HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 01-18 cd, Information Report to PiCKERING Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 01-18 Date: January 8, 2018 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: City Initiated Official Plan Amendment: Information & Communication Technology Proposed Amendment 31 to the Pickering Official Plan File: OPA 17-003/P 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide information on a City initiated official plan amendment application.This report contains background information on the current Official Plan and the purpose of the proposed amendment. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the application, ask questions of clarification, and identify any planning matters. This report is to be received, and no decision is to be made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a review of the comments received and revisions to the amendment where appropriate. 2. Background Technology enhancements are necessary to enable success for businesses and residents within the City= now and in the future. Access to high speed internet service (broadband) is becoming essential for health care, education, employment, social and political inclusion and overall economic success. Accessible and reasonably affordable fiber optic connection to the internet will put the City of Pickering on a competitive footing with some of the best connected communities in Canada and around the world. With this in mind, in September 2016, City Council received report IT 01-16 addressing the Information Technology Strategic Plan, Broadband and Intelligent Community Initiatives, and passed the following resolution: "That Council recognize the importance of fast, reliable and affordable high-speed internet access for all residents and businesses within the City of Pickering;" and "That Council endorse the "Dig Once" Standard, providing for the inclusion of conduit to accommodate fiber optic (internet) cable in the standard design specification for all future City road construction projects." Information Report No. 01-18 Page 2 3. What is being proposed? Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing, including the establishment of a broadband network and high speed internet service. To strengthen and support the development of an ICT network, and the implementation of the "Dig Once" Standard, an official plan amendment application has been initiated by the City Development Department. The proposed amendment will introduce new policies to Chapter 7 — Community Services of the official plan that will provide clear direction for implementation of an ICT network, through future infrastructure projects and development applications. More specifically, the key changes proposed to the Official Plan text will: • Outline matters to be considered during the implementation of ICT network, including: network prioritization, measures to minimize impact, and network adaptability and resiliency. • Require the inclusion of conduit for fiber optic cable, in all public rights-of-way, through new development, redevelopment, road construction and reconstruction. • Ensure that all new development or redevelopment is designed to provide the infrastructure for the delivery of, current or future, leading edge information and communication technologies, to and throughout the buildings. • Require proponents of development applications to submit an ICT implementation plan that will demonstrate how telecommunication technology will be designed and implemented, and which will demonstrate that the conduit and wiring meets or exceeds the minimum industry standards. The proposed amendment, including the text of the proposed new and revised policies, and the corresponding informational text for the policy titles, is contained in Attachment #1. Attachment#1 also includes the purpose and basis for the amendment. The proposed amendment applies City wide. 4. Who has been notified of this Public Meeting to consider the proposed amendment? The proposed amendment was prepared in consultation with various departments within the City. The proposed amendment has been circulate d to the Region of Durham and other prescribed agencies for their comment. In addition, the notice was posted on the City's website, and an advertisement appeared in the local newspaper for two consecutive weeks on December 13 and December 20, 2017. 5. Procedural Information 5.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting Information Report No. 01-18 Page 3 • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 5.2 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority • the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest • • at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval 6. What are the Next Steps Following the public meeting, all comments received either through the public meeting or through written submissions, will be considered by Planning Staff in its review and analysis of the proposed amendment. At such time as input from the public, agencies and departments have been received and assessed, a recommendation report will be brought forward to the Planning & Development Committee for consideration. Attachment 1 Proposed Amendment 31 to the Pickering Official Plan Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Deepak Bhatt, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Planner II Chief Planner Jeff Brooks, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy & Geomatics DB:JB:Id • • Date of Report: December 14, 2017 Attachment# / to Proposed Amendment 31 to the Pickering Official Plan Information Report# Q/-19 Page 1 Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to add new policies and revise existing policies in the Pickering Official Plan with regard to the City's Information and Communication Technology Network and Dig Once Standard. • Location: The Amendment applies City wide. Basis: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing. ICT includes the establishment of a broadband network and high speed internet service to facilitate modern computing. This amendment strengthens and supports the development of an ICT network, and the implementation of the "Dig Once" Standard. Amendment: The Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1) Adding new Sections 7.11 and 7.12 in Chapter 7 — Community Services, to read as follows: City Policy ICT Network 7.11 City Council shall provide clear direction for collaboration,facilitation,investment, infrastructure advancement,skills development,and other initiatives necessary to implement an Information and Communication Technology(ICT)network throughout the City,by: (a) identifying locations, in addition to the City Centre and Pickering Innovation Corridor,where a more robust ICT infrastructure will be offered; (b) prioritizing the implementation of ICT infrastructure to public facilities and spaces; (c) identifying measures that will be necessary to implement the City's ICT network within,and outside,the existing built-up urban area; (d) identifying measures which will minimize the impact of ICT infrastructure on the community and natural environment;and (e) identifying measures which will ensure that the City's ICT infrastructure is resilient and adaptable to change and next-generation technologies. City Policy Dig Once Standard 7.12 City Council shall require the inclusion of conduit for fiber optic cable in all public rights-of-way,through new development,redevelopment,road construction and reconstruction,in accordance with the City's"Dig Once"standard,and shall: (a) ensure that all new development or redevelopment is designed to provide the infrastructure for the delivery of,current or future,leading edge information and communication technologies,to and throughout the buildings;and Attachment# I to Proposed Amendment 31 to the Pickering Official Plan (nformatior Report#Q'--1e Page 2 (b) require applications for development to provide an ICT Implementation Plan which demonstrates how ICT technologies are to be designed and implemented, and demonstrates that the associated conduit and wiring meets or exceeds the minimum industry standard. 2) Revising Section 16.5A, "Required Studies for an Official Plan Amendment. Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, and Draft Plan of Condominium Approval", in . Chapter 16 — Development Review, by removing the word "and" in Subsection (xxxiii) and adding the word "and" after Subsection (xxxiv), and adding a new Subsection (xxxv) to read as follows: (xxxv) an Information and Communication Technologies Implementation Plan demonstrating how a dedicated broadband fiber optic conduit can be designed and implemented,as referred to in Section 7.12 (b). 3) Revising Section 16.5B, "Required Studies for Site Plan approval", in Chapter 16 — Development Review, by removing the word "and" in Subsection (xxv) and adding the word "and" after Subsection ()ovi), and adding a new Subsection (xxvii) to read as follows: (xxvii) an Information and Communication Technologies Implementation Plan demonstrating how a dedicated broadband fiber optic conduit can be designed and implemented,as referred to in Section 7.12 (b). Implementation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. •