HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEG 01-17��� �,� ' ' Fteport Number: LEG 01-17 Date: January 9, 2017 Froin: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Geranium Rosebank Development Inc., Plan of Subdivision 40M-2470 - Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision - File: 40M-2470 Recommendation: That Maitland Drive and Pike Court within Plan 40M-2470 be assumed for public use; 2. That the works and services required by the Subdivision Agreement within Plan 40M-2470, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except for Blocks 28 to 32; 3. That Geranium Rosebank Development Inc. be released from the provisions of the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-2470, save and except from Blocks 28 to 32; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The City entered into a Subdivision Agreement with the above-noted developer for the development of the lands within Plan 40M-2470. As all works and services within this plan have been completed to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and the works and services within this plan (save and except for Blocks 28 to 32) under the jurisdiction of the City and to release Geranium Rosebank Development Inc. from the provisions of the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto. Financial Implications: Not Applicable Discussion: The City entered into a Subdivision Agreement with the above-noted developer for the development of the lands within Plan 40M-2470. As the developer has now completed all of the works and services to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and the works and services within Plan 40M-2470, save and except for Blocks 28 to 32. LEG U1-�7 Subject: Final Assumption of Rlan of Suk�diuisi�on 4DM-2470 J�nu�ry 9, �017 Page 2 Block 28 is a r�s�nre awned b�y th� City that wilf be esta�iish�:d as a publi� higt�way once Prke Cour� is �xte�d�d southerly. Block �9 is a resenre owned by the Ciiy ihat will be established as a p��lic highway �pQn th� d�velvpment of th� lands tv the west. Block 3Q i� a res�rve awned by the City that that uvill be es#ablished as a public highway ance Maitl�rtd Dr�ve is ��tend�d northerly. Bloc�C� 31 and 32 ar� currently bein� used by #he �ity for tempvrary �urnin� cercle purposes. Once Maitland Drive is e�ended narth�rly, �he turning circles will be remc�ved ancf, in accordance witt� the Subdivisian Agreement, Blocks 31 and 32 uvill be r�stor�d �o residential s�atus and cor�veyed to the �djacent priv�te I�ndowners. The assumption af Blaeks 28 tc� 32 will Q�ccur oe�ce �ike Court and Maitland Drive are exter��ied southerly and narth�rEy, respectivefy and the larads ta the west c�f Block 29 are dev�loped. As the works and services within Plan 40M-�.470 have been completed to the satisfacti�n of the City, it is naw appropriate ta release Geranium Roseban�C Develaprnent Inc. from the pro�isions of the Subdi�ision A�reement with the City and any amendrnents rel�t�d th�r�ta, as it relates ta L�ts 1 to 26 and Block �7 only. ,4#tachments: Lacation Map — 40M-2470 Prep�red By= Brigitte Gawtrey, �aw Clerk, Proper�y & Developrn�nfi Services ': •r f�ecommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cauncil Tony Preuedel, P,Eng. Chief Adr�inistr�tive C��Ficer CI�RPfl227-071Q1 revised Appra�edlEndorsed By: , , '� Paul Bigian�, Dir�ctor, Carporate Services 8 City 5oEicit�r LEG 01-17 Subject: Fina1 Assumptiar� af Plan of Subdivisian 40M-247�Q Recommendation ap�roved: Chief Administrat'rve �fficer Dire�ctor, City Qevelopment & GBQ Dir�c#ar, Cammur�ity 5er,rices per: t ,-r �. . L,, a..,.y . � . � �� p�r: � � per: � Director, Corpo��te Serrices & City Solicitar per: � ,� _ , . � .� Directar, E�gin�ering Services per: ,�, ; Director, Finance & Tr�asurer per: ;:. � City Clerk per: � j . ; �,��.� CORPfl227-07101 reuised January 9, 2017 Page 3 � � , ATTACHMENT� 70 REP+ORT#F '