HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 9, 1967, - --- , 1: L ! . - L . ( ( L / MUSEIRI COLiiiITTEE MAY 0 1967 /, . ' . A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Committee was held on TUESDAY, [4 the NINTH day of MAY, 1967, at the Municipal Building, Pickering, at EIGHT o'clock p. m. • . PRESENT: Robert Killer, in the Chair L F. H. Fox H. T. Cook • Mrs. Deirdre Earle Milton Parkin [4 C. W. Laycax E. Storry, Secretary LWalter Pascoe, Ht. Zion Church • R. Jamieson, Mt. Zion Church Alex Davidson, Builder [ - MOVED by Mr. COOk, seconded by Mr., Fox, that Minutes of meeting held April 25, 1967, be approved. CARRIED LCORRESPONDENCE r- 1. W. G. Lawson submits co-by of letter received from solicitorS of L. former owner of piano, now owned by museum. Mrs. Lillian Crosby wishes to re-possess the piano. 1.,:, 2. Dr. M. B. Dymond authorizes donation of stationary engines for museum. 3. John C. W. Irwin would like to meet with "a number of the Museum Board r4 members" for afternoon of May 13 or May 14 for tea, re plaque on his house commemorating old Baptist Church. L 4. Noel Marshall advises he will not be able to handle parade marshal's office on History in Action day and recommends Jim Hayes. • , '5. Mrs. Rosella Cole would like someone to conic to her home and help her [. Compile the history of the house she has donated. 6. Brochure on National Museum of Canada. . • 7. Ontario Historical Society Annual meeting, PoA Elgin, Ontario; June 15, 16, 17. [4 C. D. J. Plitz advises council passed resolution to morally support :1 committee in purchase of additional lot. 1: 9. Ronald Mitchell, Treasurer, submits financial statement to date. Barn Moving LMorley VITICS and Charles McTaggart regretted inability to attend meeting but offered to help in Centennial -eroject. L. . , : . . . . L „. . . , • • . . • ....._ 4 _„„„... E . -. . . . _ , 1 E . . . L . 1 ., t ( . ‘, L. . , 1 - 2 - IDiscussion with Mr, Alex Alex Davidson ensued about the dismantling of the Newman barns., Mr. Miller explained that these buildings would not be reconstructed as they now stand, but the material would be used to Lconstruct buildings for the 1900 era exhibit. • hr. Davidson stated that to dismantle the Bay Shore barn completely would L: cost a great deal, and recor_L_londod that it be "dropped" and enough of the material that could be salvaged be brought to the museum grounds.. He agreed to consider doing the job at enough expense to break even, and I: suggesteu that he would be pleased to work under the direction of Morley Symes, and under the sponsorship of the township so that the work could be covered by the Workman's Compensation Act. C AGREED that Messrs. Davidson, %Ines and Miller meet to make arrangements IF.rfo.r the dismantling of the Bay Shore barn and the small barn north of Brougham. . MOVED by i'ir. Cook, seconded by iir. Fox, that a maximum nricc of $1,600 be established for the dismantling of the two barns, and that the job be t0 done in the manner agreed upon by Messrs. Miller, Davidson and Symes. . CARRIED Church Sheds Discussion with Messrs. Pascoe and Jamieson, of Mt. Zion Church, re the removal of the church sheds to the museum grounds. L Mr. Pascoe saidi llhal/ he :•could report after a meeting of t .e Board of Stewards the following Thursday, but he believed the Mt. Zion organizations L would dismantle the sheds, if possible in sections, so that they could be reconstructed on the museum grounds. Church Plague L .� '� QED -that after the Museum opening on May 13,• members attend at Mr. Ti-win 's home in :'!hitevale to discuss the plaque to be erected commemorating t`ihc Uhitevalc Baptist Church. Those saying they would be able to attend L were Mr. Parkin, Mr. Fox, Mr. Cook, Mrs. Storry. Mr. Miller could not be sure. ' L Parade AGREED that secretary ask Hr. Hayes if he would be parade marshal for History in Action parade on Sept. 16, and to advise that hr. Cook would assist him. LGeneral Business Secretary to forward literature about Ontario Historical Society annual fw , mee t ing to Milton Ho b rar, Pickering Township Historical Society. Secretary write to th Club, or Er. Fair, Agricultural Representative, to got list of Centennial Farms in Township of Pickering. These, the meeting; [-• _ . .... ._____ , [.: „ E a yy 6. 5 �� 4 ---, --- -=_ . ,1 -. • , ro . • " [ , . . , . . ' . . - 3 - I: should be included on Centennial map prepared by George Sr ith. It was also recommended that the site of the first council meeting, Old Post Inn, present schools and churches, the Nuclear Plant and the site of the Jesuit I: Mission be marked on the map; as well as the birthplace of Tom Thompson the Boyer (inventor) farm, and Timothy Rogers farm. The opinion was expressed that mosc of the landmarks should be those which existed in 1967, •or which had been overlooked on the previous map in 1877. L M r. Miller told the Board he hoped to have a history of Brougham published at his own expense, and asked if it might be sold at the Museum. I: MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Parkin, that the Brougham book go oft sale at the Museum. [: Mr. Cook agreed to get a price on re-printing the 'Museum pamphlet. MOVED by Hr. Fox, seconded by Hrs. Earle, that the pamphlet be not changed r- L this year. - . . CARRIED MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr., Fox, that this committee recommend to Council that the museum Curator' s salary be increased from $500 to $750 Lper annum. CARRIED , J.vdiscussion of the proposed gatehouse, where admissions will be taken L and books, maps, etc., sold took place. Mr. Rompel submitted, via Mr. Miller, his recommendations. Mr. Cook agreed to examine the area in front of the museum and draw a rough sketch of what can be accommodated in the [, way of a gatehouse there.MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that the Ontario Hydro be paid -- 600 for adjusting wires for the moving of the buildings, as an interim [-. payment. CARRIED , Mr. Cook reported that the owners of a wooden plough had been on holidays, L: but he would inspect it when he could manage it. _ Mr. Miller to ask Mr. Davidson about siding for church; also to fix the road. E , Mr. Parkin believes he has a sill for the log cabin. Will find out. Hr. Fox reported that the Matthews equipment awned by the province may be discarded. He has spoken to the people in charge, who suggest that if • [-4 the museum is interested, the secretary write asking for the surplus equipment: Secretary so directed. L - • Mr. and idrs. Harbron donate dishes; Mrs. Cook, Oshawa, donates sleigh and post drill. , . :. M . Laycox advised that two buildings on Brock Road would be burned by May 23 if not moved by then. On MOTION of Mr. Fox, the Meeting adjourned. (-. Secretary . . LAPPROVED 1967 -4- Chairman L . • , r . L. T • . J L . • . . , . , . . , - - - ---