HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 18-16 Cr o Report to P1CKE R 1 N G Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 18-16 Date: December 5, 2016 From: Kyle Bentley (Acting) Director, City Development Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 15-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/15 Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2015-08 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2015-03 Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC (1484 and 1498 Altona Road) Recommendation: 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 15-005/P, submitted by Altona Land Development Corporation, to re-designate the lands being Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC, from "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" to "Urban Residential — Medium Density Areas" to allow a common element condominium development consisting of 22 townhouse units, be approved, and that the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 28 to the Pickering Official Plan as set out in Appendix Ito Report PLN 18-16 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/16, submitted by Altona Land Development Corporation to facilitate a residential common element condominium development consisting of 22 townhouse units on lands being Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC, be approved, and that draft Zoning By-law Amendment as set out in Appendix II to Report PLN 18-16 be forward to Council for enactment; and 3. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2015-08, submitted by Altona Land Development Corporation, on lands Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC, to establish a single development block to facilitate a common element condominium, as shown on Attachment#2 to Report PLN 18-16, and the implementing conditions of approval, as set out in Appendix III, be endorsed. Executive Summary: The subject lands are located at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, in the Rougemount Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The applicant's is proposing to re-designate the subject lands from "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" to "Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas" to facilitate a common element condominium development. The original concept plan consisted of 32 three-storey townhouse having a density of 44.4 units per net hectare (see Original Submitted Concept Plan, Attachment#4). Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 2 In response to identified concerns, the applicant revised their proposal (see Revised Concept Plan, Attachment#7). The key revisions to their proposal include: • reducing the total number of units from 32 units to 22 units, resulting in a decrease in density from 44.4 units per net hectare to 32.1 units per net hectare • increasing the width for all townhouse units • accommodating 4 vehicle parking (2 spaces within a garage and 2 spaces on the driveway) for Townhouse Blocks 4 and 5 • reducing the building height for Townhouse Blocks 4 and 5 from 3 storeys to 2 storeys • providing a 3.0 metre wide municipal walkway from Richardson Street to St. Monica Catholic School and to Altona Road • increasing the minimum rear yard setbacks for Townhouse Blocks 4 and 5 • providing an outdoor amenity area and removing the parallel visitor parking spaces along the common element road In light of the revisions to the proposal, staff supports the proposed residential development as it is compatible with the surrounding residential community and implements the policies of the Official Plan. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 15-005/P, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/15, and Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-02 and the related conditions of approval. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1. Background • 1.1 Property Description The subject lands comprise 5 properties, with a combined area of approximately 0.73 of a hectare, located at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, in the Rougemount Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1). Altona Land Corporation has ownership of 4 properties and has requested to purchase the remaining property from the City of Pickering to consolidate all the • lands into a single development block (see Ownership Map, Attachment#2). The subject lands currently support a detached dwelling fronting Altona Road. Mature trees are located along the west property line and along the southerly portion of the subject lands. Surrounding land uses include low density residential development consisting of 2 storey detached dwellings to the north, • south and east. St. Monica Catholic Elementary School is located immediately to the west (see Air Photo, Attachment#3). Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 3 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The applicant's is proposing to re-designate the subject lands from "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" to "Urban Residential Areas— Medium Density Areas" to facilitate a common element condominium development. The applicant's original proposal included a total of 32 three-storey townhouse units accessed from an internal private road with vehicular access from Altona Road (see Original Submitted Concept Plan, Attachment#4). The original concept plan illustrated 5 townhouse blocks. Blocks 1, 2 and 3 were rear-loaded townhouse units fronting onto Twyn Rivers and Altona Road with vehicular • access from the internal private road. The rear-loaded units provided for 2 internal parking spaces and 2 external driveway parking spaces. Blocks 4 and 5 were front-loaded townhouse units with pedestrian and vehicular access from the internal private road. Parking for the front loaded units were provided 1 internal parking space and 1 external driveway space. A total of 8 visitor spaces, a water meter room and a pedestrian connection to Altona Road were also illustrated on the original concept plan. In response to concerns and comments received from area residents, the applicant has submitted a revised concept plan (see Revised Concept Plan, Attachments #7). Specifically, the key changes to the proposal include: • total number of townhouse units have been reduce from 32 units to 22 units, resulting in a reduction in the site density from 44.4 units per net hectare to 32.1 units per net hectare • proposed townhouse Blocks 1, 2 and 3 have been widened from 5.8 metres to a minimum of 7.3 metres, and Blocks 4 and 5 have been widened from • 6.0 metres to a minimum of 9.1 metres • Blocks 4 and 5 accommodate 4 vehicles (2 spaces within the garage and 2 spaces on the driveway) • building heights for Townhouse Blocks 4 and 5 have been reduced from 3 storeys to 2 storeys, and the building setbacks from the west property have also been increased by approximately 3.0 metres • a 3.0 metre wide public pedestrian connection has been provided from Richardson Street to St. Monica Catholic School and to Altona Road • an outdoor amenity area has been provided To facilitate the proposal, the applicant has submitted applications for revised Draft Plan of Subdivision and revised Draft Plan of Condominium. The purpose of the Draft Plan of Subdivision application is to create a single development block. This is a technical requirement to allow the applicant to create the privately owned parcels and the parcels for the common elements of the development through a process called "lifting part lot control" (see Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment #8). Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 4 The draft plan of condominium is to create the tenure of the parcels in the development. Common element features include, but are not limited to: the private road; the outdoor amenity area; visitor parking; community mailboxes; and water meter room (see Revised Draft Plan of Condominium, Attachment#9). 2. Comments Received 2.1 Open House Meetings, Public Information Meeting and Written Submissions An Open House meeting was held on February 18, 2016 to allow area residents to learn more about the proposal, as well as review and comment on the plans that the applicant has submitted. A total of 25 households were represented at this meeting. The Public Information Meeting was held on April 11, 2016 at which 34 households attended the meeting to voice their comments regarding the proposed residential development. Specifically the concerns identified are as follows: • commented that the proposal for 3 storey townhouse units on a private road is not consist with the surrounding large lot residential properties containing 2 storey detached dwellings • commented that the proposal is too dense for the existing low density residential neighbourhood • requested that the informal walkway to St. Monica Catholic Elementary School should be made into a permanent pedestrian connection with appropriate lighting to allow safe and convenient access to the school without having to walk along Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive • requested that garbage be collected from the internal private road for the townhouse units fronting Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive • requested that the existing mature trees, particularly along the west property line abutting the school should be protected • concerned that the increase in population will put a strain on the existing community facilities within the neighbourhood and negatively impact all of the existing residents • concerned about privacy for the abutting residents to the south and west as a result of the proposed 3 storey townhouse units • commented that the proposed townhouse blocks are sited too close to the abutting residential properties to the south and west • concerned that the proposal will result in increased traffic • concerned that the proposed retaining wall along the south property line may limit or preclude the abutting lands to the south from redeveloping in the future • commented that the proposal will decrease existing property values within the immediate community • requested that the speed limit on Altona Road be reduced to 50 km/h to better facilitate safe turning movements from the site • commented that red light cameras should be installed at the intersection of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 5 Subsequent to the above-noted Open House and Public Information meeting, a second Open House Meeting was held on November 3, 2016 to allow the area residents an opportunity to review and comment on the revisions to the proposal. Residents from approximately 17 households attended this meeting. A number of residents acknowledged some of the changes made by the applicant, but felt that the introduction of townhouse units on the subject lands was not consistent with the established character of the surrounding neighbourhood that consisted of wide lots (approximately 50 feet) with 2 storey detached dwellings. The following is a summary of the concerns and comments provided by the residents: • commented that the revised proposal for townhouse units is not consistent with the surrounding large lot residential properties consisting of detached dwellings • commented that the revised proposal remains too dense for the existing low density residential neighbourhood • commented that the community prefers existing zoning for 10 lots for detached dwellings • some residents were concerned that the proposed public walkway from Richardson Street to Altona Road is not warranted given that there is an existing pedestrian walkway from Richardson Street to Littleford Street, while other residents supported the additional pedestrian walkway to Altona Road • commented that the existing walkway from Richardson Street to Littleford Street is inadequately maintained • inquired whether the area residents can purchase the City-owned lands 2.2 City Departments and Agency Comments 2.2.1 Region of Durham • the Regional Official Plan (ROP) designates the subject lands as "Living Areas", which shall be used predominately for housing purposes • in accordance with Regional By-law 11-2000, the Official Plan Amendment application is exempt from Regional approval • the Stage 1 & 2 Archeological Assessment, prepared by Amick Consultants Limited, recommended no further archeological assessment be required • the Region will require the applicant to submit a Stage 1 & 2 Archeological Assessment to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport for their approval and clearance • the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) reports, prepared by Golder Associates, meet the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change's standards; therefore, the Region will not require a Record of Site Condition • sanitary sewer and municipal water supply is available to service the proposed development • the proposed development supports infill development within the urban area, consistent with the policies and direction of the ROP Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 6 2.2.2 Durham Catholic District School Board • no objection to the proposal • the students generated from the proposed development will attend St. Monica Catholic Elementary School and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School 2.2.3 Durham District School Board • no objection to the proposal • the students generated from the proposed development can be accommodated within existing Durham District School Board facilities 2.2.4 Engineering and Public Works Department • no objection to the proposal • matters with respect to grading and drainage, tree preservation and protection, fencing details and requirements, stormwater management details and construction management requirements will be further reviewed through the Site Plan Approval process • the applicant is required to enter into a subdivision agreement with the City of Pickering concerning the provision and installation of roads, services, grading, drainage, easements, cost sharing, as well as securities and insurance • on-site works prior to Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval will not be permitted, unless the City has issued a permit under the Fill and Topsoil Disturbance By-law 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 An amendment to the Official Plan to increase the density on the subject lands is required as a result of walkways being conveyed to the City A number of residents expressed concerns that the revised proposal is still too dense for the community. The City's Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas"within the Rougemount Neighbourhood. Lands within this designation are intended primarily for housing at a net residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare. The policies of the Official Plan state that City Council shall encourage a broad diversity of housing by form, location, size, tenure, and cost within the neighbourhoods and villages of the City, so that the housing needs of existing and future residents can be met as they evolve over time. As noted earlier, the applicant has reduced the total number of units from 32 units to 22 units, which translates to a gross density of 30.1 units per hectare. The City's Official Plan requires that density be calculated on the basis of net residential density, which excludes all lands to be conveyed to public ownership such as public roads, road widenings, and public walkways. Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 7 Due to the conveyance of the pedestrian walkways, the net developable area of the subject lands has been reduced, resulting in a slight increase in density of approximately 32.1 units per net hectare. Due to the conveyance of the pedestrian walkways to public ownership, an amendment to the City's Official Plan to re-designate the subject lands to Medium Density Residential is still required. The revised concept proposes a total of 22 units representing a 2.1 percent increase (1 additional unit) over the maximum density permitted by the Low Density designation of the Pickering Official Plan. Re-designating the subject lands to Medium Density with a maximum of 22 units is appropriate, and the introduction of townhouses into this neighbourhood will achieve Council's goal of creating communities with a broad range of housing form. 3.2 Revisions to the proposal achieve compatibility with the surrounding community Area residents also expressed that the proposed 3 storey townhouse units are not compatible with the existing 2 storey detached dwellings. In particular they identified privacy concerns due to the 3 storey building height, reduced rear yard setbacks for Blocks 4 and 5, and the loss of existing vegetation along the west property line. In evaluating the compatibility of new development proposals adjacent to established development, consideration is given to such matters as the proposed uses, arrangement of uses on the site, building height, building orientation, lot coverage, yard setbacks, access to sunlight, landscaping and screening, parking and traffic implications. Staff has reviewed the revised proposal against these matters. As noted earlier, the total number of units have been reduced from 32 units to 22 units. The reduction in the overall number of units is a result of wider townhouse units, which will accommodate 2 garage parking spaces and 2 driveway parking spaces. In addition, the building heights for Townhouse Blocks 4 and 5, located closest to the existing residential development to the west, have been reduced from 3 storeys to 2 storeys, and the building setbacks from the west property line have been increased by approximately 3.0 metres. The reduction in building height along with an increase in rear yard setback addresses privacy concerns raised by area residents. The applicant explored opportunities to retain the existing trees along the west property line abutting the school and existing residences. Due to the requirement for a rear yard swale and appropriate privacy fencing, the preservation of the requested trees was not feasible. Staff will work with the applicant to identify opportunities to compensate for the loss of the existing trees with additional on-site tree planting. Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 8 Some residents requested that the existing informal pedestrian pathway through the subject lands to St. Monica Catholic Elementary School be maintained. The revised concept plan illustrates a 3.0 metre wide pedestrian walkway from Richardson Street to St. Monica Catholic Elementary School and to Altona Road. These lands are intended to be conveyed to the City as public walkways and will become municipal walkways to be owned and maintained by the City. The proposed pedestrian walkways will formalize and provided a safe connection to St. Monica Catholic Elementary School for parents and students. Furthermore, the proposed walkways encourage walkability within the neighbourhood and gives pedestrian alternative choices for getting to their destination points. The revisions proposed by the applicant will ensure that the proposal is compatible with the existing community. 3.3 The revised proposal will have minimal traffic impact on Altona Road and surrounding road network A number of area residents expressed concerns regarding the impact of increase traffic levels that will result from the proposed development. To address this matter, the applicant has submitted a Transportation Review Report, prepared by BA Group, dated September 16, 2016 in support of the revised concept plan. The revised report also included additional traffic count surveys taken at peak hours during the school year. The conclusion of the Traffic Review indicated that the proposal will generate 15 to 17 two-way vehicle trips during the weekday morning and afternoon peak hours, respectively. However, during afternoon peak hours, the northbound queuing on Altona Road is expected to occasionally extend beyond the location of the proposed private road access to the development. Engineering Services have reviewed the submitted Traffic Review Report and are satisfied that the proposal will not have any operation impact on Altona Road or the intersection of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers. 3.4 Technical matters will be addressed as conditions of subdivision approval and through site plan approval To ensure appropriate development, the City, Region and agency requirements have been imposed as conditions of approval for the subdivision application. The conditions of approval set out in Appendix III to this Report, address these (and other) matters. It is recommended that Council endorse these conditions. Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 9 Additionally, the development will be subject to site plan approval. Technical matters to be further addressed include, but are not limited to: • construction management/erosion and sediment control • stormwater management • noise mitigation measures including erection of a noise attenuation fence and noise warning clauses • on-site grading • site servicing • landscaping • street tree planting along the internal private road and along Altona Road and Twyn Rivers • tree compensation • payment of cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication • architectural control 3.5 Draft Approval of Draft Plan of Condominium is delegated to Director, City Development The proposal is to be developed as a common element condominium which refers to a development where each dwelling unit is individually owned (freehold ownership), and where amenities or physical features are collectively owned and maintained by the unit owners as tenants in common. Common element features include, but are not limited to, the internal private road, sidewalks, visitor parking areas, community mailboxes, and the water meter room. In accordance with Council Policy and Delegation By-law 7306/13, the Director, City Development has the authority to grant draft plan approval for plans of condominium. Therefore, no further approvals are required from City Council. 3.6 Staff support the proposed Official Plan Amendment and recommend that a zoning by-law amendment be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment Based on the revised concept plan, staff supports the site specific Official Plan Amendment to re-designate the subject lands from Low Density Areas to Medium Density Areas, with a maximum of 22 residential units, and recommends that the By-law to adopt Amendment 28 be forwarded to Council for enactment (see Appendix I). The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject lands from a "S3" Single Detached 3 zone to an appropriate residential zone category to facilitate the proposal. Staff supports the rezoning application and recommends that the site specific implementing by-law, containing the standards outlined in Appendix II, be forwarded to Council for enactment. 3.7 Applicant's Comments The applicant has been advised of the recommendations of this report. Report PLN 18-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Page 10 Appendices Appendix I Draft By-law to Adopt Amendment 28 to the Pickering Official Plan Appendix II Draft Implementing Zoning By-law Appendix III Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-08 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Ownership Map 3. Air Photo 4. Original Submitted Concept Plan 5. Original Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 6. Original Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium 7. Revised Concept Plan 8. Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision 9. Revised Draft Plan of Condominium 10. Submitted Preliminary Building Elevations (Blocks 1 to 3) 11. Submitted Preliminary Building Elevations (Blocks 4 and 5) { Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: 411)4 i /// 1 Amy Emm, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP RPP Y , Pla er II Chief Planner Nilesh urti, MCIP, RPP Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Manager, Development Review (Acting) Director, City Development & Urban Design AE:NS:so Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 6d2,11611 /l , Z/ Zot Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report PLN 18-16 Draft By-law to Adopt Amendment 28 to the Pickering Official Plan for Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 15-005/P The Corporatio .oft ity of Pickering f w'= . XXX/16 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 28 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 15-005/P) Whereas pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1), the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering may, by by-law, adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; And whereas pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; And whereas on February 23, 2000 Regional Council passed By-law 11/2000 which allows the Region to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; And whereas the Region has advised that Amendment 28 to the City of Pickering Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment 28 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. By-law passed this XXth day of XXXX, 2016. NaT; .�� David Ryan, Mayor � or Y APT Debbie Shields, City Clerk • Exhibit "A" to By-law • Recommended Amendment 28 • to the City of Pickering Official Plan Amendment 28 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to re-designate the lands located at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive from "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" to "Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas" to facilitate a residential common element condominium development, and to add.a new policy to the Rougemount Neighbourhood policies restricting the maximum number of residential units. Location: The amendment affects the lands located at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive described as Range 3, Part Lot 33, 40R-29042 Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40M-1515 Blocks 85, 86, 90 and Part Blocks 84, 94, 95 Except 40R-25893 Parts 3 and 5 and 40R-28842 Parts 1 to 4, City of Pickering. Basis: Through the review of Official Plan Amendment Application 15-005/P, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/15, Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-08 and Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2015-03, the City requested that the pedestrian walkways from Richardson Street to St. Monica Catholic Elementary School and to Altona Road be conveyed to public ownership. As a result, the net developable area of the subject lands has been reduced, resulting in a residential density of approximately 32.1 units per net hectare that is slightly higher than the maximum permitted density of 30 units per net hectare in the Low Density Areas designation. The Amendment facilitates a development that is compatible with the surrounding community, and an appropriate infill project in Pickering's urban area. The Amendment is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement 2014, and conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Durham Regional Official Plan. This amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to permit a site specific exception by re-designating the subject lands from "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" to "Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas", with a maximum 22 units permitted, is appropriate, complies with the general intend of the Official Plan and is aligned with Provincial policies Actual The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: Amendment: 1. Amending Schedule I — Land Use Structure by replacing the "Urban Residential Areas— Low Density Areas" designation with "Urban Residential Areas —Medium Density Areas" designation for lands located at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, as illustrated on Schedule 'A' attached to this amendment; 2. Revising Section 11.7, Rougemount Neighbourhood policies, in Chapter Eleven, Urban Neighbourhoods, by moving the word "and" at the end of subsection (d)to the end of subsection (e), and adding a new subsection (f) to read as follows: "(f) despite Table 6 of Chapter Three —Land Use, permit a maximum of 22 residential units on the lands located at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive that are designated "Urban Residential Areas —Medium Density Areas." Implementation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The numbering of the policy sections in this amendment is subject to change in accordance with the sequencing of approvals. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the.City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 1 . OPA 15-005/P A18/15 SP-2015-08 CP-2015-03 Altona Land Development Corporation • • EXTRACT OF SCHEDULE I TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN w z WESTCREEK ORNE STROUDS LANE w o PROHILL< o w w 0 STREET BUTTERNUT 1 > 0° STREET re LSON 0 COURT 2 CO R ° l0 0 0 z 0 o_LANCREST 3 w > STREET ai Lai 0 0 �9rf%pt. 3 R 3 WILC,Q O'QO GATE N o ° z � STARVIEW ZR�� .k\A STREET m / \- 411 p j FOXW000 Y �OG� ao w Li w COURT npG �y0 a PIPNEVIEW LANE• "' w 0 > C. .c ...P SWEETBRIAR H w ° TUMN CRES. COURT LAWSON STREET Redesignate from"Urban _ _ Residential Areas- Low Density Areas", to"Urban Residential — — 111% flik..oc::, DRIVE Areas- Medium Density Areas" w 1- a OOD ° HOWELL !z+ o 2 I- ce T i z ° RICHARDSON a CRESCENT STREET 1. L \\ ITTLE FORD STREET 13Gn p W0p041 STONE AMPTO II p,Q2 COURT F 0 xi 0 STOVER `LEGEND c CRESCENT m FIDDLERS HOOVER DRIVE > Q SUBJECT LANDS 0 o PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PETUNIA .- OPEN SPACE SYSTEM PLACE -NATURAL AREAS \ / 0 i MIXED USE AREAS _ q. GWENDOLYN cr r/� USED CORRIDORS A O, STREET \ TOMLINSON K. = COURT .. LRItAN RESIDENTIAL.AREAS DRIVE o O ° LOW DENSITY AREAS QO' 9` W MEDIUM DENSrTV AREAS p 0 OQ m ROUGE HILL FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES VALLEY COURT ® I'oTENTIAL MULTI—USE AREAS 2 `GATE I O"P�G CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS . I_ =1 BROOKRIDGE ` j w - ° GATE �^ z / ` �._. �0�C'�2 w , / / KING~4 , N Landuse Map C411 File No:OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERINGApplicant: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Property Description:Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC City Development DATE:Nov. 11, 2016 Department Data Sources: U Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of survey. SCALE 1:10,000 PN-10 ,U 2013 MPAC and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. Appendix II to Report PLN 18-16 Recommended Draft Zoning By-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/15 The Corporatiaodf th, , Pickering By-law . fl.?-)11 [5- No X X/16 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, being Range 3, Part Lot 33, 40R-29042 Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40M-1515 Blocks 85, 86, 90 and Part Blocks 84, 94, 95 Except 40R-25893 Parts 3 and 5, and 40R-28842 Parts 1 to 4, City of Pickering (A 18/15) Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering received an application to rezone the subject lands being Range 3, Part Lot 33, 40R-29042 Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40M-1515 Blocks 85, 86, 90 and Part Blocks 84, 94, 95 Except 40R-25893 Parts 3 and 5, and 40R-28842 Parts 1 to 4 in the City of Pickering to permit a common element condominium development; And whereas an amendment to Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, is required to permit such uses; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule I • Schedule I hereto with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands on Range 3, Part Lot 33, 40R-29042 Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40M-1515 Blocks 85, 86, 90 and Part Blocks 84, 94, 95 Except 40R-25893 Parts 3 and 5, and 40R-28842 Parts 1 to 4 in the City of Pickering, designated "MD-H14" and "MD-H15" on Schedule I attached hereto. 3. General Provisions No building, structure, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. Definitions In this By-law, (1) "Air Conditioner" means any mechanical equipment which is required for residential domestic use and which must be installed outdoors including central air conditioning units, heat pumps, heat exchange units, emergency generators and other such equipment. By-law No. XXXX/16 Page 2 (2) "Balcony" means an attached covered or uncovered platform projecting from the face of an exterior wall, including above a porch, which is only directly accessible from within a building, usually surrounded by a balustrade or railing, and does not have direct exterior access to grade. (3) "Bay, Bow, Box Window" shall mean a window that protrudes from the main wall, usually bowed, canted, polygonal, segmental, semicircular or square sided with window on front face in plan; one or more storeys in height, which may or may not include a foundation; may or may not include a window seat; and may include a door. (4) "Condominium, Common Element" means spaces and features owned in common by all shareholders in a condominium and may include private streets, walkways, parking and amenity area. (5) "Deck" means a raised platform attached to the exterior wall of a building and with direct access from within a building and from grade. (6) (a) "Dwelling" shall mean a building or part of a building containing one or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or trailer; (b) "Dwelling, Detached" shall mean a single dwelling which is freestanding, separate and detached from other main buildings or structures; (c) "Dwelling, Multiple — Horizontal" shall mean a building containing three or more dwelling units attached horizontally by an above-grade wall or walls; (d) "Dwelling Unit" shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied as a single, independent, and separate housekeeping unit containing a separate kitchen and sanitary facilities. (7) "Height, Building" shall mean the vertical distance between the established grade, at the front of the dwelling, and in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or parapet wall, or in the case of a mansard roof the deck line, or in the case of a gabled, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height between eaves and ridge. (8) (a) "Lot" shall mean an area of land fronting on a street which is used or intended to be used as the site of a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or open space area, regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision; (b) "Lot Area" shall mean the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot; By-law No. XXXX/16 Page 3 (c) "Lot Frontage" shall mean the width of a lot between the side lot lines measured along a line parallel to and 7.5 metres distant from the front lot line; (d) "Lot, Through" shall mean a lot bounded on opposite sides by a street. (9) "Parapet Wall" shall mean the portion of an exterior wall extending above the roof. (10) "Park, Private" means a park which is maintained by a condominium corporation. (11) "Porch" means a roofed deck or portico structure attached to the exterior wall of a building, a basement may be located under the porch. (12) "Private garage" shall mean an enclosed or partially enclosed structure for the storage of one or more vehicles, in which structure no business or service is conducted for profit or otherwise. (13) "Street, Private" means: • a. a right-of-way or roadway, that is used by vehicles and is maintained by a condominium corporation; b. a private road condominium, which provides access to individual freehold lots; c. a private right-of-way over private property, that affords access to lots abutting the private street; but is not maintained by a public body and is not a lane. (14) 'Wall, Front" shall mean the wall of the dwelling closest to the front lot line. (15) 'Water Meter Building" means a building or structure that contains devices supplied by the Region of Durham which measures the quality of water delivered to a property. (16) (a) "Yard" shall mean an area of land which is appurtenant to and located on the same lot as a building or structure and is open, uncovered, and unoccupied above ground except for such accessory buildings, structures, or other uses as are specifically permitted thereon; (b) "Front Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (c) "Front Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; By-law No. XXXX/16 Page 4 (d) "Rear Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (e) "Rear Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a rear yard of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (f) "Side Yard" shall mean a yard of a lot extending from the front yard to the rear yard, and from the side lot line to the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (g) "Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a side yard of a lot between the side lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (h) "Flankage Side Yard" shall mean a side yard immediately adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (i) Flankage Side'Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a flankage side yard of a lot between the lot line adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot. 5. Provisions ("MD-H14" and "MD-H15" Zones) (1) Uses Permitted ("MD-H14" and "MD-H15" Zones) No person shall within the lands zoned "MD-H14" and "MD-H15" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) multiple dwelling — horizontal (2) Zone Requirements ("MD-H14" and "MD-H15" Zones) No person shall within the lands zoned "MD-H14" and "MD-H15" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with the provisions as set out in the following provisions: • • By-law No. XXXX/16 Page 5 vb\-\v-Ab- "MD-H14" Zone "MD-H15" Zone Lot Frontage (a) (minimum) 7.0 metres 9.0 metres (b) Lot Area 160 square metres 240 square metres (minimum) • Front Yard (c) Depth 3.0 metres 6.0 metres (minimum) (i) 8.0 metres Rear Yard (ii) 5.8 metres for the (d) Depth 6.0 metres units in the hatched (minimum) area as shown on Schedule Ito this By-law Side Yard Width 1.2 metres except where dwellings on abutting lots (e) (minimum) share a common wall, no interior side yard shall be required adjacent to that wall on either lot • Flankage Side (f) Yard Width 1.2 metres (minimum) (9) Building Height 11.5 metres 8.5 metres (maximum) (h) Driveway Width 6.0 metres (maximum) Number of (i) Dwelling Units 22 units (maximum) Parking 4.0 parking spaces per dwelling unit for residents, 0) Requirements and 0.25 of parking space per dwelling unit for (minimum) visitors • Minimum one private garage per lot attached to the (k) Garage main building, the vehicular entrance of which shall Requirements be located no less than 6 metres from the common element condominium street Each required parking space within a private Interior Garage garage shall have a minimum width of 5.6 metres (I) Size (minimum) and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres provided, however, the width may include one interior step and the depth may include two interior steps • By-law No. XXXX/16 Page 6 (3) Special Provisions ("MD-H14" and "MD-H15" Zones) (a) Projections such as window sills, chimney breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may be permitted in any required yard, provided that no such feature projects into the required yard more than 0.6 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; (b) A porch, an uncovered deck or balcony may encroach into any required front yard to a maximum of 2.0 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; (c) A porch, an uncovered deck or balcony may encroach into any required flankage yard or rear yard to a maximum of 2.0 metres; (d) Stairs to a porch or deck may encroach to within 0.3 metres of the front lot line or flankage lot line; to within 1.0 metres of a rear lot line; and to within 0.6 metres of a side lot line; (e) A bay, box or bow window, with or without foundation, having a maximum width of 4.0 metres may encroach into any required yard to a maximum of 0.6 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; (f) Air Conditioners are permitted on a lot provided they are located in the rear yard or side yard or on a balcony or roof. In addition, such units shall not be located any closer than 0.6 metres to a side lot line and shall not be located on any easement in favour of the City; (g) An outdoor private park shall be provided having a minimum area of 120 square metres; (h) Outdoor Private Amenity Area for lands zoned "MD-H14" on Schedule I to this By-law: (i) a minimum of 14 square metres of outdoor private amenity area shall be provided on the balcony above the garage and located at the rear of the dwelling unit; (ii) accessory structures such as pergolas, sheds or other similar structures shall not be permitted on the deck above the garage at the rear of the dwelling unit; (iii) the outdoor private amenity area located above the garage at the rear of the dwelling unit shall not be enclosed. By-law No. XXXX/16 Page 7 (4) Special Regulations ("MD-H14" and "MD-H15" Zones) (a) Despite the provisions of Section 5.6 of By-law 3036, as amended, the requirement for the frontage on a public street shall be satisfied by establishing frontage on a common element condominium street for the lands zoned "MD-H15"on Schedule Ito this By-law; (b) Despite Sections 5.(4)(a) above, the lot line abutting Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive shall be deemed to be the Front Lot Line for the lands zoned "MD-H14" on Schedule I attached hereto; (c) Despite Sections 5.(1)(a) and 5.(2) of this By-law, a water meter building required by the Region of Durham for the purpose of measuring the quality of water delivery shall be exempted from "MD-H14" and "MD-H15" zone use provisions and zone requirements; (d) Sections 5.22 and 6.4 of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to the lands zoned "MD-H14" and "MD-H15" on Schedule I attached hererto; (e) Section 6.5(iv) of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to the lands zoned "MD-H14" on Schedule I attached hererto. 6. Model Homes (1) A maximum of 1 block, together with no fewer than two parking spaces per Model Home, may be constructed on the lands zoned "MD-H14" and "MD-H15" as set out in Schedule I attached to this By-law prior to the division of those lands by lifting of part lot control; (2) For the purpose of this By-law, "Model Home" shall mean a dwelling unit which is not used for residential purpose, but which is used exclusively for sales, display, and marketing purposes pursuant to an agreement with the City of Pickering. 7. By-law 3036 By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject mailers not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. By-law No. XXXX/A6—‘ Page 8 8. Effective Date This By-law shall come into force in accordance with Sections 24(2), 34(21) and other relevant provisions of the Planning Act. By-law passed this XX day of XXXX, 2016. fa) '9 4F1113 David Ryan, Mayor AFF Debbie Shields, City Clerk 29.8 a- cr a ti N �n d 0 a ft o. - 2.4.6 • z ��i�i�i ♦��i�i�i�i�� ._ ...•- 41'n 0• CD O jp W ^ 0 Z L z m 0 • • = p z 0 o U _w PLAN 40V-1515 21.8 1 64.7 / I CON BF RANGE 3 PT LOT 33 RP 40R-9096 PART 3 • ro SCHEDULE I- ;O B11Y PASSED T1Sit *-t1 DAY OF 2016 MAYOR pAR CLERK Appendix Ill to Report PLN 18-16 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-08 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-02 General Conditions 1. That the Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Malone Given Parsons, dated December 17,2015, revised September 14, 2016, identified as Range 3, Part Lot 33, 40R-29042 Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40M-1515 Blocks 85, 86, 90 and Part Blocks 84, 94, 95 Except 40R-25893 Parts 3 and 5, and 40R-28842 Parts 1 to 4, which illustrates one development block, one block to be conveyed to the City of Pickering, two blocks for 0.3 metre reserves, and one block for a retaining wall. Subdivision Agreement 2. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, - financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the conditions outlined in this document. 40M-Plan 3. That the Owner submits a Draft 40M-Plan to the satisfaction of the City Development Department. Zoning 4. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/15 becomes final and binding. Street Names 5. That street names and signage be provided to the satisfaction of the Region and the City. Development Charges & Inspection Fee 6. That the Owner satisfies the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 7. That the Owner satisfies the City for contributions for development review and inspection fees. . Stormwater 8. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provision regarding easements. Recommended Conditions of Approval Page 2 (SP-2015-08 —Altona Land Development Corporation) 9. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services for contributions for stormwater management facilities maintenance fees. 10. That the Owner agrees to cost sharing for downstream stormsewer oversizing and/or quality control measures will be addressed in the subdivision agreement. 11. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services that all stormwater management facilities, and erosion and sedimentation control structures are operating, and will be maintained and in good repair during the construction period. Grading 12. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a grading control plan. 13. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. 14. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting authorization from abutting landowners for all off-site grading. 15. That the Owner obtains authorization from the Region of Durham for grading within the Altona Road right-of-way. Fill & Topsoil 16. That the Owner acknowledges that the City's Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law prohibits vegetation or soil disturbance, vegetation or soil removal or importation to the site unless a permit has been issued. No on-site works prior to draft plan approval is permitted. A Fill & Topsoil Disturbance Permit will be required should vegetation removal or grading works proceed prior to the subdivision agreement being executed. Construction/Installation of City Works & Services 17. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the construction of roads, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs through a site servicing plan. 18. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City. 19. That the Owner satisfies the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services. Recommended Conditions of Approval Page 3 (SP-2015-08 —Altona Land Development Corporation) 20. That the Owner agrees that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances 21. That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost: (i) Block 2 for public walkway purposes Purchase of City owned lands 22. That the Owner shall acquire and merge the City owned parcel, legally described as Part of Block 84, 94, 95 and all of Block 90, Plan 40M-1515, being Parts 1 to 4 on 40R-28842, with the balance of the lands within the draft plan of subdivision prior to final approval of the draft plan. Easements 23. That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost, any easements as required and any reserves as required by the City. 24. That the Owner conveys any easement to any utility provider to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility provider. 25. That the Owner arranges, at no cost to the City, any easements required on third party lands for servicing, and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request any time after draft approval. 26. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services with any required easement for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City. Construction Management Plan 27. That the Owner makes arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other matters: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls as per the City's Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on existing streets, proposed public streets, or the right-of-way to abutting properties along Richardson Street or Altona Road; Recommended Conditions of Approval Page 4 (SP-2015-08 —Altona Land Development Corporation) (iii) assurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; (v) type and timing of construction fencing and existing trees to be retained; (vi) location of construction trailers; and (vii) details of the temporary construction access. Fencing 28. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works. 29. That the Owner agrees to install a 1.8 metre high board-on-board wood privacy fence along the south and west property lines abutting existing residential. Landscaping 30. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a street tree-planting plan. 31. That the Owner satisfies the Director, City Development with the submission of a tree preservation plan which will illustrate the protection of trees and other natural features where appropriate, with specific attention to preservation in all public open spaces prior to the approval of a preliminary grading plan. Tree Compensation 32. That the Owner agrees that prior to final approval of the draft plan, or any phase thereof, compensation for the loss of tree canopy will be required either through cash-in-lieu and/or replanting. Compensation will be required for the removal of trees numbers 470, 474 to 478, 486, 487, 489, 491 and 492 as they have a caliper of 15 cm or greater. Where replanting is considered, the applicant will be required to provide four copies of a Landscape Plan/Replanting Plan to the satisfaction of the Engineering Services Department illustrating the required 28 new tree plantings. Should the site not provide adequate space for the planting of all 28 trees, cash-in-lieu will be required at a cost of$500 per tree. Engineering Plans 33. That the Owner ensures that the engineering plans are coordinated with the streetscape/siting and architectural control statement, and further, that the engineering plans coordinate the driveway, street hardware and street trees to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and all objectives of the streetscape/siting and architectural control guidelines can be achieved. Recommended Conditions of Approval Page 5 (SP-2015-08 —Altona Land Development Corporation) 34. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things: City services; roads; storm sewers; sidewalks; lot grading; streetlights; fencing and tree planting; and financially-secure such works. Noise Attenuation 35. That the Owner satisfies the requirements of the Ministry of Environment regarding the approval of a noise study recommending noise control features to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham and the City of Pickering. 36. That the Owner agrees in the subdivision agreement to implement noise control measures and warning clauses as recommended in the noise report as approved by the City of Pickering. Parkland Dedication 37. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the payment of cash-in-lieu in accordance with the parkland dedication requirements of the Planning Act. Fire 38. That the Owner agrees that no development will proceed on any land until adequate services are available including adequate water pressure to the satisfaction of the City's Fire Services Department. Model Homes 39. That the Owner enters into a model home agreement with the City, if applicable for this draft plan. All model homes must satisfy all requirements of the siting and architectural design statement. Canada Post 40. That the Owner, through the approval of the Utility Coordination Plan for the location, enters into an agreement with Canada Post Corporation for the provision of a Community Mailbox including technical specifications, notice requirements and financial terms. 41. That the Owner agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location, if required, to the satisfaction of the City. Other Approval Agencies 42. That any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or any utility for the development of this plan be obtained by the Owner, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City as verification of these approvals. Recommended Conditions of Approval Page 6 (SP-2015-08 —Altona Land Development Corporation) Plan Revisions 43. That the Owner acknowledges and agrees that,the draft plan of subdivision and associated conditions of approval may require revisions, to the satisfaction of the City, to implement or integrate any recommendation resulting from studies required as conditions of approval. 44. That the Owner revises the draft plan, as necessary to the satisfaction of the City, to accommodate any technical engineering issues which arise during the review of the final engineering drawings. Required revisions may include revising the number of residential building lots or reconfiguring the roads or lots to the City's satisfaction. 45. That the Owner agrees to implement the requirements of all studies that are required by the City for the development of this draft plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the City. ATTACHMENT# _l_ TO REPORT # PL-t4 t$- ■W MO mi. ElN i �� 1 . � =TA "-010 �. i IIII ■- ,, WATERFORD GATE 1. �I MEWL ale; -111111 IIII IIII 1 _ W0 �R;,, g— . e'•NBYCOU�� -� z�' . 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Y.j/' :isc Z IYi41 ► 4 t p 3 S r 1; r� s.- . =1• J x - Air Photo Gtr off- File:OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERING Applicant:Altona Land Development Corporationg(Geranium Homes) City Development Property Description:Part of lot 33, Range 3, BFC Department Date. Nov. 11, 2016 J The Corporaton of Ne City St Pickenng Produced tin part)under license ham®Queens Printer.Ontano Ministry at Natural Resources SCALE: 1:5,000 I P N-10 All rights reserved.&,Her Majesty the Queen In Right of Canada Department et Natural Resources All nghts reserved., 0 Tera net Enterprises Inc.and as suppliers all rights reserved..0 Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and es suppliers all rights reserved rHIS 15 NOT PLAN OF SVRVE'/ ATTACHMENT# LI TO REPORT# PLN IBS - 1c TWYN RIVERS DRIVE mac Louralm, MITAIVII-11,11111' iii R 17, , A "...... . 0 ,,,_ISTis Z'Li:::111 33 II I r,.r �z 13 ni vt,marl ,,z___,......MR .._-__---------POI UMW whi ma is /91.. "i1"---->PH,‘"jaligalli 171115.9jai-:-14;...... _ rr ezit-I-;•visr011i ----,--,,,,,,,pi „;-,,,,7_,_,;__;:----t- riii Ltm.=_. z.„...._...:......," I p � i 1 _ 1 I T ` _ r :, ,,,,,E.,_..... 1,1 our v., ..9. I Original Submitted Concept Plan 64°/ File No:OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERING Applicant: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) City Development Property description:Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE: Oct.31,2016 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. ATTACHMENT# 5 TO REPORT # PLN \5S – \(o — — -TWYN -RIVE ' -a CONCRETE SIDEWALK - -_ _... �� ASPHALT CONCRETE SIDEWALK y DRIVEWAY \ �y,'1�� 9 WA I I 8 ', RE' ' I d . a I II I EXISTING 1 BLOCK 1 I I INSTITUTIONAL tf�� Residential4 I I 7 , 0.71 ha I I I ' I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I BLOCK 2 0.3m Res-elite > I I I ASPHA g DRIVE la 1 Io Q 1 ;: , � L I 1 h 1 41 R STOREY 0 '' I -' I I BRICK DWELLING 1 '1 EXISTING -tSI_1_1 N a ma J_I moo_I_I ma t mio 1 s 1 N °' I I I I RESIDENTIAL I I �"'! o.n�.v n '� Original Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision -City olf File No: OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERING Applicant:Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Property Description: Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC City Development Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:NOV. 10,2016 ATTACHMENT# CO TO REPORT# Pi--N `6 — 1 to TWYN RIVERS DRIVE BLjOCK 11 7.91 ti5.805 VE.1 S__5.80 n45.95 r o ' @8ha 10 POTL W I ' • I 0p- ZZ sidewalk w � 0 30.N 11.68 I11 BLOCK 1 cc -.Common Elemept', , /// Coritiominlyfn 3.85 ro r i % -4- 019 n�' �. \,. ~� _ 25. • _ EXISTING � g, INSTITUTIONAL a Z„5 5.46 if F` „ _ -- 7 units o \ $ 2a_17 _ 0.19-i a 25.59 ” a, POTL 2d-r99 __250 90 units ° 0.09 ha -25.81 25.68 §t O,POTL 9, 8 °25.55 -- 26.63 s o D 27.46 - _" 25.'6 O J 25.82 :: i . H v P 2673 Wj n O s D --- 26.73__ 26,2 _ 0 7un ,. units > 021223a -- 0.12 ha- 26 22 _- POT° A i�OTL I ! _ 27.33 - . — _ 26.72 _ -- - S W 27.91 0 - 26.71__" _ I I -- "- p, \ y/ v p 16. N 36.00 1111111611......_``__- '.,.. itl I oa.as — Retaining Wall EXISTING H RESIDENTIAL Original Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium City oil File No: OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERING Applicant: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Property Description: Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC City Development Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Nov. 10,2016 ATTACHMENT# ' TO REPORT # P L-a ►`6 —1(0 TWYN RIVERS DRIVE r- ---- _----_-- li VISITOR PARKING SPACES RELOCATED i Wail: I� I 11;11114 A l * A r. ", ;:, CI I 'UI PEDEST PROPOSED - .7i a OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA --L..1 {[) I A • 410 I' ` Via % ' THE WIDTH OF THE w' TOWNHOUSE UNITS ~' HAVE BEEN WIDENED TO ACCOMODATE 2 �� �__ �,VEHICLES WITHIN THE , 4 L 11111a. �;_I) �. O GARAGE AND 2 _ m a 0 VEHICLES ON THE r� Q DRIVEWAY sw clt a� p r BUILDING HEIGHTS FOR Q TOWNHOUSES BLOCK 4 • 4. - C AND 5 REDUCED FROM I U 'M- 3 STOREYS TO 2 --.". STOREYS *4-- P I 01 - ' was UMW 0 Y M� BUILDING SETBACKS ,., - o - FOR TOWNHOUSE 1 *' m �„� �� LEGEND BLOCKS 4 AND SHAVE „. ' W ►, COI moo BEEN INCREASED BY - i ❑ REAR LOADED TOWNHOUSES APPROXIMATELY 3 ••. _ 1 ■FRONT LOADED TOWNHOUSES METRES ' ' ° -r -- PROPOSED _ PEDESTRIAN--I ■ T 1 1\ PATHWAY PROPOSED PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN RETAINING N PATHWAY WALL Revised Concept Plan C4 4 File No:OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP 2015-03 PICKERING Applicant: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) City Development Property description:Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE: Oct•31,2016 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1 ATTACHMENT#. TO REPORT # PL-.N I%—\'.O ..6174.4.v TWYN RIVERS DRIVE T.---6--''';'' Y'` DRIVEWAY - -_ a a, n. • I' T •\ . ' ^ fry_ y,� . ..,,, i "' '‘'..::,\ li i'-7.:. iii\\\i >.J.rF Al, a�9 EXISTING r� .e, „ RESIDENTIAL I V'I Ii I1` XISTING BLOCK 1 1a ITUTIONAL Residential . f: ae i 0.68 ha .J. - i ^ I F Iii. R. \: i iii �' BLOCK?. ... Z 11 l' II{ �., L. ;;; 'MI r.:.L Air @I t', ZV i a,. .,�.-., BLOCK°2. _. 0 1 K Lands to be ' .J Conveyed to the City `r, N rpo9 3: - w 3si, 1 . , yVa_ JSM 0.03 ha ' `,� _ „ , BRICK _ '1'Fie l�•V��:� :.'.i.: 1 �• r.. DWELLING '�I d iE, 6 I•I\ BLOCK TING I ;,'„ . .j � as /1\ ENTIAL S ii% � K q,• . t Retaining Wall 0.3m Re-erve w;r _ ' 0.006 ha STDNLV N rertvcrt>� %. f� i . rg I V'4 , ___,,, --.,- DWELLING Revised Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision Ci4 o' File No: OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERING Applicant:Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Property Description: Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC City Development Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Nov. 10,2016 I ATIACH'MENT# Ct TO REPOR1 # Pt..- %% —1l0 m\-� __oLDNCREIE 9DEWALN \ r ASPHALT n CONCRETE SIDEWALK DRIVEWAY -C \ /'e'H-' $ I'T1 - I " t\ ��++tt!! lLOCK31 t.4 11 4 uOrrs I\\POTL 1It 11 R s'oewg4K o' :\r I EXIST _'� I RESIDE 32.10 I . BLOCK1 _ m_ Common Element 11.. I ,n/ ondominium /a�" ^ i ],a 0.18 ha t c 23.53 ".g. I Co EXISTING AMENITY I AREA ISTITUTIONAL 4 I I°a� "` G 2, ,... }off +iia '� N a�s 11 CV ]a* Y N k I I BLOCK-2 I 1 I FLOCK-5 t ¶ 6 UNITS 4 \ , • I I I 4 UNITS POTL m w CO POTL oa m I I N I S ]m .m ,sa o -av a. I 1 f h ASPHALT N DRIVEWAY I I F Ilnz 'G, e% aR aW e,. i BLOCK-3 I I lrr I rz I % — ?DOCK 4 4UNITS e^ 4UNITS ' ° POTL `k • POTL , ' I I �� I I 1 b \ c e s § rz BLOCK 2 2 STOREY y V2 Common Element 8 14.38 x q 31 E °YE""` Condominium '7 - N 0.006 ha 9�c i 18.90 : 3.20: So f,"' ' — " — (ISTING cK I @'@A 1 IDENTIAL R T./NiAGwq Ry I I Ii��II� Revised Submitted Draft Plan of Condominium 64 6/1 File No: OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERING Applicant: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Property Description: Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC City Development Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Nov. 10,2016 ATTACHMENT# 10 TO REPORT # P'-tJ ttS-Wo I f r.f R.W I fwOaN — + --- MaVaN --- Y+V.awY _—_ ---• an 4 iIk1 a .•Antan\lie, /.1 �IS-1lf�;i /?12'111'- i61;;. 1 1 1111111 11111 .11.-11®o11a =22111110 ��„o ti nil 11111 —1—�� — I I,_ ir=e.— � i nibs-- ---ii I II � � � l l= III F 11111 III — F __.s- ; i — ill ' I:111■=1=-14-111,1--wiii-li-no:WEN mv■..iii-FIN-i .17;■.•=ssa I II.1 I wwM�Mw�M�M — .wl==1i■ w■m Twrri■i-=—l ■l liiir w�VII MI'MM ■I=Iu °:°"�--.. T/2'ELEV'A'(REV) II32+'HEV'A'ISIDI II22C ELEV'A'A.'2) I 24'�'A'LnD) - BID INTERIOR I NIERgR I END FRONT ELEVATION-BLOCK 3 Airil Adip,Ak\ _3..- .. ..._ :_-.:.. ......—._= .... =_ ._ _ _. .;:= :- �.r Ilir lI Ili III In6allidI �l w 11111 1 ii-'in 11 =11111 n1IIIRW= 11ffliii.I i 0iiiiiiiiii■illi1Illllllllliii1illilillllllIIII11liiiliiiii;iIIii IIhIiliilii1111IIlllllliii l- _IIIIiIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIiiII]I i . ___F II�mi 'i �.im=rnrm<i a BII1I'mi i � Li�_ ; i s II 51 Ilmmm�II riri n n OM 1 oao%IF it€_11—> I moms nrmmn H n�rirrri lrimnm 1 i21 : -- 1 124 atV'A(SID) 112 2A ELEV'A'(REV) I I3 21 BEV'A'BID) I I/24'DIVA(REV) j END I INTERIOR I HUMOR I END a REAR ELEVATION-BLOCK 3 -_-_, /\ 1 11 — - II I I I — i — 1�I;1 rit -----! . Il 0 0 — J o��^ n 0 . .: LEFT SIDE ELEVATION-BLOCK 3 —" _ rwOfxo A'CSMI RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION-BLOCK 3 Submitted Preliminary Building Elevation (Blocks 1 to 3) C44 File No:OPA15-005/P, A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERING Applicant: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) City Development Property description:Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE: Oct.31,2016 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. ATTACHMENT# it TO REPORT# pi-N ∎c6 -\Co f -- — - _— _- I t �1 i _- --E -- i- -_ at 1M _2,4 E1 ■ AILI � I Asti. I I€I ■iiiil INR� I �I\ii 0lina. I /zi,\,7-\ 1 R a c MIT" �■■�u -■ :73111111--111:111111111141r--„111„,„„11„„„r.illllllllllIll; R i � � � i1 , _ � itarlonliMlitimirmiEna-nli t--� _ —I is ��__§ _� _.1�-y' I� - tom_i-=.1�_ _ *71 i fi�I pliarrmirrirmiiiimpunifirrarr s_li l Isi! ' 1 1= 41111 1 1111 _ f � � iilI III`1111111�i111111111=1� : I I ll���@ll��i 1! i`1�!—. ,•_ •__ r< p11�i�ii�Li�$11i�Yi1i ; ��. ._ ,.... 1 1 IS 3d ELEV'A'REV) 16 3T7ELEV'A'IDD) 17 33''fl!V'A'(REV) T6 3T7HEV'A'(STD) I EIJD I RfTEItlOR , I INTERIOR I BID FRONT ELEVATION-BLOCK 4 Inc.!. t . t I I I I I I 111 .1111 11 Ilse ==111a 7 I11 -111 i Irtl.�� .-,',..77..---- Iii m �� hi � ■ ■ m wR miii■■ - �° i ■ iii '- 18 37 BEV A(STD) 117 30'EIFV A)REV) 116 37 BEV A ISTDI TS 30'EIEV'A'(REV) REAR ELEVATION-BLOCK 4 I RJTER OR RlIER OR I END Y 4/11112 Iffilliti& ICI 0111..5 77.77t7-77 -7 ==__i ". _: -- - - ------ -- ------_ 1 1..k.--7_,-----32141-.-Tt..=„ xfaimE== =m r-i- -_.;___ ,I...g..c. .m.:=T-.-i._..t,_„..., -:-.. ...,...._,__L_ _F-1 .2E__::,,,J-1--1101..„...._.________ at "7-= ,7------='; I rr . f-11'll'" l e.11•1i9N l 1S 3D'ELEV'A')REV) 18 30'ELEV'A'(STD) F END B''D w LEFT SIDE ELEVATION-BLOCK 4 paw RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION-BLOCK 4 Submitted Preliminary Building Elevation (Blocks 4 to 5) 4 File No:OPA15-005/19 A 18/15, SP-2015-08 & CP-2015-03 PICKERING Applicant: Altona Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) City Development Property description:Part of Lot 33, Range 3, BFC Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE: Oct.31,2016 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT.