HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 26, 1962 M UNI C I PA L BU I L D I'NG
~ R O U ~'H ~ M
A meeting of Picketing Township Council was held onIMONp~Y, the
TWENT¥-STX'TH day of 'NOYEM'BE~, 1962, at EIGHT o'clock in
PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair
Mrs. Jean McPherson
Harvey Spang
W. J. Greening
Ross Deakin
Hubert Wank
L. T. Johnston, Clerk
The following CORRESPONDENCE was considered;
1. Hydro-Electric Power CommisSion submits costs of street lighting
[~ fo'hr locations, as requested° See Resolution No. 294/62.
2. ~0nta~i.0 Municipal Board refuses to change the zoning of the
South wes~ Corne~ L0t'22, Concession 1~ for Ernest Stroud on
grounds that such use is "premature".
Our solicitor will pursue at a later date, if requested.
See Resolution No. 293/62.
~he D. ep~rtm~nt of Economics and Development has submitted its
report on "need and demand for Federal-Provincial Public
Housing" in this Township. As only four completed questionnaires
were returned by residents, they recommend that no such project
be started~
De~aFtment of Highways of O~tamio has appmoved purchase of
t~uck, as ~eques%ed.
5. Coooer BlOck Limited owns 22 1/2 acres in Concession S, south
east half Lot 8~'and as the gravel content does not suit their
moduction methods, they will sell to the Township for price of
1~000.00 per acre.
6. Mr. John O'Brien, of Faimport, asked if his lands used for a
boat ~iveP~' wer~ zoned commercial.
.Clerk acknowledge, and get correspondence for next meeting.
The following PERSDNS~ on MOTION, were heard:
1. On MOTION of Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Greening, that Mr.
Robert Duck, Road Superintendent, was heard.
M~. Robert Duck felt the drainage in Lot 30, Concession 2, at
T~£rd c0hcession, was hindered by two large trees and brush,
which would possible back the water onto the Township Road.
The fall on 900 feet was 2 feet 10 inches.
Council objected to draining private lands, but asked Clerk to
check for a watercourse award,
2. On MOTION of Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. G~eening, Mr.
Emnest Stroud was heard.
Mr. Ernest Stroud stated that the Ontario Municipal Board had
~uPned down his ~pplication to have the south west corne~ of
Lot 22, Concession 1 re-zoned for a store, and as he wished to
p~oceed, he asked Council to give him direction. See Resolution
No. 293/62.
- 2 -
Reevé Scott explained a proposed amendment to the agreement with
Consol~dated Building Corporation, whereby the sewage pumping statio~
west of Frenchman's Bay would be built by the Township and Consol- '
idated Building Corporation would pay the Township $100,000.00 for
the work, and the' ''I'~m!3hiþ' ~e not'li('lble for its' sha,re. of the', force-
main and oversizing. .! See Rt::solution No. 292/62.,
MÖVLV by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that application be
made to the Department of Highways of Ontario for approval for the
Township Road Department to sell to the Township Garbage Department
one 1962 White gravel truck with box and hoist, for the sum of Six
Hundred Dollars ($600.00), CARRIED
MUVLD by Mr. Deak~n, seconded by Mr. Greening, that Pickering Town-
sh~p Council authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign the amended
agreement with Consolidated Building Corporation for the building of
a pumping station on Lot 189, Registered Plan 345, and forcemain
from said pumping station to sewage plant. CARRIED
MOVLD by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mrs. McPherson,
Solicitor be asked to proceed further with the
Concession 1, from industrial to commercial.
that the Township
rezoning of Lot 22,
MOVLD by Mr. Deak~n, seconded by Mr. Wank that the charge for certain
street lights in the Township of Pickering, as follows:
(a) Island Road from East Avenue to Scarborough, eight lights,
capital cost, $1000.00; yearly, $144.00.
(b) Rougemount Road from Highway 2 to Toynevale, six lights,
capital cost, $775.00; yearly $108.00,
(c) White's Road from Highway 2 to Concession 1, six lights,
capital cost $825.00; yearly $108.00.
(d) Liverpool Road from Highway 2 to Base Line, twelve lights,
capital cost $2,700.00; yearly, $294.00.
(e) Harwood Avenue from Ajax to No.2 Highway.
be levied on the Police Area.
YEA: Messrs. Greening, Deakin, Wank, Scott, and Mrs. McPherson.
NAY: Mr. Spang.
MOVLD by Mr. Wanx, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the Clerk
request from the Ontario Hydro a price for the Hydro system for
the portion of the Township west of Ajax and south of the Third
Concession. CARRIED
MOVLD by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Deakin,
tendent make a report to Council on gravel
Concession 5,
that the Road Superin-
property in Lot 8,
MOVLD by Mr. Green1ng, seconded by Mr, Deakin, that the office
s~aft take off either Monday, December 24, or Monday, December 31,
but work on a skeleton staff basis on both of these dates in order
that standard office procedure be continually carried out.
Messrs. Greening, Deakin, Spang
Mr. Wank, Mr. Scott, and Mrs. McPherson.
- 3 -
Mr, Greening, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves for leave to introduce a
By-Law of the Township of Pickering for the collection of taxes for
the year 1963, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Greening, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law
Number 2738 for the collection of taxes for the year 1963, be now
read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the
Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Greening, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2738 be adopted, and that the said
By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk
sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
YEA: Messrs. Wank, Greening. Deakin, Scott, Spang, and Mrs. McPherson.
NAY: None.
1. Get zoning correspondence re John O'Brien, Fairport.
2. Get new copies of No.2 Highway Zoning By-Law.
3. Get estimate of street light rate for 1963 in Wards 3, 4 and 5.
AGRE'ED Road Inspection Saturday December 1 at 9 a.m. Clerk
arrange for bus.
AGREED Fire Committee meet December 11th.
On MOTION of Mr. Deakin, the meeting adjourned.