HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 16-17 C4 op/ Report to P 1 C K E R i N G Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 16-17 Date: October 2, 2017 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Consultant Selection for the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study File: D-2000-016 Recommendation: 1. That the proposal submitted by SvN Architects + Planners Inc., in association with AECOM, and 360 Collective, dated August 1, 2017, to undertake an Intensification Study for the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node, as Phase 2 of the South Pickering Intensification Study in the amount of$211,078.34 (including HST) be accepted, utilizing the City funding identified for this project in the approved 2017 Current Budget for the City Development Department, Consulting and Professional, Phases 2 & 3 South Pickering Intensification Study (Account 2611.2392.0000); 2. That the total gross project cost of$248,075.00 (HST included), including the RFP amount and contingency costs, and the total net project cost of$223,399.00 (inclusive of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost as follows: a) The sum of$60,318.00 as provided for in the 2017 Current Budget Planning & Design to be funded from property taxes; b) The sum of$163,081.00 as provided for in the 2017 Current Budget Planning & Design to be funded by a transfer from the Development Charges Reserve Fund — Growth Studies; 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering staff be authorized to enter into any agreements to give effect hereto; and 5. That the City Clerk forward a copy of Report Number PLN 16-17 to the Region of Durham. Executive Summary: The City's Growth Strategy Program is one of the key components of the Pickering Official Plan comprehensive review process. It consists of two components: the City Centre Intensification Study, which concluded with new Official Plan policies, urban design guidelines and zoning; and the South Pickering Intensification Study, focusing on intensification outside the City Centre. Report PLN 16-17 October 2, 2017 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Kingston Road and Page 2 Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study Phase 1 of the of the South Pickering Intensification Study began in January 2015 with a community engagement exercise regarding where and to what extent growth should occur in South Pickering. In March 2016, Report PLN 04-16 was presented to Council which outlined the results of Phase 1 of the study and offered direction for moving forward with Phase 2 of the study, focusing on the Kingston Road Corridor. Accordingly, Council authorized staff to prepare and release a Request for Proposal (RFP) to retain consulting services to develop a new vision and strategy for intensification for the Kingston Road Corridor. On July 5, 2017, a RFP was issued, calling for proposals by consultants to undertake the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study. The RFP closed on August 1, 2017. The City received three proposals from the following multi-disciplinary consulting teams: SGL Planning & Design Inc. et al; Urban Strategies Inc. et al; and SvN Architects + Planners Inc. et al. The Evaluation Committee reviewed the proposals against the criteria outlined in the RFP, and found that the submission by SvN Architects + Planners Inc. et al best met the City's requirements in completing project deliverables, considering their team's strengths relative to the scope of work required, and value for the money. Financial Implications: 1. Proposal Amount Proposal No. RFP-6-2017 $186,794.99 HST (13%) 24,283.35 Total Gross Project Amount $211,078.34 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary Proposal No. RFP-6-2017 $186,795.00 Contingency—Additional meetings with staff, public or Council, or additional reports, requested by Committee and/or Council 15,000.00 Optional Service Item: Land Use Modelling 17,740.00 Total 219,535.00 HST (13%) 28,540.00 Total Gross Project Costs $248,075.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (24,676.00) Total Net Project Costs $223,399.00 Report PLN 16-17 October 2, 2017 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Kingston Road and Page 3 Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study 3. Approved Source of Funds Account Code Source of Funds Budget Required 2611.2392.0000 Development Charges Reserve $164,250.00 $163,081.00 Fund — Growth Studies (73%) Property Taxes (27%) 60,750.00 60,318.00 Total Funds $225,000.00 $223,399.00 Project Costs Under Approved Funds By $1,601.00 Staff will be recommending appropriate funds in the 2019 or 2020 Current Budget to implement a zoning strategy for the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node. 1.0 Discussion: 1.1 In 2009, the City initiated a Growth Strategy Program as part of the comprehensive review of the Pickering Official Plan The Growth Strategy Program is intended to implement the strategic growth area objectives of the Provincial Growth Plan and the corridor objectives of the Durham Regional Official Plan within the South Pickering urban area (lands south of the Canadian Pacific Rail line). The first component of the program focused on the City Centre, identified as an Urban Growth Centre in the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. On March 4, 2015, the Ontario Municipal Board approved Amendment 26 to the Pickering Official Plan, a planning framework for the redevelopment and intensification of the City Centre. Council adopted urban design guidelines and a new zoning by-law for the City Centre in April 2017. The new zoning by-law has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. The second component of the program focuses on examining intensification opportunities on the remaining lands in South Pickering. In 2015, the first phase of the South Pickering Intensification Study started with a community engagement exercise regarding where and to what extent growth should occur in South Pickering. The key themes that emerged throughout the community engagement exercise included focusing intensification and higher density development in the City Centre and along corridors such as Kingston Road, maintaining stable neighbourhoods, and creating vibrant, mixed-use, well designed, transit supportive communities. Report PLN 16-17 October 2, 2017 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Kingston Road and Page 4 Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study Following the consideration of Report PLN 04-16 on March 7, 2016, which outlined the results of the community engagement exercise and the work program for the South Pickering Intensification Study, Council authorized staff to prepare and release a RFP to retain external urban design consultants to assist staff with Phase 2 of the South Pickering Intensification Study: developing a new vision and strategy for the intensification of the Kingston Road Corridor. 1.2 Revisions were made to the scope of Phase 2 of the South Pickering Intensification Study Through the preparation of the RFP for the development of a new vision and strategy for the intensification of the Kingston Road Corridor, which included a detailed review of current Official Plan policies, urban design guidelines and zoning regulations, staff concluded that the study requires a broader multi-disciplinary approach, extending beyond the initial scope of an urban design study. A more holistic planning exercise seemed appropriate, similar to what was done for the City Centre, to also address matters such as: intensification scenarios; a land use framework; mobility and parking provisions; infrastructure; built form and streetscape principles; and draft urban design guidelines. Accordingly, staff expanded the initial scope of work from an urban design study to a more in-depth planning and urban design intensification study. Furthermore, during the preparation of the RFP, SMARTREIT, the land development consultants for the owners of the Smart Centre development located within the designated "Specialty Retailing Node" east of Brock Road and north of Highway 401, contacted staff, requesting that the Smart Centre lands be added to the Kingston Road Corridor Intensification Study. SMARTREIT's request stems from the realization that the big box district has entered its next phase of evolution; that its lands have a prime location adjacent to Highway 401 and two major public transit routes (Kingston and Brock Roads); and that its lands have a mixed-use designation in the Pickering Official Plan (which encourages intensification of the Node over time). Subsequently, staff expanded the scope of the Kingston Road Corridor Intensification Study to also include the lands currently designated "Specialty Retailing Node" (see the Kingston Corridor & Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study Areas Map, Attachment#1). 1.3 The new Provincial Growth Plan that took effect on July 1, 2017 does not alter the need for, or timing of, Phase 2 of the South Pickering Intensification Study Although there have been changes to terminology and intensification targets from the previous Growth Plan to the new Growth Plan, the core objectives remain the same, with more emphasis being put on housing affordability and climate change in the revised Plan. The work to be conducted through this study will assist the City in meeting the policy objectives of both the Durham Regional Official Plan (ROP) and the new Growth Plan. Report PLN 16-17 October 2, 2017 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Kingston Road and Page 5 Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study Until such time as the ROP has been updated to conform to the new Growth Plan, the Pickering Official Plan must conform to the current ROP. Nothing however, prevents the City from adopting density targets through this study that are higher than those set in the current ROP, as long as they conform to the principles and objectives of the new Growth Plan. 1.4 A Request for Proposal for Consulting Services for the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study was issued On July 5, 2017, the City issued a RFP for consulting services for the next phase of the City's Growth Strategy Program (Phase 2 of the South Pickering Intensification Study) at an upset limit of$225,000.00 excluding HST. The scope of work is provided in Attachment #2. The RFP was an open proposal call. A notice of the RFP was placed on the City's website. In addition, eight qualified consulting firms were also notified of the RFP based on their experience with similar projects in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The RFP closed on August 1, 2017. Three proposals were received from the following multi-disciplinary consulting teams: • SvN Architects + Planners Inc. • SGL Planning & Design Inc. • Urban Strategies Inc. 1.5 SvN Architects + Planners Inc., in associated with AECOM and 360 Collective is recommended for selection During August 2017, the Evaluation Committee consisting of the Chief Planner, the Manager, Policy & Geomatics, the Principal Planner, Policy, and the Buyer, Supply and Services reviewed the proposals against the criteria, as outlined in the RFP. The consultant that received the highest score through the review process was SvN Architects + Planners Inc. (SvN), in association with AECOM (engineering design firm), and 360 Collective (retail and commercial strategy consultancy). SvN, previously known as Planning Alliance, has a proven track record in projects similar in scope to the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study. SvN has put together a well-balanced and experienced team that includes strong skills in urban and streetscape design, land use and transportation planning, retail/commercial market trends, public consultation and graphic and written presentations. SvN, as part of their proposal, also outlined several optional services that could be offered in addition to the submitted pricing. These optional services are value added products and would, if selected, be included in their scope of work. Subsequently the Evaluation Committee reviewed the optional service items and selected Land Use Modelling (computerized 3D demonstration models to facilitate understanding of land use and built form scenarios) at a cost of$17,740.00, excluding HST. Report PLN 16-17 October 2, 2017 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Kingston Road and Page 6 Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study Further to the RFP bid price and the Land Use Modeling service, staff is recommending up to $15,000.00 be set aside as a contingency in the event additional meetings are required during the study process. The Health & Safety Regulations form and the Accessibility Regulations for Contracted Services form signed and completed respectively by SvN have been reviewed by the (Acting) Coordinator, Health & Safety, and deemed acceptable. The Certificate of Insurance has been reviewed by the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit, and is deemed acceptable. The list of sub-consultants as submitted by SvN for this project has been reviewed and deemed acceptable by the Director, City Development. The Director, Finance & Treasurer has confirmed funding is available for this Study, and the Senior Financial Analyst— Capital & Debt Management has reviewed the wording of the Recommendations and the Financial Implications section of this Report. 2.0 Recommendations It is recommended that the team lead by SvN Architects + Planners Inc., in association with AECOM, and 360 Collective, be retained to undertake the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study. It is further recommended that staff be authorized to enter into any agreements as required to give effect hereto. Attachments 1. Kingston Corridor & Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study Areas Map 2. Scope of Work— Excerpt of Appendix D from RFP-6-2017 Report PLN 16-17 October 2, 2017 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Kingston Road and Page 7 Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: J. - o•s, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner— Policy Chief Planner /;,‘ -ff Brooks, MCIP, RPP Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Manager, Policy & Geomatics Director, City Development & CBO • I DJ:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ` _ce;/' t zoi7 • Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT # PLN 1b-17 -\F—fl � w1 © o ■. I L 1 1J cn �. A. 11 �� 1� ~' N Jca L 'I ► (( / 11 in r r avow)1,9oaa � � _=!_ rj--:-:±7:.,:y,Ltx lili '-.1-.. 1 , PIEIF -� _, .. .. \ 1 L, O� IIf1 1 , r I -, �*\- 7i 0-P.- - ------ III40F w (1°13: 1113.--(2,1 rk Er/Lpa ;flEiri (1=] tia dr -V q Zi - 3:17,_ji Jo: _ civm:1100, 37),, t_17:), iv ,Li co, ..trpii 0..., J .c 01 ii_65,•;, \„ _ \ w .i.___ „,_ .2 1, OM il P.44 rti iq x • w �I ❑ i� ` ❑ ❑ IlJL1U� S J N ate'" Orr L2mM/Oik it\, yo i. 1 I 1 C---2 ....4 i . z CD ------N ..,,,,Ari _ - ...—.., __--4-:-:(----71--mai ,,, RI ii-77 . -- --" U r 17 i \rJR . g , Q � d o 1 ji_ rl. qcOmiginWFP 1 V\C3'71-M 2 t :+!_! Ov0H S31I HMirsik -..) j �L :r.. of 1� �� i06 w L c, EmL_J 14 D 0 73 ._ . . LL O &IF Eil 1 plliol �] a s ) 5 Il C) Il 1 i L 1r_ - Ilk -7 -r 2 t] l_____J_,_ ofill 1 bi2 I Ir �� 7ply II t J \\ OVOH VN011'U 1( rg, ., ._ ----1I 1r ., - n �f-l��if It ll k A"\ ATTACHMENT# TO Excerpt of Appendix D (RFP-6-2017) REPORT a P1-M Vo-17 5. Scope of Work The following sections provide an overview of the scope and phases of the Study, but are not intended to be an exhaustive list of the work activities. The Consultant will be responsible for providing all the necessary personnel, mapping and resources necessary to complete the study, and making sure that every part of the study process is covered within the budget. Prior to starting the Study, the Consultant shall submit a final work schedule for all portions of the Study, including a detailed description of all tasks to be performed, staff responsible for each task, activities, time tables, and cost estimates for completing the work, updated as required. 5.1 Phase 1 - Developing a Vision The initial phase of the study process involves the development of a Vision and associated goals and objectives, to provide the basis for developing a planning framework to redevelop and intensify the Corridor and the Node. The vision and associated goals and objectives, developed, must reflect and support the planning directions presented in the Provincial Growth Plan, the Durham Region Official Plan, the City's Official Plan, Durham Region's Transportation Master Plan, and Metrolinx's Regional Transportation Plan. The Consultant shall perform the following tasks in Phase 1: • review the City's current plans, policies and objectives, in relation to best practices performed by other public agencies regarding intensification corridor and node studies, strategies, or plans; • review the history of the Corridor and the Node, and analyse the current conditions within the study area such as, but not limited to: land use, intensity, built-form character, massing and height, population and employment profiles, housing type, tenure and affordability, infrastructure, vacant lands, undevelopable lands and transportation; • determine and clarify the relationship of the Study to other initiatives such as, but not limited to: Hwy 2 Bus Rapid Transit Project and Pickering Transportation Master Plan; • recommend and employ an appropriate and innovative method to engage focus groups in the community, including the youth and seniors, to: o better understand the issues, constraints and opportunities within the study area, specifically in relation to land use, built form, character, and functionality; and o obtain their view regarding the elements they wish to see in a future vision of the Corridor and the Node; • develop a draft Vision and associated goals and objectives by using the findings and conclusions from the fore-mentioned tasks as a basis; ATTACHMENT#,__a TO RF PURI # LF Ib-Il Excerpt of Appendix D (RFP-6-2017) • • present the draft Vision and associated goals and objectives to a Public Agency Advisory Forum (PAAF) — a forum to consult key agencies at key project intervals; The City's Project Manager will chair every meeting of the PAAF; • present the draft Community Vision and associated goals and objectives, as well as a Background Report regarding the Phase 1 findings, to the Planning & Development Committee of Council. Phase 1 Deliverables: The Consultant shall provide a report with a recommended Vision and associated goals and objectives for the redevelopment and intensification of the Kingston Road Corridor and the Specialty Retailing Node, for Council's endorsement in principle. 5.2 Phase 2 - Developing a Preferred Intensification Scenario Building on the planning and design work previously undertaken for the Kingston Road Corridor and the Specialty Retailing Node, a set of alternative intensification scenarios shall be developed through a community workshop in response to the Council endorsed community vision, goals and objectives. The Consultant shall evaluate the results from the community workshop, and prepare a Preferred Intensification Scenario. The Consultant shall perform the following tasks in Phase 2: • formulate key assumptions for the development of alternative intensification scenario's, based on but not limited to Provincial Growth Plan and Region of Durham Official Plan policies; • set criteria upon which each alternative intensification scenario is to be developed, which shall include, at a minimum: land uses; building form, location and height; parking provision; mobility and access; and natural heritage and open space; • facilitate a community workshop to develop alternative intensification scenarios; The scenarios could be themed, for example, on different levels of intensification, or different focus of land use in different locations; • analyse the various scenarios developed at the community workshop, and developing a Preferred Intensification Scenario, in accordance with the Strategic Goals of the study contained in Section 4 of this document, the endorsed vision, goal and objectives, and the criteria upon which the alternative intensification scenarios were developed; • present the Preferred Intensification Scenario to the PAAF for comment/input; • present the Preferred Intensification Scenario to the Planning & Development Committee of Council for endorsement and direction for moving to Phase 3; o The Consultant will assist the City's Project Manager in hosting a Public Open House prior to the Public Meeting (the same evening). ATTACHMENT# a TO Excerpt of Appendix D (RFP-6-2017) REPORT # PLN 10-17 Phase 2 Deliverables: The Consultant shall provide a report with a Preferred Intensification Scenario for the redevelopment and intensification of the Kingston Road Corridor and the Specialty Retailing Node, for Council's endorsement in principle. 5.3 Phase 3 — Developing an Intensification Plan and Draft Urban Design Guidelines Based on the tasks and deliverables outlined in Phases 1 and 2 above, the Consultant will prepare a draft Intensification Plan and draft Urban Design Guidelines, and present them to key agencies and the community for comments. Following the review of all comments/submissions from public agencies and the community, the Consultant shall prepare and present the final Intensification Plan and draft Urban Design Guidelines to the Council, for endorsement in principle. The Consultant shall perform the following tasks in this phase: • prepare a draft Intensification Plan, in report format, that will include the following key themes/chapters: o Background and Context (to include a discussion on the study area, the historic context {synopsis}, current characteristics {strengths and weaknesses}, and the planning context); o Community Vision, goals and objectives (including a discussion on the associated public engagement process to arrive at the Vision); o Land Use Framework (to address matters such as the recommended land use categories {including community facilities such as schools, senior and/or youth centres and recreation facilities, housing type, tenure and affordability}, land use mix and transitions, with specific emphasis on how they meet the objectives of the Provincial Growth Plan and Regional Official Plan); o Built Form and Streetscape Objectives/Principles (to address matters such as building massing and orientation, height, street relation, built form transition, and sustainable design); o Transportation/Mobility and parking provision (to address matters such as the mobility network with the focus on public transit and walkability, transit stop design and improvements; site access, service lanes, connectivity between developments, parking standards and parking accessibility); o Public Open Spaces & Natural Heritage (addressing matters such active and passive recreation opportunities, with the focus on town squares and piazzas, improving connectivity {in terms of design, built form relation and human activity} to natural heritage features, improving the protection and management of natural heritage features, and increasing the urban tree canopy); o Infrastructure — key recommendations regarding water, sewage, and stormwater management, to identify what improvements and upgrades are necessary to support the recommended Land use Framework; o Implementation Tools — key recommendations regarding Official Plan policies, Zoning By-law regulations, Site Plan Control, potential development incentives, and the identification of priority areas for strategic capital investment and public ATTACHMENT#v_52___TO Excerpt of Appendix D (RFP-6-2017) HEPOR7 # —PLN 1G, j7 realm improvements to facilitate and complement the intensification and redevelopment of the Corridor and the Node. • prepare draft Urban Design Guidelines, with the emphasis on Place-making and Sustainability, on a study area-wide scale. The draft guidelines document will consist of the following core components, supported by visual illustrations and/or images: o Built form (guidelines on urban structure {landmarks, gateways, vistas and edges}, building design, massing, height, siting arrangement, transitions; street relation, and green design); o Mobility (guidelines on "complete streets", an integrated pedestrian and cycling network, transit stop designs and connectivity, an integrated street and laneway network; and streetscape design); and o Public Open Space and Natural Heritage (guidelines on public open spaces, town squares, piazzas, visual and function connectivity to and protection of natural heritage features); • facilitate an Open House to present the draft Intensification Plan and draft Urban Design Guidelines to the community; • present the draft Intensification Plan and draft Urban Design Guidelines to the PAAF; • prepare and present the final Intensification Plan and draft Urban Design Guidelines to the Planning & Development Committee of Council, to obtain Council's approval in principle. Phase 3 Deliverables: The Consultant shall provide a final Intensification Plan and draft Urban Design Guidelines, for Council's approval in principle.