HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 14-000 . ��� � � CONFIDENTIAL REPORT i O COUNCIL I�� FROrt: Btuce Taylor. AAtCT, C�tAt DATE: Atuch 20, 2000 Ciry Clerk REPORT NU�1BEiR CL W-00 SUBIECT: Appointmrnt of Supervisor of Legislativc 5ervica as a Dcpury Clcrk RECO�fAtENDATtON� That �he draR by-laa• lo appoint the Supenisor of Le�islative Senices as a Dcputy Clerk bc enactcd. ORIGIN Requcst of Ciry Clerk AUTHORITY: Section 73(2) of the �tunicipal Act FINANCIAL Ih1PLICATIONS: Not Applicablc GXGCUTIVE SUh1A1ARY: Thc purposc of this Report is to recommcnd thc appointmcnt of thc new Supervisor of Legislativc Services to carry out Iha duties of a Deputy Clerk E3ACKGROUND: Please be advised that Ms. C. Mne Greentree will be commencing her position as the Supervisor of Legislative Services on Monday, April 3, 2000. Ms. Greentree comes with twelve years experience in the Clerk's Department at the City of Oshawa with extensive experience in elections, records management and oflice management. I am recommending that Council appoint Ms. Greentree as a Deputy Clerk and although she would not carry such a title nor is her salary grade in the area of Deputies, it will help both myself and the Corporation from a Cu�tomer Service perspective that she be appointed as a Deputy Clerk in order for her to provide the following services: • Sign Passport applications as a Guazantor • Act as a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits • Sign Statements of Residency for residents getting foreign pensions • Act as an Issuer of Marriage Licences • Act as a Divisian Registrar for the purpose of signing Burial Pertnits • Certify documents es a"True Copy" • Sign a veriety of documents in my absence such es bylaws, agreements, etc. .. _ , t� ..n -. .-:. ,, ,. ... ..,: .. } � . ... . J� ��� Report to Council CL 14•00 Date: March 20, 2000 Subjecti Appointment of Supervisor of Le�inlativa Services as Depury Clerk Page 2 Section 73(1) of the Municipa! Act provides for auch an appointment as noted es followa: 1'he Council may appoint a Deputy Clerk who �6a11 have all ihe powen and dutia of the Clerk under t6is and every other Act. At present, both the Chief Administrative Officer and tha Director, Corporate Services have been appointed as Acting Clerks, however, they can only carty out their duties as an Acting Clerk when I am not in the building as opposed to a Deputy Clerk who can carry out their duties at any time. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft by-law Prepazed By: % ruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council „ T omas J. mn ief ''nistrative 0 icer , . . ,, �. . 1 ,.. .. �.... ,..-ca4:.t.:...... s . . ,... .. .-.�, . .. . ....- �... ..a,.��4.;... .. . , ... - _ ATTACHMENT �; _1... •, cc I y- �v , THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICICERING 14 � . �� . Being a by-law to appoint the Supervisor of Legislative Services, Ms. C. Anne Grcentree as a Deputy Clerk Wi�REAS pursuant to Section 73(2) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, :, C.45, as amended, the Council may appoint a Deputy Clerk who shall have all the powers anu duties of the Cierk under this and every other Act; NOW THEREFORE TI-IE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Supervisor of Legislative Services, Ms. C. Anne Greentree, is hereby appointed as a Deputy Clerk. 2. This by-law shall take effect on April 3, 2000 BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 27th day of Merch, 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk _ , . �'.-�F., . . . . �='�i� . . , ,