HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 21, 1972 4/72 COUNCIL MEETING A meeting of the Pickering Township Council was held on MONDAY, the TWENTY-FIRST day of FEBRUARY, 1972, at 8:05 P.M. PRESENT: Reeve J. R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillors - J. Anderson Mrs. J. L. McPherson D. Kitchen K. Matheson D. Quick Clerk D. J. Plitz (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES (III) Moved by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, that the minutes of the Council meeting held on February 7th, 1972, be adopted. CARRIED (II) A. Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, on behalf of the Reeve and Council, welcomed Scout Master R. Bell and his pack of 24 cubs representing the First West Shore, Pickering Pack. Deputy Reeve G. Ashe) on behalf of Reeve and Council also welcomed the team~ coach and manager of the Bay Ridges All-Star Paper Weight Hockey Team upon winning the Ontario championship over 24 other teams from a wide area of the Province. B. Reeve Williams and Deputy Reeve Ashe congratulated each of the team members and presented each with a Township medallion. DELEGATION Moved by Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that Mr. J. Kruger be heard. Mr. Kruger spoke in reference to the Township's approach to improve its public relations, agreeing wholeheartedly with Council's proposal, and suggesting the Township should make reference to the methods used by the larger neighbouring municipalities, i.e. Metro Toronto, City of Barrie, Borough of Scarborough, etc. Mr. Kruger was of the opinion that all staff reports, all correspondence, staff salaries should be made available to the public and that the agendas should be prepared with all supporting correspondence and reports at least three clear days prior to a meeting date with nothing new added after a specific time set for receiving material for each agenda. Reeve Williams was of the opinion that the public should be called upon for interested parties to organize the terms of refelencefor the public relations ~ " .:commi ttee . Mr. Kruger distributed to Council material on the methods presently employed by Metro Toronto~ thanking Council for the opportunity to speak and retired from the meeting. (IV) l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - 2 - 4/72 CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Gordon Carton, Q.C., Minister, Department of Transportation and Communications, repli~s to Coun~il~s resolution with respect to keeping the motor vehicle licence issuing office in the Township, of Pickering; stating it is necessary to continue discussions toward a location which woulà be more accessible not only to the residents of the Township of Pickering but also to its neighbouring municipalities. Copies to Council and News l1edia. The Committee felt that this matter should be followed up and that an attempt should be made to locate a licence issuing office in the Highway #2 - Liverpool Road area. The matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole Council for further discussion. W. R. Kellough G Associates request confirmation with respect to the hiring of an architect to obtain conversion estimates regarding the West Rouge Shopping Centre. See Resolution #62/72. The Metropolitan Toronto Industrial Commission advises that the 1972 subscription is now due from the Township. The contribution made in 1971 was $750.00. Refer to Finance Committee 1972 budget. Mr. Ross Backus, the Ontario County Board of Education, advises that the Board has appointed Trustees Vierin, Polak and Deakin to meet representatives of the Council to discuss the sale of the Brougham School to the Library Board, and requests date of meeting. Note: Reeve J. R. Williams and Clerk D. J. Plitz have been appointed to this Committee. The Township Solicitor, Hassard, Elliott advise of additional conditions to be added to the lease agreement at the request of the lessors. The County of Ontario has received requests to reconsider their Snowmobile by-law, and requests comments from Council on same. The Council agreed that the County letter should be acknowledged, and to advise that this Council is opposed to operation of snowmobiles on highways of t,his County, making reference to the Township's own by-law. The only exception to this decision, however, would be in the case of an emergency situation. It was further suggested that all county roads should be clearly identified as being county roads. (V) l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - 3 - 4/72 INFORMATION The Ontario Municipal Board forwards appointment for hearing with respect Donald Cartier against a decision of Adjustment - C l6/71 - Hearing March at the Municipal Offices. notification of to the appeal by the Committee of 1, 1972, lO:OO a.m. The Association of Municipalities of Ontario forwards information re the Founding Convention - Ottawa - June 18 to 21, 1972. Mrs. E. M. Thomas forwards information on tne operation of the Thomas Toddlers Nursery School, 25 Cougar Court, Scarborough. Copies to Council. The Department of Lands and Forests is contacting township councils within the Maple District suggesting to them a three day open deer season November 6,7, and 8, 1972, shot guns only, no dogs. Copies to Council and News Media. See Motion #3 - Tabled. Mr. James A. Taylor, Q. C. ~ Township Solicitor, advises that the agreement with Bramalea Consolidated Limited wi th respect to the development of Block I;Y':, does not appear to indicate that the lands would be used as a condominium and not for rental purposes. Councillors D. Kitchen and K. t~theson expressed their concern over the proposed rental of the town houses now under construction by Bramalea Consolidated Limited, rather than the sale of same under the condominium plan. It was suggested that Mr. M. Hardisty meet with Council to discuss this situation. Reeve Williams advised Council that the agreement with Bramalea does not indicate that the lands and building would be used as a condominium, and that what Bramalea proposes is to rent only on a temporary basis at least for two years. Instructions - Have Mr. Hardisty meet with Council. Mr. T. W. Beddall, Architect, advises he has advertised for tenders for the construction of a Day Care Centre for the Township of Pickering. Mr. C. A. Tripp~ Clerk, Borough of Scarborough, forwards opinion by Professor Peter \tJ. Hogg re Taxation of Cable Television. Copies to Council. See Resolution #64/72. 'n.e Ontario Municipal Board advises of notice for hearing - Rouge Hills Shopping Plaza - March 21,1972 - ll:OO a.m. - County of Ontario. This is on 1970 assessment for 1971 taxation -- Solicitor advised. - 4 - 4/72 (VI) REPORTS l. Ontario Humane Society Report for the month of January, 1972, with comparison figures for January, 1971. Copies to Council and ¡~ews Media. 2. Pickering Emergency Rescue Unit Report for the year 1971. Copies to Council and News Media. Councillor D. Quick was of the opinion that the volunteers serving on the P.E.R.U. were providing an excellent service and suggested that he would like to support any movement to make this particular service easier for the men volunteering their time. 3. Engineering Report No. E-5/72 - Highway No.2 - Dunbarton to Rosebank & White's Road - Local Improvement Area No. 17 - Watermains. Copies to Council. (VII) RESOLUTIONS Resolution #44/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that the Treasurer be required to continue to add the $18.00 sewer connection charge to the tax bills and continue to charge the commercial accounts sewer charges, billed quarterly on the water bills, and that Resolution #457/71 be rescinded, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Finance, January 3l, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #45/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that (a) Mr. Chambers be granted an exception to By-law No. 4026/71 permitting him to fence his property without the requirement of a åay1ight triangle. (b) The Fence By-law be referred to the By-law Co~~ittee for consideration of amending the section dealing with daylighting. As recommended by the Standing Committee on Works, February 2) 1972. CARRIED Resolution #46/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that the Reeve and Engineer be authorized to negotiate the agreement with Bay Ridges Cable T.V. Ltd. based on a percentage fee and provision of a $1,OOO,OOO.OO public liability clause being included, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Works February 2) 1972. CARRIED - 5 - 4/72 Resolution #47/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that the Holmes Expropriation be finalized through arbitration as recommended by the Township Solicitor, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Works, February 2) 1972. CARRIED Resolution #48/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that Mr. Peter A. B. Weatherhead be advised that the Township is prepared to offer: (l) The cash price set out in Mr. Plitzt letter of December 22,1970 of $1,500.00 per acre. (2) To arrange for the planting of three hard maple trees on the public boulevard abutting the Robertson property when conditions were suitable. (3) To replace remnants of the original farm type fence with a new 8 strand farm fence across the frontage expropriated. As recommended by the Standing Committee on Works, February 2,1972. CARRIED Resolution #49/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded BY Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that a legal survey and description of a two acre parcel containing the West Rouge Club house be performed as soon as possible, as recommended by the Standing Committee on Works, February 2,1972. CARRIED Resolution #50/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, that the application of Mr. John Good for educational assistance be granted as recommended by the Committee of the Whole on Personnel in their meeting of February 9, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #51/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that Resolution #494/71 be amended to read : AND ThAT in future any request for carrying forward vacations from one year to the next must be received by Council on or before September the 30th in the year in which the vacation entitlement is earned", as recommended by the Committee of the Whole in Personnel in their meeting of February the 9th, 1972. CARRIED - 6 - 4/72 Resolution #52/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that Article 9 of By-law 4016/71 be amended by deleting the reference to the Department of Highways and replacing this with the Departæent of Transportation and Communications and that the insurance policy for public liability and property damage be amended to read '¡not less than $500,000.00. The Article will now read "The owner of a vehicle, when making applica"tion for a cab owners license under this by-law shall submit the motor vehicle registration certificate issued by the Department of Transportation and Cowmunications, and a copy of his insurance policy in the principal sum of not less than $500,000.00 public liability and property damage. Such policy shall contain a list of the vehicles, and renewal receipts shall be filed with the Chief of Police each year during the time in which the license is in force as recommended by the Standing Committee on By-law dated February 9,1972. CARRIED Resolution #53/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that the Lease Agreement between Sarick Homes (Ontario) Ltd. Samuel Sarick Limited and Company, Nordel Developments Ltd. and Jodin Developments Ltd. and the Corporation of the Township of Pickering for the Rouge Hills Golf and Country Club House and two acres of land be accepted subject to the West Rouge Ratepayers' concurrence with the agreement~ as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February 14, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #54/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that Council consent to the use of the name Pickering Township in the incorporation of the Pickering Township Minor Hockey League, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February l4, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #55/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that the contract for the proposed Day Care Centre include provision for a bonus clause of $l,OOO.OO per week with a maximum of $2,000.00, and a penalty clause of 20% on the uncompleted work before May 3lst, 1972, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February 14, 1972. CARRIED - 7 - 4/72 Resolution #56/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that a Public Relations Committee be formed of: Councillor D. Kitchen and Councillor D. Quick with Reeve Willi~~s, Ex-Officio And that this committee report back to Council with terms of reference by March l5th, 1972. As recommended by the Standing Committee of the ~fuole Council, February 14, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #57/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that the offer of purchase and sale received from Warner & Jekabson for 1-3/4 acres of industrial land located in Part Lot 19, Range III, B.F. Concession, at a price of $10,000.00 per acre, plus local improve- ments, be accepted, and that the necessary plan of survey be prepared and the Township Solicitor prepare the necessary transfer of ownership, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February 14, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #58/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Quic~, that the offer of purchase and sale for one acre of industrial land for the purposes of constructing an auto body shop of 6,000 sq. ft. be refused on the grounds that this type of industry is not compatible with the development of our industrial area, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February l4, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #59/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that Mr. Ken Carr be authorized to attend the Industrial Developers Association of Canada Con- ference being held in Winnipeg on March 5,6, and 7, 1972, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February 14, 1972. CARRIED - 8 - 4/72 Resolution '#60/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that Mr. Ken Carr be authorized to take four days leave of absence without pay between May IS and IS inclusive in conjunction with his normal annual vacation, as recommended by the Standing Committee of the Whole Council, February 14, 1972. CARRIED Resolution #61/72 MOVED by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that the Council of the Township of Pickering adopt the Engineer's Report No. £-5/72, Dunbarton to Rosebank and ~fuite's Road Watermain Local Improvement, and authorize the preparation of the necessary by-laws and obtain the Ontario Water Resources Commission and Ontario Municipal Board approvals and authorize this work to proceed. CARRIED Resolution #62/72 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe) seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that whereas the Corporation of the Township of Pickering is appealing the assessment on the Rouge Hills Shopping Plaza (Owl Realty); NJD WHEREAS the services of W. R. Kellough and Associates and the firm of Weir & Foulds have been retained to represent the Municipality~ MID WHEREAS it is necessary that the Municipality obtain whatever evidence it can in support of its case; AND WHEREAS W. R. Kellough and Associates are of the opinion that certain evidence will require the services of an architect; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the services of John Young, Architect, be retained to provide this evidence at a cost to the Municipality not to exceed $300.00. CARRIED Resolution #63/72 MOVED by Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, that whereas the Pickering Township Red Cross Society carried out a program of developing and operating senior citizen programs within the Township of Pickering~ AND WHEREAS the efforts of the Red Cross Society in assisting the senior citizens has been a most rewarding program; BE IT ThEREFORE RLSOLVED that the Council of the Township of Pickering express t~eir sincere appreciation to the Pickering Red Cross Society for their efforts in assisting the senior citizens of this Municipality. CARRIED - 9 - 4/72 Resolution #64/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, that whereas present legislation does not permit the local municipalities to levy tax on cable television companies' AND WHEREAS the Borough of Scarborough has directed that the Minister of Municipal Affairs be requested to introduce legislation to authorize a tax on cable television companies' BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that tì1e Corporation of the Township of Pickering does hereby endorse the request made by the Borough of Scarborollgh respecting new legislation. CARRIED Resolution #65/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, that w~ereas The Public T~ansportation and Highway Improvement Act requires the submission of a statement of proposed expenditures for roads to the Minister for approval; AND T~EREAS the normal expenditures for the year 1972 for road construction and maintenance is estimated at $8Il,l9l.00 with subsidies estimated at $425,000.00; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering adopts the estimated expenditures and subsidies and submits sæne to the Minister for approval. CARRIED Resolution #66/72 MOVED by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, that whereas the Public Transporta- tion and Highway Improvement Act requires the submission of a statement of proposed expenditures for roads to the Minister for approval; MID WHEREAS the supplementary expenditures for the year 1972 for road construction and maintenance is estimated at $285,685.00 with subsidies estimated at $126,162.00; THBREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering adopts the estimated expenditures and subsidies and submits same to the Minister for approval. CARRIED Resolution #67/72 MOVED by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, that the Engineer be authorized to call tenders for the installation of watermains in the ~~oodview area. CARRIED - 10 - 4/72 Resolution #68/72 MOVED by Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, that the Engineer be authorized to call tenders for the installation of waterHlains in the White's Road and Finch Avenue area. CARRIED Resolution #69/72 " MOVED by Councillor D. Ki tchen ~ seconàed by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that the Council of the Township of Pickering adopt the recommendation of the Committee of the vJhole in By-laýl wherein Mr. Thomas E. Austin of Pickering Taxi be advised that the Township is prepared to issue to him only one taxi licence and the remaining three licences previously allowed to him be placed in escrow. CARRIED Motions - Tabled l. That this Council does hereby endorse the recommenda- tion of the Pickering Township Planning Board of January 27th, 1972 that the Amended Site Plan for Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club, as shown on Plan dated January 27th, 1972 be approved in respect to the parking and berthing layout. TABLED MOTION Moved by Councillor Matheson, seconded by Councillor D. Quick) that this be tabled until all members of Council have had an opportunity to examine the site plan of the Frenchman1s Bay Yacht Club expansion program. CARRIED 2. That the Planning Department be authorized to increase the Department's compliment of staff by the retention of an additional Draftsman as recommended by the Committee of the Whole on Personnel in their meeting of February 9th, 1972. TABLED Referred to Personnel Committee for reconsideration. 3. That the Township of Pickering agrees to permit a three- day deer shoot on November 6,7, and 8, 1972, and that the hunters be permitted to hunt with shot-guns only -- no dogs. TABLED MOTION Moved by Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Councillor D. Matheson, that the motion to permit a tnree-day deer hunt in Pickering be tabled and placed on the next Committee of the Whole Agenda. CARRIED - II - 4/72 (VIII) BY-LAWS By-Law Number 4140/72 Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Pickering and tne County Board of Education (william G. Davis Public School Grounds) and that same now be read a first time. Councillor D. Quick seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, moves that By-law Number 4140/72 to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Pickering and the County Board of Education be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor D.Quick seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 4140/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same) and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-Law aumber 4141/72 Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Pickering and Warner & Jekabsons Limited, dated February 2l, 1972, and that same now be read a first time. Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, moves that By-law Number 414l/72 to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Pickering and Warner & Jekabsons Limited be now read a second time, æd that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Jaw Number 4141/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-Law Number 4l42/72 Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to amend the Official Plan of the Township of Pickering (Amendment #2) and that saine now be read a first time. - l2 - 4/72 Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, moves that By-law Number 4l42/72 to amend the Official Plan of the Township of Pickering be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 4142/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-Law Number 4143/72 Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Councillor D. Quick, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to amend By-law 3037 (Holding Zone) and that same now be read a first time. Councillor D. Kitchen) seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, moves that By-law Number 4143/72 to amend By-law 3037 be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 4l43/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-Law Number 4144/72 Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to amend By-Law 3036 (Holding Zone), and that same now be read a first time. Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, moves that By-law Number 4144/12 to amend By-law 3036 (Holding Zone) be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor K. Matheson, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 4l44/12 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED - 13 - 4/72 By-Law Number 4l45/72 Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to an~nd By-law 2511 (Holding Zone), and that same now be read a first time. Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, moves that By-law lJumber 4145/72 to amend By-law 2511 be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor J. Anderson, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 4145/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSED, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED By-Law Number 4146/72 - Two Readings Only By-Laws l. c:X) Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor D. Kitchen, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Pickering and Comsa Holdings Limited (hockey School at the Don Beer Sport Arena» and that same now be read a first time. Councillor D. Quick, seconded by Councillor K. !1atheson moves that By-law Nunilier 4146/72 to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Pickering and Comsa holdings Limited be now read a second tim~, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The By-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a lease agreement for the Rouge Hills Golf and Country Club was tabled until such time as clarification could be made with respect to the consent to assign the lease should the municipality become a part of the Borough of Scarborough, it being suggested that clarification of the assignment of agreement be made through our legal department. It was further suggested that all work on the premises of the club house including that carried out by the Architect be stopped until this matter has been clarified. l. OTHER BUSINESS Councillor D. Quick advised Council that he had attended ~he Conference on Suæmer Youth Programmes held in Uxbridge on February 19th, 1972. He felt the meeting was most enlightening and that the youth and students of the area should be made aware of all the programs (l2 in all) that are available to them, suggesting that the news media should give this good c~verage. For further information, the interested parties should contact the local l1anpower offices, located in Ajax, Oshawa and Toronto. - l4 - 4/72 (X) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-Law Number 4147/72 Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, seconded by Councillor J. Anderson, moves for leave to introduce a By-law of the Township of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering at its meeting helå on the 2lst of February, 1972, and that same now be read a first time. Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe~ n~ves that By-law Number 4147/72 to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering at its meeting held on the 21st of February, 1972, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-law as read. Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson) seconded by Councillor K. Matheson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Number 4147/72 be adopted, and that the said By-law be now read a Third Time and PASSLD, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (XI) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor D. Kitchen, seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, that this Council now adjourn to reconvene into closed session of Committee of the Whole Council, at IO:17 p.m. Dated ~~ \L-Ù í)- " C