HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 12-16 C Report to PiCKERINGPlanning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 12-16 Date: September 12, 2016 From: Catherine Rose (Acting) Director, City Development Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Turris Sites Development Corp. Lease of City Land (Duffin Heights Stormwater Management Pond) Tillings Road File: Installation #64 Recommendation: 1. That Turris Sites Development Corp. be advised that City Council does not object to the 40 metre high telecommunication tower to be located on the Duffin Heights stormwater management pond property at Tillings Road, based on the design and other details submitted with this request; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a lease agreement with Turris Sites Development Corp. substantially on the terms set out in the Tower Site Lease Agreement in Appendix Ito Report PLN 12-16, and to the satisfaction of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor. Executive Summary: In May 2015, Turris Sites Development Corp. (`Turris') submitted a proposal to construct a 40 metre high lattice tripole cell tower on City-owned lands located on the west side of Tillings Road, near a stormwater management pond (see Aerial Photograph, Attachment#1). Since the submission of the proposal, Turris has completed the public consultation process in accordance with the City's Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System Protocol (Cell Tower Protocol). The applicant has advised that no public comments were received as a result of the notification, and are requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation (see Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Summary Report, Attachment#3). City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. There does not appear to be an acceptable opportunity to co-locate this installation on an existing cell tower in the immediate area. Further, the proposed location minimizes the visual impact of the tower as it will be situated adjacent to an existing hydro corridor. Report PLN 12-16 September 12, 2016 Subject: Installation #64 —Turris Sites Development Corp. Page 2 Staff support the lease of City lands at an annual rate of$20,000 plus HST for the first 10 years of the term of the lease, plus an additional 10-year extension with the annual lease rate to be adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index at the time of the extension. Funds generated through the lease of the lands will assist the City financially. The terms of the lease are generally consistent with other leases recently entered into by the City for other cell tower installations. Staff generally support the terms and conditions contained in the proposed lease, subject to review and approval by the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor to ensure the City's interests are protected. Financial Implications: Turris has offered to pay the City an annual rate of $20,000.00 plus HST for the first 10 years of the term of the lease, plus an additional 10-year extension with the annual lease rate to be adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index at the time of the extension. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The property is located on the west side of the current terminus of Tillings Road in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The property currently supports a stormwater management facility, and is owned by the City of Pickering. The compound for the cell tower and radio equipment is proposed immediately north of the Hydro Corridor and adjacent to Tillings Road. There are mature trees to the northwest of the tower site (see Aerial Photograph, Attachment#1). Currently, the proposed cell tower location is well removed from existing residential development. However, in the future, Tillings Road will be extended further south, and residential development is expected on the east side of Tillings Road. The subject property is designated as "Open Space System - Natural Areas" and "Urban Residential — Medium Density Residential" in the City of Pickering Official Plan and zoned "A"- Rural Agricultural under By-law 3037 as amended. A telecommunication tower is a permitted use under the public utilities exemption of Zoning By-law 3037. 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The proposed installation is a 40 metre high lattice tripole communication tower and related compound. The tower and associated radio equipment are proposed to be sited at the southeast corner of the property close to the current termination of Tillings Road. The proposed lease area will be a fully fenced compound measuring approximately 10 metres by 10 metres that will house the tower, a radio equipment cabinet measuring approximately 3.0 metres by 2.0 metres with a height of 3.0 metres sitting on a cement pad, and an additional cement pad to accommodate future carriers (see Submitted Elevation and Compound Plan, Attachments #2). Access to the tower compound is proposed by way of an easement from an existing maintenance driveway off of Tillings Road. Report PLN 12-16 September 12, 2016 Subject: Installation #64 —Turris Sites Development Corp. Page 3 2. City Departments and Agency Comments City of Pickering Engineering & • no objection to the application Public Works Toronto and Region Conservation • no objection to the application Authority (TRCA) • not within their regulated area Hydro One Network Inc. (HONI) • no objection to the application • Turris is responsible in the event that the cell tower causes damage of any kind to HONI facilities 2.1 Public Notification of the proposal has been completed Turris has completed the public consultation in accordance with the City's Cell Tower Protocol. As this proposal is located in the urban area, the minimum circulation radius of 150 metres from the tower location was applied. A total of 3 properties were captured within the 150 metre radius and were notified by mail. A newspaper ad was published in the August 26, 2016 edition of the Durham Region's News Advertiser. No public responses to these notices have been received to date (see Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Summary Report, Attachment #3). 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 Proposed Tower Location and Design is acceptable Staff have completed the review of the cell tower proposal against the provisions of the City's Cell Tower Protocol. Staff support the proposed location of the cell tower facility adjacent to one of the City's stormwater management ponds in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The tower meets the City's preferred location requirements in that it is located on a non-residential property, maximizes the distance from the nearest existing residential property, provides co-location capabilities and is on City-owned lands. The applicant is proposing a 40 metre high tripole lattice style telecommunication tower in order to blend in with the Hydro Corridor as much as possible, to minimize the visual appearance of the tower. A similar example in the general area includes the existing 60 metre high tripole lattice telecommunication tower located at 1755 Old Taunton Road (William Jackson Drive), just east of Brock Road, north of the Hydro Corridor. The proposed radio equipment and tower will be screened through native plants on all sides of the compound. Report PLN 12-16 September 12, 2016 Subject: Installation #64 —Turris Sites Development Corp. Page 4 3.2 Co-location opportunities have been examined Turris provided a justification report to the City Development Department in support of the tower which investigated the opportunity to co-locate their equipment in the area. The analysis indicated that there were three towers in the general area, one of which is a temporary telecommunication tower, operated by Wind Mobile, to be removed once the proposed tower on the subject site is constructed. The two permanent tower installations in the area, are situated approximately 1.5 kilometres outside of the required search parametres and therefore are not able to accommodate the network coverage that Turris requires. It was therefore concluded within their analysis that there were no existing opportunities for co-location. Turris has designed the propose tower to support other telecommunication carriers who may be interested in co-location to reduce the overall number of towers within the immediate area. 3.3 Staff Support the Proposed Terms of the Lease Turris has provided a draft of the proposed lease for the City's review, and has offered to pay the City an annual rate of$20,000.00 plus HST for the initial 10 years of the term of the lease, with an additional 10-year extension with the annual lease rate to be adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index at the time of the extension (see Tower Site Lease Agreement, Appendix I). Staff are supportive of the proposed terms and conditions of the lease agreement, including the remuneration, subject to review and approval by the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor. All required conditions from affected agencies will be addressed prior to finalizing the lease. 4. Conclusion The proposal has been circulated and reviewed in accordance with the City's Cell Tower Protocol, and is now before Council for consideration. Staff recommend that City Council endorse the recommendation in this report as the installation satisfies the requirements of the City's Cell Tower Protocol with respect to design and location requirements. The tower is located on a non-residential property, maximizes the distance from the nearest existing residential property, provides co-location capabilities, and is on City-owned lands. Furthermore, given the height and location of the tower, it will have minimal visual impacts on the existing surrounding community. • n Report PLN 12-16 September 12, 2016 Subject: Installation #64 —Turris Sites Development Corp. Page 5 • Appendix Appendix I Tower Site Lease Agreement Attachments 1. Aerial Photograph 2. Submitted Elevation and Compound Plan 3. Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Summary Report Prepare• :y: Approved/Endorsed By: 0- , 6.6..(/1•(-4:--t i,\( Amy Emm MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose MCIP, RPP Plann-r II (Acting) Director, City Development AA, , _ . Niles°Surti MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design AE:NS:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council , CP420,1 Aul . 25, Z©i G Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix Report PLN 12-16 Tower Site Lease Agreement Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 1 Site ID:ON084-Tillings Tower Site Lease Agreement IN CONSIDERATION of the rents paid by TURRIS SITES DEVELOPMENT CORP. ("Tenant") to ("Landlord") and the terms contained herein,Landlord leases the Leased Premises(identified below)to Tenant and Tenant accepts the Leased Premises from Landlord,and the parties agree as follows: I.PRINCIPAL TERMS: (a) Rent: Gross rent as defined below. (b) Landlord's HST No: (c) Rent Payment:Gross rent of_$20,000_,is payable yearly in advance,due on the first day of each and every year during the Term and extensions of the Term. At the request of Tenant,Landlord will accept rent payments by an automated debiting system under which payments are deducted from Tenant's bank account and credited on the due date to a bank account established in the name of Landlord with a major Canadian bank or other major Canadian financial institution designated by Landlord and Landlord shall cooperate with Tenant to establish this form of payment if so requested by Tenant." (d) Term: Ten(10)years commencing on the Commencement Date. (e) Commencement Date: Commencing on the day that is the first day of the month following the commencement of installation of Tenant's equipment on the Leased Premises. Tenant shall provide written notice to Landlord setting out the commencement date of installation. The Rent for the period of time beginning with commencement of installation of the equipment(as such date is set out in Tenant's notice)up to and including the day preceding the Commencement Date, shall be due and payable on the Commencement Date along with the first regular monthly Rent payment. (f) Extensions: One(1)extension terms often(10)years each. (g) Property Legal Description: Schedule A(References to"Property"in this Lease refer to the property described in Schedule A together with any structure(s)thereon) (h) Property Address: (i) Leased Premises: The part of the Property that is subject to this Lease as outlined in Schedule B, including all necessary easements for access,egress and utilities. (j) Use: Telecommunications Systems for use by the Tenant and its subtenants and licensees (collectively "Customers"or individually a"Customer") (k) Access: twenty-four(24)hours a day,seven(7)days per week. (1) Additional Provisions: Schedule C H.TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (a) Before Commencement Date,Tenant shall have access to the Property in order to carry out all necessary tests to satisfy itself that it may use the Leased Premises for its intended purpose and shall repair any damage to the Leased Premises caused by Tenant. Tenant shall also have access to the Property to prepare a plan of survey outlining the Leased Premises and other matters incidental thereto including all rights of access to and egress from the Property, at Tenant's expense. Tenant shall repair any damage to the Leased Premises or Property caused by Tenant. (b) Before installing any equipment,Tenant shall submit plans to Landlord whereupon such plans shall form part of this Lease. Such plans shall be subject to the prior approval of the City which will not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. (c) Commencing on the Commencement Date, Tenant shall have access to the Property in order to,complete all construction, installation and testing of its equipment. Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 2 Site ID: ON084-Tillings (d) All initial and future equipment owned by the Tenant or its Customers shall remain the personal and moveable property of the Tenant or its Customers as applicable (collectively the "Telecommunication Equipment") and shall not become fixtures notwithstanding attachment to any degree.Notwithstanding the foregoing,if all or any part of the Telecommunication Equipment becomes a fixture or is deemed a fixture at law, the Tenant or its Customers as applicable shall be entitled to remove such Telecommunication Equipment at any time during the Term or upon the termination of this Lease without the consent of or any payment to the Landlord. The Telecommunication Equipment will be installed, operated and maintained and relocated in a good and workmanship like manner in accordance with sound engineering practices and all applicable legislation. Tenant or its Customers shall obtain and maintain all licenses required to operate the Telecommunication Equipment. Tenant shall remove all Telecommunication Equipment and fixtures, including foundations,upon termination of this Lease. Tenant shall restore the Leased Premises to its original condition,reasonable wear and tear excepted. (e) Tenant shall indemnify Landlord for any personal injury or property damage caused by Tenant, its employees or agents and Tenant will insure against such risks and add Landlord to Tenant's policy as an additional insured with minimum coverage of$5 million. (f) Provided Tenant pays the rent and performs its obligations under this Lease, Landlord shall not permit another service provider to lease or occupy space on the Property if said service provider's frequencies and/or equipment may interfere with the Telecommunication Equipment or system and or the ability to provide services. In addition,should new frequencies be made available by Industry Canada for wireless systems and another provider requests access to the Property for use of such frequencies,Tenant shall have the right of first refusal to use said frequencies. (g) Tenant shall ensure that all activities conducted at the Leased Premises under its control are in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and Tenant shall indemnify Landlord for any breach of such laws resulting from an act or omission on the part of Tenant. Landlord shall be responsible for any other environmental contamination affecting the Leased Premises and shall indemnify Tenant in connection therewith. Landlord represents and warrants that to the best of its knowledge,there is no existing environmental contamination. (h) Landlord shall be entitled to terminate this Lease for any material breach of this Agreement by Tenant upon provision of thirty (30) days' notice to Tenant specifying the nature of the breach in sufficient detail to permit rectification by Tenant. If such breach is incapable of remedy within such period or Tenant has diligently commenced to remedy such breach within thirty (30) days' notice from Landlord then the term of such notice shall be for such greater period of time as may permit Tenant to remedy the breach. Tenant may terminate this Lease upon thirty(30)days'notice if Tenant at any time during the Term or any extension determines in its sole, unfettered and subjective discretion that the Leased Premises are unsuitable for the Telecommunication Equipment or Tenant's or Customers'network. Rent will be adjusted to the date of termination. (i) This Lease will automatically be extended for one (1) extension terms of ten (10) years unless Tenant gives Landlord written notice of its intention not to extend at least sixty(60) days prior to the end of the Term or the extended term as applicable. The foregoing extensions shall be conditional upon compliance with the Planning Act(Ontario) including having obtained any required consent or variance under the provisions of Planning Act (Ontario), any amendments thereto and any successor legislation(together,the"Planning Act"). Landlord shall provide all such assistance as may be necessary or desirable to enable Tenant to obtain the aforesaid consent or variance. Until any necessary consent or variance to the Lease is obtained, the Term (including any renewals thereof)and the Tenant's rights and entitlement granted by this Lease shall be limited to the maximum term not in breach of the Planning Act,which maximum term as of the date of this Lease is twenty-one(21)years less one (1)day. In the event that the Tenant exercises all of the extensions set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Landlord hereby grants and the Tenant shall have the exclusive right for the period commencing on the last day of the final renewal term through the date which is six(6)months thereafter,to negotiate with the Landlord for a new lease at then-current fair market rental rates ("Tenant's Limited First Right To Negotiate"). The parties agree to negotiate in good faith and act reasonably. If,at the end of such six(6)month period,the parties have not reached Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 3 Site ID: ON084-Tillings agreement as to all of the material terms of such new lease (including, without limitation, the rent payable thereunder),then Tenant's Limited First Right To Negotiate shall be of no further force or effect. If no additional extension terms are negotiated at the end of the last extension period, Landlord agrees to allow Tenant to remain in possession at the rent last paid for a further twelve(12)months to allow Tenant to relocate the Telecommunication Equipment. (j) Each extension term will be governed by the same terms and conditions set out herein except that the Rent for each extension term shall be equal to the Rent in the last year of the immediately preceding term or extension term (as applicable), increased by the amount equal to the change in the Canadian Consumer Price Index (all items)in the immediately preceding term. (k) Subject to paragraph (s)below, Landlord may assign this Agreement at any time. Tenant may assign its rights under this Lease and to its equipment,and may sublet all or any part of the Leased Premises or grant any license, right of use or occupancy of all or any part of the Leased Premises or its equipment to a third party or any entity acquiring all or substantially all of Tenant's assets, and may undergo a corporate reorganization, including, without limitation, a merger or amalgamation without the consent of the Landlord provided all such activities relate to the business of telecommunications. All other assignments or sublets shall require Landlord's consent acting reasonably. Upon completion of an absolute assignment of this Lease the Tenant shall be released from any and all indebtedness, obligations, liabilities, claims or demands of any nature whatsoever pertaining to this Lease. (1) This Lease or a notice, caveat or short form thereof may be registered on the title to the Property at Tenant's expense and the benefits and obligations shall enure to the benefit of and bind Landlord and Tenant and their respective heirs,successors,administrators,representatives and permitted transferees and assigns. The Landlord agrees as follows: (i)the Tenant and its solicitors are authorized and directed to register electronically on behalf of the undersigned a Notice of this Lease; (ii) it confirms that it is a party to and bound by the terms of the electronically registered Notice of Lease; and (iii)the individuals signing this Lease on behalf of the Landlord undersigned have authority to bind the undersigned and are to be named in the electronic registration of the Notice of Lease. (m) Tenant shall have the right to connect the Telecommunication Equipment to the electric power distributing system on the Property at the sole cost and expense of Tenant. If Tenant cannot secure its own metered electrical supply from a public utility,Tenant shall install a submeter at its sole cost and expense to determine Tenant's electricity consumption and Tenant agrees to pay for such electricity consumption according to Landlord's invoices for electricity based on the submeter. Where Tenant has connected to Landlord's electrical supply Landlord shall give Tenant at least seventy-two(72)hours advance notice of any planned interruptions of electrical supply and where commercially feasible as much advance notice as possible of any emergency interruptions. Tenant may at its option connect to telephone lines on the Property. (n) Intentionally Deleted. (o) This Tower Lease Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties(the"Agreement"or the"Lease") and supersedes any other agreements,promises or understanding made before the execution of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the province of Ontario and if any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid,it may be severed without affecting the validity of the balance of the Agreement. (p) Each party will be excused for delay in performance of their obligations hereunder if they are prevented from timely performance due to circumstances or events beyond their reasonable control. (q) Notices to be given under this Lease shall be in writing and may be delivered personally (with a written acknowledgement of receipt of the notice signed by a recipient representing and/or authorized by Landlord or Tenant as the case may be), or by mail(deemed received on third 31 business day after posting)or by facsimile transmission(with confirmation of transmission and deemed delivered on the date transmitted)with a copy also sent by mail,to the names and addresses and facsimile numbers listed below. Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 4 Site ID:ON084-Tillings (r) Landlord represents and warrants that the rights granted herein do not conflict with any rights previously granted by Landlord to others,that the Property connects to a paved public road and that the Tenant shall have legal and practical access to the Leased Premises. Tenant shall have quiet possession of the Leased Premises so long as it complies with the terms of this Lease. (s) Landlord shall obtain in a timely manner from any purchaser,mortgagee or transferee of Landlord an assumption agreement and/or non-disturbance agreement(as applicable)to agree to be bound by and continue in full force and effect all the terms and conditions of this Lease and that as long as Tenant is not in default of any of its material obligations under this Agreement beyond any applicable cure period,its rights as a tenant hereunder shall not be terminated and its access to and possession of the Leased Premises shall not be disturbed by the mortgagee or trustee,as the case may be,or by any proceedings on the debt which any such mortgage or deed of trust secures, and that any sale at foreclosure shall be subject to this Agreement. (t) For purposes of allowing the Tenant to satisfy its lender's continuing rights with respect to Tenant's property on the Leased Premises, and with respect to Tenant's rights and interests under this Agreement,Landlord agrees as follows: (i) Landlord shall recognize the subleases and/or licenses of all Customers of Tenant on the Leased Premises, and, notwithstanding any default hereunder by Tenant, will permit such Customers to remain in occupancy thereof so long as such Customer is not in default of any material obligation under its sublease/license with Tenant beyond any applicable notice and cure period; (ii) Landlord consents to the granting by Tenant of a lien and security interest in Tenant's interest in this Agreement and all of Tenant's personal property and fixtures located on or attached to the Property,and furthermore consents to the exercise by Tenant's mortgagee of its rights of foreclosure with respect to such mortgagee's lien and/or security interest. Landlord agrees to recognize Tenant's mortgagee as Tenant hereunder upon any such exercise by Tenant's mortgagee of its rights of foreclosure. Landlord further agrees (A) to subordinate any lien or security interest which it may have which arises by law or pursuant to this Agreement to the lien and security interest of Tenant's mortgagee in the collateral securing all indebtedness at any time owed by Tenant to its mortgagee (collectively the"Collateral"),and(B)that,upon an event of default by Tenant under this Agreement or under any applicable mortgage,security agreement,or other loan document executed in favor of Tenant's mortgagee,Tenant's mortgagee shall have the full right,title,and authority to exercise its rights against the Collateral prior to the exercise by the Landlord of any rights which it may have or claim to have therein,including,but not limited to,the right to enter upon the Leased Premises and remove the Collateral pursuant to its right of distress; (iii) Within a reasonable time after the occurrence thereof, Landlord shall give Tenant's lender written notice of any breach or default of the terms of this Agreement that is not cured by Tenant within any applicable notice and cure period(s) (an "Uncured Tenant Default"). As of the date of this Agreement, notices to Tenant's lender are to be addressed to: Goldman Sachs Specialty Lending Group,LP,ATTN:InS ite Account Manager,6011 Connection Drive,Irving,TX 75039,or to such other address/and or lender as may be specified by Tenant from time to time during the Term hereof Landlord further agrees that no default shall be deemed to have occurred under this Agreement unless Landlord gives the notice required to lender that is required by this paragraph,and that in the event of any Uncured Tenant Default, lender shall have the right,to the same extent and with the same effect as Tenant,for the period set forth in this Agreement,to cure or correct any such Uncured Tenant Default, whether the same shall consist of the failure to pay rent or the failure to perform, and Landlord agrees to accept such payment or performance on the part of lender as though the same had been made or performed by the Tenant;and (iv) Landlord acknowledges and agrees that nothing contained in this Agreement shall construed as obligating Tenant's mortgagee to take any action hereunder, or to perform or discharge any obligation,duty,or liability of Tenant under this Agreement. II Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 5 Site ID: ON084-Tillings (u) Landlord agrees to execute any further documents required and all reasonable direct costs relating to such documents shall be paid by Tenant. Upon request, Tenant agrees to provide a subordination or attornment agreement in an agreed upon form to Landlord's mortgagees or lenders.' (v) If any public utility is unable or unwilling to use the easement,right of way or other access to the Leased Premises and Property h P rovided to Tenant by Landlord then Landlord agrees to,at no additional cost to Tenant,grant such additional easement(s), right(s) of wa or other access to Tenant and/or to the public utility for the purpose of way P t5' Pm'P providing the public utility with access as it requires. (w) The Landlord agrees that upon not less than ten (10) days prior written notice from the Tenant, it will execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Tenant a written estoppel certificate certifying that as of the date of the certificate: (i)this Lease is a valid and enforceable lease and is in full force and effect; (ii)that the Tenant is not in default under any of the terms,conditions,or covenants of this Lease beyond any applicable cure period or,if applicable, specifying any default by the Tenant hereunder and the cure period applicable thereto; (iii)the commencement and expiration dates of the then-current term hereof together with any remaining renewal term(s); and (iv) the amount of the then-current rent payable under this Lease. A true and correct copy of the Lease and all amendments shall be attached to the estoppel by Landlord. (x) If Landlord is not a corporation,Landlord represents and warrants that as of the date of this Lease,the Landlord is:(i)at least eighteen(18)years of age;(ii)is not a spouse(as such term is defined in the Family Law Act,R.S.O. 1990, c.F.3. (the"FLA")); (iii)is a spouse and his or her spouse is a party to this Lease; (iv)is a spouse and his or her spouse has consented to this Lease in writing as evidenced by the signature of the spouse in the"Consent of Spouse"section on the signing page of this Lease or(v)is separated from his or her spouse within the meaning of FLA and the Property was not ordinarily occupied by Landlord and his or her spouse at the time of their separation as their family residence. (y) If the Property is a condominium, Landlord represents and warrants that the owners of the units in the condominium plan have,by special resolution properly passed,authorized and directed the corporation to execute this Lease and that this Lease conforms to the terms of that resolution and complies with any other rules or regulations of the condominium corporation. Landlord shall provide to Tenant a copy of the signed special resolution authorizing this Agreement. Each party,upon the reasonable request of the other,will execute, do or cause to be done or executed all further and other lawful acts, deeds, documents, instruments and assurances for the better or more perfect and absolute performance of the terms of this Lease. (z) This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and the parties hereto have executed this Lease by their respective duly authorized representatives on the dates set out below. This Lease shall be effective and for reference purposes dated the date the last party signed this Agreement. I� Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 6 Site ID: ON084-Tillings Date: Date: Tenant: TURRIS SITES DEVELOPMENT Landlord: CORP. 70 Todd Road, Georgetown,Ontario L7G 4R7 Per: Per: Name: Name: Title: Title: Per: Per: Name: Name: Title: Title: 1/We have authority to bind the Corporation I/We have authority to bind the Corporation Mailing Address for Notices: Mailing Address for Notices: TURRIS SITES DEVELOPMENT CORP. 70 Todd Road, Georgetown,Ontario - L7G 4R7 Attention: Rick Sullivan Attention: Tel: i! 1-905-877-8885 Tel: Fax: 1-905-877-8835 Cell: Fax: • it Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 7 Site ID:ON084-Tillings [Remove this section if not applicable.] • CONSENT OF SPOUSE I, ,being at least eighteen(18)years of age and the spouse of the above named,' (Landlord)do hereby give my consent to this Lease and the transactions set out therein pursuant to Section 21 (Matrimonial Home)of the Family Law Act,R.S.O. 1990 c.F.3. Dated this day of ,201_. s . Witness Spouse of Landlord Name: Name: ij it ii ij I Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 8 Site ID: ON084-Tillings SCHEDULE "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(confirmed by Landlord)TOGETHER WITH ANY STRUCTURES THEREON. • Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 9 Site ID: ON084-Tillings SCHEDULE "B" • LEASED PREMISES A detailed sketch showing the proposed area to be leased including area for current and future installations of roads, drainage ditches,hydro service lines,tower,shelter,generator,fencing, cable guides,antennas,grounding system, lighting system and all other misc. items. • • f . iI Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 10 Site ID:ON084-Tillings SCHEDULE "C" { ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS it ' I � iF { � II 1 i Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 11 Site ID: ON084-Tillings SCHEDULE "D" Tower Site Lease Agreement; Province of Ontario 12 Site ID:ON084-Tillings TURRIS SITES DEVELOPMENT CORP. OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: RE: TURRIS SITES DEVELOPMENT CORP.: ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TURRIS SITES DEVELOPMENT CORP. has our permission to act as our agent to apply for and obtain municipal authorizations and any documentation including copies of all building drawings from the municipality or architect or engineer required to commence design and installation plans of telecommunication equipment on this site. OWNER: Signature: Date: Name Title I ATTACHMENT I, I .To REPORT I ,Pi-N i L-I& -1 J. ,1 '':. 1 Ili 11' \ -,eivi 111001, 1 a11t i f ill,'.0 1 ' .*--i . , s — 4:4,' h••x E / k ,. "—_fit! • .r k" ii ikow, . _-----------/ /-.. % .�.a ,. t. a 1 tr r z. , j j A g /, ry 8 \ s Aerial Photograph File:Installation #64 P1CKE R1 NG Applicant:Turns Sites Development Corp. Property Description: Pt. Lot 19, 20,Con 3,Part 17-22,Plan 40R-6934 City Development 27-29, 31, 32, 36, 37, Part of Parts 1, 7, 8, 16, 37 DATE:Auq 15,2016 J The Corporation of the Cary of Pickering Protlucetl(in pan)under license hom®Queens Printer,Ontario Ministry of Natural Resou,as I kIl rights reserved:©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada,Department of Natural Resources All rights reserved SCALE: 1.5,0001 PN-RUR Teanet Enterprises Inc.antl its wppliers all rights reserved.,m Muniupal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved HIS IS NU A PLAN OF SURVEY ATTACHMENT# 2 TO REPORT# PAN 12-/é, ELEV.40.Om C,IL OF ANTENNA I 1�u�l •. ELEV.37.0m OF ANTENNA _ FUTURE CARRIER 11►1 ►1 II 34.98m ELEV.34.0m C/L OF ANTENNA FUTURE CARRIER 11 _ I I � 29.15m ELEV.28.Om* C/1.MICROWAVE' a M1 ►' PROPOSED COMPOUND LAYOUT 3cnvAclatroToEoR 2332m .1? � o ,Om oanon TOWERa • 17A9m V t • wun WIND Pad - "RE PAD IOx1Om LEASE AREA . 11.66m 5.83m TOP OF OONCRETE '/ • Submitted Elevation and Compound Plan a FILE No: Installation #64 P1CKERING APPLICANT: Turris Sites Development Corp. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt. Lot 19, 20,Con 3,Part 17-22,Plan 40R-6934 City Development 27-29, 31, 32, 36, 37, Part of Parts 1 , 7, 8, 16, 37 Department DATE:Aug.10,2016 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# Pi i 2--I6 70 Todd Road P:+1905 877 8885 RBIS L7G 4R7 wn F.•+1 905 877 8835 June 27,2016 Ms.Amy Emm Planner II—City Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering,ON, L1V 6K7 Dear Amy, Re: Duffin Heights Storm Water Management Pond,Tillings Road,Pickering,ON Proposed Telecommunication Tower Further to our recent discussions,we are pleased to report that our Public Consultation for the above- captioned site is now complete.Our public consultation package was distributed to the public August 26, 2015 with a stated 30-day period for public reply ending September 25, 2015.Our newspaper notice was published in Durham Region's News Advertiser August 26,2015 with a stated 30-day period for public reply ending September 25,2015. No public responses to these notices have been received to date,and as such we now consider this process complete. We look forward to your concurrence in this regard. For your consideration,the following supportive documents are attached: Appendix A: Notification Radius Map, Mailing List of Property Owners Appendix B: Public Consultation Document Distributed Appendix C: Newspaper Ad Appendix D: Hydro One Networks Inc.-Letter confirming no objections Sincerely, I` Benjamin Cook Municipal Affairs Coordinator Turris Sites Development Corp. Attachments. www.turriscorp.com Tunis Sites Development Corp. ATTACHMENT# REPORT# PLNNI 12.-/0 Appendix A q , ATTACHMENT# 3 TO approximate location REPORT # PPL.N i2-1 * of the proposed 120m radius around the . 150m radius around the communications tower / proposed tower location proposed tower location irWlpY� O x g e ; $ Y , Z • • •• •• •• •• 4 : J _ W = RIVE = _ -�""� � 03001117210 • °"°"'°w ¢ ELM L Y DRI®®VE y w U _ �moo • ,;;' g_ onno gnmo �_n_ ;;, , 0 01117215 m°°"-- SCENIC LANE DRIVE e HINDU CULTURAL 0610 1117000 CITY OF PICKERING OPERATIONS CENTRE s 03.001117100 03001122410 e DERSAN ■ STREET 03001122605 ' 05001121705 030011226 : 03001121800 ....0 • 1121.700 03001 27116 ■ 03001121900 o I cc 0:00e 122900 03001121910 0 /0112811 /030 122812 ■ 1 03001123020 03001122002 1 03001122000 Y O m 03001 1123200 2.._./ 030 03001122250 FINC' AVENUE I 01001802320 THIRD CONCESSION ROAD N I ii . I • i ATTACHMENT# To REPORT # L I2-I6 Appendix B *Mailing Lists removed due to personal information contained within. ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# (�L 1� l2-4 6 (97C"Ir 70 Todd Road P:+1905 877 8885 L7G 4R7 Georgetown,CANADAryo F:+1 905 877 8835 • Aug 26, 2015 Dear Sir/ Madam: Re Consultation on Proposed Telecommunication Tower Storm Water Management Pond, Tillings Road, Pickering Meeting the coverage and capacity demands of consumers of these services is a continual challenge faced by the service providers. The use of wireless services in Canada is growing at an increasing rate with greater use of advanced digital smart phones. To provide effective service to consumers, the carriers develop extensive networks comprised of antenna sites located on rooftops, other structures, and as a last resort towers. Turris Sites Development Corp, representing Wind Mobile, has been working with the City of Pickering in regard to the installation of a multi-tenant tripole tower along Tillings Road adjacent the storm water management pond. A key component of the process is to solicit comment from adjacent property owners. We have attached a package to this letter providing details about the site selection process, availability of existing telecommunication infrastructure as well as our proposed installation. . Should you have any comments or questions about the proposal, please direct them to me on the comment form contained at the end of the attached information package by September 25,12015 and we will respond accordingly. We appreciate your consideration of this information and thank you for your time Yours truly, 1 Benjamin Cook Municipal Affairs Coordinator Turris Sites Development Corp. Turns Sites Development Corp. www.turriscorp.com ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# I I2-I Public Consultation - Wireless Telecommunications Tower Site Storm Water Management Pond, Tillings Road, Pickering August 2015 (6- TilRRIfl Turns Sites Development Corp. 70 Todd Road Georgetown, ON L7G 4R7 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# VLN i2--16 Table of Contents A. Background Information 3 B. Purpose of this Proposal 4 C. Proposed Site Location 6 D. Proposed Tower 7 E. Regulations I. Health Canada's Safety Code 6 Attestation 9 II. Control of Public Access 9 11 III. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 9 IV. Description of Proposed System .9 V. Transport Canada's Aeronautical Obstruction 9 Marking Requirements VI. Engineering Practices 10 VII. Local Land Use Requirements 10 VIII. Industry Canada's Spectrum Management 10 F. Contact Information 11 G. Public Comment Submission 12 JI I { 1 �I it 2 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# !�L 12--1 A. Background Information The use of wireless services in Canada continues to grow. Long gone are the days of the comparatively simple analog cell phone which has been replaced at an increasingly growing rate with advanced digital smart phones such as the Blackberry and iPhone. Meeting the coverage and capacity demands of consumers is a continual challenge faced by the service providers. To provide effective service, the carriers develop extensive networks comprised of antenna sites located on rooftops, other existing structures, and as a last resort towers. In 2008, Industry Canada awarded licenses to three new carriers to address the lack of wireless competition in Canada. As a result of lagging competition, Canada ranks last in wireless penetration amongst 22 developed countries. Canada's penetration rate sits at 65 per cent, well below the United States at 90 per cent and many European and Asian countries at well over 100 per cent. The lack of competition has also resulted in Canadians paying double what Americans pay per minute and using half as many minutes per month (Merrill Lynch). Globalive received one of the new licenses in 2008 and the company is providing voice, text and data services to Canadians under the brand WIND ("Wind") Mobile on a next- generation wireless network and is committed to offering a level of wireless service presently not available in Canada. This location is part of the second phase of the deployment of the state-of-the-art GSM network in southern Ontario. The operation and development of telecommunication services and antenna sites in Canada are regulated by the federal government through Industry Canada which encourages the site sharing and the construction of multi-tenant facilities. F Turns Sites Development Corp. is an independent manufacturer and developer of telecommunications infrastructure specifically designed to house several radiocommunications providers at each facility. The facility at Tillings Road, Pickering will initially service WIND but has also been specially designed with additional capacity to support multiple tenants and possibly more in the future and will be actively marketed to other wireless carriers. These carriers include the incumbent carriers: Bell, TELUS and Rogers. Turns' accommodation for all the telecommunication carriers in Canada will ultimately reduce the number of required towers. 3 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# 12--1 65' B. Purpose of this Proposal ihs part of Wind's expansion of their network in Pickering, the need for a site in this area %as identified. The preferred location of site is determined by several key factors such as: location of the adjacent sites, topography of the area, coverage requirements for highways and arterial roads, and uses (residential or commercial) in the coverage area. A earch for a suitable location is then conducted within this defined area for existing towers or other infrastructure to attach the transmission and reception antennas. f I s mentioned above, it is always preferable to locate on an existing structure. In this particular case, there are two existing telecom facilities adjacent to the proposed site but i they are outside the search radius. WIND is required to locate within the radius to provide the appropriate coverage and a contiguous network. Figure 1.0 shows the relationship between the proposed site and the adjacent sites utilized by Rogers, Bell and Telus. II Figure 1.0: Existing Infrastructure in the Area E , Grb.cc � f ROGRS .Ze�� : • Turr:c: Proposal (Cty.Lot) L . 'A viND Ternp.Tower „y -,915 yy 4..,'q. n - - D∎g to a nbe 3 �I The yellow pins represent the approximate location of each site. 4 II ATTACHMENT#,p,3 TO REPORT -N t2-1 # Figure 1.2: Existing Site: Rogers Figure 1..3: Existing Site: TELUS, Bell, Rogers t . �. / Jf.3f f _ _ a - d'AtgY1 i 3'F • F i . ,,, .4 .1. ,‘,.. , „, _ „ WIND has considered these facilities and discounted their viability for the following: 1. The tower is —1.6km outside of WIND'S search 1. The tower is �1.7km outside of WIND'S parameters required to create homogenous search parameters required to create coverage. homogenous coverage. 11 Given the lack of existing infrastructure and suitable rooftops in . vicinity of this proposed site is the reason WIND and Turns are prothe posing immediate the construction of a tripole at this location capable of supporting multiple carriers. li 5 3 REPORT# 2�6 ATTACHMENT#'�LN IE C. Proposed Site Location - Tillings Road, Pickering The proposed facility would be located on the west side Tillings Road, adjacent to an existing hydro corridor. The proposed property is currently a storm water management pond, and is surrounded by mostly vacant land, as seen on the satellite images in Figure 2.0. There is a single residential unit nort h-west of the site • (approximately 260m away). The base of the tower would be well sheltered from views along both Tillings Road and Brock Road. 11 The geographical coordinates of the proposed site are: 43°52'18.93"N 790 5'25.27"W I Figure 2.0: Proposed Site Location - ,, ,,„,„.--,--4,4,,\ ;- : :::::::-.,,,--..„..--g,:, '',.- ,,--, "7,-„, -->,...-. „1„,-,,, ,..:-. -.- ,, -.,,,,,..-Tunis.Pr opo l(City Lo�" ± «+ e , €�r T x -74:0-�,� .. , Temo Tower #;� - ''''---511.- r - i�. may` :rid X5 +a�::r� t+t , z t- .bp _ya, s,''t ' rF. tu.. The yellow pins represent the approximate location of each site. The proposed site will serve to replace an existing 15m temporary tower, which must be removed. I li I 6 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT # ?LA 12=46 D. Proposed Tower - 40m Latticed Tripole ii Turris proposes to install a 40 meter tall tripole, as depicted below, Figure 3.0. Turris has designed this tripole to support other telecommunication parties who may be potentially interested - enabling it to accommodate additional carriers - reducing the number of towers overall - while providing a minimal visual intrusion. it ear.40.1111 f aOFMT I /I I 41.0611 Figure 3.0: Proposed 40m Latticed Tripole �,r ear.srau gicFANTIO A , I `j, aaunEaw 1 G BLV.34.0m cm,MUM I 11■ 4 I gar.asst MICROWAVE a, iV 0 13PAI + � h il TOpriFcoMrnE V ■ • 7 i �� ATTACHMENT#3 TO REPORT# ,1PLN 12.-lb • Figure 3.1 Compound Layout: 1 /- . I P x-x-x a"x�x x------x--do ac FOUNWLTION L 1 x k {t Wire Pad FUIURE PAD AN_utdom LEASE AREA 11 i I x—x—z—z x - x O x—x– —x 1— Figure 3.2: Photographic Simulation: View West along Brock Road N 4 4y K' 4 °4tm' c0-1 �� s 'mss ^t. Turris and Globalive believe this latticed tripole type of tower is visually consistent with the area's hydro towers and existing infrastructure. ' 8 V i . ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT// PIA 12_-1,6 E. Regulations I. Health Canada's Safety Code 6 Compliance Industry Canada requires that all operators of radio communication systems attest that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will comply with Health Canada's Safety Code 6 limits, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of additional carrier collocations and nearby installations within the local radio environment. Turris will ensure that any carriers operating from the pole will attest to compliance with Safety Code 6 as part of their tenancy agreement. II. Control of Public Access The tower base will be outfitted with security fencing and /or appropriate anti-climb equipment. III. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act The radio antenna system described in this notification package is excluded from assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. it IV. Description of Proposed System The tower would initially provide wireless voice and data services for subscribers to the new state-of-the-art HSPA GSM wireless network. V. Transport Canada's Aeronautical Obstruction Marking Requirements Turris attests that the structure described in this notification package will comply • with Transport Canada / NAV Canada aeronautical safety requirements. Turris has made all necessary applications to Transport Canada and NAV Canada. At this time, Turris has yet to receive an Aeronautical Obstruction Clearance Form from Transport Canada stating that the proposed installation would not require Imarking as per the CAR 621.19 Standards Obstruction Markings. For additional detailed information, please consult Transport Canada at: (htto://www.tc.gc.ca/CivilAviation/Regserv/Affairs/cars/PART6/Standards/Standard62 1.htm) 9 • ATTACHMENT#_3 TO _ REPORT# PLN I2.-16 VI. Engineering Practices 1 urris attests that the radio tower described in this notification package will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code of Canada and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy. VII. Local Land Use Requirements This public notification is part of the city's protocol and any comments received will be considered by the Council of the City of Pickering. Telecommunication tower/antenna systems are regulated exclusively by Federal Legislation under the Federal Radiocommunication Act and administered by Industry Canada. Provincial legislation such as the Planning Act, including zoning by-laws, does not apply to if these facilities. The City of Pickering is participating in land-use consultation pursuant to Issue 5 of Industry Canada's CPC 2-0-03. In the case of a dispute between the proponent and the City, a final decision will be made by Industry Canada. III. Industry Canada's Spectrum Management Please be advised that the approval of this site and its design is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada. Turris is participating in this circulation in accordance with Industry Canada's guidelines CPC-2-0-03. For more information on Industry Canada's public consultation guidelines including II CPC-2-0-03 contact at www.ic.qc.ca/antenna or the local Industry Canada office at spectrum.cwod Cad i c.g c.ca. II Toronto District Office Room 909, 9th Floor 55 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto, Ont. M4T 1M2 Telephone: 416-973-8215 General information relating to antenna systems is available on Industry Canada's I Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website (http://www.ic.gc.ca/epic/site/smt-gst.nsf/en/home). 10 ii ATTACHMENT#=TO REPORT# 12-1 b F. Contact Information Turris Sites Development Corp. is committed to effective public consultation. The (public is invited to provide comments to Turris about this proposal by mail, electronic Email, phone or fax. Please send your comments to the address below by the close of 'business September 25, 2015: Turris Sites Development Corp. 70 Todd Road Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 4R7 Attn: Benjamin Cook E-mail: benjamin.cook @turris-group.com Fax: (905) 877-8835 Phone: (416) 556-4690 Closing Date for Submission of Written Public Comments As per Industry Canada's rules, there are 30 days available to the public to send in comments - which is no later than September 25th, 2015. Industry Canada's process also contains requirements for response to your questions, comments or concerns. We will acknowledge receipt of your comments within 14 days and will provide a formal response to the Municipality and those members of the public who communicated to Turris, within 60 days. The members of the public who communicated with Turris will then have 21 days to review and reply to Turris a final "response. Contact Information - Land Use Authority Tyler Barnett Senior Planner - Site Planning City Development Department The City of Pickering 905-4200-4660 ext. 2042 tbarnett@pickering.ca 11 4 IV ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# 12--lb • G. Public Comment Record Proposed Installation - Tilling Road, Pickering Turns Sites Development Corp. Name: Address: Telephone:Telephone: E-mail: • Comments To be considered part of this consultation, comments must be received by close of business September 25, 2015. Please forward your comments to: Turns Sites Development Corp. Attention: Benjamin Cook 70 Todd Road, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4R7 Fax: 905-877-8835 Phone: 416-556-4690 E-mail: benjamin.cook @turris-group.com • • • If, Continue on reverse if required... f Comments received shall form part of Industry Canada's Public Consultation Process under the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Client Procedures Circular CPC-2-0-03, Issue 5, and will be made public as part of a report issued to the City of Pickering and Industry Canada. 12 ATTACHMENT# -3 TO REPORT# ! L 12-)-6 ID Appendix C ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT # , PI-n1 ,2-1A 21 AP Classifieds LocaliNorLea x. ., Monday- Friday 8am to 5pm • Oshawa 905-576-9335 •Ajax 905-683-0707 • Fax 905-579-2418 • classifieds @durhamregion.com r 0 Career Training el Career Training ilite Career Training Career Training Legal Legal Legal \ Public Public /7,\ Public b Feature Feature Feature , Feature i� Notices Notices u--` • Notices Notices \ Notices € Notices SUPPLY ' SENTINEL SELF-STORAGE CORP. Public Notice for Proposed Multi-tenant Telecommunication Tower at Tillins Road NOTICE OF SALE Subject: g Discover a satisfying career in supply chain management. Goods will be sold on www.ibid4storage.com •The installation of a multi-tenant wireless communications tower Y 9 PP Y 9 at a city storm water management pond on Tillings Road starting Wednesday September 9,2015 and closing .The tower will have a 40m high latticed tai ole design. - „:i'° °� , Thursday September 10.2015 to satisfy outstanding ( •The site will provide coverage for multiple carriers along Brock 8 charges for storage rental at 475 Harwood Ave.N., Road and Rossland Road. t Ajax,Ontario incurred by the following: Opportunity to Comment: - th) Any person may make a written submission to the Proponent . .: f :f , Lauren Stansens Liane Kalenborn noted below by Sept 25,2015.Further information may i i John Cannon Geronimo Lundie also be obtained through the following contacts Lorrel Cameron Boyd Spencer taaF "b -^ 1• Vie' Y Pe Proponent: Donovan Lee Norine Curry Turns Sites Development Corp - --i ' Elmstone Inc. Devon Ricketts 70 Todd Road " ` Brandi Greenshields ( Georgetown,ON L7G 4R7 •Supply Chain&Logistics •AZ Truck Driver Proconn General Contracting Tel:416-556-4690n Cook •Professional Transport Operator •Tractor-Trailer(AZ) . benjamin.cookrdturris-group.com internships available for most Programs.Not all Programs available at an trios locations. INTERESTED BUYERS?Can view and register at City of Pickering www.ibid4storage.eom One the Esplanade,Pickering,ON L1V 6K7 Attention:Tyler Barnett-Senior Planner Call 1-866-496-4031 Dated in the City of Edmonton,in the Tel:905-420-4660 ext.2042 tries COLLEGE Visit triOSdur-ham.com Province of Alberta,18 August 2015 Email:tbarnett@pickering.ca lei- ,• ...'� „ g i- Eampus:.200,lohn St.W. (Midtown Malle)&, SENTINEL SELF-STORAGE CORP.,#1970, Industry Canada Spectrum Management 10123-99 Street,Edmonton,AB T5J 3H1 Room 909,9th Floor Drivers Drivers r General !'" General 55 St. Oc Help Oc Help lit Apartments a Apartments a Apartmenn s M4T 1M2 Alik N For cart FFl Rent ILL For Rest Additional Information relating to the proposed Tower & site is E Don&Son Building Supplies Limited :, z t available for review between 8:30 am&4:30 pm,Monday to Friday 2 Full time DZ Driver wanted.Boom Parkland Estates-50 Adelaide Ave.(905-725-5900) at the City of Pickering municipal offices. and Mounty experience preferred. a 'AVERY s Tower On The Green-1140 Mary St N.(905-438-1971) Please take notice telecemmunication tower/antenna systems are regulated I Driver must be able to lift 100 Lbs. ,; Governor Mansions-110 Park Rd.N.(905-723-1712) exclusively by Federal Legislation under the Federal Radiocommunication Act Must be able to drive manual Simcoe Estates-333 Simcoe St.N. 905-571-3760 and administered by Industry Canada. Provincial legislation such es the transmission. A Clean drivels Bilingual Customer/ ( ) Planning Act,including zoning by-laws,does not apply to these tacildies.The o 9 Marland Gardens-321&349 Marland Ave.(905-743-9712) Cy of Pickering a participating in land-use consultation pursuant to Issue 5 of abstract is required. Consumer Service Industry Canada's CPC 2-0-03.In the case of a diva%between the proponent 0 Please E-mail resumes to: Come home to your and the City a final decision W..:be made by Industry Canada. don.sonC@rog Representative ers.com P bright&spacious renovated units. Apartments e o This position will manage customer and F1et6 r- General F" General consumer transactions. Responsible for .>•c' r F Please visit www,aresldential.ca For Rant , a Help O o Help �P General "0 General implementing account strategies and ' e O>� Help O,e Halp communicating status to customers, - - /'7 WHITBY CENTRAL .,,, moon! INSTALLERS providing Avery products and service Exclusive S ecial '� PERMANENT PART- P needed for new con INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE information to consumers either by phone, I P good q structi0n and renava- MECHANIC email or chat ■ 7 Bdrm Basement Apt. a lard an of cod Onha PSW er cored in Maintain and repair production standard and efficient Oshawa every other bens with a minimum 2 Par >m Dunbarton, Pickering. Private entrance in weekend 8.30am -6.30 Years• experience. full-8 equipment such as pumps,compressors, Requirements: maintenance in 9-plea building. time days Email resume: p Secondary School Diploma required private quiet home.Veranda, parking, ideal pm,very clean environ- hydraulics etc.in Durham. n' $900 inclusive.Hardwood floors, ment, starts at $17/hr. greaMewwindews .; 1+ ears experience working in a for single clean gentleman,very quiet area. @omad.com This is a permanent,full-time position. years semi-basement,close to bus route, Non-smoker, must have ,- Weoffer competitive compensation, customer/consumer focused No smoking or pets. Large bathroom with no dogs.credit approval, �.. environment preferably servicing Jacuzzi & shower. $8151mo inclusive 9 pp oval,Oct.1st. drivers license. Call Please send resume to: p y g resume-0443 or email retailers and providing consumers with (negotiable). First/last, references. Call 116 Hickory St.N.(905)576 8989 resume to- Skilled& helpwantedhr @pmail.com or ; Technical H assistance in a call centre environment 905-839-3000,•you leave message we will vcleroux�rdaers.com File#505,P.O.Box 481, call you bade Cell:416-570-5642 careers • General Oshawa,Ontario L1H 7L5 For a full job description go to: Help PRIVATE FOSTER CARE http://snipurl.com/averycareers ---- --- P agency is locking for �{[ ��{•* {[ I#-'-"t Church St&Hwy..2 FULL TIME POSITION FULL-TIME WINDOW 3 families who are cOm- AFT'N SHIFT How to apply: A•aX far busy Khchen&0am Door installers needed meted to providing a LICENSED Please send resume to +t j Shmv oom. Must have loving stable home to MECHANIC SUPERVISOR/LABOURERS AveryProductsHR@outlook.com desi n flair. or aniza for busy Window and children. Training, su- or 3n to 5e year ry Newly renovated 2-BDRM g g Door company in the Drum Reconditioning Plant requires or Fax to 905.430.2346. Y bon skills, be detail Durham Region.Installs- nerwsion and support apprentice: housekeeping and Only candidates selected for an basement apt.Full bathroom. oriented, and excellent tion experience as well provided. Please call USED CAR SALES New kitchenette. Separate entrance, people skills. Preference 1-877-250-5652 light production staff. interview will be contacted. P as renovation experience PERSON Lifting required 20-35 lbs. Shared laundry.1-parking. viol,be given to someone is a must. Applicants RECON BUILDALL (OMVIC approved, Please apply in person: Apartment a Apartment.a No pets/smoking.Avail.now. with renovation experi- must have a valid drivers NOW HIRING! Must license required)for i Drum Fl is Flat. ence. Fax resume license and a clean Have License,Insurance, very busy l0 bay Lennox Drum Limited For Rent For Rent $1000/month,utilities included. 905-433-0571 driving record. Please g � g Vehicle. Board Men,Ta- c^ra e.Must have 233 Fuller Road,Ajax 416-522-1938 send resume to pers. Steel Stud/com- own tools.Apply in + _, lisa@yourehome.ca mercial, Painters. person with resume. x,. /'^-s General Skilled 8 + Skilled& 2&3 bedroom Experience a must. NO gO5{99-7301 or 7,.,ra.} ,"'" > T OSHAWA Q.'p Help HERE WE GROW a am, phone calls. Email re- ly' A'Technical Help t-.�i Technical Help +'y."" apartments r� EAST OSHAVVA - Looking for WARE- 905424-9002 • ��(�L�iii �f_1 BILINGUAL CUSTOMER HOUSE PERSON, FT some with ¢xp¢ct¢d eee PRODUCTION FACILITY Close to school shopping,hospital 1 bedroom basement The a Ohte candidate i wtll vi S W or VanRl work. hogmail.00meconbuildall@ MILLWRIGHT-Ability to On-site superintendent- apt. Very clean. have excellent phone ing AC. Full-time M-F, SEAMSTRESS insect, troubleshoot Ajax,Ont p ry Dart p Rental Office Separate entrance, available skills. Strong Quick- Call Tina 905-831-7191 time experienced in La- and identify problems Currently Seeking: Mon.-Fri.9 a.m.-5 p.m. Books skills and basic or send resume to: dies and Mens alters- with pumps,boilers.hy- Shipper/Receiver,General (905)686-0845 or immediately $700/mo inclusive- accounting knowledge, mulitcauseontario4 Lions. 15-20 hrs/weeek. draulici pneumatic sea- Excel. For the full time hotmail.com Call'905-666.8606. terns & conveyor Labourers,Skilled Weld position in Ajax with one systems.Excellent weld- PfOdUChOn Operators. Eve.viewing by appt. facilities. No smoking/pets. Call of Canada's leading Eye- PART TIME BARN HELP SEWING MACHINE op- ins experience required. www.ajaxapartments.com 905-436-3986 Or 905-999-9830 wear suppliers. Pleasant required immediately, erator required.Will train Good knowledge of On-E Opening on all shifts. ] ' disposition and strong Saturdays & Sundays if necessary. Immediate ratio Regulations &8 team players will be con- 7:00-4:00 for Hunt- start available. We are Standards required. In-e Email resume indicating job position to: I sidered for this position. er/Jumper Show Facility located in Pickenng. dustrial Millwright Me- Required immediately in Uxbridge.Horse cape- Please fax or email your chant Ontario Provincial hr,(o�diemax.ca or Contact tryt resume to rience necessary. Must resume. Fax 905.426- Licence(433AI required. 905-999-9109 leave msg. IS � s.TJ ��� i LustnmersrnrireW be RELIABLE. Call 2160.Email info@ Email resume to krysta.. altemativeeves cam 416-409-5672. eafetvstrao corn steffan @ca.crh.com a ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT # Appendix D • • II ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# 1 -M 12-/(o Hydro One Networks Inc. Facilities&Real Estate hydro P.O.Box 4300 one Ontario L3R 5Z5 one www.HydroOne.com Courier. 185 Clegg Road Markham,Ontario LbG 1 B7 via e-mail only Amy Emm April 13, 2016 City Development Department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Amy Emm: Proposed Site Plan Turns Sites Con 3, Pt. Lot 19, 20, 40R-6934, Part 17-22, 27-29, 31, 32, 36, 37 Pt. of Parts 1, 7, 8, 16, 37 City of Pickering File#: Installation #64 Please be advised that Hydro One Networks Inc. ("HONI") has no objections to the proposed site plan, provided the easement and/or ownership rights of HONI and the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure ("MEDEI"), as represented by Ontario Infrastructure & Lands Corporation ("OILC"), are protected and maintained. Our records indicate the proposed microwave tower facility may be in close proximity to either high or low voltage transmission facilities. Where proposed microwave towers of any kind are located within range of transmission facilities (relative to their proposed height), Hydro One, MEDEI and OILC assume absolutely no liability in the event that such towers cause damage of any kind to HONI facilities. Accordingly, any impact or damages would be at the expense of the proponent. It is also requested that the following be communicated to the proponent before construction is commenced: The transmission lines lines in the vicinity of the proposed tower installation operate at 500,000, 230,000 or 115,000 volts. Section 188 — Proximity— of the Regulations for Construction Projects in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, require that no object be brought closer than 6 metres (20 feet) to an energized 500 kV conductor. The distance for 230 kV conductors is 4.5 metres (15 feet), and it is 3 metres (10 feet) for 115 kV conductors. It is the developer's responsibility to be aware, and to make all personnel on site aware, that all equipment and personnel must come no closer than the distance specified in the Act. They should also be aware that the conductors can raise and lower without warning, depending on the electrical demand placed on the line. G _ ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT# Hydro One Networks Inc. �/� Facilities&Real Estate P.O.Box 4300 Y I "��••// Markham,Ontario L3R 5Z5 one www;HydroOne.com Courier: 185 Clegg Road Markham,Ontario L6G 1B7 Our preliminary review considers issues affecting HONI's 'High Voltage Facilities and Corridor Lands' only. For'proposals affecting 'Low Voltage Distribution Facilities' the Owner/Applicant should consult their local area Distribution Supplier. I trust this is satisfactory. If you have any questions please call me at your convenience at the number below. �I Yours truly, 1.12).ft, bkyr Dennis De Rango Specialized Services Team Lead 905-946-6237 • • •