HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 25-17DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 25-17 Date: December 4, 2017 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: City of Pickering - 2016 Road Needs Study - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That the City of Pickering 2016 Road Needs Study prepared by R.J, Burnside & Associates Limited, February 2017, be received for information; 2. That the 2016 Road Needs Study be used by staff as a resource document for identifying and planning maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction strategies, programs and projects for roads under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: A Road Needs Study provides a snapshot of the overall condition of the road network and looks at strategic improvement types and timing in order to manage the assets in the most cost effective manner. The consulting firm of R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited was retained to undertake an inventory of the roads under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering, develop a road condition assessment methodology, identify improvement needs in the road system, and prepare a Five Year Road Improvement Plan. This 2016 Road Needs Study provides Council and staff with an inventory of all City roads (broken down into sections by age or condition), condition assessments for each section, and suggested road improvement strategies necessary to maintain a satisfactory level of service, The City's road network is comprised of approximately 660 streets with a total length of 440 centerline kilometres, represented by 1,100 road sections. The estimated road network replacement value is approximately $460,110,000.00. The 2016 Road Needs Study identified that approximately 200 centerline kilometres of the network requires improvements with an estimated cost of $102,525,103.00 in either the "Now" or "1-5 Year" time frame, and an additional $12,942,121.00 in the "6-10 Year" time frame for a total network needs cost of $115,467,224.00. A Five Year Improvement Plan estimated at $54,212,895.00 was developed by R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited in consultation with City of Pickering staff. A table summarizing the value of the road network rehabilitation and improvement needs is included in the Executive Summary of the 2016 Road Needs Study (see Attachment #1). ENG 25-17 December 4, 2017 Subject: City of Pickering 2016 Road Needs Study Page 2 Staff will utilize the 2016 Road Needs Study as a resource document to address enquiries about the condition and improvement needs for specific road sections. It will also be used as input when planning roads capital projects for resurfacing and reconstruction. Preventative routine maintenance programs such as crack sealing has been recently introduced into the City's Roads Current Budget, and the 2016 Road Needs Study recommends this maintenance strategy for approximately 40 centerline kilometres of roads, which represents almost 10% of the entire road network. As the 2016 Road Needs Study represents a condition assessment at a point in time, it is important that the road network be reviewed on a regular basis. Although staff will update the database as projects are completed, it would be prudent to commission a re -assessment of the total road network every five years. Financial Implications: The 2016 Road Needs Study identified a Five Year Improvement Plan for the City of Pickering with a total cost of $54,212,895.00. Although it is not economically feasible to achieve all of the required improvements in a five year time frame, it emphasizes the need to invest in the City's road network with expanded maintenance programs and ?timely rehabilitation and reconstruction improvements to best preserve the assets. Discussion: R. J. Burnside & Associates Limited were retained by the City of Pickering in November 2010 to commence the preparation of a Road Needs Study. The purpose was to provide an up to date inventory of the City's road network and to establish parameters for each road, such as surface type, traffic, drainage, geometry (number of lanes, width, length), age (previous improvement year) and overall condition. A methodology for establishing the needs for the road network was developed using a road condition assessment model that takes into account these parameters. Each road section is evaluated and assigned a Pavement Condition Index (PCI). The PCI assigned to each road section was based on a field review of the extent and severity of various surface distresses within the pavement. The PCI value is a rating between 1 and 100, with 100 being the best. The City's 1100 road sections were assigned PCI values as shown in Table 1. The average PCI for the City's road network is 79. Table 1. Description PCI Range Number of Sections Percentage Excellent 90-100 399 36.3 Good 70-89 453 41.2 Fair 50-69 159 14.4 Poor 30-49 55 5.0 Very Poor 1-29 34 3.1 CORP0227-07101 revised ENG 25-17 December 4, 2017 Subject: City of Pickering 2016 Road Needs Study Page 3 After the road sections were evaluated, needs in the road network were identified, certain rehabilitation methods and improvement types were assessed to determine their effectiveness to address those needs within an associated timeframe. Generally speaking, since the assets steadily degrade over time, one must select the right improvement at the right time in order to maximize the life cycle of the asset, and maintain levels of service. Improvement types identified in the 2016 Road Needs Study include: • new surface (single lift or double lift) • pulverize and resurface (single lift or double lift) • partial base repair and resurface • reconstruction • reconstruction with urbanization (includes storm sewer and curbs) Using current benchmark costs from City of Pickering rehabilitation and reconstruction projects, cost estimates were prepared for each improvement type. The estimates can be updated on a go forward basis and be used to plan budgets on a network level basis. However, actual costs may vary on a section -by section basis through the detailed design process. The 2016 Road Needs Study identified approximately 200 centerline kilometres of road requiring improvements estimated at $115,467,224.00. To put this into context, the estimated replacement value of the City's road network is approximately $460,110,000.00. A Five Year Road Improvement Plan was then developed by applying the most effective improvement type to each road section requiring improvement, applying the benchmark costing, and prioritizing the needs. A Priority Guide Number (PGN) is assigned to projects identified for improvement. The PGN is calculated by taking into account factors such as the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT), a life cycle factor for the improvement type (LCF) and the cost per kilometre of the improvement type. The PGN provides a relative comparison of the priority of the roads recommended for improvement. The larger the PGN, the higher the priority. The Five Year Improvement Plan includes a variety of improvement types for various road sections in the road network with a total estimated cost of $54,212,895.00. Staff recognize that implementing a plan of this magnitude is neither practical nor economically achievable. The plan did not go so far as to indicate which road sections should be improved in Year 1 vs Year 5, but each road section recommended for improvement was prioritized by improvement type. City staff will use the 2016 Road Needs Study as a resource document to respond to enquiries about future plans for a specific road, and as input into future maintenance and rehabilitation/reconstruction programs and projects. It provides the foundation for a management system for the planning and funding for improvements to the road network in order to protect and maintain the life cycle of the roads. Low cost preventative maintenance improvements such as crack sealing and pot hole repairs are existing programs in the City's current budget and should be maintained or increased over time. Relatively low cost improvements such as pulverize and resurface or partial base repair and resurface are the foundation of the City's annual resurfacing program. These projects are typically CORP0227-07101 revised ENG 25-17 December 4, 2017 Subject: City of Pickering 2016 Road Needs Study Page 4 funded by Federal Gas Tax funds. Within the Four Year Capital Forecast, an annual allocation of approximately $2,000,000.00 for resurfacing projects is provided. Resurfacing at the right time (PCI between 50 and 70) preserves the integrity of the road at a reasonable cost. If these candidate roads are not improved in a timely manner they can quickly degrade to a point where the only option is reconstruction at a much higher cost. Higher cost improvements such as reconstruction, and reconstruction with urbanization are typically debt financed, and are more difficult to get approved in annual capital budgets due to other competing priorities within the City. That doesn't affect the recognition of the need for the improvement, however, focusing all available funding to the "worst first" philosophy eventually results in a lower overall condition rating of the road network, and an accelerated life cycle of the assets. Finding a balance of allocating available funding across the various maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction improvement types, and maintaining an adequate road network is challenging. Having a comprehensive and up to date Road Needs Study to draw information from and to inform the decision making process is a valuable asset. It is recommended that the Road Needs Study get updated on a regular basis. Staff will update the database annually based on projects that have been complete and new roads that have been built, and will keep the benchmark costs up to date. However, it is advisable that a detailed assessment of each road section be carried out to identify road system deficiencies about every 5 years. A printed copy of the 2016 Road Needs Study is available for review in the Engineering Services Department. Attachments: 1. 2016 Road Needs Study Executive Summary CORP0227-47101 revised ENG 25-17 December 4, 2017 Subject: City of Pickering 2016 Road Needs Study Page 5 RH:mjh Approved/Endorsed By: 4 Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Director, Engineering Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council t Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer f Nair: zoi 2017 CORP0227-07101 revised City of Pickering February 2017 2016 Road Needs Study Executive Summary E =i..'_ / • 3 ii This Road Needs Study provides the results of investigations that were completed on approximately 439.645 centreline kilometres of roads in the City of Pickering. This study undertakes a detailed review of the condition of the roads, the municipality's capital improvement plans and other road deficiencies, to provide a Five Year improvement Plan for the road network. Data related to the inventory and condition of the road sections was obtained through a field review, undertaken in 2011, as well as updated information provided by the City since that time. The following inventory data was updated and/or reviewed as part of this study: • Surface type • Roadside environment • Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) • Road design classification • Road maintenance classification • Boundary road identification • Road geometries (curves and stopping sight distance) • Road surface type requirements • Cross section requirements • Travel surface width and shoulder width • Traffic capacity (mid -block and intersection) • Drainage requirements '• Coordination with other projects (e.g., Development Charge projects or other Capital Improvement projects). The condition assessment of the roads was based on the establishment of a Pavement Condition Index for each road section, based on a field review of the severity and extent of various surface distresses within the pavements. These condition assessments, along with proposed improved types and bench mark costs, were assessed through a systematic methodology that establishes road improvement requirements that have been formulated to take into account the road surface/base degradation over its life cycle. The improvement types consider roadside environment, surface type, maintenance class, Pavement Condition Index (PCI) range and AADT range or functional classification. In accordance with the life cycle degradation curves for the roads, more extensive rehabilitation is forecasted to be required as the pavement surface and base deteriorates due to traffic loading and weathering. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited City of Pickering -,: February 2017 q ' w 2016 Road Needs Study Ill This study provides a Five Year Improvement Plan for the City, taking into consideration the City's planned capital improvements and the resurfacing requirements established through the condition assessment completed in this study. Based on the criteria established in this study, the forecasted costs to address the identified road network rehabilitation and improvement needs (Five Year) are summarized in the following table: Table (i) — Summary of Road Network Rehabilitation and improvement Needs E « . _ .. - ... gi'+E6x:E A86. f.^ ^`^""a� �6�» 1 ' ':�...e.'^�'.&-Yizag`..- i«si'Bx°• �•'e'.„-°°^d:.. "qty®...m ¢.y..ee...°� Ba:.�,tis:E¢ P;em einem e sa°�;';Y ?.'KY89E ��-vV.��."- rov a^��m: }}¢¢te�ll'' . yE..d .3 °E6�m£ £ '" mm °.£'o6£Y.�YL�^'&'»«�S: ^:.a ��« "tri" .� m �'{'f:iy:4F'.G». »«. ..A.. ._��"�^^�":a. `�'c^sf e..-. 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The rehabilitation needs include both those required to address road condition deficiencies, those proposed in the capital improvement plans for the next 5 years and those identified as part of the Development Charges (2013) program. As shown in the above table a total of $61,254,329.00 of condition related needs were identified in the overall road network, beyond those proposed for improvement in the five year capital plan or part of the Development Charges (2013) program. It is forecasted that 40.633 km of roads may benefit from preventive routine maintenance (i.e., crack sealing), at an estimated cost of $243,798.00, which is additional to the improvement costs noted in the above table. It is recommended that a more detailed assessment of the type, amount and severity of cracks or of other distresses be undertaken for these sections to confirm preventive maintenance requirements. R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited City of Pickering February 2017 2016 Road Needs Study 25 -1 -- Iv A number of other types of needs were identified in the road network, which should be addressed at the detailed design stage of any rehabilitation or reconstruction projects that are implemented to address condition requirements. These other deficiencies include the following: • Geometries — A number of horizontal curves or vertical curves are considered to be substandard. Typically these deficiencies will be addressed through the placement of adequate signage as part of the City's normal inspection processes. All curves are considered to be adequate for resurfacing projects (assuming appropriate signage is in place). However, for projects requiring reconstruction in areas with substandard curves, it is recommended that curves be reviewed as part of any detailed design work, prior to implementation of such projects. • Surface Type — There are a number of roads that may benefit from having their surface treatment surface (Low Class Bituminous, LCB) upgraded to an asphalt surface (High Class Bituminous, HCB), due to their traffic volumes, and a number of semi -urban roads that may be considered to have their gravel surface upgraded to a hard top surface. • Cross Section - There are a number of semi -urban roads that may be considered for upgrading to urban cross sections. • Travel Width and Shoulder Width — A number of roads have travel widths and/or shoulder widths that do not meet recommended design standards. Approximately 13.998 km of roads have been identified with existing widths that do not currently meet desirable tolerable width guidelines. Consideration of other requirements (e.g., parking, bike lanes etc.) should also be made in the detailed designs for any proposed improvements. Where reconstruction improvements are proposed to the road sections identified with width deficiencies, it is recommended that such roads be considered for widening to the recommended road design standards. • Traffic Capacity (mid -block or intersection) -- Based on the information available, no roads have been identified to currently have traffic capacity issues. • Drainage - A number of roads have been identified where further review of drainage requirements is recommended as part of any detailed designs for improvement in those areas. • Coordination of Road Work With Other Projects — It is recommended that road works be coordinated with other projects affecting the road network (e.g., Development Charge projects, utility work etc.). R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited