HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 24, 2017 Page 1 of 4 Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Tuesday, January 24, 2017 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Programs Joan De Gennaro, Clerk-Typist (recording secretary) Don Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Ann Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Graham Lowman, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Laura Drake, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Regrets: Laura Coulter, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pamela Fuselli, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Greg Oakes, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Terry Arvisais, Vice Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome T. Ryce welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Approval of Agenda & Minutes Motion: to approve the agenda as amended with the removal of item 3 – Foundation Report Moved: P. Savel Seconded: G. Lowman Carried Motion: to approve the minutes of the November 22, 2016 meeting as written Page 2 of 4 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Moved: R. Cowan Seconded: D. Hudson and G. Lowman Carried 3. Sub-Committee Reports Facility Improvements T. Ryce reviewed the Capital Projects & Carryovers document provided by V. Plouffe Volunteer Recognition G. Lowman provided a verbal report on the work of the committee and the difficulty in scheduling meetings with the subcommittee. Action items from previous meeting related to Volunteer Recognition Sub-Committee – Civic Awards – Committee has not had the opportunity to meet. A kudos went out – seems to have been successful. M. Smiles now has access to museum webmail and the volunteer contact list is available to K. Pyke. Collections P. Savel advised that the Sub-Committee has had difficulty meeting in December and January. T. Ryce to invite V. Plouffe to present a chart at an upcoming PMV meeting – date to be determined. Change Mandy’s calendar to Friday 2:00 pm and invite Tanya and Laura C. Send out a save the date for the VIV 4. New Logo PMV T. Ryce reviewed the New Logo for the Museum. K. Pyke explained the process of the logo design. S. Regina will attend and present the marketing plan for the Museum in February or March along with the report from the Sponsorship Coordinator. Staff to coordinate Page 3 of 4 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5. PMV Strategic Plan Update K. Pyke provided a verbal report on the work completed by the Strategic Plan Sub-Committee to date. 6. CMOG Update K. Pyke Updated that the Ministry has shared templates and details on expectations for this year’s review of the Finance, Interpretation & Education, and Research Standards. Submissions will be due on June 30, 2016. The scope of expectations have been scaled back slightly. K. Pyke will provide drafts for committee review at the May meeting. 7. Other Business & Adjournment T. Ryce reviewed the 2016 Education Program Report. T. Ryce reviewed the 2016 Event Revenue Report for planning 2017 line up of events. T. Ryce advised the Committee that the City has received a Federal and Provincial Grant for Canada 150. D. Hudson provided information on the Western Front Association and asked if the Committee wished to have a presentation at an upcoming meetings. Motion: to adjourn Moved: P. Savel Seconded: R. Cowan Carried T. Ryce to edit the Education Program chart and redistribute to the committee. T. Ryce to send out the document on the sub-committee goals from last year. L. Roberts to check the terms of reference and advertisement with respect to number of appointed members on the committee. K. Pyke to see if there is interest in the Western Front Association making a guest presentation as a Museum program. Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm Copy: Director, Community Services Clerks