HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 10-00� a � •�,r » c �•�-�.; - 225 j �. 4\,�y OF P/� � p CONFIDENTIAL REPOPtT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson DATE: July 27, 2000 Director, Corporate Services & Trcasurer REPORT NUMBER: CS ]0-00 SUB]EC7': Appointment of Manager of Accounting Services as a Deputy Treasurer RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law lo appoint thc Managcr of Accounting Services as a Deputy Treasurer ba enacted. ORIGIN: Request of Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: Thc Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this Report is to recommend thc appointment of the Menager of Accounting Services to carry out the duties of a Depury Treasurer. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that Ms. Kristine Senior commenced her position as the Manager of Accounting Services in August, 1998. Ms. Scnior comes with six years accounting and auditing experience with Deloitte & Touche and three yenrs in a municipal environment. I rccommend that Council appoint Ms. Senior as a Dcputy Trcasurer and although she would not carry auch a title nor will i� affect her salsry, it wiil help both myscif end the Corpotation from a businesa perspwtive that shc be appointod as a Dcpury Trcasurcr in order fon c�r to providc all : services that a Treasurer is entiqed to under thc legielution. _ ,$ � ` y � � z � ; a `.. .� . ' � � ; ��� a:; r ^. rc� r � _...�_ �.,.. _ ..,�. i�C-}' k�._}..: ,��xti 1r5.�n.A . .. ly�_. r:. J�z,+.-_°.`?; b;q riR.t�.9.w =., ' ' �A�. ��5 - a tK � .i t __ ; �t �:! , Report�to Couricii CS 10-00 "Date: July 27, z000 226 `, � ` Subjxt: Appointment of Mennger of Accounting Servicea Page 2 as a Depury Treasurer Sxtion 77(2) of lhe Municipal Act provides Cor such en appointment as noted as follows: T6e Couocil may appoint a Deputy Treasurcr who �6p11 have All the powcrs and DuNes of t6e TreA�urer under this and every ot6er Act. The current Depury Treusurer retired at tha end of July and is not being replaced as such. However what with summer vacations, absences, and the incrcasing demands of daily business, the need to ensure proper and full coverage of the Trcasurer's duties nnd raponsibilitics is imperative. ATTACHMENTS: I. DraR By-Law GP:vw Attachmcnt Rccommcndcd for thc considcration of Pickcring City Council � �� ,, 00 T omas J. ui , Chicf Adm ' iv Officcr Approved / Endorsed By: _ _ -- -__ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Scrviccs & Treasurer K4. - r :. , , '1 � � ,-; . r ; , i' s� ` ' ` ` �° i F � r � < < > e '. - t�', j 1 I d�� ! 1.4 � y . t. L . _ r � � � .�. t's �r �'� a �t .�.1 +. � � �i °a � r �� F � v i�'�y �� � k7�h +ti !j 'k a� f 4t i � ��. ti5atV,� t ., 4 . ..t. r , .d , s.. s ...._"S.�'..' . .r,t. :�nt ,,- rI?._:�' . . . .r . ,. . , rYr. � ,., .� . .c.,,r,_ r..,w..._ v_,� . � .. ._.. , . Y. - ATTACHMENT #�TO IIEP011TM�p-ap � 2� THB CORPORA'�[ON OF TH� ITY OF PIC p naG 8Y-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint thc Menager of Accounting Se�vices, Ma. K. Senior as a Depury Trcasurer WHEREAS pursuant to Section 77(2) of lhe Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.45, as amended the Council may appoint a Dcputy Tteasurer who shall have all the powers and duties of the Treaswer under this and evcry otha Act; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACfS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thc the Manugcr of Accounting Scrvices, Ms. K. Scnior, is hereby appoinled as a Dcputy Treasurer for purposa oC legislative dutics. 2. This by-law shall tukc cffect on August 8, 2000. BY-LAW rcad a 6rst, second and thircl Gme and finally passai this 8�' day of August, 2000. Waync Arihurs, Mayor Bmce Taylar, Cletk - k L�i 3, �f�� ��'r �, � ? ��:. ; f -3 5 3 i �.�'# � a ti Y] z 1 ,. 1_ ..i .. � J .. �9.i.r.... .t .. .... e ..�'S}. _.t. , .