HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 4, 1949 MU CXPA BU ,D NG, BROUGHAM.
The Municipal Council of the ToE.ship of Picketing met on
the FottWth day of July, 1949, at Brougham, pursuant to
adjournment ·
Ail Members were present, the Reeve in the ~hair.
The Minutes were.presented, and on motion of Mr. Clare Balsdnn,
seconded by Mr. George Todd, adopted.
The following CORRESPONDENCE was read :-
1. Police Report - June 1949.
2. BuildiB~ Inspector' s. Report - June, 19~9 - 28~ permanent
residences value $132,700. (average $4,750.) - 7 s,~_mmer
eottages value $9,200-
3. Norman L. Griffin - complaint re stagnant water at
Picketing Beach.
Mr.s.G. McNamara - congratulating Police Chief Irvine
on his efficient work.
5. S.A. 0sterhout - asking permission to purchase East
half 'sideline ~etween north half Lots 26 and 27 in
Third Concession.
6. John R. Frost - re assessment for farms in Wh~itby Town.
7. Jack 'R. Allen - re lowering culvert in Concession 4'
opposite Lot 18.
8. Thos. Whillier & Company - price on safe ches~t.
9. · Count~ Clerk - re disputed E.P.Walsh hospitalization
account. Council recommended that Walsh pay.
10. County Clerk - re Hospitalization Sandra Skel~cher,
21 Mary g'treet, Ajax. ACCEPTED.
11. Cou~t.y Clerk - re Hospitalization John Wm. B~yd,
C/o R'ichard "Lewi s. ACCEPTED.
12. County Clerk- re Hospitalization Carol 0'Hat'a,
Dunbar ton. AC CEPTED.
13. County Clerk - re Hospitalization Bert Cochrane,
Dunbarton. ~ ACCEPTED.
14. County Clerk - re Hospitalization Rusmell McKenzie,
North of Dunbarton. ACCEPTED.
15. County Clerk - re Hospitalization Albert Draper,
Claremont R. R. 2. ACCEPTED.
' The following PERSONS on motion WERE HEARD:*
1. Arthur Wideman asked that Council pay all or~ part of
his fire account of $60.00 owing Stouffville Brigade.
2. David Ferrier of Altona Road, asking for a vote on
liquor in Picketing Township.
of six acres at Con. 8 Lot 25, asking
3- Mr. Voaden, owner
permission to live in a cabin.
PERSONS HEA~.D, continued:,~
Messrs: Re~an~ Murrison and Woods, Fairport, asking
that Fairport Road' be~paved from store road to the
lake,~ and presented a petition for same.
5. Mrs. Daniel Jenkins and two others, representing
South Picketing Ratepayers Association, asking about
the new Building By-laws and the required $300. deposit
.with each permit~i~in particular.
6. Mr. John ~ne, Concession 3, Lo~ 34, asking that a
d~ainage situation north of his farm be given considera-
tion by Council.
7. Richard Tweedie complaining about his assessment -
certain trees, etc.
8. Deputation headed, by Mr. Zinkie and Mr. Taylor of
East Rouge, regarding our new Building By-laws.
Thought $300. deposit with each permit good -~wanted
it enforced.
by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. To~d,~that Council pay
0 of Wideman Fire AccoUnt and Wideman pay the other $30.00.
CARRIED. ~ ......... ~ ..... ~ ~
1. Clerk get further information re voting on Liquor
Control Act.
2. Mr. Voaden see our Building Inspector re living in
Cabin. ~
3. No action this year on paving lower end Fairpprt Road.
Investigate drainage complaint of Mr. Byrne.
5- Treasurer should send bill for $61.25 to owner of dog
in Ajax for sheep damage to Lloyd Shewin's flock.
6. That there was not~a sufficiently built up area on
- . Dyson Road to warrant a speed limit.
7. That Clerk get further information regarding By-law
for Fire A~ea - if cost of water storage ciaterns
would be included in debenture or paid for in one year.
8. T~ Clerk get information on Boarding Kennels and
licenses for same.
-law Mr. George Todd, seconded by Mr. Clare Balsdon, moves for leave
779' to introduce a By-law to regulate the erection and provide for
Building the safety of buildings, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. George Todd, seconded by M~. l~rank Disney moves ~that By-law
No. 1779 - a Building By-law - be now read a second time, and
that the Council go into committee of the whole thereon.
M~. George Todd, seconded by Mr. Frank Disney, moves that the
Report of the Committee of the whole on By~aw No.' 17~9 be
adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a third time
and passed; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same a~d that
the seal of the Corporat~n be affixed thereto, CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr.' Todd, 'that Police be
asked to appear before Council and give a report of work.
' Mr. M,B.Bumk, seconded by Mr. George Todd, moves for
leave to introduce a By-law to appoint Mr. Ernest Baker
i Tax Collector for the Township of Picketing, and that
same-now be read a first time.
ment of Mr. M.B.Bu~k, seconded by Mr. George Todd, moves that
Tax By-law No. 1788, to appoint Mr. Ernest Baker as Tax
C-~lect~r Collector of the Township of Picketing, be now read
a second time, and that the Council go into Committee
of the whole thereon.
Mr. M.B.Burk, seconded by Mr. George Todd, moves that
the Report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law
No. 1788 be adopted and that the said By-law be now
read a third time and passed; that the Reeve and Clerk
sign the same, and that the seal of the Corporation
be affixed thereto. CARRI.ED..
Roads & Your Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges begs leave to
Bridges report and recommends payment of the following annexed
accounts :- ~
Jack McGlashin Repair to Truck 3.7~
Kloepfer Hardware ~ Bolts 2.70
Lee Bishop Repairs - radiator 10.00~
Canadian S.K.F. ~ Bearing 19.98~
Wheel'& Rim Repair to hoist 8~12~
Sawyer Massey · ~ Crusher Jaws 208.55-
Linders Repairs to trucks 2~50
F.S.BarclayHarvey Cartage~ _ 55
Armco~Drainage & Metal
Products Culverts 1,179.64
MetalXizing Co. of Toronto Repair shaft 15.00
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Tire & Tube 164.29
Stouffville Machine & Tools Works - Repairs
to Maintainer 10.00
Dept.Of Highways Tax 897 gal.Diesel
0il. Jan. 2.#503538 98.67-
Shell~0il Co.Can.Ld. Gas,Diesel 0il,Oil
' · and Grease 1,25~-94
Diamond Constr.Co. Rental - Backhoe ~ 374.00-
Mille~ Paving Ltd. 3 ton hot mix 21.00
J.D.Adams Ltd. Parts for Maint'r 184.24
Roy Ward Paid for parts $~0.
· Car allowance ~3.123.00
International Harvester Parts for trucks 67.85
Mac.Middleton Repairs to motors 15.00
Joe Bdrrows Repairs to trucks 9.85
Gordo~ Lynn Car allowance 18.75
Robert Miller Welding 3.25
L.T.Johnston Unempl. insurance 18.20
Miller Paving Co. Bay Road 656.63
James Griffin Car allowance 10.00
Bruce Easton Repairs to trucks '~3.01 4,538.48
PAYR0~L I.T. Unempl.
Fred Hicks 174'~0
B. Norton 1.82 170.~3
Earl Anderson 11.75 1.82 156.73
Gordon Benson 172.25
James Griffin 1.82 169.78
Ivan Booth 1.20 1.82 175.08
Gordon Lynn 11.75 1.82 157.38
Robert Ward 6.50
j.S.Ohapman,Bulldozer 825.25
Roy Ward -.70 174.30
Harold Townsend 52.20 CONTINUED:
Roads & E. L. Ruddy 16.00
Bridges TOTAL PAYROLL 2,250..10
Cont'd Department of Income Tax 25.40
Unemployment Insurance 9.10
Payroll before deductions ..... 2,2,84.60
Inspector of Income Tax 47.70
All of which is respectfully submitted.
MOVED by Mr. Frank Disney, seconded by Mr. Milton ~Bu~k, that
he~eport of the Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges
as Just read, be adopted. CARRIED.
Contin- Your Standing Committee on Contingencies begs leave to
gencies report and recommends payment of the following accounts :-
L.T. Johnston Sal. 233.33 - 6.90 226.43
Adam Spears 40.00
J.M.Bl~ckwell " 166.66- 8.80 - 1.75
plus mile 33-33 189.J.J!
Mrs. J.~.Rhoten Sal. (~) 91.67
H.M.Gre, en " 125.00 - 4.60 - 1.5o 118.90
Mrs. E.~ Robertson " 91.66
J.B. Iryine " 187.50 - 2.00
, and Expense 86.75 272.25
F~ed W~ite Sal. 175.00 Exp.130.00 305.00
W. H. Ellicott " $60. - 87~ -59.13
Dr- P.J.W.Loos " April,May & June 100.00
Dr. N.F~.Tomlinson " " " " 250.00
Royal ~ypewriter Co.Ltd. Service 2 ma6h: 3'25
Moyer School Supplies Ltd. Towels 6.25
Central Mortgage & Housing Corp.Fire call
(Taylor) 40 . 00
H.E.P.C. 0shawa, Greenwood Street lights
(o~e 'month) 15.17
"Enterprise" Advertisement Bd.of Hl~h 5.20
J.A.CoQk & Son Supplies " 4.50
Goodfe!low Printing Co." ~" 7.00
-J.R.BO~es " " 3.37
Barclay Transport cartage - desk ~5~
A.E.A~m~stro. ng Fence-viewing, Teefy/0ster- 2~
H.E. T .u~ner " " hour. 3.06
Leonard Gates " " 3.06
L.T. Johnston Supplies, etc, as attached 51.65
"Picke~ing News" Cards and notices 5.00
Stouffville Fire Brigade - 30.00 $1,925.59
Ail of lwhich is respectfully submitted.
by Mr. Ola~e Balsdon,'seconded by Mr. George Todd,
the report of the Standing Committee on Contingencies,
as Just read, be adopted. CARRIED.
Relief Your Standing Commit.tee on Relief begs leave to report
and recommends payme.nt of .the following accounts:-
Cont ' d
Mrs. L. Barber 18.75
A. Tirrell 36.25
Mrs. I. Jordan
J. L. Lamori e 26.34
Mrs. G, Hammond 20.00
· Mrs. M.. Hilts 10.00
Mrs. N. Marple Ajax 75.00
Mrs. J. Dwyer 10.00
Mrs. Ritchie, Belleville 75.00
Mrs. R. Barnhardt 37.97
Herbert McKinnon, Ajax 38.27
Emily Headland 16.00
Mabel Bramme!l 16.00
Mrs .Wm. 0' Brien (Thompson) 5.27 420.10
Mrs.M.Kellogg, Ajax June 3-30 36.00
J.F.Bush June 3-30 4 wks 36.00
City ~of Toronto, Geo. Nolan
June 54.34
Mrs.G. England June 15.00
Mrs.N.Banks - Huff - June 2
to July 6, 5 wks 60.00
Douglas Huff - Bus fares
10.00, 211.34
and clothing ~ .
County of Ontario 11'25
" " 256.37
All of which is respectfully submitted.
MOVED by Mr. George Todd, seconded by Mr. Clare Balsdon,
t~the Report of the Standing Committee on Relief, as
Just read, be adopted. CARRIED.
Your Standing Co~ittee on Sheep and Livestock killed
or injured by dogs, begs leave to report and recommends
payment of the following accounts :-
Lloyd Shewin - 2 sheep killed @ $20. $40.00
3 lambs died @$6' 18.00 $58.00
W.C.Willson Inspection 2.00
Mileage 1.2~ 3 · 25
by Mr. Frank Disneyp seconded by Mr. George Todd,
the Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer to pay
the several parties as recommended by the several Committees
as presented this day. ,CARRIED.
MOVED by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Burk, that August let,
~ be declared CIVIC HOLIDAY in the Township of Pickering.
MOVED by Mr. George Todd, Seconded by Mr.-Clare
Ba--~on, that this Council do now adjourn,, to
meet again on the. Second day of August, 1949,
at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon.