HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 4, 1990 12/90 73 COUNCIL MINUTES A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on Monday, June 4, 1990 at 7:43 p.m. PRESENT: . Mayor W. Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner R. Johnson B. Mitchell B. t~organ K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: N.C. MJrshall B. Taylor K. McKay T. t1agi N. Carroll ABSENT: - Town Manager - Town Clerk - Deputy Cl erk - Director of Planning - Manager - Current Operations Division Councillor Dickerson - (Attending FMC Conference in Quebec City) (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular meeting of May 28, 1990. . (II ) DELEGATI ONS 1. 2. . 3. Richard Ward, Blackstock, Ontario addressed Council with respect to hi s property at the i ntersecti on of Finch Avenue and Rosebank Road. He stated that no cons i derati on was gi ven for the usage of hi s property when the Forbes/Fachini application was before Council. He objected to Counci l' s approval of retaining a firm to remove the debris and equipment on his property and stated he is willing to negotiate with the Town to resolve differences. Doug P1itz addressed Council with respect to the requirement of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Hous i ng to enter into a noi se attenuati on agreement whereas the Town does not have the authori". to enter into such agreements. He requested Counc:! to issue a letter of clearance to the Land Division Committee indicating that a noise attenuation agreement would be entered into or that i\ the building permit would be withheld until the Minister's Zoning Order application has been approved. Mayor Jim Witty of Ajax congratu1 ated the Town of Pi ckeri ng on wi nni ng the Parti ci pacti on Chð 11 enge and recei ved the Town f1 ag from Mayor Arthurs whi ch is to be flown in the Town of Ajax for one day. (II ) 4. . 5. (III) , 12/90 74 DELEGATIONS Sam Hanna, Rosewood Carpet Inc., 1050 Brock Road South, informed Council that he has received written and verbal information from Councillor Dickerson that his company is in violation of the Zoning By-law and should not be operating. He expressed his concern he received this information from an elected official and not Town officials. D~ dnne Sutter, Brãma 1 ea Ltd., spoke in support of the rezoning application to permit 140 townhouses on the southwest corner of Whites Road and Hi ghvi ew Road. She stated the low end of medium density is compatible in the area and an excess of parkland has been provided. She added that Bramalea is willing to review the site plan with concerned area residents. RESOLUTIONS Resolution #75/90 - See Appendix #1 Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Councillor Van Kempen That the report of the Planning Committee Meeting of May 29, 1990 be adopted with the following amendments: Recorded Vote on Item #1 . Yes: No: Absent: Councillors Mitchell, Morgan, Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Councillors Brenner and Johnson Councillor Dickerson The following motions were considered with respect to Item #2 Conditions 1 and 2 were deleted. Re~olution #76/90 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Mitchell AMEND NUMBER OF UNITS IN TRILEA REZONING FILE - B 2310 - A5/89 That section l(b) be amended to permit a maximum of 135 units. CARRIED . Yes: Recorded Vote Absent: ~ounci110rs Brenner, Johnson, Mitchell, Morgan, Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Councillor Dickerson (III) 12/90 75 RESOLUTIONS Resolution '77/90 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Morgan . INCLUDE SECTION (c) IN TRILEA REZONING FILE - B 2310 - A5/89 That condition l(c) which reads as follows: "and further that the Town Solicitor be directed to withdraw, upon the coming into force of the consequent zoning by-law amendment, the objection to the Trilea Holdings Inc. application for severance LD234/89, and release the application for completion of severance." Recorded Vote be added to the conditions of approval. Yes: No: Absent: Counci 11 ors Johnson, Mitchell, Morgan, Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Councillor Brenner Councillor Dickerson Yes: Recorded Vote on Motion as Amended CARRIED . No: Absent: Councillors Mitchell, Morgan, Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Councillor Brenner and Johnson Councillor Dickerson The following motion was added as Item #3 to the Planning Committee Report with the previ ous Item #3 bei ng renumbered as Item #4: Recorded Vote Yes: No: Absent: "That Town Council recol1ll1end to Regional Council that an appropriate official plan amendment to change the identification of Kinsale from a Cluster to a Hamlet in the Durham Regi ona 1 Offi ci a 1 P1 an and the Pi ckeri ng District Plan be APPROVED. Councillors Brenner, Johnson, Mitchell and Morgan Councillor Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Councillor Dickerson Resolution #78/90 . Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Councillor Morgan 1990 EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT REPORT FILE NUMBER - C 1000 That the 1990 Equal i zed Assessment Report for the Region of Durham be accepted. CARRIED 12/90 76 (III) RESOLUTIONS Resolution #79/90 Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Councillor Johnson . CORRUGATED PIPE CULVERT Q-WD 24-90. FILE NUMBER - C 4300 That quotation Q-WD 24-90 submitted by LS. Hubbell and Sons Ltd. for the supply and delivery of Corrugated Pipe Culvert, in the amount of $25,880.50 be approved. CARRIED Resolution #80/90 Moved by Councillor Mitchell Seconded by Councillor Morgan T-6-90 'GRANULAR 'A' AND GRANULAR 'B' FILE NUMBER - C 4300 That Tender No. T-6-90 submitted by Standard Aggregates for Granular 'A' and Granular 'B' for Roads 1990 in the amounts of (Supply, load and de Ii very' A' to Works Centre, Brock Road North in Pickering) . Hopper Dump Dump Trail er Tandem $8.27 per tonne 8.27 per tonne 8.54 per tonne (Supply, load and delivery 'A' to locations within the Town of Pickering) Hopper Dump $9.37 per tonne Dump Trail er 9.37 per tonne Tandem 9.65 per tonne (Supply, load and delivery 'B' to locations within the Town of Pickering) Dump Trailer Tandem $5.79 per tonne 6.34 per tonne be APPROVED. CARRIED . Resolution #81/90 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Brenner REPORT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE FILE NUMBER - A 2110 That the report of the Economic Development Task Force dated June 4, 1990 be received. Deferred to June 18, 1990 77 12/90 (III) RESOLUTIONS Resolution 182/90 Moved by Councillor Van Kempen Seconded by Councillor Morgan . REVISED NO SMOKING POLICY FILE NUMBER - A 2110 That Town Council approve the recommendatic~ of the Smoke Free Envi ronment Conmittee to amend the Town I s exi sti ng No Smoki ng Policy to prohibit smoking in all Town facilities and cO1!l1lunity centres pxcluding the Senior Citizens Centre, banquet halls, and meeting l'OO'11S during social functions serving food and liquor; and That the revised No Smcking Policy included with this report be adopted by Town Council to comply with Provincial Legislation. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Mitchell, Morgan,a Van Kempen and Mayor Arthurs Councillor Johnson Councillor Dickerson No: Absent: (IV) BY-LAWS . Councillor J:Jhnson, seconded by Counci 11 or Mitchell moved for leave to introduce by-laws of the Town of Pickering: By-law Number 3473/90 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Block 50, Plan 40M-1446, in the Town of Pickering. (A 10/89; 18T-89034) By-law Number 3474/90 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering Di5trict Planning Area, Region of Durham in Blocks 156 and 157, Plan 40M-1242, and Part of Lot 30, Concession 1, (Parts 3, 4, 5, 7,8,9 and 10, 40R-13006), in the Town of Pickering. (A 39/89) . By-law Number 3475/90 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2921/88, which amended Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham, in Part of Block 37, Plan 40M-1600 and Part of Block 21, Plan 40M-1423 (Parts 1 and 4, Plan 40R-12849) , in th~ Town of Pickering. (A 30/89) By-law Number 3476/90 Being a by-law to amend By-law 1612/83, which amended Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area in Part of Block A, Part of Block B, Plan M-998 (Parts 1-16, inclusive, Plan 40R-7347) in the Town of Pickering. (A 24/88) . 12/90 78 (IV) BY-LAWS By-law Number 3477/90 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the Town of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 28, Concession 1, in the Town of Pickering. (A 38/87;18T-87084 - A 8/89; 18T-89033-A 20/89; 18T-89049) By-law Number 3478/90 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Lease between the Town and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, respecti ng Part Lot 19, Concession 5, Pickering (Former Museum Site, Brougham; 1990/91) THIRD READING Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor Mitchell moved that the report of the Commi ttee of the Whol e on By-l aw Numbers 3473/90, 3474/90, 3475/90. 3476/90, 3477/90 and 3478/90 be adopted and the said by-laws be now read a third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Cl erk now read a thi rd time and PASSED and that the M~yor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. . (V) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. CARRIED OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Johnson commented presentation as a delegation. on Mr. Ward's Councillor Johnson moved that Mr. Plitz's request be considered but the motion was not seconded. Councillor Johnson stated that Ontario Hydro and the European Women's Health Spa held fund-raising events for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Councillor Johnson wished the best of luck to the resigning Director of Planning, Counci 11 or Van Kempen stated hi s concern wi th respect to the allegations made by Mr. Hanna's presentation and hopes they can be addressed. Councillor Van Kempen stated that if the tax mill rate by-law had not passed, the delay would have caused serious ramifications to the municipality. Counci 11 or Van Kempen reques ted that hi s Noti ce of Motion regarding a consultant for economic development be considered at the June 18 Council Meeting: Councillor Brenner complimented staff who organized the Wheelchair Basketball Tournament against Ajax and hopes it will be included in future Participaction activities. (V) . 9. 10. . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. . 18. 19. (VI) 12/90 79 OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Brenner requested a report from the Town Clerk on by-1 aw enforcement requests from Members of Council and staff. Counci 11 or Brenner requested a report from the Town Clerk on providing an electronic vote machine for the Council Chambers. Counci 11 or Brenner requested that the revi ew of the Procedural By-law include options when dealing with delegations and if they are to be ejected. Councillor Brenner commented on the recorded vote taken when the Mill rate y-law was discussed. Counci 11 or Mitche 11 asked when the new crosswa1 k installation at Fairport Road will be completed. Councillor Mitchell expressed his pleasure working with the Director of Planning. Councillor Morgan stated that the Open House held to inform G1 engrove Road res i dents of 1 oca 1 improvement was successful. Councillor Morgan commented on a newspaper article regarding Council's seating arrangement and in camera meetings. Mayor Arthurs thanked the Director of Planning for his years of service to the Town. Mayor Arthurs thanked the staff of the Department of Community Services and Facilities for the organization of Participaction events and the staff of the Department of Public Works for organizing the G1engrove Road Open House. The following matter was regular meeting: discussed prior to the (a) The request of N. Phi 11 ips for re 1 i ef from the conditions to provide improved municipal services in front of the Peter Pan Day Nursery was refused. CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 3479/90 Councillor Van Kempen, seconded by Councillor Morganr moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the Town of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering at its meeting held on the 4th day June, 1990 and that the same be now read a first, second and third time and that the same be now finally passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and that the Seal of the Corporation be thereto affixed. . CARRIED (VI1) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at the hour of 10:35 p.m. . Dated . . June 18th 1990 80 12/90 ~~~ L/ "r. " A '-" Clerk ' APPENDIX 11 TOWN OF PICKERING That the Planning Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on May 29,1990, presents its fourth report to Council and recommends: . REZONING APPLICATION A 36/89 SUBMITTED BY CANUCK GREEN HOLDINGS LTD. ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BAYLY STREET AND WEST SHORE BOULEVARD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 36/89 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 36/89 submitted or¡ beha 1£ of Canuck Green Hol di ngs Limi ted to change the zoning on lands being Blocks E and I, Plan M-17 and Part of Lot 26, Range 3, B.F .C., Town of Pickering, from "C3-Highway Commercial and 1I00-Publ ic Open Space to an appropriate residential zone to permit the establishment of a condominium townhouse development be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to the following conditions: 1. That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to Town Council, the owner (a) enter into an appropriate site/development agreement with and to the satisfaction I)f the Town of Pickering which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following requirements: (i ) . (i i ) ( i i i ) (i v) . (v) submission and approval of a site plan and elevation drawings, such plan and drawings to address the archjtectura1 coordi nati on of the requi red noi se attenuation patio barriers; the approved site plan and drawings are to be registered with ,the site plan agreement; (in accordance with Council policy), the provi sian of full municipal improvements including curbs, sidewalks, landscaped boulevards, street 1 i ghti ng and storm drai nage across the frontage of the subject property adjacent to Westshore Boulevard and the provision of sidewalk and lighting across the frontage of the subject property adjacent to Bayly Street, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works; submit a noise impact analysis report, such report to be approved by the Regi on of Durham with respect to technical matters and approved by the Town of Pi ckeri ng with respect to architectural design and the impact of recommended noise abatement measures on the site and the abutting area; agree to implement the Supplementary Tree Planting in Parkland Plan prepared by Alexander Budrevics and Associates Limited (project 891-354-L-3-February 28/90) and approved by the Director of Community Services and Facil ities r~arch 1 3, 1990; . . . ,. I 1. 2. 4/90 2 (vi) (vii ) payment of appropriate levies; the requi rement that the subject 1 ands be developed by draft plan of condominium; (viii) 2. provi s i on of an appropri ate easement, to the satisfaction of the Town, for a pedestrian connection from Bayly Street through the eastern area of the deve 1 opment to the proposed walkway to the southerly abutting Town-owned land; That prior to the issuance of building permits the owner make sati sfactory arrangements wi th the Region of Durham regarding the provision of sanitary sewer facilities and municipal water facilities. 3. That the implementing zoning by-law establish: (a) a minimum parking space width and length of 2.6 metres x 5.3 metres; (b) a parking rpquirement as follows: 1.0 private garage and adjacent driveway of at least 6.0 metres in length per unit; plus 0.3 space per units for visitors; (c) a maximum number of units permitted on the site; and (d) a requirement for a 3.0 metre landscaped area adjacent to Bayly Street. These conditions of approval apply to the development of 41 units on the subject lands as identified genera lly on the Site P1 an dated June 30. 1989, Job No. 8560, latest revision April 11, 1990. ZONING APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY TRILEA HOLDINGS INC. ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WHITES ROAD AND HIGHVIEW ROAD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 5/89 That Zoning By-1 aw Amendment App1 ication A 5/89 submitted by Brama1ea limited on behalf of the owner, Trilea Holdings Inc., to amend Zoni ngn ßy-l aw 3036, as amended by By-l aw 1340/81, to rezone Part of Lot 29, Concessi on 1, Town of Pickering to an appropriate residential zoning to permit development of a condomi ni um townhouse proj ect be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to the following conditions: That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to Town Council, the owner . . . 2. 3. 4. AMENDED 4/90 3 a) enter into an appropriate site/development agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town of Pickering which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following requirements: (1) submission and approval of a site plan and e1~vation drawings; (i iJ the approved site plan and drawi ngs are to be registered with the site plan agreement; (iii) payment of appropriate levies; (i v) the requi rement that the subject 1 ands be developed by draft plan of condominium; (v) satisfy the Director of Public Works respecti ng stormwater management faci1 ities. b) And further, that the number of units in the project be subject to Site Plan Approval but be limited to a maximum of 135 uni ts whil e maintaining the "Semi-detached appearing townhouse units fronting on Amberlea Road"; c) And further, that the Town Solicitor be directed to withdraw, upon the coming into force of the consequent zoning by-law amendment, the objection to the Trilea Holdings Inc. application for severance - LD 234/89, and release the application for completion of severance. KINSALE CLUSTER BOUNDARY REVIEW FILE NUMBER - B 1000 That Town Council recommend to Regional Council that an appropriate official plan amendment to change the identification of Kinsale from a Cluster to a Hamlet in the Durham Regi ana 1 Offi ci a 1 Pl an and the Pi ckeri ng Di stri ct Plan, be APPROVED. AMENDED KINSALE CLUSTER BOUNDARY REVIEW F!LE NUMBER - B 1000 That Town Council request staff to prepare an appropri ate Hamlet Development Plan for Kinsale based on the Concept Plan illustrated on Appen~ix I to Planning Report No. 6/90.