HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 10, 1949 Munieipal Building, Brougham, ~anaar~ la,
Pursuant to ~tatute, the ~e~bers-eleet of the Munieipal Co~etl
~ of the Tow~hip of Plekert~g ~et on the above date. at the hour of
Iaaugural eleven e'eloek in the forenoon, ~amely:
WIll~a~ H. Westney, Reeve-elect.
E. Freak. Di~, Deputy-Reeve-elect.
Clare A. B~S~n,- George T. ToAd and
.Milton B.. Burk, Couneil~em.-eleet.
All ~f the said members-eleet having takem the Oath of Allegianee
to Bis Majesty King George VI and the Deelaration of qualifieatiea
on the day of No~A~atien took before the Clerk their respective
Declarations of Offiee and took their seats at. the ~ounell Board,
the Reeve in the Chair.
Rev. M~. A. Lufitaan condueted the devotional address and o~
motion of Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Burka vote of thanks wee
tendered te him.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motloa of
Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Burk, adopted.
Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Baladon that the Stani~
~ Coamittees of the C.uneil for the year 1949, be composed of the
~ fallowing memtsra respectively, and that the first ~amed in the
ease of eaeh eom~ittee be Chairman thereof, that is to say:
R,aAa ..a~l ..B.rlAaes: Messrs. Frank Disney
W. H. We'stney
M. B. Burk
C. A'
George. Ted~
Contl~e~ele.s: Messrs. Clare A. Bals~on
~eorge Todd
Milton Burk
Re!la.f.: MessrS. George Todd
Milton B. Bu~k
Clare A. Bals~on
Damages for Live steak
worried ~by-degs: Messrs. Milton B. Burk
. George T. To&A
Clare A. Batsden
The following correspondence was read:
' 1. Dept. of t~.ghways, approval ~. D. Adam~ ~610 Maintainer and
~or~ea- snow. plow for OS0,4?? · 00
~O~enee. - 2. County Clerk re hospitalization of Helen Tripp and babe and
- son, Robert of Cherrywood. Accepted.-.
3. County Clerk re hospitalization o~ Mary Hettle, Dunbarton.
4. County Clerk re hospitalization of Arthur Woods, 24 Weston
Square, Ajax, Ontario.
5. H. D. Ellam, protesting erection of cabins at lot 2, Plan
approved by Sanitary'Inspector and ~Building Inspector.
6. 0onant and Annie asking about an Auetieneer's License for
Picketing Township.
?. Canadian National Institute for the Blind requesting per-
mission to hold. Tag Day for the Blind, Saturday, May ?' 1949.
-~ 8. Dr. P.W.~. Leos asking far position of Sanitary Inspector
for 1945 at salary of $400 per year, plus mileage.
Tenders Ten, Irs.for D 40 Internatioaal 1940 truek an~ plow resulted as
-D 40 follows. ·
I~ter- 1, John B~urne, Plckering -R.R. 1 -TruCk $$00.
~~al '~2' Clark. Major, Whl~evale - - T~ueh ~00, plow
~ -:' ~. Joe Pearson' Claremont - R.R. 2 -Truek ~O0; plow $50.
A. Keaaeth Webster' Truek $~0. ~]~(
co~t~ Move~ hyMr. Disney, seeon~ed, by Mr. Todd Shat TenAer of
Eenneth W~bster for D 40 International Truck o-l:y for
$560.00 be aceepted.~ Carried.
The following persons on motion were heard:
Perso~ 1..W~. Jackson, Dunbarton, asking that garbage collectors be
H~ard allotted.certain areas'for .their. pick-up., No acation.
2. Pickering Village Trustees, discussion regarding their
proposed waterworks; a.meeting of Oouncil, Trustees an~
Engineer to be arranged for.
3. Frank Prouse~ re BuildlngBy-law.
4. Frank darter, re cleaning u~ sideline fence bottom,
claiming a_misunderstanding of ~40, regarding work dome by
himself and Road Department. ~
~. ~. H. Ellleott asked for an increase of salary as care-
taker from~$~0 per month to $?5 per month.
6. ~. M. Blaekwell asked for an increase of $~00 from $1800
to $2155 and car allowance from ?$ per mile. to $400 per year.
7..Road men asked-for an increase, of 105 ~er hour from 6~$
to ?~.
8. Beard of Health reeommende~ an increase of $100 from
$2100 te $2200 in salary of Mrs. Rhoten.
9. Dr. Tomlinson asked for an increase of $200 from $~00
to $1,000 per year.
M~ved by Mr. Burk, se~onGed by Mr. Disney that Treaeurer be
authorize~ to~ pay Hy~o .an~ Telephone aceountc when ~ue.
Metlon~ M~ved by Mr. B~k, seoon~e~ bye. Tod~ t~t pe~sslon be
granted the Can. National Institute.for the Blin~ to holA
a Tag Day, Saturday, ~y ?, 1~49. Carried.
~ve~ bye, Bals~n, 'seconded bye. Burk that a By-law be
Re prepare~ providl~'for an Auctioneers' ~oense for ~ekeri~
Li.oenses To,ship. ~ ~Carrie~.
~ve~ bye. B~k, seconded bye. BalsAon that a By-law be pre-
p~red to issUe ~lcenses for Bowll~.~oys a~ ~1 ~ableo
In the To--hip of ~okeri~.- 0arried.
~ve~ by..~; To~, see~e~ bye. Burk that Clerk ref~e te
sign Hydro eon~raet"fer ~. Splae,'Co~, 4, ~18, aa
B~ldl~ Inspector has act passed house. Carried.
~ved by Mr. Disney, seoon~e~ bye. B~k that an advertl~--
Re ment he inserte~ in Piokeri~News and Stouffvllle Trib~e
Work on ePerso~ ~oing work on roa~s musthave approval of Roa~ Supe~-
Roa~s intendant or a member of Co,oil before eo~no~ent of ~rk
or It will not be ~i~ for by Co~eil." Carrie~.
~ved by Mr. Disney, se~oaded by Mr. B~k that two Stop
be ereete~ - north and south of Au~e~ School corne~.
~ve~ bye. Disney, seconded by ~. ~sdon that Clerk a~vise
F. Ca,er that he owel Co~eil a 'balance of ~0.00 for work
~oae on his sideline. Carried.
Authocity ~ve~ by ~. ToAi~ seceded by ~. Bala~on that the
to authorities for the TO,ship be RecTa Westaey or Deputy-reeve
Sign Disney and Treasurer ~e~sten. Carrie~.
Cheques ~ved bT B~k, seconded bye. Disney t~$ ~s. ~oten's
aala~ be. inoreaseA ~90 from $2100 to $2200 plue reg~ar
Salaries $660 for use of her oar on To~ahip business. Carried.
MOT~ by ~. Disney, seconded by ~. B,~k that Dr. To~insoa'e
.iala~ be increased $100 from Se00 to $900 per year. CarrleA.
MeTed bye. Burk, leeonAe~ by~. Disney tha~ ~ gene~l
laereaae be granted the R~a~ sen. Carrie~.
M~ve~ by ~. To~, seoonAed by ~. Burk that Roa~ men be pai~
t~e and a half when ea~e~ cut ca special ~rk at ~t or
on S~ay, as of ~anu~ 1, 1949. Carried.
~ve~ bye. B~k, leo~n~e~ bye. Disney that t~e Roa~
a~owaaee for. ear be i~e~ease~ f~.$9~'to $1,00~ per year.~
~ved ~y~. Disney, seeoaAe~ bye. BalsAon tha~ applieatiou
be received for aa Assessor for Picketing To,chip.
by consent of mover ~d seconder.
~ve~ by Mr. B~k, see°a~ed bye. ToG4 that ~.-Spears be aske~
$e retire and. that he be a~ewe~ ~0.00 per,nth for year 1~4~.
M~tiou 'Moved by Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Disney that ~. M. Blackwell'
:" salary be increased from liS00 4o $~,000 per year and't400 for
use of his ear for Township business. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Todd.that applications be
advertised for stenographer-book-keePer for Clerk's office.
Moved by Mr. Burk,seconded by Mr. Todd that Clerk oali for appliea
tions for caretaker of Municipal Building and Township Hall,
combined. Carried.
TO. the M~Pteipal. Oo"~oll of the Township of Picketing
Ceatin- Tour Standing 0ommittee ~n 00ntingencies begs leave to report
'gen0ies and recommends as follows, payment of the following accounts:
A. W. Mitchell 0ffiee fuel $86'00
H.E.P. Com. Greenwood St.
H.E..P. Com. Vll. Picketing 500,50
Dr. P.W.J. Leos 9?.56
Ce. Registry 0ffioe transfer deeds 9.80
Dr. W.W. Baldwin V.D. 18.00
Ail of which is respectfully submitted.
C. A. Balsdon, Chairman.
On motion of Mr. Balsdon, seconded by Mr. Burk
the report was adopted.
B_~_T~.? Mm. George Todd, seconded by Mr. M. Burk, moved for leave to
No. l?6Z introduce a By-law to authorize the borrowing of a certain sum
- To : to provide the expenditures of the Municipality for the year
AUth~rize 1949, and that same now be read a first time.
Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Burk, moved that By-law No. 1763 to
authorize the borrowing o~-a certain sum to_provide the lxpen-
'S~ ..... ditures of the Municipality for th~ year 1~49, be now read a
second time and that Council go into committee of the whole
Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Burk, moves that the report~of the
committee of the whole on By-law No. 176S be adopted and that
" said By-law be now read a third time, that the samed do now
pass and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the sa~e and that the
seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. 0arried.
By-law Mr. George Todd, seconded by Mr. Frank Disney, moves for leave
No. !?~4 to introduee.aBy-law to appoint a~Relief Officer for the Muni-
~elpality of the Township ef Picketing for the year 1949, and
Relief that same now.be read a first time.
o~.~e~.r Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Disney, moved that By-law
to appoint a Relief 0ffieer for the-Township of Picketing for
the year 1949, be now read a second time and that Council go
into committee of the whole thereon.
Mr. To&A, seconded by Mr. Disney, moves that the report of the
committee Of the whole on By-law No. 1764 be adopted and that
the said By-law be now read a third time, that the same do now
pass and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and that the
Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried.
By-law Mt. Milton Bur~, seconded by Mr, Clare Balsd0n, moves for leave
No. 1'765 to introduce a By-law to appoint Two Members for the Board of
~ Health for the Municipality of the Township of Piokerlng for
2 MemBers the year 1949, and'that same ~now be read a first time.'
for-'~'~-~'~--Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon, moved that By-law No. 1765
Bd. o~ to appoint two members for. the Board of Health for the year 1949
Health be now ~ead a second time, end that 0ounoil go into committee
-" of the whole thereon.
Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. BalsAon, moves that the report of the
committee of the whole ~n By-law No. 1765 be adopted, ~nd that
the said By-law be now read a third time, that the same do now
pass, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and that the seal
'~ of the Corporation be affixed thereto. ~arried.
~ Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Bals~on, moves for leave to .introduce
Ne. 1764 a By-law to appoint a Sanitary Inspector for the Municipality
ToAp~eint of the Township of Pickerl_~g, for the year 194~, end that
:- emac now be' read a first time.
~ Mr. Bu~k, seeonded by Mr, Balsden move4 that By-law No. 1766
~ ~o appoint a SaniJary Inspector for tho M~nleipallty.of the
Inspector _~ownship of Picketing for the year 1949, be nQW read a meeo~
cont'd, time, and that Counoi~l go into committee of the whole thereon.
Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. Balsdon moves that the rep&rt of
the oo~mittee of.the whole.~on By-law No. 1766 be adopted
and that maid By law be now read a thirdtime, that the
same do now pasm and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the mama
and that the seal of the eorpo~atlon be affixed thereta.
0at, led.
By-law- Mr. Frank Disney, seeolAed, by Mr. MiltonBu~k moYed for leave
No.' 1¥57 to lntroduae a By-law to a~oilt&.Seheol. Atte~anee 0ffieer
to Ap~lnt for the Mtualelpallty of the Township of Picketing, for the
~cho~ year 1949, and'that same be now read a first time.
~ttendance '
~ffieer' Mr. Disney, seOonded by Mr-, Burk moved that By;thw'No. 1757
to appeiat a S~hool Atte~lanoe 0ffl~er for~the year. 1949 be
now rea~ a second time and that C~unoil go into c0,~lttee of
the whole thereon.
Mr. Disney, seconded by Mr. Bu~k, moves that the report of
She eome~ittee of the~w~ole on By-law No. 1767 be adopted,
and that said By-law be now read a third time, that the
same do now pass and that the Reeve and Clerk sign the ma~ae
and that the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto.
By-law- Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by Mr. George Todd, moves for leave
No. 1768 to introduce a By-law to appoint a Valuer of sheep and other
~ live stock worried by dogs, in'the Township of Picketing ia
a YaAuer the year 194~, and that sa~e now be.read a first time
of Sheep '
worried ~[r. Burk, seconded by Mr. tTodd, moved that By-law No. 1768
~ to appoint a Valuer of sheep and other live stock worried by
dogs, in the Township of Picketing, in the year 1949, be now
read a secomA, time, and that Council go into committee of the
~ . whole thereon.
Mr. Burk, seconded by Mr. To~ moves that the report of the
committee of the whole on By-law No. 1768 be adopted~and ~hat
the said By-law be now rea~ a third tl~e, that the same ~o
now pass,.that the Reeve and Clerk sign the sa~e and that the
seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. Carried.
BI-law M~. Clare Balsdon, s.eeonded by~r. Frank Disney, moves for
No. 1769 leave to introduce a By-~aw to ePpolat a Weed Inspector, to
~APp~iat sarry out the provisions of the Wee~ Control ~et, in the
a Weed Township of Picketing, during the year 194~, and that s~ne
Inspector. now be read a first ~lme.
Mrs, Bals~on, seconded by Mr. Disney, moved that By-law No.
.1769~to appoint a Wee~ Inspector to carry ou~ the provisions
of the Weed Control Act.during the year 1949, be now read a
second time,.and that Co.u~cll go into committee of the whole
Mr, Baladon, secoaAe~ by Mr. Disney, moves that the report of
tBe ee~-~ttee of the whole on.By-law No. 1769 be adopted and
that said By-law be now read a~thlrd time, that the same do
now pass, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same and that the
seal of the corporation be affixed thereto. Carried.
'~ Mr. Frank Disney, weeonded by Mr. George Todd, moved for leave
No,~70 to lntrodueea By-law to appoint Pound Eeepera amd Fence
Viewers for the. Township of Picketing for the year 1949, and
~ that sa~e now be read a first time.
. .Mr. Disney, seeonde~ by Mr. To~d, moved that By-law No. 1770
te appolat Pound Keepers and. Fence Viewers for the year 1949,
be now read a second ti~e and.that Council go into committee
of the ~hole thereon.
M~. Dlsney, seoonAed by Mr. Todd moves that the report of the
B '~-~0 ee~maittee of the whole on ~l~w Ne. ~0 be a~opted and tha$
~ sal~ B~-lav be n~w read a ~hird t~e, that th'e sa~e do now
~ pass and that the Reeve and Clerk ~ the s~e and that the
~e~e-yxewers seal of the ~Oo~oration be affixed thereto. Oar~led.
Oont ' d.
~ 1. ~ake appointment for Iaspeotor Ha~A to meet the Cou~eil re
I~strue- pollei~g Piokeri~g To--hip.
t,l~ 2. Write..~. ~llar, Deputy ~ster of ~hways, that
rela~ve tc eonver,atien of Reeve Tho~, of East ~ltby T~.
and Reeve Wes.taey, of Plekerl~ T~. ~th him ca. Dee.
last~ Pi~keri~ To,ship l~ prepareA to aeaept Ro~emo~t Drive
an~ Te~evale Rea~ in Pi~ 350, Ro~e ~a, pr~vi~i~ the.
Depar~ent of Hlghways..rea~faee aai~ roa~. With a
m~oh. -
3. ~epaFe By-law te appoint new ~mber of Plan~ Board from
4. ~rite Oentral ~tgage and Housl~ Oo~oration re Dog
Tax. ....
o~~ Moved by Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by Mr. C.'A. Bals~on that
the Reeve grant hil. Or, er on the Treasurer to pay the several
T~easurer parties aa reoom=en4ed by the several conmalttee~ as presented
this ~ay. Carried.
A~.Journr Moved by Mr. M. B. Burk, seconded by Mr. George Todd, that
~nt this council do now. adJoura to meet again on Tuesday,
February l, 1949. Carried.
Approve~, February 1, 1949.