HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 08-17�� o� Report to P1 C K E Rl N� P�anning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 08-17 Date: May 8, 2017 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/16 Icon Dunfair Limited Part of Lot 29, Range 3 BFC (1464 and 1466 Whites Road) Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/16, submitted by Icon Dunfair Limited, to facilitate a residential condominium development consisting of 92 stacked back-to-back townhouse units on lands being Part of Lot 29, Range 3 BFC, be endorsed subject to the provisions contained in Appendix I to Report PLN 08-17, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: Icon Dunfair Limited has submitted a Zoning By-law Amendment application to facilitate a residential devetopment on the lands located at the southwest corner of Whites Road and Dunfair Street (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The applicant is proposing a condominium development consisting of 92 stacked back-to-back townhouse dwelling units within 4 blocks accessed through an internal private road (see Submitted Site Plan, Attachment #2). Key concerns expressed at the Public Information Meeting were with respect to potential traffic impacts, adequate resident and visitor parking, accessibility concerns and appropriate noise attenuation measures. The Region has advised that the proposal will have minimal operational impacts on Whites Road and the intersection of Whites Road and Dunfair Street. It is anticipated however, that the turning movements at the intersection of Whites Road and Dunfair Street will need to be restricted in the future due to traffic growth and the planned widening of Whites Road. The site plan control agreement and the condominium declaration will include a statement advising purchasers that the intersection of Dunfair Street and Whites Road may be restricted in the future. The applicant is providing sufficient resident and visitor parking to support the proposed development. The applicant has addressed all other concerns. Outstanding technical matters, including final noise mitigation measures, will be addressed through the site plan approval process. The proposal complies with the policies of the Woodland Neighbourhood and achieves the urban design objectives of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines. The proposed development is appropriate and will contribute to an attractive urban street edge. Accordingly, Staff recommends that the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/16 be endorsed subject to the provisions contained in Appendix I to this report and that the final implementing zoning by-law amendment be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment. Report PLN 08-17 Subject: Icon Dunfair Limited (A 08/16) Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the recommendations of this report. 1.0 Background 1.1 Property Description May 8, 2017 Page 2 The subject lands comprise 2 properties, with a combined area of approximately 0.70 of a hectare, located at the southwest corner of Whites Road and Dunfair Street, in the Woodlands Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The lands are currently occupied by a detached dwelling, which will be demolished in order to facilitate the proposed development. Surrounding uses include: Dunbarton High School and associated sports facilities and fields to the north and west; an existing commercial development to the west fronting Kingston Road; an automobile service station with an automatic car wash and drive-through restaurant to the south. To the east, across Whites Road, are vacant lands intended to be developed for a 14-storey apartment building, and on the northeast corner of Kingston Road and Whites Road is an existing automobile service station. 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The applicant is proposing a condominium deuelopment consisting of 92 stacked back-to-back townhouse dwelling units within 4 blocks accessed through an internal private road. The residential blocks will be 4 storeys (approximately 16.5 metres in height) with 2-storey units stacked on top of 2-storeys. Each unit will have its own entrance at grade. The lower units will have a raised outdoor terrace accessed from the ground floor, and the upper units will have a rooftop amenity area. The proposed plan also illustrates a common outdoor amenity area with seating and landscaping located at the southwest corner of the site (see Submitted Site Plan, Attachment #2). A total of 111 parking spaces are proposed to be provided on-site. Resident parking is proposed.at a ratio of 1.0 parking space per dwelling unit for a total of 92 spaces located in an underground parking area, accessed below Blocks 2 and 4. Visitor parking is provided at a rate of 0.2 spaces per unit for a total of 19 spaces lacated at grade. Vehicular access is from Dunfair Street. A 7.5 metre wide road widening along a portion of the site is also provided to accommodate the future widening of Whites Road. An application for Site Plan Approval has been submitted and is currently under review. Report PLN 08-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Icon Dunfair Limited (A 08/16) Page 3 2.0 Comments Received 2.1 September 12, 2016 Public Information Meeting A Public Information Meeting was held on September 12, 2016 at which an area resident attended. The following is a summary of key concerns and comments: • concerned that the proposed wood privacy fence will not alleviate noise and odour from the adjacent gas station/car wash and requested a brick fence along the south property line • concerned with the proposed amenity area location and requested that it be relocated � concerned that proposed walkways are not accessible to persons with disabilities • concerned with where snow storage will be located on-site In addition, the following comments and concerns were identified by members of the Planning & Development Committee: concerned that the proposed development is not accessible to persons with disabilities concerned that the ratio of one space per unit for resident parking is insufficient 2.2 City Departments and Agency Comments 2.2.1 City of Pickering Engineering Services Department • no objection to the proposal • matters with respect to grading and drainage, fencing details, stormwater management details, construction management requirements, snow storage location and landscaping requirements will be further reviewed through the site plan approval process 2.2.2 Region of Durham • the Regionat Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Living Areas" with a "Regional Corridor" overlay; these lands shall be used predominately for housing purpos.es and are to be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads • sanitary sewer and municipal water supply is available to service the lands • the submitted Noise Impact Assessment, which evaluates noise from transportation sources, and the submitted Noise Feasibility Study, which evaluates noise from stationary sources, such as the abutting car wash to the south, are required to be updated using the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) standards • the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment states that no further archaeological works are required • the Phase One and the Phase Two Environmental Site Assessments confirmed that the site has been remediated to the standards of MOECC and that the Record of Site Condition will be filed with the MOECC in the near future • prior to the issuance of final site plan approval, a copy of the MOECC Acknowledgement Letter is required to be provided to the Region of Durham • the Region has no objection to the approval of the rezoning application, as all further technical matters will be dealt with through the concurrent site plan application Report PLN 08-17 Subject: Icon Dunfair Limited (A 08/16) 3.0 Planning Analysis May 8, 2017 3.1 The proposal conforms to the density provisions of the Pickering Official Plan Page 4 The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors" within the Woodlands Neighbhourhood. Lands within this designation are intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses. The permitted residential density range for Mixed Corridors is between 30 units per net hectare and 140 units per net hectare, with maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) of up to and including 2.5. Following the conveyance to the Region of the Whites Road widening, the land area will be reduced to 0.66 of a hectare. The proposed development will result in a density of 140 units per net hectare with an FSI of 1.6, which is within the permissible density range. 3.2 The proposal is consistent with the policies of the Woodlands Neighbhourhood and the urban design objectives of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines The Woodlands Neighbourhood policies of the Pickering Official Plan require new development to establish buildings on Whites Road close to the street edge, with the front doors facing the street, and with a specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build-to-zones. The neighbourhood policies also require that new dwellings along the Whites Road frontage have a minimum of four functional storeys. The Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines state that new residential development shall be integrated into the area in a manner that is both respectFul of the character of the existing neighbourhood and serves as an interface between this area and the surrounding lands. The proposed 4-storey stacked back-to-back townhouse development adjacent to Whites Road will provide for a strong identifiable urban image. The building fa�ades along Whites Road for Blocks 1 and 2 have been further enhanced with additional windows and covered porches (see Submitted Conceptual Building Elevation Plan, Attachment #3). The proposed building design contains well-proportioned architectural elements, materials and massing configuration supportive of the contemporary architectural style. The building material is mostly brick construction with fibre cement siding and stone accents on all sides facing Whites Road and Dunfair Street. The zoning by-law will include a provision for a build-to-zone and will require that approximately 60 percent of the build-to-zone be occupied by buildings. Each unit has its own entrance at grade connected to an internal pedestrian pathway providing access to sidewalks along Whites Road and Dunfair Street. The private driveway and underground garage access are screened from the street and utilities are enclosed within the underground garage. In addition, required landscape improvements along Whites Road and Dunfair Street will contribute to an enhanced streetscape. The proposal complies with the policies of the Woodland Neighbourhood and is consistent with the urban design objectives of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines. Report PLN 08-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Icon Dunfair Limited (A 08/16) Page 5 3.3 The proposal will have minimal traffic impact on the operation of Whites Road and surrounding road network The Region of Durham has reviewed the submitted Traffic Study and is in general agreement with the consultant's findings that the proposed development will have minimal impact on Whites Road, and on the intersection of Whites Road and Dunfair Street. However, the study did identify that there are existing turning delays experienced at the intersection of Dunfair Street and Whites Road during the morning and afternoon peak hours. It is anticipated that the current delays at the intersection of Whites Road and Dunfair Street will become worse with general traffic growth in the future, the addition of the proposed site traffic, and the planned widening of Whites Road from four to six lanes. The Region of Durham has advised that intersection of Whites Road and Dunfair Street is not a candidate for signalization because it is too close to the existing traffic signals at Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue to the north, and Whites Road and Kingston Road to the south. Therefore, poor operational conditions and associated safety problems are expected to result in a need to restrict the intersection of Whites Road and Dunfair Street to right turns only in the future. City Development staff have explored whether the Region would consider restricting the intersection of Whites Road and Dunfair Street to right turns only, prior to the commencement of this development. The Region has advised that the widening of Whites Road to six lanes from just north of Kingston Road to Finch Avenue is projected for 2023 construction in the 2016 Capital Budget and Nine Year Forecast. Currently, there is no Environmental Assessment (EA) or preliminary design for the widening of Whites Road. Turning restrictions will be further reviewed through the EA process. The Region recommends that a clause be included in the site plan agreement and registered on title that the Region may restrict Dunfair Street at Whites Road to right-in/right-out turns only in the future at the Region's discretion and without compensation. Therefore, potential purchasers of units within this development shall be notified of this condition with a warning clause in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Engineering Services have reviewed the Traffic Study and concur with the Region's comments. City Development staff will ensure that the site plan agreement and the condominium declaration will include a statement advising purchasers that the intersection of Dunfair Street and Whites Road will be restricted in the future. 3.4 Sufficient resident and visitor parking is available to support the development As part of the Traffic Study, a parking justification analysis was provided in support of the proposed development. As noted above, the applicant is proposing a ratio of 1 parking space per dwelling unit for a total of 92 spaces for residents, and a ratio of 0.2 spaces per unit for a total of 19 spaces for visitor parking for a total of 111 parking spaces. Report PLN 08-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Icon Dunfair Limited (A 08/16) Page 6 The consultant has indicated that based on their review of other municipal parking by-laws for a similar built form, the proposed parking ratio is sufficient to support the development. The consultant has also indicated that the area is well served by existing transit and Kingston Road is currently being redeveloped as a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route. The development is also located in close proximity to retail and service commercial uses and well served by existing and planned improvements to the active transportation network (sidewalks and walkways). City Development staff are satisfied that sufficient parking will be provided to accommodate the parking demands of the proposed residential condominium development. 3.5 The proposal has been revised to provide for barrier free pedestrian connections Concerns were expressed that the proposed development is not accessible to persons with disabilities. In response, the applicant has revised the original plan to provide a barrier free pedestrian connection from Whites Road as well as a connection from Dunfair Street into the development. Curb depressions on sidewalks throughout the site have also been added to allow for complete movement in the common areas including outdoor amenity space area, visitor parking and garbage areas. An accessible parking space is also provided at grade. The applicant has indicated that this type of housing form is not designed to be accessible. Stairs are located throughout the site including connections from one block to another, the underground resident parking area, and most individual units. In instances where accessible design is possible, the applicant would be willing to work with potential purchasers. 3.6 Appropriate noise attenuation measures will be implemented An area resident expressed a concern that the proposed wood privacy fence along the south property line will not alleviate noise and odour from the adjacent gas station/car wash and requested that a brick fence be installed. A Noise Impact Assessment and a Noise Feasibility Study were submitted in support of the proposal. Mitigation measures recommended by the consultants include a 1.8 metre high wood privacy fence along the south and southwest property lines, but a 2.4 metre high acoustic fence immediately abutting the automatic car wash (see Submitted Site Plan, Attachment #2). Other mitigation measures recommended include noise barrier around the perimeter of the rooftop amenity space and central air conditioning. As noted in Section 2.2.2 of this report, the Region has advised that the submitted Noise Impact Assessment and Noise Feasibility Study are required to be updated using MOECC standards and to address Region's technical comments. The applicant has recently submitted the revised studies, which are currently under review by the Region. Any further comments or changes to the proposed noise mitigation measures can be implemented through the current site plan review process. City Development staff are satisfied that appropriate noise mitigation measures will be implemented to ensure that future residents are not adversely impacted from the operation of existing automobile service station and associated car wash and drive-through facility to the south. Report PLN 08-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Icon Dunfair Limited (A 08/16) Page 7 3.7 Other matters identified by an area resident have been addressed An area resident raised a concern that the proposed common outdoor amenity area should be relocated. Staff find the location of the amenity area appropriate. The amenity area is located at the southwest corner of the site screened from Whites Road with a pedestrian connection to the area. Enhanced landscaping is proposed along the perimeter of the common area including 2.4 metre high wood acoustic fence and a 1.8 metre high wood privacy fence as recommended by the noise consultant. Another concern that was also expressed was how snow storage will be managed. Through the site plan review process, the applicant is required to identify snow storage areas on the site plan. The site plan agreement and the condominium declaration will include a clause that ,the condominium corporation will be required to remove snow from the site in the event that a snowfall exceeds storage capacity. 3.8 Technical matters will be addressed through the site plan approval process A site plan application has been submitted and is currently under review. The following detailed design issues and technical matters will be further reviewed including: • architectural treatment • landscaping and fencing • noise attenuation measures • lighting • pedestrian circulation and connections . • outdoor amenity design • drainage and grading • site servicing • construction management plan • snow storage/removal • garbage • Whites Road widening 3.9 Zoning By-law will be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment The zoning by-law will have site specific provisions including, but not limited to, build-to-zone provision, maximum building height, number of dwelling units, minimum private amenity area per unit, minimum outdoor amenity area, and minimum number of resident and visitor parking spaces. Staff supports the rezoning application, and recommends that a site specific implementing by-law, containing the standards attached as Appendix I to this Report, be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. 3.10 Applicant's Comments The applicant supports the recommendations of this report. Report PLN 08-17 Subject: Icon Dunfair Limited (A 08/16) Appendix May 8, 2017 Page 8 Appendix I Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment A 08/16 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Submitted Site Plan 3. Submitted Conceptual Building Elevation Prepared By: � Cristina Celebre, MCIP, RPP Senior Planne - Development Review & Heritage , a Nilesh Su i, IP, RPP ' Manager, Development Review & Urban Design GC:Id of P ended for the consideration �ng City Council � �`, s 1� �i'���-� 0 E Tony Pre ede P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Approved/Endorsed By: � � c�------. . Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner � Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Appendix I to Report PLN 08-17 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/16 That the implementing zoning by-law permit the establishment of stacked townhouse dwellings in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Permitted Use ' a) Stacked Back-to Back Townhouse Dwellings 2. Number of Dwelling Units: a) maximum number of units 92 , 3. All buildings and structures shall be located entirely within a building envelope with a minimum setback of 3.0 metres from all lot lines 4. A 3.0 metre wide build-to-zone adjacent to Whites Road , 5. No building or portion of a building or structure shall be erected within the building envelope, unless a minimum of 60 percent of the entire length of the build-to-zone is occupied by a continuous portion of the exterior wall of a building 6. Stairs; cover and uncovered porches and platforms; bay, box and bow windows; balconies, box windows; eaves; canopies, window sills and other similar features are permitted to project beyond the building envelope, but no closer than 0.6 of a metres to any lot line 7. Minimum Building Height of 12.0 metres and 4 storeys 8. Minimum 10.0 square metres of private outdoor ameni.ty space is required per dwelling unit 9. Minimum 300 square metres for private park area (outdoor amenity area) 10. Minimum 1.0 parking space per dwelling unit and an additional 0.2 of a space per dwelling unit for visitors 11. Minimum separation between buildings — 10.0 metres 12. Provisions to permit model homes, if required. 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