HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 10, 1966
B R 0 tJ G HAM
Pursuant to By-law Number 3062 the members-elect of the Municipal
Council of the Township of Pickering met in the Council Chambers
on MONDAY. the TENTH day of JANUARY, 1966, at the hour of EIGHT
o ' 010 ck p. m .
PRESENT: Clifford W, Laycox - Reeve Elect
Mrs. Jean L. McPherson- Deputy Reeve Elect
Harvey Spang - Councillor Elect, Ward 1
Donald A. Beer - Councillor Elect, Ward 2
John L. Williams - Councillor Elect, Ward 3
John Campbell - Councillor Elect, Ward 4
Ronald Chatten - Councillor £lect, Ward 5
Douglas J.-Plitz - Clerk
The Members-Elect, having taken the Oath of Allegiance to Her
Majesty, Queen Elizabeth IÌ, and the Declaration of Qualification
on the day of Nomination, took befora the Clerk their respective
Declarations of Office, and took thei~ seats at the Council Board,
the Reeve in the Chair.
Dr. W. A. McKay, Rev, B. P. Smythé, and Rev. Father Quesnelle
conducted the devotional exercises, and Reeve Laycox thanked them
for their messages. \'; Cöun~rllop· Camþbel1'p~esên~ed -thèm- with -
TowDshiJ>~1I'teð.llions· mO'êntèt1 ón etanãs as tokens of appreciation.
Reeve C~ W. Laycox welcomed Mrs.; Jean L. McPherson as Deputy
Reeve and Councillors Harvey Spang and John Campbell, who were~ of
the 196~-1965 council, and the new councillors, John Williams, Ward 3.
Ronald Chat ten , Ward 5, and Donald Beer, W~rd ~.
Reeve Laycox pointed out, in a short address, that the last
two yea~s had been active ones; however the next two years should be
the two most important years in the long history of the Township.
He predicted more financial assistance from Prcvincial authorities
for educational purposes, but that we should oontinue to work for
this financial assistance. He predicted one school area in the
township, financial assistance from the Province of Ontario Water Re~our~cs
Commission for the much-needed services in the township. He also felt
that total County Assessment will come in the very near future, as well
as a County-wide Health unit.
The Reeve has set a tentative work program for next year, as a goal
for completion in the year 1966.
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( 8)
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Some of the items he referred to are:
Redistribution of ward boundaries.
Road Need study.
Procedural By-law, governing Council and its Committees.
Private Members Bill for part Hydro system in Township.
Continued water expansion.
Explore possibility of having Metro assume servicing of
the West Rouge areas.
Embark on a sewerage study.
Set up Executive Committee of Council.
Pursue the Provincial authorities for increased
financial assistance
Prepare for opening cerèmonies of new municipa~ bui~ding.
Prepare a program for Centennial célebrations.
The Deputy Reeve and Councillors spoke briefly and told of their
hopes for the future of the Township. Most of the members expressed
a need for an arena and community centre for the township, and
Councillor Williams advocated a Board of Education.
- 2 -
The following CORRESPONDENCE was considered:
Tenders for water and sewers on the east side of Frenchman's Bay
east of Liverpool Road were opened and resulted as follows:
Con-Drain Co. Ltd.
Marino Construction Ltd.
Del Brocco Construction Ltd.
Gran Gough Construction Ltd.
Renzetti Construction Ltd.
Davmar Construction Ltd.
Bennington Developments Ltd.
$ 7l.502.48~
$ 45,612.55
36.445.10 \/
See Resolution No. 5/66
The following PERSON. on MOTION, was heard:
There was a brief discussion on County Assessment, with Mr.
Gordon Hepditch, County Assessment Commissioner, participating.
MOVED by Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that Mr. Hepditch
be heard:
There were. many questions asked of Mr. Hepditch by members of
C oun ci 1.
Mr. Hepditch explained that m~ny townships and towns have thousands
of dollars in hidden assets which can only be properly assessed if
qualified assessors are on the job.
He further indicated to Council that 11 of the 18 municipalities in
the county are under county assessment and by remaining out of total
county assessment we stand to lose several thousands of dollars m
provincial grants. Total county assessment would open the door
to deal with land speculators. He further indicated that county
assessment would not provide a less expensive service than what is
presently provided.
MOVED by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that the names
appearing below shall comprise the Standing Committees of Council:
Committee of Whole Council
Personnel - Office Management
Property - Buildings - Public
Relations - All matters relating
to staff salaries - Union
negotiations - purchases of
land or buildings, and for
expenditures on same, unless
it be for road purposes or
Public Utilities - Entertainment
John Williams, Chairman
Harvey Spang, Vice-Chairman
Mrs. J. McPherson
Donald Beer \
John Campbell
Ronald Chatten
C. W. Laycox
Mrs. J. McPherson. Chairman
Harvey Spang
Ronald Chatten
Dona14 Beer, Chairman
Mrs. J. McPherson
John Williams
Water Plant - Sewage Plant
Dump and Sanitation -
Engineering - Building
Inspection - Plumbing
In spe cti on
John Campbell, Chairman
John Williams
Ronald Chatten
- 3 -
Dog Pound - Weed Control
Parks Administration
- Cemeteries - Welfare
John Campbell. Chairman
Harvey -Spang
D ~n a 1 d ' A.' 13 e e r . ,- ~X
MOVED by Mr. Spang. seconded by Mr. Beer. that the following named
members of Council sit on the various Boards. viz:
1. Brougham Community Centre Board
Donald Beer
Harvey Spang
Don ald Beer
Harvey Spang
2. Claremont Community Hall Board
3. Claremont Community Centre and
Athletic Field Board
Donald Beer
Harvey Spang
4. Rouge Hills Community Hall Board
Ronald Chatten
Mrs. J. McPherson
5. Rouge Hills Community Centre and
Athletic Field Board
Ronald Chatten
Mrs. J. McPherson
Bay Ridges Community Centre and
Athletic Field Board (Block V)
J. Williams
J. Campbell
7. Bay Ridges Community Centre and
Athletic Field Board (Block DA)
J. Williams
J. Campbell
8. Fairport Beach Recreation CommitteE
J. Williams
J. Campbell
9. West Rouge Community Park Board
Ronald Chatten
C. W. Laycox
10. Pickering Beach Community Park Board
J. Wi lliùms
Donald Beer
11. North-East Pickering Community
Centre Board
Donald Beer
Harvey Sp ang
12. Greenwood Community Centre Beard
Donald Beer
Harvey Spang
13. Pickering Township Museum Board
C. W. Layccx
Mrs. J. McPherson
14. Planning Board
C. W. Laycox
Mrs. J. McPherson
15. Crown Game Preserve Committee
Harvey Spang
C. W. Laycox
16. Parks and Recreation Committee
Donald Beer
R1I)nald Chatten
- 4 -
MOVED by Mr. Spang, sèconded by Mr. Beer, that the following named
members of Council sit on the various Committees or Boards, viz:
1. Metro Toronto & Region Conservation Authority,
C. W. Laycox
W. H. Westney
2. Central Lake Ontario Ccnservation Authority
Edgar James
3. Township of Pickering Industrial Committee
Ronald Chatten
C. W. Laycox
John Williams
4. Ajax-Pickering General Hospital Board
Harry Boyes
YEA: Mr. Beer. Mr. Spang, Mrs. McPherson, Mr. Laycox, Mr. Chatten,
Mr. Campbell and Mr. Williams.
NAY: None.
MOVED by Mr. Willíáms, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that the Signing
Officers for the Township of Pickering for the year 1966 be:
The Reeve, The Deputy Reeve, the Treasurer, The Clerk, the Welfare
Administrator, or any two of them. CARRIED
MOVED BY Mr. Chatten. seconded
tender for water and sewers on
of Liverpool Road be accepted,
Township Engineer.
by Mr. Campbell, that the lowest
east side of Frenchman's Bay east
subject to the approval of the
MOVED by Mr. Williams. seconded by Mr. Campbell, that Pickering Town~
ship Planning Board compr1ðe ,. n~ne members for 1966-1967;
That Mr. J. W. Irwin and Mr. B. Lowe be added, and further that
Mrs. J. McPherson replace Mr. Spang's proposed appointment; and
further, that the per diem rates remain at $12.00.
Mrs. McPherson, Messrs. Chatten. Campbell and Williams.
Messrs. Beer, Spang and Laycox.
MOVED by Mr. Be~r, seconded by Mr. Spang, that this Council donate
$25.00 to the Dr. N. F. Tomlinson Day fund. CARRIED
Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Williams, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the
Township of Pickering Planning Board, and that same now be read a
first time.
Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Chatten, moves that By-Law Number
3084 to appoint members to the Township of Pickering Planning Board
be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of
the Whole thereon.
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Campbell. seconded by Mr. williams, moves that the report ã
the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 3084 be adopted, and
that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the
Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be
affixed thereto. CARRIED
Mrs. McPherson, Mr. Chatten, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Williams
Mr. Beer, Mr. Spang, Mr. Laycox.
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By-Law No. 3084 - Members Appointed:
David Lennox to December 31, 1967
Rex Merritt to December 31, 1967
Ross Deakin to December 31. 1966
J. W. Irwin to December 31, 1966
Hubert Wank to December 31, 1968
M. Johnson to December 31, 1968
B. Lowe to December 31, 1968
Mrs.. J. L. McPherson to December 31, 1966
C. W. Laycox to December 31, 1966.
Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Williams, moves for leave to introduce
a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to appoint members to the
Township of Pickering Committee of Adjustment, and that same now be
read a first time.
Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law Number
3085 to the Township of Pickering Committee of Adjustment. be now
read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole
The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read.
Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Beer, moves that the report of the
Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 3085 be adopted, and that the
said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and
Clerk sign the same. and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed
thereto. CARRIED
Mrs. McPherson, Mr. Chatten, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Williams
Mr. Beer, Mr. Spang, Mr. Laycox.
Members Appointed: Donald J. Carter to January l,
Dennis Horsfield to January 1,
Norman Lehman to January 1,
David Lewington to January
Edgar James to January
MOVED by Mr. Beer, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that the
¡~ /~ 1966
Ree ve