HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 27, 1967 , . .. , . . . L . ' . E / (' LPICKERING TOWNSHIP KUSDRI BOARD JUNE 27 1967 (: was . - A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board held on TUESDAY, the TWENTY-SEVENTH day of JUNE, 1967, at the Municipal Building, Pickering, at 8 o,clock p.m. LPRESENT: Robert Hiller, in the Chair lire. Deirdre Earle , H. T. Cook L Milton Parkin H. F. Fox L . C. W. Laycox (Part time) Mrs. J. McPherson (Part time) Ronald Mitchell, Treasurer Elsa Storry, Secretary L - MOVED by Mr.- Parkin, secOnded by Mr. Laycox, that minutes of meeting held May 24, 1967, be adopted. CARRIED CCORRESPONDENCE • - - L. 1. W. G. Lawson advises he has -pepared deeds for rear lot, and would like to accompany them with a cheque for $2,990.00 to send to Iowa for . signature. - Er. Mowbray has reported that owner will take nothing less ' than $3,000, but will sell, L MOVED by Hr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Fox, that we Accept the purchase price of land (rear lot) for $3,000 Canadian funds, subject to a satis- L factory conclusion with the vendor. CARRIED ------- 2. Bell. Telephone Company advises moving wires for Cole house will be L $300, and states that because it is a Centennial project they quote a flat rate and will absorb any additional costs. L r' Laycox, MOVED by Mr. seconded by hrs. Earle, that we accept the offer of wire moving at $300 from Bell Telephone Company. CARRWD 10 3. Ers.- A. McKenzie advises she has planted herbs and plants in flower L r beds, and would like funds for proper markers. ' Mrs. Earle to consult with hrs. McKenzie re signs. L4. A. Hemaingway,. Director of Administration, Centennial Centre of Science and TechnologT, writes there is no intention of discarding Matthews [ Collection, but if there are any items in their collection they would not require, museum boards will be notified. • 5. Mrs. Rosella Cole suggests where information about early furnishings of . L , her house may be obtained. . - . . . L r' [4 . F [ . ' C . . .. . rA•;;7 -it . . • 9 _ 4 1 L: , I E . 6. York Pioneer and Historical Society extends invitation to new building, "Museur_z of the Temple of Peace" on Saturday, July 8, at 3 n.m. at Sharon, Ontario. j7. J. C. W. Irwin writes that he has been in consultation with Mr. Sidney L Pugh re plaque for Mhitevale Baptist Church, and will leave it to the Board and to the former church members for details on the plaque , and the date of the dedication. • [ . Mr. Irwin suggests that museum be organized similarly to the Red Cross, Cancer Society, etc. so that annual public subscriptions may be obtained and interest heightened. l: C. Canadian Museums Association forwards questionnaire in attempt to get report on Museum resources in Canada. Secretary to complete. ACCOUNTS E MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that the following, accounts be paid: W. G. Lawson, in trust, for Iowa lot $ 2,990.00 Milton Mowbray, - for holding payment on lot 10.00 L Centennial Maps, John Grosart, Punting and Supplying 178.00 Mrs. John Gillman, Quilt 25.00 W. E. McEachnie, Flowers for late Mr. Herb. Parkin 10.50 . Markham Office Supplies, Guest Book 14. 4 Ontario Hydro - Hydro Account 9.75 CARRIED CGENERAL BUSINESS Gatehouse Mr. Cook reported that he will ask Napier Simpson to draw plans for gatehouse. L Parlc Board MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Parkin, that the grass at museum grounds be cut and trimmed by Pickering Township Parks Department at as close . a cost to $140 as can be obtained. - CARRIED Gates MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Fox, that a price be obtained for four 8-foot gates, 6 feet high. CARRIED , • Cole Deed Mr. Fox produced three copies of Cole Deed, which he had reproduced at his own expense of $30. MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Cook, that Mr. Lunau, of Markham, be given a copy for his historical records. CARRIED LThanks were expressed to Mr. Fox for his generosity. Church • Mr. Miller reported that Norman Hodgson and his friends would take off siding and roofing from unused part of Cole house and put them on the 0 EF";:y Mr. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Earle that Norman Hodgson and necessary help be engaged to erect church shed and barns under the supervision of Mr. Morley Symes at $1 .25 per hour. CARRIED 1: . t: • t - 1 • • , t ( ( L - 3 - Church Sheds Secretary directed to write letter of thanks to Mt. Zion Church and Orvan Jamieson, McBrien Transport, for removal of church sheds to museum [.., grounds. • r Log House AGREED that members of the Board meet at log hOuse on Wednesday, July 5 to clear second floor and arrange exhibits. L- Museum Duty Due to- Curator' s stay in hospital, Mr. Parkin agreed to go on duty. at log house Sunday, July 2, and Mrs. Earle on Monday, July 3. Parade Mrs. McPherson will undertake to get horses from Messrs. Barett and Picov for Centennial Parade, July 1st, L Secretary to contact Claremont Band, Ajax Ladies Pipe Band, and Pickering Blue Notes for History in Action Parade. Mr. Champion to be reouested to mount and L- draw gas engines on float. Wagons Mr.- NIller. to contact Mr. Baker at Ontario Hospital re Hoosier and other wagons, then secretary to write Dr. M. B. Dymond requesting them for - L museum. History. in Action- . . MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Fox, that we approve advance sale tickets L (4 for History in Action Days, selling them, 5 for adults and 2.5c:' for children; and on the days of History in Action, 6(4 and 3(4 respectively. CARRIED Mr. Cook and Mrs. Earle to look after printing of tickets. C Quilt Mr. Cook and Mrs. Earle to look after printing of tickets for quilt. (. • AGREED next meeting be held TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1967. , MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Fox, that meeting adjourn. L . . _ L . . Secretary APPROVED 1967 • Chairman L r L L . -I: r- L • . L .. . r i. . . . . 6f1' • • -.4