HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 14, 1967, • ' . IL ' . ' . I J•• L . .. • L_. p . •, „ ( ( I • [ . . . '.:251:',I71?,ILTG Tail:3111T TJUSEU11, 13C..1.7,,D I: 1111.:RCH 14, 1967 : - ---, I- lw - meeting o' the' Pickering Tm.rnship Museum Boaro was held on TOESDAf, - the - FOURTEENTH day of • ARCH, 1967, at the home of Mrs. Ruth Hay, Brougham, Ont., at 8 p. in. L . PRESENT: Robert Miller, in the Chair Milton Parkin F. H. Fox . [. Mrs. D. Earle H. T. Cook ,. . . 1 . . Mrs. R. Hay [-• Ers. E. Storry, Secretary ELECTION t: - . MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Fox, that Robert Miller be chairman for the year 1967. , CARRIED LMOVED by Mr. Parkin, seconded by lire. Earle, that Mrs. Storry be secretary f the year 1967. CARIED . _ I: MINUTES • - MOVED by Ur. Parkin; seconded by Mr. Fox, that minutes of meeting held. November 22nd, 1966, be adopted. CARRIED L ACCOUNTS • - , MOVED by Hr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Parkin, that the followinr.,, accounts be I: paid; Kenneth Pascoe Foundation for Church . $ 110.00 Robert Miller Repairs, Parts, Painting Signs, etc. 156.94 Ontario Historical L Society . Membership,. 1967 ,,,• Canadian Art China Centennial Plates 00 511.59 ., LCORREPONDENCE . 1. Letter of resignation from J. Grosart. • ,. [-.• b Mr , ! OVED y . "Parkin, seconded by Hr. Fox, that Mr. Grosart ' s resignation be accepted with regret CARRIED L Secretary directed to write Mr. Grosart expressing thanks for all he • ., ' ,... L _ ,., has contributed to museum work. ,I: . 2. ReqUest from Henry Wise that Neuman barn be removed. TABLED 3. le.equest for 1967 maps to be prepared by township planning board refused by Pickering Township Council. 1.. . . Mr. Hiller told the Board that George Smith was preparing a mar) on his ' own time as his personal Centennial project. 1w . . . .' • I: . • . . 1:. • .. ' . I • -• — - — • - _ - .,...., . _ —_ .?...... ..... , . , . • . 1 _.., ti, h Ii , '. L , . - 2 - 1 . Corrspondence :e museum participation in Bay Ridges:Santa Claus L , parade, and s:Cn,-,-nping of float which could no be used because of storm on the da.-1- cf the parade. [4 5. Andrew Glen presents The Indian Speaking Leaf" for Museum archives. 6. No reply from Laurie Claus re Indian Dancers for History in Action L day. Secretary to contact. 7. Township clerk advises museum may use easterly half of main floor of municipal building in Brougham. [0 MOVED by Hr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Parkin, that the museum board use the cast half of the municieal building in Brougham. CARRIED [0 8. Air Terminal Transport Limited inquires about educational excursions for Toronto schools to museum. LMOVED by Hr. Cook, seconded by hr. Fax, that • 3.00 per class within. the township, and $5.00 for classes outside the township be charged. CARRIED ii ,1 L a a Secretary to notify Air Terminal Transport, and Hrs. Hay to notify townshie schools. [-• MOVED by r. Fox, secondod by rs. Earle, that senior citizen groups ' be made welcome at the museum:at no charge. - CARRIED L9. J. Grosart submits offset film negative for china plate decal. 1 0 10. Historical greeting card from Black Creek Pioneer Village. ! 11. Letter has been sent to Bell Telephone Company advising of buildings to be moved, and routes to be taken. LHOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Fox, that Bell Telephone charges be accepted and acknowledged. CARRIED L fl. Joseph Haney, Parks Administrator, will make deal for upkeep of museum grounds for use of mower. Hower could be applied against cost of cutting season in 1967. . L , ROVED by Kr. Cook, seconded by Hr. Fox, that toi.-aishiy.) parks department be advised that this be left in abeyance for this year. . LCARRIED 14. Hugh P. MacMillan, Dcuartmont of Public Records and Archives, [0 advises that early newspapers and other documents which museum owns could be miaofilmed or photostated. This Hr. MacMillan is willing , to do, keeping one copy for his records, and presenting one copy to the museum for its records. I. Hr:. Cook to (Tet -papers from Hrs. Florree :lisebrot. get papers. 11 L L . ...: „. ..._ L• , . „ . .. h 0 • A . .if.i . • , . (:. 4 : ., . r . ( ( . . _ _ 3 - (-. l'.;. Tire. J. A, HcBratney, lalifidge, thanks board for 1877 map. , _ 16. Department of 11u :_eipal 'Affairs advises Centennial plaques are on hand at municipal office. r- L 17. Donald Fetch, professional photographer, is making Centennial movie • which will include pictures of museum project during 1967. This prOjeCt is sponsored by the Dunbarton Kiwanis Club. 1., Hr. Cook reported that an excellent job was being done so far. L ' 18. A history of the buildings donated to the museum has been requested history ,., from Elmer Collins, Hiss Edna Green and Hrs. Hosella Cole. r L Li_.9. Canadian Museums Association advises that application for membership has boon approved and sendsroceipt for '.)15 fee. - L, 20. - Canadian Huseums Association announces convention Hay 31st to June 2nd. Tabled until next meeting, _ _ . _ .........._______ _ ,,,..., L ( )r'214 No reply to request that Pickering Township council back offer to ,) , k , ----/ purchase for It at roar of museum. ----- . E ' 22. q. P. Wilder will be pleased "co donate anything of nisi,ocal interest , he comes across to museum. - . . L 23. Ere. Ruth Benson, Historical Society, Ajax, would like to borrow some . articles for Centennial week-end, Hay 22nd. Secretary to find out what articles are required. (= HUED by Hrs. Earle, seconded by Hr. Cook, that if anything is loaned 1 by the museum that when it is returned it be placed back by the C , borrowers in the display from which it was taken, that the borrower • . be responsible for insurance, that the oroDer forms be signed, and that Pickering Township Museum be advertised in the isplay; and L that what is borrowed be loft to the Curator's and Chairman's discretion. CARRIED 1 24. Historical Society recommendations for 1967 museum board members I: submitted to township clerk so appointment by-law could be passed. Also, personnel on historical society and museum assistance committee I: forwarded to clerk, for his records. . . 25. Arthur G. Reynolds, Registrar, Enaanuol College, writes what he knows 1 of Bible Christian Church building at museum, and asks board' s C: co-operation in research in this area. Secretary to write Newton Robinson for information. Hilton Parkin, L advises that a pieu(.,.e of 1,1....2LU0.03 04. the 0,7)nw, Christian 1,134-0 Church hangs in Bowmanville Museum. Secretary to contact Bow Manville for • • information. 1; • L ,, . . L . , . ._ . .. ....___._ . L,.... . L • ..., . .. _________ ,... N...„ . I: Ji., • . (). [ 1 . . t: '( ( :. . , . • , (r. 26. 1,Irs. Dorothy Brown asks board to keep Saturday, June .10, from 2 to and 7 to 9 open fer Canadian FestiVal to be 12e1d at her home near , Uxbridge this yeLr, , L27. Ontario Historical Socioti: Newsletter. 23. December issue of Ontario History. 1967 membership requested. • ) LSee "Accounts.29. Forms for research on pioneer families prepared by Historical Society available. 30. Modern Archives Administration announces convention Juno 5 to 16 at Washington, D.C. L 31. .Centennial calendars for distribution. , , • , [ 32. Mrs. Hugh Gannon asks if Lakeview Handcraft Guild of Oshawa, Whitby and District could have booth at History in Action day observance, and sell sewing and knitted goods and candy, proceeds for charity. r L Secretary to advise Firs. Gannon that they may have display, and take . orders, but the board has no policy that permits Selling of goods : outside of museum purposes. 33. Financial reports by treasurer and chairman. CGENERAL DUSTNESS . Mr. Parkin thanked members for floral tribute re death of his father. E , MOVED by hr. Cook, seconded by Hr. Fox, that Mrs. Earle be delegated as representative to attend Brougham Centennial Celebration meeting on C : April 2nd. ' . CARRIED hOVED by hr. Fox, seconded by Hrs. Earle, that admission price for adults to the museum be 35 , for public school children 25 , and children under six admitted free of charge. . CARRIED I: . ) MOVED by Mr. Fox, seconded by Mr. Cook, that Marquis -wagon by painted by Hr. Wilbey. Secretary directed to send serial number of sewing machine owned ::RH TED ) museum to Singer Sewing Machine Co. L AGREED next Meeting be held TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, 1967 ) t: On hOTION of hr. Cook, the meeting adjourned. Secretary , [ APPROVED 1967 _ " - -----:- - Chairman I: . i . . 1.. , . . . . . . , . . - , , 4 . d --,