HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 24, 1966, . 7 L , 1 L C ( K, \ EtC012:IT1 EE AUGUST 2A-, 1966 C. A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum. Cornittee was held on ',TEDITESDAY, the T 1-E1TT-f-FOUIR.Ei day of AUGUST, 1906, at the I:unicipal Building , Brougham, at 8 o 'clock p . m. LPREE1FT: Robert Miller, in the Chair hrs. J. I=cPherson Iohn Grosart Hiss Pary An de,rson lire, 1orree reseb rot , hilton Parkin , Urs . Ruth 1-1,-,y L i, ' Elsa Storry, Secretary A c `-, 1...0-,T—D by lass Anderson, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, that minutes ' of meeting held August 9 , 1966, be adopted. CARRIED Liller reported that the price of one of the lots which the useum Board wished to purchase Iras -,7),000. He agreed-to find E out if the donor would be willing to pay that IpucIT. He also reported that I:r. Honing, 0.L.S. offered to survey the , ,, __ together with the r.,..,, lot to bc purchased from. Mrs. Gi-1 9-1 tog,euher with, uhe -illman parcel, for :75. E 1C= by 'ire. EcP.nerson, seconded by Mr. Grosart , that lir. Koning, ' by servey the Gillnan lots for r,75. 0,12R-1:71) , 1 C Discussion took place about the fence to surround the museum) and the proposed gate-house , -- , _ Er. -, . Carruthers will attend to the wiring of the nuseun building. LL HOVT,i) by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Uiss Anderson, that account of (,,18.90 for the Printinrr, of 2,000 ticknts for the Quilt draw L he raid, to Harold Blach_man, Printer, and account of c„,1,400- . ) for fencing be paid D. L, Pairs and Son. CARRIED ' E Liss Anderson reported that Dr. P. Russell, of the R.O .r. , had published a book, ' Llatin7 in Upp,-, Canada Nnich the T:uscum could purchase for 40(1, per copy, and could retail - or. 754, . She also reported that Dr. Russell would demonstrate early lighting Lon History in Action day. AGREED that Liss Anderson purchase 200 of pr. Russell 's book - _ at 40,-1, and that they e sold by the i-useum L-5oard at History in ) E b Action day for L L rs . - risebrot asked on behalf of the industrial comnittee if tl board would consider roducin the price of 'The Pickering Story' so they may purchase a maantity for their industrial tour on October 21st. Since the Board ,ras still paying back the cost L of 5be book to the township , and the benefit from the sale of future hooks would come to the lus -ur,l, and since the cost had not , , I been reduced for other requests, this was refused. L L L L , , f e 1 I L 2 _ : L Secretary instrnicted to ask i;irs. George Duncan andHrs. Clare Balsdon to do butter-making demonstration on History in Action day, i - T 1 �-_' - lller to investigate watchmaking de ionstra:-ion. EDiscussion re distribution of placards. Report on parade for History in Action day. L I0vED by Mr . Grosart, seconded by Hiss Anderson, that expenses be alloted the parade committee to X100. CARRIED CMrs. isebrot reported on publicity for radio and television stations. re h Mistory in Action. 1.iOV D by Hr. s. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Parkin, that Miss Anderson f purchase 500 pieces of Maple Sugar Candy to be distributed to workers on History in Action day. CARRIED ,GREED that Hr. Grosart have story of maple sugar printed on back of folder holding the candy, and Hrs. IrcPherson investigate the possibility of plastic bags to hold the maple bud, 1: Hr. Hiller reported that the sign at the museum had been elevated so that it should cause no accidents in future , Secretary's Report C1, Indian Dancers unable to appear for History in Action. AGREED that they be booked for next year' s Centennial event . 2, Hr . and Mrs. Ed Bro n will assist , i.ir. Brovm :rill make seats for chairs out of rushes. lairs . Brown will bring someone to weave and do wool carding and spinning, and herself make rbutter balls . 5. Bell Telephone Company are investigating possibility of putting on a demonstration of early telephones in the district. They would be happy to show suitable films for a Historical Society meeting, but they need to be informed well ahead of u the scheduled meeting. L 4. Frets Brothers will cone and ratio sausages , L5 . John Richmond , Upper Canada Academy, will bring paintings Friday night, September 16. L 6 . Mrs. McKay is arranging pictures, etc . to display. She will ask pottery class to come , and will find out if school children wish to enter a float in the parade . L , rl L - , , 4 [ , r L . ,i c JY.. ' i' 4` , , iL ; E - P / ' E ... 3 ... 7 . Mr. Ken Ramsay will contact Boy Scouts re parking , ' E8. P.ir i•TOrr?an. Anderson will drive tractor he donated, ana help to repair it. t E9 . Mr . Richard Day will come as blacksmith. 10, Mrs . Bowen will weave if a machine is set up there for her. Hers is too big, 011, Speaker has been requested from Centennial Commission. H 12 . Ajax Ladies Pipe Band, Claremont Band, will come . 13. Noel Marshall arranging parade . 14. Notices requesting ladies tc donate food mimeographed and ready to be sent . 15 . Loan forms made and iven to Curator. > 1 Food Committee report made by Miss Anderson. AGREED that flyers be mailed Sept, 7. [ Secretary instructed to ask for pioneer dresses from Black Creek L• Conservation area. C AGREED that complimentary tickets be issued for demonstrators and other helpers. LMr. Parkin reported on his demonstrations. MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by TIr. Parkin, that the [ . meeting adjourn. CARRIED LSecretary APPR OVA'D 1966 C •Cha irrran • L L E ,. . E ti M