HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 27, 2017Cly .F DICKERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee September 27, 2017 7 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: J. Calder J. Dempsey D. Hazlett W. Jamadar C. Sopher J. Van Huss C. Celebre, Principal Planner, Development Review B. George, Pickering Public Library R. Michaud, Recording Secretary Absent: K. Borisko B. Lai T. Reimer Guests: M. Pelzowski, Coordinator, Roads and Infrastructure Maintenance Contracts Lindsey Reid, ERA Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions C. Celebre welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Mike Pelzowski, City of Pickering, who was invited to discuss item 4.2 with regards to the street light replacement in the Hamlet of Whitevale. She also introduced Lindsey Reid, the City's Heritage consultant, ERA Architects who will be speaking to item 4.1 with regards to the proposed by-law to delegate authority to the Director, City Development. C.Celebre also mentioned that the following items will be added to the Agenda: ❖ Under Correspondence — Transport Canada advised the City their intent to demolition 15 buildings. Page 1 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) ❖ Under Other Business —Durham Heritage Committee Workshop. ❖ Update on Designation By-laws 2. Approval of Minutes - June 28, 2017 Moved by James Calder That the minutes of the June 28, 2017 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3. Business Arising from Minutes Not applicable. 4. New Business 4.1 Discussion on a proposed by-law that delegates authority to the Director, City Development to transfer the authority to approve select heritage planning work from Council to planning staff. Lindsey Reid the City's Heritage Consultant from ERA Consultants, appeared before the Committee to discuss the Delegated Authority By-law for heritage permits. This applies to properties designated as Part IV and Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. Part IV —the power to consent to alterations to property under this section may be delegated by by-law by the Council of a municipality to an employee or official of the municipality if the Council has established a municipal heritage committee and has consulted with the committee prior to delegating the power. Part V — the Council of a municipality may delegate by by- law its power to grant permits for the alteration of property situated in a heritage conservation district designated under this Part to an employee or official of the municipality if the Council has established a municipal heritage committee and consulted with it before the delegation. Page 2 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Key Take Aways • Council must pass by-law. • Council must consult municipal heritage committee. • Scope may vary according to municipality, i.e. all alterations or select alterations. • Does not apply to the demolition or removal of a structure, new construction and refusals. Benefits will be improved customer service as this will reduce wait time, encourage community buy -in and reduce staff time spent on timely report preparation and processing. L. Reid explained the Ontario Heritage Act requirements for the review of heritage permit applications which includes a 90 -day review period. She then described the process under the Whitevale HCD Guide for the review of heritage permits in the Whitevale Heritage District. C. Celebre explained that this process is currently used for the review of all heritage permits. She further explained that a delegation by-law would allow the Director of City Development to provide final approval rather than City Council. The Delegation By-law would formalize an existing practice. She further explained that the benefit of the by-law would eliminate routine and administrative matters from Council agendas. The committee reviewed and discussed the four delegation options presented by L. Reid which included examples of the minor heritage permit topics from the Town of Aurora, Town of Oakville, City of Ottawa, City of Kingston and City of Guelph. C. Celebre advised that she would email the presentation to the committee members for their review and feedback, especially on the minor heritage permit types. She requested the Committee prepare a list of items for minor heritage permit types that would be included in the City's by-law. J. Calder enquired if the Members of Council approve this delegation by-law and if a new by-law would have to be passed every time there is a revision to the minor or major permits topics. It was discussed that it all depends on the Page 3 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) specific wording of the by-law. C. Celebre requests the Committee review the options and provide their comments and at the next meeting it will be discussed and then a by- law will be drafted and presented to the Committee. Street light fixture replacement for the Hamlet of Whitevale. M. Pelzowski provided a brief overview of the street lighting replacement plan to replace all the street lights in residential areas for the City of Pickering. As part of the Council resolution, staff were directed to consult with the Whitevale Residents Association on the light choice for the Hamlet. M. Pelzowski mentioned that Veridian is offering Energy Conservation rebates for municipalities who wish to convert current street lights to LED lights. The City opted to take advantage of this program. Mike presented a map of the current infrastructure inventory of the lights in Whitevale. He indicated that there are 3 different types of lights in this area: 1) Standard type (1930's) with vintage scroll on the poll 2) Cobra type 3) Coach style The Hamlet currently has a variety of light types and it is proposed to change all the lights to one type only. There are a total of 21 lights to be replaced. He advised that some lights have been replaced due to safety concerns. Feedback received from the community is that the Radial style is the preferred style and Mike indicated that the supplier can provide them. C. Sopher mentioned that the residents of Whitevale met with a consultant who advised them that they could replicate the old lights and use new lights. Mike expressed concerns that it may be difficult to retrofit older lights as components are often hard to find from suppliers. Page 4 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) He also indicated that the new lights will be installed with adaptive controls which would provide for the control of the lights (off/on) and possible camera or alarms in the future. This type of technology cannot be installed on the old styles. Mike circulated a brochure outlining the new modern types of lights to be considered. J. Dempsey inquired if the LED lights will make the street brighter. C. Sopher noted that a lot of the residents are unhappy about this as the new lights are too bright and they project light into their homes. There is also a concern about the temperature and the radiation emitted from the LED street lights. Mike noted that all LED lights meet the ASA standards of approval with no definite health risks. C. Sopher stressed that there needs to be full disclosure with regards to the type of lights and the intensity of the bulbs, and the possible health risks from LED emission. The Committee did not object to the light fixture chosen by the Whitevale Residents association and C. Celebre advised she would keep the Committee informed of this project. C. Celebre to provide update at next meeting. 5. Correspondence C. Celebre advised the Committee that the City of Pickering received a notice from Transport Canada to demolish 15 buildings located in the Village of Brougham and surrounding area. She advised that L. Reid is currently preparing an evaluation of 10 of the properties and the reports will be provided to the Committee for their review and comment at the next meeting. Item to be added for discussion at the October meeting. 6. Other Business C. Celebre reminded the Committee that the Town of Whitby's LACAC is hosting a "Durham Heritage Committee Workshop" on Saturday, October 28th. She also requested that the Committee members decide who will do the presentation at the meeting as this is a workshop focused on the role of Committees. She advised that she would assist on the PowerPoint presentation. Page 5 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) C. Celebre provided an update on Seaton designation by- laws. She advised that notices to designate for 615, 940 and 1200 Whitevale have been advertised in the paper and sent to the Owner and the Ontario Heritage Trust. She will work towards finalizing the notices for all the properties that were approved for designation. 7. Next Meeting — October 25, 2017 Meeting Adjourned: 9 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 6 of 6