HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 24, 1967 • . .... . IL L . . . . . , . L, /,/, . ( , I: . PICI _'RING- TOWNSHIP MUSEUM COiEITT EF RAY 24, 1967 A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Committee-was held on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of MAY, 1967, at the Municipal Building, Pickering, at 8 o'clock p.m. PRESENT: Robert Miller, in the Chair Mrs. D. Earle L F. H. Fox 6r Harry T. Cook. Milton Parkin • Ruth Hay, Curator Elsa Storry, Secretary L ROVED- by Mr-. Parkin, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that minutes of meeting held Nay 9, 1967, be approved. CA.P IED Mr. Miller reported that he had contacted Mr. Harrison, the Mover, and that - tw he had stated the grounds were becoming dry and the buildings would soon be moved there. LCORRESPOIDENCE 1. Letter from H. L. Fair, Agricultural Representative, enclosing list of LCentennial Farms in Pickering Township. 2. Invitation from Ashworth U.C.M. to attend Canadiana Festival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown on June 10. L 3. Suggested wording for Whitevale plaque in commemoration of � a e Baptist Church to be erected on the site at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. W. Irwin. t-• ifr. Milton Parkin submitted "The Life of William Harbron" written by Mrs. ..„ Ralph White in 1961. Hr. 'Miller reported that Hr. George Smith had completed the 1967 Pickering Township map as his Centennial project, for which the board commended him L enthusiastically. MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Kr. Parkin. that it be noted at the bottom of the map, "Researched and Drawn by George Smith, Claremont, Ontario, as his Centennial project. CARRIED ROVED by Mr. Fox, seconded by Mr. Cook, that 1,000 of the Centennial maps Lbe ordered from John Grosart. CARRIED Hr. Cook reported that a supply of museum pamphlets were being prepared. rAGREED that Mr. Miller contact Mr. Sidney Pugh to learn what particulars he could about Whitevale Baptist Church. . L Hr. Cook reported on the visit with Mr. Irwin by himself, Mr. Parkin and Mrs. Storry, stating that the spot where the plaque would be placed and other particulars were approved. L . . . .,, L- , l''''' .L • 4 C i { ro C - 2 AGREED that as soon as the matter had been researched, the Committee would L. co-operate with Mr. Irwin in setting a date for the dedication of tile plaque. Mr. Cook also reported that Mr. Irwin had indicated he would pay $1,000 towards the cost of moving the I.0.0.F. Hall, formerly the Christian Church, E to the Museum grounds. He (Mr. Irwin) suggested that perhaps some other friend of the museum would assist in this project, which is not covered. by . the Centennial grant. The lodge hall is an attractive building in good . L condition, has historical significance, but would cost some $4,000 to bring to the museum. CMr. Miller outlined to the board that he had a fund from Mr. Harry Newman in J trust, to be used for the museum if �ickering Totinship Council furnished a grant in money rather than- buildings to match that of the Centennial L Commission. Council did not, and so the money still remains in trust; Members of the committee agreed that Mr. Newman be approached re contributing, along with Mr. Irwin, towards the cost of moving the Whitevale building to Brougham. Secretary directed to express the gratitude of the Committee to hr. Irw•rin. Mr. Cook submitted a sketch of the proposed gatehouse, to contain a ticket I: booth, space for selling articles, and a Curator's office. MOVED by sirs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Fox, that we accept the plan for the . - I: gatehouse and Curator' s Office as prepared by Mr. Cook, and that it be erected as soon as funds permit. CARRIED . Hr. Miller reported that some Greenwood residents wished to retain the black- Lsmith shop donated to the museum in Greenwood. i•iOV 4 by fir. Cook, seconded by Mr. Fox, that we carry on with the plans for the Cblacksmith shop as previously arranged. CARRIED Mr, Miller reported on visit by him and airs. Storry to Mrs. Rosella Cole 's- horne to get history of house size had donated. zrs. Cole furnished history, C loaned the original Crown deed to the prop&rty to have it photographed, and donated an early picture of the house to hang on its walls. CMr. Fox AGREED to have deed photographed and return it. Mr. hiller reported that he had not been able to contact Mr. Davidson about C repairs to church, but hoped to do so soon. He stated that he believed Mr.. Peter Byberg would caulk roof. L Before buildings can be moved into museum grounds Mr. Fox and Mr. Miller said that a road had to be built to the west of the church. ' Secretary instructed to write to Township Engineer P. Poulsson to ask his C assistance with the road - for the equipment necessary to install an entrance road west of the church site on the museum grounds, which would necessitate the removal of the top soil and the supply and placing of 9 inches L of granular material- consolidated sufficiently to bear the load resulting from the movement of the buildings. I: . , C C C n • - 3 _ • MOVED by iir. . Cook, seconded by Mr. Fox, that we have a heavy equipment entrance to the west of the existing church building and that a temporary fence 30 to 40 feet wide bp set up. CARRIED Mr. Miller reported that the Mt. Zion members will take down the church sheds and load them- on a truck that the museum will provide. They will do this after seeding, under the direction of Mr. Morley Symcs. Mr. Biller to ask i•icBrien Transport to move sheds. History in Action Discussion on publicity for- History in Action days, Sept. 16 and 17.. Radio, Newspaper columnists, television to be notified. Posters to be prepared and placed in conspicuous places including GO Transit. Complimentary tickets to be printed and given to demonstrators. Mrs. Earle AGREED to attempt to have some done at no cost. Thought to be given for prizes for floats. Potash Display. Secretary contact Royal Ontario Museum and Centennial Commission for Lo suggestions. Mrs. Storry reported that Canadian Indian Dancers agreed to perform.. L MOVED by Mr. Fox, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that Indian Dancers be engaged at $15.00 for dancer for seven dancers. CARRIED • Notify Women' s Institutes for their help with refreshments. Ask them to send list of workers so we can send complimentary tickets. • AGREED that a quilt be purchased from Mrs. Gillman at $40.00, that tickets be pre-.-printed, and a lucky-number door prize be given. Mrs. Earle agreed to assist the secretary request demonstrators to perform. On MOTION of Mr. Fox, the meeting adjourned. . Secretary . APPROVED 1967 Chairman • L • • • • L