HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 20 2016 Page 1 of 3 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, September 20, 2016 7:00 pm City Hall – Main Committee Room Attendees: Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Jesse St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services Joan De Gennaro, Clerk/Typist (recording secretary) Sumaira Munir, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Charlene Hunt, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Sunjay Mathuria, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Aline L.M. Revoy, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Cathy Schnippering, Cultural Stakeholder, Pine Ridge Arts Council Shashi Bhatia, Cultural Stakeholder, Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham Absent: Kathy McKay, Cultural Stakeholder, Ajax - Pickering Board of Trade Alma Sandoval Betancourth, Cultural Stakeholder, Alma Latina Magazine John Sabean, Cultural Stakeholder, Pickering Historical Society Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome T. Ryce called the meeting to order, and offered regrets from K. McKay and J. Sabean. Additionally, T. Ryce acknowledged correspondence from A. Sandoval Betancourth advising that she will have to step down from the Committee due to work commitments with regret. T. Ryce to send out invitations to join the committee to stakeholders who sat on the planning committee. 2. Approval of Minutes & Agenda Motion: to accept the proposed Agenda Moved: S. Mathuria Seconded: A. Revoy Carried Page 2 of 3 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Motion: to accept the Minutes of June 21, 2016 as amended. Amendment to item 4, revised to read as follows: Determine the Public Art Criteria and create a Cultural Background Document for the proposed property taking in to consideration the following:  Primacy of Position  Current History / Future impact  Relevant Social History o Personalities ( Street Recognition) o Cultural Heritage  Relevant Site History o Site o Property o Hamlets o Environment o Built Heritage Moved: C. Hunt Seconded: S. Bhatia Carried 3. Public Art Brief review & comment T. Ryce reviewed the Public Art Brief with the committee. General Discussion on the proposed brief for the site, and themes for art moving forward. T. Ryce to include the Public Art Brief in the distribution of the Draft minutes. T. Ryce to amend public art brief outline to include proposed site plan and references to the Seaton Design Guidelines 4. Update on Grant Applications T. Ryce advised the committee that the City has applied for the grants under the Celebrate Ontario 150 fund for enhancements to Artfest and Canada Day. Page 3 of 3 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) T. Ryce advised the committee that the City has applied for a grant under the Cultural Spaces fund to support a renovation project converting the Gas & Steam Barn to a Conservation Building. 5. Other Business Next Meeting – Tuesday, October 19, 2016. Motion: to adjourn the meeting Moved: S. Bhatia Seconded: C. Hunt Carried J. St. Amant to extend the meeting bookings. Advisory Committee to provide details to staff regarding access to locations where they can share information such as posters, social media posts, eblasts, websites. Staff to compile listing, and include committee when distributing promotions. Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: Director, Culture & Recreation City Clerk