HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 31-17DICKERING edy 61( Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 31-17 Date: December 4, 2017 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Pickering Museum Village - Policies - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse Pickering Museum Village Policies as set out in Attachment 1 to this report, subject to minor revisions acceptable to the Director, Community Services; and, 2. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Pickering Museum Village (PMV) has developed six policies in response to requirements of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. The purpose of this report is to seek Council's endorsement of these Museum Policies. Financial Implications: The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport provides an annual grant of approximately $39,000 to Pickering Museum Village through the Community Museums Operating Grant. The adoption of these Museum Policies will achieve compliance with new guidelines set by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and will maintain the Museum's grant eligibility. Discussion: Pickering Museum Village has developed six policies in response to requirements set by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. These are the first in a series of policies which will be developed in order to meet the requirements of Ontario Museums as established by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. These requirements set best practice standards for the operation of community museums in Ontario, enable museums to flourish in programming, and protect the material culture of our communities. The PMV Policies attached for Council's approval include: • CUL 010 Collections Development and Management Policy • CUL 020 Conservation Policy • CUL 030 Research Policy • CUL 040 Interpretation and Programming Policy • CUL 050 Exhibit Policy • CUL 060 Pickering Museum Village Policy CS -31-17 December 4, 2017 Subject: Pickering Museum Village Policies Page 2 The creation of these Policies benefit the Museum in several ways. The Policies create a clear set of guidelines, best practices, and processes to protect and preserve the material culture of Pickering. The Policies also enable the City to qualify and be considered for various Provincial Grants programs including the Community Museum Operating Grant. Lastly, these Policies bolster Pickering Museum Village's status as an entrusted site for future artifact acquisitions and donations. These Policies demonstrate that the Pickering Museum Village, as custodians of these treasured artifacts, meet the operational and ethical standards set by recognized industry leaders such as the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, the Canadian Museum Association, and UNESCO. Please note that Pickering Museum Village has operated according to written "Procedures" governing these subject matters but these have been rewritten and updated to be "Policies" as is required by the Ministry. Attachments: 1. CUL 010 Collections Development and Management Policy 2. CUL 020 Conservation Policy 3. CUL 030 Research Policy 4. CUL 040 Interpretation and Programming Policy 5. CUL 050 Exhibit Policy 6. CUL 060 Pickering Museum Policy Prepared By: Tanya Ryc Supervisor,''Cultural Services TR:mc Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Ga ino Director, Community Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer yJetth Eft2017 C4 66/ DICKERING ATTACHMENT #_ :TO REPORT#._CS 21- 11 Policy Procedure Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number CUL 010 Reference ICOP Code of Ethics for Museums CAC Code of Ethics and Guidance for Practice CMA Ethics Guidelines Date Originated (mldly) June 20, 2014 Date Revised (mldly) December 4, 2017 Pages 12 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Coordinator, Museum Operations Policy Objective The collection of artifacts, also referred to as cultural property, is a tangible representation of the community's heritage, and is integral to the role and pur 04Se o e Pickering Museum Village (hereinafter referred to as "PMV"). As a responsible steward of t "-. artifacts in its possession, the PMV will maintain current management and de°/lopment stand. sfor its collections. This policy defines the.management goals, responsibilities and standards for 11 collection related activities at the PMV. Overriding guidelines. as outlined in the Canadian Museums Association Ethics Guidelines, the International Co cil of Museums Co le4of Ethics for M I aims, and the Canadian Association for Conservation litural Property<r ode of Ethics and Guidance for Practice will be followed. Index 01 Definitions 02 Ownership 03 Resource 04 Ethics 05 Collection 06 Acquisitions 07 Tax Receipts and App 08 Documentation Page 2-3 3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7 8 09 Preservation 8 10 Use and Operation of Artifacts 8-9 11 Loans 10 12 Deaccessioning 10-11 13 Disposal 12 14 Policy Review 12 01 Definitions 01.01 Acquisitions — Objects that the museum has legal ownership and control over and are generally made by acceptance of donation, purchase, or field collecting. 01.02 Artifact — An object created or produced by humans, that has cultural significance to Pickering. It may be used for exhibition, explanation, or research, and is held in trust for the public for future generations to appreciate and learn from. An artifact may be a building, an object including furniture, tools, vehicles, household or personal items, textiles, books or paper records. 01.03 Core Collection — The PMV's collection of artifacts that have a specific association with (or in some cases were typically used by) a person, place or event within Pickering Township pertaining to the history of Pickering up to 40 years prior to the present date. Artifacts in this collection are reserved for research and display under controlled conditions. 01.04 Deaccession — The act of permanently removing an artifact from the Core Collection. 01.05 Deed of Gift — A legal contract that permanently transfers the ownership of the item(s) from a donor to the PMV/City of Pickering. 01.06 Education Collection -- The PMV's collection of objects available for the purpose of interactive displays and active demonstrations which could result in deterioration and damage through use. These items have no specific association with a person, place or event within Pickering. 01.07 Material Culture - The physical objects created by a culture; the buildings, tools, and other artifacts created by the members of a society. 01.08 Preservation — All actions taken to retard deterioration of, or to prevent damage to, cultural property through activities that minimize chemical and physical deterioration and damage and that prevent loss of informational content. Preservation involves management of the environment and of the conditions of use, and may include treatment in order to maintain cultural property, as nearly Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 2 of 12 as possible, in a stable physical condition. The primary goal of preservation is to prolong the existence of cultural property. 01.09 Repatriation —An artifact of specific significance to recognizable cultural, ethnic or religious groups may be returned to such groups upon their request under PMV procedural guidelines. Such groups must be able to assure the PMV that the object is integral to the beliefs or culture of the group and that they are able to provide proper care of the object according to accepted conservation methods. 01.10 Temporary Receipt — A legal document that transfers the custody of the item(s) to the PMV/City of Pickering temporarily; it includes name, address and phone numbers of the potential donor, a description of the items, and the terms of the donation. 02 Ownership 02.01 As stated in By -Law 620/77, the PMV is owned, operated, and maintained by The Corporation of the City of Pickering. 02.02 The PMV's collection of artifacts is a tangible representation of the community's heritage and is held in trust for the public by the City of Pickering. 03 Resources and Responsibilities 03.01 In a commitment to excellence, and in accordance with recognized museum standards, the City of Pickering will provide the human, financial, and physical resources to manage and maintain the PMV's collection. 03.02 The City of Pickering may provide an annual budget for acquisitions. Museum staff and the Advisory Committee may also apply for additional funding from the Pickering Museum Village Foundation for artifact acquisition and care. 03.03 The Coordinator, Museum Operations will: Be responsible for the management of the collection and with the Conservator, will ensure that all policies, plans, procedures, and standard operating procedures pertaining to the collection are developed, implemented and reviewed; ii. Be responsible for ensuring that all staff and volunteers working with the collection are aware of, and adhere to, collections policies, plans , procedures and standard operating procedures; Ensure that all staff and volunteers working at the PMV understand and maintain confidentiality in all matters pertaining to the museum's operation, including collection records, and security routines and systems; Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 3 of 12 iv. Review the management of the collection annually, with'the assistance of the Conservator and the Collections Sub -Committee; and, v. Encourage and support staff to develop relationships that foster a positive image of the museum in the community in order to support collection development. 03.04 The PMV Advisory Committee will: i. Appoint a Collections Sub -Committee which will review and make recommendations to the Advisory Committee regarding the development, management, and care of the collections; and ii. Approve acquisitions and deaccessions, and forward deaccession recommendations to Council for approval. 03.05 The Conservator will Maintain the day-to-day management and care of the collection, including all documentation pertaining to the collection, according to current museological standards and guidelines; ii. Ensure that all storage and exhibit materials, labelling techniques and any other supplies in contact with the collection are inert and proven not to accelerate deterioration within the collection; Ensure that all artifacts having the potential to be hazardous to the public, staff, volunteers, or to other artifacts in the collection, are properly handled and stored; iv. Advise the Collections Sub -Committee with regard to condition of potential acquisitions, their storage and preservation requirements prior to acceptance; v. Review the collection and advise on gaps for the purpose of strengthening the collection; and vi. Build and maintain community relationships in order to support collection development. 04 Ethics 04.01 In acquiring artifacts for the collection, the PMV and its representatives will act responsibly and in a manner sympathetic to members of the community. 04.02 No.human remains will be accepted into the collection. Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 4 of 12 04.03 Objects, which are of specific significance to recognizable cultural, ethnic, or religious groups, will be added to the collection and displayed only in consultation with representatives of the group to ensure that any display or depiction of such objects is sensitive to their beliefs and concerns. 04.04 Consideration will be given to the probable outcome of the PMV's refusal to accept the donation in regard to its sale, loss of provenance/history or destruction. 04.05 The PMV will collect objects with regard to all municipal, provincial and federal statutes and agreements concerning the control or banning of specific materials or objects. 04.06 PMV staff, Advisory Committee members, and Collections Sub -Committee members may not personally collect items that fall within the PMV's collection mandate. Such personal collections will be considered, and must be declared, a conflict of interest. Volunteers who are personal collectors will also be expected to declare a conflict of interest, and therefore will not be eligible to work with, assist, or advise on the collecting process. 04.07 The PMV will avoid accepting items with stipulations or legal restrictions, including provincial and federal acts, or in contravention of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Conventions. 04.08 The PMV will respect the provisions contained in the Copyright Act, Ontario Heritage Act, and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act insofar as they apply to the ethical acquisition of artifacts. 04.09 The PMV will not accept items with questionable, undetermined, or unethical history of ownership. 04.10 The PMV will not collect live ammunition. 04.11 The PMV will not collect restricted or prohibited weapons as defined by the Canadian Firearms Act. 04.12 The PMV may collect unrestricted and/or antique weapons as defined by the Canadian Firearms Act, provided that all regulations relating to acquisition and storage are met. 05 Collection Development 05.01 As a responsible steward of those artifacts in its possession, the PMV will make every reasonable effort to collect, document, and preserve those artifacts reflective of the museum village's vision, mission, mandate and statement of purpose. 05.02 Current storage conditions and space must be adequate to house new and existing artifacts. Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 5 of 12 05.03 The resources required for the long term preservation of potential artifacts must be carefully considered prior to acquisition. 05.04 Long and short term goals, including strategic plans, will be a factor of consideration in collection development. 05.05 Collection development will take into account gap analyses and identified weaknesses. 05.06 In order to facilitate public and educational programming, and to avoid deterioration of the Core Collection through use, the PMV will develop, manage, and maintain two collections: a Core Collection and an Education Collection. i, The Coordinator, Museum Operations and the Conservator will be responsible for the development of the Core Collection, with the support of the Collections Sub -Committee; and ii. Recommendations for the development of the Education Collection will be shared among staff and volunteers working in programs and will take into consideration programming and living history active displays. 05.07 PMV staff, volunteers, Advisory Committee members, and Collections Sub - Committee members may not accept items for donation, but will refer potential donors directly to the Coordinator, Museum Operations or the Conservator. 05.08 PMV Staff, volunteers, Advisory Committee members, and Collections Sub - Committee members will not attempt to act as a broker or representative of the PMV, with regards to the potential donation/acquisition of artifacts into either the Core or Education Collection: 06 Acquisitions 06.01 The PMV collects material culture, by donation or purchase, pertaining to the history of Pickering up to 40 years prior to the present year, in order to understand and interpret the community's past, present and future. 06.02 Objects under consideration for acquisition must have Temporary Custody forms accompanying them. 06.03 Decisions to acquire material culture into the Core Collection will be made based on the following conditions and criteria: Provenance to the community (those things made and/or used in Pickering, associated with a person, place or event in Pickering); ii. Typical or representative of objects made or used in Pickering; that are historical, cultural, or aesthetic in nature; and that support the interpretative representation of the heritage buildings; Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 6 of 12 iii. Be in good or excellent condition, or be a unique and rare addition to the collection; iv. Are not duplicates of current collection items; and v. Are well documented with clear legal title, free of provisions and restrictions. 06.04 Objects which are accepted into the Education Collection will be those that are typical of, or representative of, objects made or used in Pickering during the PMV's interpretive time line, but which have no specific association with a person, place or event within Pickering or Pickering's history. These objects may be duplicates of those within the Core Collection. 06.05 All artifact donations to the PMV will be deemed as a gift without ties, as detailed in the PMV Deed of Gift. 06.06 The donors of items not approved for acquisition will be contacted immediately to retrieve their possessions. Items will be considered abandoned if no response or arrangements for pickup have been made following all reasonable attempts by staff. 06.07 The PMV reserves the right to dispose of abandoned items. 07 Tax Receipts and Appraisals 07.01 Tax receipts may be made available upon request by the donor. 07.02 For objects less than $1,000.00, an independent appraisal is not required. An original bill of sale or receipt is acceptable if the item was purchased within the last 12 months. 07.03 The Coordinator, Museum Operations and/or the Conservator may provide current fair market value for objects under an estimated value of $1,000.00. 07.04 Items estimated to be worth more than $1,000.00 must be independently appraised at the donor's cost. PMV staff may arrange for an independent appraisal paid for by the City of Pickering, only if the donor signs a Deed of Gift transferring ownership to the museum prior to the appraisal. 07.05 The appraisal must reflect the current fair market value of the object(s). 07.06 The appraisal must be conducted by a member of the Certified Personal Property Appraisers Guild of Canada or equivalent. 07.07 The donor may not be the appraiser. 07.08 Upon transfer of ownership by signed Deed of Gift, and issuance of a tax receipt, gifts will not be returned to the donor. Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 7 of 12 08 Documentation 08.01 In order to maintain the significance and value of the objects in the PMV collection, all pertinent information regarding the identity, history, provenance and transfer of legal title of the artifacts will be collected, recorded, and preserved. 08.02 The PMV will collect and preserve the above mentioned information in the following formats: written, electronic, graphic, audio visual. 08.03 Where applicable, the PMV will follow all guidelines and maintain records required by municipal, provincial or federal statutes, such as for firearms or hazardous materials that may be held in the collection. 08.04 Hard copies of all documentation pertaining to the collection will be maintained. 08.05 The electronic records will be backed up on the City of Pickering computer server. 08.06 PMV will maintain current collections managementprocedures for, and proper documentation of, the incoming and outgoing loan of those artifacts within its possession. 09 Preservation 09.01 The PMV will strive to preserve all collection material (including historic buildings on site) for future generations. The responsibility of the preservation of the collection is that of the Coordinator, Museum Operations and the Conservator. 09.02 All staff and volunteers will be trained in Artifact Care and Handling Procedures and will be responsible for following them and the Conservation Policy as it pertains to their daily work routines. 09.03 Staff and volunteers will be trained in duties specific to their position as outlined in the Heritage Housekeeping and Maintenance Manual, and in expected responsibilities relating to the Disaster Preparedness Plan and Salvage Procedures. 09.04 All staff and volunteers are responsible for reporting any threat or concern about artifacts and buildings to the Conservator immediately. 10 Use and Operation of Artifacts 10.01 It is understood that use and operation of certain mechanical artifacts may increase the preservation and longevity of the artifact. However, it is a certainty that continued use will cause wear and tear, necessitating maintenance, repair, Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 8 of 12 and replacement of parts, resulting in Toss of the evidential and heritage value of the artifact. 10.02 As a living history site, PMV may choose to enhance guest experience and knowledge by using and/or operating objects and machines in active demonstrations. Those objects and machines will be Education Collection pieces, not Core Artifacts. 10.03 Core artifacts may be selected for use and/or operation on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the Coordinator, Museum Operations and the Conservator and at the approval of the Advisory Committee. 10.04 When recommending if an artifact may be used or operated, the Coordinator, Museum Operations and the Conservator will be responsible for finding a balance between living history interpretation benefits and the long-term preservation of the artifact: The following factors will be considered: The ability of museum staff to protect the safety of the public, staff and the collection; ii. The ability of the City of Pickering to provide the resources to operate an artifact; iii. The existence of a duplicate artifact that will be preserved in its original state; iv. The interpretive value to the public, the range of demonstrative techniques available, and the effect the operation will have on the artifact; v. The relative, significant heritage of the artifact, with consideration of rarity, provenance, uniqueness and value; vi. Alternative, less invasive operation to sustain working order rather than original power source; and vii. The research benefits of using the artifact against the preservation of the artifact's history of use. 10.05 Core artifacts identified and approved for use will be documented in the collection records. 10.06 Core artifacts may not be rented. 10.07 Film rental contracts that include interiors and existing staging will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 9 of 12 11 Loans 11.01 Loans of artifacts to other recognized institutions may be approved by the Coordinator, Museum Operations or the Conservator for a set period of time for the purpose of research or exhibition, provided that the PMV's loan conditions are met. 11.02 The PMV will not loan artifacts from the Core Collection to individuals. 11.03 Incoming loans may be approved by the Coordinator, Museum Operations or the Conservator for a set period of time for the purpose of research or to enhance Temporary Exhibitions. 11.04 The PMV will not agree to long term loans with no determined end date for either outgoing or incoming loans. Exceptions may be considered at the discretion of the Coordinator, Museum Operations. 11.05 For both outgoing and incoming loans, documentation (including photographs) regarding condition and value must be completed, and loan forms must be signed, prior to the loan taking place. This documentation will become part of the artifact's permanent file. 11.06 The PMV will provide the same standards of care for incoming loans as for its Core Collection. If the PMV feels that the lending institution's conditions cannot be met, the loan will not proceed. 12 Deaccessioning 12.01 As part of responsible collections management, the PMV acknowledges that in order to maintain a relevant collection within the parameters of the PMV Vision, Mission, Mandate, and Statement of Purpose, artifacts may require removal from the Core Collection. 12.02 In the interest of ethical collections management, and unless an artifact is deemed hazardous, PMV has no legal title, or it is in an unstable or rapidly degenerating condition, it will not be considered for deaccession until it has been in the collection a minimum of two years. 12:03 The PMV will perform a deaccession with strict adherence to ethical and museological guidelines and practices. 12.04 Prior to a deaccession, the Coordinator, Museum Operations and the Conservator will ensure that: The PMV/City of Pickering holds the legal title to the object, and that there are no holds or restrictions placed on the donation; and Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 10 of 12 ii. In the case of artifacts with no clear title or that are poorly documented or undocumented, a serious and documented attempt was made by staff to research and investigate ownership. 12.05 The PMV Advisory Committee must approve deaccession, in a formal meeting of the Committee, at the recommendation of the Collections Sub -Committee. 12.06 Final approval to deaccession must be granted by the Mayor and Council. 12.07 Artifacts may be recommended by the Collections Sub -Committee for deaccession if: The artifact is the subject of repatriation; ii. The artifact is significantly incomplete (unidentifiable piece or fragment) or is not representative of the type of object; iii. The artifact is in such poor condition that preservation, conservation or restoration is not a viable option; iv. The artifact is duplicated in the collection and having a duplicate is not of value to the collection; v. The artifact is not relevant to the PMV's collecting mandate and/or plan; vi. There is incomplete documentation and provenance for the artifact; vii. The artifact has no effective use in current or future exhibitions, research, interpretation, active demonstration or public use; viii. There are ethical issues related to ethnographic collections and human remains; ix. There are restrictions on legal title; x. It has been found subsequently that there is questionable legal title; xi. Correcting old accessioning mistakes (i.e. item was never meant to be an artifact or accessioned); and xii. The object is a threat to the collection, staff, volunteers, or structure of the PMV. 12.08 Records (or a copy) will be maintained for all artifacts deaccessioned, and will include the original catalogue information, documentation of the reason(s) for deaccession and approval, and documentation of the disposal of the artifact. Note will be made with the original entry in the Accession Register of the date of deaccession. Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 11 of 12 13 Disposal 13.01 Artifacts may be disposed of or destroyed only after deaccession has been approved. 13.02 PMV will make all reasonable efforts to inform the registered donor or family (if donor is deceased) that the object is to be disposed of as requested on the Deed of Gift and only if a tax receipt was not issued. 13.03 Every attempt will be made to relocate deaccessioned artifacts within the museum community. The receiving museum will assume packing and transport costs. 13.04 Failing the above steps, the object may be offered for sale to the public, in accordance with the City of Pickering's Purchasing Policy, PUR-010, section 15 (Disposal of Surplus Assets) at public auction to the highest bidder and based on current market value. 13.05 No member or family member of the Collections Sub -Committee, the PMV Advisory Committee or City of Pickering staff or volunteers will be allowed to purchase the object. 13.06 If an artifact is in a total state of disrepair, the artifact may be destroyed in view of two persons consisting of the Coordinator, Museum Operations, and/or the Conservator, and/or at least one member of the PMV Advisory Committee. 13.07 Profits from the sale of donated artifacts must go towards collections development or artifact maintenance/conservation. 14 Policy Review 14.01 This policy will be reviewed a minimum of every three years, by the Coordinator, Museum Operations, the Conservator, and the Collections Sub -Committee. 14.02 Changes to this policy will be approved by the PMV Advisory Committee prior to going forward for City and Council approval. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: Collections Development and Management Policy Policy Number: CUL 010 Page 12 of 12 PICKERING ACHMENI # a �. TO REPORT �S 31— II' Policy Policy Title: Conservation Policy Policy Number CUL 020 Reference Date Originated (mldly) Date Revised (mldly) Pages ICOM Code of Ethics for December 4, 2017 7 Museums CAC Code of Ethics and Guidance for Practice CMA Ethics Guidelines The Getty Institute's Conservation Museum Planning Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Supervisor, Cultural Services Policy Objective As a responsible steward of the material culture and herita Village (hereinafter referred to as the "PMV") and the Cit retain staff qualified to preserve these materials for t ben conservation (both preventive and treatment base heritage buildings are a high priority. The City of environment for artifacts, whether in storage, on e treatment or restorative work is carried out by traine Pickering, the Pickering Museum ,ging recognize the need to lure generations. The artifact collection and est possible physical Insure.that any rd king with the efit o °the museum ckering will provide`i t, or on loan, and ls. All sta hum Association's`"`Ethics ce for Practi e" as outlined by the Canadian operfy, `and will follow all current legislation affecting collection will maintain strict adherence, Guidelines" and the "Code of Ethics and Association for Conservation of Cultural P conservation and collections Index 01 Definitions 02 Respo 03 Prior t` 04 Preventive.°RYonservation 05 Treatment Cons' ation 06 Standards 07 Policy Review Page 2-4 4-5 5 6 6 6-7 7 01 Definitions 01.01 Conservation — All actions aimed at the safeguarding of cultural property for the future. The purpose of conservation is to study, record, retain, and restore the culturally significant qualities of the cultural property as embodied in its physical and chemical nature with the least possible intervention. Conservation includes the following: examination, documentation, preventive conservation, preservation, treatment, restoration and reconstruction. 01.02 Core Collection — The PMV's collection of artifacts that have a specific association with (or in some cases were typically used by) a person, place or event within Pickering Township pertaining to the history of Pickering up to 40 years prior to the present date. Artifacts in this collection are reserved for research and display under controlled conditions. 01.03 Cultural Property — Objects that are judged by society, or by some of its members, to be of historical, artistic, social or scientific importance. Cultural property, also referred to as artifacts, can be classified into two major categories: 1) Movable objects such as works of art, artifacts, books, archival material, and other objects of natural, historical, or archaeological origin; and, 2) Immovable objects such as monuments, architecture, archaeological sites and structures of historical or artistic interest. 01.04 Documentation — All of the records, written and pictorial, accumulated during the examination and treatment of a cultural property. Documentation can include the examination records and condition report, treatment proposal, treatments records and report, recommendations for future care, samples taken from the cultural property, and relevant correspondence. The purpose of this documentation is to: i. Record the condition of cultural property; ii. Record information revealed during examination or other conservation activities that assists in the understanding of the cultural property; iii. Record the changes to the property due to conservation activities, and the justification for these changes; and iv. Provide information helpful to the future care and treatment of cultural property. 01.05 Education Collection — The PMV's collection of objects available for the purpose of interactive displays and active demonstrations which could result in deterioration and damage through use. These items have no specific association with a person, place or event within Pickering. Policy Title: Conservation Policy Policy Number: CUL. 020 Page 2 of 7 01.06 Intervention and Repair — Any action that results in a physical or chemical change to a cultural property, including steps taken to replace or correct broken, damaged or faulty components or elements of an artifact, either inside or outside, or to make minor alterations or renovations to it in order to maintain its operating efficiency. 01.07 Invasive Treatment — All actions directly applied to an item or a group of items aimed at arresting current damaging processes or reinforcing their structure. These actions are only carried out when the items are in such a fragile condition, or deteriorating at such a rate, that they could be lost in a relatively short time. These actions sometimes modify the appearance of the items. 01.08 Material Culture — the physical objects created by a culture; the buildings, tools, and other artifacts created by the members of a society. 01.09 Preservation -- All actions taken to retard deterioration of, or to prevent damage to, cultural property through activities that minimize chemical and physical deterioration and damage and that prevent loss of informational content. Preservation involves management of the environment and of the conditions of use, and may include treatment in order to maintain cultural property, as nearly as possible, in a stable physical condition. The primary goal of preservation is to prolong the existence of cultural property. 01.10 Preventive Conservation — All actions taken to mitigate damage and deterioration to cultural property. This is achieved through the formulation and implementation of policies and procedures in areas such as lighting, environmental conditions, air quality, integrated pest management; handling, packing and transport, exhibition, storage, maintenance, use, security, fire protection, and emergency preparedness and response. 01.11 Preventive Maintenance — All actions taken to preserve or keep a cultural property in a given existing condition, including routine, cyclical, non-destructive actions taken to slow the deterioration of cultural property. In technical terms, maintenance consists of regular inspections of cultural property and may involve small-scale treatments (e.g. surface cleaning, renewal of protective coatings, etc.). Preventative maintenance is a powerful tool to prevent decay and avoid Targe -scale conservation -restoration treatments. A suitable maintenance program implemented after the conservation treatment aims at preserving the improved conditions of the cultural property. 01.12 Reconstruction — All actions taken to recreate, in whole or in part, a cultural property, based on literary, graphic, pictorial, archaeological, and scientific evidence. Reconstruction is aimed at promoting a better understanding of a cultural property, and is based on little or no original material, but clear evidence of a former state. Policy Title: Conservation Policy Policy Number: CUL 020 Page 3 of 7 01.13 Restoration — All actions taken to modify the existing materials and structure of cultural property to represent a known earlier state. The aim of restoration is to reveal the culturally significant qualities of a cultural property. Restoration is based on respect for the remaining original material and clear evidence of an earlier state. 01.14 Stabilization — Treatment procedures intended to maintain the integrity of cultural property and to minimize deterioration. 01.15 Treatment Conservation — All actions taken to stabilize, modify, repair or restore cultural property to a known earlier state with the aim to preserve aesthetic and historical values. 02 Responsibilities: 02.01 The City of Pickering may allocate funds in each budget year (be they current or capital) for artifact and building preservation, maintenance, and repairs. Museum staff and the Advisory Committee may also apply for additional funding from the Pickering Museum Village Foundation, or other funding organizations, for artifact preservation and care. 02.02 The PMV will maintain a regular evaluation and inspection schedule for all cultural property in its possession and care. This includes building surveys, condition reports and assessments, inventories and risk assessments based on accumulated data. 02.03 The PMV will maintain, review and update a Disaster Preparedness Plan and provide response training to staff and volunteers. 02.04 The preservation and conservation of the PMV's buildings and collections is the responsibility of all museum staff. 02.05 The Coordinator, Museum Operations and the Conservator are responsible for: i. Jointly determining conservation and preservation priorities based on building surveys, inventories and exhibition/programming needs; ii. Establishing and maintaining environmental standards where possible; and iii. Ensuring that all staff and volunteers working with the collections are trained in artifact care and handling, heritage housekeeping, and in recognizing risks and threats to the collection. 02.06 All museum staff and volunteers are responsible for the following: Maintaining the security of the collection, including protection from damage, deterioration or loss; Policy Title: Conservation Policy Policy Number: CUL. 020 Page 4 of 7 ii. Reporting preservation concerns promptly to the Conservator; iii. Adhering to care and handling techniques, as trained, when working with or around museum artifacts; and iv. Adhering to plans and directives outlined by the Conservator when included in treatment projects. 03 Priorities 03.01 Preventive conservation is the best use of resources in the care of the Core Collection. Improvements in this area affect positive changes on a large amount of artifacts. Preventive conservation measures will take precedence over any conservation treatments. Conservation treatments will take precedence over restoration treatments. 03.02 The Education Collection at the PMV, used in active displays and demonstrations is considered expendable. Care, maintenance and treatment of the Core Collection will always take precedence over the Education Collection. 03.03 Any intervention applied to a cultural property will be thoroughly researched in terms of historic and aesthetic accuracy as well as stability of materials and processes. The history and evidence of past use will be respected. This will apply to both maintenance and treatment conducted by staff, and to work contracted to outside professionals. 03.04 Heritage buildings on the PMV site will undergo regular inspections in order to develop repair and maintenance priorities. All work will be sympathetic to the original structure, well researched in terms of accuracy, and undertaken by qualified professionals. Capital projects such as roof replacement, painting and drainage will be forecasted and planned. 03.05 Conservation decision making and planning will reflect the museum's Mission, Vision, Mandate, and Statement of Purpose. Priority for attention/treatment will be as follows: i. Artifacts requiring emergency treatment/stabilization; ii. Artifacts determined by the Coordinator, Museum Operations to be of particular historic significance; iii. Artifacts required for exhibit/display; iv. Artifacts required by programming; and v. All other artifacts owned by the PMV. Policy Title: Conservation Policy Page 5 of 7 Policy Number: CUL 020 04 Preventive Conservation 04.01 The PMV has a wide range of museum environments, from contextual exhibits in heritage buildings to case displays. With this in mind, the PMV will strive to meet and maintain current museum environmental standards wherever possible. 04.02 New building acquisitions may be provided with a heating/cooling system to minimize temperature and relative humidity fluctuations. 04.03 An Integrated Pest Management Strategy will be followed and reviewed annually, or as issues arise. 04.04 The Collections Storage Area in the Administration Building will meet or exceed environmental standards as determined by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. 04.05 The Collections Storage Area in the Administration Building will be secure and used only for artifact storage. Admittance will be at the discretion of designated museum staff. 04.06 Newly acquired heritage buildings will be evaluated and monies may be budgeted for repairs, renovations, and other measures as required to ensure their long-term preservation. 05 Treatment Conservation 05.01 Conservation treatments will be based on artifact condition assessments and reports provided by the Conservator. The Coordinator, Museum Operations and the Conservator will determine the extent and nature of the treatment. 05.02 All treatments will be diligently documented, with full condition and treatment proposals and reports. Photographs will be taken before, during and after treatment. All research, samples and investigative data pertaining to the artifact and its treatment will be kept. 05.03 Where the scope of work falls outside of the expertise of the staff Conservator, a qualified Conservator specializing in that area will be consulted. 06 Standards 06.01 All treatments (conservation or restoration) will be of minimal intervention to the object. 06.02 Reversible techniques and materials will be used whenever possible in treatments, cataloguing and display. Policy Title: Conservation Policy Policy Number: CUL 020 Page 6of7 06.03 Restorations will be historically accurate and based on solid, documented observations and research, based on a known earlier date. 06.04 Restorations/reconstructions will be easily detectible and will not be aesthetically deceptive to appear original. 07 Policy Review 07.01 This policy will be reviewed a minimum of every three years, by the Coordinator, Museum Operations, the Conservator, and the Collections Sub -Committee. 07.02 Changes to this policy will be approved by the PMV Advisory Committee prior to going forward for City approval. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: Conservation Policy Policy Number: CUL 020 Page 7of7 DICKERING ATTACHMENT # TO REPOR ..#, CS 31 11" Policy Procedure Title: PMV Research Policy Policy Number CUL 030 Reference Date Originated (mldly) December 4, 2017 Date Revised (mldfy) Pages 5 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Supervisor, Cultural Services Policy Objective The City of Pickering recognizes the importance of research in the development and maintenance of sound museum collections, conservation, coma = nication, exhibit, and education and interpretive practices and activities. Accurate docume ati n of information will be ensured, in compliance with the Pickering Museum Village (here wafter red' .ed to as the "PMV") Vision, Mission, Mandate, Statement of Purpose, and Value: This policy outlines the kinds of ongoing resears✓h 1 ndertaken internally upport of PMV activities, responsibilities to be adhered to when co acting re arch, an aw research will be facilitated for, and shared with, memberf the public Index Page 01 Definitions, 1-2 02 Commitment to Research «Rw E, 2 03 Types of Research Activities h kx 5 3 04 Accesshto the Colle tion s t x 3 05 Ethical and Legal Res ibiliti� 3-5 01 Definitions 01.01 Acquis s Oboe is that the PMV has legal ownership and control over and are gene a adk by acceptance of donation, purchase, or field collecting. 01.02 Artifact — An object created or produced by humans, that has cultural significance to Pickering. It may be used for exhibition, explanation, or research, and is held in trust for the public for future generations to appreciate and learn from. An artifact may be a building, an object including furniture, tools, vehicles, household or personal items, textiles, books or paper. records. 01.03 Core Collection — The PMV's collection of artifacts that have a specific association with (or in some cases were typically used by) a person, place or event within Pickering Township pertaining to the history of Pickering up to 40 years prior to the present date. Artifacts in this collection are reserved for research and display under controlled conditions. 01.04 Education Collection — The PMV's collection of objects available for the purpose of interactive displays and active demonstrations which could result in deterioration and damage through use. These items have no specific association with .a person, place or event within Pickering. 01.05 Material Culture --- The physical objects created by a culture; the buildings, tools, and other artifacts created by the members of a society. 01.06 Research — An investigation of a specific subject that involves formulating problems, gathering and critically analyzing evidence, recording observations, and developing conclusions. 02 Commitment to Research 02.01 PMV has a responsibility to encourage, and contribute to the research, development of, sharing of, and housing of knowledge and resources about the community's past and its material culture, as identifiedin the PMV's governing statements. 02.02 Space and a library of resource 'material will be maintained, and will be continually developed to support research. 02.03 Budgetary support may be provided by the City of Pickering to support research by the annual allocation of funds for materials, equipment, space, and staff resources. 02.04 Staff and volunteers will undertake research as necessary to support PMV activities. 02.05 Priorities for research will be determined based on PMV goals and objectives as set out in current approved strategic, business, or master plans, and that research will align with and support the PMV's current Comprehensive Interpretive Plan. Policy Title: Research Policy Page 2 of 5 Policy Number: CUL 030 03 Types of Research Activities 03.01 Research will be conducted in the following ways and areas: The research of artifacts accepted into the PMV's collections (both Core and Education Collections) is necessary to understand artifact significance and value to the community, uniqueness and rarity of the objects, and to enhance understanding of the collections overall; ii. Research in support of PMV event, program and exhibition planning and development is necessary to ensure accuracy of information shared with the public, and to build a greater knowledge base for the PMV's resource library; and Research is necessary to support PMV function and will include, but is not limited to, artifact care, conservation treatment, interpretation trends and development strategies, education sector changes (e.g. common curriculum), marketing and promotional strategies, strategic, master and business plan strategies, survey and evaluation development and analysis, training and other professional development techniques and methods, use and application of technology, and public engagement strategies. 03.02 Research related to the community and its history will be conducted and/or facilitated to support public and City interdepartmental requests. 04 Access to the Collection 04.01 Request for access to the artifact collection (Core or Education Collections) and the PMV library resource material will be granted to the public by appointment. 04.02 When access is granted to the collections, a trained staff member will provide orientation and remain present. 04.03 Public and internal inquiries and appointments will be recorded and tracked as a user and public service statistic. 04.04 Requests from the public for staff to conduct research will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis; the PMV may apply research fees to cover the cost of staff wages, and as approved annually in the City's user fees and charges. 05 Ethical and Legal Responsibilities 05.01 Only staff and volunteers with proven historical research skills and/or background will be selected to conduct research. 05.02 Staff and volunteers conducting research on collections will be trained in Artifact Care and Handling before beginning a research project. Policy Title: Research Policy Page 3 of 5 Policy Number: CUL 030 05.03 Research will be as accurate, detailed, and objective as access to reference material and resources will allow. Off-site research at archives and libraries will be encouraged where possible and necessary, and as resources allow. 05.04 All research conducted by staff and volunteers to support PMV activities will: Be fully and properly documented, with sources accurately cited; ii. Be kept on file along with primary sources collected; and, Ensure future researchers will be able to review data collected, along with the researcher's theories and conclusions. 05.05 All PMV staff and volunteers will understand and follow standards of ethical behaviour in research (e.g. confidentiality of records, publication guidelines, credit, etc.), and will uphold municipal, provincial, and federal legislative requirements (e.g. copyright legislation, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) when preparing research for publication or sharing. 05.06 When collecting information from a person (visitor surveys, oral history, interviews), participants will be informed of their right to withdraw, their privacy will be protected, and written consent must be attained if the PMV intends to use the information. The PMV will not share information that the participant has identified as confidential. 05.07 All research conducted by staff or volunteers to support public programs, events, and exhibits will be shared with the public (except for information identified as private or confidential) through interpretative methods and techniques (e.g. exhibition text panels, interactive verbal interpretation and storytelling, blogs and publications). 05.08 Excluding information declared as private or confidential, the results of research conducted in support of PMV operational functions will be shared with the public and/or City staff solely for the purpose it was intended (e.g. data analysis, reports). 05.09 When research is conducted by the public through access to the PMV's resources and/or collections, the user will be requested to provide a copy of the final work to be included in the PMV's resource library, and the PMV credited and/or cited in their final work. All restrictions on public access regarding confidentiality and privacy will be honoured. 05.10 Relevant Senior Museum staff (Coordinator, Museum Operations, Event & Volunteer Programmer, Conservator) will review and evaluate research conducted by volunteers and program staff, to ensure research objectives and recognized ethical and legal standards are met. 05.11 All research conducted for the PMV by staff and volunteers will be the property of the City of Pickering. Policy Title: Research Policy Page 4 of 5 Policy Number: CUL 030 05.12 All forms that collect personal information will contain a notation that includes the reasons the information is being collected and what it is being used for, in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 06 Policy Review 06.01 This policy will be reviewed a minimum of every three years, by the Coordinator, Museum Operations. 06.02 Changes to this policy will be approved by the PMV Advisory Committee prior to going forward for City approval. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: Research Policy Page 5 of 5 Policy Number: CUL 030 - C4 DICKERING ATTACHMENT # 1 d_ s �t..J' CS 3k Policy Policy Title: PMV Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number CUL 040 Reference PMV Policy Date Originated (mldly) December 4, 2017 Date Revised (mldly) Pages 11 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Supervisor, Cultural Services Policy Objective The City of Pickering recognizes that the Pickering Museum Vil: e (hereinafter referred to as "PMV") is a public facility dedicated to preserving, studying, Xr a . i terpreting the community's heritage. Programming creates a link between the PMV, i ; tact collections and the visitor, and is the most visible core interpretive function of the P1I°` P is dedicated to providing high quality, innovative, and interactive programs that ars ponsive t. community and that build and sustain public trust. The purpose of this policy is to define the PMV's rcrl sand res veloping, presenting, and evaluating effective museum program, with, and s' f%rt, the PMV's governing principles (Vision, Mission, Ilnt%e, Stateme ®: ' urpose, and Values). . Index 01 Definitions 02 Comprehensive inter Page 2-4 4 03 Audienc 4-5 04 Guest v rvices 5 05 Prograe fanning and Dev,elopmefr 5-7 06 Program Evalt"tian` 7 07 Commitment to Life1 9 L R'ng 8 08 Educational Programmi 8-9 9 09 Community Programming 10 Staff Training and Development 11 Facility Use 12 Policy Review 01 Definitions 10 11 11 01.01 Acquisitions — Objects that the museum has legal ownership and control over and are generally obtained through donation, purchase, or field collecting. 01.02 Artifact — An object created or produced by humans, that has cultural significance to Pickering. It may be used for exhibition, explanation, or research, and is held in trust for the public for future generations to appreciate and learn from. An artifact may be a building, an object including furniture, tools, vehicles, household or personal items, textiles, books or paper records. 01.03 Audience — A group of people bonded by their collective participation as listeners, spectators, or participants in a museum program (e.g. workshop, tour, exhibit, or event). 01.04 Community -- Refers broadly to forms of association that connect people together in ways such as, but not exclusive to, geographic location, common interest, language, objective, religion, tradition, history, economy, and ways of living. 01.05 Core Collection —PMV's collection of artifacts that have a specific association with (or in some cases were typically used by) a person, place or event within Pickering Township pertaining to the history of Pickering up to 40 years prior to the present date. Artifacts in this collection are reserved for research and display under controlled conditions. 01.06 Customer Service — Refers to the approach the PMV will take to anticipate and satisfy or exceed visitor needs. These services may include, but are not limited to value for money, uniqueness and high quality of experience, and level, ease, and comfort of the overall PMV experience. 01.07 Educational Programming — Programming specifically designed to blend the Ontario Ministry of Education's Curriculum standards with the PMV's interpretive themes and mandate. 01.08 Education Collection — PMV's collection of objects available for the purpose of interactive displays and active demonstrations which could result in deterioration and damage through use. These items have no specific association with a person, place or event within Pickering. 01.09 Environics --A licensed software system that analyzes collected postal codes to break down actual and potential PMV visitors into characteristics and Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page2of 11 behaviour categories that help support marketing and promotional strategies to increase attendance and engagement at PMV programs and events. 01.10 Inputs — The materials and resources that the program will require, and may include elements such as equipment and artifacts, facilities, staff and volunteers, Ministry standards, etc.). 01.11 Interpretation — The communication process that creates meaning through clear and simple explanation, in order to help PMV visitors understand Pickering's heritage and help preserve it. 01.12 Lifelong Learning — Refers to the concept that learning is not restricted to students, and that there are learning opportunities for all ages in the museum environment, as well as creative scope for program objectives. Audience is not restricted to members of the public, and the concept of lifelong learning also applies to PMV staff and volunteers. 01.13 Material Culture -- The physical objects created by a culture; the buildings, tools, and other artifacts created by the members of a society. 01.14 Outcomes — Anticipated changes or benefits expected to occur to program participants or the community as a result of a program. They are qualitative measurements of a program's success (e.g. changes in knowledge and understanding, skills, attitudes and values, and/or impacts on enjoyment, inspiration and creativity). 01.15 Outputs -- The immediate, direct results of the program, and should be quantitatively measured (e.g. expected and actual number of staff and/or volunteer hours, revenue, materials developed, number of participants, supplies consumed, website hits). 01.16 Programming —Refers to all public activities performed by the PMV to connect identified audiences and communities with the PMV's collections, though the study, interpretation and preservation of Pickering's cultural heritage, and includes lifelong learning, programs and workshops, guided tours, educational programs, outreach programs, events, exhibitions, and blogs and publications. 01.17 Program Evaluation — A process of gathering and analyzing information from the public that assists the PMV to establish the effectiveness, quality, and sustainability of a program. There are three forms: i. Front -End Evaluation -- The collection of information from the public that helps staff establish needs and wants of the public prior to initiating program development. ii. Formative Evaluation -- Feedback collected from a test group before a program is finalized (e.g. survey from a teacher partner following a pilot program). This data will help staff make changes to the program before launching it to the public. Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page 3 of 11 Summative Evaluation — The collection of information from the program participants at the program's conclusion. 01.18 Program Staff— Refers to front line staff who deliver PMV programs, and may include members of the senior museum staff, Education Instructors, Tour Guides, and volunteers. 01.19 Research — An investigation of a specific subject that involves formulating problems, gathering and critically analyzing evidence, recording observations, and developing conclusions. 02 Comprehensive Interpretive Plan 02.01 PMV is committed to finding ways to make its collection more publicly accessible. To meet this objective, PMV staff will develop a Comprehensive Interpretive Plan. 02.02 The Comprehensive Interpretive Plan will establish key interpretive themes, identify and re-evaluate key audiences, determine programming gaps, and set programming goals for a 3-4 year period. 02.03 The Comprehensive Interpretive Plan will be developed by the Coordinator, Museum Operations and will align with current PMV governing statements, and with current approved strategic, business, and master plans; it will be approved by the Supervisor, Cultural Services, Director, Community Services and the PMV Advisory Committee. 02.04 The Comprehensive Interpretive Plan will be reviewed and updated annually by the Coordinator, Museum Operations, and approved as required. 02.05 A new Comprehensive Interpretive Plan will be redeveloped and approved during the year prior to the current plan's completion. 03 Audience Research 03.01 Understanding audience demographic and behavioural patterns is key to successful programming. PMV will collect visitor information and feedback in the following ways: i. Postal Code Collection at point of entry. This information will be used for Environics Analytics (software) to provide characteristic data of users that is linked to current census information. ii. Visitor Survey. A full visitor survey will be conducted every three years, as part of regular strategic and interpretive plans. Data collection methods may include, but are not limited to, focus groups, interviews, telephone interviews or surveys, on-line surveys and in-person surveys. Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Page 4 of 11 Policy Number: CUL 040 iii. Social Media Analytics. Data on primary social media platforms will be reviewed regularly to maintain an understanding and profile of primary online audiences and determine target audiences. 03.02 All audience data will be analyzed and reviewed to identify current audiences and potential audiences so that programs will align with known needs and interests, and can be designed to reach audience gaps. 03.03 Targeted audience groups will be identified as part of all program planning. 03.04 Refer to the PMV Research Policy for more information. 04 Guest Services 04.01 All programs and customer services provided to the public will ensure that the principles of excellent customer service are a priority in order to anticipate, meet and exceed the needs of our guests. 04.02 Programs and customer services will provide excellent value, and memorable experiences. Hands-on and multi -sensory opportunities will be offered. 04.03 Visitor comfort, level of service, convenience, and accessibility for guests with disabilities will be considered when programs are developed and planned. This will include pre -visit communication, signage, arrival and reception, site orientation, print material, and on-site amenities. 04.04 Visitor feedback and program evaluation data will be reviewed by senior PMV staff, and improvements will be continually sought to ensure optimum service levels. Refer to section 6. 05 Program Planning and Development 05.01 PMV staff will consult the appropriate sectors of the public when developing new programs, or reviewing and revising existing programs, to ensure public needs are understood and met. Consultation may include surveys and feedback forms, focus groups, steering committees, pilot programs with test groups or a combination thereof. 05.02 Program planning and development will be systematic and a program proposal will include the following: A clearly defined concept and outline that includes how the program aligns with the PMV's governing principles; ii. identification of stakeholders. This is particularly important when programs are developed as part of a grant or other outside funding; Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page 5 of 11 Identification of target audience(s). This will include a summary of audience characteristics; iv. Identification of measurable outputs; v. Identification of measurable outcomes (including High Five requirements for child -specific programming); vi. Identification of measurable inputs and will include estimated direct and associated and in-kind costs (e.g. volunteer time, research); vii. Identification of core and education collection pieces that are recommended as part of the program, and how they will be used to augment learning; viii. A critical path that includes key staff responsible for tasks, and targeted deadlines for the full development process from beginning to wrap up responsibilities following the program's completion; and ix. A final report showing the qualitative and quantitative success of the program, and recommendations for the future. 05.03 The Coordinator, Museum Operations will oversee program development and evaluation, and will delegate research and tasks to those staff and volunteers with proven skills and abilities. 05.04 Research will be conducted in support of program development as outlined in the PMV Research Policy, for the purpose of providing historical background and context, information on objects and artifacts, supporting audio and visual aids, and any related activities. 05.05 Supervisor, Cultural Services will review and approve Program Proposals as submitted by the Coordinator, Museum Operations. 05.06 All programs will be priced to ensure that all costs to present the program will be recovered) by participation or registration fee. 05.07 In the case of free programs (e.g. outreach programs at events outside the PMV), the in-kind return on investment will be carefully considered before a commitment to attend will be made (e.g. anticipated audience factors). 05.08 PMV will collect and maintain an Education Collection of artifacts separate from its Core Artifact Collection, specifically for the purpose of hands-on learning, and authentic living history demonstration, as per the Collections Development and Management Policy. 05.09 Use of Core Artifacts as resources for learning must be approved by the Coordinator, Museum Operations, in consultation with the Conservator, and Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page 6 of 11 will be used and/or exhibited as outlined in the Collections Development and Management Policy and the Conservation Policy. 06 Program Evaluation 06.01 Front-end evaluation is an important step in program development and will be conducted prior to program development to ensure that PMV programs are responsive to, and meet the needs of the public. 06.02 Formative evaluation will be used where possible, to ensure that programs under development meet with current standards and needs. This evaluation is key to the success of Educational Programming (e.g. School Tours and Classroom Visits). 06.03 Summative evaluation will always be conducted, and is necessary to determine the sustainability of programs, and will be collected in a variety of ways. Staff input. Staff delivering programs will be encouraged to self - evaluate their interpretive skill and technique; to provide constructive criticism on program elements; and to provide insight on audience appeal and satisfaction at all stages of program development and delivery. ii. High Five Quest II Evaluations. The City of Pickering is a participating member in this accredited program assuring healthy child development. Qualified staff will conduct and submit summative program evaluations of programs delivered to children, to ensure that PMV meets and maintains the quality standards set out by High Five. Program Evaluation Forms. These summative forms will be distributed and collected in hard -copy from program participants at the conclusion of a program (e.g. public workshop, education tour or outreach program). This information will help focus future program development, and to measure targeted program success in terms of objectives and outcomes. iv. Surveys. Electronic or paper surveys will be used to gather feedback from targeted participants at any or all stages of the program development and delivery process. v. Verbal exit surveys. Guests will be asked about their experiences, allowing issues of concerns and patterns to be identified for senior museum staff for follow up. Opportunity exists to employ this method for front end and summative evaluation. Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page 7of11 vi. Comment Cards and/or Guest Book. A feedback station will be made available in a visible location for guests to leave their written comments and constructive criticism for staff review and action. For some programs, a guest book may be a more suitable format (e.g. A Spirit Walk); and for others creative feedback opportunities may be built into the program (e.g. temporary exhibits). Opportunity exists to employ this method for front end and summative evaluation. vii. Social and Digital Media. Comments posted on social media platforms and Trip Advisor regarding programs will be monitored, collected, reviewed and included as part of the overall program evaluation at whichever stage of development or delivery is relevant. 07 Commitment to Lifelong Learning 07.01 PMV is committed to developing programs that support lifelong learning. 07.02 On-going research is necessary in order to promote learning among staff and volunteers, as well as to support public program development. 07.03 A wide range of learning opportunities will be explored by staff, and offered to a variety of audiences through PMV's public programs. 07.04 PMV will design and deliver its programming and training to ensure compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Programming at the PMV will strive to be creative and unique, to engage visitors through multiple senses, interaction, and hands-on experiences. 07.05 PMV will offer on-going, high quality learning and training opportunities for its staff and volunteers, ensuring a skilled and knowledgeable interpretive team. 07.06 PMV will maintain membership with organizations that provide and support learning and assessment opportunities that align with required accreditations and standards and ensure quality improvement. 08 Educational Programming 08.01 Educational Programming is the PMV's primary public programming function. 08.02 PMV is an important partner in student learning; in recognition of its value to local school boards, PMV staff will build and maintain strong relationships with educators and Board facilitators for Social Studies and History. Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page 8 of 11 08.03 Educational programming at PMV will be curriculum -based. PMV will maintain a current and accurate understanding of curriculum expectations, and will adapt programming to reflect education sector changes and needs. 08.04 Education program notes will include specific teaching objectives that link to the current curricula. 08.05 PMV's primary education programming will focus on pioneers; however, programming will be made available for education levels ranging from preschool to post -secondary. 08.06 Programs may be developed to meet audience demand. 08.07 PMV's primary educational programming objective is high-quality direct teaching through guided education tours and classroom outreach programs that incorporate PMV's lifelong learning philosophy. 08.08 PMV may make available learning resources (e.g. resource notes and supplementary information for teachers and self-directed Education Kits that may be rented by teachers) as a secondary educational programming objective. 09 Community Programming 09.01 Community Programming is PMV's secondary public programming function. 09.02 PMV will actively seek and welcome partnership opportunities with Universities providing Bachelor of Education programs, and will host teacher candidate practicum placements. 09.03 As a public facility owned and operated by the City of Pickering, and in support of the PMV's governing statements, the PMV provides a welcoming venue for social gathering where learning and sharing information can take place. 09.04 PMV recognizes that its communities are not only an audience, but also a valuable resource for skills and knowledge. PMV is committed to creating and maintaining communication opportunities with the public. Staff will actively seek community involvement in program development. 09.05 PMV will actively support the recruitment of representative members of the community as volunteers, staff, and as members of the PMV Advisory Committee, ensuring that as broad a representation as possible is available to assist and support the work of the PMV. Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page 9 of 11 10 Staff Training and Development 10.01 The success of all PMV programs, whether self -guided or staff directed, relies upon the ability and skills of staff to design and communicate creative, engaging, and easily understood programs, kits and/or literature. The City of Pickering will employ qualified staff consistent with the approved City of Pickering job descriptions. 10.02 Senior Museum staff responsible for leading program development will have proven experience in the museum field, and will be familiar with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport's Standards for Community Museums in Ontario. 10.03 All training of program staff will include: An Orientation to the PMV; ii. Site and program specific Standard Operating Procedures; and Hi. A Staff Training Manual that includes detailed program notes for all programs, and additional and relevant reference material. 10.04 In addition the following training will be provided for program staff: Orientation to the Museum including the PMV's governing principles; ii. An overview of the PMV's audiences, programs, and general programming objectives; iii. Customer Service; iv. High Five: The Principles of Healthy Child Development; v. Artifact Care & Handling; vi. An overview of new programs as they are developed and initiated; vii. Evaluation Methods; viii. Annual CPR -CI AED, Health & Safety, Emergency Response, and Fire Extinguisher Training; and ix. First Aid Training every other year. 10.05 Staff will be evaluated as outlined in the City of Pickering Human Resources Policy. Staff will be encouraged to perform self -evaluations periodically. Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page 10 of 11 10.06 Evaluation and feedback from the public will, from time to time identify both positive and negative staff issues. PMV management will share feedback with staff members promptly to address concerns, or share praise. 11 Facility Use 11.01 As a living history site, programming at PMV is directly linked to the buildings and open spaces of the facility, and an integral part of interpretation. 11.02 Most of the buildings at the PMV are also artifacts, and their care and use will be subject to the considerations outlined in the Collection Development and Management Policy, and the Conservation Policy. 11.03 Use of the buildings and open spaces will be scheduled and permitted, as outlined in the PMV Procedure, Section 05. 12 Policy Review 12.01 This policy will be reviewed a minimum of every three years by the Coordinator, Museum Operations. 12.02 Changes to this policy will be approved by the PMV Advisory Committee prior to going forward for City approval. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: Interpretation and Programming Policy Policy Number: CUL 040 Page 11 of 11 EPOR DICKERING Policy Procedure Title: PMV Exhibit Policy Policy Number CUL 050 Reference Date Originated (mldly) December 4, 2017 Date Revised (mldly) Pages 6 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Supervisor, Cultural Services Policy Objective Exhibits are a public, highly visible, and integral medium for tellirgstories about a community's heritage. The quantity, and to a larger extent the quality, ofpexhbits is directly related to the public perception of a museum's success, and the perceiv d lue of its artifact collection. The Pickering Museum Village (hereinafter referred to as IP IL(' ustahree exhibit styles (contextual, active, and temporary) to reveal PMV's artifact collet ionshand create meaning for visitors. The purpose of this policy is to identify and defift floe PMV's role and res pnsibilities in developing, presenting, and evaluating effective an high-quality exhibit proms that engage theublic and that align with, and su` p g pport, the PMVprinciples (1� �d.n, Mission, Mandate, Statement of Purpose, and Va)La Index 01 Definitions 02 Exhibit Plan 03 Exhibit PJa ring and Develo 04 Use ofArtifacts in x 05 Use of Ali cts in Active 06 Policy Review'' 01 Definitions Page 2-3 3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6 01.01 Active Exhibith — Those displays that involve interpretation and interactive participation with the public by employing the physical use of an Education Collection artifact.. 01.02 Artifact — An object created or produced by humans, that has cultural significance to Pickering. It may be used for exhibition, explanation, or research, and is held in trust for the public for future generations to appreciate and learn from. An artifact may be a building, an object including furniture, tools, vehicles, household or personal items, textiles, books or paper records. 01.03 Conservation — All actions aimed at the safeguarding of cultural property for the future. The purpose of conservation is to study, record, retain, and restore the culturally significant qualities of the cultural property as embodied in its physical and chemical nature with the least possible intervention. Conservation includes the following: examination, documentation, preventive conservation, preservation, treatment, restoration and reconstruction. 01.04 Contextual Exhibits — Those artifacts on display that have been selected to illustrate, in context, the daily life in homes, businesses, institutions, and on farms within the former boundaries of Pickering Township. The buildings of PMV and their surroundings will be used to develop a time continuum to cover the period from early settlement onward. Each building will establish a specific point in that continuum. 01.05 Core Collection -- The PMV's collection of artifacts that have a specific association with (or in some cases were typically used by) a person, place or event within Pickering Township pertaining to the history of Pickering up to 40 years prior to the present date. Artifacts in this collection are reserved for research and display under controlled conditions. 01.06 Education Collection — The PMV's collection of objects available for the purpose of interactive displays and active demonstrations which could result in deterioration and damage through use. These items have no specific association with a person, place or event within Pickering. 01.07 Material Culture — The physical objects created by a culture; the buildings, tools, and other artifacts created by the members of a society. 01.08 Preservation — All actions taken to retard deterioration of, or to prevent damage to, cultural property through activities that minimize chemical and physical deterioration and damage and that prevent loss of informational content. Preservation involves management of the environment and of the conditions of use, and may include treatment in order to maintain cultural property, as nearly as possible, in a stable physical condition. The primary goal of preservation is to prolong the existence of cultural property. 01.09 Programming — Refers to all public activities performed by the PMV to connect identified audiences and communities with the PMV's collections, though the study, interpretation and preservation of Pickering's cultural heritage, and includes lifelong learning, programs and workshops, guided tours, educational programs, outreach programs, events, exhibitions, and blogs and publications. Policy Title: PMV Exhibit Policy Page 2 of 6 Policy Number: CUL 050 01.10 Restoration — All actions taken to modify the existing materials and structure of cultural property to represent a known earlier state. The aim of restoration is to reveal the culturally significant qualities of a cultural property. Restoration is based on respect for the remaining original material and clear evidence of an earlier state. Temporary Exhibits -- Displays developed to more deeply interpret a Pickering theme or focus, or highlight artifacts not normally on display, and can reach a broader audience by travelling to an off-site location, or be installed in the Temporary Gallery space for a set length of time. 02 Exhibit Plan 02.01 The Exhibit Plan will be developed by the Coordinator, Museum Operations and will align with current PMV governing statements, and with current approved strategic, business, and master plans; it will be approved by the Supervisor, Cultural Services, Director, Community Services, and the PMV Advisory Committee. 02.02 The Exhibit Plan will establish the frequency of exhibits, and forecast changes to the heritage building conceptual exhibits, identify and re-evaluate key audiences, and identify the upcoming temporary gallery exhibit themes for a 5 - year period. 02.03 To promote the broadest opportunity for guests to be engaged, involved, educated and entertained, PMV will develop and present three categories of exhibits: Contextual, Temporary, and Active, The Exhibit Plan will include all categories. 02.04 The Exhibit Plan will be reviewed and updated annually by the Coordinator, Museum Operations, and approved as required. 02.05 A new Exhibit Plan will be developed and approved during the year prior to the current plan's completion. 03 Exhibit Planning and Development 03.01 Exhibits are considered a form of museum programming. 03.02 Exhibit planning and development, as it relates to public consultation, development and approval processes, will adhere to the guidelines set out in Section 05 Program Planning and Development of the PMV Interpretation and Programming Policy (CUL 040). 03.03 As much as resources will allow, temporary and active exhibit concepts will integrate with living history programming in the heritage village (e.g. interpretative integration of temporary exhibit with contextual exhibits, public tours and programs) to create a fluid and uniform message to the visitor. Policy Title: PMV Exhibit Policy Page 3 of 6 Policy Number: CUL 050 03.04 In keeping with the aesthetics of an authentic living history site, there will be no signage or text panels provided within the village setting/conceptual exhibit areas, except for indications of the location of public washrooms and AED machines. 03.05 All interpretation presented to visitors in the living history village will be provided by costumed interpreters, or by supplementary printed material provided to each visitor upon entry to the PMV. 03.06 All information presented in text or by staff and volunteers will be based upon documented research, and will be accurate, objective, relevant, truthful, sensitive, respective, and interesting. 03.07 All exhibits will be accessible to the public, insofar as can be made possible in a living history environment and in compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Where physical access is not possible (e.g. upstairs in heritage buildings),. visual aid options will be provided. 03.08 Text panels for temporary gallery exhibits and all publication materials will comply with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and with current copyright legislation. 03.09 The PMV's responsibility to public trust will be foremost, and sponsorship and commercial support of exhibits must not compromise the PMV's standards and objectives. 04 Use of Artifacts in Exhibits 04.01 Artifacts selected for exhibit must be stable, and will be monitored to ensure safe exposure in chosen settings (contextual exhibits in heritage buildings, temporary gallery, off-site exhibition location, etc.). 04.02 Selection of artifacts for exhibit will be determined in strict adherence to Conservation and Collections Development and Management policies and procedures. 04.03 Artifacts in contextual exhibits will be conserved to a "usable" condition, as if they are in regular use during the time represented in order to accurately represent the interpretive through -lines of the village. Artifactswill not be restored to "brand-new" condition. 04.04 Sensitive artifacts in contextual exhibits in the heritage buildings will be removed to storage for the coldest months of the year. 04.05 Wherever possible, rooms in buildings will be cordoned off so that the public may view the exhibits from a safe distance. 04.06 No artifact on display as part of a Temporary Exhibit will be used or handled. Policy Title: PMV Exhibit Policy Page 4 of 6 Policy Number: CUL 050 04.07 All artifacts chosen to be displayed as part of a Temporary Exhibit will have a detailed Condition Report completed, as well as photographic documentation. Cleaning, stabilization and treatment reports on artifacts prior to exhibition will be performed by the Conservator. 04.08 Offsite Temporary Exhibitions will be mounted in public venues that are monitored and/or approved by the Conservator, environmentally controlled, and secured from handling and theft. 04.09 Artifacts which are subject to damage or deterioration from exposure to light and heat will be displayed only in areas where light, heat, and humidity levels can be monitored and controlled. 04.10 Where multiple artifacts of one type of item are available, a schedule of rotation from display to storage will be implemented to mitigate deterioration due to light, heat, and humidity exposure. 04.11 Design and materials used for mounting contextual and/or temporary exhibits will be selected to ensure the protection of the artifact from damage due to either environmental factors or handling by the public. 04.12 All materials used in the mounting of artifacts will be chemically inert, stable and acid free. Mounts will be designed to ensure adequate support of artifacts while being unobtrusive to the overall aesthetic of the exhibit. 04.13 Those artifacts deemed to be hazardous to the public, or particularly sensitive, will be exhibited in display cases. 05 Use of Artifacts in Active Displays 05.01 PMV will collect and maintain an Education Collection of artifacts identified for the purpose of demonstrating use of items. These items will have no provenance, are not threatened by irreparable damage, and will be determined to have significant value as tools of interpretation. 05.02 if multiple examples of a particular piece of equipment are present within the Core Collection, artifacts of no provenance or historical connection may be deaccessioned from the Core Collection to the Education Collection. 05.03 Active exhibits will seek to engage and involve the visitor in a way that ensures learning by interactive, multiple sensory, and hands-on engagement. 05.04 Artifact machinery will only be operated by staff and/or volunteers with the training to do so (e.g. rope maker). This equipment must be maintained, and regularly inspected to ensure they are in safe and good operating condition. 05.05 Artifact heating and cooking equipment (e.g. forge, woodstove, and hearth) will only be operated by staff and/or volunteers with the training to do so. This Policy Title: PMV Exhibit Policy Page 5 of 6 Policy Number: CUL 050 equipment must be regularly cleaned, maintained, and inspected to ensure they are WETT certified and meet current operational and safety codes. 06 Policy Review 06.01 This policy will be reviewed a minimum of every three years by the Coordinator, Museum Operations. 06.02 Changes to this policy will be approved by the PMV Advisory Committee prior to going forward for City approval. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: PMV Exhibit Policy Page 6 of 6 Policy Number: CUL 050 GlJ �l DICKERING ATTACHMENT Jt TO REPORT# S 31 -11 - Policy Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Policy Number CUL 060 Reference Date Originated (mldly) Date Revised (mldly) Pages ADM — 040 Boards and May 30, 2011 December 4, 2017 27 Committees Policy FIN -- 030 Financial Control Policy City Policy and Procedure Manual, Vol. 2 (Human Resources Policies and Procedures) "Standards for Community Museums in Ontario," Government of Ontario, Ministry of Tourism and Culture, 2006 "Ethics Guidelines," Canadian Museum Association, 1999. "Code of Ethics and Guidance for Practice," The Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property and The Canadian Association of Professional Conservators, 2009 Occupational. Health & Safety Act, 2011 ,,z, =x. Approval: Chief Administrative Officer mint of Contact.z Su®ervisor Citural Service's ,.:. Policy Objective This Policy document outlne, Sport's standards for co„ associated Pickering Muses% as PMV staff work through a ses tha ms in ereinaft om proce Min` ry of Tourism, Culture and e,sses areas that do not have an erred to as -the "DMV") policy or procedure re to policy. When the transition is completed, this document will be replaced with policies and procedures that reflect all required standard areas, and all current PMV functions (Governance, Finance, Community, Exhibition, Interpretation and Education, Human Resources, Collections Development and Management, Conservation, Research), as well as Volunteers. Amendments will be recommended to existing City of Pickering policies and procedures that ensure museum -specific operational issues and needs are covered that also comply with Ministry requirements. Index Page 01 Definitions 2-5 02 PMV Mandate, Vision, Mission, and Values 5-6 03 Governance Procedures 6 04 Finance 6-7 05 Community 7-11 06 Exhibition 11 07 Interpretation and Education 11-13 08 Human Resources 14-17 09 Collection Management Procedure 17-20 10 Conservation Procedure 20-25 11 Volunteer Procedure 25-27 12 Research Procedure 27 01 Definitions 01.01 Access — The ability of all users, whether members of the public, staff, or volunteers, to participate in the use of the PMV and its collections for enjoyment and edification. 01.02 Accessibility — The municipality's responsibility to make its services and activities inclusive for all persons with disabilities. 01.03 Accessioning — The process of taking physical possession and title of the object and documenting the acquisition. 01.04 Acquisitions — Objects that the museum has legal ownership and control over and are generally made by acceptance of donation, purchases or field collecting. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 2 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 01.05 Active Display — Any living history exhibit or demonstration during which equipment may be operational (e.g., spinning, cooking, steam threshing, etc.), or movement or action is required by the presenter or visitor. 01.06 Active Volunteer — One who participates in mandatory training seminars as required and attends a minimum of 1 event/activity in a 1 -year period. 01.07 Artifact — An object created or produced by humans, that has cultural significance to Pickering. It may be used in exhibition, explanation, or research, and is held in trust for the public for future generations to appreciate and learn from. An artifact may be a building, an object including furniture, tools, vehicles, household or personal items, textiles, books or paper records. 01.08 Cataloguing — A process that identifies and records essential information and identifiable characteristics, pertaining to an object, allowing it to be categorized according to Chenhall's System of Classification in order that the data may be effectively retrieved and the object accurately interpreted. 01.09 Chenhall's Nomenclature — A universally accepted classification system with identifying terms that enable curators, registrars, and cataloguers to precisely and accurately describe material culture, and to ensure that there is standardized understanding of terminology among museum staff and volunteers working with the artifact collections, and also between museums nationally and internationally to enable the sharing of information and cultural objects. In-house use of this system also creates standardization of cataloguing for staff and volunteers at PMV, ensuring that record keeping is accurate, and complete. 01.10 Collections Sub -Committee — A sub -committee of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee. 01.11 Condition Report — A document that provides a detailed description of an object's physical and chemical status, and its overall stability, and exhibition and storage requirements. 01.12 Conservation Treatment — Slowing or reversing deterioration or damages acquired by an artifact or building. 01.13 Contextual Exhibits — Those artifacts on display in the heritage buildings that have been selected to illustrate, in context, the daily life in homes, businesses, and institutions and on farms within the former boundaries of Pickering Township. 01.14 Core Collection — Contains artifacts that have a specific association with (or in some cases are typically used by) a person, place or event within Pickering Township that would have been used between 1810 and 1920. Artifacts in this collection are reserved for research and display under controlled conditions. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 3 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 01.15 Deaccessioning — The process of permanently removing an artifact from the core collection. 01.16 Disposal — The physical removal or reassignment of an object in the collection. 01.17 Education Collection — Contains objects available for the purpose of interactive displays and demonstrations which could result in deterioration or damage through use. 01.18 Education Program — Refers to programs designed specifically for school children, and include on-site tour programs and "heritage to go" outreach programs. 01.19 Exhibits — Refer to on-site living history displays in heritage buildings, temporary gallery exhibits, off-site displays, travelling exhibits on loan, and living history presentations and demonstrations. 01.20 Inactive Volunteer — A volunteer who has had no contact or participation with PMV. After 1 year they will be removed from the active volunteer list. 01.21 Incoming Loans — Objects that are temporarily accepted into a museum from another institution and do not involve any change or promise of change in ownership. These objects receive the same level of care as the museum's own collection. 01.22 On Leave — Refers to a planned absence of a volunteer agreed to by the Event & Volunteer Programmer and the volunteer, and is no longer than 1 year in length. This leave may be taken at the volunteer's discretion for any reason including bereavement, study, illness, stress, and family needs. 01.23 Outgoing Loans — Objects that are temporarily released from a museum's collection (or other owner) to another institution and do not involve any change or promise of change in ownership. 01.24 Preventative Conservation — A strategy that details all actions taken to impede deterioration of artifacts and buildings, or to protect them from potential damage. Preventative measures include environmental monitoring and control where objects are stored or displayed; avoiding, monitoring, recording, and treating pest infestations; and practising comprehensive housekeeping routines. 01.25 Public Program — Registered programs, guest presentations, workshops and foodways programming developed for the public of all ages, requiring registration or reservation booking, taking place on-site or as off-site outreach. 01.26 Repatriation — The process of returning an artifact to a museum or donor with which it has stronger provenance or rightful ownership. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 4 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 01.27 Skills — Refers to skills development training designed to acquaint volunteers and staff with heritage activities, chores, jobs, and handicrafts to enable them to build a knowledge base for interpretation. 01.28 Special Event - An annual function, or a one-time function such as a dramatic production; exhibit opening, grand opening, seasonal celebration, or other thematic occurrence that meets the PMV Statement of Purpose. 01.29 Temporary Exhibits — Displays developed to more deeply interpret a PMV theme or focus, and can reach a broader audience by travelling to an off-site location, or be installed in the Temporary Gallery space for a set length of time. 01.30 Treatment Report — A detailed description of conservation treatments performed on an artifact to stabilize, and/or counteract deterioration sustained by the artifact. 02 PMV Mandate, Vision, Mission, and Values 02.01 As approved by Mayor and Council in September 2011, PMV governing statements are as follows: Vision Engaging communities through innovative, fun and vibrant living history Mission Pickering Museum Village welcomes our guests to explore and experience our cultural heritage; we dedicate our buildings, artifacts, and programs to inspire a broader appreciation and understanding of life in our communities from 1810 to 1920. Mandate • Collecting, preserving, documenting, housing, exhibiting, and interpreting pertinent artifacts • Researching and documenting historical information supporting the. township's material and social culture • Developing programs responsive to the needs of the community • Recruiting and retaining quality staff and volunteers • Maximizing the utilization of community organizations and associations Values • Accuracy of interpretation • Access to all • Welcoming guest experience • Respectful Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 5 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 03 Governance Procedures PMV is owned and operated by The Corporation of the City of Pickering as per By-law # 620/77. To assist with transparency and community relevance, City staff work cooperatively with the PMV Advisory Committee. 03.01 The Coordinator, Museum Operations will: a) Develop Plans, Policies, Procedures, and Standard Operating Procedures that meet the requirements of the City of Pickering, and the standards as directed by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. b) Work with the Advisory Committee and its sub -committees to propose and manage programs and special events that meet the criteria of the PMV Statement of Purpose; to plan and manage short, medium, and Tong -range capital plans; and to manage all aspects of the collection as outlined in approved plans, policies, and procedures. c) Ensure the training of, and the ethical behaviour of, all staff at PMV as per the "Ethics Guidelines" of the Canadian Museum Association., and the City of Pickering's Policies, Procedures, and training requirements. 03.02 Refer to PMV Standard Operating Procedures for detailed information on: a) Policy, Procedure, and Standard Operating Procedure development processes for the City of Pickering. b) Working relationships with the Advisory Committee. c) Working relationships with the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. d) Seeking grants. 04 Finance 04.01 The Coordinator, Coordinator, Museum Operations will: a) Provide input on, and manage an annual revenue and expense operating budget that is available to City staff for review at all times. b) Provide input on, and manage capital budget allocations. c) Work with the PMV Advisory Committee to put forward funding proposals to the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. d) Seek grants to assist with specific projects and to offset operating and capital costs. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 6 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 04.02 Refer to City of Pickering Financial Control Policy (FIN 030) for details regarding standard processes and associated procedures. 04.03 Refer to City and PMV Standard Operating Procedures Cash Reports, Bank Deposits, Use of the Cash Register, Requisitioning Invoices, Gift Shop Consignment, Facility Bookings, etc. 05 Community PMV will uphold its mandate by ensuring equal community access to its exhibits, artifacts, and programs by seeking out community partnerships that fit that mandate, and by enabling community input. 05.01 The Coordinator, Museum Operations will: a) Ensure that the artifacts and the museum village site will be maintained and cared for to levels that meet accessibility, health & safety, and conservation standards as set out by law and the "Standards for Community Museums in Ontario". b) Strive to provide public access to artifacts, exhibits, and educational resources insofar as that access is not detrimental to the artifacts and buildings in the museum village's care as directed by the PMV Conservation Procedure. c) Endeavour to make partnerships with groups and organizations within the City of Pickering and beyond, funding agencies, and other museums whenever those partnerships will benefit the museum village and the goals set out by the PMV. d) Provide opportunity for input from stakeholders to ensure that all services, programs, exhibits, events, and plans undertaken by the PMV will remain relevant to the PMV mandate and the needs and interests of the community. 05.02 Public Access: a) Contextual and Temporary Exhibits will be the primary public access point to the PMV's collection. b) Hours of operation will be clearly posted and publicized. c) Access outside of posted hours of operation will be accommodated whenever possible to school groups, special-interest groups, community groups, academics, and other interested individuals by special appointment. d) Access to the Education Collection and library resources must be made by appointment. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 7 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 e) Access to the artifacts held in the PMV Collection Storage Room and Conservation Lab will be determined on a case-by-case basis. f) PMV reserves the right to deny requests for access. g) Refer to PMV Standard Operating Procedures for detailed information on how and where operating hours will be posted, and how appointments will be set up for the public with appropriate staff outside of regular operating hours and/or staff shifts. 05.03 Accessibility a) PMV will meet all legislated requirements for persons with disabilities to the best of its ability, within available resources, while maintaining the integrity and aesthetics of as accurate a living history facility as possible. b) All print material will conform to legislated accessibility standards and will be provided in alternate formats as requested. c) As required by the City of Pickering, all new PMV staff and volunteers must attend an in-house Accessibility Training Session. d) Refer to PMV Standard Operating Procedures for specific ways in which the museum village will enable access to persons with disabilities, and ways in which PMV will provide alternative solutions if accessibility needs cannot reasonably be met. 05.04 Marketing and Communications a) The City will provide budgetary funding annually for the promotion and marketing of the PMV. b) The Cultural Services team of the Community Services Department will support the PMV in disseminating promotional materials, and producing interpretive guides, text panels, and signage. c) PMV staff will operate to the timelines and expectations set out in the annual PMV Marketing Plan. This plan will include submission deadlines for: i. All press releases, radio, magazine and newspaper advertisements; ii. Graphics requests; iii. Brochures; iv. Program publications supporting events and programs; v. Signage; and Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 8 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 vi. Promotional print material such as posters and flyers, web postings, and social media posts and blogs. d) All materials submitted to the Marketing, Research & Communications staff will adhere strictly to all legislated accessibility laws and guidelines, and to the City of Pickering Writing Style Guide. e) PMV staff will collect and maintain a broad range of photographs of events, programs, and activities to support promotions. f) PMV staff with the guidance and input of the Marketing, Research & Communications team, will collect market data on visitors (on-site, web, and social media). g) PMV will increase access by the public to the Collections by posting images and information (be it text, audio and/or visual), of artifacts not ordinarily on display, through virtual exhibits and galleries, and the use of a variety of technological and social media platforms. PMV staff will make it a priority to encourage interaction with the public through all planned interpretive activities, exhibits, communications, and social media platforms in order to better engage the community. 05.05 Rental Access a) The grounds and buildings of PMV will be made available for use by individuals and groups insofar as new risks to the collection and heritage buildings are minimized, as conforms to the PMV Conservation Procedure, and Standard Operating Procedures. b) Rental use during public or booked operating hours must uphold the PMV's positive public image and ensure fair access for all users. c) If the rental use requires the removal of artifacts from a location, the Conservator will be responsible for packing, and moving/supervising transport of the artifacts, and their return. d) User fees for rental use must generate net revenue. e) Refer to PMV Standard Operating Procedures for detailed information Booking School Tours and Outreach Programs, Facility Rentals, Filming Contracts, Preparing User Fees, Setting Up Registered Programs in Class, Supervising Rental Use, etc. 05.06 Filming Rental Access a) If alterations are required to the exterior or interior of the heritage buildings, acceptance, denial, or acceptable compromises will be Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 9 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 determined by the Coordinator, Museum Operations on a case-by-case basis, and will include input from the Conservator. b) Film companies must provide all details for proposed alterations so that the Coordinator, Museum Operations will have the opportunity to review and seek clarification where necessary in order to deny, accept, or identify compromises that will be acceptable. c) Proposed alterations may be allowed if: 1. The alteration will not damage any original feature or component of the building. ii. The alteration improves the accuracy of the representative time period of the building and may be considered a permanent improvement. iii. The alteration is removable/reversible. If alterations (e.g., painting) have been accepted, those details must be included in the contract, along with any notes, expectations and caveats (e.g., must paint back to original wall colour with recommended paint, etc.). e) If interior filming will be included in the use, the Coordinator, Museum Operations and the Conservator must be provided all details and have the opportunity to deny or identify changes and use that will be acceptable, including proposed rental or removal of artifacts. f) The Conservator, or the Coordinator, Museum Operations in the case of absence, will be the staff person responsible for supervising filming activity when: i. • Accepted alterations have been approved to the interior or exterior of heritage buildings. ii. Artifacts will be removed. iii. Filming will take place in a heritage building. g) The Conservator, or the Coordinator, Museum Operations in the case of absence, must approve all strike and/or reparation work involving heritage buildings and artifacts before the film company may leave. h) If artifacts have been approved to be removed, the Conservator will train the film crew, and will supervise all removal. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 10 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 The film company will be responsible for arranging and paying for appropriate storage of artifacts. PMV reserves the right to approve removal and storage companies. j) The Conservator will supervise the return of removed artifacts to their original location. k) In the case of interior filming, the Conservator will determine the ability of the artifacts in that location to withstand light exposure and remove vulnerable artifacts prior to the commencement of filming. All alterations, modifications, compromises, artifact removal etc., will be recorded in the Film Supervision Log. m) Film rental user fees must reflect potential overtime of staff required for supervision. n) PMV and the City of Pickering will be acknowledged in film credits. 06 Exhibition 06.01 Changes to the Temporary Exhibit schedule for exhibits on or off the site will be made only if adequate resources exist, or can be made available to support the research, development, installation, and de -installation of the proposed exhibit. 06.02 The Conservator will be responsible for installation and de -installation of all exhibits. 06.03 Only staff and/or volunteers trained in exhibit design and handling of artifacts may develop, install, and de -install an exhibit under the supervision of the Conservator. 06.04 Temporary exhibits will be developed with clear objectives and measureable outcomes as identified in the Interpretation and Education Procedure section of this document. 07 Interpretation and Education PMV is a living history site. Through the way in which artifacts are displayed in the buildings, to the costumed volunteers and staff interpreters, to the demonstrations performed by those interpreters, the settlement and development of the former Township of Pickering is brought to life for the visitor. It is not the intent of PMV to provide a static display with detailed labels and descriptions within the village site. PMV will uphold its Statement of Purpose by providing programs, exhibits, special events, and dramatic productions in which visitors will have, as much as possible, the opportunity to experience the activities, sounds, textures, smells, and tastes of the past. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 11 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 07.01 All PMV programs and activities will meet the following interpretive themes: a) Home — types architecture, clothing, food, household work, families, neighbourhood, society. b) Education — early schools, type, curriculum. c) Work — trades, economy, industry, male and female work outside the home. d) Transportation — methods and modes, styles, road building, navigation. e) Services — energy sources, medicine, mercantilism, religious institutions, social and service clubs. f) Politics — conditions and changes throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. 07.02 All programming will meet the following aims for students/visitors/participants: a). Learn more about the history of Pickering Township. b) Understand the type of environment that early settlers encountered. c) Examine the backgrounds and values of the township's early settlers. d) Understand how settlers (in our community) related to the environment and how success was gained through innovation and adaptation. e) Illustrate change in the community from the early part of the 19th century to the present. f) Develop skills through hands-on learning experience. 07.03 The Coordinator, Museum Operations will: a) Be responsible for planning and developing education programs that meet the curriculum requirements of Ontario schools and the PMV Statement of Purpose. b) Be responsible for planning and developing public workshops and programs that are relevant to the community and meet the PMV Statement of Purpose. Ensure that education and public programs are widely promoted and communicated to partner groups and clients. Ensure the booking of all services through the museum office. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 12 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 e) Be responsible for setting a temporary exhibition schedule for the following year, and assign research topics to seasonal staff. f) Be responsible for the arrangement of partnership exhibitions off the PMV. 07.04 The Event & Volunteer Programmer will be responsible for: a) Developing and planning Special Events and public programs as required by the Coordinator, Museum Operations. b) Preparing and presenting the next year's Zine -up of proposed Special Events to the PMV Advisory Committee each August, based on current year outcomes, and for approval by that committee. c) Ensuring that Special Events and public programs are promoted and communicated. 07.05 The Museum Booking Coordinator will be responsible for: a) initial customer service. b) Booking all on-site and outreach programming. c) Collecting of all revenues associated with programming. 07.06 On-site education tours will be made available from mid-April to Christmas. 07.07 All public programming will be made by appointment or registration. A full booklet of available tour themes and outreach programs and guest speaker presentations will be specially designed for, and distributed to, special interest groups. Program categories may include: a) Tours, outreach programs, and guest speaker presentations for special interest groups and will be booked in advance. b) Workshops will be developed and set up for pre -registration and will be promoted in the City Leisure Guide. 07.08 A full schedule of special events will be planned and submitted to the Advisory Committee six months prior to the start of the next year (July). 07.09 For more details on the use of artifacts in programming, refer to the Collection Management Procedure and the Conservation Procedure sections of this document. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 13 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 08 Human Resources PMV is an award-winning living history site that excels in customer service, and innovative and interactive programming. In order to fulfil its purpose, and maintain its standards, commitment to staff and volunteer investment is necessary. As a facility owned and operated by the City of Pickering, PMV, its staff, and volunteers are subject to all policies and procedures regarding the operation of a municipal facility, and the conduct of staff. In addition to those policies and procedures, strict adherence to the Collective Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 129 must be observed. - 08.01 Human Resources Management a) Under the guidance of the Human Resources Division, the City of Pickering will ensure that the staff person responsible for the administration of the PMV and its collection has appropriate training, credentials, and .work experience. That staff person will provide input to City staff to assist in the recruitment, training, and retaining of high quality staff, and will guide the City to ensure that the PMV operates in accordance with Ministry Standards for Community Museums in Ontario, and the Canadian Museum Association's Ethics Guidelines. b) All staff members and volunteer positions will have a written job description. Recruitment, performance assessment, recognition, and termination of PMV staff will be conducted ethically and with strict adherence to all current legislation, City of Pickering Policies and Procedures, and the Collective Agreement. d) Volunteer recruitment, assessment, recognition and appreciation, and termination will be conducted ethically, as per the guidelines in the Volunteer Procedure section of this document. City of Pickering Policies and Procedures, and PMV Standard Operating Procedures will be followed by all staff and volunteers as is applicable to their duties and responsibilities. f) All staff will receive training in, or provide current certification for, the following: i. First Aid (current every two years) ii. CPR -C and AED (current annually) iii. Health & Safety Training at Orientation (on-line annually) iv. Fire Extinguisher Training (annually) Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 14 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 v. Accessibility, Respect in the Workplace, Sustainable Pickering, Customer Service, and other training as deemed appropriate. vi. Emergency Response Plan (annually), Orientation to PMV (including relevant policies, procedures, and standard operating procedures). Staff working with children must receive training in HIGH FIVE (Principles of Healthy Child Development) as a requirement of employment. h) Staff working with food must be trained in the guidelines for Safe Food Handling. A Safe Food Handling certified staff member must be on duty to supervise the preparation of food for the public, Staff working with chemicals must have Health & SafetyIWHMIS training as applicable. Staff working on computers must agree to attend Computer Orientation training at the City of Pickering and observe all Policies and Procedures related to computer use. Clearance to drive the PMV truck will be required for all staff as it will be a necessary way to transport displays, exhibits, and presentation materials and equipment. General training in the care and handling of artifacts will be provided to all staff and volunteers to ensure adequate care for the artifacts in the PMV's possession, and to aid in activities in all areas of the PMV. Every effort will be made to ensure equal access to the workplace for staff of all abilities. Every staff person's and volunteer's accomplishments as both an individual and a team member are recognized through achievement and recognition programs. All PMV staff and volunteers will be provided a copy of, and be expected to observe, guidelines for museums as set out in the Canadian Museum Association's "Ethics Guidelines". All PMV staff and volunteers will be provided a copy of, and be expected to observe, guidelines for museums as set out in the Canadian Museum Association's "Ethics Guidelines". All workers also have several general duties under the OH&SA. A worker must take responsibility for personal health and safety insofar as he or she is able. Under the Act, a worker must: work in compliance with the Act and regulations [section 28(1)(a)]; use or wear any Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 15 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 equipment, protective devices or clothing required by the employer [section 28(1)(b)]; report to the employer or supervisor any known missing or defective equipment or protective device that may be dangerous [section 28(1)(c)]; report any known workplace hazard to the employer or supervisor [section 28(1)(d)1; report any known contravention of the Act or regulations to the employer or supervisor [section 28(1)(d)]; not remove or make ineffective any protective device required by the employer or by the regulations [section 28(2)(a)]; not use or operate any equipment or work in a way that may endanger any worker [section 28(2)(b)]; and not engage in any prank, contest, feat of strength [section 28(2)(c)]. 08.02 Professional Development a) All staff and volunteers, including Advisory Committee members, will be provided with opportunities to participate in various training workshops, seminars and conferences, so that they may enhance skills, increase knowledge, and gain resources to effectively interpret the PMV and the lifestyles of the 19th and early 20th centuries in Pickering Township. b) A variety of mandatory training seminars and skills development workshops will be offered throughout the year to PMV volunteers. All staff and volunteers are encouraged and will be provided opportunities to further their knowledge of history, museological theory and practice, and heritage skills, and to share that knowledge in the development and presentation of programs and services at PMV. Workshop and seminar presenters will be a collection of qualified PMV staff and knowledgeable guests. In-house volunteer training workshops and seminars will be open, free of charge to all staff and volunteers. c) Only a qualified and certified Conservator will care for the core collection and conduct conservation treatment on artifacts. That staff member will be responsible for planning and presenting general training to staff in the care and handling of artifacts. d) The primary focus of staff training will be in the areas outlined in section 08.01 of this Policy. All other areas of development will be assessed as resources are made available. e) Membership and participation by PMV staff in local museum groups (e.g., York -Durham Association of Museums and Archives, Museum and Art Gallery Educators Collective of Durham, etc.) will be encouraged and promoted for the purpose of sharing ideas, networking, and problem - solving. f) Membership and participation in professional associations such as the Canadian Museum Association (CMA), Ontario Museum Association (OMA), Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI), Canadian Association of Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 16 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 Conservation of Cultural Property (CAC) and attendance at related conferences by the Coordinator, Museum Operations, the Conservator and/or the Event & Volunteer Programmer will be encouraged to promote continual learning and knowledge of changing trends within the field. Staff requesting additional professional development opportunities must provide adequate background information, and resources applied for before they may register for conferences, seminars and workshops held by outside institutions. h) Each newly appointed PMV Advisory Committee member will be provided with a comprehensive Orientation Binder, complete with a copy of the CMA (Canadian Museums Association) Ethics Guidelines, Ministry of Tourism and Culture Standards for Museums in Ontario, PMV Policy, relevant City of Pickering Policies and Procedures, PMV Volunteer Handbook. In addition, time will be given at the first meeting, for a presentation providing an overview of the museum and its operation. This orientation and introduction will be in addition to the City of Pickering's orientation for new Committee members. 08.03 Professional Development Investment a) Resources will be dedicated in the PMV budget to enable the annual attendance of at least one staff member at relevant conferences of key professional associations (e.g. CMA, OMA, CCI, CAC, etc.). b) Resources will be assured in the PMV budget to provide in-house workshops and other training sessions for staff and volunteers, and to allow for the hiring of guest presenters as required. c) Subscriptions to museological periodicals and memberships, and the purchase of library resources to support PMV research, program development, and professional development will be included in the PMV budget. 08.04 Refer to City of Pickering Human Resources Policies and Procedures, and Administration Policies and Procedures (particularly those pertaining to Health & Safety), and the Collective Agreement for details regarding recruiting, hiring, supervision, evaluating, and conduct of employees. 08.05 Refer to City of Pickering. Policy and Procedure Manual for PMV Standard Operating Procedures and the Collective Agreement for details regarding, registering staff for City of Pickering training seminars, orientation of new hires, employment requisitions, term employee roll-over requisitions, etc. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 17 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 09 Collection Management Procedure 09.01 Refer to the Collections Development and Management Policy. 09.02 Accessioning Guidelines are as follows: a) Items accepted into the collection must conform to the criteria as outlined in the Collection Development and Acquisitions Policy. b) Once an object has been accepted into the collection all documentation as outlined in related procedures must be completed. c) All core collection acquisitions will be identified using the Chenhall nomenclature for classification. d) Two cataloguing systems will be maintained, one for the core collection and a separate inventory for the education collection. In order to differentiate the systems, all "core" artifacts will have a number in the format of YYYY.D.Ia, where 'YYYY' is the year accepted into the collection, 'D' is the donation number that year, 'I' is the item number within that donation and `a' is a letter designating item parts where required. Prior to 2009 all numbers also began with an "X". e) Where practical, the objects in the education collection will be numbered in the same way as the core collection except that they will start with the letter "E". Prior to 2009, items that were not considered core collection were prefaced with an "R" suggesting "reproduction". While some items were, in fact, reproductions, others with this label were antiques. Those items of age, useful in the Education Collection, will continue to bear the "R" code; however, files will be updated to reflect their origin and age. f) A photographic record will be kept of all new acquisitions as part of the cataloguing process. Collections data is stored on the City's SAN (Storage Area Network), which is backed up to disk on a daily basis as well as being replicated to a second SAN at the Recreation Complex for backup and recovery purposes. The data is also backed up to tape on a monthly basis as part of a tape backup rotation, with the tapes stored off-site for disaster recovery purposes. g) h) Catalogue numbers will be affixed to artifacts in a manner that will prevent damage to or deterioration of the object. The PMV Labelling Artifacts Standard Operating Procedure will be followed by all staff when applying an artifact number. i) As part of the recording system, location information will be kept for each artifact. When artifacts are moved the new location must be updated on the artifact record and in the Past Perfect 5.0 database. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 18 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 Artifacts which are of specific significance to recognizable cultural, ethnic, or religious groups may be returned to such groups upon their request under specific guidelines. Such groups must be able to assure the PMV that the object is integral to the beliefs or culture of the group and that they are able to provide proper care of the object according to accepted conservation methods. Return of such objects will be approved by the PMV Advisory Committee and approved by Council. 09.03 Inventory of Artifact Collection Guidelines are as follows: a) PMV will perform regular, comprehensive inventories of artifacts in all heritage buildings and storage areas. b) An inventory worksheet shall be used during the inventory and will track the following: i. Artifact Accession Number ii. Artifact Name iii. Location iv. General Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) v. Name of Recorder vi. Date of Inventory Staff and volunteers performing inventory must be trained on the Care and Handling of Artifacts, and the Inventory Standard Operating Procedure. 09.04 Loans Guidelines are as follows: a) Objects for loan must be in stable enough condition to withstand the travel, exhibit, and handling conditions that they will undergo to complete the loan. b) Insurance coverage as appropriate for the individual object and loan must be provided or specifically exempted. The borrowing institution will be responsible for the cost of packaging, shipping and adequate insurance coverage. c) Loans of artifacts to outside institutions and individuals must be accompanied by a copy of the condition report, detailed photographs, and the signed loan agreement. Both parties will retain a copy of the insurance agreement. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 19 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 For artifacts returning to the PMV after having been on loan, a second condition report will be done to determine any changes or deterioration in the artifact. e) For both outgoing and incoming loans appropriate loan forms must be signed prior to the loan taking place. 09.05 Refer to the PMV Deaccession Procedure for details regarding the deaccession of artifacts process. 09.06 When disposing of artifacts following approval to deaccession, the Government of Ontario, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport's Museum Section will be given the option of including the object on the Provincial Donor's List. 10 Conservation Procedure 10.01 Refer to the Conservation Policy for details. 10.02 The Conservator will ensure that artifacts moved from one location to another, whether on-site or off-site, are packed, transported, and unpacked safely and securely, and buildings moved are adequately stabilized and supported for transport, 10.03 Collections Storage Guidelines are as follows: a) An area will be designated for core collection storage only. This storage area will be restricted access to trained staff and volunteers only, and will be kept dark when staff are not present. b) Every effort will be made to minimize overcrowding in current storage conditions, with the aim to improve the facility in the future, and increase storage capabilities for future acquisitions. The collection storage room will be maintained in organization to ensure that similar materials are kept together, with the most sensitive objects stored in the centre of the area. d) Housekeeping procedures will be routinely followed in heritage buildings and storage areas, and will be conducted by staff and volunteers with appropriate training. Schedules and checklists will be provided and monitored by senior museum staff. Storage shelving will conform to safety standards, will be strong enough to bear weight required, and will be lined with acid -free blotter paper. Boxes and supports will be manufactured from conservation quality materials. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 20 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 f) Storage shelving will begin at a minimum height of 4 inches from the floor to the bottom shelf to mitigate flood damage. Every effort will be made to avoid direct floor storage. g) For details regarding care of artifacts on exhibit, refer to the Exhibition Policy. 10.04 Risk Management and Security Guidelines are as follows: a) PMV will hire a surveillance company to inspect all access gates nightly to monitor and deter vandalism and potential theft. b) Any suspected vandalism will be reported immediately by staff by way of an Incident Report that will be filed with the City of Pickering, resulting in an investigation, and remedial action as necessary. c) The Administration Building where the core collection is stored will have a security alarm system, and the storage room door will be equipped with a lock. d) The Redman House Program Centre where the PMV's reproduction costume collection is stored, and where contextual exhibit artifacts are stored during the winter will have a security and fire alarm. e) Concerns about building and artifact conservation noted in regular Building Maintenance Survey Inspections will be accompanied with priority deadlines and action assigned to appropriate staff to correct noted deficiencies. All heritage buildings will be kept locked when not in use. A security checklist will. be maintained by staff, and tracked to note buildings that are opened and closed during use and operation. Condition Assessments on heritage buildings by PMV staff will be dependent upon staff and volunteer resources, and may take 2 to 3 years to complete. h) PMV Disaster Preparedness Plan will include a specified emergency work area and will ensure that all staff are thoroughly trained and familiar with the plan. 10.05 Storage and Exhibition Environmental Monitoring and Controls Guidelines are as follows: a) PMV will strive to restrict light levels to acceptable levels as determined by the sensitivity of the artifact material. Light levels will be minimized by the following measures: Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 21 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 i. Fluorescent light bulbs in the storage area and conservation lab will be covered in UV filter sleeves. ii. Light bulbs over shelves where the most sensitive artifacts (e.g. textiles) are stored will be reduced from two bulbs to one to decrease visible light damage. iii. Nouvir Fibre Optic lighting system will illuminate the Temporary Gallery space. iv. UV film will be placed on all windows in exhibition locations, including Temporary Gallery space and heritage buildings. v. PMV will use a digital light meter and a UV light meter to monitor light levels routinely to mitigate artifact deterioration. vi. All heritage buildings will be provided with double -lined reproduction curtains that will be opened only when the PMV is open to the public. b) Relative humidity and temperature levels will be minimized and. maintained within the appropriate range (40% — 60% relative humidity with 50% being the goal and 18°C - 22°C for the temperature), as much as is feasibly possible by the following measures: i. A thermo-hygrograph will be operating in the core collection storage area at ail times. Record charts will be changed, analyzed and filed monthly. The calibration must be checked every three months using a sling psychrometer, and it will be reconditioned every six months. ii. Digital hygrometer thermometers will be installed in every heritage building to monitor temperature and relative humidity. Records will be maintained, and artifacts at risk removed when ranges are unacceptable. iii. Dehumidifiers will be operated in areas where required, and will be maintained, monitored, emptied, and recorded as necessary. iv. Anomalies in environmental conditions will be investigated by the Conservator, and corrected promptly. c) Dust and pollution will be minimized through the following measures: i. Use of door mats, regular sweeping, dusting, and vacuuming routines. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 22 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 ii. Smoking will be prohibited in the PMV, and will be restricted to the public parking lot on the upper site, or off the PMV property on the lower site. iii. Fans will be used to improve air circulation around the artifacts in the core collection storage area. d) PMV will strive to deter pests and infestations by practicing good housekeeping procedures, restricting food and drink to designated areas, completing regular inspections, and responding to suspected pest -related issues promptly. Integrated pest management will be conducted as follows: The Conservator will work collaboratively with maintenance staff and pest contractors to monitor, record, and report pest activities and infestations and ensure appropriate action is taken to treat infestations. ii. Trained pest control specialists will be contracted to advise and treat chronic pest infestations that threaten the collection and/or heritage buildings or the safety of staff, volunteers, and guests. iii. Regular treatments will be performed by professionals on areas where there are known reoccurrences in an effort to prevent and deter infestation. iv. Sticky traps will be used in buildings where there is suspected insect activity. v. Mouse bait will be placed in strategic locations throughout the buildings and monitored monthly. vi. Food and beverages will be restricted in heritage buildings as much as possible. Heritage cooking demonstrations will be the exception, and will be properly cleaned up afterwards. vii. All areas where food is prepared or served will be cleaned and sanitized immediately. viii. Garbage and recycling must be removed daily, or more frequently as volume requires. ix. Food and beverages will be strictly prohibited in the conservation lab and collections storage areas. x. Fresh plants and flowers are strictly prohibited inside any building on site including the Administration Building and the Redman House Program Center. The exception will be weddings; floral arrangements will be removed at the conclusion of the rental. Policy Title: Policy Number: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 23 of 27 CUL 060 xi. Plants, flowers and grass will not be permitted to grow within 2 feet of the buildings. xii. All storage areas and heritage buildings will be inspected monthly for signs of pests and infestations. xiii. Staff and volunteers will be trained to recognize signs of pest presence and will report sightings and evidence to the Conservator. e) Recording of environmental conditions will be conducted by the following measures: Staff and volunteers will report any concern regarding temperature, humidity, housekeeping, maintenance, and suspected pest to collection and/or maintenance staff immediately. ii. All data from environmental recording systems and devices will be kept on file in the Conservation Lab. Every effort will be made to correct deficiencies as they arise. For further details refer to the PMV Housekeeping and Maintenance Manual, the Environmental Monitoring Standard Operating Procedure, and the Pest Management Standard Operating Procedure. 10.06 Conservation Treatment Space Guidelines are as follows: a) A conservation lab space will be allocated in the Administration Building, specifically for the care and treatment of collections. b) The lab space will be adjacent to triage and storage areas. c) Chemicals will be appropriately stored in a locked chemical storage unit, and MSDS sheets will be maintained by staff for all products stored in the unit. 10.07 Conservation Treatment Guidelines are as follows: a) PMV will perform conservation treatments involving intervention only as a last resort after preventive conservation measures have proven unsuccessful in stabilizing the artifact. b) Prior to deciding upon a course of conservation treatment, PMV staff will endeavour to maintain a balance between revelation, investigation, and preservation. The following considerations will be contemplated: Intended use of object Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 24 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 ii. Context Conservation ethics iv. Condition of the object v. Composition of the object vi. Historic evidence and information vii. Aesthetic entity viii. Informative activity ix. Conservation resources x. Conservator's competence xi. Object of belief (e.g. First Nations) xii. Sustainable long-term preservation of the artifact 11 Volunteer Procedure In order to effectively meet its Statement of Purpose, PMV will provide an extensive and comprehensive volunteer program that will employ volunteers in a variety of specialized clubs or societies, as well as costumed interpretation and behind the scenes, administrative support. PMV will ensure a full volunteer program that will include mandatory and optional training opportunities, service hours tracking, and recognition of achievement. Volunteers will receive a Volunteer Handbook in which their roles, training, and expectations are clearly outlined. At all times, volunteers will be held to the ethics as outlined in the City of Pickering Human Resources Policies, and the Canadian Museum Associations "Ethics Guidelines". 11.01 The Event and Volunteer Programmer will: a) Draft and maintain current job descriptions for lead positions of volunteer clubs and societies at PMV. Job descriptions will be approved by the Coordinator, Museum Operations, the Supervisor, Cultural Services, and Human Resources Division as appropriate. b) Recruit, interview, and follow up on references, criminal reference checks, and/or vulnerable sector screenings to determine appropriate volunteer candidates. c) Ensure that all new volunteers attend mandatory training seminars, which will include, but not be limited to orientation to the City of Pickering and the PMV, emergency response plan, health & safety Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 25 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 guidelines, accessibility standards, fire extinguisher use, customer service, etc. d) Ensure that all volunteers attend refresher training seminars and a minimum of one skills development workshop annually or as required in the Volunteer Handbook. e) Provide training that meets the needs of PMV, its Statement of Purpose, and the volunteer team. f) Track all volunteer hours and skills contributions. g) Maintain a current list of active and inactive volunteers. h) Schedule volunteer work. i) Nominate volunteers for appropriate federal, provincial and other outside awards programs and opportunities. j) Plan and present an annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception at which the service achievements of the PMV volunteers will be acknowledged, shared, appreciated, and rewarded. 11.02 Volunteers have the right to: a) Be treated as a co-worker, not just free help. b) A suitable and mutually agreed-upon assignment. c) Be prepared for the job by orientation and training sessions that are thoughtfully planned and effectively presented. Advice and support from a designated supervisor, continued training on the job, information on new developments, and training for greater responsibility. e) Know whether or not their work is effective and how it can be improved. f) Be kept informed about programs, activities, and happenings at the PMV. g) Be heard, to feel free to make suggestions, and to have respect shown for an honest opinion. h) Be appreciated and recognized for contributions to the success of PMV. 11.03 Volunteer will be responsible to: a) Be aware of the goals and objectives of the PMV as contained in its Statement of Purpose. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 26 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060 b) Be sincere in their offer of service. c) Maintain a good working relationship with staff and other volunteers. d) Represent the staff, volunteers, and PMV in a positive manner. e) Be cheerful and pleasant when working with the public. f) Welcome supervision and guidance graciously and consult with staff when unclear on policy or action. g) Undertake training as required and be willing to learn from all sources including reading material, staff, other volunteers, and the public. h) Follow organizational guidelines and maintain the integrity and confidentiality of PMV. i) Work as a team member to carry out duties reliably, to be on time, and to call with as much notice as possible if not available for the agreed- upon assignment. 11.04 Any serious breach in the above listed Rights and Responsibilities, to City of Pickering Policies and Procedures, or to the Ethics Guidelines as outlined by the Canadian Museum Association may result in the termination of a volunteer 12 Research Procedure 12.01 Refer to the PMV Research Policy. 12.02 Time will be made available for staff required to conduct research, and to supervise research work performed by volunteers as required and as program development moves forward in areas targeted by the Coordinator, Museum Operations. 12.03 Refer to the Conservation Policy, and to sections 05 (Community Procedure) and 10 (Conservation Procedure) of this document for details on public access to the collection, and on care and handling of artifacts. Policy Title: Pickering Museum Village Policy Page 27 of 27 Policy Number: CUL 060