sports field master schedule by the beginning of February. Every effort will be made to accommodate any required changes as a result of submission of an anticipated schedule. Any applications received after the due dates will be treated as new application and will be considered after seasonal bookings have been reserved. Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 6 of 7 Seasonal Sports Field Rental Application Cif/ °� The Corporation of the City of Pickering PICKER' N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www..ypickering.ca qua ; 16) A City of Pickering representative must be notified of cancellation/rain out dates, 48 hours after the cancellation, to receive credit to their account. Failure to report a cancellation/rain out after the 48-hour period will be deemed invalid for refund. 17) No permit holder shall transfer, trade or sub-lease permit rights granted by the City. Such assignments are strictly prohibited and may lead to the cancellation of permits and future allocations. }� air 7 '7 • �' _ � . a .� ., v_a"�`.�.m. ... ...� z.. ....e�,.°�. ._ <,, iw ...w�.�„�.,. A,�� g _� _�. .., � 3"'x.,�.�w ao�� The undersigned has read and on behalf of the Licensee agrees to be bound by this Permit/License and the Terms and Conditions contained herein and attached hereto, and hereby warrants and represents that he/ she executes this Permit/License on behalf of the Licensee and has sufficient power, authority and capacity to bind the Licensee with his/her signature. Authorized Agent Signature Date & Time of Signature 2017-12-18 13:50:31 On Behalf of the City of Pickering Date of Signature Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 7 of 7 Appendix B Tournament,Sports Field Rental Application The Corporation of the City of Pickering P1 C K E R 1 N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca Please complete the following application as completely as possible and email your completed application using the button below or fax to 905.831.4181. Your request will be reviewed by park booking staff and you will be advised as to the status of your request by a customer service representative. Submit Form via Email Permit Holder First Name Last Name Organization/Title 0 Not for Profit 0 Commercial Address Street Address City Pickering Province ON Postal Code Telephone (Day) Telephone (Cell) Email Park Request Information Purpose of Rental Field/Diamond/ Park Area Requested Insurance Options Group has their own insurance C.Yes C No Requesting GameDay Insurance (Arranged through the City of Pickering) C Yes C No Additional Details The City of Pickering requires park permit holders to acquire liability insurance and list the City as a third- party for a minimum of$2,000,000. The City of Pickering must be in possession of this insurance before the permit can be issued. A copy of the insurance must be provided 3 weeks prior to your event start date. 0 I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the disclaimers. Permit Details For tournament permit requests, please fill out chart on Page 2 of this application. Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 1 of 8 Tournament Sports Field Rental Application C 4 °61 The Corporation of the City of Pickering P 1 C KE R1 N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca • Day of the Park/Field/ Tournament Dates Times of Event Number of Frequency Week Diamond Start End Start End Participants Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 2 of 8 ���" Tournament Sports Field Rental Application ell The Corporation of the City of Pickering P1 C KE Rl N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca ,.mom ", se?��aa<..' d: a.. • is ...�?kwk, . 'cw• •` . x m.aa., Number of People Attending (Players & Guests) Do you plan to sell food or any other product? If"yes", contact the Park Supervisor for approval. ()Yes ()No Will you be playing music? CYes CNo Do you plan to sell or serve alcohol? CYes r No Do you require fencing/barricades? $40+HST (bundle of 5) C Yes C-No Do you require extra garbage cans? $40+HST (bundle of 5) CYes CNo Do you require picnic tables? $140+HST (bundle of 5) CYes . CNo Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 3 of 8 Tournament Sports Field Rental Application C4 The Corporation of the City of Pickering PICKER' N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca as � AtaVa ,Tr Alex Robertson Park Brock Ridge Park Dunmore Park 700 Sandy Beach Road 2030 Brock Road End of Whites rd. south Cricket pitch 2 softball diamonds (unlit) Softball diamonds#1 & 2 (lit) Large park area Hardball diamond (lit) 3 (unlit) Full-size soccer (unlit) / Full-size soccer field (lit) Amberlea Park 2 intermediate soccer fields (unlit) 510 Braeburn Cres Fairport Beach P.S. Softball diamond (unlit) Centennial Park 754 Oklahoma Drive Hardball diamond (lit) 2250 Brock Road Full-size soccer (unlit) Full-size soccer (unlit) Small diamond (unlit) Large diamond (lit) Forestbrook Park Balsdon Park 1030 Glenanna Road Liverpool Rd &Krosno Blvd Claremont Park 2 softball diamonds (unlit) Softball diamond (unlit) Old Brock Rd. &Acorn Lane Softball diamond (lit) Glengrove Park Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park 1934 Glengrove Road 700 Sandy Beach Road Diana, Princess of Wales Park Softball diamond (unlit) South diamond (lit) 1550 Diefenbaker Court Full-size soccer (unlit) North diamond (lit) Full-size soccer (unlit) Mini soccer (unlit) Hydro East diamond (lit) 3 mini soccer (unlit) Hydro West diamond (lit) Park Area Greenwood Park Soccer field 1 & 6 (unlit) 3551 Greenwood Road Full-size soccer 4 (unlit) Don Beer Memorial Park Softball diamond (lit) Full-size soccer 2 & 3 (lit) 1800 Highway#7 Football field (lit) Hardball diamond (lit) Jean McPherson Park Turf field (lit) Multi-purpose court 1868 Parkside Drive Picnic Shelter Full-size soccer (unlit) Douglas Park Softball diamond (unlit) Beverley Morgan Park Douglas Ave & Fairview Ave 2155 Liverpool Road Intermediate soccer (unlit) Lookout Point Park Softball diamond (unlit) 555 Stonebridge Lane 4 full-size soccer (unlit) Softball diamond (unlit) Turf& track (lit) Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 4 of 8 ;�� Tournament Sports Field Rental Application C O The Corporation of the City of Pickering PICKE R1 N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking©pickering.ca www.pickering.ca Major Oaks Park Valleyview Park 1615 Pepperwood Gate 1779 Westcreek Drive 2 softball diamonds (unlit) Softball diamond (unlit) Maple Ridge Park Village East Park 2010 Bushmill Street 1620 Pickering Pkwy Intermediate soccer (unlit) 3 Mini soccer (unlit) • Rick Hull Memorial Park Whitevale Park Rosebank Road Full-size soccer (unlit) 2 mini soccer fields (unlit) Park Area Softball diamond (unlit) • Shadybrook Park 1905 Shadybrook Drive 2 intermediate soccer (unlit) Southcott Park (St.Wilfrid School) 2340 Southcott Road Softball diamond (unlit) S.M. Woodsmere Park (Altona Forest P.S.) 591 Rosebank Road Hardball diamond (unlit) St. Mary's Park 1918 Whites Road Full-size soccer (unfit) Full-size track & soccer (unlit) Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04128 • Page 5 of 8 Tournament Sports Field Rental Application Cell641 KE R1 N G The Corporation of the City of Pickering Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca 1) The issuance of a Sports Field permit is entirely at the discretion of the City of Pickering. The City of Pickering reserves the right to cancel any permit temporarily or permanently for any of the following reasons: • The area is required by the City for a special event • Any breach of these rules and regulations • Area not being used for the purpose(s) agreed to in the permit • Inclement weather and/or poor field or playing conditions • Permit fees have not been paid • Proof of required insurance not provided • Not using designated parking facilities • Driving a motorized vehicle on sports fields or park property • Selling or trading permits with other user groups 2) The facilities named on this permit are to be used only on the date(s) and time(s) specified and only for the purpose(s) named. The permit is not valid unless signed by an authorized city official. 3) The permit is not transferable. 4) Permit holders wishing to cancel or alter their permit must give 30 days written notification as per procedures established by the City of Pickering. 5) The City of Pickering will not be responsible for personal injury or for any loss or theft. In case of injury, an accident/incident report will be provided by the City of Pickering. It must be filled out and immediately delivered to The Pickering Civic Complex, Community Services Department, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario, L1V 6K7. 6) The permit holder, the organization and its members including: anyone attending by invitation, agrees to release, discharge, indemnify and save harmless the City of Pickering and applicable School Board from and against all claims and proceedings, by whomever made or brought, in respect to any cost, losses, damage or injury arising by reason of the use of any rented facilities. 7) The permit holder must pay all damage to facilities and/or furnishings arising from the use of such facilities and/or furnishings granted by this permit. Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 6 of 8 Tournament Sports Field Rental Application C4 elf The Corporation of the City of Pickering PI C KE R1 N G Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca 8) The permit holder must pay applicable fees for extra work provided by the City of Pickering as deemed necessary. 9) All permit holders must comply with Federal, Provincial and Municipal by-laws and regulations including the use of games of chance, lotteries, gambling and serving of food or alcoholic beverages. 10) The permit holder is responsible to ensure that participants and spectators abide by the no smoking prohibitions in effect and to ensure that a person who refuses to comply with the prohibition does not remain in a smoke-free area. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act imposes obligations on proprietors of sporting areas to ensure that the prohibition against smoking is respected. A proprietor includes the owner, operator or person in charge of the place. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the revocation of the permit. 11) The permit holder shall be responsible for the conduct and supervision of all persons admitted to the facilities and shall see that all regulations contained in this permit are strictly enforced. 12) All activities must be conducted in an orderly manner. Use of profane language is prohibited. 13) The permit holder must be a person authorized by the organization, and if requested, shall produce such authorization in writing. The permit holder is responsible for payment of any outstanding fees that are due to the City of Pickering under the terms of the permit. If no guarantee can be provided when requested, a permit will not be issued. 14) It is the permit holder's responsibility to inspect sports field prior to use, to establish safe playing grounds. 15) All applications must be received by the City of Pickering no later than the 3rd Monday of January of the current booking period. Associations and/or leagues that may not have finalized their league schedule due to dependency on scheduling by governing leagues/bodies must submit an anticipated schedule no later than 3rd Monday in January. This will allow the sports field booking staff to commence the development of the sports field master schedule by the beginning of February. Every effort will be made to accommodate any required changes as a result of submission of an anticipated schedule. Any applications received after the due dates will be treated as new application and will be considered after seasonal bookings have been reserved. Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 7 of 8 Tournament Sports Field Rental Application C4 ell P 1 C K E The Corporation of the City of Pickering Community Services Department Tel. 905.420.4623 Fax 905.831.9370 facilitybooking@pickering.ca www.pickering.ca 16) A City of Pickering representative must be notified of cancellation/rain out dates, 48 hours after the cancellation, to receive credit to their account. Failure to report a cancellation/rain out after the 48-hour period will be deemed invalid for refund. 17) No permit holder shall transfer, trade or sub-lease permit rights granted by the City. Such assignments are strictly prohibited and may lead to the cancellation of permits and future allocations. The undersigned has read and on behalf of the Licensee agrees to be bound by this Permit/License and the Terms and Conditions contained herein and attached hereto, and hereby warrants and represents that he/ she executes this Permit/License on behalf of the Licensee and has sufficient power, authority and capacity to bind the Licensee with his/her signature. Authorized Agent Signature Date & Time of Signature 2017-12-18 13:48:18 On Behalf of the City of Pickering Date of Signature Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected to [insert reason here]. Any questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7, 905.420.4611. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575. CR1101-04/28 Page 8 of 8 • C4 6,61 PICKERINGAppendix C: Dates to Remember Annual Timelines Annual User Group Meeting Last Saturday in November Tournament Sports Field Rental Application Last Saturday in November (for the following due to the City year) Seasonal/Casual Sports Field Rental Third Monday of January Applications due to the City (for that year) City consideration of Casual Sports Field Last Monday of February Rental Applications League Schedules due to the City Last week of March Registration Data upon request Last week of March Insurance Certificates due to the City Second week of April Confirmation by the City of Start Date(s) Last Monday of April Payments: The first of the month for the upcoming weeks Seasonal Use of use Payments: 30 days in advance of the tournament Tournaments Payments: First week of May Security Deposit Tentative start date(s): First Monday of April Turf Fields Tentative start date(s): First Monday of May Softball/Baseball Tentative start date(s): Third Monday of May Soccer/Football Tentative End Date(s): Last Sunday of September Softball/Baseball Tentative End Date(s): Last Sunday of September Soccer/Football Tentative End Date(s): Third Sunday of November Turf Fields • 1 - Ri ( f� Appendix D: Field Allocation Standards of Play Soccer Age # of Players Per Allocated Hours Team Per week/team U6 Micro 10 2.5 hours U10 Mini 13 3.5 hours 11 — 18 16 4 hours Adults 20 2 hours . Football Age # of Players Allocated Hours Per Team Per week/team Youth 50 8 hours Adult 50 4 hours Baseball (Hardball) Age # of Players Allocated Hours Per team Per week/team U6 13 2.5 hours 7 to 13 years 13 5 hours 14 to 18 years 14 7 hours Adults 15 2.5 hours Softball & Slo-Pitch Age # of Players Allocated Hours Per team Per week/Team U8 10 2.5 hours 8 to 18 years 14 5 hours Adults 14 2 hours Player counts must be based on Pickering residents